The Hoyt Gazette November 2014 Monthly Publication for the Residents, Staff, Families and Volunteers of Hoyt Nursing and Rehab Centre 1202 Weiss Saginaw, Michigan 48602 Phone (989) 754-1419 Resident Email - Website– FROM THE DESK OF THE ADMINISTRATOR I hope everyone had a chance to go out and view the glorious fall leaves this year. I took a ride up to Traverse City last month and the color through the Clare area was beautiful! Many of our residents were able to go on the color tour and had a great time. A big thank you to the Activity Department for arranging the outing for our residents. As of this date all but a few of our resident’s have received their influenza vaccine for the 2014-2015 season. If you have not returned the consent form, please make an effort to do so as soon as possible to allow your loved one to be protected with the vaccine. We are continuing with our visitation restrictions, following the PHD and local hospital protocol. I apologize for any inconvenience but the health of our residents is always first and foremost. We will have our annual Holiday Buffett on Tuesday December 2nd. This is in between the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday and will allow family members to enjoy the wonderful buffet that Chef Martini and the Dietary department are famous for. As in the past the buffet is open to all residents and 2 guests per resident as space permits so please get your reservations in. (continued on next page) Jon Reardon NHA,Owner Linda Brown-Meyer RN, NHA, Administrator Dr. Shivani Bhutani DO, Medical Director Andrea Hubbard RN, Director Of Nursing Billie Jo Wrzesinski RN, Asst. Dir. Of Nursing Pam Collison, Receptionist/Accounts Payable Laurie Freed, Medical Biller Dawn Kaiser, Payroll Tom Kingry, Environmental Services Dir. Meghan Maxwell BA, Admissions Director Michelle Psetas LBSW, Social Services Amber Thomas LBSW, Social Services Holly McBride ADC, Activity Director Jennifer Peake RD, Dietary Clinical Dir. Jim Martini , Chef/Dir. Of Food Service Stephanie Valley LPTA, Therapy Manager (continued) I want to again ask for the help of our families to keep all our residents safe and free from injury. It is the policy of Hoyt Nursing & Rehab Centre that all residents have foot peddles on their wheelchairs when they are being pushed in their wheelchairs. There have been numerous instances throughout the country of residents that have been tipped forward out of their wheelchairs when their feet become tangled or caught under the chair. These accidents have resulted in broken feet, ankles and in one case death from a broken neck. If you are visiting and wish to push a resident in their wheelchair the foot peddles should be located in a bag on the back of each wheelchair. Please ask any employee to assist and we will be happy to attach them to the chair before you walk with your loved one. We are all working together to keep our residents safe. And last but certainly not least, I wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving season. Should you have any questions regarding the above policy or any of our services please don’t hesitate to contact me. Linda Brown-Meyer, BSN, LNHA Resident Rights The resident rights for November are... 18.A patient ’s or resident ’s civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions and the right to knowledge of available choices, shall not be infringed upon and the facility shall encourage and assist in the fullest possible exercise of these rights. 24. A nursing home patient has the right to receive a written notice prepared by the state of the rights and obligations of Medicaid patients, including the rights of the spouses of Medicaid patients. Such notice shall be made prior to admission and during the patient’s stay. Receipt of such information and any amendments to it shall be acknowledged in writing. (resident rights continued next page) 28. A patient or resident (or his/her authorized representative) is entitled to manage his/her own financial affairs, or to have at least a quarterly accounting of personal financial transactions undertaken on his or her behalf by the facility during a period of time when the patient or resident (or his/her authorized representative) has delegated those responsibilities to the facility. In addition, a patient or resident is entitled to receive from the facility each month an itemized statement setting forth the services paid for by or on behalf of the patient or resident and the services rendered by the facility. The admission of a patient to a nursing home does not confer on the facility or its owner, administrator, employees or representatives the authority to manage, use or dispose of a patient ’s property. For a nursing home patient the facility shall furnish a written description of the manner of protecting personal funds deposited with the facility. The nursing home patient is not required to deposit his/ her personal funds with the facility. The Next Resident Council Meeting Will Be… Monday November 3rd at 10:00 AM. This is the time to bring any concerns that you may have as a resident of this facility. We hope to see you there. The Meal Of The Month For November Is.. Turkey Divine Stuffing Sweet potatoes Alternative: Ham Dessert: Pumpkin Pie Food For Thought For November... Well it is the start of a new month and the “Holiday Season” will officially begin with Thanksgiving! However most of the stores have decorations and items set up already for Christmas! This year we will celebrate Thanksgiving on November 27. We will be serving a Traditional Turkey dinner of: Roast Turkey Breast with gravy, sage dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. If you are planning to attend this meal service with your loved one, a meal ticket needs to be purchased in advance so that we may have an accurate amount of food to prepare. Our “Holiday Buffet” will be served on Tuesday December 2nd at noon. Each resident is allowed two guests to join them for this celebration. Due to limited seating space we can only accommodate a maximum of 100 guests, so please get your RSVP’s in as soon as possible! With all the rushing around of the Holiday, preparing a dish to take to an event can be quite a chore. I have included a recipe for an easy “pumpkin pie like” dessert, which is easy and quick to prepare. Hope everyone has a great and safe Holiday! If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our food services please see myself or Jen Peake R.D. and we will be happy to assist you. Enjoy and Eat Well!! Chef Jim Pumpkin Pie like Dessert 7 cups 15 ounce 1 Tablespoon 2 cups 3 cups Prepared Vanilla pudding Pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) Pumpkin Pie Spice Ginger Snap Cookies Whipped topping 1). Crush ginger snaps to crumb size 2). Combine pudding, pumpkin & pie spice Add amount of spice as needed to taste 3) Layer in bowl for a trifle, or into parfait cups or into graham cracker crumb pie or tart shell, for fast and easy. Start with pudding, then crumbs, then whipped topping and repeat the layer to fill to the top. 4). Garnish top with ginger snap or spice as garnish Happy Birthday To Our Residents Thelma Matuzak 11/01 Sally Ray 11/04 Margaret Niederstadt 11/08 Mary Szczepanik 11/19 Joyce Laporte 11/20 Marion Thompson 11/24 Julia Siler 11/25 Jeanie Enciso 11/27 Eleanor Mason 11/28 Loraine McMahon 11/30 Hope your day is filled with the same happiness that you bring others! Happy Birthday To Our Staff Tiffany Huizar Madison Soriteu Shayla Hairston Kim Green Elene Hall Debbie Eurich Julianna Gusler Kim Janowicz Amber Bauknecht 11/01 11/01 11/08 11/11 11/13 11/14 11/18 11/22 11/24 Billie Jo Wrzesinski Bernadette Lee Regina Goodwine 11/26 11/30 11/30 Welcome To Hoyt Denise Palmer LPN Happy Anniversary Jon Reardon Catherine Davis Shanekia Adams Jen Peake Amber Thomas April Rogan Lisa Allen Stacy Rasco 34yrs 22yrs 10yrs 10yrs 9yrs 7yrs 6yrs 6yrs Briana Owen Shawn Coffey Nakeshia Wesley Nitashia Williams Demonia Box Dana Owen 4yrs 3yrs 3yrs 3yrs 2yrs 2yrs A Turkeys' Lament When I was a young turkey , new to the coop, my big brother Mike took me out on the stoop, then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow, and he told me there was something that I had to know. His look and his tone I will always remember, when he told me of the horrors of Black November. “Come about August, now listen to me, each day you’ll be thick, where once you were thin, and you’ll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin; and then one morning, when you’re warm in your bed, in will burst the farmer’s wife and hack off your head. Then she’ll pluck out all of your feathers so you are bald and pink and scoop out all of your insides and leave you lying in the sink. And then comes the worst part”, he said not bluffing, “ she will spread your cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing”. Well the rest of his words were too grim to repeat. I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat, and decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked, I’d have to lay low and remain overlooked; I began a new diet of nuts and granola, highroughage salads, juice and diet cola. As they ate pastries, chocolates and crepes, I stayed in my room doing Jane Fonda tapes. I maintained my weight of two pounds and a half and tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed. But twas I who was laughing, under my breath, as they chomped and they chewed ever closer to death, and sure enough when Black November rolled around, I was the last turkey left in the entire compound; so now I’m a pet in the farmer’s wife’s lap. I haven’t a worry, so I eat and I nap. She held me today, while sewing and humming and smiled at me and said “Christmas is coming….” Holiday Buffet This year the Holiday Buffet will be held on Tuesday December 2nd at 12:00 PM. We ask that you please R.S.V.P. by the 24th of November. Due to limited space, each resident is allowed to invite two guests. We have a maximum number of 100 guests that we can seat so please get your R.S.V.P. in early; first come first served. We are unable to make any additions after the 24th or as we reach 100 guests (whichever comes first). You can find the R.S.V.P. slips on the board by the main dining area. They Did Their Share On Veteran’s Day we honor Soldiers who protect our nation. For their service as our warriors, They deserve our admiration. Some of them were drafted; Some were volunteers; For some it was just yesterday; For some it’s been many years; In the jungle or the desert, On land or on the sea, They did whatever was assigned To produce a victory. Some came back; some didn’t. They defended us everywhere. Some saw combat; some rode a desk; All of them did their share. No matter what the duty, For low pay and little glory, These soldiers gave up normal lives, For duties mundane and gory. We owe so much to them, who kept us safe from terror, so when we see a uniform, Let’s say "thank you" to every wearer. By Joanna Fuchs We would like to take this opportunity to thank some of the residents who served their country, Robert Malecki, George Coulson, Sam Grimaldi, Eugene Kusowski, Albert Moore, Robert Ruppel, Henry Salacina Light Tour To Frankenmuth We will be taking our annual trip to see the Christmas Lights in Frankenmuth December 4th. The bus will be leaving the facility around 5:30 PM and will return about 7:30 PM. For those going on the trip we will have an early dinner. We will not be exiting the bus on this trip so we should stay nice and warm. There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the main dining area. Please sign your loved one up if they are interested in going. Any questions please see Cristina or Holly in the activity office. This is a great trip and often brings back memories. Christmas Gifts With the holidays approaching, families begin to think of the things that they could get their loved ones. Here are a few tips and suggestions that may work for you. Families often purchase clothes for their loved ones and we would like to remind you that if you do, please get them labeled. We also see that many residents enjoy such things as newspaper or magazine subscriptions, CD players (make sure to mark them with their name), jewelry to wear, puzzle books, bibles, other large print material to read and money in their account for the beauty shop. If you would like to have a gift delivered, the activity department would be glad to assist you. Bird Feeders... With the weather getting cold many of us begin to think of the animals outside, like the birds. Family members often like to bring their loved ones bird feeders that can hang outside their windows. It is important to remember that while the birds do love to eat the seed and residents like to watch, having a bird feeder is not allowed due to health and environmental reasons. We do not allow families to put bird feeders outside the widows that require birdseed. Although the birds are beautiful to watch the food that falls to the ground is also enjoyed by the mice and other small rodents. Some things that are acceptable that families like to put up are wreaths hanging outside the window or sun catchers hanging on the widows from inside. Thank you for your cooperation and compliance with this issue. As the holidays are approaching people start to plan family gatherings and taking their loved ones out of the building. Hoyt has many wonderful options that families can take advantage of if they choose. The facility allows families to use the Hoyt van to take their loved ones out locally. We require that the person who will be operating the vehicle to be trained in how to use the lift properly, sign a liability form, as well as have a valid drivers license. Meghan Maxwell can assist you with setting up training and reserving the van. It is also important to remember to book the van as soon as you know the date of your event due to the vans popularity. We ask that you try to book it at least 1-2 weeks in advance. Before you leave the facility, check in with the nurse and make sure that you have everything you may need for the outing, along with any special information on transferring your loved one safely into the vehicle. Therapy is also available to train family on safe transfers of residents in order to protect themselves and the family member being transferred (please call therapy ahead of time). If your loved one is receiving therapy please get the with rehab department ahead of time so the residents therapy can be completed before or after your outing. They will be working on the Holiday itself along with weekends near the holiday. If taking your loved one out is not an option the facility also has a few rooms that can be used if you would like to have a small gathering here. They consist of the private dining room (accommodates 6-8 people), the conference room that can be used on the weekends or evenings (accommodates 10-12 people), and the dining areas that are used for meals. However dining rooms are not only used for meals but many times activities are held in them when meals are not being served. We want to remind families that the lounge areas are for all residents to use as is the bird room so these rooms will not be available to be reserved. Some families have also found that instead of using someone's home it is easier to go to a restaurant, where there are no steps and a handicap bathroom is available. We would like to Wish Jon Reardon A very Happy 60th Birthday! Jon, The Kid At Heart! Adopted Family It is that time of year when Hoyt adopts a family in need for Christmas. This year Hoyt will be adopting a family from the Bethlehem School. The facility will be posting the information in the facility when it becomes available. Any all available donations for this family will be appreciated.
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