Castle Views - February 2014 Introduction

Castle Views
- February 2014
We are pleased to issue our first Castle Views of the year in its new format. Future editions
will include regular contributions from our Captain Paul Smith, along with comments from our
respective captains of the Ladies, Seniors and Juniors sections. The newsletter will also include articles on the course, Q & A’s, member spotlight and sponsor’s details to name a few.
We hope that you like this new style and if you have any contributions for future issues that
you would like us to consider then please contact Richard
in the office direct.
Captain - Paul Smith
First, could I thank the members of Clevedon Golf Club for electing me
Captain for 2014. It provides me with the opportunity to give something
back in return for all the happy times I have had over the last twenty years,
both on the course and in the clubhouse.
The early social events - New Year’s Eve, January quiz night and Burns
Night have all been well supported and seem to have been enjoyed by
those who attended. I am very grateful to those who have supported the
Club by attending these events and details of forthcoming events will be circulated by Richard
I am sure that you will all join me in congratulating Jon and Mandy Mansell on an outstanding
year in 2013. They will be a tough act to follow.
The most striking thing that is obvious is that the Club is in a good place currently. Of course
things can always be better but we have excellent people working to make the Club the best
that it can be. We must never forget that we are very fortunate to have Jim and Richard in the
office, Steve and his team on the course, Rob and Ian in the pro’ shop, Sarah and her team
behind the bar, Mem and her girls in the restaurant and Brian and Max in the Kitchen. And let
us not forget Jason who does superb things all over the place. Things could be better, but we
could not have better people to get us there.
Contact Details
Are your contact details up to date! If you did not receive a copy of Castle Views by email (or
other emails from the club) and perhaps only knew of this through other members or picked
up a paper copy from the club, then please provide your email address to the office. Please
also make sure that the club has your correct telephone number as new diaries will be getting
printed shortly.
Chairman - David Fife
The vote at the AGM confirmed the decision made last year to change the starting hole to
the old 9th. The Board trust members will support the majority decision and we will now finalize the change in stroke indices before ordering the new signage.
The Agronomist report has been received and supports the policies adopted by course
manager Steve Ewing. Copies are available from the office for anyone interested.
We are investigating ways to increase our water storage and upgrade the irrigation system
so that we can irrigate the greens, the approaches to them and the tees through a dry summer. We hope to have a clear way forward by the Spring Forum.
Our landlord has allowed us to use the trolley shed for a further year so we will obtain planning approval for its replacement this year with the intention of building next.
The machinery wash-down facility will be installed in the early part of the year.
The Club’s financial position improved during the year and we can be cautiously optimistic
about the future, assuming it ever stops raining.
Ladies Captain - Carol Kirkwood
Thanks to everyone for a terrific send-off on New Year’s Day.
Team Success - Our two Alliance teams had a great season. The
A team retained its position in Division 1 and the B team gained
promotion. Thanks to all 24 ladies who contributed to our success.
The Friendly team too was successful, winning most of its
matches. A challenging season beckons.
Winter Golf - Many ladies have kept their golf going. Whatever
the weather you’ll find a group of us in the clubhouse on a
Wednesday enjoying the camaraderie after golf. Friday roll-ups have attracted support
with, again, final destination the clubhouse!
Ladies’ Committee - Many thanks and welcome to Sue Liddeatt our new Competitions
and Handicaps Secretary. Also welcome on board Sue Tasker, Sandra Sharp and
Carole D’Ammassa.
Coaching - Iain, our assistant professional, is running a course of group lessons to get
us into serious golfing mode.
Coffee Morning - Preparations are well underway for Wednesday March 12th. Please
tell your friends and family – all welcome!
Seniors Captain - Glyn Ager
Just to let you know that the Seniors’ section is open to all male members of 55 years of age and over. There is a small membership charge
of £3.00. This supports the administration of the section. The Seniors
have a full golfing calendar comprising of sixteen matches with other
clubs in the area from Enmore Park in Bridgwater across to Bowood
near Calne, home and away. Matches against the Ladies and Juniors
also take place. We also have nine perpetual trophies to be played for,
not forgetting our prestigious Seniors Open and 4 x ball-better-ball Open.
Ladies Night is on Friday 4th April
Away-Day is Tuesday 20th May to Dewstow, near Chepstow
Overnighter is on 9th and 10 June to The Dorset Golf and Country Club.
All the fixtures and social events are posted on the Seniors’ notice board, well in advance
for participants to put their names forward and all are usually very well supported.
Keep an eye on the Seniors’ notice board and I look forward to meeting up with you during the year.
Juniors Captain - Ben Tompkins
The new Junior Organiser is Andy Payne, who has worked for many
years with our juniors on Club Nights. Having recently returned to the
area and the Club he has been persuaded to take on the responsibility of
being manager for the Junior League Team and overseeing the competitions along with the Club Office. We all wish him and the Team our full
Junior Club Nights are being organised and run by Willy Rowlinson and Iain Rankin, as
they were last year.
Club Nights start on Monday April 7th from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. Any Club members who
would like to help with our youngsters on a Monday evening are very welcome. For further information contact Willy or Iain [in the Pro Shop].
Tony Brown has stepped down, after 10 years, from the position of Junior Organiser to
concentrate on his new position as the County Under 16’s manager and our Club’s Seniors Competition Secretary. However, he is still in the background of the Juniors, in helping Andy Payne to settle into the post and to still act as the Club’s Child Protection Officer.
Last, but not least, congratulations go to Ben Tompkins for being this year’s Junior Captain and we all wish him and the team members the best of luck for the season.
Member Spotlight - Paul Wilkinson
What type of ball do you use? Srixon Z Star XV in bright yellow of
Favourite club in the bag? My trusty rusty putter (Scotty Cameron).
I've used this putter for 8 years now and will never let it go.
Most embarrassing moment on the course? This is going back a
few years now, but my first foursomes partner in the Watkins was
David McGovern and when I was about 18 we were playing down the
lake hole, he as usual had hit me down the middle, and as a careless
youngster, I hit the second shot into the water. Without thinking, I
threw my 7 iron in anger but released it at the wrong time, hitting
David in the legs quite hard. Still feel guilty about that today.....
How many pitch marks do you repair in a normal round? For me, it has been a common problem
at the club however saying that, I would certainly say it's improving. I would think I repair about 25-30
a round.
This year sees some changes to the organisation of the
Junior Section which hopefully will not affect the enjoy-
Favourite playing partner and why? This would have to be my current foursomes partner Rob
ment and participation of all our members.
Banks. Rob and I go back many years and went to college together and when I found out he was joining the club, it was a no brainer teaming up with him. I have since seen him improve his game dramatically and we went on to win the Watkins last year. A win that I know means a lot to him and his
girlfriends family.
Least favourite playing partner and why? This is an easy answer. Steve Lawrence. I actually don't
know how anyone can play with him? He might be able to putt, but when he rips it all of 170 yards off
the tee with his driver and you’re having to play the second shot from so far back, you start to get frustrated!!
Best achievement in golf? I would have to say that 2013 went so far beyond my wildest expectations winning the Hawkins, Scratch and Watkins trophy, it came as a complete surprise but as for my
best achievement, it would have to be shooting a new course record in 2013 with a gross 64, 8 under
Is there a rule in golf I struggle to understand? When you have spent years playing with the likes
of Steve Lawrence, you have to be clued up on the rules. Enough said.....
What frustrates you on the course? It's an obvious one but slow play. It can also be frustrating at
times if you are in a smaller group and you don't get called through. Doesn't happen that often but it
still happens.
What one thing would you change at the club? The one thing I would love to see back is a decent
sized putting green next to the first hole. I think we have a perfect space just behind the tee to install a
decent sized green that can rival other clubs in the area. It's next to the practise range and nets and
would also be under the gorgeous cedar and oak trees which provides a perfect setting for the first
Who would be in your ideal/dream 4ball? This is easy. It would have to be Rory McIlroy as he is my
favourite golfer, alongside Tiger Woods and my brother Robbie. There is no way I could play with 2
names like that without my brother being involved.
Around The Course - Rob Arthur
We are in a very unsettled period of weather, but the course still remains open and
we are still able to play on our greens. This is something we may not have been able
to say in years gone past. In these testing conditions, there are ways we can all help
to maintain and protect the course we love by:
respecting the areas that have been roped off around the course to reduce
traffic in those most vulnerable spots
in those areas not roped off, please continue to keep trollies away from the
edge of greens and closely mown aprons
and with the greens generally being very soft, it is very important to repair
your pitch marks. If you can also look to repair one other pitch mark on every
green you visit, the position will be greatly improved. Thanks.
Progress has been made on creating the new teeing area on hole 14 and you will
also be aware that the bunker on hole 12 has also been removed. With the very poor
ground conditions we are experiencing presently, a temporary halt to finishing off the
new tee and tree planting on these holes has been forced upon Steve and his team.
In addition, repairing the damage caused by the heavy plant used on these holes has
been brought to a temporary halt until the position improves.
Elsewhere on the course, on hole 4 more of the wall has been exposed around the
green, and scrub has also been cleared out around the reservoir on the 16 th improving the general appearance of the course.
A further delivery of astro turf was received shortly before Christmas. It is our stated
aim to finish off a number of paths with an astro turf finish but, because of other priorities, and the generally unsuitable current ground conditions it has not been possible
to start this work.
We would appreciate members not
parking on the grass area behind the
gents changing rooms as this is designated purely for disabled parking.
This was a condition imposed by the
planners when the ramp and disabled
toilet were installed. Thank you.
Competitions & Handicaps - Bernard Maltby
With the AGM decision to continue playing the course in its current sequence, it
is necessary to confirm, or alter, the stroke indices that have been under trial for
the past three months. To this end, it would be appreciated that anyone who has
any suggestion(s), that comply with CONGU recommendations or advice for
match-play conditions, submit those suggestions through the office by the end of
February. Those members who have been so kind as to offer their suggestions
already do not need to re-submit as they are under consideration and will be responded to in due course.
The annual review of handicaps is now underway and it is hoped to publish the
results in early March in plenty of time before the start of the 2014 Competition
During January, the Ladies’ section has been running as a trial both ten and
eighteen hole competitions on the same day.
The Seniors’ section are hoping to arrange a thirty-six hole Championship Competition to be run over two (possibly non-consecutive) days, if space in an already busy ‘Competitions and Matches’ schedule can be identified.
Here’s looking forward to a bright, sunny and less rainy spring. Enjoy your golf!
Questions & Answers
Are club Knock Out and Winter
League matches allowed on the
course before 10.30 on Sundays?
Are you allowed to start on the
11th and what priority do you
have when you come round to
the 1st?
During BST all club knock out matches If members wish to start a round on the
are not allowed to start before 10.30 on 11th then they can providing, in all
Sunday mornings.
cases, there is not a group playing up
the 10th. Any members starting on the
During the winter months this restriction
11th will not have priority when coming
will be relaxed because of the limited
round to the first tee. They will have to
light, however no matches will have prijoin any queue and wait their turn to
ority on the course before 10.30, on
Sundays only.
Membership & Marketing - David Shields
In an effort to attract new members, as well as retaining existing members, we continue to
review how we promote the Club and what we could do better. We have a strong and active
membership but like most clubs in the area we need to continually attract new members to
maintain a healthy position and listed below are a number of ways in which this will be done.
We also need to attract visitors and societies to supplement income sources from the membership.
Explore the possibility of introducing a new Flexible Membership category to attract the
younger golfer who perhaps is unable to play every week.
Continue to promote our Taster Membership offer which has proved to be extremely popular
over the last couple of years.
Improve and re-design our ‘Castle Views’ newsletter as well as our e-mail updates.
Ensure that our website is well maintained for the membership and creates a good first impression for new visitors to the site.
Increase Corporate and Tee Sponsorship income.
Create a directory of commercial/trade/services/retail sponsors that will be available for use
by the members.
Introduce a website (and paper) based members survey.
Have an ‘Open Day’ in May.
Promote our fundraising ‘Box 13’ scheme.
House Matters - Dennis Milsom
Thank you to all club members who gave their support to the many club events held over the Christmas
and New Year. The kind comments received from you with regard to the fantastic work put in by the Bar
and Catering Staff have been passed on and the team look forward to seeing you at the club in the New
It is always good to be able to report a good quarters figures and being better than budget is a very pleasing indeed. I believe the figures are a clear indication that if just 10% more of our members support the
Restaurant and Bar we could not only start to extend the services we currently provide but also move into
profit. Wouldn’t that be great?
The Early Evening Dining (currently held on Thursdays) will stop when the full playing season starts at
the end of March. At this time we intend that the Restaurant should open on Friday evenings. It will be a
similar arrangement to the Early Evening Dining, enabling members to book tables in advance but with a
new and more varied menu. Look out for more information on this move in the coming weeks and give it a
The gents shower area refurbishment has started and Jason with help from Steve and others is making
good progress. Every effort will be made to complete the project on time.
Local Rules
During this current spell of very wet weather, it may
be useful to remind yourselves of some of local rules
that are currently if force at Clevedon.
“Preferred Lies” or “Winter Rules” A ball on the fairway
may be lifted, cleaned and placed within 6 inches of the
original position and not nearer the hole. The ball must
be marked before lifting, and must not be moved by any
other means i.e, rolling with the back of the club. Failure
to do so incurs a penalty of one shot.
Embedded Ball. Through the green, a ball embedded in its own pitchmark in the
ground, other than in sand, may be lifted, cleaned and dropped as near as possible
to where it lay, not nearer the hole. Through the green is defined as the whole
course except for the tee and green of the hole being played and any hazard on the
Tractor marks. Only whilst preferred lies are in operation may relief be obtained for
tractor marks on the course. The ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped one club
length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. Relief may also be
obtained for balls coming to rest in or on a hedgehog or winter wheel track through
the green. The ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where
it originally lay, again not nearer the hole.
Other little quirks of the rules that you may find useful to know are that:
When taking relief from casual water on the green, the nearest point of relief may be off
the green. In which case, you may find that the casual water is still between your
ball and the hole. In that case, you are entitled to move the ball to a spot that gives
relief on the line of play. Decision 25-1b/10.5. However, if there is another body of
casual water on your line of play, you are not entitled to relief from that.
There is nothing in the rules to stop you holding an umbrella over your head whilst taking a shot. The rules prohibit accepting shelter!
Dew and frost are not loose impediments, and, except on the teeing ground, cannot be
moved from behind or to the side of the ball, or from the line of play. Similarly, you
may not move them from the line of putt unless it occurs incidentally to another permitted action.
You may use a hand warmer to warm your hands, but, once the round has
started, not your golf balls!
Sponsors Directory
We have established a directory of all our sponsors and these are all listed below. We would
encourage our members to consider using the services of our sponsors where possible as we
would like them to continue supporting the club in the future.
If you would like to include your business in the directory then please contact Richard in the office. Prices start from £100 plus VAT for 12 months although we have various sponsorship
packages available.
Services Provided
Tel No
Newsham Hanson
01275 873269
Beauty Treatment
Beauty Time
01275 464999
Car Service/Sales
Clayton Cars
0117 963 1699
Jelf Group plc
0117 240 2000
01275 841300
Alandem Consulting Ltd
DPS Global
PA Fencing
Financial Services
Sanlam Pte Investments
01275 874176
01225 460010
Tower House Financial Man
01275 856349
Fire Protection
WF Firestop System
01275 878994
AJP Partnership
Lakeside Films Ltd
0845 293 8062
Alun Rees
JJ Fox
0845 0655360
Fundraising - Paul Smith
Each year there is a Captain’s fund that provides income for the benefit of all of us.
This year, the aim is to raise £3000 in order to buy a piece of equipment that will fit
on to existing machinery and pick up leaves around the course. Nothing is more
frustrating than looking for balls amongst the leaves, both for those whose ball it is,
their playing partners and those being held up. Funds for this will come from Quiz
nights, any surplus from social events and donations. At the present time the fund
stands at £1100. These funds have come from New Year’s Eve, but more particularly the New Year’s Day drive-in, the Christmas draw and January Quiz night. In
addition four members have made donations personally. You will see a giant bottle
of whisky on the bar. If you would like to make a donation please put some money
in the bottle. At least one of the early morning roll-ups has seen the winners donating their winnings.
Now that the order in which the course is played has been decided the greenside
bunker on the 18th will be designated the ‘Leaf Bunker’. If you go into the sand,
please put £1 in the whisky bottle.
Captains Charity
The Captain’s charity this year will be the Jesse May Trust. This is a small charity that
operates only in North Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire and they do outstanding work supporting and caring for parents of terminally ill children who choose to
care for their children at home. Sometimes called the ‘Hospice at Home’ anyone who
comes across their work cannot fail to be inspired and I will be glad to do a little to help
Alandem Consulting Ltd
01275 874176
Clevedon Golf Club, Castle Road, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7AA
Telephone 01275 874057