BC Workplace Inclusion Conference
Deadline | 5:00pm Friday 31st October 2014
The third annual BC Workplace Inclusion Conference is taking place on March 9th-10th, 2015 in beautiful
Vancouver, British Columbia.
This year’s theme is “UnTapped” - helping BC employers address skills shortages through diversifying recruitment
and workforce composition. “Untapped” reflects the opportunity for BC employers to access skilled talent from
candidate pools including persons with disabilities, Aboriginal job-seekers, youth, women, older workers, recent
immigrants, and other talent pools that may not yet have been traditionally targeted.
Beyond the Business Case:
The Conference will provide an exchange of ideas, innovation, successful practices, information and resources,
specifically looking at the role workplace diversity and inclusion play as an overall business strategy. Recruitment,
Retention, Positive Results.
Attendees will include BC employers representing a wide variety sectors and sizes, industry associations,
government, champions in workplace diversity and inclusion, and employment service providers.
Part I | Presenter Information
Presenter Name(s) |________________________________________________
If more than two presenters please attach additional pages
Presenter’s Contact Information |
Please indicate one point of contact only
Telephone | _______________________________________________
Email | _______________________________________________
Organization | _______________________________________________
Position |
Mailing Address | _______________________________________________
Part 2 | Presentation Information
Presenter Bio(s) |
As will appear in conference program and on website (75 words max.)
Concurrent sessions will take place on Tuesday March 10th, 2015. The format is flexible to assist you in
delivering a meaningful session for the conference delegates.
The 90-minute session includes moderator introductions plus Q&A. Please prepare a 60-65 minute workshop.
Session Type |
Workshop Roundtable Discussions
In this style, the presenter has the opportunity to present new information to the conference delegates followed
by a Q&A.
This style allows for more interaction between the conference delegates and facilitates group participation in
some form.
Roundtable Discussion
This style provides an opportunity to discuss the topic(s) in small or large groups and then share the discussions
with the group as a whole.
Session Title |
Session Abstract |
Abstract description of your presentation for inclusion in the UnTapped 2015 BC Workplace Inclusion
Conference Program (maximum 75 words)
Conference Streams |
Please indicate the conference streams to which your presentation is most closely aligned.
Addressing the BC skills shortage / Labour Market Trends
Research-based practice and/or innovation
Innovative workplace inclusion strategies of diverse populations
Integration of new technology, trends, or tools to support recruitment or retention of under-represented talent pools
Best practices / Lessons learned
Please let us know which target audience best fits your conference session
Check all that apply
If applicable, specify sector (eg. hospitality, public service, small business etc.)
q HR professionals
Career/ employment counselors and/or service providers
Policy makers
Representatives of targeted candidate groups (eg. Aboriginal, persons with disabilities, women, youth, older workers etc.)
Other (please specify) ___________________________________________
What are the top three learning objectives for this session?
1. ______________________________________________________________________
Materials/Audiovisual Requirements |
A screen, projector and computer will be provided. Please indicate any other equipment needs here.
Accessibility Requirements |
Interpreters will be onsite to accommodate presenters and delegates who are hard of hearing. Please indicate
if you, as a presenter, require an interpreter or any additional resources to the support the accessibility of your
Part 3 | Proposal Agreement
Participants will be notified of the status of their proposal and their paneling/place by November 15th, 2014.
If selected to present at the UnTapped 2015 BC Workplace Inclusion Conference, you will:
Provide handouts for your session according to the numbers provided by Open Door Group
Deliver your presentation in accordance with the description submitted in your proposal
Start and finish your session on time, while ensuring adequate time for group discussion
Agree to post your presentation on the conference website
Comply with conference policies and reasonable requests from the conference organizers
For further information, please contact Karen Lai at 604.889.7961 or email
About Open Door Group
Open Door Group's mission is to Open Doors and Inspire All British Columbians to Succeed. Since 1976,
has provided a full range of client-centered services to support British Columbians of all abilities achieve
employment. Serving almost 10,000 job seekers per across the province, working closely with BC employers is
key to fulfilling our mission.
For more about Open Door Group, visit
For more about UnTapped 2015, visit