User Guide Landscape Planner Landscape Planner User Guide Table of Contents 1. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1. About Landscape Planner ....................................................................................................... 3 1.2. Technical Advantages of Landscape Planner ......................................................................... 3 1.3. Who Should Read This Guide ................................................................................................. 3 1.4. A Quick Tour ............................................................................................................................ 4 2. Accessing Landscape Planner ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Runtime Prerequisites ............................................................................................................. 5 3. Exploring System Landscape ........................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Systems Available on Your Landscape ................................................................................... 6 Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2. SAP Solution Manager System Details ................................................................................... 7 3.3. Modeling Status of Systems .................................................................................................... 7 3.4. Identifying System Dependencies ........................................................................................... 8 4. Updating a System ......................................................................................................................... 10 5. Installing a New System ................................................................................................................. 12 6. Validating and Releasing a Landscape Plan ................................................................................. 14 7. Simulating a Fiori Solution.............................................................................................................. 15 8. Reference Links ............................................................................................................................. 16 9. Support ........................................................................................................................................... 16 2 Landscape Planner User Guide 1. Getting Started 1.1. About Landscape Planner SAP provides the flexibility to implement various components of SAP Business Suite, SAP BusinessObjects and SAP NetWeaver within a landscape. In such a complex landscape, there exist an increasing number of dependencies between each component. Planning any changes to such a landscape is difficult without accurate information on system dependencies. Landscape Planner is a browser based tool that helps IT administrators efficiently plan and implement changes to a landscape (that is: install a new system, update or upgrade). It helps identify the dependencies between systems in a landscape, and understand the impact of system changes on the landscape. 1.2. Technical Advantages of Landscape Planner • Enables planning landscape changes using accurate landscape data that it obtains from the customer profile. Thus, it leads to faster decision making. For example, the tool provides accurate information on all update or upgrade options that are available for a particular system. Thereby, it helps reduce the effort that you need to perform an update or upgrade. • Helps identify and evaluate changes to the landscape before implementing it. Thereby, reduces the risk of a change. For example, the tool provides accurate information on system dependencies. This information is critical to efficiently perform an update or upgrade activity. • Provides information on inconsistent landscape data (systems that are wrongly modeled in SAP Solution Manager). 1.3. Who Should Read This Guide This guide is intended for IT administrators or SAP consultants who are responsible for planning and implementing updates, upgrades, and new system installations. 3 Landscape Planner User Guide 1.4. A Quick Tour The figure below shows a typical process involved in the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), and the role of Landscape Planner. In ALM, Landscape Planner helps you plan a system update or upgrade, and to generate a landscape plan. You can use this landscape plan in Maintenance Optimizer (MOPz) to generate a stack.xml file. Figure 1: Application Lifecycle Management The image above depicts the Application Lifecycle Management cycle with the various processes involved. Each stage is briefly described below, starting at SLD: • Register the technical systems in System Landscape Data (SLD), which then synchronizes its data into the Landscape Management Database (LMDB). • In the LMDB, you create product systems. LMDB uploads both technical and product system information to the Customer Profile data available in the SAP Support Portal. • Landscape Planner uses this data, and allows you to plan any changes to your landscape. • Landscape plan that you generate using Landscape Planner describes these changes. • You can now import the landscape plan into Maintenance Optimizer (MOPz) as a basis of a new maintenance transaction. MOPz creates a stack.xml file that is consumed by the Software Update Manager (SUM). Note: If you are looking for more detailed information, this graphic is also available on the home page of Landscape Planner, and serves as an interactive way to find documentation of each step. 4 Landscape Planner User Guide 2. Accessing Landscape Planner Landscape Planner is a hosted application on SAP Service Marketplace (SMP). To access Landscape Planner: 1. Go to 2. Login with your SAP credentials (S – user) 2.1. Runtime Prerequisites 1. You have installed Google Chrome or Internet Explorer (version 9 and above) browser on your system. 2. Your SAP Solution Manager system is of release 7.0 SP 23 or above. 3. You have implemented the SAP Notes 1646604 and 1783371 on the SAP Solution Manager system. This note identifies the Solution Manager that sends the system landscape data to Landscape Planner. 4. You have implemented the SAP Note 1743695. This note allows the Maintenance Optimizer (MOPz) to consume the landscape plan generated from Landscape Planner. Note: If your SAP Solution Manager system is of release 7.1 SP 06 or above, you need not implement the above notes. You must see Import Landscape Plan button on the home screen of maintenance optimizer (MOPz) after you have successfully implemented this note. If you cannot see Import Landscape Plan button even after implementing the note, check if you have assigned a business partner role to this user: To assign a business partner role: 1) In the SAP Solution Manager system, go to the transaction /nbp_gen. 2) Add your SAP Solution Manager system. 3) Chose the user by double clicking on the User. 4) In the menu panel, choose Edit Create business partner 5. You must ensure that Landscape Fetch job is running on your SAP Solution Manager system. This is necessary to synchronize your system information with the SAP Portal. For more information, see: 5/content.htm 5 Landscape Planner User Guide 3. Exploring System Landscape 3.1. Systems Available on Your Landscape You can use the Landscape Planner tool to identify all systems that are available on your landscape. Procedure 1. Access Landscape Planner. Go to and login with your SAP credentials (S – user). 2. Choose Systems tab. The tool displays all the systems that are available on your landscape. In addition, it also displays the name of the technical system and the system type (ABAP, JAVA, Dual Stack, HANA DB, and so on.) Tip: Click on the search icon product version. , to search for a particular system based on the product name or 3. Choose a particular system. The Landscape Planner opens the Plan Area of that system. On this screen the Landscape Planner tool provides information on the system ID, product instances, product version, the system type (ABAP, JAVA, and Dual Stack), the software components installed on the system, and so on. Example: For technical system B15 - the system type is ABAP; the product is SAP SRM; the SAP Solution Manager system name is S17; the SAP Solution Manager release is 710-0008 Note: The current version of Landscape Planner does not support viewing more than 500 systems in the row view. 6 Landscape Planner User Guide 3.2. SAP Solution Manager System Details For each system on your landscape, the Landscape Planner tool provides information about the SAP Solution Manager systems that replicates data of that particular system into the customer profile. This information includes the name of the SAP Solution Manager system and its release. Example: The technical system B15 is replicated from SAP Solution Manager system S17 In addition, the Landscape Planner tool also provides information on the database host, and the database type of a particular system. You need to personalize your settings to view these details (SAP Solution Manager system, database host, database type, and so on.) 1. Choose Personalize on home page of Landscape Planner. 2. Select the attributes or filters that you like to see. 3. Choose Save Note: If you are viewing the SAP systems that are available on your landscape in Table View, you can only sort columns that are available as default attributes or filters values in personalize screen. 3.3. Modeling Status of Systems The Landscape Planner tool provides you with the information on modeling status for any particular system that you have installed in your landscape. You can use Landscape Planner to identify all systems that you have incorrectly modeled in the SAP Solution Manager system. 1. Access Landscape Planner. Go to and login with your SAP credentials (S – user). 2. Choose Systems tab. 3. In the Modeling Status filter, choose Error. The tool displays only those systems that are wrongly modeled in the SAP Solution Manager system. These systems are incorrectly modeled in SAP Solution Manager system for various reasons, and as a result an error is displayed. For more information on the error, choose the Error icon displayed on the system. Example: The technical system B05 is incorrectly modeled in the SAP Solution Manager system S16 7 Landscape Planner User Guide 3.4. Identifying System Dependencies For any system that is available on your landscape, you can use Landscape Planner tool to identify all its dependent systems provided that you have correctly modeled these dependencies in LMDB. Refer to the below table for some examples on system dependencies. Procedure 1. Access Landscape Planner. Go to and login with your SAP credentials (S – user) 2. Choose the Systems tab. 4. Choose a system. The Landscape Planner opens the Plan Area of that system. 3. Choose Dependencies Dependency Meaning The system that is directly dependent to your chosen system. For example: ERP backend (HCM) system and a Portal system are directly dependent to each other. Product Maintenance : Direct Note: If you choose Direct Dependency for a Java system which is a hub connected to more than one other backend systems, the plan area displays only one system at a time. Choose Direct Dependency again and select any of the back end systems to view direct dependencies for each of it. All systems those are directly dependent to your chosen system. Product Maintenance : ALL For example: ERP systems connected to a Portal system, which in turn is connected to a CRM backend system. 8 Landscape Planner User Guide Example: ABAP technical system PRO has a direct dependency with JAVA technical system EP3. Product instances EHP6 for SAP ERP 6.0 and SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 are common to both these technical systems. Tip: Use the Navigation Panel available at bottom of the page to move horizontally across the screen. 9 Landscape Planner User Guide 4. Updating a System The Landscape Planner tool allows you to efficiently perform an update or upgrade activity on any system installed on your landscape. The tool provides all the update or upgrade options that are available for the system that you choose. By executing the below procedure, you can use Landscape Planner tool to simulate an update or upgrade activity on any of the systems, and evaluate the impact of this update or upgrade activity on other dependent systems. Procedure 1. Access Landscape Planner Go to and login with your SAP credentials (S – user). 2. Choose Systems tab 3. From the systems that are displayed, choose a system that you want to update or upgrade. Tip: You can use the search icon product version. to search for a system based on the product name or 4. Update the system In the Plan Area, choose Update displayed on top of the system. 5. In the pop-up, choose from the update or upgrade options that are available for this system, For example: You can choose the target software level, product, product version, stack level, technical usages, and so on, for the system that you want to update. 6. Choose the Finish icon to save this activity as a landscape plan. 7. Choose the Save icon 8. Provide a name to the landscape plan and choose OK. Note: The Update icon displayed across a component (product instances, software components or technical system), indicates that the component needs to be updated due to your desired landscape changes. The Installed icon , displayed across a component, indicates that the component is to be newly installed due to your desired landscape changes. 10 Landscape Planner User Guide You have now simulated an update or upgrade activity for a particular system. Now, you can evaluate the impact of this update or upgrade activity on the system landscape. 9. Choose Transactions from the menu panel. 10. Choose the landscape plan that you have created. This landscape plan opens in the Plan Area. Tip: Use the filters Created by or Modified by to easily identify your landscape plan. 11. Choose Dependencies. Dependency Meaning The system that is directly dependent to your chosen system. For example: ERP backend (HCM) system and a Portal system are directly dependent to each other. Note: If you choose Direct Dependency for a Java system which is a hub connected to more than one other backend systems, the plan area displays only one system at a time. Choose Direct Dependency again and select any of the back end systems to view direct dependencies for each of it. Product Maintenance : Direct The systems that are directly and indirectly connected to the chosen system are displayed. For Example: For a Java system which is a hub connected to more than one backend systems, the plan area displays all systems (direct and indirect). Product Maintenance : ALL Tip: Use the Navigation Panel available at the bottom of the page to move horizontally across the screen. 11 Landscape Planner User Guide 5. Installing a New System By executing the below procedure, you can use Landscape Planner to simulate and evaluate the impact of installing a new system on your landscape. Note: 1. The current release of Landscape Planner only supports installing a new single ABAP system. 2. Please refer to the simplified Unified Consumption Experience for new system installation: Procedure 1. Access Landscape Planner. Go to and login with your SAP credentials. 2. Click the icon to simulate an installation in your landscape. 3. In the popup, choose from the installation options that are available for this new system. For example: You can choose the target software level, product, product version, stack level, technical usages, and so on. 4. Choose the Finish icon 5. Choose the Save icon to save this activity as a landscape plan. 6. Provide a name to the landscape plan and choose OK. Note: The icon displayed across a component (product instances, software components or technical system), indicates that the component is updated due to installing a new system on the landscape. The icon , displayed across a component, indicates that the component is newly installed due to installing a new system. You have now simulated a new installation on your landscape. For evaluating the impact of this system on the landscape, 7. Choose Transactions from the menu bar. 8. Choose the landscape plan that you created for the new system. The landscape plan opens in the Plan Area. Tip: Use the filters Created by or Modified by to easily identify your landscape plan. 9. Choose Dependencies to view all systems impacted due to this new installation. Dependency Meaning 12 Landscape Planner User Guide The system that is directly dependent to your chosen system. Product Maintenance : Direct For example: ERP backend (HCM) system and a Portal system are directly dependent to each other. All systems those are directly dependent to your chosen system. Product Maintenance : ALL For example: ERP systems connected to a Portal system, which in turn is connected to a CRM backend system. Tip: Use the Navigation Panel available at the bottom of the page to move horizontally across the screen. Note: You cannot use a landscape plan for new installations in maintenance optimizer to generate a stack.xml file. 13 Landscape Planner User Guide 6. Validating and Releasing a Landscape Plan You can validate and release the landscape changes, and use this information in maintenance optimizer (MOPz) to generate a stack.html file for your planned changes. Procedure 1. Click on the Actions icon and choose Finalize Landscape Plan. If the validation is successful, the message ‘The validation check is performed successfully’ is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Else, if validation fails, check the log by clicking the log icon You can withdraw this landscape plan. Click on the Actions icon in the menu bar and choose the option Withdraw landscape plan, and redo your planning with other update options. 2. Once validated, you can download the landscape plan in PDF format. To do so, click the Actions icon and choose Download Landscape Plan. This PDF document provides you with the information on both, the current status of your landscape, and also the overview of changes that you have planned for your landscape. 3. Set landscape plan for approval. After the system validates your landscape plan, if you wish to have your landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by a business expert, click the Actions icon in the menu bar and choose Set landscape Plan for approval. The status of the landscape plan is set to Pending approval. 4. Release the landscape plan for implementation. To release a landscape plan, and to generate a stack.xml file (in Maintenance Optimizer) for these landscape changes, click the Actions icon in the menu bar and choose Release Landscape Plan. The tool now loads the landscape plan, with status Released, to the Change Management work center of SAP Solution Manager. Note: The release option is only available if the current status of the landscape plan is Pending approval. 14 Landscape Planner User Guide 7. Simulating a Fiori Solution You can plan and simulate one or more Fiori solutions on Landscape Planner. The process flow of simulating a process flow is shown below: Figure 2: Process flow- Simulating a Fiori solution Procedure 1. Click the installation options solution on the top left corner, and choose Select to simulate a Fiori Result: The list of Fiori solutions available is displayed 2. From the list, choose the relevant Fiori solutions or a Fiori solution stack to be implemented in your landscape. Result: Other Fiori Solutions which can run on the same system for the above selected solution are listed 3. Select the solutions that need to be implemented and click the button Plan and Simulate. 4. Two views are provided for supporting the planning activity: Component view: Provides details on the software component requirements. Deployment view: Provides different deployment patterns available for implementation in the landscape. Figure 5 – Component vi ew On choosing the desir ed deployment pattern, sel ect the s ystem for i mplementing the s oftwar e c ompon Choos e fr om the list choose the relevant Fiori s olutions to be i mpl emented i n your l ands cape Choos e fr om the list choose the relevant Fiori s olutions to be i mpl emented i n your l ands cape 5. On choosing the desired deployment pattern, select the system for implementing the software components. Note: Target system can be existing systems in landscape or choose new system for the implementation 6. Once you have selected a target system, you can visualize the impact by clicking the button Click to visualize impact 7. Click the save button to save the changes for later use. 8. You can follow the remaining steps as described in the section Validating and Releasing a Landscape Plan 15 Landscape Planner User Guide 8. Reference Links About Landscape Planner: About UCE (SAP SCN): Unified Consumption Experience user guide: About SUM: 9. Support In case of issues, open a message on the CSN component BC-UPG-LP Alternatively, for any other queries or concerns, mail us at by mentioning the customer number in the mail body. 16 Landscape Planner User Guide © Copyright 2014 SAP SE. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. 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The Code is only intended better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the Code given herein, and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the usage of the Code, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent. Disclaimer Some components of this product are based on Java™. Any code change in these components may cause unpredictable and severe malfunctions and is therefore expressively prohibited, as is any decompilation of these components. Any Java™ Source Code delivered with this product is only to be used by SAP’s Support Services and may not be modified or altered in any way. 17
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