THE CALVARY BEACON CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 220 W. Burke Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401-3322 Phone: (304) 267-4542 E-mail: Website: Our vision: To be a beacon of God’s love! Our Mission: To grow and show the love of Jesus! NOVEMBER, 2014 Pastor Bob I was introduced to her while at a visit a while ago at a nursing home. She smiled warmly to me as we met, rolling her wheelchair in through the main entrance. Her right leg, I noticed, was missing and, I assumed, had at some point been amputated. It was likely the tragic but all too common consequence of a failing battle with diabetes. “What a beautiful day it is out there!” she shared with us. “I almost felt like I didn’t need this sweater.” I agreed with her assessment, though in truth I hadn’t even begun to reflect on the weather. Still, in polite conversation, the weather is a common and safe area for discussion. But she followed this up with something that just made me think. “It was worth all the effort,” she said. “I’m glad I went.” There was something very honest, very genuine about what she was sharing with me. She felt blessed. I couldn’t help but wonder how much I tended to take so many of the simple gifts of life—like a beautiful autumn day—for granted. For this woman, the warmth and beauty she experienced for those few minutes may have been the event of her day and “worth all the effort.” I was amazed by her spirit which seemed not to dwell on disappointment or disability but felt amazement and wonder at the gift of something I hadn’t even noticed. I wonder how many other simple gifts of life you and I have been blessed with which we hardly ever notice? Our ability to walk, to sing, to see and to listen. The gift of Christian friends and the laughter of young children. The marvels of today’s medicines to keep us healthy, to fight disease, and to ease pain. Our pantries are full, our children are not at war, and life is holy. Is it any wonder the Psalmist writes, “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord,” (Ps. 150:6)? And yet the simple gifts, which are there in such amazing abundance, are so often unnoticed by us. I thank God for teachers like this woman who remind me of the vast richness of God’s blessings in my life. God’s goodness is all around me. We should all notice these things. It’s well worth the effort! Yours in Christ Bob Robert G. Brennan, Jr. Pastor The Tri-County Pastoral counseling service cordially invites you to our 42nd Anniversary Fund Raising dinner. “England Comes to West Virginia. A slide presentation by Rev. Dr. Warren Watts and his wife, Maria Watts. Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Calvary United Methodist Church. Home cooked Ham & Turkey dinner – $20.00 per person donation. Call (304) 263-6205 for tickets and information. YOU ARE INVITED TO AN ADVENT STUDY: THE CHRISTMAS EXPERIENCE by Kyle Idleman The Friendship Class would like to extend an invitation to for all interested to join together in a Christmas Study to reflect on what the first Christmas may have been like. The video-driven study presents the life of Mary and Joseph before the birth of Christ. The study then follows the scriptures of the birth of Christ. This study shows how God kept his promise with the birth of his son and how even in the tough times God is in control. THE CHRISTMAS EXPERIENCE begins at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 16 in the Chapel (Chamber’s Men’s Class) and runs six consecutive Sundays, ending on Sunday, December 21. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: THE 2014 CALVARY ADVENT CELEBRATION will be held Sunday, November 30, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a potluck supper in Fellowship Hall, followed by Calvary Children in a program entitled Decorate the Hall and Trim the Tree, the singing of carols, activities for the Children and special music by the Calvary Chancel and Handbell Choirs. Operation Christmas Child, a shoebox project of Samaritan’s Purse, was initiated with a brochure in the October 26th bulletin, again on November 2 and available through the Church Office. Pre-decorated shoeboxes are also available. Brochures include instructions, an envelope, and tags to indicate the gender and age of the intended recipient. The deadline for Calvary Church to receive shoeboxes is Sunday, November 16, 2014. A check for $7.00 made out to Samaritan’s Purse, and earmarked Operation Christmas Child, placed in the provided envelope to accompany the shoebox will help defray the cost of shipping. The Advent Season is almost upon us. Again this year we are planning to have a live poinsettia tree in our sanctuary. Orders are now being taken for poinsettias at $8.00 each. Deadline for ordering is November 30 , 2014. Send to: Dorothy Hollida, 8171 Tuscarora Pike Martinsburg, WV 25403. You will find the order forms in Sunday’s Bulletins in November. HEAD USHER – Buzz Bayer, David Decker, Mike Newcome , Ken Criswell, Gary Frye, David Southerly, Doug Frye EARLY SERVICE: Calvin Russell, Don Nicewarner, Jim Holland BALCONY USHERS: Mike Newcome & Ronald Effland GREETERS: (8:30) Doug & Birdalee Keesecker (10:45) Cheryl Jenkins & Ruth James HOST/HOSTESS: Bev Hardman DEVOTIONAL LEADERS: (8:30) Marsha Dodson (10:45) Jeff Hollis ACOLTYE SCHEDULE: November 3 Jillian Albright & Matthew Johns November 9 Tommy Criswell & Jesse Hernandez November 16 Johathan Figueroa & Nathalie Figueroa November 23 Jillian Albright & Matthew Johns November 30 Tommy Criswell & Jesse Hernandez ALTAR GUILD: Beverly & Gary Frye ALTAR FLOWER VOLUNTEER: November 3 Gary & Beverly Frye November 9 Betty, David & Cathy Decker November 16 Eileen & Dave Southerly November 23 Doug Frye November 30 Juanita & Charles Burritos COMMUNION STEWARDS: 8:30 a.m. Service – Heather Villeme & Gale Johnson 10:45 a.m. Service – David & Eileen Southerly NURSERY VOLUNTEER: If you are interested in helping in the nursery, please contact Heather Hardman or the Church Office: (304) 267-4542 WORSHIP/REFRESHMENT TIME: November 2 The Friendship Class November 9 UMYF Soup & Sandwich November 16 Need Help (Contact Jeff Hollis) November 23 Ruth James November 30 Need Help (Contact Jeff Hollis SHARING HANDS: November 1 Marsha Dodson, Connie Catrow, Helen Hardman, Alecia Roberts, Sarah Hurlock, Juanita & Charles Burditus November 8 Christa Banks, Betty & Don Nicewarner, Calvin Russell, Johanna Albrecht, Dick & Nona Hager November 15 Randy, Katherine & Skylar Hnson, Warren & Maria Watts, Dawn Hardison November 22 Inwood United Methodist Church November 29 Jim & Myrtle Holland, Rodney & Regina Sherman, Peggy Whetzel, Beth Taylor WE CARE CONTACT PERSON: Doug Frye (263-4998) REMINDER - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! Apple Dumplings will be available again November 17, 18 & 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: 2 baked dumplings for $7.00. Orders are now being taken. Please order through the church office (304) 267- 4542 2014 CROP WALK for Church World Service raised approximately $5,000 supported by over 100 walkers, eight (8) of whom represented Calvary: Jim Holland (drove the Blister Bus), Pastor Bob, Mark Albright, Calvin Russell, Myrtle Holland, Angela Barbour, David Anderson & Nancy Strother. 20%of the proceeds remain in the area to be distributed by C-CAP; the remainder will be distributed internationally at the discretion of Church World Service. 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 Rodney Sherman Steven Everly, Schylar Raye Kees Allison Simpson Jan Fries, Susan Tewalt Charles Pownall, Jr., James Thompson, Rachel Jenkins, Maxwell Shade Marie Snyder, Donna Flick, Kenneth Criswell Christopher Fincham Sarah Barnes, Emily Noll Patricia Queen, Moses Greenberg, Derracel Baker, Brandon Knotts, Kevin Knotts, Jewels Dunkin Robert Kirkpatrick, Jr., Frannie Dunn Todd Ingram, Richard Ingram David Southerly, Linda Springer Beverly Springer Teresa Velasquez, Bree Myers Roger Ayers Janell Davis, Bradley Dodson Charles Bayer, Quinton Gray Donald White, Brittany Funk, Abigail Paugh David Gray, Jessica Springer, Mark Hollida James Linger, Gail Ann Miller, Adam Dodson Dear Calvary United Methodist Congregation: I would like to thank you for your generous donations towards my Eagle Scout Project. I am blessed to have your support throughout the years as well as the duration of my project. Over the years the church has given me so many great opportunities; it feels good to give back to the church. Again, Many Thanks! Sincerely, Rich Calo I want to thank everyone who has visited, expressed prayers, well wishes, and concern during the last few trying days. It means a lot to know you’re thought of in so many ways. I got home Monday afternoon and have been re-acclimating myself to how to do things. We take so much for granted. I have to admit that I slept well, ate decent, and was well cared for at City-BMS. Some how even lucked into a private room! The heart doc even gave me the diagnosis I told him I expected, heart is ok. “I hope mine looks that good when I’m 61!” was the quote. God has truly been at work here. Thanks again! Jeff Hollis Calvary’s Cornucopia of Pasta Spaghetti Supper will be held on Friday, November 21, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m . Menu includes spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, drinks and homemade desserts. Carry out orders are available. Cost is $8.00 per adult, $4.00 for children 4 to 12 years old, children 3 years and under eat free! Fall 2014 Schedule: CUB SCOUT PACK #13 Den meetings are held Tuesdays, at 7:00 p.m at Calvary Church. To find out more about Cub Scouting, visit:, or contact The Adventurers: meet on Mondays at 7:00 p.m., For more information contact Jeff at (304) 263-6140 or (304) 671-5359 or redoak1953 Calvary United Methodist Women present “Soup for the Soul” Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. All Calvary women are invited to participate. Chicken Noodle Soup and Vegetable Soup will be served. A side dish and a dessert to compliment the soup are requested. Also, bring a can of soup of your choice to be contributed to CCAP Loaves and ] R.S.V.P. Ruth James (304) 270-0093 or call the church Fishes. office (304) 267-4542 no later than November 8, 2014. G-Force: God’s Love in Action! I Thank My God Every Time I Remember You. Philippians 1:3 The leaves have turned, apples are harvested. Pumpkins are prevalent items of décor, inside and out, as well as the main ingredient of many seasonal culinary treats. The colors on the trees and the weather have been gorgeous here. Just around the corner we shall run right in to Thanksgiving Day! Amidst the current events of the world and the flurry of back-to-back events and responsibilities of family, work, church, and community we are greeted by a national holiday which bids us make time to remember the beginnings of the great country in which we reside and give thanks. It is good to reflect on God’s constant presence, his hand at work, his presence and blessings, whether in the challenges of survival in wilderness days of life and the days of joy and thanksgiving – then and now. In the spirit of the season, and at the culmination of the transformation of the Church Offices, the Church Parlor and general clean up well beyond those areas (which continues), comes a fullness of spirit and a desire to lift up thanks for the efforts of so many people and every donation of time, talent and financial resource that was provided to make it all happen! By the grace of God, and the servant hearts of many, lovely renovations have been made to our Church home. Since the end of the summer there have been additional endeavors completed for which to give thanks: a Visioning Retreat with 3 SMART Goals, Charge Conference, the moving of the Brennan Family into their new home, the construction and sale of countless Pies and Apple Dumplings, the great cooking and exquisite hospitality of monthly Spaghetti Dinners, planning for a new year of Sharing Hands Ministries, new projects of the Worship Committee, Education Committee and Trustees completed, with Music Ministries lifting praises. With new Acolytes serving and devoted Teachers and Sunday Classes (with one brand new, Bible Boot Camp) of all ages running right along, fellowship time at the UMYF Soup and Sandwich Luncheons; UMYF and UMW, Adventurers, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts working on their goals and ministries for another year. The list goes on and on, including ways in which the larger community is served by the people of Calvary Church. This Church is richly blessed by the love and generosity that flows within and overflows – much for which to give God thanks and praise! May God be glorified in all that we do! May we count our blessings and have grateful hearts throughout November and look forward together for new opportunities and ways to serve God as he call us! Shalom, Nancy On November 2nd the Choir will sing two anthems; one anthem, “For those who serve” matches the theme of thankfulness and service which Pastor Bob will be preaching on. The second anthem, Celtic Laud speaks of thanksgiving and Communion. Laud means to praise. This anthem has a Celtic feel to it with flute accompaniment by Mrs. Brennan. You can imagine an Irish farmer giving thanks for his harvest of fruit and grain and it makes him thankful for the gift of the Lord’s Supper. He then thinks about the dove flying in the wind and the fire keeping him warm and this imagery makes him thankful for the Holy Spirit. All the greenery and light he sees makes him thankful for new life through Jesus. Like this farmer we should be inspired to look around and be thankful for the blessings of God during this season. On November 9th Pastor Bob will be preaching on Joshua 24 where Joshua declares “as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord.” The choir will sing “I’d Rather have Jesus” which I believe fits with that sentiment perfectly. On November 16th the Adult Handbell choir will perform “We Gather Together” in the style of a jazz waltz. (It is quite difficult so please start praying now!) The Sunday before Thanksgiving the Chancel choir will sing “Come Ye Thankful People Come.” The first verse is all about thankfulness. The second verse compares us to the harvest field with the wheat and the tares. Pastor Bob will be preaching on the sheep and the goats this Sunday. We pray that we are the “wholesome grain” and the sheep. You don’t want to be a tare or a goat! The last verse sings about Jesus returning to take His harvest home. We will begin the season of Advent on November 30th with a gospel anthem called “When the Clouds Roll Back” which looks forward to Christ’s Second Advent. Calvary will host a community Thanksgiving service at 10:00am on Thanksgiving Day. If anyone is willing to share a musical offering please contact me immediately. Check us out on Facebook where I post some musical musings from time to time. Find us at “Music at Calvary.” Calvary will be on the radio in the month of November. Please pray for our choirs so that we may stay healthy and strong in number and voice. Please pray for our new Sunday School class, Bible Boot Camp” as we adventure through the Bible book by book! Happy Thanksgiving! Mark C. Albright “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:15-17 Calvary’s United Methodist Women (CUMW) are soliciting and will be bagging and selling Christmas Cookies. Cookie donations may be brought to the Church Office on Friday, December 5, between 9:30 a.m. and noon. Calvary’s UM Women will package the cookies in the church kitchen, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 6 and will receive cookies until 9:30 a.m. Cookies will be available for purchase on Sunday, December 7, 2014 A donation $3.50 per bag, a baker’s dozen, will be asked. All proceeds will support the Calvary United Methodist Women’s mission projects! UMYF SCHEDULE - NOVEMBER Sunday, November 2: 2nd $ Installment for ROCK 2015 ($65) DUE TODAY! 6:15-9:00 p.m. - Bonfire with Marshmallow Roast, Hide-and-Seek. Hosted at the Hollida Home. Bring a snack/beverage to share! Parents welcome. Sunday, November 9: noon - Soup and Sandwich Luncheon 6-9:15 p.m.: Progressive Supper. 3 Homes; 3 Devotions; 3 Courses! Parent pick up at Church. Sunday, November 16: 6:00 p.m. - Christmas Gifts for Stonewall Apartments Sunday, November 23: 6:00-8:00 p.m. – FULL ARMOR OF GOD 13th Annual community Thanksgiving Day Dinner – all are Sunday, November 30: 6:00 p.m. – Calvary Advent welcome! Sponsored by St. Joseph Catholic Church. The dinner will Celebration: begins with a potluck supper. Children’s be held from noon until 4:00 p.m., on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th at St. Joseph Parish School Cafeteria, 110 W. Stephen Street. Please Program, Special Music and Carol Sing call the church office to make a reservation. (304) 267-4893.
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