Congregation Rodfei Sholom November 2014 Member of the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America Cheshvan/ Kislev 5775 Martin David Goodfriend Bar Mitzvah The Bar Mitzvah of Martin David Goodfriend, son of Ira & Brooke Goodfriend and nephew of Perry Goodfriend, will be on Shabbos, November 15. Martin is a straight “A” student at Krueger School of Applied Technology. He is enrolled in Pre-advanced Placement English , Gifted and Talented Math, and Honors Band. He enjoys basketball and is an accomplished computer gamer. Mazal Tov Martin! Senior F ellow Fellow Professor Stephen Blank Shabbat Dinner and Lecture Friday riday,, November 21, 2014 Shabbat Services at 5:15 p.m. ~ Followed by Dinner and Lecture “Dilemmas of U.S. Strategy in the Middle East.” Dinner P rices: A dults $25, Ages 4-18 $18, Ages 0-3 F ree, F amily Maximum $75 Prices: Adults Free, Family Reservations are required for the Shabbat dinner dinner.. For reservations and more information, contact or 210.493.3557. Lecture Saturday Saturday,, November 22, 2014 After Shabbat Musaf services at 11:15 a.m. Babysitting is available “The Jewish Communities of Russia and Ukraine in the Midst of the Conflict.” Stephen Blank has been Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute since 1989. He has published over 1,000 articles and monographs on Soviet/Russian, U.S., Asian, and European military and foreign policies. He has published several books focusing on Russian foreign, energy, and military policies and on International Security in Eurasia. His most recent book is Russo-Chinese Energy Relations: Politics in Command, London: Global Markets Briefing, 2006. Prior to his appointment as Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, Dr. Blank was Associate Professor for Soviet Studies at the Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education of Air University at Maxwell AFB. The Israel Public Action Committee of Rodfei Sholom is sponsoring the program. Upcoming Events Movie Night at Rodfei Sa turda ovember 8 aatt 7:30 P.M. Saturda turdayy, N November Void Fill The V oid Torn Between H er H ea rt Her Hea eart and H er FFamil amil Her amilyy $5 per person (cash or check onl onlyy please) A 2012 Israeli film drama, written and directed by Rama Burshtein, it tells the story of an Orthodox Hassidic family from Tel Aviv. Hadas Yaron stars as Shira Mendelman, an 18year-old girl who is pressured to marry her deceased older sister’s husband following the death of her sister in childbirth. It won several Israeli Academy Awards, including Best Feature film, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Cinematography. Lead actress Hadas Yaron won Best Actress for her portrayal of Shira at the Venice Film Festival. Rama Burshtein became the first Orthodox woman to direct a film intended for wide distribution. Spend an evening with your friends at “the movies” enjoying popcorn, nachos, and sodas! RS VP by W ednesda ovember 5, to RSV Wednesda ednesdayy, N November rodfeisa or 210.493.3557. Saturday, November 8 - Special Shabbat! Veterans - please call us for an aliyah Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Veterans Day is the annual United States holiday to honor all living military veterans. L’Chayim Chayim Cl ub Club Pr e-Thanksgivi ng L un cheon Pre-Thanksgivi e-Thanksgiving Lun uncheon Tuesday, November 11 - 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Joi n us ffor or a delicious adit ional , oin delicious,, tr tradit aditional h o m e-co ok ed llun un cheon ! e-cook oked uncheon Special Treat Thanksgiving program presented by Torah Academy of San Antonio students! Rosh Chodesh Group for Women No charge for seniors Y $5 for others All ladies are invited to welcome the month of Kislev for an evening of friends, light refreshments, and new ideas! If attending, RSVP by Thursday, November 6, to or 210.493.3557. Sunday, November 23 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Transportation for seniors available by calling Lety at 210.302.6946. Co-sponsored by a grant from Golden Manor Senior Services. Ever elco me! eryy one is w welco elcom At the home of Manijeh Nathan There will be a D’var Torah honoring Kislev, which is also known as “the month of dreams.” Our hostess, an experinced life coach and therapist, will give insights into dreams and how they impact on our lives and are a reflection of who we are. There will be time to ask questions and share ideas and dreams! For Directions and to RSVP call Rodfei by Wed., Nov Nov.. 19 at 493-3558. 2 November 2014 Upcoming Events & Photos Sunday Funday / NCSY Ev ent Event All ages ar e welcome to join us! are Sunday, November 23, 2014 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Meet at 1:45 223 Recoleta tp get th e gr oup rat e!) the group rate!) $8 per skater Includes a party bag to take home! Ple ase r emember to wear socks! Please remember TASHLICH September 29 RSVP by Wednesday, November 19, to r odf or 210 .4 93.3557. rodf 210.493.3557. Pizza in the Hut - Ocotber 12 November 2014 3 HI GH H OLIDA YT ORAH H ONO RS HIGH HO LIDAY TO HONO ONOR The Officers and Board of Directors of Congregation Rodfei Sholom wish to thank the following people for their generous pledges to the Torah Fund Michael Armstrong Dan Ashlag Gershon Ashlag Jack Avigael Kobi Avnon Dr. Woody Baker Ronen Bass Menahem Beniflah David Benjamin Harold Berg Dr. Mike Berkus Dr. Moshe Brauer Dr. Moises Bucay Gil Butnaru Alan Chesler Dr. Yitzhak Cohen Andy Fagen Lawrence Fagen Dave Fisher Dr. David Fisher Ian Fisher Israel Fogiel Mel Friedman Dr. Jaime Furman Dr. Joseph Furman Arturo Fux Dr. Leon Ghitis Dr. Aaron Goldberg Ira Goodfriend Andrew Guariguata Kevin Gumprecht Lenny Holzman Bob Jacobson David Katz Dr. Jason Kboudi Joe Kboudi Roberto Kenigstein Craig Klein Aryeh Kluger Jacob Kluger Isadoro Korngold Arie Lasky Dr. Richard Lazor Uri Lifshitz Jay Maizel Dr. Mauricio Marcushamer Dr. Alvin Marx Nim Meishar Dr. Habib Nathan Dr. Allen Noorily Dr. Michael Ozer Dr. Victor Press Dr. Tibor Ritter Marcos Rosenberg Sidney Sablow Elias Sarfati Sol Schwartz Dr. Sydney Shain Raphael Sonsino Dr. Morris Spector Dr. David Starr Aaron Tawil James Tawil Dr. Anatole Trakhtenbroit Dr. David Trakhtenbroit Dr. Martin Weinstein Moises Woldenberg Dr. Philip Zinn Thank you to the following families/individuals who generously contributed to honorRabbi Scheinberg with the Maftir Yonah Aliyah on Yom Kippur Idelle & Dr. Norman Abramson Tiki & Jack Avigael Aya & Kobi Avnon Rivi & Dan Ashlag Luise & Morris Bankler Deborah & Reuben Bar Yadin The Bass Family Louise & Mike Beldon Ana & Menahem Beniflah Gail & Harold Berg Lainey & Dr. Michael Berkus Drs. Vivian & Moises Bucay Gil Butnaru Roxy & Dr. Akiva Carretero Jennifer & Dr. Yitzhak Cohen Stanley Cohen Shelley Cohen-Sagi Sharon & Doug Contie Janet & Abraham Dubrovsky Dale & Dr. harry Eastman Rebecca & Dr. Nissim Elbaz Andy Fagen Janice & Lawrence Fagen Zee & Dave Fisher Pearl & Israel Fogiel 4 Karen & Dr. Jaime Furman Susan & Dr. Joseph Furman Sharon & Arturo Fux Bobbie & Dr. Leon Ghitis Annette Goldberg Goodfriend Family Lala, Emily, and Eleanor Gossen Andrés & Debbie Guariguata Elie Guggenheim and Regina Guggenheim Dr. Daniella Fisher & Kevin Gumprecht Julie & Dr. Adam Harris Raquel & Lenny Holzman Cynthia & Bobby Jorrie David Katz Gloria & Roberto Kenigstein Margaret Gofman-Klein & Craig Klein Noemi & Arie Lasky Tania & Sioma Lubetzky Sonia Lubetzky Drs. Esther & Mauricio Marcushamer Jason Mittman Sandra & Dr. Victor Press Dorothy & Fermin Rajunov Varda & Dr. Adam Ratner Linda & Dr. Evan Ratner Daniella & Dr. Tibor Ritter Dalia & Marcos Rosenberg Sablow and Hanover Families Elizabeth & Dr. Arie Salzman Elke & Elias Sarfati Judy & Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg Joanie & Sol Schwartz Rochelle & Dr. Sydney Shain Emmanuelle Cahane & Yossi Sharabani Trudy Balk & David Slifkin Carla Somers Judge Rose & Dr. Morris Spector Arlene & Dr. David Starr Julie & Jonathan Starr Jodi & Matthew Starr Marlene & Jack Super Faye & Aaron Tawil Gabriela & Jimmy Tawil Sherie & Dr. Anatole Trakhtenbroit Maya & Dr. David Traktenbroit Drs. Sandra & Martin Weinstein Sylvia Weiss Dr. Helene & Moises Woldenberg Lee & Dr. Phil Zinn November 2014 SIMCHA TT ORAH H ONO RS & St arr Dedi cati on SIMCHAT TO HONO ONOR Starr Dedic tion In Memory of Shmuel Bass “Rodfei is my home, whatever the home needs, I do,” were the words that Shmuel lived by. Shmueli’s friendly nature and generosity of spirit quickly made him one of Rodfei’s most beloved and dedicated congregants. This year, we will be completing that Simchat Torah in his memory. Both of his sons Ronen and Eitan will receive the special honors of the day (and year) the Chatan Torah and the Chatan Beresheit. We will rejoice as Shmueli rejoiced, a joy that was suffused with Ahavat Yisroel and Ahavat Torah. Our Kol Ha’anarim is given to those who have demonstrated commitment and leadership to Jewish education. This year, Dan Ashlag is being honored Ronen Bass will be honored with Chatan Torah (Groom of the Torah), the Aliyah which completes the yearly cycle of reading from the Torah We are very pleased to honor Eitan Bass with Chatan Beresheit. Simchat Torah Luncheon Thank you to Annette Goldberg and Shelley Cohen-Sagi for sponsoring the wonderful Simchat Torah luncheon. They have sponsored this lunch for many years in memory of their parents Hy & Lee Lazar. Thank you to all who attended! Starr Family Campus Dedication Sunday, October 5 “Dedicated to all those who enter these gates” It is with gratitude and appreciation that we acknowledge the wonderful contribution of the Starr family to Congregation Rodfei Sholom. Special thanks to Judy Levine-Holley for helping coordinate the Quartet music at the Starr Family Campus Dedication and to her fellow musicians: Ryan Murphy, Karen Stiles, and Terry Stolow for enhancing the event! November 2014 The purpose of the gift is to strengthen our congregational family in the present while building for its future; to transmit the Rodfei vision of Torah tradition, chesed, Tzedaka, respect for others, and responsibility for others, to future families and generations. 5 RO DFEI SH OLO M NE WS & M azel T ov RODFEI SHO LOM NEWS Mazel Tov The Birthday Club Hallie Starr Martin Goodfriend Noa Coben Lee Kaplan Phillip Kaplan Matti Zinnreich Ada Meir ch einberg Meiraa SSch cheinberg Ella BBass ass Sylvia Geller Mia Hannah Meishar November 3 November 5 November 7 November 7 November 7 November 8 No Novvember 14 No Novvember 1 5 No Novvember 23 No Novvember 23 ACCOUNTING UPDATE After 21 years of service with Congregation Rodfei Sholom, our own Linda Mitchell with the firm of Nathanson & Nathanson will retire at the end of 2014. We have selected the firm A to Z Helpers, LLC, under the ownership of Daphne Sohocki, to take over our bookkeeping services, effective January 1, 2015. We have begun the training process with the new firm. Members will begin to see changes to the billing statements. We request your support during the process to help us make as smooth a transition as possible. If you have any questions concerning your account, please call Linda Michell at 657.5712 or the Rodfei Sholom office at 493.3557. To Mrs. Helen Chasan, wishing her a Happy 100th Birthday Synagogue office will be closed: Thursday, November 27, Thanksgiving Day To Hy Friedman, wishing him a Happy 105th Birthday To Rabbi Aryeh & Judy Scheinberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Aaron Leib, son of Rabbi Moshe & Elisheva Scheinberg in Chicago and to Rabbi Avraham & Michal Scheinberg and the entire family. To Rosa & Fred Williamson on the birth of their grandson and to the parents Joann & Nathan Boyd Rodfei Sholom Shabbat Hospitality NOVEMBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Andrea & Stuart Cohn Nurit & Bob Jacobson Gabriela & James Tawil Rebecca & Dr. Nissim Elbaz Drs. Valerie & Victor Ostrower Tania & Sioma Lubetzky Lizette & Brian Feld Bette & Jack Vexler 6 November November November November November November November November 8 16 17 18 19 26 27 30 If you wish to offer home hospitality for Shabbat or know of someone who is in need of home hospitality, please call Susan Furman at 210.493.8423. When possible, please submit all requests at least 2 weeks in advance. Candlelighting Times November 7 - 5:25 p.m. November 14 - 5:21 p.m. November 21 - 5:18 p.m. November 28 - 5:17 p.m. Daylight Savings ends November 2 November 2014 Sponso rs/ Boo k Club Sponsor Book Sponsors for September To those who sponsored a Kiddush Lunch, we extend our thanks Marat & Esther Gofman in loving memory of his mother Risha Gofman on her yahrzeit Drs. Nola & Alvin Marx in loving of his brother Jules Marx on his yahrzeit Shira & David Steiner in honor of the birth of their daughter Tamara Rachel Benjamin Chasan and David Chasan in honor of their mother Helen Chasan, wishing her a Happy 100th Birthday Sponsors for October To those who sponsored a Kiddush Lunch, we extend our thanks Or ah & Efr aim Abr amof Orah Efraim Abramof amofff in loving memory of Efraim’s father Rabbi Yehoshua Abramoff and his brother Simon Abramoff and in loving memory of Orah’s parents Miriam & Dov Bornstein The B ami ly in loving memory of father and grandfather Baass ffami amily Shmuel Bass on his yahrzeit T he Fri edman, Sheiness, and B ami riedman, Bll at attt ffami amill i es in celebration of their Uncle Hy Friedman’s 105th birthday eon and B Dr. LLeon Ghitis bbiee Ghi Boobbi tis in loving memory of Leon’s mother Sonia Ghitis on her Yahrzeit Zee & D is he Daave FFis ishe herr in honor of Megan & Jacob Kluger, wishing them both a Happy Birthday Fri ends of Hy FFri ri edman in ccel el ebr ati on of his 10 5th bir thd riends riedman elebr ebrati ation 105th birthd thdaa y Tiki & Jack Avigael, Orah & Ronen Bass, Connie & Dr. Mark Brauer, Dale & Dr. Harry Eastman, Terri & David Eiland, Janice & Larry Fagen, Zee & Dave Fisher, Bobbie & Dr. Leon Ghitis, Hagit & Uri Lifshitz, Drs. Nola & Alvin Marx, Joe & Sylvia Olney, Dorothy & Fermin Rajunov, Elizabeth & Dr. Arie Salzman, Joanie & Sol Salzman, Rabbi Aryeh & Judy Scheinberg, Rabbi Avraham & Michal Scheinberg, Marcia & Charles Schwartz, Emmanuelle Cahane & Yossi Sharabani, Mikki & Norton Shectman, Arlene & Dr. David Starr, and Pamela & Winslow Swart RODFEI SHOLOM BOOK CLUB Wednesday, November 5, at 7:30 at Rodfei The Clothes on their Backs by Linda Grant (short-listed for the Man Booker Prize). Vivien Kovacs, the bookish, sensitive protagonist of this novel grows up sheltered from the world by her timid, Hungarian refugee parents, “mice-people” who moved to England in 1938. After a personal tragedy, she uncovers their concealed past--against her father’s wishes—through a relationship with her notorious slumlord uncle who, in his old age, wishes to share his life story. Plot-driven and artfully constructed, this book about identity and belonging leaves the reader to think about serious themes, universal and timeless, and the perils of hypocrisy which, when clothed in a decent suit, might well be overlooked. Special Presentation! On Wednesday, December 3, at 7:30 p.m., the Book Club will meet to discuss The Woman Who Defied Kings: The Life and Times of Dona Gracie Nasi by Andree Aelion Brooks. The Rodfei Readers invite the community to attend the electronic conversation with the author of this comprehensive biography of Dona Gracie Nasi, a Jewish international banker during the Renaissance, who used her wealth and connections to operate an underground railroad which saved many of her fellow Portuguese and Spanish – conversos from the Inquisition. If attending, please RSVP to or 210.493.3557. November 2014 7 Israel Bonds CaLENDAR / ThaNk yoUs/ donations & donations ISRAEL BONDS SAN ANTONIO Evening Reception Welcoming San Antonio’s Five New Rabbis Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham CONGREGATION AGUDAS ACHIM Rabbi David Komerofsky TEMPLE CHAI IN LOVING MEMORY OF Shmuel Bass, on his yahrzeit from Zee & Dave Fisher Christine Cohen, his wife from Stanley Cohen Allan Goldberg, his son and Lena Goldberg, his mother from Joseph Goldberg Rabbi Mara Nathan TEMPLE BETH EL Rabbi Avraham Scheinberg Max Gordon, her great-uncle from Susan & Dr. Joseph Furman CONGREGATION RODFEI SHOLOM Rabbi Levi Teldon CHABAD OF SAN ANTONIO GUEST SPEAKER Izzy Ezagui IDF First Sergeant (Res.) Sunday, November 16, 7:00pm AT CONGREGATION RODFEI SHOLOM 3003 Sholom Drive -- San Antonio, TX COUVERT: $36 (Not tax deductible) RSVP BY NOVEMBER 12, 2014 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Landis 713.360.3530 - 800.729.3100 THANK YOU FOR GIFTS for the HIGH HOLIDAYS Mary Spector & Julius Blatt, Jake and Joey Blatt, for High Holiday flowers Dr. Morris Spector, for Simchat Torah drinks Roni Roth, for High Holiday drinks Special thanks to Sara Kisel for all her help with the Shabbat /Holiday magnets sent to members of the congregation and the community. Thanks also to Rochel Kisel who helped with the mailing. 8 Miriam Harris, his mother from Julie & Dr. Adam Harris Julius Herschberg, stepfather of Howie Nestel from Simone & Dr. Jason Kboudi Goldie Hershman,sister-in-law of Helen Kerman from Luise & Morris Bankler Pablo Kisel and Esther & Abraham Presburger, their parents from Sara & Dr. Lazaro Kisel Hudes Kisner, her mother fro Jalinka Sterental Sherry Krug, her sister on her yahrzeit from Judy Levine-Holley & Dr. Steven Holley Dave Lazor, his father from Sandy & Dr. Richard Lazor Fannie Levinson from Diane G. Gould Leah Olive, his mother from David Olive Ben Weinstein and Arthur Haskel Yaffie, their fathers from Sandra & Martin Weinstein Yaakova Zinnreich, wife of Yehuda and mother of Mati & Yosef from Aviva Bass from Judy Levine-Holley & Dr. Steven Holley from Beth & Eric Shapiro November 2014 donations IN HONOR OF The wedding of her daughter Aryah to Dan Landsberger from Carla Somers Ilene & Dr. Sol Bierman, on the engagement of their son, Phillip from Dorothy & Fermin Rajunov Nurit Jacobson, wishing her a Happy Birthday and in honor of Nurit & Bob Jacobson, wishing them a Happy Anniversary from Margo Hoenig Rabbi & Mrs. Judy Scheinberg, on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Aaron Leib from Arlene & Dr. David Starr from Jodi & Matt Starr Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg from Tamir Meishar Rabbi Aryeh & Judy Scheinberg from Janet & Abraham Dubrovksky from Zee & Dave Fisher Rabbi Avraham & Michal Scheinberg, for all their help with their wedding from Aryah & Dan Landsberger Rebeca & Howard Solomon, wishing them a Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary from Martha & Ed Serfaty Raphi Sonsino, wishing him speedy recovery from Emily Sparks & Ronnie Levy Shira & David Steiner, on the baby naming of their daughter Tamar Rachel from Ronnie Roth Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg, wishing him a speedy recovery and in honor of Tashlich the above from Connie & Dr. Mark Brauer KIDDUSH FUND A general donation to the Shalosh Seudah Club from Aviva & Mel Friedman November 2014 LIBRARY FUND In honor of Barbara & Avner Weizer, wishing them a Happy Anniversary from Nurit & Bob Jacobson EDUCATION FUND In loving memory of her father, Julio Moszkowicz from Sandy Lazor In loving memory of her father, Jake Cohn from Bernice Mazer In honor of Helen Chasan, in celebration of her 100th Birthday In honor of Rebeca & Howard Solomon, wishing them a Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary the above from Zee & Dave Fisher GARDEN of FRIENDSHIP In honor of Lainey & Dr. Michael Berkus, wishing them a Happy New Year from Aviva & Mel Friedman In honor of Lenny Seidner, wishing him a Happy Birthday from Luise & Morris Bankler In honor of Lainey & Dr. Michael Berkus, on the engagement of their son Byron Berkus from Bebby & Dr. Arthur Marlin In honor of Margo Hoenig, wishing her a Happy Birthday from Zee & Dave Fisher In honor of Bob Jacobson, Daniella Ritter, Daron Horwitz, Stevie Weissman, and Barbara Goldstein, wishing them all a Happy Birthday In honor of Elaine & Stephen Cohen and Zee & Dave Fisher, for their friendship the above from Lainey & Dr. Micahel Berkus In loving memory of Aaron (Sonny) Charles, husband of Idella (Chaike) Charles In honor of Luise Bankler, wishing her a Happy Birthday In honor of Dr. Michael Berkus, wishing him a Happy Special Birthday In honor of Celig Frank, wishing him a speedy recovery In honor of Harriet Rankin, wishing her a speedy recovery the above from Phyllis Davis 9 donations/ yahrzeits STARR FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND FOR ISRAEL In honor of Arlene & Dr. David Starr, on the dedication of the Starr Family Campus from Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Braverman from Diana & Ian Fisher from Nurit & Bob Jacobson from Rochelle & David Lefton from Bebby & Dr. Arthur Marlin from Iris & Ron Mednick In loving memory of her father Ernest Hoenig on his yahrzeit from Nurit & Bob Jacobson A general donation from Geronimo Rodriguez OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Alan Astro Scott F. Garfinkle Ester & Marat Gofman Dr. Rosalind Horowitz Janice & Don Howland Marilyn Jorrie David Komet Stanley Konar Noemi & Arie Lasky Barbara Levy Toby Ann & Robert Allen Marmon Sylvia & Joe Olney Marianne & James Ray Geronimo Rodriguez William C. Sellers Cheryl & Ethan Spiegler Terry & Dr. Joshua Stolow Marlene & Zorach Jack Super Janet & Dr. Andy Zak GIFTS OF BOOKS A Siddur in loving memory of her father, Cantor Louis Horowitz A Siddur in loving memory of her aunt, Rona Hymes A Siddur in loving memory of her uncle, Harry Horowitz the above from Dr. Rosalind Horowitz A Siddur in loving memory of Yaakova Zinnreich, wife of Yehuda and mother of Mati & Yosef from Bebby & Dr. Arthur Marlin A Chumash in loving memory of his father, Thomas A. Noonan from Dr. Thomas A. Noonan, Jr. CEMETERY FUND In loving memory of her father, Louis Esstman, on his yahrzeit In loving memory of her uncles, Joe Eisenberg and Louis Eisenberg the above from Luise & Morris Bankler In loving memory of Michelle Berenzon Hasting, her daughter, from Beverly Hastings In loving memory of Steven V. Patrick, their son, from Stella & William Patrick CONDOLENCES We express condolences to: Yehuda Zinnreich, on the loss of his wife, Yaakova Howie Nestel on the loss of his stepfather, Julius Herschberg “May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life” yahrzeits STEVEN GOSSEN MEMORIAL FUND FOR EDUCATION In loving memory of their dear friend Steve Gossen from Nurit & Bob Jacobson In loving memory of Samuel S. Mazer, her father-in-law, from Bernice Mazer 8 Cheshvan -- November 1 Mrs. Bella Vaynberg, for Lubov Krutier Dr. Barbara Fishman, for her grandmother, Sarah Fishman 9 Cheshvan -- November 2 Mr. Leonard Holzman, for his father, Israel Holzman Dr. David Horwitz, for his father, Ben Zion Horwitz Mrs. Eleanor Siegal, for her mother, Sonia Epstein 10 Cheshvan -- November 3 Mrs. Annette Goldberg, for her father, Hyman Lazar 10 November 2014 yahrzeits 11 Cheshvan -- November 4 Mrs. Rivi Ashlag, for her father, Yitzchak Pavon Mr. Ian Lovestock, for his mother, Eleanor Lovestock Mr. Sid Sablow, for his uncle, Nathan Spector 12 Cheshvan -- November 5 Dr. Aaron Goldberg, for his mother, Susana Goldberg Mr. Dave Fisher, for his father, Aaron Fisher Mr. Ian Fisher, for his father, Aaron Fisher Mrs. Lynne Noriskin, for her father, Aaron Fisher 14 Cheshvan -- November 7 Mrs. Miriam Ashlag, for her husband, Joseph Ashlag Mr. Gershon Ashlag, for his father, Joseph Ashlag Mr. Dan Ashlag, for his father, Joseph Ashlag Mrs. Varda Ratner, for her father, Nathan Haendel 15 Cheshvan -- November 8 Dr. Leon Ghitis, for his mother, Sonia Ghitis Mr. Morry Noorily, for his mother, Rifka Noorily 16 Cheshvan -- November 9 Mrs. Lala Gossen, for her husband, Steven Gossen Mrs. Faye Tawil, for her brother, Steven Gossen 17 Cheshvan -- November 10 Dr. Michael Ozer, for his aunt, Ruth Carlin-Ozer 18 Cheshvan -- November 11 Dr. Jaime Furman, for his mother, Lore Furman Ms. Evelyn Rubinzstein, for her mother, Lore Furman 20 Cheshvan -- November 13 Mrs. Goldie Heller, for her grandmother, Bertha Cohen Mr. David Delambre, for his mother, Jacqueline Denizon 21 Cheshvan -- November 14 Mrs. Andrea Cohn, for her father, Milton Strahl Mrs. Mildred Gelfer, for her husband, Maurice Gelfer Mrs. Gloria Kenigstein, for her mother, Ida Saks 22 Cheshvan -- November 15 Mrs. Tzipi Bar Yadin, for her father, Moishe Berman Mrs. Kerry Sonsino, for her father, Arthur Gurovitsch 23 Cheshvan -- November 16 Dr. Michael Berkus, for his father, Benjamin Berkus Mr. Sol Schwartz, for his brother, Adolph Schwartz 25 Cheshvan -- November 18 Dr. Michael Berkus, for his grandmother, Jennie Cooperman November 2014 26 Cheshvan -- November 19 Mr. Craig Klein, for his father, Jack Klein 28 Cheshvan -- November 21 Mr. Israel Fogiel, for his mother, Chaya Fogiel Dr. David Trakhtenbroit, for his father, Naftali Trakhtenbroit 29 Cheshvan -- November 22 Mrs. Janice Schwartz, for her mother, Sally Belsky Mr. Charles Schwartz, for his grandmother, Sally Belsky 1 Kislev -- November 23 Dr. Joshua Stolow, for his father, Eugene Stolow Mrs. Janice Schwartz, for her husband, Robert Schwartz Mr. Charles Schwartz, for his father, Robert Schwartz Mrs. Rose Tawil, for her husband, Isaac Tawil Mrs. Gail Berg, for her father, Isaac Tawil Mrs. Norma Seeman, for her father, Isaac Tawil Mr. Aaron Tawil, for his father, Isaac Tawil Miss Joyce Tawil, for her father, Isaac Tawil 2 Kislev -- November 24 Mr. Natan Bar Yadin, for his son, Ami Bar Yadin Mrs. Tzipi Bar Yadin, for her son, Ami Bar Yadin Mr. Reuben Bar Yadin, for his brother, Ami Bar Yadin 3 Kislev -- November 25 Mrs. Raquel Holzman, for her father, Isaac Rapaport Mrs. Blanca Rapaport, for her husband, Isaac Rapaport Mr. Howard Feinberg, for his mother, Anne Feinberg Mrs. Janice Fagen, for her mother, Claire Turteltaub 4 Kislev -- November 26 Dr. Yitzhak Cohen, for his father, Arthur Cohen Mrs. Martha Finkelstein, for her mother, Manya Goldberg Mr. Sol & Mrs. Joanie Schwartz, for their son, Herbert Schwartz Ms. Jalinka Sterental, for her father, Marcos Kisner 5 Kislev -- November 27 Mr. Hyman Friedman, for his sister, Bluma Mr. Charles Schwartz, for his great-grandmother, Bella Rohr 6 Kislev -- November 28 Mr. David Eiland, for his father, William Wolf Eiland Mr. Lawrence Fagen, for his father, Meyer Fagen Dr. Rosalind Horowitz, for her mother, Fannie Hartman Horowitz Mrs. Rose Tawil, for her father, Eli Jemal 7 Kislev -- November 29 Mr. Ronen Bass, for his aunt, Shoshana Bass 8 Kislev -- November 30 Dr. Rosalind Chesler, for her father, Aaron Hyman Katz 11 Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg Assistant Rabbi Avraham Scheinberg Officers Jodi Starr, President Andrés Guariguata, 1st Vice President Bobbie Ghitis, 2nd Vice President Jonathan Starr, Treasurer Jack Avigael, Financial Secretary Margaret Gofman-Klein, Secretary NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 157 San Antonio, Texas Congregation Rodfei Sholom BULLETIN 3003 Sholom Drive San Antonio, TX 78230 Telephone: 210.493.3557 Fax: 210.492.0629 E-mail: Executive Director: Gina Zinser-Meishar Save the Date! Sunday, January 11, 2015 Rodfei Sholom Annual Fundraiser Featuring World-Renowned Cantor Isaac Helfgot Honoring: Deborah & Reuben Bar Yadin Tzipi Bar Yadin & Dr. Yaacov Herszage Rebecca & Dr. Nissim Elbaz Pearl & Israel Fogiel Diana & Pastor John Hagee Raquel & Lenny Holzman Judge Rose & Dr. Morris Spector Arlene & Dr. David Starr Event chaired by Building Committee Chairman, Dave Fisher gzm
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