NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL, INC. ONE LAWTONS HILL POTTSVILLE, PA 17901 PHONE: (570) 622-8110 NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Fall is a beautiful time of the year. Brilliant colors highlight the countryside and the weather is cool and crisp. The month of November brings great excitement as we anticipate Thanksgiving. We all look forward to this holiday as a special time to share food and fellowship with our families. We need to take time out of our busy lives and spend quality time with our loved ones. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving. It is difficult to believe that we have already started the 2 nd quarter. As usual, it has been a busy but productive school year. Our numbers are still growing as we have increased our enrollment by another two students with the possibility of up to three more in the near future. The good news about Nativity is spreading. Our Catholic faith and high academic standards set us apart from the rest. When you add the family atmosphere and all the athletic and social opportunities for students, it is hard to believe that students would attend anywhere else. As we enter the month of November, our minds turn to four significant celebrations; All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. The Nativity family will gather together and celebrate throughout November. We are thankful to all of our parents, families and friends for their support of Catholic education at Nativity BVM High School. Please come and join us for one of these events. The Feast of All Saints and All Souls are celebrated on the weekend this year. Even though we will not have liturgy at school for these feasts, please know that the Nativity community will remember our deceased loved ones in prayer throughout the month of November. We especially ask for God’s blessings upon the United States of America as we remember our American Military. Please join us for a special service on November 12th at 10:30 AM to HONOR OUR VETERANS. It is a day for us to thank God for those men and women who so bravely defend our country in times of war and peace. Our Thanksgiving Liturgy, celebrated on Wednesday, November 26th, allows us to praise God and to place life in its proper perspective. It is a day for reflection about who we are and what we have to be grateful for. May we continue to pray for each other as we journey through the month of November. Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Day! Mrs. Lynn Sabol NEWS FROM THE STUDIES OFFICE The first quarter closed on Friday, October 24th. Report cards will be distributed on Friday, October 31st. If there are any questions regarding grades, please contact Mr. Strause in the Studies Office. Any student with a failing grade on their report card must return the report card with a parent’s signature. PARENT CONFERENCES Parent Conferences will be held on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10th. These conferences are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Please refer to the letter which was mailed on October 31, 2014. Appointments must be made by the students or via teacher email. These appointments cannot be made through the Main Office. HONOR ROLL CRITERIA Honors are tabulated on grades at the end of the quarters and are based on quarter grades. Honors will be awarded to students who meet the following criteria: DISTINGUISHED HONORS A grade of 93 or above in all subjects FIRST HONORS An average of 89.5 or above in all subjects, with grades of 85 or above in all subjects SECOND HONORS An average of 84.5 or above in all subjects, with grades of 80 or above in all subjects GPA Student GPA’S are calculated every marking period. GPA’s are printed on all report cards. Class rank IS NOT PRINTED on report cards because of Allentown Diocesan Policy. Please refer to the course selection booklet for the table of point values used in calculating a GPA. All transfer students will have their previous credits and GPA’s included in the first marking period grades. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Strause. NATIVITY SECURITY During the month of October, Nativity participated in the “GREAT SHAKEOUT”, an earthquake drill. The students practice Drop, Cover and Hold On, the proper technique to use in the event of an actual earthquake. As part of the drill, our students practiced an evacuation of the school building and moved to the helicopter pad on the front field. Everything went as planned and all procedures ran smoothly. The school also went into a lockdown situation due to the incident at the Pottsville Court House. The students were confined to their classrooms during this time. When deemed safer, students were escorted to the rest room and drinks were delivered to the classrooms. In review of both incidents, the crisis committee reviewed all procedures and protocols that were followed. They felt all went well with one exception. During a lockdown NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE BUILDING. Parents should be aware of this procedure which is mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). IN THE FUTURE, in the event of a lockdown parents WILL NOT be allowed to enter the school building for any reason (ie: to take students home). When it is deemed safe, a parent/student reunification site will be setup and parents will be informed where they may pick up their children at that time. Students will not be dismissed to drive home unless the parent/guardian comes to the reunification site to sign them out. Also, Cell Phones should not be used during a lockdown. If the situation would involve a bomb threat, and a bomb was present, it could possibly be triggered by a cell phone signal. THANK YOU for your understanding with these procedures that are being put in place. Any concerns or questions can be emailed to Lee Strause at GUIDANCE NEWS Scholarship Information – A list of Scholarship Information has been posted on the Nativity Website under Guidance. Seniors received a hard copy in their homeroom three weeks ago. Be sure to search the Financial Aid Offices website at your college of choice for their specific scholarships. Private and public colleges and universities do have a gambit of scholarships available. It will be well worth your time to check. Seniors – Continue to persevere with College Applications and Scholarships. Many colleges have Open Houses in the month of November. Be sure to visit each college you are interested in attending. It is a big decision to make! ASVAB Test Results – Chris Blickley from the ASVAB Career Exploration Program Manager will be at Nativity in November to head the explanatory workshop. Many Nativity students had outstanding scores. PSAT Results – PSAT results will come in early November. Students will receive the results along with the actual test they took and an explanatory workbook. Parents may contact Ms. Stasulli with any questions. College Lunch Visits – The following colleges will be at lunch on the specified dates: Penn State University – 11/6/14, Lehigh Carbon CC – 11/4/14. The Air Force will be at lunch on 11/12/14. Juniors – Now is the time to explore your career choice and start thinking about your college major. All juniors will be completing a Career Search in the month of November. The search will connect juniors to college majors and colleges that offer their major of interest. Juniors, it is crucial that you start thinking about your future. All juniors will meet with Ms. Stasulli in early 2015. SAT & ACT – SAT and ACT information and advice is available in Guidance. Be sure to upload your picture ID early. Financial Aid Night – Looking ahead. Mark your calendar. December 3, 2014 is Financial Aid Night from 6 to 7. Penn State University will be heading the workshop and Mary Beth Matz from the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation will be sharing all local scholarship information for seniors. Selective Service - Turning 18? Male? Be sure to register for the Selective Service. If you are going on to postsecondary education, be sure to register. If you do not register, you will not be eligible for any financial aid the government has to offer. Please register before filing for financial aid. FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of our Alumni Tailgate 50/50 drawing which was held at the homecoming game on October 10, 2014. This year’s winner is Kim Long of Schuylkill Haven. As a result of the generous support of our alumni, Nativity profited approximately $4,500.00 from this drawing. ATHLETIC NEWS As fall sports are coming to an end, we would like to congratulate all of our teams on having a good season. Congratulations to our boys’ soccer program for qualifying for league playoffs and for having a phenomenal game against Blue Mountain. We also congratulate our girls’ volleyball program on another great season and winning their League Division. Our winter sports program will begin with boys and girls basketball with an official start date for practice on Monday, November 17th. Any student who did not participate in a fall sport and would like to participate in either one of these winter programs will need to get a PIAA sports physical completed by his/her family physician prior to the official first day of practice. A copy of the physical form is available on the school website. Students must also sign a code of conduct form which is also on the website. If a student received a physical to participate in a fall sport, they do not need to get another physical for the winter. CAFETERIA NEWS As we begin the second quarter, just a few reminders about our cafeteria program. Every day the students are offered a full meal for $4. This includes an entrée, side, vegetable or fruit and a small drink. Ala carte items are available and additional entrees can be purchased at carrying costs. Students who buy the meal are getting the best bargain. Students may also buy the meal with an alternate entrée choice if needed. The salad meal can also be purchased for $4. If your son or daughter is spending an excessive amount of money at lunch, please ask them what they are buying. Are they visiting the school store to purchase candy? Are they buying all ala carte menu items instead of the meal? Hess Catering offers the students a quality lunch and continues to work with us to offer competitive prices. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office. We will return your call and try and rectify the issue. Students should take any and all concerns to their Student Government representative who will forward them to Mr. Kramer or Mrs. Sabol. FUNDRAISING POT OF GOLD WINNERS DRAWING DATE: 10/15/2014 1st Matthew Leitzel Seller: Matthew Leitzel 2nd Tom Boyer Seller: Greg Kroh rd 3 Mary Gipe Seller: Matthew Leitzel 4th Ken Yusella Seller: Steele NATIVITY FYI MMS PARENT PORTAL IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SENIORS! Nativity has changed its provider for the MMS program, so you will have a new site to log on. The new site is: Seniors who are applying to college must have their financial obligations up to date in order for transcripts to be released. All usernames and passwords should not have changed. Any problems please contact Mr. Strause at FINANCIAL CONCERNS As always, we need everyone to keep their tuition and fundraising payments up to date. Students who have outstanding balances will not receive report cards, take exams or possibly not be able to participate in activities. Please make every effort to make payments in a timely fashion. It is crucial to the cash flow of the school. Thank you for understanding! COMMUNICATION Communication between parents, teachers, administration and students is the key to the smooth operation of a school. There are many ways to communicate: phone, email and appointments, to name a few. Please keep in touch with your child’s teachers by using email and checking grades on the MMS portal. If you have a concern about academics please contact the teacher first. If this does not resolve the issue, please contact Mr. Strause, the Studies Coordinator. Discipline matters should be directed to Mr. Jarrod Kramer. Please contact Mrs. Margaret Young with financial questions and Mr. Fran Foster with athletic issues. These people stay in constant contact with the principal to oversee the programs at Nativity. Please know that the administration, faculty and staff make every effort to provide quality, Catholic education in a supportive, disciplined and safe environment. Every child is important and every child deserves a chance to succeed. Thank you to all of the parents who have been supportive as we all make Nativity the best place for our children. SIGNIFICANT SENIOR INFORMATION Parents/Guardians of the CLASS OF 2015 (our seniors) were sent information via US Postal Mail on Wednesday, October 29th. This information spoke of a Pumpkin Roll Sale for Thanksgiving which will be the first of two major fundraisers for the senior class trip, the prom and the senior class gift. We ask that you do your best to help with this Pumpkin Roll Sale as it benefits the senior activities and gift. If you do not wish to participate, however, you are asked to please give a $10 donation. ALL seniors must participate in this fundraiser. CAP & GOWN measurements will be taken on December 22nd. There are no fees for the Graduation Cap & Gown as long as your Graduation Fee is paid. At this time, Mr. Jeff Crouse, Herff Jones, will present a package to each student regarding graduation announcements and memorabilia. Please read all information and decide if want any announcements, etc. Packets are asked to be returned by January 20, 2015. THANK YOU for your cooperation! If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Yourey or Mr. Vella at 570-622-8110. ADDITIONAL information regarding our seniors will follow in the coming newsletters. CLASS RINGS AND RING DAY MASS A meeting was held in October with the Juniors regarding class rings and Ring Mass. Please discuss this with your son/daughter and make sure that your orders are placed in time for the Mass during Catholic Schools week. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sandi Schwenk at Nativity. FROM THE ARTS Students enrolled in English courses of Ms. Melanie Hoffman and Mr. Kevin Keating, accompanied by Mrs. Sandra Schwenk’s French students and Mr. Reichert’s Spanish classes, sponsored a children’s book drive in conjunction with the Republican-Herald Development and Schuylkill County Reading Council. New or gently used books suitable up to twelve years old were collected by students and were then donated to needy children. Participating students received a five point extra credit assignment. 2014 graduate, Kyle Kaledas, will be featured in the Republican Herald’s calendar page on November 30, 2014. “In hope that Saint Nicholas soon will be … there”, was a very fitting title for this creative depiction of December’s highlights and earned Kyle the distinction of Artist of the Month. WIAC The Walk In Art Center located in Schuylkill Haven held its fifth annual “Kick Up Your Heels” fundraising event , Friday, September 19th in its newly renovated event space. The theme this year was Starry Night honoring Vincent Van Gogh. Nativity’s Art teacher, Mrs. Sandra Schwenk, painted her version of the famous art work. Her three D canvas is on display at the center. Nativity was the only school in attendance at the event and was a Norman Rockwell sponsor, compliments of Nativity’s governance board. Saturday, September 19, 2015 was the date chosen for next year’s fundraiser. ART GALLERY Nativity Art students have accepted an invitation from the Simon Kramer Institute in New Philadelphia to participate in Schuylkill County’s first Permanent Student Art Gallery. Lockers will be transformed into colorful creations designed by students. Watch for an update on finished masterpieces. SWIC Schuylkill Women in Crisis sponsored an art contest for high school students to raise awareness of teen dating violence. The theme: ”Me Too: Break the Silence, Break the Cycle” encouraged teens to join the movement by speaking out and sharing thoughts about dating violence. Vivian Lai, an International student, who resides with Drs. Richard and Michelle Adams in Frackville, won 1st place and received $100 for her poster. SERVICE HOURS One hundred service hours in the school, the church or the community are required prior to graduation from Nativity. Mrs. Sandra Schwenk, art teacher at Nativity, will once again co-ordinate a program with the Walk In Art Center located in Schuylkill Haven. An open house held the first Saturday of the month from 1:00-6:00 PM is open to the public, free of charge and offers free art activities for children. Nativity students serve as greeters and assist with the free art lessons. See Mrs. Schwenk to schedule hours for November 1st, December 6th, January 3rd, February 5th, March 7th, April 4th, May 2nd and June 6th. NATIVITY MUSIC NOTES The Nativity Band had a busy and productive fall season this year performing at six football games, several parades, the Bloomsburg Fair and an adjudication at Tamaqua. The band and concert chorus are now rehearsing for the annual Christmas concert which will be Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Nativity gym. This concert will feature selections by the combined partner school band, jazz band, concert band and concert chorus. Opportunities are still available for Nativity band alumni to sponsor a new uniform top in honor of any former Nativity band member. Contact Mr. Dale Schimpf for details. The Nativity music department appreciates the support of the Nativity community for the arts in our schools. CLUB NEWS INTERACT CLUB MATH DEPARTMENT Nativity’s Interact Club has held several meetings over the last month. This club is service oriented and is associated with the Minersville Rotary. Recently, we participated in Red Ribbon Week in the fight against drugs and a school wide clean-up. The Interact Club will be having a winter coat and sweater collection during the first two weeks of November. If you have a coat or sweater that is in good condition, please send it into school. We are also collecting diapers for a local charity. Please consider sending in diapers for a needy child. For Christmas, the club will be sending cards to all of our partner school students. Members of the Math Club will be attending the Bloomsburg Math Competition on Thursday, November 6th. The following students will be on the team: Gino DiNicola, Sean Greco, Cullen Hoppel, Rebecca Petlansky, Dominic Piccioni, Kayla Prezelski, Ryleigh Walaconis, Mandy Wills, Felicia Wranitz, Jeff Yordy, Daniel Young, Derrick Hamilton, Kaitlynn Esemaya, Travis Hunyara, Collin Larkin, Rebecca McCloskey, Shannon Reiley, Skylar Stoudt, Jacob Evans and Chloe Prezelski. If anyone has a service project that they need help with, please contact Mrs. Sabol or Mrs. Holohan. SKI CLUB NEWS There is still time to join the Nativity Ski Club for the 2014-2015 season. Enjoy skiing five weekend nights at Blue Mountain from 4:00 to 10:00 PM. You can’t beat the savings through our Ski Club. All paperwork and payments must be in by December 12, 2014. For additional information please contact Kathi Sweeney at 717-668-5292 or The semi-annual Mathletics competition will be held on Wednesday, November 19th, at 3:30 PM. All of our partner schools are invited. The competition takes place in the cafeteria. Eighth grade students are again participating in Math Enrichment Classes at Nativity. Classes are held every other Wednesday at 1:45 PM. During the month of November, class will be held on Wednesday, November 5th and Wednesday, November 19th. GREEN & GOLD NEWS The Green & Gold Club is sponsoring a Designer Purse and USS Boot Bingo on November 16th in the Nativity High School gym. Doors open at 11:30 AM, bingo starts at 1:00 PM. We are asking for cash donations to go toward purchasing a purse or boots. If you donate, your name will be placed with the item you helped purchase. We need volunteers to bring either a hot food item or a dessert for the day of the bingo. Please contact Diane at 570-2940551. Please join us for our next meeting which is November 12th at 7:00PM in the Nativity faculty lounge. We encourage and WELCOME new members. Come out and have some fun and make new friends! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
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