Israel ISRAEL 2015 JOHN HAGEE MINISTRIES GIFTS TO ISRAEL From Page 2 raeli flags waved in the air and people of all races, and Christians and Jews alike, joined together inside the grand sanctuary. The peoples’ excitement spread like wildfire. Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and people whom we never before had met introduced themselves and thanked us for our support for Israel. Pastor Hagee then walked to the pulpit. The room turned silent as everyone eagerly listened to every word he spoke. The respect that the audience had for this man was evident. We were swept away by his strong, inspirational words and firm belief in PAGE 17 JEWISH HERALD -VOICE NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Friends of the Israel Defense Forces .............. $50,000 Meir Panim.................................................... $50,000 Nahal Haredi ................................................. $50,000 Women’s International Zionist Organization .... $50,000 Kefar Tsevi Sitrin ........................................... $50,000 Yad Vashem .................................................. $50,000 Afikim Family Enrichment Centers ................ $75,000 Heart of Benjamin ......................................... $75,000 Israel Help & Education Center at Kiryat Gat . $75,000 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee $75,000 Koby Mandell Foundation............................... $75,000 Or L’Doron ..................................................... $75,000 World ORT ..................................................... $75,000 Avukat Or ..................................................... $100,000 the protection and security of the State of Israel, and we no longer felt alone in our love for Israel. We were standing with thousands of other people, Christians and Jews, Bikur V’Ezras Cholim.................................... $100,000 Jewish Agency for Israel ............................... $100,000 Jewish Federation of Greater Houston ........... $100,000 Just One Life ................................................ $100,000 Father Gabriel Naddaf .................................. $100,000 Ohr Torah Stone ............................................ $100,000 International Council of Young Israel ............. $100,000 Save a Child’s Heart Foundation.................... $125,000 Netanya Academic College ............................ $150,000 Western Galilee Hospital ............................... $150,000 Shurat Hadin................................................. $200,000 Magen David Adom ...................................... $250,000 Nefesh B’Nefesh ........................................... $400,000 Total ........................................................... $2,900,000 who shared the same passion for Israel as we did. Pastor Hagee was not the only one who blew us away that night. Prager solidified Pastor Hagee’s ideas by asking the question Jewish people tend to ask themselves when making new friends: “If there is another Holocaust, would this non-Jew hide me?” A man from the audience immediately shouted “Yes!” It was at that moment when we realized the amount of support behind us as Jews in our fight to continue the prosperity and happiness in the land of Israel. We had the incredible opportunity to speak with Prager and Amb. Dermer at the reception. “You are advocates for Israel. Your generation will be the ones fighting for the Jewish people of our future,” Dermer reminded us. We can never stop fighting for Israel and our beliefs. We will not allow the injustices of our past to repeat themselves because as Ron Dermer expressed in his speech, “when Israel says never again, we mean never again!” MARKETPLACE EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS/ FINANCIAL LEGAL NOTICES Do You Need Mailing Help for Your Small Business, Organization or Non-Profit? Do You Need Mailing Help for Your Small Business, Organization or Non-Profit? Mosk & & Mosk Mosk LLC LLC Mosk Certified Public Accountants Certifi& ed& Public Accountants Mosk &Mosk Mosk LLC Mosk LLC Mosk Mosk LLC Certifi ed Public Accountants Certifi ed Public Accountants 5959 West Loop South, Suite 340 Certifi ed Public Accountants 5959 West Loop TX South, Suite 340 Bellaire, 77401 Contact JFS DISABILITY SERVICES For a List of Ways Our Participants Can Help You! Contact JFS DISABILITY SERVICES For a List of Ways Our Participants Can Help You! 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All persons having claims against the estate shall present the same within the time prescribed by law. Claims may be presented to the said representative at the address below and said personal representative direct that any such claims be presented to the attorney for said representative. SAMMY MCLELLAND MUNSON, EXECUTRIX C/O LAWRENCE R. SILVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 281-589-1040 2305 SOUTH HIGHWAY 6, SUITE 1, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77077 ADMIN ASST NEEDED IN SW PATIENT RELATIONS COORDIHEALTH CARE NATOR/OFFICE MANAGER – in RETIRED SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUSTON. Must have excellent a multi-provider Mental Health Practice Ad is O.K. computer skills in Excel, Word, and To:______________________________ From:__________________________ TEACHER – will pick up your child in Bellaire. Openings for both full-time CARE FOR for after-school care. Hebrew tutoring knowledge of Publisher helpful. Previous ($30-40,000 per year) and part-time AFFORDABLE O.K. with corrections SENIORS – 4-24 hrs./$15hr. 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