PROGRAM UZBEKISTAN BEYOND THE ‘CURTAIN’. APPROACHES, FIELDWORKS AND TOPICS A conference organized by the Georgetown Washington University’s Central Asia Program (CAP) and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs Program Day 1: Thursday, June 11 09:00-10:30 Session 1. Uzbekistan’s Political Economy Alisher Ilkhamov (Open Society Foundation, London) Neopatrimonial regime and the system of corruption in Uzbekistan Russel Zanca (North-Eastern Illinois University) The relationship between government and cotton farms regarding labor migration Tommaso Trevisani (Max Planck Institute) Informal economy and national identity in Uzbekistan 10:30-10:45 Coffee break 10:45-12:15 Session 2. A Rising Field of Research. Uzbeks outside Uzbekistan Matteo Fumagalli (Central European University, Budapest) When security trumps identity: Uzbekistan, Uzbeks abroad, and the logic of severing ties Sergey Abashin (European University at St-Petersburg) Uzbeks in Russia. A new diaspora or a transnational society? Sarah Kendzior (Al-Jazeera English and CAP associate) Diaspora and dissent in Uzbekistan 12:15-13:15 Lunch Date: 11-12 June, 2015 Location: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), Drottning Kristinas väg 37 Stockholm (subway station Tekniska högskolan) Room: Leijonsköldska salen PROGRAM Program (continued) Day 1: Thursday, June 11 12:15-13:15 Lunch 13:15-16:00 Session 3. Uzbek Islam: State, Media and the Morality Sebastien Peyrouse (George Washington University) State and religion in Uzbekistan: laws, rhetoric, and the Soviet legacy Johan Rasanayagam (University of Aberdeen) Secularism and the category of religion: Should we be studying ‘Islam’ at all? Maria Louw (Aarhus University) Moral exemplars and ordinary ethics: revisiting Sufism in Bukhara 14:45-15:00 Coffee break Svetlana Peshkova (University of New Hampshire) Women, Islam, and Identity: Public Life in Private Spaces Noah Tucker ( and CAP associate) Uzbek Islam in the social media era Day 2: Friday, June 12 09:30-11:30 Session 4. Renegotiating Identities Marlene Laruelle (George Washington University) Academia and the National Identity Narrative in Uzbekistan. Structure and evolution Timur Dadabaev (Tsukuba University) Memory and Identity in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Comparative Study of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Peter Finke (University of Zurich) Be(com)ing Uzbek: Patterns of Identification and Processes of Assimilation Rano Turaeva (Max Planck Institute, Halle) Who are the We: Uzbek identity revisited 11:30-12:30 Lunch Date: 11-12 June, 2015 Location: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), Drottning Kristinas väg 37 Stockholm (subway station Tekniska högskolan) Room: Leijonsköldska salen PROGRAM Program (continued) Day 2: Friday, June 12 12:30-14:30 Session 5. The Uzbek Regime. Elite and Ideology Nicklas Norling (Institute for Security and Development Studies, Stockholm) Sharaf Rashidov's Uzbekistan: A ‘Normal’ Soviet Republic? Morgan Y. Liu (Ohio State University) Uzbek Political Thinking in the Third Decade of Independence Nick Megoran (Newcastle University) Remaking of border landscapes as a spatial manifestation of nationalist ideology Laura Adams (Harvard University) International human rights regimes and the backlash against universalism in Uzbekistan Date: 11-12 June, 2015 Location: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), Drottning Kristinas väg 37 Stockholm (subway station Tekniska högskolan) Room: Leijonsköldska salen
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