Lutheran Church of the Cross 4401 N Wheeling Avenue Muncie, IN 47304 Stay Connected Lutheran church of the cross 4401 North Wheeling Avenue Muncie, IN 47304 765-288-8110 Lutheran Church of the Cross Rev. James Bischoff—Interim Pastor Cell phone– 734-915-2353 Kristie Rapp, Kids Hope USA Director Officers Pam Kirklin, President Molly Graybeal, Vice President Doug Roebuck, Secretary Maria VanVreede, Treasurer Council Deacons Mark Kirklin, Buildings & Grounds Olaf Larson, Education Betty McBride, Social Molly Graybeal, Stewardship Allison Southerland, Worship Donna Corder, Mission Nicole Cunningham, Youth Office Secretary, Sherry Miller With a heart for all people... Our mission: "Together in Christ, we celebrate God’s love, grace and forgiveness through worship and service. With the Spirit’s guidance, we faithfully teach and learn, love and welcome, and care for each other, our community and the world." Our welcome: We are a congregation which embraces the gifts and diversity that people bring to serve God. We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation, welcoming all people regardless of race, color, economic status, sexual orientation, physical challenge or age. A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you are receiving the Lutheran Church of the Cross newsletter in error, or no longer wish to receive the newsletter, please contact the church office at: 765-288-8110 or email to be removed from the mailing list. November 2014 Lutheran Church of the Cross A newsletter for and about the ministry of the people of Church of the Cross This Month at a Glance: Daylight Savings Ends -Sunday 2am, set clocks back Saturday night Book Group -Monday, Nov 10, 6:30p Church Bazaar -Saturday, Nov 15 8a-2p Adult Sunday School -Sundays, 9:15am Kids Sunday School -Sundays, 9:45am November 2014 November is always a busy month on the Church calendar. A number of festivals happen during November that are of special interest for the people of God. ALL SAINTS DAY – November 1 We keep this festival on the first Sunday of November, this year that Sunday is November 2. As we remember those who have died since last All Saints Day we also are reminded that this festival is about ALL of God’s saints — including us. We rejoice with God’s saints and give thanks for their witness to the Christian faith and pray that we too will be faithful in our witness. CHRIST THE KING / THE REIGN OF CHRIST – November 23 This Sunday marks the end of the Liturgical Church Year and emphasizes the sovereignty of the Christ as ruler, and Lord, over the Church. To the Christ we owe our allegiance and our love. DAY OF THANKSGIVING – November 27 Happy Anniversary Omitted for online posting Even though Thanksgiving is a national holiday, and not a specific Christian holiday, the Church celebrates it as a time to encourage us to remember to offer our thanks and praise to God for all of God’s blessings. The Greek word for thanksgiving is Eucharist. The Eucharist is an early term used, by Christians, for Holy Communion and expresses a central theme of the sacrament. Each time we share in this holy meal we are to give thanks to God for the most precious of all gifts to us, Jesus, the Christ. How about making giving God special thanks for the Christ a part of your Thanksgiving Day celebration? THE SEASON OF ADVENT – November 30 Happy Birthday Omitted for online posting This year the season of Advent begins, not in December, but on the last Sunday in November. As the Church begins a “new year” we also begin our days of expectation, anticipation, hope, and promise as we prepare to once again celebrate the festival of the Incarnation – the birth of Jesus. Advent allows us to look at our past, our present, and our future. Have a blessed November! Pastor Jim Worship --Allison Southerland, Worship Deacon By the time some of you read this, we will have already welcomed Jim Bischoff as our permanent Pastor on his Installation Day of Oct. 25th at 2 P.M. Thanks to Pr. Jim for taking us on! Sunday, Nov. 2nd is All Saints Sunday. If you have lost a loved one since this time last year, please feel free to write their name on the slip provided in the last bulletin, or see Pr. Jim if you need one. These names will be read on All Saints Sunday, and you will have the opportunity to stand and light a candle for your loved one in their memory, or if you prefer, someone else may stand and light the candle for you. Also please note on your Calendar that we "Fall back" on November 2nd. ~November 23rd is Christ the King Sunday ~November 27th is Thanksgiving day. Please do not forget to eat large amounts of turkey and pie. ~November 30th is the first day of Advent Education --Olaf Larson, Education Deacon The first meeting of our book group will be on Monday, November 10th, at 6:30pm. We are reading Where God Was Born by Bruce Feiler. Anyone who is interested is still welcome to jump in. We plan to meet once a month. Position open - Project Stepping Stone Board Lutheran Church of the Cross has three positions on the Project Stepping Stone Board. At the end of this year two of those positions will be vacant. Please consider serving on the board. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Pam Kirklin, Maria VanVreede, or Pastor Jim. Second note: Something to think about... Time flies. 2015 will be here soon and 2016 will not be that far behind! 2016 is a special year for us because we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary. If you would like to organize our celebration in 2016, please let Pastor Jim or Pam Kirklin know. Pastor Jim with Daniel, Maggie, and Madelyn First place: June Kramer Second place: Molly Graybeal Third place: Warren Groeling Stewardship --Molly Graybeal, Stewardship Deacon Living Each Day as a Steward Commitment Sunday was October 19th and together we celebrated with the Annual Chili Cook-off following the service. Thanks to everyone who brought in chili and fixins. Thanks to everyone who stayed and enjoyed those chili and fixins. Congratulations to June Kramer for winning the 2014 Chili- Cookoff! If you have not turned in your Time and Talent sheets or Commitment Card for 2015 you can do that by bringing it to church or mailing it in. Contact me if you need an additional copy of these forms and I can get it to you. Thanks for your faithful giving 5TH ANNUAL HARVEST BALL – Benefit for Grace Village – Friday, Nov. 7; 7:00—9:30 pm. This special event will be held at Tonne Winery, 101 W. Royerton Road, Muncie. Tickets are $15 per person and may be purchased at the door OR we have 16 tickets available in the church office. Just a couple of little reminders: Please don't put any liquids in the trash. Empty them in the nearest sink so that I don't spill them on myself or on the floor. Also, we're doing better with recycling, so thanks to everyone for that! Remember, paper, empty soda cans, empty water bottles, and plastics should be tossed into the blue trash containers with the recycle symbol. Thanks everyone!!! Cheryl Haslitt Christian Ministries Donation Totals Donated Oct 8th: 226 items Thank you to all who donate and to Warren for delivering the items! Urgent Needs at Christian Ministry: Deodorant Shampoo Conditioner Toothpaste Toothbrushes Washcloths Toilet Paper Paper Towels Bath Towels Baby Wipes Baby Lotion Soap CHURCH BAZAAR Saturday November 15th 8am-2pm What are you making for the Bazaar? Bake goods, candy, craft items, jewelry, wooden toys? There will be a workshop on Wednesday night October 29 th from 6:30-8. Please plan on attending to work on assembling jars of soup ingredients, and working on woodworking items. You don’t have to be an expert to do any of these things, but just sharing your time is a help. We would also like to have a short meeting the night of the workshop to talk about getting ready for the bazaar. We will start at 6:30 and perhaps work at the same time. If you cannot stay for the workshop, please plan on attending the meeting to give us your input into helping with set-up, ironing tablecloths, pricing items, distributing flyers about the Bazaar to any place or work or where you shop, working the day of the show and tearing down the Bazaar after 1 pm. We would like to have some idea of whom we can depend on to help us. If you are not able to do any of these things, please e-mail Cheryl Haslitt, Donna Cunningham, or I telling us what you are able to contribute, especially what you will be bringing to sell. We have no idea how big this Bazaar will be and we would like to know ahead of time, if at all possible. Look for the signup sheet for soup and other items needed in the kitchen during the day of the Bazaar. Thanks in advance for your help. Have fun making and baking!!!!!! June Kramer Book Collection Children’s books are being collected for distribution along with the holiday food baskets. Extra books will be given to children through existing social services. Please donate easy readers and picture books that are new or “gently used.” Bring them to the church and put them in the designated container in the narthex. The collection period goes through December 13, 2014. For additional information, please contact Jackie Harris. The church office will be closed on Thursday November 27th and Friday November 28th in observance of Thanksgiving. Please note newsletter submissions will be due no later than Thursday November 20th so they can be completed in a timely manner due to the holiday. Melanie Rapp and Travis Johnson were married on October 18th at Morse Reservoir in Noblesville, by Pastor James Hilleson. They went to Punta Cana for their honeymoon and will be living in Indianapolis. Pastor Jim Bischoff Where were you born and raised? I was born in Toledo, OH (although I hate to admit that but it has the closest hospital) and raised on a farm outside of the VERY small town of Ottawa Lake, Michigan. So, yes, I AM A MICHIGANDER, in spite of the birth blemish. What is your favorite season and why? Fall. I like cooler weather (football weather) and the colors of the season and the food of the season. What is your favorite food? I don’t have a favorite food but a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal. Do you have a favorite color? Blue If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go? The United Kingdom and the Grand Traverse area of Michigan. Favorite or current book you are reading? No real favorite book but I do especially enjoy reading British mysteries. Any hobbies? Music Do you have a collection of anything? Moose stuff What does LCC mean to you? Ministry Worship Server Schedule - November 2014 Asst. Minister Mag Ypparila 11/2; Donna Corder 11/9; Mike Haynes 11/16; Rodelyn McPherson 11/23; Doug Roebuck 11/30 Lector Olaf Larson 11/2; Rodelyn McPherson 11/9; Pam Kirklin 11/16; Doug Roebuck 11/23; Donna Corder 11/30 Cantor Bill Kramer 11/2; Olaf Larson 11/9; Doug Roebuck 11/16; Cheryl Haslitt 11/23; Bill Kramer 11/30 Acolyte Lovie Neuhart 11/2; Jacob Miller 11/9; Lovie Neuhart 11/16; Jacob Miller 11/23; Lovie Neuhart 11/30 Ushers Mark Miller & Sarah Jenkins 11/2; Bill & Sarah Jenkins 11/9; Warren Groeling & Jackie Harris 11/16; Mike Haynes & Kristie Rapp 11/23; Mark Miller & Olaf Larson 11/30 Nursery Donna & Nikki Cunningham 11/2; Janice Reddoch 11/9; Ali Reddoch 11/16; Betty McBride 11/23; Donna & Nikki Cunningham 11/30 Greeter Mark Kirklin Altar Guild Allison Southerland Mon Tue Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri 1 Sat November 2014 Sun 4 Rug Hooking 10a-2:30p Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 14 22 Church Bazaar 8a-2p 15 Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 3 Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 21 8 Worship Comm 10a Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p Election Day LCC is a poling place 6a-6p 2 Adult Sunday School 9:15a Kids Sunday School 9:45a Worship 10:30a All Saints’ Day Daylight Savings Time Ends 20 13 Council 7p 12 19 11 Veterans’ Day Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 28 10 Alzheimer’s Support Group 6p 18 9 Book Group 6:30p Martin Luther’s Birthday, 1483 Rug Hooking 10a-2:30p 27 Office Closed Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p Adult Sunday School 9:15a Kids Sunday School 9:45a Worship 10:30a ECIC Assembly @ Holy Trinity 3:00p 17 26 Office Closed Rug Hooking 10a-2:30p Twenty -second Sunday after Pentecost Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 25 Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p 16 24 Rug Hooking 10a-2:30p Newsletter Items Due Lifetime Fitness 8a-2p Thanksgiving Day 29 Adult Sunday School 9:15a Kids Sunday School 9:45a Worship 10:30a Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost 23 Adult Sunday School 9:15a Kids Sunday School 9:45a Worship 10:30a Christ the King Sunday 30 Adult Sunday School 9:15a Kids Sunday School 9:45a Worship 10:30a Celebrate Youth after worship First Sunday in Advent
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