Weekender October 31, 2014 How the Budget is Prepared Inside this issue: Pacific County ROW/RVs 2 Stocking Project 3 Travis Says 4 Flag Code 5 Hunting In Surfside 6 Wounded Warrior Project 7 Green Bag Program 8 Committee Corner 9 Committee Corner 10 Committee Corner— Budget Voting 11 Recycling 12 Jam Session 13 Clam dig schedule 14 Community Halloween Party 15 St. Mary’s Bazaar 16 Word Search 17 Calendar 18 SURFSIDE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 31402 H St. Ocean Park, WA 98640 360-665-4171 office@surfsideonline.org Each year you receive a draft of the proposed budget for review and comment. A lot of work goes into preparing the budget. It’s a complex activity that has to start early so the budget can be finalized and approved prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year. Here’s how we do it: The board appoints a budget committee to help with some or all of the following tasks. All financial information is gathered to project what we’ll need for expenses for the coming year. This could be a reserve analysis, bids for contracts, projections for utility or service increases, comparisons of past years’ budget trends and many other details. All sources of income is looked at—assessments, interest on investments, proceeds from concession or club operation and other types of miscellaneous income. A working draft is created by adjusting the expenses and income until they balance. This may be accomplished by foregoing certain expenses to avoid raising assessments. Or it may be necessary to raise assessments to cover increased expenses such as utilities that the board cannot control. When the board has the best possible draft budget the Association sends it to every member for review and comment. One of the reasons we start the process early is to allow you plenty of time to study the budget, ask questions and offer comments. At the special budget meeting or by proxy you will have the opportunity to vote to approve the final budget. Source: CAI ~ Community Associations Institute Page 2 Weekender Pacific County ROW Clearing Pacific County will be coming through Surfside starting today October 30, 2014 and clearing the ROW (Right of Way) of trees that are in the ROW. The ROW is up to 30 feet from the center of the road outward towards your property. If you have any questions regarding the clearing of the right of way call Pacific County at 360-642-9368 RV STORAGE AREA Just a reminder that all RVs in winter restricted areas must be pulled off the lots by end of day October 31, 2014. If you have not paid for your RV storage space and turned in the required documentation you will NOT be allowed into the RV storage area. Page 3 Weekender Page 4 Weekender Travis Says, SURFSIDE DEPUTY REPORT DEPUTY T. OSTGAARD OCTOBER 23rd, 2014 – OCTOBER 29th, 2014 On 10/23 I was doing follow up with my burglary victim from 336th Place when I observed a subject I knew to have a felony warrant. The subject ran, but gave up about 100 yards. I took him in to custody for 2 felony warrants and transported him to the jail. On 10/25 I was dispatched to the 30000 block of U. Place after a neighbor reported seeing some smoke coming from a house and no one answered the door. I was able to contact the homeowner and he stated he had just started his pellet stove. On 10/29 I was on patrol when I contacted a suspicious subject walking in the area of 314th and H. Place. The female subject stated she was looking for the bathroom. On 10/29 I received a call of a suspicious truck at 311th and J. Place I arrived as the trucks owner was putting gas in his tank. He stated he ran out of gas and had to wait for a friend. Traffic warnings: 7—Traffic citations: 2—Suspicious circumstances: 3—Warrant: 1 SLOW DOWN!! 25 MPH in all Surfside areas other than I Street north of the mini mall! Emergency? CALL 911!!!! - For Non Emergency calls , call the Sheriff’s office at 360-6429397 Page 5 Weekender Did you know...How unserviceable flags destroyed? The Flag Code suggests that when a flag has served its useful purpose, “it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.” For individual citizens, this should be done discreetly so the act of destruction is not perceived as a protest or desecration. Many American Legion posts conduct disposal of unserviceable flag ceremonies on June 14, Flag Day. Such ceremonies are particularly dignified and solemn occasions for the retirement of unserviceable flags. In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. If you have a flag that needs to be replaced, you can bring the tattered one down to the business office Monday—Friday. We save them for the Flag Day Ceremony. Page 6 Weekender HUNTING IN SURFSIDE December 20, 2012 RE: Hunting in Surfside Dear Ms (member’s name removed): Director Phil Anderson has asked me to respond to your letter about deer hunting in Surfside, Washington. In short, hunting is legal in Pacific County, including Surfside, but the area west of Sand Ridge Road is a firearm-restricted area. Please allow me to explain: The Washington State Legislature decided long ago that only the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has the authority to regulate the time, place, and manner of hunting and fishing in Washington. This authority is found in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW)77.12.047. For firearms in general, the State of Washington is the sole regulatory entity; see RCW 9.41.290. What this means is that the State controls who can own, carry, and use firearms, and WDFW controls where, when, and how firearms can be used for hunting. Divisions of local government, which include cities, counties, towns, and other municipalities, can restrict the discharge of firearms within their boundaries, but only if there is a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals, or property will be jeopardized. See RCW 9.41.300. Neither Pacific County nor the city of Ocean Park restrict the discharge of firearms. Homeowner's associations like Surfside cannot legally restrict the discharge or firearms or prohibit hunting on association property. The Long Beach Peninsula, which is where Surfside is located, composes game management unit (GMU) 684 for deer hunting. However, WDFW has designated the pmi of GMU 684 that is west of Sand Ridge Road as a firearm-restricted area, because WDFW recognizes the danger in people discharging modern firearms there. "Modern firearms" means centerfire and rimfire rifles. In firearm-restricted areas, hunters are only allowed to hunt with bows and arrows, crossbows, muzzleloaders, revolver-type handguns meeting equipment restrictions, or legal shotguns firing slugs or buckshot. These types of weapons are safer to hunt with in heavily populated areas and on islands, peninsulas, and the like. It is important to note that although hunting is allowed in GMU 684, no one is permitted anywhere in Washington State to recklessly engage in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another person. So, if a person discharges a firearm or any type of weapon in a manner that no reasonable person would and that truly endangers the safety of others, that person is committing reckless endangerment. Reckless endangerment is a crime under RCW 9A.36.050. If you see a person who you think is committing this crime, you should immediately contact your local sheriff’s department or local WDFW police officer to report the activity. I hope you find this information helpful. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at Lori.preuss@dfw.wa.gov, or by phone at (360) 902-2930. Sincerely, Lori Preuss, WSBA #33045 WDFW Criminal Justice Liaison Cc: Director Phil Anderson, Deputy Chief Mike Cenci, Sergeant Dan Chadwick Page 7 Weekender Page 8 Weekender Green Bag Program Have you ever wondered how you can help make a difference is someone’s life? Are you looking for ways to give back to your community? All it takes is just 3 easy steps! “A SIMPLE GESTURE” Is an ongoing Food Bank Program here in Ocean Park...AND IT IS JUST THAT….SIMPLE! A SIMPLE GESTURE PROVIDES YOU WITH A “DESIGNER” BAG TO STORE YOUR ITEMS IN. THEN WHILE SHOPPING PICK UP AN EXTRA FOOD ITEM OR TWO. JUST FILL YOUR BAG WITH THE EXTRA FOOD ITEMS AND LEAVE IT ON YOUR FRONT PORCH. THE BAGS ARE PICKED UP THE SECOND SATURDAY OF ALTERNATING MONTHS. THAT’S IT! Such a very simple gesture that will make someone’s day!! There are many ways to lend a helping hand! You can offer your time, make a donation, gather food items OR you can do all three!! The feeling of helping someone in need is like no other!! FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN CALL - LARRY AMUNDSON at 665-2779 or THE OCEAN PARK FOOD BANK at 665-6567 DARE TO REACH OUT YOUR HAND INTO THE DARKNESS, TO PULL ANOTHER HAND INTO THE LIGHT ~ AMRIT DESAI Page 9 Weekender Committee Corner TERRARIUM PLANTING & PUMPKIN PAINTING October 26, 2014 - very cool pumpkins designed by the kids and wonderful terrariums for the grown-ups. A fun way to spend a wet rainy weekend! Thank You CRC for setting up such a fun event! Thank you for the donations received for the Ocean Park food bank! Page 10 Weekender Committee Corner Do you have experience in real estate or the construction industry? Maybe you were a contractor or a building inspector, If so the Architectural Committee needs volunteers like you! We meet once a week to review all building applications that are submitted to the Surfside business office. Most meetings run about an hour long; if you have an extra hour a week to spare, we would love your help! Also… The Land & Buildings Committee and the Water Systems Planning Committee is currently recruiting new members for openings in both committees. Prospective committee members might have some of the following skills: oral/writing skills, word processing, spreadsheets, computer operating systems, construction design, hydrology, geology, water law, business law, Washington state statutes and regulations, financial analysis, budget analysis and a working knowledge of the Surfside HOA Operations Manual and the CCR’s. Prospective committee members would be expected to devote several hours a week to the function of the committees. Requirements for the committee positions include: a Surfside property owner in good standing with interest in the progress of the community. If you are interested, please contact Laura Frazier, Surfside Business Manager at 360.665.4171 Page 11 Weekender Committee Corner ANNOUNCEMENT OF 2015 SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING AND VOTING INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to Title 64.38 RCW (Homeowners Association) Surfside Homeowners Association is required to hold a special meeting of the members to ratify the 2015 budget. Any member whose dues and assessments are current as of 4:00 p.m., Friday November 14, 2014, may vote at the Special Budget meeting of the Association to be held at the Surfside Boardroom Ocean Park, Washington, on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Said Member may vote either IN PERSON or by PROXY. Surfside’s attorney has advised the Board that the use of absentee ballots are NOT authorized by law or by the Association’s Articles, Bylaws, Covenants or Operation Manual. For this reason, no absentee ballots will be accepted for the Associations’ meeting. If you choose to vote by PROXY, your proxy holder can either be a person of your selection who will attend the Budget meeting or the Board Executive Committee made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. In either case, you may instruct the proxy holder to vote for or against ratification of the budget of the Association. If you do not indicate your choice of vote, your proxy holder may vote as he/she fits. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE BY PROXY, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE THE PROXY APPOINTMENT FORM. YOU MUST RETURN YOUR PROXY APPOINTMENT FORM TO THE ADDRESS BELOW FOR YOUR VOTE TO BE COUNTED AND IT MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 14, 2014, AT 4:00 P.M. BUDGET SURFSIDE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 31402 H STREET OCEAN PARK, WA 98640 BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR MAIL FOR YOUR 2015 BUDGET VOTING PACKET If you have any questions please call the Surfside Business office at 360-665-4171 Page 12 Weekender Recycling DID YOU KNOW SURFSIDE RECEIVES MONEY BACK EACH MONTH FOR OUR RECYCLING EFFORTS? IF WE CONTINUE TO WORK TOGETHER WE CAN SEE AN EVEN BIGGER RETURN! HERE ARE A FEW WAYS TO HELP: Aluminum Rinse and Dry Cardboard Flatten (waxed cardboard is not accepted) Glass Bottles and jars only. Rinse and remove caps. Do not break. There is no need HDPE Plastic Bottles and jars only. Look for #2 on the bottom of the container. Remove lid, rinse, and flatten. PET Plastic Bottles and jars only. Look for #1 on the bottom of the container. Remove Newspaper Place loosely into paper sacks. May include newspaper inserts. Magazines Magazines and catalogs less than one inch thick (slicked or glossy page only). Page 13 Weekender Page 14 Weekender TENTATIVE CLAM DIGS FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Looking ahead to next month, WDFW will announce the final word on a tentative dig to begin Nov. 4 after marine toxin tests have been completed. That dig is tentatively scheduled on the following dates, beaches and low tides: Nov. 4, Tuesday; 4:26 p.m., -0.1 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors Nov. 5, Wednesday; 5:14 p.m., -0.7 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors Nov. 6, Thursday; 5:59 p.m., -1.1 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors Nov. 7, Friday; 6:42 p.m., -1.2 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks Nov. 8, Saturday; 7:24 p.m., -1.1 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis Nov. 9, Sunday; 8:05 p.m., -0.7 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks Nov. 10, Monday; 8:47 p.m., -0.3 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors Nov. 11, Tuesday; 9:31 p.m., 0.2 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors Comprehensive information about razor clams - from updates on tentative digs to how-to advice on digging and cooking - is available at http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/shellfish/razorclams/ Page 15 Weekender Weekender Page 16 St. Mary’s Altar Society Annual Bazaar November 6, 7 & 8 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. A variety of 14 vendors conveniently located indoors will have many beautiful gift items! Lunch will be available as well as pie, cake and beverages to enjoy while you’re shopping. The Altar Society will be selling gift baskets and baked goods! Located at 48th & Pacific Hwy Seaview, WA Page 17 Weekender Print out the page and circle the words! Page 18 Weekender
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