NAMI, Tues., Nov. 11: Ongoing Support Groups (6:15) and an open Education Meeting (7:30) for the National Alliance on Mental Illness will be held on the 2 nd Tues. of the month in the OAPC Hut. For more information visit: Daytrippers: The Nov. trip has been cancelled. The next trip will be on Wed., Jan. 21, 2015, to the Bechtler Museum of Fine Art and to tour First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte. HOPE Garden Team Harvest Covered Dish Dinner, Fri., Nov. 14, 6 p.m.: If you are interested in working in the garden next spring, come join us in the Presbyterian Student Center. We will recap this year and look ahead to 2015. Bring a dish to share. Questions? Call Fred Smith, 328-8681. Senior High Lock -In at Clemson, Nov. 14-15: We are returning to Clemson for a Lock-in, and are we ever excited! Cost $25. See Dan Young to sign up. Advent Wreaths: Make and take a wreath for your own home, during the Alternative Gift Fair. There are two seatings: 12:30 and 2:00 p.m., Sun., Nov. 23. Please complete a registration form and turn in $5 if you are re-using a foam form or $10 if you need all of the supplies. Forms are due back to the Registration Drawer in the Church Office by Nov. 16. Hymn Festival, Wed., Nov. 19, 6 p.m.: Earth, Sea, Sky - celebrating God’s creation -- we invite the entire congregation to join in praise and worship. This service, which features hymns both old and new, from our new Presbyterian Hymnal “Glory to God”, will be led by our Holy COW! Children and Chancel Choirs, under the direction of Music Director, Timothy Moe, and Covenant Choir Director, Novie Greene. We will be accompanied by OAPC organist, Susan E. Read, and organists – Donald G. Moe, and Gayle Sawyer; along with OAPC Brass Quartet and other instrumentalists. Prayers and readings on the subject of creation will be read by our OAPC youth. Let us join together in the festivities as we conclude TOW for the fall, and celebrate our rich heritage of hymns. Soup Luncheon, Sun., Nov. 23: This is our annual luncheon for the Alternative Gift Fair. If you can bring a crock of soup or some homemade bread or corn muffins, to lunch on that Sunday, please let us know. There is a sign up sheet in the Welcome Center or you can email Tammy at All donations received from the lunch are divided among the agencies which participate. Faith And Film, Sun., Nov. 23, 6:00 p.m., Presbyterian Student Center: (Date adjusted to avoid other OAPC events): Delivery Man - After learning that he's fathered hundreds of children, former DNA donor David Wozniah discovers that dozens of his offspring now want to meet him. 105 min. (PG-13, thematic elements, sexual content, some drug material, brief violence and language.) Bring your own drink and $5 for pizza and popcorn. Stephen Ministry: Are you going through a difficult time? A Stephen Minister can bring God’s warm love back into your life. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, support and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you for the duration of your crisis. If you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Jo Grier, 803-328-1326, or Mary Katherine Robinson, 803-327-2006. Deadlines, Acorn and Bulletin: Noon, Mon., Nov. 10 for the Nov. 16 bulletin; Oakleaf: Noon, Mon., Dec. 8, for the first quarterly issue of 2015 (Jan.-Mar.) Prayer Concerns We print Joys, Deaths and New Prayer Concerns in the bulletin. For the most current and complete list of all prayer concerns, you may check the Prayer Board near the Youth Office, or the listing on our website: (Support, Church Publications, Prayer List) Joys: Marty Simmons, ordained Oct. 26, as a Teaching Elder and serving as Pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, SC New Prayer Concerns: Janet Duffy, Pam Gladden, Martha Anne McFadden, Carole Smith Bereavement: Janice Culp and family (her mother, Medrue Salerni, died Oct. 20) The Church at Work Sunday, November 9 8:45 Worship, Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School for All Ages 9:45 Discovery Class #2, Parlor 11:00 Worship, Sanctuary 4:30 Agape Choir Rehearsal, Music Suite 6:00 Youth Group Bonfire, 522 Tysons Forest Dr., home of Dan & Suzanne Young Monday, November 10 4:30 Stephen Ministry Leaders, Conference Room 6:00 Worship, 2211 Tuesday, November 11 12:00 Alanon, 203 6:15 NAMI Support Groups, Hut 6:20 Kindermusik Our Time, 106 7:00 Revelation Ringers, 2205/Handbell Room 7:00 PW M&M Circle, Presbyterian Student Center 7:30 NAMI General Education, Hut Wednesday, November 12 5:00 TOW Dinner, Fellowship Hall 6:00 Together on Wednesdays, Fall Session II, Youth and Adult Classes/Children’s Choirs 6:00 Session/Diaconate Officer Training, 2211 7:00 Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), 2107/Conference Room 7:00 UKirk Program Night, PSC 7:00 Alternative Gift Fair Entertainment Preparation, Activities Center 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Thursday, November 13 9:30 Companions in Christ, 207 10:00 UGG (Using God’s Gifts) Knitting, Parlor 2:45 STAR Friday, November 14 – Senior High Lock In, Clemson 6:00 HOPE Garden Harvest Dinner, Presbyterian Student Center Saturday, November 15 – Senior High Lock In, Clemson 10:00 Prayer Quilt Ministry, Fellowship Hall 5:00 OAPConsort Rehearsal, Santuary Sunday, November 16 8:30 Lay Led Worship/Communion and Breakfast, Fellowship Hall 9:45 11:00 12:00 12:00 4:30 6:00 Sunday School for All Ages ONE Combined Worship, Sanctuary Joint Officers/Program Staff, Chapel Preschool Ministry Team Thanksgiving Lunch, Fellowship Hall Agape Choir Rehearsal, Music Suite Youth Group Dinner and Shop for HOPE House, Fellowship Hall THE REV. A. COILE ESTES The Reverend A. Coile Estes is a native of Decatur, Georgia, and grew up in Decatur Presbyterian Church. She holds a B.A. degree in political science from the University of Georgia, a Juris Doctor from Emory University School of Law, and a Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary. She has served as an associate pastor First (Scots) Presbyterian Church in Charleston, South Carolina, Senior Pastor of Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Interim Co-Pastor at Johns Creek Presbyterian Church in Johns Creek, Georgia, Interim Senior Pastor of Madison Presbyterian Church in Madison, Georgia, and as Senior Pastor of The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin, New Jersey. Rev. Estes has taught at Columbia Theological Seminary as an adjunct professor and in 2010, she was selected to be a Thompson Scholar at Columbia Seminary, a program to study evangelism. She has been active in each Presbytery in which she has served, was a member of the Board of Trustees of Thornwell Home for Children in Clinton, South Carolina, and a member of the Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club, serving as President of the Club in 2005-2006. She was a member of the Women in Leadership Team of the Commerce Club of Atlanta. A long-time supporter of historic preservation, Rev. Estes has published in that field and spoken at several conferences on preserving historic religious buildings. Rev. Estes is married to Michael Mears, a criminal defense attorney, who created and was Director of the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council, a state-wide indigent defense agency. A graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law, he has authored several books in the fields of indigent defense, criminal law, and, most recently, extradition. A former mayor of Decatur, Georgia, he is now a Professor of Law at John Marshall Law School in Atlanta. Announcements – Nov. 9, 2014 421 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730; 803-327-2006; You are encouraged to take this insert home so you will have a current calendar of upcoming events and information you may share with a friend or neighbor. We Welcome our New Interim Pastor and Head of Staff! The Rev. Coile Estes joins us this morning. You may learn more about her in the biographical information on the back of this announcement insert. Stewardship: Today is Pledge Sunday: During the final hymn this morning, all present will be invited to bring their completed Pledge Cards forward and place them in baskets on the Communion Table. Additional Pledge Cards are available in the Friendship Register pads. Thank you for your support of OAPC Today’s Guest Musicians: Organist – Gayle Sawyer, filling in for Susan Read. Gayle is a member of the Chancel Choir and an Elder, serving as Chair of the Personnel Committee. Brass Quartet -- trumpets: John Michael Brooks and Keith McGuire; trombones: Tim Moe and Harry Tune. We thank all these for sharing their talents with us. Flowers in the Sanctuary: Today’s arrangements have been given to the glory of God and in honor of William “Davis” Beaty, son of Milton and Aimee Beaty, being baptized today. If you’d like to provide future arrangements for the Sanctuary, or donations toward these, please contact Debbie Reingold,, to schedule the date. Youth Group Bonfire Tonight at 6:00: Last week’s bonfire was rescheduled to tonight, at Dan and Suzanne Young’s home, 522 Tysons Forest Dr. The Agape Choir will be transported by bus from the Church, following Rehearsal. Introducing Our New Church Hostess: Jean Marie Wilson Burkhamer, a native of Rock Hill, sold real estate for 15 years, and owned and operated 4 different restaurants, including Burk’s BBQ. Jean Marie is married to Kevin and they have 6 children and 9 grandchildren. When you see her, please introduce yourself to her and make her feel welcome. Infusion Bible Study Began Last Week, 9:45 a.m., Room 2211: You are welcome to join us. Registered participants will receive a “handout” via email during the week prior to each Sunday. Join us as we: Listen to Scripture, Look at related contemporary situations and Live out our faith. Questions? Contact Sally Herlong, TOW (Together on Wednesdays), Fall Session II: 5-7 p.m.: Adult options: The Prophets: Then & Now, Making Beaded Chrismons, and Officer Training Part 2. Join us for dinner (55:55 p.m.) and/or Officer Training, children’s choirs, youth or adult classes (6-7 p.m.). A registration form is available in the church Welcome Center or on our website. Menu: Nov. 12 – baked potato bar with fixings, chili, tossed salad, dessert. Nov. 19, Hymnfest: menu – pancakes, hashbrown casserole, bacon, fruit. Church Basketball: That’s right folks, it’s time to sign up for church basketball. Member sign up runs now through today. Non-member begins Nov. 10 and goes until Dec. 2. NOTE!!! The season is a little longer this year, it starts Dec. 5 and ends Feb. 21. TIME OF GREETING AND FELLOWSHIP *At the times indicated, all who are able, please stand. Prelude: (8:45) Variations on Old 100th J. C. Bach (11:00) Thine Is the Glory from Judas Maccabeus G. F. Handel Be Thou My Vision OAPC Brass Quartet SLANE Minister: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Congregation: And also with you. Welcome and Life of the Church Mary Katherine Robinson Passing of the Friendship Register Minute for Mission/Alternative Gift Fair Mary Kathryn Black and Pat Calkins The Greeting *Congregational Introit, Hymn #21 Many and Great, O God, Are Thy Works LACQUIPARLE Cantor/Choir vs. 1, Congregation repeat as directed *Prayer of Confession (unison) Holy and merciful God, in your presence we confess our sinfulness, our shortcomings, and our offenses against you. You alone know how often we have sinned in wandering from your ways, in wasting your gifts, in forgetting your love. Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are ashamed and sorry for all we have done to displease you. Forgive our sins, and help us to live in your light, and walk in your ways, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior. (a moment of silence for personal confession) *Words of Assurance *Gloria Patri (unison) Hymn #581 GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. HEARING THE WORD Old Testament Reading: Psalm 24, pew Bible (NRSV), pg. 502 (The Word of the Lord/Thanks be to God.) (8:45) Franny Verdery; (11:00) Rene Brannan (11:00) Anthem: When the Morning Stars Together arr. Hal Hopson Hymn #689 (The congregation is invited to join the Choir on vs. 1 and 4 as directed) Holy COW! Choirs, Chancel Choir, Congregation The Sacrament of Baptism/Children’s Time Mary Katherine Robinson Hymn #486 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise, v. 1 KINGDOM (8:45) Presentation Kathy Emerson, Deacon Elizabeth Charles Givens, child of James Givens Question to the Congregation and Congregational Response We do. We will nurture one another in faith, uphold one another in prayer, encourage one another in service. Declaration and Welcome (11:00) Presentation Harriet Degan, Deacon William Davis Beaty, child of Milton Cherry Beaty and Aimeé Elizabeth Beaty Question to the Congregation and Congregational Response We do. We will nurture one another in faith, uphold one another in prayer, encourage one another in service. Declaration and Welcome Nursery is available for Infants-3 yrs. Following the Sacrament of Baptism, children ages 4-1st gr. are invited to go with their leaders to Kid’s Kirk. GATHERING AROUND THE WORD *Call to Worship Minister: O Come, let us sing to the Lord and shout to the joy of our salvation. Congregation: Let us come into the Lord's presence with praise and thanksgiving. Minister: This is the day the Lord has made. Congregation: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn #620 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Psalm 103) LAUDA ANIMA *Hymn #707 Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord HALL Gospel Reading: Luke 6:37-38, pew Bible (NRSV), pg. 65 (The Word of the Lord/Thanks be to God.) Sermon: “The Power of Prayer for Tomorrow” The Rev. Coile Estes, Interim Pastor *Affirmation of Faith: Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) front of hymnal, p. 35 RESPONDING TO THE WORD Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer, front of Hymnal, pg. 35 (“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”) Offering of One’s Self and One’s Gifts to God and the Church Offertory (8:45) Blessed Jesus, at Your Word (11:00) Roll, Jordan, Roll! *Doxology #606 *Prayer of Dedication Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Bob Moss November 9, 2014 32 Sunday in Ordinary Time J. G. Walther Brian Tate OLD HUNDREDTH nd 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. Services for the Lord’s Day BEARING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD Presentation of 2015 Pledge Cards During the singing of this hymn, please come forward, as you are able, and place your Pledge Cards in the baskets provided for this purpose on the Communion Table. (Additional Pledge Cards and reply envelopes are available in the Friendship Register pads today.) *Hymn #697 Take My Life *Blessing/Sending *Postlude: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow . . . HENDON Piet Post OAPC Staff Ministers Estes, Coile: Interim Pastor and Head of Staff, voice mail 223 Robinson, Mary Katherine: Assoc. Pastor, Member Care & Involvement, voice mail 235, Moss, Bob: Parish Associate, 803-517-1607, Program Staff Greene, Novie: Covenant Choir Director, 803-980-3146, Moe, Timothy: Music Director, voice mail 227, Morrison, Hannah: Intern for Campus Ministry Read, Susan: Organist, voice mail 241 Whisenant, Lisa: Church Business Administrator, voice mail 222, Winchip, Tammy: Director of Christian Education, voice mail 224, Young, Dan: Youth Director, voice mail 225, ALL ARE WELCOME to worship at Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church. If you are visiting, we are especially glad you are here. We ask that everyone sign the Friendship Register when it is passed. Questions about the life and ministry of the church may be addressed to any member of the staff or to one of the elders of the church. Staff and officers can be identified by their name tags. DISCOVERY CLASSES are regularly scheduled for those who are interested in exploring membership in the church. The current session concludes this morning at 9:45-10:45 a.m., in the Parlor, Room 2108. To find out more or sign up, please contact the Church Office, A NURSERY is provided in room 102 for infants-5K at 8:45 a.m., during 9:45 Sunday School for infants-2 yrs., and at 11 a.m. for infants-3 yrs. BEEPERS are available for parents of children left in nursery care. CHILD FRIENDLY WORSHIP BULLETINS & CLIPBOARDS are available. Ushers will be happy to direct you to the nursery and/or those aids. HEARING DEVICES and LARGE PRINT HYMNALS are available. Ushers will be happy to provide those as needed. RESTROOMS are located near the front and rear entrances to the Sanctuary. Support Staff Jones, Parker: Nursery Director Kerr, Louise: Dir. of Communications and Assistant to the Senior Minister, voice mail 279, McClinton, Tommy: Setup Price, Frank: Interim Facility Maintenance Technician Reingold, Debbie: Administrative Assistant for Congregational Life/Registrar, voice mail 100, Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church 421 Oakland Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29730 803.327.2006
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