Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 1 LWC GARAGE SALE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH Official Publication of the Lakes Community Association • Volume 42, Number 11 • November 2014 • From our Lakes Women’s Club: WELCOME! Heather Lock-Wick, Heather Caples, Susan Nagi Ramona Panicci, Lori Johnson Three generations of Pallon ladies Diane Murray Lori Johnson, Doris Nicora, Carolyn Karlovski ARTISAN FAIR, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 2 LCA The Lakes Log is published monthly by the Lakes Community Association, 5501 S. Lakeshore Drive, Tempe, AZ 85283. All articles appearing in this publication are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the LCA Board of Directors or management. Acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services by the Lakes Community Association. Production services by Don Kirkland since 1987. Printed by The Arizona Daily Star BOARD MEETING Wednesday, Nov. 19 7 p.m. Association Office (480) 838-1023 (Hours: 9-5 M-F, except Holidays) Beach & Tennis Club (480) 838-3274 Lakes Log Committee (480) 838-3274 Lakes Log Advertising (480) 966-0837 • Christine Baldanza - Community Manager LCA Board of Directors • Daniella Galvez - CC&R Manager Dave Kemper, President Jay Nelson, Vice President Mike Lentino, Treasurer Kirk Hudson, Secretary • LCA Website • Lakes Log e-mail The Lakes Community Association Balance sheet as of August 31,2014 Unaudited Total Current Assets: $873,317 Total Reserve Assets: $1,274,492 Net Fixed Assets: $478,554 Total Assets: $2,626,364 Liabilities and Fund Balances Total Liabilities: $229,916 Total Fund Balances: $2,396.448 $2,626,364 Lake Park Villas: Cornerstone Properties 602-433-0331 (Lia Correa). Homeowners Board meetings third Tuesday of each month, Meeting 7 p.m. No board meeting in July or December. Harbour Village: c/o Heywood Realty, Steve Cheff, Manager. (480) 820-1519. Homeowners Board meetings third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., Lakes Beach and Tennis Club. • Craig Whatcott - Clubhouse Manager Members: Gary Jordan, Scott Wilson, Steve Koppen, Ray Oliver Total Liabilities and Fund Balances: Lakes Sub-Association Contacts and Meeting Dates LCA Committees & Chairpersons • Activity—Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m. Kay Smith, Laison: Steve Koppen • Architectural—Meets 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. • Architectural Nominating Committee—Mike Lentino • Budget & Finance—Meets 9 days before BoD meeting at 7 p.m. • Fishing & Boating— Jesse Callen, Liaison: Kirk Hudson Meets 1st Monday, 6 p.m. • Lakes Log—Gloria Hollingsworth, Ray Oliver • Lakescape Committee— Doris Nicora, Liaison: Jay Nelson Meets 1st Wednesday, 7 p.m. • Lakes Women’s Club— Launie Harlacher, 1st Thursday, 6:30 p.m. • Infrastructure & Maintenance — Craig Hanson • Nominating—Stella Calvert • Personnel & Compensation— Dave Kemper, Jay Nelson, Kirk Hudson • Risk Management— Dave Kemper, Scott Wilson, Gary Jordan, Kirk Hudson • Swim Team Committee— Lisa Nelson, Liaison: Mike Lentino Sandcastle: c/o Cornerstone, Inc. (602) 433-0331, Doug Hauswirth. Homeowners Board meetings fourth Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., Sandcastle Complex Clubhouse. 3rd Quarter 2014 BD Meeting: July 26, 2014 4th Quarter 2014 BD Meeting: October 25, 2014 1st Quarter 2015 BD Meeting: January 31, 2015 2015 VLHOA Annual Meeting: February 28, 2015 (10 a.m.) 2015 BD Organizational Meeting: February 28, 2015 (10:45 a.m.) 2nd Quarter 2015 BD Meeting: April 25, 2015 3rd Quarter 2015 BD Meeting: July 25, 2015 4th Quarter 2015 BD Meeting: Oct. 25, 2015 1st Quarter 2016 BD Meeting: Jan. 30, 2016 2016 VLHOA Annual Meeting: February 27, 2016 (10 a.m.) 2016 BD Organizational Meeting: Feb. 27, 2016 (10:45 a.m.) Runaway Point: Heywood Realty & Investment, Inc., Steve Cheff, Manager. (480) 820-1519 Second Thursday of the month, 7 p.m. Village Landing: Red Mountain Management LLC, 480-641-6300, (David Henderson, Manager) LCA BOARD MEETING DATES FOR THE YEAR 2014 All LCA Board meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the LCA Clubhouse. JANUARY 22 [1] FEBRUARY 11 – ANNUAL HOMEOWNERS MEETING FEBRUARY 11 – ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS FEBRUARY 26[2] MARCH 26 [3] APRIL 23 [4] MAY 28 [5] JUNE 25 [6] JULY – NO MEETING AUGUST 27 [7] SEPTEMBER 24 [8] OCTOBER 22[9] NOVEMBER 19 [10] DECEMBER – NO MEETING The first annual meeting of the members was held on Feb 8, 1972 and has been held on the second Tuesday in February at 8:00 p.m. ever since. An agenda is posted on the clubhouse bulletin board five days prior to the monthly Board meeting. Members who desire to discuss a problem with the Board and seek a resolution are requested to provide the Association office with a short description of the problem and any proposed solution at least seven days prior to the meeting. The information will be included in the Board’s meeting package. Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 3 western drought, particularly regarding what is going on in California. Turf use of water in the parks and landscape in the Lakes Community exceeds the planned regulatory restrictions by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. At the October 22nd LCA Board meeting, the Directors voted to hire a water irrigation consultant firm to work with the LCA to develop a master irrigation plan that will include pipe and pump infrastructure and efficiency analysis. The goal is to maintain our lush green parks and landscape, doing it with a more efficient use of water. This may include the use of lake water, which is available to us at a less expensive rate than the potable water that we currently purchase from the City of Tempe. Once we have a master plan, we will be able to assess the feasibility and the expected costs. Additionally, we will be consulting a water attorney to be sure that the LCA protects its grandfathered water rights and that it maximizes its use of its rights. President’s Report By Dave Kemper Before writing this article, I had the opportunity to attend the Lakes Oktoberfest, put on by the Activities Committee. It was well attended with over 300 people and it was a nice blend of all ages. The food was good and everyone seemed to enjoy the event. I look forward to the events planned during the month of November. As many of you know, the southwestern United States has been in a drought for a number of years. There have been a number of articles about the Manager’s Report By Christine Baldanza I recently attended the city of Tempe grant workshop along with President Dave Kemper, Vice President Jay Nelson, and Craig Hanson of the I & M committee. The Maryanne Corder Neighborhood Grant Program was created to invest in resident-initiated projects that will enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars has been allocated for grant proposals. The maximum individual grant amount is $10,000 and must be matched by at least one half of the total project cost. General guidelines for funded projects include environmental benefits, such as water and/or energy conservation; enhancement to the aesthetics of the neighborhood; security lighting; landscape and beautification. The Lakes Association would like to take advantage of this opportunity to improve our community with funds made available through this city of Tempe program. Community participation is vitally important for the development of a project that will enhance the Lakes neighborhood. We are planning a town hall meeting in late January to hear and discuss your ideas so please be thinking of ways to utilize the neighborhood grant funds. Watch the Lakes Log and website for the date and plan on attending the January town hall meeting. The ideas and forward vision of the Lakes community will help us define the project that will It is time to bring our community into the 21st century in relation to water use. The last few election seasons have brought a number of complaints and accusations by a small group of members interested in influencing the elections with campaign rhetoric that has not proven to be true. With applications to run for the LCA Board due in just a couple of weeks, I want to encourage those who come forward to do so because they wish to serve the community at large, rather than a single idea or small group of people. With Thanksgiving coming up this month, I have been pondering the fact that we, as members of The Lakes have a great deal for which to be thankful. We have great amenities, great neighbors, great employees, and the LCA is in good shape financially. I want to wish all families in the community a happy Thanksgiving. Until next time… utilize the neighborhood grant money for the best benefit of the Lakes community. Last week, Dr. Amalfi of Aquatics Consulting applied the first of two light applications of copper sulfate algaecide covering one half of the lake at a time. This is to help minimize the dominant bluegreen algae and should also adjust the color of the lake. According to Dr. Amalfi’s latest report, other than the increase in the blue-green algae which we are currently treating, our lake is very healthy. Dr. Amalfi’s September analysis is available online if you wish to view it. The final plan of the city of Tempe Lakes/Kiwanis Character Area project will be unveiled at a function on December 2 5-7 PM at Ken McDonald Golf Course. Everyone is welcome to attend. I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and as always, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. — Christine Lakes Community Association • Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors • Sept. 24, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: President Kemper called the September 24th, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:04pm. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President D. Kemper, Vice President Nelson,Treasurer M. Lentinoand Directors S. Wilson, S. Koppen, G. Jordan and R. Oliver BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:Director K. Hudson Motion #1: Amend the agenda to include the Election Committee in the Committee reports and approve. Motion by Director Lentino, Seconded by Director Wilson Motion Passed. Motion #2: Approve the Minutes of the August 27th, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors. Motion by Director Lentino, Seconded by Director Jordan Motion Passed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Motion # 3: Recommend to the Board of Directors to approve the proposed plans from TEK Fitness. Motion by Director Lentino, Seconded by Director Jordan Discussion was held regarding schematics of equipment placement. Motion Passed. NEW BUSINESS: Motion #4:Spend $8,439.48 out of the Fishing & Boating Committee’s annual budget for the stocking of 3,150 3” bluegill, 500 1-pound largemouth bass and 500 lbs. of 3lb catfish. Motion by Director Wilson, Seconded by Director Lentino Discussion was held regarding water temperature. Motion Passed. Motion #5: Approval for resurfacing the (3) tennis courts by General Acrylics, not to exceed $14,500. Motion by Director Lentino, Seconded by Director Jordan Discussion was held regarding previous court resurface and vendor issue. Motion Passed. Motion #6: Approval for resurfacing the (1) basketball court by Custom Courts & Tile, not to exceed $6000. Motion by Director Lentino, Seconded by Director Wilson Discussion was held regarding using General Acrylics for a better quality resurface, the experience of Custom Courts, the difference of the proposed work of the two vendors and the current state of the basketball court. Director Lentino motioned to amend to use General Acrylics, No Second Motion to Table by Director Jordan, Seconded by Director Nelson Motion to Table Passed. Motion #7: Approval for replacing the tennis court windscreen by General Acrylics, not to exceed $6,500. Motion by Director Oliver, Seconded by Director Jordan Discussion was held regarding warranties and possible backboard. Motion Passed. Motion #8: Approval for replacing the existing surveillance cameras& DVD as well as the installation of additional cameras by Orentech, not to exceed $7,000. Motion by Director Oliver, Seconded by Director Wilson Motion Passed Motion #9: Motion to adjourn. Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CANDIDATE APPLICATION The Nominating Committee is soliciting the nomination of interested Lakes owners to be candidates to fill three (3) end-of-term vacancies. All persons in good standing who consent to have their names placed for nomination will be presented to the general membership for election. Those elected will serve a term of three (3) years. Election of candidates will be held in conjunction with the Annual General Membership meeting of the Association scheduled for February 10, 2015 at the Lakes Beach and Tennis Club. name___________________________________________ phone address __________________ __________________________________________lot # _________ INFORMATION FOR BOARD MEMBER APPLICANTS Members of the Board of Directors at the Lakes are an elected body of volunteers charged with managing the interests and assets of the Lakes Community Association. How effective the Board is depends in part upon how aware its members are of the needs of the community and how effectively they can deal with those needs. Board meetings focus on the significant needs of the community including finances, contracts, management, legal concerns and social affairs. Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold the common interests of the community. These responsibilities include a duty of care in all activities as representatives of the entire community and duty of complete loyalty and honesty. QUalIFICatIons: The directors exercise controlling influence over the rights, interests and property of others and as such must be held to the highest standards of conduct. Please list past service to The Lakes and education or experience you feel will help The Lakes. The following qualifications are desirable, but not mandatory: 1. An applicant should understand and be thoroughly familiar with the Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions; its By-Laws; and the function of the Board and the Board’s responsibility to the community, in addition to understanding the difference between policy making [a Board function] and operations [an Association Manager’s responsibility]. 2. An applicant should commit to the full three-year term of office and to be prompt and dependable in attendance at all regular and special Board meetings. A Board member may be appointed to serve as a liaison to a committee and may also be asked to serve as a member of certain committees. 3. It is preferred that an applicant have a record of service to the Lakes Association via committees, or be able to enhance the effectiveness of the Board through other comparable experience, knowledge and judgment. 4. An applicant should have a demonstrated willingness to work harmoniously and function productively with others. 5. The amount of time required of a Board member can vary considerably from month to month. An applicant should be willing to spend whatever time is necessary for the Board to properly perform its functions. There are normally ten meetings a year with none in July and December. Please explain briefly why you wish to serve on the Board? Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________________ Dated: _________________ InstrUCtIons: Please complete and submit application to the LCA Office by November 14, 2014, by 5:00pm. Interviews will be scheduled by appointment. CLUBHOUSE AND LCA HOLIDAY HOURS CLUBHOUSE Closed Thursday November 27th 6 am- 2 pm Wednesday December 24th Closed Thursday December 25th 6 am – 2 pm Wednesday December 31st 12 pm- 10 pm Thursday January 1st for snow frolic LCA OFFICE Closed Thursday November 27th Closed Friday December 28th Close Wednesday December 24th at 2 pm Closed Thursday December 25th Closed Friday December 26th Closed Wednesday December 31st at 2 pm Closed Thursday January 1st Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 5 First Friday Boat Float It’s that time of year again: time to start planning for fun at The LAKES while enjoying the Arizona weather, sunsets and boating with friends Hurry to sign-up to ride on the club boat for the next First Friday Boat Float: on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th. If you have your own boat, get your batteries ready and be prepared to have a relaxing boat ride with friends on The LAKES First Friday Boat Float of October, November and December! FIRST FRIDAY of NOVEMBER (Nov 7th) BOAT FLOAT- Meet at Christmas Island at 7:00 pm and plan to travel the waterways, following the club boat, west side to east side. There’s no signup needed (unless you’re riding the club boat) – just come on out! It’s always fun! — Sponsored by the Activity Committee It’s time for The Lakes annual Artisan Fair Sunday, November 16th from 11-4 pm. There will be over 40 vendors with a variety of unique wares. Get a jump on holiday shopping and support our artists and friends. We will have live music and food trucks to add to the excitement of the day. Please join us in the large park for a perfect day of shopping, music, food & fun. Submitted by Activity Committee Music Storytime Wednesday Nov. 12 and 26 9 am at the Clubhouse 0-4 years Bring your kids for music and fun! Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 6 Tempe Zero Waste Day 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Saturday, November 22, 2014 202 TEMPE FIRE TRAINING CENTER x TEMPE HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS COLLECTION CENTER APS OCOTILLO POWER PLANT UNIVERSITY DR 101 McCLINTOCK DR RURAL RD ▲ NORTH Tempe Fire Training Facility 1340 E. University Dr., Tempe (directly north of Household Products Collection Center) Residents are encouraged to participate! Tempe residents can bring just about anything for recycling! Electronics, scrap metal, household hazardous waste, tires, building supplies, brush and green waste, appliances (dishwashers, refrigerators, stove and other appliances), paper and cardboard, documents (secure shredding), books, household textiles (clothing, linens and towels), shoes, belts, handbags, wallets, soft/stuffed toys, and plastic shopping bags. Secure confidential document shredding! Free compost giveaway! A donation of one canned food item is requested. (480) 350-4311 ● Tips for having a successful garage sale R ecycle those treasures and GO Green! The Lakes Annual Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014. The hours are 7:30 a.m. to approximately 1:00 p.m. 1. Sign up at the Clubhouse and get your “official Lakes Garage Sale Day permit”. The fee is only $10. Be sure to post this permit on the day of the Garage Sale. Also on the back of the permit is important information about places to donate left over items. 2. The Women’s Club will do all the advertising, and decorate the entrances to The Lakes with signs and balloons the day of the sale. Please put up your own signs especially at the end of your streets to help people find you! 3. We’ll have people walking the neighborhood on 11/2 asking for your permit. 4. If you can’t get a permit before Saturday, you can pay for one that day. But please, please make time get to the clubhouse prior to Saturday for your permit. This way you can be on the map. 5. This small $10 fee is our way of helping to fund charitable contributions to community programs. The Lakes Women’s Club sponsors this event and all proceeds from permits are used to fund things needed and used by us for our community center. If you do not want to pay the $10 fee, please do not have your garage sale on this day. Sale Hints: Here are some tried and true guidelines that really work: 1. Mark all merchandise with a price. Haggling is permitted, but pricing an item gives an indication of what you expect to get for that item. 2. Try to arrange for easy access and monitoring. Children and pets like to come too. Keep this in mind when arranging your merchandise. 3. Stay available during the sale. It’s best to have at least two people available at all times. 4. Have ample coins and currency available. You could lose a sale for lack of adequate change. Check all bills of $20 or more to ensure they aren’t counterfeit. But be sure to use your common sense when offered large bills. Don’t take checks unless you know the person. 5. It is advisable to lock your doors to protect your not-for-sale possessions. Don’t permit customers to enter your home to try on clothes. Have a mirror outdoors. 6. Clothing sizes should be indicated where known and clothing displayed by groupings on a rack with hangers. 7. You can combine small items in boxes or baskets and price them singly or in groups for the sale. For example: “Any item on this table for 50 cents.” 8. If you have “freebies” put them out as an added attraction. 9. Put large items at the end of the driveway. That attracts people to stop. 10. Have men’s items, such as lawn mowers and tools displayed at the end of the drive. It attracts men to stop and shop. 11. Set up a cooler with ice and water and/or soda. Sell cold bottled water or soda for .50 cents. Make some extra money and keep your shoppers happy! 12. Keep the money on you at all times. A fanny pack helps. Also have a calculator, plastic bags and paper to wrap up those breakables for your customers. Most of all, HAVE FUN. —Submitted by Linda Artac Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 7 Over 40 vendors Live Music Food trucks Come out for Lakes Annual Garage Sale • November 8, 2014 7:30 am • Get your permit at the Clubhouse. some 2nd Annual Artisan Fair Enjoy an afternoon in the park! early holiday Shopping Sunday, November 16 • 11 a.m. – 4 pm Santa at Christmas Island Sunday, December 7th 10 am – 2:00 pm Bring your children to meet Santa All donations go to Ryan’s House LAKES’ Lighted Boat Parade Saturday, Dec 20th Holiday House Lighting Decorated Boats Parade around XMAS Island And LAKES’ waterways Judging December 13th at 6 pm Boaters: get ready for another fun Parade starts 6 pm at XMAS Island with Judging @ 6:45 pm Land-Lovers: get ready to enjoy the Lighted Boat Parade along with cookies and hot chocolate at The Boardwalk Lets make The Lakes the Best Lighted Neighborhood in Tempe. Join in on the fun And prizes!! Sponsored by LAKES Activity Committee Out to Lunch Bunch Luminarias THURSDAY, NOV. 13 MERCI FRENCH CAFE & PATISSERI $8 per dozen Order at the Clubhouse Delivery Saturday December 20th Help light up the Lakes!!! Movie: Pygmalion Country of Origin: England Date: Wednesday, November 19 at 11:30 am RSVP: Gloria Hollingsworth at 480-838-0753 Potluck Luncheon: Please bring a dish to share with the others 7620 East Scottsdale Rd. Please make your reservation at the club house by Wednesday, November 12 and indicate if you need a ride. We will carpool from the clubhouse at 11:30 a.m. for a 12:00 luncheon. Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 8 Oktober-FEST! Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 9 Expires 11/30/2014 Expires 11/30/2014 Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 10 Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 11 Santa at Christmas Island: Sunday, Dec. 7th C hristmas Island, December 7th between 10 am and 2:00 pm. Instead of canned food drive this year, Santa is asking for monetary donations for Ryan House which is a hospice for critically ill children and their families. All donations to Ryan House are tax deductable. Checks are accepted. T For more information you can visit In order for all children to be able to visit with Santa, please limit your picture taking so that all in line have a chance. The last boat over to Christmas Island leaves the Boardwalk at 1:45 pm. Don’t miss it. Thank you. —By Alecia Kindgren The Giving Tree here will be a small tree in the lobby of the Clubhouse with the names and ages of children from Tempe schools. Please take one tag and buy a gift or gift card for that child. Wrap the gift and return it to the club with the tag on the outside of the gift so the name can be seen. Bring your gift back to the club no later than Dec. 14 so the gifts can be dropped off at the school. — Sponsored by LWC Light The Lakes Let’s bring back the nostalgia of The Holidays! In years past The Lakes has been known for their beautiful lights that lift our hearts during the Holiday season. Whether it was from the street, or the lake, people would talk of the amazing neighborhood and the beauty of our Holiday displays. Being new to this neighborhood. I actually believed that lakeside homes were required to have a light display! I had heard about the beautiful lights before I lived here, it’s part of why I wanted to live in our amazing community. Lets get Tempe talking about The Lakes at the holidays! The Activity Committee will be awarding the greatest honor of BRAGGING RIGHTS as King & Queen of The Lakes Lights, which will be a title held for the year until someone knocks you off your thrown in 2014! You will be honored in the Lakes Log with pictures and will be reprinted next year as “who to beat.” Gift cards will also be awarded! Lights must be up by December 13th at 6pm, the judging will take place between 6-8pm. There will be prizes for 1st and nd 2 place on the street and lakeside. So start looking for those decorations! Let’s be Tempe’s most festive neighborhood. — By the Activity Committee Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 12 November Gardening Maintenance By Stella Calvert Over seeding lawns with ryegrass is easy and gives a great Arizona winter lawn. PREPARATION 1. Over seed mature lawns in October to mid-November, when nighttime temperatures drop below 65 degrees. 2. Stop fertilizing your Bermuda grass prior to over seeding. 3. Cut watering frequency to half prior to over seeding. 4. Stop mowing your lawn one week prior to over seeding. 5. The day of over seeding, mow Bermuda grass as low as your mower will go, down to 1/2 inch if possible, and do not mulch your clippings. OVERSEEDING 1. Spread ryegrass seed per package instructions. 2. Rake in the seed to promote good soil contact. 3. Cover seed with 1/4 inch of weed free mulch, composted steer manure, or grass clippings. Top-dressing helps maintain moisture and moderate soil temperature required to promote seed germination, plus helps to keep the birds from feeding on the seed. 4. Water 3 to 4 times daily for 5 to 10 minutes until seeds germinate in 5 to 7 days. RYEGRASS CARE 1. After ryegrass begins to establish, around the third or fourth week, gradually start reducing watering time to every third or fourth day. REMEMBER: always water in the morning. For healthy ryegrass, irrigation must run Watershed & Wine, Beer Spirits Festival Thursday, 20th of November 6pm to 8pm Sample over 60 wines, 50 Beers and Select Holiday Spirits from around the world Hors d’oeuvres compliments of The Watershed Tickets on Sale at (Type in Watershed) $45 In Advance • $55 Day of Event V.I.P. Tickets are $65 (allows for early entry at 5pm) This is a 21 and over event All retail proceeds will go to t h e wat e r sh e d kitchen • bar • pat i o 5350 S Lakeshore Dr. Tempe | 480-756-0508 | | watershedaz for longer periods than the original 5 to 10 minutes to allow the water to soak 4 to 6 inches deep with each watering. This promotes a vigorous root system that can withstand a longer period between watering. If grass takes on a wilted or dry look, then it is time to water. 2. Do not mow until ryegrass grows 2 inches tall; then mow lightly, no lower than 1-1/2 inches tall after cutting. After ryegrass establishes, it can be mowed to a lower height, about 1 inch if desired. 3. Do not fertilize until after the first mowing. Feed monthly with a complete fertilizer such as 21-7-14, or 16-6-8. While you are looking at the soon-to-be beautiful lawn, how about adding solar lights to the walk or drive way. The extra lighting offers additional safety and is one of the key elements to yard design. By illuminating borders and walkways with a little imagination and solar lights, you can enhance any appealing attribute of your yard. Highlighting eye-catching plants, a sculptured shrub, or at the base of a tree can create an allure that give personality and pizzazz to your nighttime landscape. Foreign Film Movie will be ‘Pygmalion’ (90 minutes) This gem of a movie was made in 1938, but it is a timeless one. The play, Pygmalion, was written by George Bernard Shaw and was then made into a movie. It is the story of a snooty professor Henry Higgins played by Leslie Howard and a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, played by Wendy Hiller. They meet in London, and Professor Higgins bets his friend that he can elevate Eliza’s awful accent so that she may be passed off as a duchess attending a very fancy dress ball. The story is familiar enough since it has been made into a hit musical and movie titled My Fair Lady. So do join us for a delightful afternoon for the movie, delicious food and lively conversation. You may also be the winner of a table prize. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, November 19. Please refer to the ad on Page 7 of this issue for more information. —Submitted by Gloria Hollingsworth Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 13 Lumunarias at The Lakes Order your Luminaries NOW at the clubhouse! Luckily, our local Boy Scout Troop is again offering already-prepared luminaries delivered to your door on Saturday, December 20st. Luminaries are $8.00 per dozen and you can order as many dozen as you wish. They make wonderful gifts for your neighbors and other LAKES residents. Talk with your neighbors and make YOUR block the first block full of luminaries. This is one of those wonderful partnerships where everyone benefits: we have luminaries to light up The LAKES on December 24th (or anytime!) and the Boy Scouts provide a service that nets them funds for needy Rover-school families. A win-win! Sign-up now at the clubhouse (no later than December 19th) and make this the holiday year that we really LIGHT UP THE LAKES with LUMINARIAS! —Sponsored by The Lakes Women’s Club Fishing and Boating report We on the fishing committee are aware that some of you have concerns about the color of our lake water. As of the latest report submitted by our Aquatic consulting & testing firm, our lake is in great physical and biological health despite the color. The change in color is due to two things; one is from all the rain we’ve had this monsoon season & the other is all the runoff from our streets & yards that go into the lake. Join the Lakes Women’s Club at Pier 54 for Thirsty Third Thursday! Jane will be your greeter at Pier 54 on Thursday, November 20th at 6 pm. The restaurant is now open as an American and Italian eatery, serving a wide variety of food and drink items. You won’t want to miss this fun-filled Happy Hour event at one of the Lakes’ best waterside hot spots! We are watching the lake condition closely to insure the health of our water. As a reminder to boat owners, fisherman & women, your 2015 fishing license can be punched at the clubhouse. Please send us your fishing photos as we would love to share your catches with everyone. There will be a fish stocking in the near future, so get out there & hook them! —Submitted by Lee Dettling All are welcome as we socialize with neighbors and friends, and enjoy some beautiful outdoor air and the great waterfront views. Everyone deserves a break from our busy schedules, and you’ll enjoy the varied menu that Pier 54 has to offer. So come on over, sit, chat, enjoy! Please come down, even if you are solo. Just look for us at the group table. Hope to see you then! —Submitted by Jane Morrissey Academies of Tempe Parent Information Nights Tempe Academy of International Studies McKemy Campus Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 2250 S. College Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 459-5048 ASPIRE Academy at Connolly Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 2002 E. Concorda Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 967-8933 Proud to be part of the Tempe Elementary School District Ward Traditional Academy Tuesday, November 18, 2014 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 1965 East Hermosa Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 491-8871 Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 14 More international flavors for Out to Lunch Bunch in November LAST MONTH THE OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH WENT GERMAN, THIS MONTH WE TASTE FRENCH CUISINE. 5448 S. Hurricane Ct. – THE LAKES Stream Side at Village Landing $1,350/mo. 1,853 sf, 3-Bedrooms, 2-Bathrooms, Den, 2-Car Garage, Fireplace, Gated within “Village Landing” Alarm System, Two-Story and Landscaping Service. Vaulted ceiling in living room. Has a private fenced rear patio overlooking small stream, waterfall and pine trees. Membership in Lakes Beach & Tennis Club included Non-smokers. Available mid-November. or 480-491-3677 Since we can’t travel to the different countries, we will be trying some of the best restaurants known for their outstanding food. Hopefully we can try all different nationalities food during the year. November 13 we will head to Scottsdale to the French restaurant Merci. They are located at 7620 E. Indian School Road on the corner of Miller & Indian School. They offer a wide variety of sandwiches, salads and desserts. There is something for everyone’s taste from Brie, Salmon, BLTC, Tuna melt and Croque Madame sandwicheswhich include a side salad for $8.95. They are all made on fresh homemade bread. Merci does have specialty lunches of lamb, turkey, or salmon for $11.50 & $12.50. Be sure to leave room for “to die for”dessertsof all flavors of tarts, cheesecake, tiramisu or chocolate mousse. Bring a friend and join us for a great experience. Sign up at the clubhouse to make reservations by Wednesday, November 12. Please indicate if you need a ride when making your reservation. We will leave at 11:30 for a 12:00 lunch. If you have any questions please call Doris Nicora (480) 491-5499. Foreign Film Chairperson Changes Hands On October 15, Uta Murchison turned over the reins as Chairperson of the Foreign Film Club to Doris Nicora. Doris will now chair the event. We thank Uta for her hard work in keeping the event going and getting monthly hostesses to volunteer. The hostesses are responsible for obtaining a film and calling interested parties. Doris has been attending the monthly events and has been a vital member of the group. The members are fortunate to have her continuing to carry on the duties of the Chairperson. The group meets every third Wednesday of the month, and it is a wonderful opportunity to view foreign films which one might not otherwise seen. Our best wishes go with Doris in her new endeavor. — Submitted by Gloria Hollingsworth Is your favorite provider of quality products or services advertising in Lakes Log? We hope you’ll suggest it. Now’s a great time for targeted marketing, especially at our affordable rates. Call Tracy at (480) 966-0845 for details empower fitness empowering people. changing lives. . . . Private Personal Training Small Group Training Boot Camp * Conveniently located just around the corner! Contact Us Today! mention this ad and recieve... 1 Free workout! and recieve... 10 your first purchase of personal training! Learn more at 480-779-0333 125 W. Gemini Dr. #E10 Tempe, AZ 85283 Baseline % Off The Lakes Canal Kiwanis Park 125 W. Gemini Dr. Ash Rural Guadalupe Maple Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 15 Chef’s Galley NEW YEAR‛S DAY SNOW FROLIC Privileged to help. The Lake‛s Women‛s Club is sponsoring its 5th annual FUN FAMILY event for New Year‛s Day! Join us from noon till 2:00 pm for a variety of relaxing, welcome-in-the–new-year activities: • SNOW at the Clubhouse!! Wear warm, waterproof clothes! Don‛t forget your gloves! We’re honored to serve this community for 20 years. We‛ll have two “snow hills” for kids All About Thanksgiving On thawing a frozen turkey • • MAKE your best snowman! HOT cocoa, drinks & PB&J sandwiches provided • • Pot-luck appetizers: you‛re welcome to bring an appetizer to share VISIT with friends and neighbors • And Happy New Year! A side dish to go with the Roast Turkey Sweet Potato Casserole 3 cups canned yams, mashed 1 cup sugar 1 stick butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs Topping 1/3 cup flour 1/3 cup butter, softened 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup chopped pecans Mix all ingredients with fingers and spread over top of potatoes. Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour. — Submitted by Gloria Hollingsworth Mary Contreras, Agent 2145 E Warner Road Tempe, AZ 85284 Bus: 480-775-7788 WELCOME 2015! See you there! In the refrigerator, allow 24 hours per 5 pounds of the frozen turkey to defrost. Beat all ingredients together for 5 minutes with a mixer. Pour into a greased casserole dish. My staff and I look forward to many more with you. Thank you for your continued support and business. Get to a better State®. Get State Farm. CALL ME TODAY. QI GONG 18 STYLE AT THE LAKES CLUBHOUSE LEARN-BY-DOING SESSIONS: EVERY TUESDAY & THURSDAY 6:30-7:00 PM ($5 PER SESSION) DROP-INS WELCOME! IMPROVE BALANCE, COORDINATION & MENTAL CLARITY REDUCE STRESS - BUILD STRENGTH FEEL VIBRANT - ROBUST FULL OF LIFE! 1211031 State Farm, Bloomington, IL Lakes Log • November 2014 • Page 16 Len Meyer #1 in Lakes Sales! Homes in The Lakes for Sale . . . WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES IN THE LAKES! GORGEOUS LARGE WATERFRONT HOME 5414 S. Marine Dr. Needs Nothing! 4 BDRS, 2.5 BA, HUGE Bonus Room 3,107 sf. Nicely updated. $519,900 AVAILABLE If you have been thinking about selling your home, we would be happy to give you a NO-OBLIGATION MARKET ANALYSIS of its value today. GATED WATERFRONT CONDO HARBOUR VILLAGE 5200 s. Lakeshore #233 2 BDRS +HUGE DEN, 2 BA 1,831 sf. Totally Remodeled, Great Views! $334,900 AVAILABLE Just call 480-205-1737 SOLD SALE PENDING REMODELED SINGLE LEVEL BEAUTY 1508 E. Weathervane Lane 3 BDRS, 2BA, 2 Garage 1,631 sf. Gorgeous Pool $275,000 SALE PENDING GREAT SINGLE LEVEL 1418 E. Northshore Dr. 3 BDRS, 2 BA, 2 Garage, pool 2,061 sf. Steel Roof! NICE! $289,900 SOLD Call Len Meyer at 480-205-1737 or e-mail at CUTE UPDATED SINGLE LEVEL 5633 S. Spinnaker Road 2 BDRS, 2BA, 2 Garage 1,282 sf. Very Special $199,999 SALE PENDING All are Gammage Realty Group Listings WE HAVE MORE!! No one sells more Lakes homes. WE LIVE HERE! We CARE about Lakes property values. Visit our exclusive Web Site at LEN MEYER, MBA, CSSPE, CRS Associate Broker Gammage Realty Group, Inc. email: 480-205-1737
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