UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN TRINITY COLLEGE Commencements schedule and information for Summer 2014 to Spring 2015 University of Dublin Trinity College SUMMER COMMENCEMENTS 2014 Date Friday, June 20 *** Thursday, June 26 Friday, June 27 ** 10:00 am M.B.; B.Ch.; B.A.O. (and B.A. for these professional candidates). Medicine 10.00 am B.A. Moderators in Geology B.Dent.Sc. (and B.A. for these professional candidates). Dental Science B.Dent.Tech. Dental Technology B.S.S. Social Studies B.Sc. (Syst. Inf.) Information Systems 1.00 pm B.Sc. (Clin.Lang.) Clinical Speech and Language Studies B.Sc. (Cur.Occ.) Occupational Therapy B.Sc. (Physio.) Physiotherapy B.Sc. (Ther.Rad.) Radiation Therapy 11.00 am Higher Degrees – M.A. and Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculties of Engineering, Mathematics and Science and Health Sciences. 4.00 pm Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences. 3.00 pm Higher DegreesDoctorates. Honorary Degrees. LATEST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLETED NOTICE OF CANDIDATURE IS MAY 9, 2014 It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on numbers presenting. ** Commencements dinner held on this evening. *** An additional ceremony may be held on this day. University of Dublin Trinity College AUTUMN COMMENCEMENTS 2014* Date Thursday, October 30 Friday, October 31 Monday, November 3 10.15 am B.A. Moderators in Classics; European Studies; History; History and Political Science; Philosophy; Mental and Moral Science; Philosophy and Political Science; Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology. 1.15 pm B.A. Moderators in Biochemistry; Biochemistry with Structural Biology; Environmental Sciences; Functional Biology; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Medicine; Plant Sciences; Zoology. 10.15 am B.A. Moderators in Drama and Theatre Studies; Early and Modern Irish; English Studies; Irish Studies; Music; Psychology; World Religions and Theology. 1.15 pm B.A. Moderators in Chemistry; Chemistry with Molecular Modelling; Medicinal Chemistry; Neuroscience; Physics; Physics and Astrophysics; Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials; Physiology; Theoretical Physics. 1.15 pm B.A. Moderators in Computer Science M.C.S. (& B.A. for these professional candidates) Computer Science B.A.I. (& B.A. for these professional candidates) Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; Electronic and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. M.A.I. (St) (& B.A.I. & B.A. for these professional candidates) Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; Electronic and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. B.Sc. (Ing.) Engineering with Management M.A.I. (St) (& B.Sc. (Ing.) for these professional candidates) Engineering with Management 10.15 am B.A. Moderators in Ancient and Medieval History and Culture; Business and Computing; Computer Science, Linguistics and German; Computer Science, Linguistics and Modern Irish; Earth Sciences; Geography; Genetics ; Human Genetics; Management Science and Information Systems Studies; Mathematics; Political Science and Geography. University of Dublin Trinity College AUTUMN COMMENCEMENTS 2014* Tuesday, November 4 10.15 am B.A. Moderators in Two-Subject Moderatorship. (Surname A- L) 1.15 pm B.A. Moderators in Two-Subject Moderatorship. (Surname M-Z) 10.15 am 1.15 pm Thursday, November 6 Higher Degrees Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Arts, programs in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Health Sciences and Sciences. Engineering, Mathematics and Science. 10.15 am 1.15 pm Friday, November 7 Higher Degrees Higher Degrees M.A.; M.B.A.; LL.M.; Doctorates. M.Phil. (Peace Studies); M.Phil. (Ecum). LATEST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLETED NOTICE OF CANDIDATURE IS SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on numbers presenting. *Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies. University of Dublin Trinity College WINTER COMMENCEMENTS 2014* Date Friday, November 28 Monday, December 1 Tuesday, December 2 Wednesday, December 3 ** Thursday, December 4 10.15 am LL.B. Law LL.B. (Ling. Franc.) Law and French LL.B. (Ling. Germ.) Law and German 1.15 pm LL.B. (B.S.) Law and Business LL.B. (Pol. Sc.) Law and Political Science B.B.S. (Lang.) Business Studies and French; Business Studies and German; Business Studies and Polish; Business Studies and Russian; Business Studies and Spanish; B.B.S. Business 10.15 am B.A. Moderators in Economic and Social Studies (Surname A-L) Sociology and Social Policy; B.Histr. Acting 10.15 am B.Sc. (Cur) General Nursing 1.15 pm B.A. Moderators in Economic and Social Studies (Surname M-Z) B.A. Moderators – all Faculties Other Professional Degrees 10.15 am B.St.Su. Deaf Studies B.Sc. (Hom. Val.) Human Health and Disease B.Sc. (Pharm.) Pharmacy 10.15 am B.Ed. Church of Ireland College of Education; Marino Institute of Education; B.Mus.Ed. Music Education 1.15 pm B.Sc. (A.Obs.) Midwifery B.Sc. (Cur) Intellectual Disability Nursing Psychiatric Nursing 1.15 pm Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Dublin Trinity College WINTER COMMENCEMENTS 2014* 11.00 am 3.00 pm Higher Degrees- M.A. and Friday, December 5 Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) Doctorates; programs in the Faculties of Honorary Degrees. Health Sciences and Engineering, Mathematics and Science. LATEST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLETED NOTICE OF CANDIDATURE IS OCTOBER 10, 2014 It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on numbers presenting. *Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies. **It may be necessary to hold an additional ceremony on this day. University of Dublin Trinity College SPRING COMMENCEMENTS 2015* Date Wednesday, April 8** 10.15 am B.Sc. (Cur) Children's and General Nursing. All other Bachelor Degrees. Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Thursday, April 9 Friday, April 10 10.15 am Higher Degrees Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science. 1.15 pm Higher Degrees M.Phil. Master in Philosophy programs in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies. 10.15 am Higher Degrees Other Masters (research and taught) programs in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies. 1.15 pm Higher Degrees M.A.; Doctorates. LATEST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLETED NOTICE OF CANDIDATURE IN FEBRUARY 27, 2015 It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on numbers presenting. *Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies. **It may be necessary to hold an additional ceremony on this day. UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SHEET PLEASE RETAIN THIS INFORMATION SHEET AS IT WILL ANSWER MANY OF YOUR COMMENCEMENTS QUERIES GENERAL PROCEDURES AT COMMENCEMENTS Degrees are publicly conferred, in the student’s registered name within degree class, by the Chancellor, or a Pro- Chancellor of the University in the Public Theatre (Examination Hall), Front Square, Trinity College. The ceremony is known as Commencements and is conducted in Latin. Each ceremony normally lasts for approximately one hour. 1. NOTICE REQUIRED FOR CONFERRING OF DEGREES When the results of a degree examination have been published or approved by the University Council and College Board, successful candidates who seek to have degrees conferred upon them at a particular Commencements ceremony must give notice on the prescribed form. The Student & Graduate Records Team issues application packs, known as Notice of Candidature packs, annually by email to all registered undergraduate final year students and postgraduate students. Forms must be returned to the Student & Graduate Records Team by close of business on the appropriate closing date stated below: Summer 2014: Friday, May 9, 2014 Autumn 2014: Friday, September 19, 2014 Winter 2014: Friday, October 10, 2014 Spring 2015: Friday, February 27, 2015 Candidates are advised that closing dates are very strictly adhered to, and late applicants will not be admitted to the selected ceremony; they may, however, be admitted to the next available commencements session. Provisional application (i.e. ‘Conditional Notice’) can be made to the Student & Graduate Records Team prior to the publication of results; however, results must be published no later than 14 days prior to the start date of the Commencements session in order for the applicant to proceed with conferral. Students with results under appeal are advised not to proceed to Commencements until the appeal is concluded. 2. DEGREES IN ABSENTIA Graduands may under special circumstances be allowed to proceed to their degree(s) without presenting in person. Normally such permission is granted only to candidates resident outside the island of Ireland (32 counties), or to candidates resident in Ireland who submit in writing reasons for nonattendance with their application. The Student & Graduate Records Team will issue by registered post the parchment(s) to those graduates conferred in absentia. Alternatively, graduates who wish to collect their parchment(s) in person should contact the Student & Graduate Records Team directly ( Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Telephone: +353.1.896.1448 / 896.1218; Fax: +353.1.6716476; Email: Page 1 of 5 UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SHEET 3. DEGREE OF MASTER IN ARTS (M.A.) A Bachelor of the University of Dublin of at least three years’ standing may proceed to the degree of Master in Arts (M.A.). The appropriate Notice of Candidature form, obtainable directly from the Student & Graduate Records Team, should be completed and returned with the appropriate fee. The fee is waived in the case of graduates of 50 or more years’ standing. 4. DIPLOMATES UPGRADING TO A MASTERS A student who exits with a Postgraduate Diploma but who returns at a later date to complete the credit leading to the relevant Masters Degree, will be required to rescind the Postgraduate Diploma before being conferred with the Masters Degree. Following completion of the Masters requirements, the student will be required to notify the Registrar of his/her intention to rescind the Postgraduate Diploma and have the credit obtained during the Postgraduate Diploma integrated into the Masters Degree. This notification must be submitted by form to the Student & Graduate Records Team with the completed Notice of Candidature. The student will be required to submit the original Postgraduate Diploma and/or any duplicates that have been issued. 5. PAYMENT Payment of the Commencement fee must be made at the time of application if not already completed at Registration. The fee can be paid to the Student & Graduate Records Team by credit /debit card. Payments made by credit card require the card holder to provide their credit card number; the expiry date; and the credit verification value (CVV), which is a three-digit code typically imprinted at the end of the signature panel on the reverse of the card. Payment can also be made by cheque/postal or money order/banker’s draft drawn in favour of TCD No. 1 account. Cash payments cannot be accepted. Candidates will not be permitted to proceed with conferral until all amounts due by them to the College have been paid in full (including debts in respect of Library, accommodation, and fees etc.). All payments must be made at least 14 days before the start date of the applicable Commencements. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF CANDIDATURE The Student & Graduate Records Team will acknowledge receipt of all completed Notice of Candidature forms, normally within 14 days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement please contact the Student & Graduate Records Team immediately. Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Telephone: +353.1.896.1448 / 896.1218; Fax: +353.1.6716476; Email: Page 2 of 5 UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SHEET 7. DRESS AT COMMENCEMENTS All candidates must rigorously adhere to the following dress code: • • Men must wear dinner jackets or full evening wear (tuxedo), white shirt, black or white bow tie (clergy or military excepted), hood and gown. Cap is optional. Women must wear black or white (clergy or military excepted), or a combination of both (black and/or white), hood and gown. Cap is optional. Please note that candidates who do not comply with the above dress code will be normally denied permission to proceed with conferral on the day. If candidates are to receive more than one degree, the hood and gown of the senior degree will be worn. Advice on seniority of degrees may be obtained from the Student & Graduate Records Team. 8. HIRING OF ACADEMICALS/DRESS WEAR Candidates wishing to hire academicals and/or dress wear should apply online at Academical dress may be collected/returned to Armstrong & Oxford, located in the Atrium, up to 2 hours prior to and 2 hours after the ceremony on the day of Commencements. All enquiries regarding the hire and/or collection of academicals should be made directly to Armstrong & Oxford, by emailing Further details may also be obtained at The charges (inclusive of VAT) are as follows: Bachelor’s Set (hood, cap and gown) Master’s Set (hood, cap and gown) Doctor’s Set (hood, cap and gown) €35 €40 €45 Academicals must be returned after each ceremony to the supplier. Any enquiries regarding the hire and/or collection of dress wear should be made directly to Tangos Dress Hire, 5 Upper Fownes Street, Dublin 2 by emailing or by telephoning +353 (0)1 677 3375. Further details may be obtained at . Dress Wear (dress suit and bow tie): €42.00; Shirt and Cufflinks €13.00 Dress wear must be returned after each ceremony to the supplier, otherwise an additional overnight charge of €10.00 will apply. Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Telephone: +353.1.896.1448 / 896.1218; Fax: +353.1.6716476; Email: Page 3 of 5 UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SHEET 9. PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES AT COMMENCEMENTS Candidates for all degrees, other than doctorates, take the seat bearing their name in the Public Theatre no later than 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony. Candidates for doctoral degrees present themselves in the ante-room of the Board Room (entrance through House No. 1, Front Square) at least 20 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony, and will walk in procession to the Public Theatre. Candidates will have their role during the ceremony explained prior to the start of the ceremony beginning. Candidates who fail to arrive in time may be refused admission to the ceremony. 10. GUESTS AT COMMENCEMENTS A ticket for two guests will be issued by post at least one week prior to the ceremony. Tickets for overseas candidates will not be posted but held in the Student & Graduate Records Team, for collection. Only ticket holders will be admitted to the ceremony in the first instance. No provision can be made for the issue of extra guest tickets. Children are welcome to attend the ceremony as invited guests and will be allocated a seat on the basis of a guest ticket. To avoid disturbance to other guests, we kindly ask that children be taken out of the Public Theatre should they become restless or distressed. In the interests of safety, prams/buggies will not be permitted in the Public Theatre. 11. COMMENCEMENTS RECEPTION A reception is normally held immediately following each Commencement ceremony. Candidates will be advised of the venue on the day. 12. CAR PARKING Parking is not available on campus except for candidates or guests with a disability and/or impaired mobility. Those requiring parking on this basis may enter through Lincoln Place Gate and park in the Front Square as directed by College Security Staff. All other candidates are advised to park in the public parking facilities located in close proximity to the campus. The Park Rite Car Park in Fleet Street has agreed to provide parking at the special College rate of €2 an hour or €10 (max) per day for individuals presenting a Commencements ticket. 13. PHOTOGRAPHY AT COMMENCEMENTS The University has appointed Lafayette Photography to provide a photography/parchment framing service to graduates on the days of Commencements ceremonies. Lafayette Photography may be contacted either on the day at their indoor studio in College, or preferably beforehand by telephoning +353 (0)1 429 5740 or emailing Further details may be obtained at Candidates and their guests are advised that a number of independent, unauthorised photographers may operate within the College grounds. These photographers have no official status and candidates are warned that they avail of their services at their own risk. Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Telephone: +353.1.896.1448 / 896.1218; Fax: +353.1.6716476; Email: Page 4 of 5 UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SHEET 14. CANDIDATES WITH A DISABILITY Candidates are requested to advise the Student & Graduate Records Team in advance if they or their guests require wheelchair access to the Public Theatre on the day of conferral. Sign language interpreting services can be provided for the candidate upon request to the Student & Graduate Records Team. Requests should be made at least one month in advance of the ceremony date. 15. MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones must be switched off before entering the Public Theatre. 16. TESTIMONIUMS OF DEGREES Degree parchments are presented in Latin to candidates for degrees at Commencements. Requests for the English translation of degree parchments and/or the verification of photocopies of parchments should be made to the Student & Graduate Records Team in advance. The degree parchment is a valuable document that cannot be re-issued if misplaced or destroyed – it should remain in safe possession. A duplicate degree certificate may be issued provided applicants declare in writing to the Senior Proctor that to the best of their belief their original certificate has been destroyed, or has been lost for more than twelve months or did not reach them through the post; and that if the original certificate is found the duplicate will be returned to the Senior Proctor. All duplicate degree certificates are marked ‘Duplicate’. Duplicate parchments are not issued during vacation periods. 17. DATA PROTECTION Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Telephone: +353.1.896.1448 / 896.1218; Fax: +353.1.6716476; Email: Page 5 of 5 University of Dublin Notice of Candidature for PRIMARY Degree(S) All notices of candidature must reach the Academic Registy, Student and Graduate Records Team by the specified closing date of the Commencement session (see overleaf ). Applicants awaiting publication of their final degree result please tick here Outstanding results must be published at least fourteen days before the start date of the selected Commencements session. Personal Details (complete form in block capitals) Student No: D D MM Y Y Y Y Date of Birth: Surname/Family Name: _________________________________ Other Name(s): _____________________________________________ Name at entrance to College: ____________________________________________________ Date of entrance: MM Y Y Y Y Maiden Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone/Mobile No.: ___________________________________mail: ________________________________________________ Permanent address (for records and future correspondence, including despatch of in absentia degree certificate) Do you already hold a degree from this University? Yes X If yes, please state the name of the degree conferred, and date when conferred: X No Name of degree already conferred: _________________________________________________ Date: D D MM Y Y Y Y commencement DETAILS Date to be conferred: D D MM Y Y Y Y Time: H H M M Degree(s) to be conferred: ____________________ Title of Course: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject(s) studied (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick whether you wish to have your degree conferred: Date of passing degree examination: X in person in absentia* X *written reason for this must be provided MM Y Y Y Y Please indicate class of degree below (B.A. Moderatorship only – second class Honor degree is subdivided by division) Gold Medallist I II II.1 II.2 III Pass Are you a candidate for the Ordinary/Allowed B.A. degree? Yes X No X If yes, please indicate how you qualified for it by ticking below: Engineering Dentistry If other, please state course name below: PAYMENT DETAILS If payment already completed at Registration do not complete below and please confirm by ticking here: X I am aware that if all monies due to the College have not been paid at the time of application, the degree cannot be conferred. X I enclose a cheque/postal order/money order/bank draft for €114 made payable to TCD A/C NO. 1. OR debit Master Card with the above sum. CARD NO: X VISA X LASER X CVV NO: Name of Cardholder: _____________________________________ Expiry Date: MM Y Y Day Time Tel. No. ____________________ The information you have given to the University of Dublin will be retained and relevant information will be provided to Trinity Foundation (which is responsible for keeping you in touch with the College and each other through regular communications and events (visit and to Clubs and Societies of Dublin University. Please tick this box if you do not wish such a disclosure. X Candidate’s signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: D D MM Y Y Y Y I declare that the particulars given on this form are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and hereby apply to be conferred. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received: Acknowledged: Dinner Application Received: (where applicable) D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y Degree Certificate sent by Registered Post: Degree Certificate Collected: Collected by: ______________________________________________________________ Closing Dates for Application Candidates are advised that closing dates are very strictly adhered to, and late applicants will not be admitted to the selected ceremony; however, they may be admitted to the next available commencement session. The closing dates for application for conferral in the period Summer 2014 to Spring 2015: Commencement Session Closing Date Summer 2014 Friday, May 9, 2014 Autumn 2014 Friday, September 19, 2014 Winter 2014 Friday, October 10, 2014 Spring 2015 Friday, February 27, 2015 Contact Details You may contact the Student and Graduate Records Team as follows: Telephone: +353 (1) 896 1448/1218 Fax: +353 (1) 671 6476 Data Protection The data collected on this form are being obtained by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, for the purposes of the conferring of the conferring of degrees and related administrative and record-keeping purposes. Degrees are conferred under the candidate’s registered name and within degree class where appropriate publicly at the Commencements ceremony. Further information about the ceremony is available in an Information Sheet. The candidate’s name, address, course and other relevant College information will be retained indefinitely and may be made available to the Trinity Association and Trust and Trinity Foundation for alumni purposes. Personal data will not be processed, other than as permitted by law. Those providing personal data have the right to access those data and the right to rectify them. Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. Please return the completed form below to the Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Under no circumstances should payment for Eress Iire be included with thJTGPSN . Hire your academicals online at: Armstrong and Oxford 1st Floor Graduation House, 44 Fashion City, Ballymount, Dublin 24. Bachelor's Set (hood, cap and gown) €35.00 Masters's Set (hood, cap and gown) €40.00 Doctor's Set (hood, cap and gown) €45.00 Tangos Dress Hire Service: Application for Dress Hire for Men Tangos Dress Hire Service, 5 Upper Fownes Street, Dublin 2, Telephone: +353-1-6773375, email:, Date of Commencements: D D MM Y Y Y Y Time: H H MM Name: Address: Telephone: Email: ____________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: D D MM Y Y Y Y Tick as Required SIZE OF JACKET 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” - 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” - 32” 33” 34” 35” - - 15½ 16 16½ 17 17½ TROUSER SIZE - WAIST 30” 32” TROUSER SIZE - INSIDE LEG 30” 31” SHIRT (if required) - COLLAR SIZE 14 14½ 15 (Dress Wear hire - Dress Suit and Bow Tie - e42.00, Shirt and Cufflinks e13.00 all inclusive of VAT.) PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to state accurate measurements if you are unable to attend a fitting. Dress wear must be returned after each ceremony to the supplier, otherwise an additional overnight charge of €10 will apply. Data Protection The data collected on this form are being obtained by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, for the purposes of dress suit hire. These data will be forwarded to Tango Dress Hire Service, which have undertaken to comply with the requirements of the data protection legislation. Personal data will not be processed, other than as permitted by law. Those providing personal data have the right to access those data and the right to rectify them. Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003. UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN Seanad Electoral Register: Form of Claim All graduates of the University of Dublin who are Irish citizens are eligible to register as University Electors. The Register is published annually on June 1st. The last day for adding new names in any year is February 26th. Please fill in the Form of Claim and return to: Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2. SEction one If you are not eligible, fill in Section one only and return the form. I am not an Irish citizen X Signature: __________________________________________________________(NOT ELIGIBLE) Student Number : Date of Birth: Surname: Other Names: D D MM Y Y Y Y SEANAD ELECTORAL (UNIVERSITY MEMBERS) ACT, 1937 Form of Claim to be registered as a University Elector Are you a citizen of Ireland? Yes X No Student Number: X Date of Birth: D D MM Y Y Y Y Email: Surname: Other Names: SEction two Permanent address at which you were normally resident on the 15th day of November last: State the address to which you desire the ballot paper to be sent to (this should be the same as your permanent address), other than in exceptional circumstances): Any false declaration for the purpose of this claim will render the claimant liable to a penalty. (NOTE: Any change in address should always be notified to the Seanad Electoral Office of the University promptly; otherwise the ballot paper may be lost, and your name removed from the Electoral Register). SEction four SEction three State the degree (other than an honorary degree) with the date on which it was conferred, in respect of which the franchise is claimed (or particulars, including date of any foundation/non-foundation scholarship obtained). Degree: _______________________________________________________________ Date: Foundation/Non-Foundation Scholarship: X Year: D D MM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I declare that the particulars given in this Form of Claim are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I hereby claim to be registered as a University Elector for the Constituency of Dublin University. Signed: _______________________________________________________________ Date: D D MM Y Y Y Y X X Do you agree to have your name included in the edition of the Register available to the public? Note: that this may be used for commercial purposes. Yes No Data Protection The data collected on this form are being obtained by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, for the purposes of maintaining the Seanad Eireann Electoral Registers for the Dublin University constituency. Personal data will not be processed, other than as permitted by law. Those providing personal data have the right to access those data and the right to rectify them. Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. University of Dublin SPECIAL FAMILY COMMENCEMENTS COMMONS Autumn, Winter and Spring Commencements Guests may be bSought to the Special Family Commencements Commons meal (Fresh Soup, Main Course, Garnished with Fresh Vegetables in Season, Dessert, Tea/Coffee) that is served in the Old Dining Hall at 6.15 p.m. sharp (late comers will not be admitted) on the following days of Commencements: Autumn Commencements: Thursday, October 30 Friday, October 31 Monday, November 3 Tuesday, November 4 Thursday, November 6 Friday, November 7 Winter Commencements: Friday, November 28 Monday, December 1 Tuesday, December 2 Wednesday, December 3 Thursday, December 4 Friday, December 5 Spring Commencements: Wednesday, April 8 Thursday, April 9 Friday, April 10 The cost is _28.00 per head (including a glass of wine). Extra wine is available at _25.00 per bottle and can be paid for, in cash or by cheque, on the day. Unfortunately children under 10 years of age are not permitted to attend this Commons meal. Gown and appropriate hood may be worn. Applications should be made on the prescribed form below and POSTED DIRECTLY to the CATERING DEPARTMENT, Trinity College, Dublin 2, at least 21 days in advance of the Commencement ceremony together with your payment. No cash will be accepted, only cheques/ money or postal orders/bank drafts drawn from an Irish institution in favour of TCD A/C No. 1. Due to the demand for Special Family Commencements Commons, especially the Winter Commencements, it is strongly suggested that you make an early application. Commons vouchers will be mailed approximately 10 days before the Commencement Ceremony by the CATERING DEPARTMENT to which any further correspondence or queries on the matter should be addressed. You may contact the Catering Department on 01-896 1779. We hope that you will come and bring your family and friends. SPECIAL FAMILY COMMENCEMENTS COMMONS APPLICATION FORM Candidate’s Name: D D MM Y Y Y Commencement Ceremony Date: Y Time: H H MM Degree(s) to be Conferred: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Total attending commons: Name & Address for mailing Vouchers: Contact Details - Telephone/Mobile: ___________________________________ email: ___________________________________________ Please see statement below regarding compliance with data protection legislation Return this completed form to the Catering Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Special Family Commencements Commons forms cannot be accepted in the Student and Graduate Records Team. Under no circumstances should monies for commons be included with the commencement fee. Data Protection The data collected on this form are being obtained by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, for the purposes of arranging the Special Family Commencements Commons. Personal data will not be processed, other than as permitted by law. Those providing personal data have the right to access those data and the right to rectify them. Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. U in si t y o f D u b ver l ni SUMMER COMMENCEMENTS DINNER Tr i n it y C o ll e g e A dinner is held in conjunction with the Summer Commencements. The following categories of graduates are entitled to receive invitations to the dinner, provided they are being commenced in person at the Summer Commencements: a) b) c) d) Doctors in all faculties. Masters in all faculties, provided that the recipient has spent at least two years in full-time study. Bachelors in Divinity. First Class Moderators and First Class Honors in other Primary degrees. As the number of places is limited the Board reserves the right to change these regulations at short notice If you are eligible to receive an invitation, please complete this form and return it to: Academic Registry, Watts Building, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2 SUMMER COMMENCEMENTS DINNER Invitations are issued by the Secretary’s Office, West Theatre, Trinity College, Dublin 2. (block letters) Candidate’s Name: Title: Address: Contact Details - Telephone/Mobile No.:_________________________________ Commencement CeremonyTime: TCD eMAIL: __________________________________ H H MM Degree(s) to be Conferred: _________________________________________________________________________________________ X Dates of full-time study: D D M M Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y Subject(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your application to be Commenced ‘Conditional’ i.e., awaiting results? Yes X No X Name of Supervisor or Head of Department: ___________________________________________________________________________ Please see below for a statement regarding compliance with Data Protection legislation. Office Use Only Notice of Candidature Received: Dinner Application Received: D D MM Y Y Y Y D D MM Y Y Y Y Copy Sent to Secretary’s Office: D D MM Y Y Y Y Candidate Scheduled for Conferral: D D MM Y Y Y Y Data Protection The data collected on this form are being obtained by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, for the purposes of the Summer Commencements Dinner. Personal data will not be processed, other than as permitted by law. Those providing personal data have the right to access those data and the right to rectify them. Personal data will be processed by the University of Dublin, Trinity College, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003
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