“See SAW for Parts, Supply, but most of all, for PROFIT!” November, 2014 November Selling Tips Maximize your sales opportunity by doing a thorough inspection when a vehicle is in your shop. Bulbs and Wipers are a great way to build up your sales invoice Cabin Air Filters will sell themselves. Just show the old, dirty filter to your customer– they’ll be sold! Most repair decisions today are made by women. A clean, orderly waiting area and clean restrooms are essential in instilling confidence with this important segment of your customer base. Make a great 1st impression! News You Can Use For The Automotive Aftermarket! Volume 80, Issue 1 Motorcraft Batteries– Still With Long Life Warranties As you’re probably aware, most battery suppliers have gone to a much shorter free replacement period-only warranty. Free replacement warranties today for most batteries run anywhere from 18 to 42 months. That’s not the case with Motorcraft Batteries! Motorcraft’s “TestedTough Max” batteries have a 100 month prorata warranty with 36 months free replacement! That’s the longest MAX Batteries with 100 warranty period in the industry! “Tested Tough Plus” batteries offer a more economical option, and they feature an 84 month pro-rata warranty with 18 months free replacement, still longer than most of the competition. And if you thought Welcome “Quick Steer” Chassis Parts, From Moog how and technology to you at an even more affordable price with Quick We’re happy to announce Steer. Now, there’s no need to sacrifice quality that we have chosen Moog’s “Quick Steer” line when you’re sourcing chassis parts for a priceas our vendor for value sensitive job. With Quick line Chassis Parts. Moog Steer, you can be confihas always been the indent that you’re installing dustry leader when it a part that your customer comes to Chassis with can count on. their Problem Solver parts. Now, they are We feel we now have the bringing that same know- most complete Chassis Part offering of any distributor. If you’re working on a large truck, SUV, or late model vehicle that’s proving to be a handful to fix, we’ve got you covered with our Moog ’Problem Solver’ line. For everyday repairs where price is important, Quick Steer is your answer. Now more than ever, just like it says on their website, “Moog makes it easy!” Motorcraft only had batteries for Fords, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Motorcraft now offers batteries for every car and light truck on the road today! Get a top quality battery with the best warranty in the aftermarket with Motorcraft “Max” and “Plus” Batteries! ATS is your best source for all of your battery needs. Ask your salesperson for more detailed price and warranty information on all of our top-quality battery lines. This Month 50 Years Ago In November, 1964: • LBJ (D) soundly defeats Barry Goldwater (R) for US President • Braves sign a 25-year lease to play in the new Atlanta stadium • Mariner 4 launched; 1st probe to fly by Mars • For 1st time since 1800, residents of Wash DC are permitted to vote Don’t settle for less, call ATS! © 2014 Southeastern Automotive Volume 80, Issue 1 For Your Information “Your Job is the “What” and not the “How!” By Dr. Scott Hunter “In this action oriented world we live in, the hardest thing to convince our clients of is the fact that your job is the “what” and not the “how.” This seems to go against everything we’ve been told. In fact, there are many speakers and authors that tell us that the key to success is taking massive action. The problem is, it’s not true. Your job is the what and not the how. Here’s what that means. If you run an organization, or if you’re simply an individual who wants to be more successful, your job is to create a picture of where you want to be in the future. We recommend you start with sometime in the far future, but that’s up to you. You should start at least 5 years in the future, preferably at least 10. That is the what. Then, you can work your way back to the next year or two or three, and see how much of that picture you want to accomplish by then. The next step is to stand in the future, look from there, and see what shows up for you to do to move in the direction from where you are to where you’ve decided you want to be. But exactly “how” it’s going to occur is not up to you. You can’t possibly figure out the infinite number of possible ways the future is going to happen. That’s the job of the universe. The how is not up to you. Very simply, here’s how this works. Everything in the universe is energy. That being said, the most powerful law is the law of attraction. When you stand in the future you want to create, you create an energy that will attract to you everything you will need for that future to become a reality. Just take the actions that are peaceful and compelling, have this be easy, and keep telling yourself: my job is the what and not the how. Let me give you some practical examples of how to put into effect my assertion that: your job is the what and not the how. You recall that I said that everything is energy and because of that reality, the most powerful law in the universe is the law of attraction, which means that you will always attract to you that which is consistent with the energy you are or your company is. When you stand in the future, that creates a particular energy which will attract that future to you. But there is more to it than that because one of the most critical factor in activating the law of attraction is your emotions. For me, my goal every day is to be at peace. I can’t think of a more desirable emotion. When I’m successful, I’m always stunned as to what that attracts: things that make me smile and bring me This Month’s Quote: peace. Take today for example. I decided to go to lunch to my favorite restaurant and hoped in my car with a commitment to having the whole “If you think you can, experience be peaceful. First, you’re right. If you there was not a single car on the one way street I have to think you can’t, drive down when I leave my you’re right about house. Second, every single that, too. ” traffic light was either green or turned green as I approached the intersection. When I arrived at my destination, there was a parking W.D. Ward space right at the front door. After my great lunch, I decided to stop at the car wash on the way back to the office. Win Free Stuff! By now, the smile on my fact was as big as you can imagine. Answer this month’s Once again, every traffic light trivia question get a on the way to the car wash was green and there was no free ACDelco T-shirt ! one in front of me at the car wash. When I went to pay, Here’s the question: the cashier offered me a dis1964 Trivia– count of $2 on my wash, over and above the $2 I get as a For the 1st time ever, 3 senior citizen. Now you might think these teams were named as are silly examples, but I asNCAA Football sure you they’re not. Be happy and you’ll attract to Champs. Name the you circumstances to support three teams. you in being happy. Choose to be peaceful and you’ll attract to you circumstances to (No cheating– don’t use support you in being peaceful. Google!) Come from abundance in all the decisions you make and you’ll attract to you circumSend your answers to: stances to support you in living in abundance.” No Explanation Needed Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground, Ms. Smith stopped to gently reprimand the child. Smiling sweetly, the Sunday school teacher said, "Johnny, when I was a little girl, I was told if that I made ugly faces, it would freeze and I would stay like that." Little Johnny looked up and replied, "Well, Ms Smith, you can't say you weren't warned." Fax: 404-586-9504 E-mail: twhitley@sawpartsplus.com Attention: Ty Whitley Thanks for reading our SAW/ATS Newsletter! Page 2
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