November 2014 Ebola Round-Up Key Dates: 24 Nov Appeal for your Diaspora Stories The Guardian is looking for stories of how diaspora communities from Ebola-affected countries are responding to the crisis. Click here for more information. 27 Nov Useful Resources Visit our Ebola page for a whole host of useful resources such as these: 19 Nov NIDOS Business Forum Learning from Europe: PCD Training Partnership Skills Share Ebola Resources Toolbox Contact us to book Inside this issue: Ebola Update 1 NIDOS News 2 Post-2015 Update and Members’ News 3 Funding 4 Events 5 Training 6 Southern Voices 7 Member Feature: Ebola 8 Vacancies and Other News 9 Next newsletter: 1 December Please get announcements and articles to us by 22 November Email Ebola Appeals Launched Appeals have been launched in Scotland to help stop the spread of Ebola. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)’s Stop the Spread is the first time in its history an appeal has been launched for a disease outbreak. Click here for more information or watch a video of the Edinburgh launch. SCIAF are also running an Ebola appeal, using existing networks in West Africa to support affected communities. Click here to find out more. NIDOS Ebola Page NIDOS has set up an Ebola page to bring you weekly updates, useful resources, and quick facts. Click here to find out more or contact Sarah if you have information or resources to add to the page. To find out more about some of our members’ work, turn to page 8. Online Networking Forum Looking for others working in Ebola affected areas? Want to ask a question or share a resource? Join our Google Group. This is open to NIDOS members and nonmembers. Looking for country data? Quick facts about Ebola? Or perhaps Ebola guidelines or the latest research? Medbox has collated Ebola country reports, data, guidelines, training materials, research, and much more: Ebola Funding Tracker The Guardian has produced an interactive funding tracker showing the amount of funding pledged compared to the amount of funding actually given. Ebola and Global Handwashing Day With the current Ebola crisis, this year’s Global Handwashing Day on 15 October was particularly poignant. Access useful handwashing and Ebola resources here. Aerial view of MSF's Ebola centre in Liberia MSF have built their largest ever Ebola centre in Monrovia, Liberia. The centre has 250 beds and has treated 1,343 people since August. Watch the aerial tour here. Ebola Appeal Scottish Government Support Scottish Government have donated £500,000 and £300,000 worth of medical equipment to the WHO to support the Ebola response in Sierra Leone. 1 NIDOS news - November 2014 News from NIDOS NIDOS AGM and Annual Conference Our recent AGM and Annual Conference was a great success, with speakers from Scottish Government, DFID, and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). Click here for a round up of the day and photos. The full AGM and Annual Conference Report will be available in the next few weeks. Check our website for more information. New NIDOS Board We are delighted to welcome Peter Kelly (Poverty Alliance), Mark Chadwick (Mercy Corps) and Lexi Parfitt (WWF) to our Board of Trustees after members voted at the AGM. To find out more about our current Board members, visit the NIDOS website. Smith Commission Submission NIDOS has submitted its members’ response to the Smith Commission. The document gave five recommendations for the process: Recommendation A: Consider the international development impact of any recommendations made regarding further devolution of powers, recognising that decisions taken by all government departments have the potential to affect the world’s poorest people. Recommendation B: Consider international development and foreign affairs as separate powers, recognising that international development decisions must be determined by the needs of the world’s poorest people. Recommendation C: The Scottish Parliament and Government’s current ability to pursue an international development programme, and commit a budget to it, should be formalised. Recommendation D: The Smith Commission’s recommendations should seek to empower the Scottish and UK Parliaments to pursue a ‘policy coherence’ approach to international development across their respective competencies, and embed mechanisms to enhance cooperation between the Scottish and UK Governments to achieve this. Recommendation E: Consider how Scotland’s contribution, as part of the UK, in policy areas including international development and climate change, can be represented in a more meaningful manner within international forums. To read the full NIDOS submission, find out more about the Smith Commission, or for links to the political parties responses, visit the NIDOS website. Andrea Baertl, NIDOS Members’ Effectiveness and Fundraising Advisor We are very sorry to announce that Andrea will be leaving NIDOS in November. She has worked with us as the Members’ Effectiveness and Fundraising Advisor for just over a year and done a fantastic job of linking with members and supporting their work in strengthening their organisations and in fundraising. Andrea’s strong people skills and positivity has also stood us in very good stead in her linking work with Bond, OSCR, The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland and the Scottish Government. She has also brought a lot to the NIDOS staff team and our work, and all the team members will be sad to see her go. Unfortunately for us Andrea’s partner has been offered a great job in Peru but we are very glad for them and wish them both all the best in the future. We hope they keep in touch with us and that the beauty of Scotland will lure them back for holidays! We hope to have completed recruitment to this post by the end of November/early December – details will be provided soon. Parliamentary News Scottish Parliament DEC Ebola Appeal Sarah Boyak, MSP, led a motion supporting the DEC Ebola appeal and welcomed support from the UK and Scotland, including donations of medical equipment, funding and support from humanitarian workers and health professionals. Read the full motion here. 35 Years of Mercy Corps A motion from Jim Eadie, MSP, celebrated the 35th Anniversary of Mercy Corps. The motion also supported “the Scottish Government’s continued spending on international development and on the funding of nongovernmental organisations such as Mercy Corps”. Read more here. UK Parliament Edinburgh MP Mark Lazarowicz (Labour) raised an urgent question in UK Parliament last week on why the UK Government has declined support for search and rescue operations for refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean. MPs can ask urgent questions if they believe a a matter of public importance requires an immediate answer from Government. Find out more. 2 NIDOS news - November 2014 Post-2015 Update Aim Higher: Red flags for the Post-2015 process Beyond 2015, the global civil society campaign on Post2015, have published a “Red Flags” document as part of their call for the UN to aim higher in the Post-2015 process and to use the 17 goals of the UN’s Open Working Group (OWG) as the floor, not the ceiling, of the post-2015 negotiations. Beyond 2015 are asking organisations to use the red flags where useful, so do have a look and use the material if it fits in with some of your existing work. The full document is available here. UN General Assembly Last month we reported on the UN General Assembly (UNGA), which this year focused on Post-2015. But what was actually said? Beyond 2015 have reviewed references by UN Member States to the Post-2015 agenda; read their findings here. Financing for Development Bond’s Financing for Development working group met for the first time last month. We’ll be representing NIDOS at the meetings - look out for regular updates. For those already involved in Financing for Development, Beyond 2015 are looking for new members for their working group. Contact Leo Williams. Next Steps The UN General Secretary’s Synthesis Report – combining submissions from the various Post-2015 streams, including the OWG and International Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) – is expected by the end of November. The next stage of negotiations will be intergovernmental, with the UK participating as part of the EU. The co-chairs of these global negotiations have been announced as Kenya and Ireland. Kenya’s chair is the Permanent Representative for Kenya, Macharia Kamau, who was one of the facilitators of the OWG. Mr. David Donoghue is the Permanent Representative for Ireland. Members’ News Oxfam Research on Rising Inequality Gap Oxfam published a report last week with new evidence showing the gap between rich and poor growing wider and undermining poverty eradication. Read Even it Up: Time to end Extreme Inequality or watch this video summary. Climate Justice Fund Announced NIDOS warmly welcomes the recent announcement of awards from Scottish Government's Climate Justice Fund. Click here to read more about the successful awards. EMMS Publish to IATI Cathy Ratcliff, Director of International Programmes at EMMS, talks to us about why they've published to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). in our stride. We got help from both NIDOS and BOND. Filling in the implementation plan was time-consuming, and then we took a while to work out our staff roles: that I would enter data, our Director of Finance would verify it, our Communications Officer would publish it, and we would meet quarterly to review. IATI was quick to help us publish headline data in Hindi and Nepali script. Now we have to start publishing various programme documents. In September, we were lucky to have BOND and NIDOS do a transparency assessment of us, including a review of our publication to IATI. The draft report has given us some really useful recommendations. Why did you want to publish to IATI? We wanted to publish to IATI as part of our growing professionalism, and out of a moral commitment to being open about our work. EMMS International is a Christian international healthcare charity founded in 1841. In 2012, we embarked on a growth strategy to increase the healthcare benefits that we can bring to marginalized and vulnerable people in Malawi, India, Nepal and Scotland. That involves becoming more professional. And that includes being more transparent and accountable. As we went through the NIDOS Effectiveness Toolkit process and then through our preparations to apply for a DFID grant (which will start in 2015), we understood that publishing to IATI is one way to be more transparent and accountable. How have you found IATI? It took a while to get used to IATI, but now we take it Why is IATI important? We aid agencies have a big influence on the countries where we work, and yet we are not directly and democratically accountable to those countries’ populations. (Fortunately our partners are accountable to their local and central governments.) It’s important for democracy in the countries where we work that at least people with access to the internet can see how much money we’re giving for what project with which partner in their country. It’s an important part of our transparency. 3 NIDOS news - November 2014 Funding Updates DFID UK Aid Direct Now Open DFID’s UK Aid Direct fund is now open for applications. UK Aid Direct replaces DFID’s Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF). The first funding round is focusing on finishing the job of the Health MDGs (MDGs 4, 5 & 6) and welcomes applications with a specific focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), though other health-related projects under these MDGs are also possible. In the first round, £30 million of funding will be available in two categories: Community Partnership Grants of up to £250,000 for small organisations and Impact Grants of between £250,000 and £4,000,000 for medium-sized organisations. The programme aims to make the most of smaller charities’ grassroots knowledge, local contacts and specialist expertise and will include guidance for those applying for DFID funding for the first time. To learn more, click here or turn to page 6 for details of Aid Direct information webinars. Deadline for applications: 21 November 2014 for women and combat human rights violations. Deadline for applications: 31 December 2014 The Peace Support Fund The Peace Support Fund aims to increase the likelihood of sustainable peace in Mayanmar by supporting initiatives which increase trust, confidence engagement and participation with the peace process. The PSF provides funding to projects which provide direct, tangible support to the peace process or that seeks to directly contribute to a reduction in inter-communal conflict. To be eligible, projects must be driven by demand or identified need, achievable in the timeframe, conflict sensitive and inclusive of women’s interests. For application forms and more information, click here. The David and Elaine Potter Foundation The Foundation’s main areas of interest are education, civil society, and research. Grants are aimed at projects that promote reason, human rights and education, and that will improve understanding, governance and a stronger civil society, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Grants start from £5,000; for more information and to apply, click here. Scottish Government Small Grants Programme A reminder that the Small Grants Programme deadline is 12 noon, Wednesday 26th November. Click here for more information or turn to page 6 for details of the NIDOS Small Grants surgeries. The Joffe Charitable Trust Grants are available for between £5,000 and £40,000 Immana (Innovative Metrics and Methods for per year for up to three years. The Trust will find Agriculture and Nutrition Actions) campaigns with realistic prospect of success in the This new five-year research initiative funded by DFID areas of human rights, corruption, and economic aims to advance scientific understanding of the linkages systems that favour the poor in Anglophone Africa. between agriculture and food systems, and health and Applicants must show a strategic purpose, strong nutrition outcomes, to better inform policy and leadership with a track record of success and the programmatic actions in low- and middle-income capacity to deliver. For more information on eligibility, countries. Funding is available for 15-20 research grants and to apply, click here. of up to £250,000. Researchers and institutions from both developed and low- and middle-income countries Ghana Research & Advocacy Programme (G-RAP) are eligible to apply. To learn more, click here. Funds are available for Ghana-based institutions Deadline for concept memos: 21 November 2014 engaged in pro-poor public policy research and DFID UK Aid Match Round 4 A reminder that dates for Round 4 of the UK Aid Match programme will be announced shortly – look out for announcements on the UK Government website and on the NIDOS website. The UK Aid Match scheme matches public donations to charity appeals for projects to reduce poverty in developing countries. Slight changes to the programme mean that projects may operate in up to three countries (previously up to five countries). To learn more, click here. Evan Cornish Foundation The Evan Cornish Foundation funds overseas projects in the areas of education, elderly, health, human rights, social and economic inequality, and prisons, with special priority to projects that promote tolerance and equality advocacy. They offer core support—as opposed to project support—to strengthen the capacity of these institutions. Funding targets institutions that can contribute to the national policy dialogue with government, parliament, district assemblies, donors, and non-state actors. To learn more, click here. 10 Innovations in Global Philanthropy New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) has produced a report, 10 innovations in global philanthropy: Concepts worth spreading. The report highlights 10 exciting innovations from around the world which are helping to grow philanthropy both in scale and by ensuring resources are being used effectively. The NPC has worked with leading philanthropy experts to select those innovations that can be replicated in the UK. To view the report, click here. 4 NIDOS news - November 2014 Events Film Screening: A Dangerous Game Director Anthony Baxter visits sites around the world threatened by destructive golf resorts. He interviews affected communities resisting these developments and examines the enormous environmental impacts of these schemes. Proceeds go to Friends of the Earth Scotland and Greenpeace. For tickets, click here. When: Tuesday 11 November 2014, 7:00pm Where: Stereo, 22-28 Renfield Lane, Glasgow G2 6PH Scotland: A Nation of Global Debt Justice Sovereign debt expert Dr Mariana Williams, a leading feminist economist and expert in a range of development issues, will speak on the new debt crises threatening the Global South. There will also be a chance to discuss with Jubilee Scotland staff how Scotland, post-referendum, can have a strong a distinct voice on issues of global debt justice including vulture funds, export policy and debt arbitration. Organised by Jubilee Scotland and sponsored by Jean Urquhart MSP. To learn more, click here. When: Wednesday 12 November 2014, 6:00-8:00pm Where: Scottish Parliament, Committee Room 2 (Fairfax-Somerville Room) Lecture: ‘Saving Lives is Not Enough: Strengthening Humanitarian Response through Community Engagement in Health Systems’ Part of the IIHD’s Public Lecture Series 2014/15, Grand Challenges in Global Health & Development. This lecture will feature Allison Beattie, a health sector specialist who has worked extensively with DFID, most recently as Health Services Team Leader in DFID’s Human Development Department. When: Wednesday 26 November 2014, 3:15-4:30pm Where: Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Room 3090 or watch remotely by clicking here. The Road to Paris: Climate Activist’s Assembly Join Friends of the Earth Scotland and activists against climate change and dirty energy from across Scotland to develop an exciting year of climate activism. Come and contribute your ideas on climate change for the year ahead. To learn more and register, click here. When: Saturday, 22 November 2014 7:30-9:30pm Where: City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, Nicolson Square EH8 9BX Sunday’s Child Roadshow EMMS International is running a church roadshow at The Challenge of Hidden Hunger five Scottish venues in support of the Sunday’s Child Concern Worldwide and Glasgow Centre for appeal to provide pain relief to cancer sufferers in International Development are hosting a panel Malawi. The roadshow is a special evening of live music discussion to mark the launch of the 2014 Global and inspirational stories supported by local musicians. Hunger Index Report: The Challenge of Hidden Hunger. Dr. Cornelius Huwa will also speak about EMMS Panel members will provide an insight into the International’s work on providing compassionate challenges presented by hidden hunger and tangible healthcare. To learn more, click here. solutions to the ‘broken’ food system of today. The When: 28 November to 12 December 2014 discussion will be followed by a Q&A session as well as Where: Venues in Ayrshire, Kirkcaldy, Glasgow, the opportunity to view Gareth Bentley’s photo essay Aberdeen, and Edinburgh highlighting the effects of chronic under-nutrition in Zambia and sustainable solutions that have helped Meet Me in St. Louis transform the lives of some of the world’s poorest Children of Songea Trust presents Meet Me in St Louis people. To RSVP, email events.scotland(at) (1944), a classic and must-see Christmas film starring When: Tuesday 18 November, 5:15pm Judy Garland. All proceeds go to education and health Where: Glasgow University, Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, projects to support vulnerable children in Tanzania. Wolfson Medical School Building (C8 on campus map) Tickets £12. To buy tickets, click here or contact Sharon on 0131 243 2637. Building a Movement When: Monday 1 December 2014, doors open 7:30pm Join Oxfam, Jubilee Scotland, WDM, SCIAF, Friends of Where: Dominion Cinema, Edinburgh the Earth Scotland, Christian Aid, Amnesty and People and Planet for an afternoon of workshops and action International Human Rights Day planning, as local groups working on a range of Amnesty International and John Finnie MSP, Convener campaigns across Scotland come together to meet and of the Cross Party Group on Human Rights, will be share their skills. Workshops include: building hosting an event in the Scottish Parliament to mark confidence in your campaigning, fundraising for local International Human Rights Day. Speakers will reflect groups and projects, using local press and social media on the state of human rights in Scotland and around the to get your message out. For more information and world, and how we move forward to address these tickets, click here. challenges at home and abroad. To learn more, click When: Sunday 23 November 2014, 12:30-5pm here. Where: City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, Nicolson When: Wednesday 10 December 2014, 5:30pm Square EH8 9BX Where: Scottish Parliament 5 NIDOS news - November 2014 Training and Advice Surgeries NIDOS Small Grants Surgeries Is your organisation applying to the Scottish Government’s Small Grants Programme? Would you like some feedback or support on your application? If so, you can book a session for a surgery with us! Bring a draft of your application form, and send it to us two days in advance so that we can give you feedback at the meeting. There are several 1.5-hour time slots available starting from 9:00. To register, email andrea (at) and state your time preference. When: Thursday 13 November 2014 Where: NIDOS offices at Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PR Wednesday 10 December 2014 (Edinburgh) Where: Aberdeen and Edinburgh—locations TBC Capital Campaign Fundamentals Presented by the Institute of Fundraising Scotland, this one-day course will take you on a whistle stop tour through the fundamentals of planning and developing a capital campaign for your organisation, including: developing capital projects, getting the campaign ready, creating a compelling case for support, and working with people. To learn more, click here. When: Thursday 27 November 2014 Where: Edinburgh—location TBC NIDOS Skills Share Session on Partnership IIHD Distance Learning Courses Given the success of our September skills share session, The Institute for International Health and Development we are organising a new session on How to build and (IIHD) are offering postgraduate distance learning sustain strong partnerships to achieve greater impact, modules in 2015. covering issues such as: building relationships; Psychosocial Interventions for Displaced Populations clarifying responsibilities; endings and new beginnings; For people who have an interest in the psychosocial common challenges; and reporting. Children of Songea wellbeing of children, youth and adults who are and Bioclimate Research and Development will be displaced through armed conflict, natural disaster or presenting and sharing their approaches, experience, other causes. Obtain a grounding in the main and resources. This free session will give you some approaches to providing mental health and psychosocial practical insight into how other organisations establish support and their underlying theoretical concepts as and build on their partnership. The session is aimed at well as skills and knowledge in relation to the practice small to medium sized organisations, although all are of psychosocial interventions. To learn more, click here. welcome to attend. To register please email Andrea(at) Proposal Writing Are you keen to develop small-scale research in the When: Thursday 27 November 2014, 6-8pm area of global health and development? Acquire skills to Where: NIDOS offices, Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, conceptualise, plan, and write up a coherent and Edinburgh, EH2 2PR convincing research proposal. Develop a research proposal that can be used as part of your academic NIDOS Business Forum studies, or in conjunction with your work in global The next meeting of the NIDOS Business Forum will health and development. To learn more, click here. take place on 19 November. Contact Gillian(at) When: Courses begin in February 2015 for more information. When: 19 November (morning) - TBC Renewable Energies for Developing Countries: Where: Edinburgh Environmental Necessity—Economic Opportunity This online course will give a comprehensive overview DFID Aid Direct Webinars of clean, secure and sustainable technology options as Webinars covering the eligibility criteria, the preparation a means to enable sustainable development in of concept notes, and the key criteria used in the developing countries. Open to those in the non-profit, assessment of applications. To request a place, email public and private sectors who wish to install renewable with your name, energy systems in both urban and rural settings or organisation and email address. make their contribution to reducing carbon emissions When: Two-week period from 3 November 2014. through energy efficiency and use of sustainable energy sources. Programme developed by Strathclyde Introductory Certificate in Fundraising University and CIFAL Scotland, conducted through UN Presented by the Institute of Fundraising Scotland, this Institute for Training and Research platform offering course will provide you with a basic understanding of insights into the management of renewable energy fundraising and the sector itself, the surrounding legal projects from small scale, through to major projects. framework and introduce you to some fundamental Places are limited. To learn more, click here or contact fundraising tools and techniques. Two dates in e-learning(at) Edinburgh and Aberdeen. To learn more, click here. When: 19 January – 6 March 2015 When: Thursday 13 November 2014 (Aberdeen); 6 NIDOS news - November 2014 Southern Voices: Ahmad Hegazy Ahmad Hegazy is the Emergency Response and Economic Recovery Manager for Mercy Corps in Gaza. Ahmad spoke to us about the ongoing crisis in Gaza, and how this summer‘s conflict affected programmes on the ground. Shejai. I saw people and kids filling their bottles and jerry-cans with drinking water. I talked to people who returned to their destroyed homes. One man said, “Without water, we could never leave the shelter and return back to our homes. When these bladders were installed, we could start rebuilding and re-settling our lives again.” It is very difficult to see people living such terrible tragedies. People’s needs didn’t end with the ceasefire. What happens now? Absolutely, people’s needs are increasing. There are shelter and housing problems, water problems, food security problems, post-war unemployment and income How has the recent period of conflict affected normal generation problems. These must be addressed and life? should have immediate and everlasting solutions, Well, there’s no doubt that the last war severely otherwise there is no chance to recover. When the affected all of us. I don’t see normal life happening in winter comes, the problem will be bigger, especially for the near future. In addition to what we experienced those sheltering in schools. Schools are not designed to during the war, there are still huge problems and accommodate people, especially in winter. Mercy Corps dilemmas to be resolved. Day to day work was significantly affected as we had to make radical changes long term plans include recovery and development programmes, including large scale cash assistance in programmes. programmes such as cash for work, workforce employment, and business subsidies to help make the What challenges has the conflict created? wheel of Gaza’s life run normally again. Mercy Corps is Now, after the war, we are still experiencing trauma implementing large scale psychosocial support and shock. There are many unsolved problems and there are no indicators for near future solutions. Shelter programmes. Current and future programmes are very crucial and it’s vital they are built on for longer term is a serious problem for people who were displaced impacts. bombardments and shelling destroyed neighborhoods totally. Food security problems reached a level we have What are your hopes for Gaza? never experienced before. Unemployment became higher than before and many businesses and industries Countless hopes. I truly wish for my people to have a normal life as other people in any part of this world. I were directly affected. Reconstruction looks very believe that Gazans have totally lost the sense of how difficult and will take a lot of time. We have water normal people should live in suitable living conditions. I problems and shortages in many areas because of the hope that this will no longer continue as we deserve damage caused to the infrastructure. better lives. How did your day-to-day work change? Find out more about Mercy Corps’ work in Gaza. From day one, Mercy Corps teams started to respond. We designed a framework that anticipates escalations and responds appropriately to emerging needs. We Photo: A child from the Middle Area of Gaza filling water containers with fresh drinking water provided by Mercy Corps started with cash voucher programmes to cover food security problems for affected families, and we purchased and packed locally more than 24,000 food parcels and hygiene parcels. We distributed these to internally displaced people (IDPs) who fled to shelter in schools, private shelters and host communities. Over 210,000 people received assistance. We distributed over 30,000 hygiene kits and water bladders and filled these on a daily basis in the 20 different areas that were without water supply. We also received and delivered medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. What has affected you the most? Honestly, there are many examples. I remember when I visited the water bladders we installed in one of the biggest destroyed neighborhoods in Gaza Strip – Al © Mercy Corps 7 NIDOS news - November 2014 Members Feature: Ebola Mary’s Meals: Adapting Development Programmes Whilst the emergency humanitarian response to Ebola is vital, so too are the ongoing development projects that have been supporting communities since before the outbreak. Mary’s Meals is just one of our many members working with partners to support development projects in West Africa. Before Ebola, Mary’s Meals provided school meals to more than 128,000 children across Liberia each day, improving nutrition and school attendance. However, all schools are temporarily closed, bringing a halt to the programme. Mary’s Meals has now launched an emergency response to the Ebola outbreak by distributing food to more than 80,000 children in their homes and to patients with Ebola. Meals are being distributed at three holding centres in the townships of Tubmanburg, Robertsport and Brewerville. Find out more about Mary’s Meals work in Liberia here. VSO: Supporting Sierra Leone’s Health Care VSO have recently launched a battle on misinformation about Ebola in Sierra Leone. In partnership with Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation, VSO hope to address the growing misinformation about Ebola that has led to pregnant feeling to afraid to accessing basic medical services. Other projects in Sierra Leone have included providing a Technical Assistant to the human resource department of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to help ensure Sierra Leone’s health system remains functional and that health workers receive timely wages. Find out more about VSO’s work in Sierra Leone here. Right: Infographic from Concern Worldwide showing the wide reaching consequences of Ebola MEMBERS: If you would like your organisation to be profiled in NIDOS News contact: or call 0131 243 2680. Remember, we can also advertise all members’ events and vacancies free of charge. 8 NIDOS news - November 2014 Other News and Useful Resources Global Climate Tool Do you work on climate change, climate resilience or climate equity? Have a look at this handy tool from the World Resources Institute - it allows you to compare country data including emissions, level of development, vulnerability to climate impacts, mitigation potential, and benefits of action. http:// The Sustainable Development Goals: Will they deliver climate compatible development for vulnerable countries? The Climate and Development Knowledge Network have published a working paper discussing the strength of the UN Open Working Group’s Sustainable Development Goals in building climate compatible development. Read the report online. Climate Change Scholarships for Zambia Scottish Government has announced two university scholarships for students from Zambia to study climate change. Read more online. Understanding the Lobbying Act OSCR Charity Guidelines OSCR have published guidance to help charities meet the requirements of electoral and charity law. Download the guidance here. Bond Briefing Document Bond have published a briefing paper on the lobbying Act, giving information about the Act, whether you need to register or not and suggestions for good internal practice. Download the briefing here. Vacancies Consultancies to Develop Support Packages on Fundraising and MEL NIDOS are looking for consultants to develop two Packages of Support aimed at helping small to medium international NGOs strengthen their good practice and effectiveness. The Fundraising package will address key elements and effectiveness essentials for successful fundraising, and the MEL package will examine key elements of good Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning throughout the project cycle. For more information, including the full terms of reference, click here for Fundraising package and here for the MEL package. Contact Andrea Baertl at effectiveness(at) for more information. Deadline for submission: Friday 14 November, 5pm Volunteer ICS Entrepreneur Challenges Worldwide are looking for volunteer International Citizen Service (ICS) Entrepreneurs to work in Ghana, Uganda, or Zambia. This is an opportunity for young people with an aptitude for enterprise to contribute to a development project. Entrepreneurs will share business skills and knowledge with small and medium enterprises whilst working alongside a local volunteer, and will gain training and experience in financial management, sales and marketing, and business planning and operations. Applicants should have or be in the process of achieving a business-related degree or equivalent experience. To learn more, click here. Mary’s Meals Mary’s Meals are recruiting for several positions, including Head of Incoming Resources, Fundraising Officer, Head of International Communications, Head of Fundraising Campaigns, Personal Assistant to Chief Executive, and two Management Accountants. To learn more about each role, click here. Mission Aviation Fellowship Mission Aviation Fellowship are recruiting for a range of overseas roles to support their work providing vital aviation, communications and logistics services in some of the most challenging and remote locations in the world. To learn more, click here. SCIAF Outreach Team SCIAF are building a new team to promote their work across Scotland. Vacancies include an Outreach Manager (Glasgow-based), Outreach Officers (homebased in North and South Scotland), a Data Assistant (Glasgow-based), and an Individual Giving Officer (Glasgow-based). To learn more, click here. Do you have suggestions, comments or complaints? NIDOS welcomes comments, suggestions and takes complaints seriously. These will inform how we can improve our services and activities. Read our policy. NIDOS Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PR, Tel: 0131 243 2680, Email:, Web: Please note that NIDOS does not, by including the views of members, necessarily endorse these views. Nor does NIDOS endorse the services or views of advertisers in its communications. Registered office address as above Company No. SC307352 Registered Scottish Charity SC035314 9
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