WHATS INSIDE! • Division B Conference • Mark these dates • Bay of Islands Convention • Changes in Club/Area/ Division Finances • DIVISION B CONTACTS - here to help At the recent Division B Conference in New Plymouth The District Governor Kingsley Moody DTM presented the New Plymouth club with a scroll on Celebrating 50 Years Division B Conference Saturday 04 October in New Plymouth Division B Conference was an outstanding success, thank you to Linda and Deb’s for organizing this day, the shared food idea was very successful, Linda and Deb’s mystery item was extremely well performed it warmed up the audience perfectly and the flowers around the room were just lovely. Humorous contest was held in the morning, contest host was Georgie Templeton, all area’s where represented and a very entertaining contest, all speakers had great humor and spoke well. First was Graham Bocock who will go on to represent the Division B at D72 Convention in Pahia next weekend, 2nd was Jill Fearn and 3rd Glen Jones Photo: Bunty Rathore Ralph Connor Jill Fearn Georgie Templeton Glen Jones & Graham Bocock Photo: Linda Jefferies, Graeme Smylie, Jill Fearn, Keith Waller, Liz Pfeiffer & Susan Boubee Table Topics contest was held in the afternoon, contest host was Linda Jefferies, Topic “ How would you define Success” very entertaining contest. First was Liz Pfeiffer who will go on to represent the Division B at D72 Convention in Pahia, 2nd was Jill Fearn and 3rd Susan Boubee MARK THESE DATE’S IN YOUR CALENDER Division B Conference Saturday 28th March 2015 In the Waikato B3 & B4 & B5 Organizer’s Also May 2015 NZ Toastmasters Convention 8-10 May 2015 Waipuna Auckland Changes in Club/Area/Division Finance With the new Toastmasters year there are some significant changes in the processes for finances within Toastmaster New Zealand. We are required to make these changes by Toastmasters International. There are a couple of key areas that you will notice in the coming year. Club Donations Historically each club has been sent a letter around this time of the year asking for a donation to help cover Division and Area expenses. This will no longer be happening. Instead you may be asked to contribute a gold coin or possibly there may be a small cover charge at future events like Area Contests and workshops. For significant events, like the Division B Conferences we will continue to have a door charge or some similar fee as we have done in the past. Toastmaster clubs can support their members by using what would have been their club donation to contribute directly to these events if they wish. Bank Account Consolidation The District has consolidated all the Division bank accounts into the main District 72 account. That means that if you have a Toastmasters NZ bank account number on file, it has probably been closed. Next time you need to make a payment to Toastmasters NZ, make sure you use the correct, new, account number, which is 02-0100-0666790-002. (Note this account is for District funds. It does not change your own clubs account number.) For the immediate future the Division and Area funds will still be tracked and accounted for via a cashbook as in previous years, so the only change here is that all the funds will be located in a single account. However this may change over time. Want to know more? For all the details on this please refer to the changes to District Finances document by the District Treasurer, Sarah Bate, on the Toastmasters New Zealand website: http://www.toastmasters.org.nz/files/docs/districtprocedures/changes district finances for the 2014-15 year onwards.pdf Linda Jefferies, Area B1 Governor Katrina Hudson, Division B Governor and Kingsley Moody DTM District Governor. This was taken at the recent Division B Conference > INFO WANTED < Do you have anything that you would like to add to the next newsletter? Photos? New members, new clubs Achievements, upcoming events? Anything that has been missed out? Please Contact Katrina, deerfish@orcon.net.nz HERE TO HELP! DIVISION B Contact List Division B Governor Katrina Hudson ACG/ALB Email- division_b@toastmasters.org.nz deerfish@orcon.net.nz 0274-762-843 Clubs- Te Awamutu Toastmasters B2 Area Governor Debbie Gut debsguttynz@gmail.com Email- area_b2@toastmasters.org.nz 027-337-6153 Clubs-Ngamoto Toastmasters Assistant Division Governor Isabel Carter Chosen45@xtra.co.nz 06-769-5580 027-261-6463 Clubs: Bell Block Toastmasters B3 Area Governor Judy Uden ACG/ALB warmandfuzzy@xtra.co.nz Email- area_b3@toastmasters.org.nz 027-207-0588 Clubs: Treetown Toastmasters B4 Area Governor Andre Pinheiro CC/ALB Andre.rp@gmail.com Email- area_b4@toastmasters.org.nz 027-298-2608 Clubs-Hamilton Toastmasters B1 Area Governor Linda Jefferies l.jefferies@xtra.co.nz Email- area_b1@toastmasters.org.nz 027-‐ 278-‐ 7954 Clubs- Naumai South Taranki B5 Area Governor Georgie Templeton CC Georgie.templeton@dairynz.co.nz Email- area_b5@toastmasters.org.nz 027-470-5340 Clubs-Dynamic Diners Toastmasters
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