WEEKLY BULLETIN HOLY FAMILY PARISH 304 Tazewell Avenue, Tazewell, VA 24651 Tel 276-988-4626 Fax 276-988-8028 E-mail: theword1875@verizon.net C & R Enterprises Route 19/460 Opposite Happy Mart Good Cars/Great Deals Bolling & Hearl Attorneys At Law C.R. Bolling, Esq randy@blaw.info Tele 276-964-4082-Fax-276– 963-2777 401 Railroad Ave. P.O. Box 1250 Richlands, VA. 24641 276-988-2478 Dudley Memorial Mortuary 729 Virginia Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 276-326-1141 Appalachian Family Care LLC Vansant, Va. 935-2880 Located in Food City Retail Clinic Felicia H. deCourcy Attorney at Law P.O. Box 843—205 East Main Street. Tazewell, Virginia 24651 (276) 988-5523 The Clinic Antonio M. Peralta, M.D. DR. PABLO CARPIO Family Practice 840 E. FINCASTLE ST. P.O. Box CVPI P.O. Box 537 Richlands, VA. 24641 Tazewell VA. 24651 Toll Free-1-888-965-2874 276- 988-5312 988-8103 Phone– (276)-964-1281 LAWRENCE W. BENDER Country Boy Customs EFILive 276-971-7919 Duramax Cummins Auto Window Tinting “Lifetime Warranted Film” *Signs *Personalized Stickers *Logo Creation *Auto Decals All Sales By Appointment-Free Estimate CLINCH VALLEY UROLOGY (276)596-6659 Clinch Valley Medical Plaza, Suite 2450 2951 West Front St. Richlands, VA. 24641 HOLY FAMILY PARISH 304 TAZEWELL AVE. TAZEWELL,VIRGINIA 24651 276-988-4626 Fax: 276-988-8028 E-mail:theword1875@verizon.net St. Joseph’s ,Grundy; St. Elizabeth’s ,Pocahontas; St. Mary’s, Richlands; St. Theresa’s ,Tazewell November,02/ 03, 2014 The Lord is my Shepherd: there is nothing I shall want. Our Mission We commit ourselves to seeking holiness, justice and peace in and for all people. Anointing of the sick: Those who are ill, facing surgery or enduring a chronic illness are invited to contact the office to make arrangements to celebrate this sacrament. Sacrament of Matrimony: Ar r angements made with the Pastor or chur ch office. Please contact the chur ch office at least six months prior to wedding. Joining the Parish: We invite all who wor ship with us to become for mal member s of the Holy Family Par ish. Member ship has its benefits! It also helps our ministries and staff plan to meet the needs of the community. To become a member please contact the parish office. Bulletin Publication info: We welcome all Holy Family member s at lar ge to submit publications and notices to the bulletin via e-mail theword1875@verizon.net by Thursday 10am. As always, the parish administration retains the right to edit or refuse submissions. Staff and Ministry Support Pastor: Fr. Paul Muyimbwa Parish Secretary: Debi Moore Parish Bookkeeper: Crystal Dickens Religious Education Coordinator: Carolina Ferrare St. Elizabeth: St. Mary’s : 160 Merrick Lane 1122 Farmer Street Pocahontas, VA 24635 Richlands, Va.24641 Sunday– 9am. Saturday— 6pm. Wednesday’s—5pm. Thursday’s –11:45am. Confession: 30 min. before Mass. Confession– 30min before Mass. St. Joseph’s : St. Theresa: 1007 Independence Road 304 Tazewell Ave. Grundy, VA. 24614 Tazewell, Va. 24651 Saturday’s—4pm. Sunday– Scripture study 9:30am.-Rosary- 11am.—Mass—11:30 am. Confession 30min. before Mass Confession– after Mass. November2,3,2014 Please remember all the service men and women and their families. All those addicted to drugs and alcohol and those who are incarcerated & the healing of relationships Please pray for Fr. Paul’s father Peter Ntabaazi, he is battling with Cancer. St. Joseph’s: Emily Testerman, Dorothy Vance, Linda Yates, Earl Justice, James Bruce Mullin, Dana Harris, Linda Stiltner, Edmond Vance, Lucille Baxter.,Sr. Margaret Flynn, Joetta Matney, Ella Lawson, Maria and Diana Hursh, Regina Horn St. Elizabeth’s: Repose of the soul of James Wolford by Vincent and Sue Shumate St. Theresa’s: Repose of the soul of Anne Egan by Saint Theresa's’ Parish St. Joseph's:Repose of the soul of the husband of Cynthia Patzig by Saint Joseph’s St. Mary’s: Repose of the soul of Michael Foster by Cathy Bolling Collections for Last Week St. Joseph: October 25-$146.00 St. Mary: (Weekly Goal—$581.28) October 19-$467.00 Missions St. Elizabeth’s: Dew ey Hodge, Tate K andas, Helen Shumate, Tom Bella Miller, Louise Romano, Ray Jones, Jay L. Lambert, Eddie Nenni, Brad Belcher, Virginia Shumate, Frances Borbas, Donnie & Lisa Neal, Bess Taylor, Bryan Hast, Joseph Rowe, Lois Lawless ($59.00)-October 25-$187.00 Building Fund - (.00) (Backpack- $00 ) St. Elizabeth: (Weekly Goal - $581.28) October 26-$325.00 Poor- box($.00) St. Theresa: St. Mary’s: Clar ence W r ight, Melissa McGowan, Rolando Guanlao, Cheryl Spencer, Nancy Price, Sara Beth Wright, Nona Nassif, Freddie Roberts, Donald Barrett, Earl Griffith, Lezlie Purdy, Evan Kassay, Dr. Raffy Castro, Ederlina Motos, Bridget Keen, Tonya Hylton, Shirley Epperson, Greta Owens St. Theresa’s: Don Shaw ver , Ther esa Chafin, Joe Boy Stutso, Reese McCall, Trenton, Eva & Walter Moore, Crystal Repp,Rod & Cathy Hamblin, Linda Gillespie, Bob Gentry, Macy Beard, Jay Blankenship, Jean Blythe, Sandy Hampton, Donna Crain, Helen Johnson, Carolina Ferrare, Pat Wickline, Jowana Elswick, Christopher Honaker, William J & Mrs. Stockton Homebound and Nursing Home Parishioners: Louise Serreno, - Home Bobby Gillespie— Maples Nursing Home Margie Stutso, - Home Ray Jones-Home (Weekly Goal - $813.79) October 19 $616.00, Missions ($153.00) October26-$774.00 Building Fund-($110.00) Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Attention Parishioners: When lighting votive candles please put some money in to replace the candles. Thank you. Please don’t forget the building fund collection for St. Mary’s and St. Theresa’s the second Sunday of each month. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal-Our Faith Alive in Love: Please send your envelope into the Diocesan. Word Along The Appalachian Trail GOLD IN THE FURNACE Melanie B. Coddington, Regional Minister This year, the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls) falls on Sunday. For me it brings to mind an array of names and faces, some familiar, some less so, whose passing I have marked in song, at the bedside, and at funeral liturgies over the many years. Ministry to the dying and the bereaved has long represented the best of my body of work as a parish cantor. Today’s first reading from the Book of Wisdom gets nearly as much airtime at wakes and funerals as Isaiah’s vision of the mountain of the Lord. It seems the metaphor of “gold in the furnace” helps those left behind put in perspective the sufferings of their departed loved ones. I have always liked the image of darting about “as sparks through stubble.” It strikes me as dynamic and decidedly not dead. My friend Jan started out as an acquaintance, an old lady who happily attended intergenerational learning events as an honorary grandma to one of the young sacrament seekers. She was tall and striking, with full head of white hair set in soft curls. At some point, she had a knee replaced and landed in a nursing home 15 miles up the road, near where I lived. I dropped in to see her, heard her lament over the flavorless food, and ended up singing an a cappella “Ave Maria” for her comfort. She never forgot it. As Jan got older, she developed congestive heart failure and her outings to church diminished and then stopped all together. She stayed in touch by phone and I dropped in to see her when I could manage it. As her life outside shrank, her inner life expanded. Confined to her apartment and tethered to an oxygen tank, Jan took up a new vocation of intercessory prayer. I put my son (away at college and struggling with depression) on Jan’s list. Thereafter she greeted me with the words, “How’s our boy?” I never forgot it. As I prepared to relocate to Virginia, I helped Jan plan her wake and funeral, singing through each of her favorites, again a cappella. A few months after I departed, she did. In my mind and heart, Jan slipped from earthly to heavenly intercessor without a hitch. Last week, when my son’s second child was a day or two past due and showing no sign of impending arrival, it seemed natural to give a shout out to my old friend. We prayed together for a safe and timely birth. Twenty-four hours brought favorable signs, and Rosalyn Dawn followed in due course. Now I can hear my old-gold friend asking, “How’s our girl?” PARISH COMMITTEE INFORMATION PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Tonya Hylton (Chair) Bob Buchanan (Vice Chair) Frannie Minton (Secretary), Donna Lambert, Tom Bost, Mary Blankenship, Carolyn Wade PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: Kathryn Buchanan (Chair), Anne Danko (Vice Chair), Cathy Bolling, Doug Vance and Jim Talbert. (Secretary) Finance committee meeting will be Tuesday, November 4, at St. Theresa’s at 10:00 AM. LITURGY COMMITTEE: Greg Deskins (Chair) Cindy Deskins, Linda Whited, Rick Hall, Donna Lambert and Sandra Bost. Liturgy Planning meeting will be Saturday, November 8,at St. Theresa’s 10:30 AM. EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE: John Benish , Carolina Ferrare, Margaret Shawver, Cathy Bolling, Carolyn Wade Encounter the Joy of the Gospel Can't attend the Prepare and Share group but want to learn more about the scriptures? Here is a great link to allow you to explore the historical, cultural and spiritual messages of the scriptures online. Go to www.liturgy.slu..edu It is a website set up from St. Louis University which gives wonderful commentary on the different aspects of each Sunday's readings by a variety of authors, experts and fellow Christians who yearn to understand God's word more deeply. Check it out! Daily scripture readings and a short video commentary can be accessed at another website: www.usccb.org This is the website of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Both these website are valuable tools to those who want a better understanding of sacred scripture. Advocacy Network: Th is netw or k pr ovides an easy w ay for Vir ginia residents to communicate directly with the Governor and their state and federal legislators on many issues affecting human life and dignity. Our Conference staff has repeatedly found that constituent contacts to legislators’ offices play a decisive role in outcomes, especially on close votes. In recent years, Advocacy Network contacts to elected officials have enabled new protections for the unborn, the defeat of legislation expanding the death penalty, critical conscience protections for faith-based adoption agencies, and new opportunities for lower-income families to choose nonpublic schools. To meet this essential need, we ask each parish to participate in a sign-up campaign for the Conference’s network the weekend of November 8 &9 . Sign-up sheets will be located in back of church, please include phone number. Soon, Conference staff will follow up with resources to make parish sign-up campaigns easy and effective. Order of the Mass St. Joseph’s: Volunteers St. Joseph’s: St. Mary’s :November 8,2014 St. Mary’s: St. Elizabeth’s:11/09:Jaidan Borish Sacristan: Elfie For r est Server: Gr acie Bolling Lector: Butch Claustr o St. Theresa’s:11/04:Natalie Tester, Norman Howell 11/05:Mitchell Miller 11/06;Sandy Hankins 11/07:John Horn, Darrel Elswick 11/09:Greg Deskins Usher:Roy Gomez E.M.: Roy Thomson/Ely Per alta Music: Danielle Elswick Gift Bearer: Elfie For est St. Elizabeth-November 9, 2014 Lector: Char les Lavender ,Sandr a Bost E.M.: Andr ew Satmar y,Pete Danko Gifts: Tom and Sandr a Bost St. Theresa’s November 9,2014 Server: Madonna Ezeji Lector: Jim Talber t Usher: Tim/Tr avis Cr ouse Please Contact the Parish office with updates of Birthdays and addresses. E.M.:Mar ia Far r is / Br idget Honaker Bell Ringer: J ude Ezeji Gift Bearers: The Hankins Family November02,03,2014 Announcements Gath: Blest Are They #631 Gloria: Glory To God— Mass of Christ the Savior ( Schutte) #919 Gospel Acclamation: Halle, Halle, Halle Liturgy of the Word: pgs. 49/50 Homily Prayers of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts: On Eagles Wings #437 Sign Of Peace Eucharistic Acc: Holy, Holy: (Schutte) Mass of Christ the Savior Memorial Acc: We Proclaim Your Death Great Amen: #922 #923 #926 Lamb Of God: Isele (or ) Schutte # 927 Comm:Shepherd Me, O God #468 Closing Prayer: Closing: I Am the Bread of Life #343 Server Instructor and Linen Cleaner: Nenita Belcher Monday 11/03:(485) Reading 1: Philippians2:1-4;Luke 14:12-14,Psalm 131:1bcde,23 Tuesday 11/04:(486) Reading 1:Philippians;2:5-11 Luke 14:15-24; Psalm 22:26b-27,28-30,31-32 Wednesday 11/05(487) Reading 1: Philippians 2:12-18;Luke 14:25-33:Psalm 27:1-4, 13-14 Thursday 11/06(488) Reading1:Philippians 3:3-8a:Luke15:1-10;Psalm 105:2-3,4-5,6-7 Friday 11/07(489) Reading 1:Philippians 3:17-4:1;Luke 16:1-8;Psalm 122:1-2,3-5 Saturday 11/08(490) Reading 1:Philippians 4:10-19; Luke16,9-15 ;Psalm 112;1b-2,5-6,8a&9J2Corinthians 8:9 Sunday 11:09 Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12Psalm 46:2-3,-35,6,8-9: 2 Corinthians 3:9c-11,16-17: John 2: 13-22 Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour! Word along the Way” Anyone that would like to submit a story to be published in the “Word along the Way” for the weekly bulletin may send it to : theword1875@verizon.net. To be reviewed by Father Paul. Evangelization Planning Workshop : November 6,2014 at 1:00 pm. At Saint Ther esa’s. Melanie B. Coddington, Regional Minister ,will present the program “ Encounter The Joy of the Gospel.” All are welcome. Wednesday Adult Classes will be viewing and discussing the “Joy of the Gospel” Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Frances 2013. Please join us at 1:00 at Saint Theresa’s Church. All members of Holy Family Parish are welcome. What is RCIA? Do you want to become a Catholic? RCIA is The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The process by which adults become members of the Catholic Church. This includes all adults who have not been or who are baptized but wish to be received into full communion with The Roman Catholic Church or becoming a member in full communion with the Catholic Church. ARE YOU HEARING A STILL QUIET VOICE WITHIN, urging you to learn more about the Catholic faith? Do you find yourself coming to Holy Family Parish for Mass and wanting to be more involved in the community? Do you long for a deeper relationship with God? For more information contact the parish office: 276-988-4626. Coat Drive: The Knights of Columbus are seeking new or gently used coats for their annual winter coat drive. Please drop your donation of coats off at Holy Family office. The Knights will have Christmas Cards for sale beginning in early November and have raffle tickets for sale for a jersey autographed by this year’s Bluefield Blue Jays team. All donations go to charities supported by the Knights. For more information or to make a purchase or donation see Pat McNulty, Jim Talbert ,or Don Durham Saint Theresa’s News: There are still several cookbooks for sale. Price is $10.00 each. Half of sales will be donated to St. Theresa’s Building Fund. Children’s Religious Education class at 9:30am,Sunday, November 16, 2014. . Book Sale: Carolina Ferrare will hold a used book sale, Friday, November 14,2014.Proceedes will go to Religious Education. A Child Shall Lead Them Food Pantry will be giving out Christmas bags this year. These items are needed for the bags to be given out Decenber 1– December 19:3lb. Canned ham, Canned or boxed potatoes, gravy mix or canned gravy, canned sweet potatoes , boxed bread mix, Jello, boxed desert mixes, canned frosting, boxed stuffing, St.Mary’s News: CCD classes at St. Mary's for students in pre-K through high school will meet every other Saturday at 4:30 p.m. . Saint Joseph’s News: Saint Elizabeth’s News: . St. Mary’s Back-Pack: Please remember these children depend on this food. Thank you for your support. Coordinator and Fund Raiser: Cathy Bolling Workers: Cathy Bolling, Tonya Hylton, Linda Whited, Elfe For r est, J im Talber t A Child Shall Lead Them Food Pantry: For the month of November the food pantry is asking for Potato's, and soap. Thank you Knights of Columbus Members: - Jim Talbert, Pat McNulty and Don Durham.
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