949 Clark Ave W Thornhill ON L4J 8G6 www.thornhillshul.com PHONE 905-764-1891 FAX 905-764-1606 E-Mail: theshul@aish.edu RABBI Avram Rothman 905-764-1891 x 214 (C) 416-876-0691 arothman@aish.edu www.shalomrav.ca PRESIDENT David Grabel dgrabel@rogers.com RABBI’S ASSISTANT Hadassah Hoffer 905-764-1891 x 210 hadas.hoffer@gmail.com GABBAI: Brian Callan callan.brian@gmail.com YOUTH DIRECTOR: Oren Dishy omdishy@rogers.com FINANCE: Shonna Ross 905-764-1891 x 269 sross@aish.com ADULT EDUCATION: David Schnarch schnarch@rogers.com SISTERHOOD: Susan Walton swperry@hotmail.com Doris Morris dorismorris@rogers.com BROTHERHOOD Abe Blinick ablinick@gmail.com Elliott Katz elliottrkatz@aol.com YOUTH COMMITTEE: Dalya Rothman dalyag@yahoo.com Aish Thornhill Community Shul Shabbat Bulletin – Lech Lecha October 31/ November 1, 2014 – 8 Chesvan 5775 Candle Lighting: Not Before: 5:05 pm - Not After: 5:51pm Shabbat Ends: 6:53 pm FRIDAY EVENING Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv Sanctuary 6:00 pm D’var Torah Rabbi Rothman SHABBAT MORNING IN THE MAIN SANCTUARY Midrash Shacharis Torah Service pg: 54 Haftarah pg: 1133 Rabbi’s Drasha Mussaf Announcements / Adon Olam Rabbi Rothman Rabbi Rothman David Grabel 8:15 am 8:45 am 9:45 am 10:10 am 10:30 am 11:20 am SHABBAT MORNING THROUGHOUT THE SHUL Hashkama Minyan Class & Kiddush with Rabbi Moshe Yeres Topic: The Shemittah Year Coco Club Library Minyan Post Mussaf Classes – See Page 2 Kiddush Library Jerusalem Hall Moriah Room Library Jerusalem Hall 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am ~11:20 am ~12:20 pm SHABBAT AFTERNOON /GINZBURG LEARNING CENTRE Classes Mincha Shalosh Seuda Maariv - Tzaitz HaCochavim (‘Night fall’ or 3 stars) Havdalah - following Maariv Sanctuary Jerusalem Hall Sanctuary MAZAL TOV Ken Grayson on the Bar Mitzvah of his son Avi ~ Zack & Liat Garelick on the birth of their son ~ Rony & Corrine Marian on the birth of their grandson born to Vanessa & Daniel Miller ~ Peter and Marilyn Somers on the birth of a granddaughter born to Neil and Tova Somers 4:35 pm 5:35 pm 6:05 pm 6:53 pm THANK YOU TO OUR CHAZZANIM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY Ken Grayson in honour of Avi’s Bar Mitzvah. & Zack & Liat Garelick in honour of the Bris of their son & Ilana Hoffer & Family in memory of her father Don Sherman z”l SHALOSH SEUDA SPONSORED BY HASHKAMA KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY Jerry & Marilyn Saltzman in memory of Jerry’s father Yehuda Leib ben Dovid HaKohen TO SPONSOR KIDDUSH OR SHALOSH SEUDA PLEASE CONTACT HADASSAH AT 905-764-1891 EXT 210. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED NO LATER THAN 6 PM TUESDAY. TO SPONSOR HASHKAMA KIDDUSH CONTACT DAVID GRABEL AT DGRABEL@ROGERS.COM CLASSES DURING MUSSAF BEGIN ~ 10:30 AM 2ND FLOOR UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED GIRLS GROUP GR 4 + Davening, Parsha , Games and Kiddush Carmel Room Talia & Michal BACKSTAGE PASS Behind the Ethical Teachings of Judaism Conference Avraham Kleiman Rm Ephraim Silver THE PARSHA Understanding the Weekly Torah Portion, Moriah Room Dr. Michael PERSPECTIVE with Focus on Personal Development Kirzner GINZBURG LEARNING CENTRE: POST MUSSAF CLASSES BEGIN ~ 11:25 AM CLASSES END ~ 12:15 PM WHAT THE ANGEL Understanding who you are & what is expected; Moriah Dr. Michael Kirzner TAUGHT ME from the teachings of Rav Noach Weinberg zt”l Room CLASS The War of Gog & Magog Sanctuary Rabbi Avram Rothman GUY’S THING Controversial Issues discussed weekly Jerusalem Dr. M Rothman / Hall Rabbi Mitch Mandel DEPTH OF THE A Journey through the extraordinary writings of Zion Room Rabbi Yair Spitz MALBIM the Rabbi know as the Malbim ALL CLASSROOM ARE ON THE THE TALMUD Advanced text based THE CHASIDIC MASTERS How Chasidic leaders view the holidays & seasons Are you In? OR Are you Out? JEWISH Jerusalem Hall Conference Room Library 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:25 am 11:25 pm 11:25 am 11:25 am Dr. Alex Pister 11:25 pm Dr. Martin Levin 11:25 am Rabbi Stuart Haber QUESTION DON’T FORGET TO MOVE YOUR CLOCKS BACK SATURDAY NIGHT Halacha of the Week: Shabbat Starts Early! As of late Motzoei Shabbat this week the clocks are set to be turned back one hour. As always, we approach the winter and turn our clocks back one hour for, what we are told, a way to conserve energy. Notwithstanding what we are told are benefits to us, there are a few pitfalls in regard to Halacha and the clock change that should be reviewed. For the most part, the most significant changes are that “morning” in a halachic framework becomes later and the start of Shabbat becomes considerably earlier. On a daily basis those getting up early to pray with a minyan will find that it is not possible to recite brachot on Talis and Tefilin because, halacha does not consider it daytime. One needs to take care in watching the clock to be sure that they do not say a bracha on their Talit, Tzitzit or Tefilin before the time that Halacha considers daybreak. As for the start of Shabbat, not only do we need to make a real point of arriving home in time to properly prepare before Shabbat, but also to enter into an appropriate frame of mind. Not to mention, we have to be careful to not begin a meal within 90 minutes of Shabbat, not travel outside the city after mid-day and to be sure all of our food preparation has been done, including seeing that all food is placed for warming early enough to be ready before sunset. Being ready for Shabbat in the winter can sometimes be challenging. Nevertheless, one needs to prioritize their time and be sure that they have accomplished what is needed and have the proper frame of mind to enter Shabbat as the holy and special day it is. WEEKDAY DAVENING TIMES : SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2 – FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 SHACHARIT: SUNDAY CLOCKS BACK LIBRARY 8:00 AM SHACHARIT: MONDAY – FRIDAY LIBRARY 6:45 AM MINCHA/ MAARIV: SUNDAY- THURSDAY LIBRARY 4:55 PM SHABBAT TIMES - NOVEMBER 7/8 - PARSHA: VAYERA FRIDAY - MINCHA/ KABBALAT SHABBAT/ MAARIV CANDLE LIGHTING SANCTUARY 4:50 PM NOT BEFORE: NOT AFTER: SHABBAT ENDS: 3:58 PM 4:42 PM 5:45 PM WEEKDAY MORNING CLASSES LIBRARY: NEW- FOUNDATIONS OF JEWISH THOUGH AND ETHICS WITH RABBI AVRAM ROTHMAN SUNDAY MONDAY - THURSDAY WEDNESDAY LIBRARY: MISHNA WITH RABBI COHEN & RAMBAMS MISHNA TORAH WITH RABBI S. SCHWARTZ CONFERENCE ROOM: PARSHA PERSPECTIVE FOR WOMEN WITH RABBI ROTHMAN 8:45 am 6:00 am 7:30 am 10:00 am WEEKDAY EVENING CLASSES MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY TUES. NOV 4 CONFERENCE ROOM: HALACHOS WITH RABBI M. COHEN 7:30 pm LIBRARY: WEEKLY PARSHA WITH RABBI BREITOWITZ 9:00 pm HOME GROUP: THE FIRST CONQUEST OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL WITH RABBI DAVID OSTRIKER CONFERENCE ROOM: Q & A WITH RABBI ROTHMAN CLASS & 11 MINI SERIES FOR WOMEN SUNDAY MORNING SERIES 6:00 pm 8:00 pm YOUTH DEPARTMENT- SHABBAT PROGRAMS All programs begin at 10:00 am Baby sitting is provided for preschool children at 9:00 am Preschool Shoshana, Gabriella, Circle Time Davening, Parsha, Lower Level Multi Purpose room Shulamit, Elkah Games, Stories & Kiddsuh Junior Girls- grades 1 - 3 Chana Davening, Parsha Games, Kiddush North Side Lower Level Social Hall Junior Boys – grades 1 -3 Yehuda, Avery Davening, Parsha Games, Kiddush South Side Lower Level Social Hall Senior Girls - grades 4 -7 Davening, Parsha Games, Kiddush nd 2 Flr Carmel Room Senior Boys – grades 4 - 7 Ezra H, Sammy, Davening, Parsha Games, Kiddush East Room Lower Level YOUTH KIDDUSH WINGS SPONSORED BY MORRIS & CELESTE REEF IN MEMORY OF HER MOTHER CHAYA GITA BAT YAAKOV THANK YOU FOR THE NEW TOYS A special thank you to Mrs. Olga Sverdlova for her generous donation to the Youth Department. The donation was made in honour of her son Lior’s 10th Birthday Because of her generosity we were able to purchase new toys for our Shabbat programs Thank you again, and Happy Birthday Lior THIS SHABBAT THIS SUNDAY
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