The Concordian A Newsletter of Concordia Lutheran Church - ELCA • Superior, WI Vol. 62, No. 11 • November, 2014 “Called to Nurture and Live our Faith, Encourage our Service, and Actively Share the Gospel” Civil Rights and Religious Rites The Supreme Court recently decided to let stand the lower court ruling that bans on homosexual marriages are illegal. On the day of that decision I was interviewed by Fox 21 for a church perspective on the decision. I tried to explain that in the ELCA, it is congregations that are allowed to offer marriages for same sex couples. I also tried to explain that while ELCA pastors are registered by the states to perform marriages, their officiating status is governed by their call to a congregation. ELCA pastors are not freelance officials of weddings. I believe the Supreme Court’s decision to allow same sex marriage is wise. It is in society’s interest to promote stable family life regardless of gender preference of couples and to afford civil rights equally to all people. In the United States the decision to allow same sex unions is now left to the individual states. At the same time I believe religious bodies should continue to be able to define what constitutes marriage for their denomination through their religious rites. In the ELCA that definition is left up to individual congregations. It has been tradition among God’s people that marriage is between a man and a woman. But if we were to follow in the tradition of Abraham (the first person called by God), we would experience family structure built around a man having two wives and two concubines. Tradition is challenged in every generation. I hope that ELCA congregations as well as God’s people of other religious bodies prayerfully consider what is right and just for our time. When we determine what is right we will be able to minister the proper rite. Ever in God’s grace, Pastor Greg PARISH NURSING NOTES... I have had some absolutely glorious drives into town this fall! The colors are stunning – especially in the morning when the sun shines on them at a slant, and the sky is hazy blue behind them. The dark green of the pines seems to accent the reds, yellows and golds of the leaves, and they seem to be lit from within. And every time I see their beauty, my eyes water a little, and I say a little prayer thanking God for making such a beautiful world for us to live in. Then the hymn, “How Great Thou Art” starts going through my mind, and I end up humming it the rest of the way into town. I even told Pastor Greg that I think we ought to sing that hymn every Sunday during the fall. Of course the glistening snow after a new snowfall is beautiful to look at as well (though not as much fun to drive through or shovel), and the fresh new buds and emerging leaves in the spring. God has created beauty to be thankful for every season of the year! And so many other things as well! And as we head into November, the month of Thanksgiving, what a good time to think of developing an “Attitude of Gratitude.” One of the things for which I am grateful is the wonderful way in which I was created. My body allows me to do most anything I choose – at least to a certain extent.! I can walk, sit, bend, stretch, twist and turn, dance, lift and move things, think, eat, work, sleep, breathe, adjust to different temperatures and climates, smell various scents, and taste different flavors. I can see and appreciate sunsets, trees, mountains, babies, kittens, and flowers. I can feel and tell the difference between things that are hard, soft, rough, sharp, hot or cold. I have built-in reflexes that help keep me safe. I have a mind that allows me to evaluate alternatives and make choices. I can feel love for my family and friends, and express that love with hugs and caring actions. Most of these functions occur without our conscious thought or effort. What a wonderful creation the human body is! Yet we very often take our body and our abilities for granted. Think of the way you care for your car. You use the right kind of fuel, change the oil, rotate the times, and take it in for a “tune-up” as necessary. I am thankful for my car. But how much more grateful we should be for our bodies and the way they function for us. And how much better care we should take of our bodies than we do of our cars or homes. Consider the fuel we put in our bodies. Is it the right type of fuel? Is it only the amount that is needed to maintain function, or is it excessive? Do we give it adequate rest and exercise? Do we practice preventive techniques to avoid future problems? Do we pay attention to how it is “running” and have any “malfunctions” checked out? Most of us keep a car for a limited number of years. How long do you want to keep your body? Neglecting to care for your body, at least as well as you care for your car, can result in health problems that will prevent you from enjoying all of its many functions–or for a much shorter period of time than you would like. God knew how He wanted our bodies to function. It’s too bad that we don’t know as well. Practicing gratitude in itself is beneficial to our health. Research has shown that it can make you happier and healthier – both emotionally and physically. Thankful people tend to take better care of themselves – exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and seeking regular medical care. It also builds positive feelings. One large study suggests that the positive personal attributes linked to expressing gratitude may actually help prevent heart disease. It found that people who regularly express their feelings of gratitude tend to: get more and better sleep at night; have fewer headaches, nausea, and pain, and other physical symptoms of illness; experience less stress; have greater resistance to illness; have a greater sense of wellbeing; view life as pleasurable, interesting, and exciting. You can start practicing gratitude by telling God daily what you are particularly grateful for that day, by jotting down things as you think of them, calling a friend to express appreciation for their friendship, or writing a short note to a family member expressing qualities or actions you particularly appreciate. I am grateful to be a part of Concordia – a beautiful building with a rich history of hard-working, faithful, caring members. I am grateful for all of you – your friendship and your support, and allowing me to be a part of your lives. Stay happy, healthy, and grateful...............................................Jean -2- Sunday School! Sundays, 9:15 a.m. 3-year-olds (potty-trained) through confirmation age we have a place for you! Come join the fun, and learn about Jesus! Confirmation Classes for 7th and 8th grade students run on Wednesdays, 4 p.m., in the church library. See you there! God’s Blessings to our Confirmands, who affirmed their faith on Oct. 26: Gunnar Gronski Blake Hanson Kelsey Paquette Erin Thompson Kaleb Ullan “In Bethlehem” The Sunday School Department and youth of Concordia Lutheran Church will be performing a Christmas play titled, “In Bethlehem.” It will be presented on Sunday, December 21, during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Children of all ages are welcome to: C participate C help with young children C assist with costumes C set up scenes C share acting skills C share musical skills Please note the following dates and times for practices. All practices will be during the Sunday School hour (9:15 a.m.) December 7 December 14 December 21 (practice & performance) Darkness to Light For EVERYONE at Concordia who volunteers to work with our youth, and to all who care about children! Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Program is available online! You will be reimbursed for taking the course online (approximately 2 hours for $10). Print out your certificate at the end of training for our church records. Come in to the church office for a volunteer application and a background check form (the training, application and background check are REQUIRED for anyone at Concordia working with children and youth). And thank you for caring about the safety of our children! To access the online training: (As in Darkness “2" Light) Select “Prevention Programs,” “Stewards of Children,” then “Online Training” Watch for additional opportunities for on site training......... -3- Greetings from your Library Board! The fall has been a beautiful one and now we enter the time of year when the pace starts to pick up. The holidays are just around the corner and along with that comes the planning and preparations for the family gatherings and festivities. Some of the special days in November are All Saints Day (11/1) followed by All Saints Sunday (11/2), Christ the King Sunday (11/23), Thanksgiving (11/27), and finishing off the month is the first Sunday in Advent (11/30). The library has a collection of books relating to these special days, ranging from the informative to devotional/meditation. Stop in and see what’s available. We are happy to help you out! Library Board members have been busy preparing books for circulation. We recently “A Newly Weds Series,” a collection of 5 books written by Margo Hanson, a Minnesota author of Christian fiction romance novels. The stories take place in Minnesota in the late 1800s and follow the adventures of the Newly family as they settle in Minnesota’s north woods and learn to trust GOD in their lives. The books are available for circulation and are displayed on the counter by the library desk. Note: it is best to start with #1 and continue in sequence through #5. Enjoy! (These books were purchased with some of the money donated to the library in memory of Maxine Florey.) The library has also processed 7 children’s books by Helen Lester that were given to the library by Gary & Carol Banker. They, too, are located on the counter by the desk (area marked “New Books,”) Please join us for coffee hour on Sunday, November 2, for some goodies, coffee/tea/juice, and some good fellowship. The Library Board is hosting and we look forward to seeing you there! In closing, the Library Board has been blessed by a generous donation of books from Gary Banker’s collection. We thank you, Gary! God’s peace! Remember to always be thankful - Keep On Reading! Lutefisk- Swedish Meatball Dinner! Thursday, November 6, 2013 300 tickets will be sold: $15 for a lutefisk/meatball dinner; $10 for a meatball dinner. Serving will be in Fellowship Hall between 4 and 6:30 p.m. We need everyone to pitch in to make this dinner a success!! Please watch the bulletins for more information, and be ready to sign on the line when it comes time to volunteer! Contact Mike Olson (715.398.0343) with your offer to help. Lefse League ~ Preparing potatoes: Sunday, November 2, 8:30 am Rolling/Baking: Monday, November 3, 9:30 am Bring your rolling pins and boards. We have some extra boards and covers. Call the Lefse Lady (Marie) at 715.399.2338 with any questions. Start digging out your favorite Bake Sale Recipes! In conjunction with the dinner, the Concordia Lutheran Church Women (CLCW) will be having a bake sale! Cookies, breads, quick breads, cupcakes, bars, home-canned goods.....YUM! Bring your goodies to the church by noon on Thursday, November 6! Proceeds from the bake sale go directly to the Boe-Engebretson Student Award fund. -4- The History of Concordia....cont’d..... In January of 1975 the church adopted a new constitution and by-laws which resulted in an organization of eight standing committees to provide leadership of the church. Previously, the council consisted of two bodies: the Trustees and the Deacons. In 1975, the CLCW hosted the Northern Minnesota District Convention Banquet. The women of the church served so faithfully in so many ways. This included women of the circles, the Mission Society, and Daughters of Concordia. The Altar Guild is of tremendous help every week to our pastors. They care for the altar, its paraments, and ready the church service for communion. During the summer of 1976, the old Holy Trinity Church on the corner of 18th and John was dismantled. Our church used it for the youth and the Boy Scout Troop met there. This brought additional parking for the church. 1978 turned out to be a great year for Concordia. At the annual meeting the Trust Fund was approved. Then on May 21, 1978, a special service was held to retire the church debt. The church was able to do this in part due to the generosity of the Leslie Olsen Family. During the summer, the Brotherhood refinished the church pews and painted the interior walls. The CLCW installed folding dividers and recessed lighting in Fellowship Hall. All this made the church comfortable and inviting. More to follow..... KEEPING A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS In August of 2005, a congregational meeting was held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (we were out of our building at the time). At this meeting, those present approved a motion “that we restore and maintain the church to its original form as much as possible.” Subsequent research and information, and the resulting work on God’s house brought us to the culmination of necessary repair work, i.e., new roofing over the sanctuary. The information below gives an indication of where we are in our support of that new roof, and where we need to go. Will you help? 34 Pledges (as of 10/20/2014): Received on pledges (as of 10/20/2014): Cash on hand, New Roof Fund (9/30/2014): Borrowed from line of credit: Balance owing on 10/20/2014: $33,599.00 $25,212.50 $6,287.91 $171,500 $145,000 The 3-Year Payoff Plan: Principal Balance, 12/31/2013 Add: Anticipated interest payments, next 3 years Subtract: Available from investment fund, 12/31/2016 Pledge contributions due as of 12/31/2013 Cash on hand as of 12/31/2013 Pledges/Donations needed in the next 3 years Saturday night - November 1! $164,500 16,000 (100,000) (15,000) (22,500) $43,000 Donate once or set up a recurring donation by heading to your church website: -5- Why do I... ...Need to use my assigned offering envelope for contributions? It drastically reduces the chance for error when crediting your contributions! All members should have a box of offering envelopes - call the church office with questions. ...Need to fill out a communion card? It helps us keep accurate statistics for ELCA Churchwide reports, AND allows the church office to keep accurate records on voting membership. Remember, a VOTING MEMBER of the congregation is one for whom we have record of contribution AND communion within a current 2-year period. WHERE ARE YOU?? Have you dropped your LAN line and just use a cell phone now? Do we have your cell phone number? Hmmmmmmmm? Please don’t hide from us! Call the church office ANYTIME with your contact information changes (address, phone number, email) – and THANKS! Are YOU on our weekly email list for “Concordia Connections”? It’s a great way to stay in touch with what’s happening at Concordia. Email the church at to get on the list, or call the office with your email address. Thanks to........ Sara (Marvin) Moore and her assistant, LeRoy Eliason, for a comprehensive photo inventory of the inside of our church building! They did a wonderfully thorough job. Copies are now stored in the safe and off-site! The Concordia Community Benevolence Fund Foundation Board has been meeting monthly to allocate donations to programs for area youth. Year-to-date, there have been allocations to: C Financial Peace University (for 2014 high school grads from Concordia) C Toys for Tots C Trunk or Treat (Concordia neighborhood Halloween celebration) C United Way (Dolly Parton Imagination Library) C Nutrition on Weekends C Superior Fire Department (for burn prevention education in the schools) C Lutheran Social Services (for therapy/counseling for youth) C Harbor House C Human Development Center C Mentor Superior (AmeriCorps academic mentoring program) C School District of Superior (in-school tutoring scholarships; transportation passes for students in transition) C School supplies and winter clothing for children Year to date $26,350 has been distributed with a balance remaining of $3,856 (including prior year’s balance). Funds for this ministry are based on annual earnings from a portion of the Paulson bequest to Concordia, plus any funds remaining from the prior year. -6- Concordia Lutheran Church Women News Thursday, November 20 5 p.m. Sclavi’s Bake Sale - Thursday, November 6! Our biggest fund raiser will be held in conjunction with the Lutefisk Swedish Meatball dinner, scheduled for Thursday, November 6. Brush up on those baking skills! Bring your baked goods to the church office on Wednesday, November 5 by 4 p.m., or on Thursday, November 6, by noon. All bake sale proceeds help to fund the BoeEngebretson Scholarship Awards. Thank you for your contributions! Thankoffering Sunday November 9, 2014 th century, Lutheran women were given small Thank-offering boxes to place in a Beginning in the late19 special location in their homes as a visible reminder of blessings received. Women would add coins to those boxes almost daily as particular blessings were noted. These “mite boxes” were given out as fund raising tools to collect pennies for the support of church projects and foreign missionaries. From their use came the idea of an annual church service to celebrate their collection. Today, Women of the ELCA collects more than $1 million in Thank-offerings annually for the ministries and mission of our women’s organization. Barbara Solsaa will be on hand for the message at the 10:30 service, and to help us celebrate this special day. Barbara is a former therapist with Lutheran Social Services, and currently works as a life coach for people in ministry. “Mite Boxes” will be collected during the service. THANK YOU for your support! Advent Tea - Sunday, December 7 Organizational meeting for the Advent Tea will be held on Sunday, November 23, immediately following the 10:30 worship service. We will also be looking for help on prep day (Dec. 6) and for serving (Dec. 7), and we’ll need holiday treats: bring out your finest Scandanavian cookie recipes! Thanks for marking your calendar! Other women’s ministries: C Lydia Circle: Tuesday, November 4, 2 pm at the church C Mary Circle: Wednesday, November 12, 9:30 am at Millie Score’s home C Prayer Shawl Ministry: Tuesday, November 11, 6 pm (church library); Saturday, November 22,10 am (various venues - often the church library). C Quilters meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 9:30 in the morning - bring your lunch stay for the day! Everyone welcome! LETTER Return address: The White House Washington, DC 20500 In the middle of the cream paper card is the embossed seal of the president and under it is written, “The White House, Washington.” The message reads: “Please accept our thanks for your gift. Your gesture reflects the compassionate spirit of the American people and we appreciate your generosity. Thank you again for your gift. We wish you all the best. Sincerely,” It is signed by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. (A prayer shawl was made and sent to President Obama.) We are looking to make some new table centerpieces for Fellowship Hall and will be needing 2 liter pop bottles. Thanks for your donations! Keep tuned for some fun and exciting events to come after the first of the year! -7- All Saints Sunday ~ November 2, 2014 Rejoicing with those who have been baptized, and remembering those saints who have passed away in the past year (November 1, 2013 - October 31, 2014) ..... please join us in worship. Baptisms Haley Glendenning Ryan Glendenning Victory King-Lewis Asa King-Macomber Kirsten McDonald Matthew McDonald Isaac Plesko Shawn Staupe Chad Susens Shawn Viggiano Members Who Have Passed Carol Ahlberg Ada Erickson Maxine Florey Carol Halverson Gene Kelleher Lee McPherson Muriel Viggiano Other Friends Buried at Riverside Earl Blomfelt Nancy Havron Lenore Higgins Kaiden Johnson Heather Johnson Julius Juel Roberta Lien Carol Mack Wesley Myckleby Lorraine Peterson William Salveson Ruby Thomas Glenn Verville Our Hat-n-Mitten tree will soon be up in the sanctuary, waiting for your donations of newly purchased (watch for those sales) or freshly knitted mittens, hats & scarves. These warm winter supplies will be delivered to our local Head Start program to help keep those little heads and hands warm! Watch for more information on our “Adopt-a-Family” program for Christmas........ -8- Altar Flowers for November Serving in November Nov. 2 Given in memory of Loved Ones, by Richard Wnek. Nov. 9 Given in memory of Merrill’s birthday, by Jane Meehan & family. Nov. 16 Given in memory of Fred & Eleanore Scheldroup, by the Scheldroup family. Nov. 23 Given by Denise Latscher. Nov. 30 Given in memory of M/M Christ Lien, Carl, & Margaret, by Ruby Lien. Ushers November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Team IV, Jane Meehan, Capt. Team I, Doug Score, Capt. Team II, Eric Sewall, Capt. Team III Team IV, Jane Meehan, Capt. Bus Drivers November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Curt Kelleher Ken Harmer Brett Quist John Gronski Pete Quist Scripture Readers November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Your Church Council members, Gunnar Gronski Ed Lindegren Steve Ledin Kevin Norbie Nancy O’Neill working together with you in ministry: Keli Casey, President Matthew Eastman Gary Jokela Carol Lindegren, Sec. Michael Olson Tom O’Neill, Vice-pres. Nick Pristash Eric Sewall Mark Thompson 715-398-6828 218-409-9174 715-392-8447 218-590-8238 715-398-0343 218-391-6139 715-398-0488 715-392-1559 715-392-3166 Greeters November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Diane Rookey Barb Mattson Millie Score Jane Bentley Audrey Pederson Altar Servers November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Eunice Grimsrud; Linda Aho Eunice Grimsrud; Jeanne Downs Eunice Grimsrud; Linda Aho Eunice Grimsrud; Linda Aho Eunice Grimsrud; Linda Aho Financial Assistants Dick Jacobson; Bill O’Neill Contact your elected church council member for information and concerns. Minutes from the church council meetings are available in the church library. Communion Assistants November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Jane Pietrowski; Nancy Burley Can you assist? Mike & Joyce Olson Can you assist? Can you assist? Coffee Hour Hosts November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 OPEN CLCW (Thankoffering Sunday) OPEN OPEN OPEN Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 118:1 -9- The following memorials and honorariums have been received in the church office in October: Ronald Weber Roof, by Lawrence & Yvonne Quam Lorraine Peterson Roof, by Lawrence & Yvonne Quam, Shirley Brandser, Sid & Florence Palm, Rhoda Pearthree Muriel Viggiano Roof, by Barbara Mattson & family Social Concerns, by Sons of Norway From the community..... Home for the Holidays Bazaar & Bake Sale, Saturday, November 8, 9 am - 2 pm. Peace Lutheran Church in Poplar. Crafts, Christmas gifts, bookstore, cookie walk, holiday decorations, dollar store. Lunch: homemade soups, sandwiches, bars & coffee. “Forming Faith, Pointing to Christ” 715.689.2347 11525 Luther Point Rd. Grantsburg, WI 54840 Greetings from Luther Point! INTRODUCING THE NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Board of Directors, with great confidence and excitement, is pleased to announce the hiring of the Rev. Mark Peters as the new Executive Director for Luther Point Bible Camp Association, effective September 15, 2014. Mark comes to us after serving eighteen years as the Executive Director of Lutheran Coalition for Public Policy of Minnesota. Mark is an experienced professional bringing significant relational, administrative, human resources, and executive skills. Mark’s Christian identity and vocation has been profoundly shaped by outdoor camping ministry experiences. He is, therefore, strongly committed to outdoor ministry and its transforming effects, particularly with youth, and the influence they will exercise in both congregational and public spheres. Mark’s skills and goals not only align with the core competencies expected of the Executive Director for LPBC, but also – and perhaps most significantly – align with the mission and vision of our shared ministry. We believe Mark will be a tremendous assist in further re-imagining the future of not only Luther Point but also outdoor ministry in general. Mark’s installation service at LPBC was held on October 18 at the Annual Meeting. Grace and Peace, Jesse Weiss, Term Executive Director Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, Concordia anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of EVERY individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. OR - if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support! -10- Concordia Lutheran Church 1708 John Ave. Superior, WI 54880 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Superior, WI Permit No. 254 Address Service Requested Place label here The Concordian is published monthly by: Concordia Lutheran Church 1708 John Avenue Superior, WI 54880 (715) 394-3762 - Office (715) 394-6233 - FAX e-mail: Pr. Greg Gullicksrud Church Office: church website: synod website: ELCA website: Luther Point Bible Camp website resource center website: Rev. Greg Gullicksrud, Interim Pastor Helen Hankey, Organist/pianist Beth Gucinski, Choir Accompanist Carol Gucinski, Office Manager Jean Riedasch, Parish Nurse Matthew Eastman, Custodian Aaron Kivisto, Custodian Editor: Carol Gucinski; Contributors: Many Printing/paper donation: Downs-LeSage Funeral Home Assembly/mailing: Our faithful volunteers The Concordian November- 2014 A newsletter of Concordia Lutheran Church Superior, Wisconsin 715.394.3762 Rev. Greg Gullicksrud, Pastor Worship Services Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. - May) - 9:15 a.m. Communion served every Sunday. Coffee Hour in the church library after Sunday worship services. Mission Statement As members of the body of Christ at Concordia, we are called to be God’s forgiven, gifted, diversified and unified people. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we nurture and live our faith in Jesus Christ, encourage our service in His church, and actively share the Gospel in our community and the world.
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