Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Mary’s)

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Mary’s)
256 Tract Road, Fairfield, Pa. 17320
Rev. Michael A. Messaro, MSSCC Pastor
Rev. Robert P. Malagesi, MSSCC Parochial Vicar
Office 717-642-8815 Fax 717-642-9616 Fr. Malagesi 717-457-0114 (website)
Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30PM Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30AM
Weekday: 8:00AM Vigil of the Holy Day 6:30PM(except for 12/31 5:30PM) Holy Day 8:00AM & 6:30PM
Confessions: Saturday 4:30 to 5:00PM Baptisms by Appointment
10/25 5:30pm †John Messina
10/26 8:00am Ints. of Sue Tichy
10:30am People of the Parish
10/27 8:00am †Sean Avery
10/28 8:00am †Nick Farkas
Wednesday 10/29 8:00am †V. Janishefski/L. Grabowski/
All Souls
10/30 8:00am †Bill Drechsler
10/31 8:00am †Rick Sites
11/1 5:30pm †John Francis & Elizabeth
Ann Ryan
11/2 8:00am †Rich Grabowski
10:30am People of the Parish
Pro-Life Corner Ten years ago, the
first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign
kicked off in College Station, Texas.
Since then, God has clearly shown
what He can do when we pray, fast ... and stand vigil:
Lives are saved, Hearts are changed, Abortion facilities
close. Pro-Life Rosary every Friday evening at 8:30PM at
the Adoration Chapel and Saturday mornings after the
9:00AM Mass at St. Rita’s.
PRAY for those who are Sick. Help us keep
our list current by letting us know when we
may remove a name. Sharon Aanensen,
Lillian Bream, Evelyn McGlaughlin, Louise
Adams, Betty Fritz, Rudolph & Sally Stobb,
Stella Janishefski, Joe Bock, Frank, Helen
Jaworski, Dan Topper, Mike Halpin, Lillian
Williamsen, Nick, Bill Bell, Pat Whitlow, Karl, Carol
Harbaugh, Paul Scheurich, Mary Bentz, Peg Polley, Betty
J. Sanders, Jerome Barefoot, Ruth Weiblinger, Anne
Zeiler, Jerry Neiderer, Jean Wiley, Mary Ann Martin,
Weekly Budget: $4,750.00
Craig Daniel, Tom Miller, Jim & Gerry Lafond, Joy
Brown, the Cahill Family, Bob Rosenwald, Alice Garland,
Sunday Collection:
Sam Brewer, Tracey Ashman,
Mary Ann Slazinski.,
Ober, Christopher
Mission Sunday:
Anne Deboeser, Sharon Munger, Dorothy Pecher, Jim
Weikert, Melissa Turner, Adam Rook, Vivian Wetzel,
Change of Address: If you are moving or have a change in Debbie Lashinsky, Ok Hi, Michael Jones, Pat Hewitt, Steve
your name, address or phone number, or need to register, please Crunkleton, Ed Fitzsimmons, Margaret Bailey, Michael
Ballaglini, Colby, Sue Tichy, Ariana Tejada, Anita Bell,
contact the Parish Office at 642-8815.
Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the parish office Paul Hollenbeck, Katy Johnson, Phyllis Grabowski, Emmy
Carrick, Reyna Mata, Nick Masser, Donna Butt and
10 days before the bulletin date.
Website: Questions, suggestions, or comments on the website? Dolores Mummert.
Contact our webmaster at
11/1- 5:30 pm A. Jones/J. & D. Ritchie
T. Malik
J. Hummel/G. Maturo
Mr. & Mrs. L. Ritter
11/2- 8:00 am
P. Soriano
J. Weller/J. Powers
W. McCleaf/T. Rodgers
M. Kraft
J. & J. Torborg
Mr. & Mrs. T. Beauchat
P. Coghlan/J. Zitzman/B. Lamb
11/2- 10:30 am H. Maull/T. Mulligan/B. Heffner
Forty Hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Forty Hours will begin after the 10:30AM Mass on
Sunday, October 26th and close on Tuesday, October
28th at 6:30PM. There will be around the clock
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There will be a
Service each evening at 6:30PM with Rev. Kenneth
Brighenti, Vice Rector for Pastoral Formation at
Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary. Please find time to
come and spend time with the Blessed Sacrament.
Repair & Maintenance Collection There will be a
second collection on the weekend of Nov. 1st & 2nd,
for the repairs and maintenance to our Church. Thank
you for your generosity.
Fall Back Just a reminder. Please remember to turn
your clocks back one hour on Saturday, November 1st
before going to bed.
Donut Social There will be a donut social on Sunday,
Nov. 2nd, after the morning Masses. This social is
sponsored by Knights of Columbus. All are welcome.
Parish Nurses Meeting There will be a meeting of
the parish nurses on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 5:00PM
at the Church. All Nurses of the parish are welcome.
the First Thursday Nov. 6th at Keystone Family
Restaurant (formerly Mountain Gate) in Waynesboro
at 12 Noon. All are invited from St. Rita¹s and St.
Mary¹s - for adequate seating , please contact Paulette
at 765-4407 or if you plan to attend
- also if it is your birthday month and you are new to
the group. Come and make some new friends and
renew acquaintances!
The Youth Group is looking for games (board, video,
table tennis, etc.) to keep in our meeting room. We
meet every other Sunday from 6-8 p.m. All Youth
grades 7-12 are welcome to attend. Parent volunteers
are also welcome. Upcoming events include movie
night and miniature golf. Contact or
642-9027 for more information.
Bishop’s Lenten Appeal Pledges: Please remember
to pay your Lenten Appeal Pledges. Any monies over
our goal will be returned to our parish for our own use.
FOR HEALING Offered after the 8:00AM Mass on
the first Sunday of month. You are welcome to come
forward if you have any illness, debilitating chronic
infirmities, advanced age, forthcoming surgery and
recovery from surgery and prayers for inner healing of
emotions and woundedness.
Celebrating the Gifts of People with Disabilities Please join us for this annual Diocesan Mass on
Saturday, November 1, 2014 at St. Pius X Church, 112
Fairview Dr. Selinsgrove, PA 17870. Bishop Ronald
Gainer will the principal celebrant with participation
from persons with disabilities throughout the diocese.
A light reception will be held after Mass. For more
information contact Kate Neri at (717) 657-4804, ext
317 or
NOVEMBER 15, 2014
The annual Diocesan
Catechetical Conference will be held Saturday,
November 15, 2014 at the Diocesan Center (4800
Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111). . Doors
open at 8 am and the conference concludes at 4:30 pm.
Theme is: The Catechist as Witness to Christ. The
Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer will be Principal
Celebrant and Homilist for Mass. There will be 35
workshops over four sessions. Keynote speaker is
Patrick Coffin. Pat Coffin is a dynamic Catholic
speaker, author, and host of the top-rated national
radio show, Catholic Answers Live. He has appeared
on FOX Channel, Comedy Central, and EWTN. Cost
is $30 per person. For information, please contact Jim
Gontis at (717) 657-4804, ext. 227, or at
The Tribunal of the Diocese of Harrisburg will be
giving a presentation concerning marriage, divorce and
annulment according to Church teaching. This
presentation will be helpful for divorced Catholics,
those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, those
parish leaders involved in the RCIA process and any
others who may have a vested interest because of
family or friends. This session will be held on
November 12, at 7:00 pm, in the Cardinal Keeler
Center of the diocesan office building in Harrisburg.
No prior registration is required. For further
information, please call 717-657-4804, extension 304,
or email:
St. Francis Xavier Gift Fair and Holiday Bazaar Saturday November 8th; 8:00 am to 3:00 pm , Xavier Center,
465 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg. Fair Trade items, many vendors, baked goods, crafts, door prizes, raffles
including a 40" TV,
more info