PHILADELPHIA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1910 Philadelphia Church Road, Dallas, North Carolina 28034 Philadelphia's 247th Anniversary in Mission (1767-2014) The 21st Sunday after Pentecost All Saints Sunday (Lectionary Series A) November 2, 2014 1 1:00 A.M. THE LITURGY-THE PUBLIC WORK OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD Evangelical Lutheran Worship - Holy Communion - Setting 1 Prelude Prayer: Almighty and gracious God, in the Scripture lessons for All Saints Sunday, we celebrate the Good News that, despite our wretched unworthiness and or captivity to Sin, Death and Evil, You have chosen not to banish us as miserable sinners to our just deserts of eternal condemnation but to rescue, heal, save and claim us as your beloved children. All this you have done because of your infinite and unconditional love made visible in Jesus Christ. As forgiven sinners, we now have a new identity, a new life and a mission as saints, people whom you have blessed, forgiven and called into a new mission, destiny and new life of discipleship and servanthood. Healed, renewed and transformed by your Redeeming Love, we have been called to serve as instruments of your redeeming love which promises to make all things new. Therefore, in joy and thanksgiving, we worship You and serve others. Amen. Theme of the Day: “God’s Gifts and Promises of Wholeness & Salvation” Announcements: GATHERING Processional: “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” ELW # 424 The Invocation pg. 94 (We receive the sign of the Cross in remembrance of our Baptism) The Confession of Sins pg. 95 Prayer of Preparation pg. 95 *Prayer of Confession pg. 95 *The Declaration for Forgiveness pg. 96 The Apostolic Greeting pg. 98 The Kyrie (“Lord, have mercy...”) pg. 98 Hymn of Praise: "This is the Feast....." pg. 101 The Prayer of the Day (Insert) WORD First Lesson: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 Congregational Response: “Thanks be to God.” The Psalmody (Sung by Cantor) Second Lesson: Ephesians 1:11-23 Congregational Response: “Thanks be to God.” Gospel Acclamation: "Alleluia.. Lord, to whom shall we go?.." 1 (Insert) pg. 102 The Gospel is Announced pg. 103 Congregational Response: “Glory to You, O Lord.” pg. 103 Gospel Lesson: Luke 6:20-31 Congregational Response: “Praise to you, O Christ.” pg. 103 Sermon: Pastor Jan Henson Hymn: “Holy God, We Praise Your Name” ELW # 414 The Nicene Creed (Used on the Festival of All Saints) pg. 104 Liturgy of Thanksgiving & Remembrance for All Saints Insert pg. 9 (We remember the members of Philadelphia who died in the past year.) *Prayers of Intercession pg. 105 A: Remembering the saints who have gone before us and giving thanks for God's blessings, we pray for the church, all in need, and God's good creation, especially for those lifted up in intercessory prayer who are listed in this week’s bulletin. (A brief silence) We pray for the whole church, gathered in word and sacrament, in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving, to continue to bring care and blessing to all. Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: We pray for wisdom, courage, and commitment to help restore your good creation, that clean water, air, and the fruits of the earth are available for future generations. Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: We pray for nations suffering from oppression, war, and economic uncertainty. Raise up leaders who will work for peace. Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: We pray for our sisters and brothers who are hungry and thirsty, who need peace, who are persecuted, and all who need your healing touch through our hands (especially). Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: We pray for our congregation's ministries (new or continuing ministries may be named here), that we continue reaching out to our neighborhood and community to share the goodness you offer through Christ. Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: We give thanks for all our faithful departed (those who have died during the past year may be named) and the witness we see in their faithful lives. Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. A: Receive our prayers and hopes,Good Shepherd, and bring us safely into all joy and peace, through Christ our Lord. C: Amen. The Sharing of the Peace pg. 105 MEAL Worship with our Tithes and Offerings Offertory Anthem: “Special Music” Offertory: "Let the Vineyards be Fruitful" The Offertory Prayer The Great Thanksgiving The Preface for the Festival of All Saints Tha Sanctus:: “Holy, Holy, Holy" Eucharistic Prayer and The Words of Institution (Option #1) 2 pg. 106 ELW # 184 pg. 107 pg. 107 pg. 108 pg. 108 pg. 108 The Lord's Prayer (17th. Century Translation) Agnus Dei: "Lamb of God" The Communion (Eucharist) Post Communion Canticle: “Now, Lord, you let your servant go...” Post Communion Prayer pg. 112 pg. 112 pg. 112 pg. 113 pg. 114 SENDING *The Benediction (Blessing) *The Dismissal Congregational Response: “Thanks be to God.” Recessional: “Shall We Gather at the River” Postlude *Congregation Kneels pg. 114 pg. 115 pg. 115 ELW # 423 Visit Our Web Site at Ministers: Members of Philadelphia Lutheran Church Church Email: Church Ph. & Fax: 704-922-5334; Pastor: Rev. Gary A. Weant, Home Phone & Fax: 704-922-5191; Mobile Phone: 704-8541947; Pastor’s Email: Parish Secretary: Lisa Rubow, Partner ELCA Missionaries in Bolivia: Justin & Kari Eller; Organist: Amy Lewis; Acolytes: Nate Pasour, Cassie McMahan, Crucifer: Maggie Pasour; Cantor: John Jarrett, Assisting Minister: Nancy Pasour, Communion Assistants: Nancy Pasour, Janice Jarrett; Lectors: Linda Bennett, Mike Lewis; Altar Guild: Linda Bennett ; Ushers: Vivian Friday -Council Rep.; Counters and Tellers: Vivian Friday - Councill Rep., Announcements/Secure Building: Vivian Friday - Council Rep., Lawn Care: Vivian Friday - Council Rep. Risen Christ and His gifts of Forgiveness, Salvation and New Life. A cordial invitation is extended to all baptized persons to participate in the celebration of these realities by receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Children who have not yet received First Communion instruction are encourage to come and receive a special blessing. The Lutheran Church uses bread and wine in Holy Communion in faithfulness to the Scriptures and because these were the elements Jesus used in the New Testament when he observed the Passover Meal and instituted the Lord’s Supper. Biblically and theologically, there is nothing inherently evil regarding bread and wine; yet both can be perverted and become a manifestation of Sin as when bread is abused resulting in gluttony and wine is over used resulting in drunkenness. At the same time, the Lutheran Church also remains pastorally sensitive to people who have medical conditions or wine allergies and who need to avoid wine. Not wanting Holy Communion to become a stumbling block for anyone, we also have grape juice available for those who cannot consume wine. As you are given the Sacrament, simply indicate to the communion assistant distributing the wine that you prefer grape juice. IN OUR THOUGHT AND PRAYERS Offerings and Gifts of Intercessory Prayer HOLY COMMUNION As Christians & Lutherans we have been led by the Holy Spirit and through Baptism to acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Lutherans also confess that in the giving and receiving of the bread & wine we also receive the Real Presence of the Below are all those included on our weekly List for Intercessory Prayer. We lift them up in Prayer during the Sunday Worship Service and we encourage you to include them in your Prayer Life during the coming week. Please contact Pastor Weant or the Church office regarding persons whom you would like to add or remove from our weekly list for Intercessory Prayer. Nursing Home, Assisted Living or Rehabilitation facilities: Margaret Weant, mother of Pastor Weant, remains in fair condition at Heritage Oaks Assisted Living ,Gastonia, Lillie Mae Rhyne continues to do well at Covenant Village, Gastonia. Other Care Facilities: Howard Pasour (#1067031 - N.C. Dept. of Corrections, Avery - Mitchell Correctional Institute, 600 Amity Park Rd., Spruce Pine, N.C. 28777). At home & Recovering or Under the Doctor’s Care: Jan Friday is making a steady ane encouraging recovery at home following a visit to the Gaston Memorial ER for tests and treatment of injuries she received from a serious fall at work last week; Cindy Friday is making a good recovery at home following outpatient orthopaedic surgery at Mercy Hospital in Charlotte last week; Joe Friday is making a good recovery at home after a visit to the Gaston Memorial ER for treatment of injuries from a fall at home last week; Ron Dixon is making a good recovery at home following outpatient vascular surgery at Gaston Memorial this week; Mike Ledford is making a good recovery at home following major surgery last week at Gaston Memorial. In the near future, Mike will likely undergo chemo and various therapies to assist his recovery and return to a better state of health; Carole Jean Lineberger continues to recuperate at home following recent hospitalization at Gaston Memorial for treatment of respiratory and cardiac issues; Diane Lineberger has returned home and is doing better following treatment at Gaston Memorial for a number of medical conditions; Danny Adams continues to make a good recovery at home following recent gastric bypass surgery at Mercy Hospital, Charlotte; Regina Eason is making a good recovery at home 3 4 Family Devotions Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in memory of George Lewis” birthday by Mike and Amy Lewis. The Festival of All Saints: All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November heralds the dying of the landscape in many northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all who have died in Christ and whose baptism is complete. At the Lord's table we gather with the faithful of every time and place, trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and that all tears will be wiped away in the new Jerusalem. We extend a warm welcome to Pastor Jan Henson who is serving as our guest preacher and leading worship today while Pastor Weant is recovering from a weakened immune system and the side effects of chemotherapy. Pastor Henson is a native of Gaston County, a member at Redeemer Lutheran, Gastonia, and a seminary classmate of Michael and Rebekah Costello. following recent outpatient vascular surgery at Gaston Memorial; Ray Cloninger continues to make a steady recovery at home following back surgery last month at Gaston Memorial; Edward Friday (son of Mike & Cheryl Friday) is recuperating at home but remains under the doctor’s care while undergoing tests and observation for treatment of a number of chronic conditions; Pastor Weant is midway through a second, 3-week cycle of chemotherapy at the Levine Cancer Institute in, Charlotte. The side effects are many, annoying and manageable but his energy level remains low due to the rigorous treatments for osteosarcoma, a rather rare form of bone cancer. He will likely be sequestered at home due to a temporary but compromised immune system from (Oct. 31 – Nov.3) He remains in good spirits, is overwhelmed by the flood of prayers and is adjusting “fairly well” to a significantly reduced schedule. Pastor Weant is also most grateful for the many prayers offered on behalf of his wife, Linda, his primary caregiver, accompanied by his own confession that with both the hassles and uncertainties of cancer combined with a disabled and diseased right arm, he does not always represent a simple or easy patient for care; Jim Bennett continues to make a good recovery following the recent implantation of a pacemaker at Gaston Memorial; David Lineberger remains under the doctor’s care and continues to recuperate at home while undergoing radiation and chemotherapy; Continuing under the doctor’s care & at home: Rhonda Adams, Pat Helderman, Billy Joe Devine, Brenda Cloninger and Louise Cloninger. Others as well as friends, neighbors, co-workers or relatives of members at Philadelphia having special needs: Add Pastor Elizabeth Toler, scheduled for triple coronary bypass surgery early next week at Gaston Memorial; Julie & Steve Digh, friends of Joe & Susan Lineberger, who are recovering from injuries received in an auto accident on Sept. 3rd.; Joe David Friday, uncle of Susan Lineberger, in his battle with cancer; Jerrica Helderman, friend of Susan Lineberger, who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer; Joe Devine, son of Myrnis & Bill Devine, making a good recovery following coronary bypass surgery in July at Frye Regional Medical Center, Hickory; Alice Davis, niece of Frances Lineberger, undergoing radiation therapy for tongue cancer; Toni Long, Executive Director of the Dallas - High Shoals Christian Social Ministry, has returned to a normal schedule but remains under the doctor’s care for treatment of a number of medical conditions; Grady Long, husband of Toni Long, recuperating at home following a recent hospital stay at Gaston Memorial and undergoing treatment for bladder cancer; Ed McKnight, son of Lavinia Bolin, a friend of Frances Lineberger, undergoing cancer treatment; Tina Queen, niece of Faye Cloninger who is recuperating but remains under the doctor’s care. Other needs and concerns both local and global: The victims of the Ebola virus and all the health care workers serving to bring this deadly disease under control; The Jewish and Palestinian victims of the recent war in the Gaza Strip; The victims and the families surrounding the tragic death of 298 people who were killed in the shooting down of Malaysian Flight #17 in Ukraine air space; The Nigerian school girls and their families suffering the horror of abduction by terrorists; The passengers and their families of those trapped in the grief and horror surrounding the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Flight # 370; The families of troops killed in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and all who continue serving in Afghanistan; for the victims and the families grieving in the wake of the public shootings over the past several months at Widener University; Pennsylvania, Purdue University, South Carolina State University, at a mall in Columbia, Maryland, at Fort Hood, Texas and at a Jewish synagogue in 5 Kansas; for the victims of the escalating political turmoil and violence erupting in Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Egypt and many of the Arab countries; for America and our leaders; for a resolution of the world’s crises through diplomacy, including efforts to find a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, that we may be rescued from violence, discord, hatred and the destructive horrors of Sin and Evil; and for all who stand in need of God’s mercy and care. Recognizing God as the source and giver of all good gifts and trusting in the abiding presence of the Living Christ, we join with the Whole Church in Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and Joy on behalf of: Z Edward Brice Friday and Kim Bingham who plan to enter into the Covenant of Marriage on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 4:00 PM at Philadelphia Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dallas, N.C. Prayers & Expressions of Thanks Despite the inability of words to adequately express the intensity of human passions, please accept our rather simple and inadequate expressions of an overwhelming sense of thanksgiving and appreciation for the many prayers, cards, phone calls, emails, facebook postings, entries on lists for Intercessory prayer, acts of kindness, expressions of support and the awesome scale of generosity reflected in the monetary gifts to help with medical expenses, which the congregation recently gave Linda and me following worship. The gifts are simply overwhelming! We will never be able to adequately express how fortunate Linda and I have been to have kind, gracious and deeply caring people at Philadelphia Evangelical Lutheran Church in our circle of friendship, fellowship and care, serving as The Body of Christ in today’s world. In thanksgiving, joy, and peace, Pastor Gary and Linda Weant Caring Conversations We extend a cordial welcome to everyone. We are thankful to have you with us in Worship and it is our hope and prayer that you will experience a sense of acceptance, forgiveness, challenge, peace, joy, discipleship and hope as we are embraced by the Good News of God's infinite, unconditional and life transforming love made visible in Jesus Christ, God’s Living Word. We encourage you to worship with us often as we celebrate New Life in Christ every Lord’s Day We encourage all our regular members and all our visitors to please take a few moments and sign our register as it is passed down the pew. This helps us note your participation in worship, your reception of the Sacrament of Holy Communion and provides an opportunity to let us know of any prayers requests or pastoral needs that you or your family may have. We also encourage our visitors to give us your address and phone number if you would like to be placed on our newsletter mailing list or receive notice of upcoming events. 6 As our weekly Stewardship Report reveals, as of last Sunday and for the first 37 weeks of 2014, we are running $8,907.13 (under) our General Budget for this year. If the current slippage in giving were to continue for the rest of the year, our shortfall by the end of 2014 will be $12,518.13 A shortfall of this size would likely trigger a financial crisis for the congregation resulting in serious disruption in our ability to pay our current bills, our capacity to pay our staff, sustain our ministries and support the overall outreach and mission of Philadelphia Lutheran Church. We know there are people in the congregation who have and who continue to give generously and sacrificially in support of the ministry and mission of Philadelphia Church. We simply need more people actively involved in the congregation who are willing to give faithfully and generously of their time, talent and treasure to support Christ’s Church here at Philadelphia. God continues to lavishly bless us with the Good News of the Easter Season which we celebrate Every Sunday!. And furthermore, Christ’s Resurrection Victory over Sin, Evil & Death offer an excellent opportunity for everyone to examine our priorities, to seriously take inventory of our spiritual life and to struggle to become Easter People and the faithful and sacrificial servants Christ has called us to be in our Baptism! Our Baptismal call into Ministry joins us to the Death and Resurrection of Jesus and grafts us into the Church, the Body of Christ in today’s world. Our call is to be in, but not of the world. This unique stance means that we serve not only in the Church but also as responsible citizens of the community and social order in which we are situated. We are to serve all people and extend to them love and kindness, because God has already loved and redeemed us in Christ. Being a faithful disciple of Christ also means working to create a just, stable, healthy, well ordered and flourishing community life. As Christ’s disciples we are to constantly seek God’s love and will in our personal life, in the ministry of the Church and in the wider community. So pray, read, study, reflect and exercise your calling as a disciple by voting and helping elect the best possible leaders for our community, state and nation. Sundays over the past three weeks, and again today, we will be asking a member of each family in the congregation PRAYERFULLY & ANONYMOUSLY estimate their family's total yearly income on a blank piece of paper (no names, just the number please) and place it in the offering plate. Your cooperation in this opportunity of spiritual formation, discipline and stewardship will be most helpful and appreciated. – The Stewardship & Finance Committee. 10/26/2014 Year to date: OUR STEWARDSHIP OF TITHES IN 2014 THE GENERAL BUDGET BUDGET RECEIVED STATUS $ 3,075.00 $ 3,257.01 $ 182.01 (Over) $132,227.00 $123,317.87 $ 8,907.13 (Under) For the year 2014, as of 10/19/2014 we have received: $ 2,301.00 Ed Bldg. Roof Replacement $ 1,200.00 Area Lutheran Foundation $ 579.00 Love offering for Toni Long $ 40.00 Agape/Kure Beach Ministries $ 300.00 Cemetery Fund $ 200.00 Hoyle Scholarship Fund $ 25.00 Pipe Organ Fund $ 65.00 C.O.K.E. $ 25.00 Dr. Will Scholarship Fund $ 55.00 Dallas/High Shoals Christian Ministry $ 186.00 Souper Bowl Sunday $ 40.00 Building Fund $ 350.00 Lutheran Services for the Aging (LSA) $ 5,341.00 Total Additional Gifts outside General Budget 2/24/2008 Ed. Bldg. Roof Replacement Appeal Fund Detail Goal Received Remaining to Go $18,200 $16,560 $1,640 (as of 10/26/2014) Service Table Grace for November “Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices; who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices; who, from our mother’s arms, has blest us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.” –Martin Rinkhart,1586-1649, (ELW Hymn # 840, verse 1) NOVEMBER Philadelphia will be providing CRANBERRY SAUCE for the Dallas/High Shoals Christian Social Ministry. Cleaning supplies are always needed. Items may be left in the fellowship hall kitchen or taken directly to the Ministry at their ministry location at 305 E. Trade St., Dallas. During the past week the following memorial gifts were given to the Glory of God and in support of Philadelphia Lutheran Church: Ed. Roof Replacement Fund: To the Glory of God by David Luoto. To the Glory of God by John and Vivian Friday. Love Offering for Toni and Grady Long: In honor of David Luoto by Boyd and Shirley Adams. We Need Your Prayers and Help! Over the net few weeks, our Stewardship & Finance Committee will be working on our 2015 Stewardship Story and 2015 Proposed Budget in an effort to develop a realistic yet challenging budget and level of benevolence giving. However, this is possible ONLY IF we ALL work together and have an accurate estimate of our congregation's potential for giving. During the Announcements on Mark Your Calendar and Note These Ministry Events in 2014 & 2015 Z Special Congregational Leadership and Council Retreat, Sat., Nov. 22nd. 9:00AM - 2:00 PM. The Rev. Dr. Marcus Miller, former President of Southern Seminary & former Bishop of the Southeastern Ohio Synod will serve as our retreat leader. Z Lutheran Men in Mission Fellowship - Fishing Retreat at the Lutheran Retreat Center, Kure Beach, N.C. Thursday, April 30 – Sunday, May 3, 1015. Z CAMPFIRMATION at Lutheridge, Sun., June 21 – Sat., June 27, 2015. Z Summer Day Camp in partnership with Agape- Kure Beach Ministries,Mon., 7 8 July 6 – Fri., July 10, 2015. Z Family & Youth Inter-Generational Retreat at Kure Beach Sun.,Aug. 2 –Thur., Aug. 6, 2015. Please note the October, November, December edition of the daily devotional, The Word In Season, is available in the narthex. To prepare for Next Sun., 22nd Sunday after Pentecost; First Lesson: Amos 5:18-24; Second Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Gospel Lesson: Matthew 25:1-13. Attendance 10-26-2014: Worship: 68 , Sunday School Parish Mail: Rusty Friday, Ray Cloninger, Janice Jarrett 32 ATTENTION ALL CHURCH LEADERS OF ALL AGES Please take note and plan on participating in our upcoming 2nd . Annual Congregational Planning Retreat, Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. The retreat is open to all current and potential leaders at Philadelphia. The retreat will review the accomplishments that were completed following last years’s retreat and will explore some additional ways to continue strengthening Philadelphia’s ministry and mission as we move into the 21st. Century. We are pleased to report that The Rev. Dr. Marcus Miller has agreed to return as our retreat leader. Pastor Miller is a gifted and experienced parish pastor, former Bishop in the North East Ohio Synod (ELCA) and recently retired as President of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C. Dr. Miller is also serving as the special Pastoral Coordinator in partnership with Bishop Bolick and the Synod Council in helping the N.C. Lutheran Synod engage in a renewal of the Synod’s Vision and Mission. Through the Forward Together Emphasis. During the Retreat we will also explore the impact and opportunities for ministry as a result of having received the $12,00 grant to begin a Keeping Families Intact (KFI) Ministry. We will also explore the cultivation of congregational leadership and what it means to be a servant Church, modeled on Jesus’ call to discipleship. Here is a great opportunity for Philadelphia to build on the gifts and legacy God has given Philadelphia Church over the past 247 years and to strengthen Philadelphia for faithful, Christ centered ministry, discipleship and servanthood into the 21st Century. This retreat is open to everyone at Philadelphia with special emphasis on all church leaders. – Rusty Friday, Council Chair, & Pastor Gary Weant northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all who have died in Christ and whose baptism is complete. At the Lord's table we gather with the faithful of every time and place, trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and that all tears will be wiped away in the new Jerusalem.) Throughout the history of the Church, All Saints Day has been a time to celebrate our new status as forgiven sinners (Saints) and to give thanks for the labor, sacrifice and witness to Jesus Christ made by all the saints who have died in the faith. Sunday, Nov. 2nd , we will join with the Whole Church in Prayers of Thanksgiving and Joy in remembrance of all the Saints and members of Philadelphia who have died in the faith. On All Saints Sunday (November 2), we remembered and give thanks for the life and witness of the following members who belong to the fellowship of Disciples at Philadelphia and who have entered the Church Triumphant since All Saints Sunday of 2013: Z Horace T. Beam, Jr. (5-30-2014) Z Z Martha Sheppard, (4-27-2014) Z Z Nancy Bradshaw (9-23-2014) Z We also want to remember the following people what have died since All Saints Sunday of 2013 who were not members of Philadelphia but who have family, relatives or close friends who belong to the fellowship of disciples at Philadelphia: [Neil Bolick, grandfather of Elizabeth Leonard [ [Karen Drysdale, wife of Pastor David Drysdale .[ [ Nell Ledford, mother of Mike Ledford [ [Earl Withers, Sr., family and relatives [ [Chad Ingle & Shirley Ingle, family (Windy Parker) and relatives at Philadelphia. [ [Joe Ratchford, Scouting leader with many friends at Philadelphia [ [ Junior Clark, brother -in-law of Shirley Adams [ [ Carl Judson Mack, relative of David Yelton and Linda Yelton Friday [ [Grace Wright Jarrett, mother of John Jarrett [ [Rachel Gabriel Carter, aunt of Ginger Cloninger [ [Miles Timonty “Tim” Clark, father of Michelle Clark Rose [ [ Charles Dixon, brother of Ron Dixon [ ZLinda Martin, sister of Jan Friday [ ZDon Carter, brother of Ginger Cloninger [ [John Pasour, a High School friend of Kevin Adams [ Z Dr. Thomas A. Will, father & father-in-law, respectively, of John and Debbie Will and the entire family of Dr. Thomas A. Will [ All Saints Sunday All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November heralds the dying of the landscape in many The Dallas Area Churches recently received a memo from Toni Long, Executive Director of the Dallas - High Shoals Christian Social Ministry, reporting that they had experienced a significant increase in the number of families requesting food during the past few months. At present, the ministry 9 10 is providing 25-30 bags of food four days a week. Asa result, our local supply of groceries is running short. The following items are especially needed: Crackers, Canned Fruit & Pinto Beans. During the month of NOVEMBER Philadelphia will be providing SOUP & MACARONI & CHEESE for the Dallas/High Shoals Christian Social Ministry. Cleaning supplies are always needed. Items may be left in the fellowship hall kitchen or taken directly to the Ministry at their ministry location at 305 E. Trade St., Dallas. Stewardship Is a Way of Life “Thought for The Day”: According to the 2009 report by the Empty Tomb Research Foundation,, an independent, Christian research organization that studies stewardship and giving patterns across 29 Christian denominations, some sobering patterns have emerged regarding our priorities and stewardship across all denominational groups over the past 82 years. The Foundation discovered that in 2007 the total amount given to Overseas Ministries involving over 700 agencies, including denominational, inter-denomination and independent agencies for aid, evangelism and development totaled $5.2 Billion. Moreover, if church members in the US had tithed in 2007 (latest year available) an additional $161 Billion would have been available for the Church’s mission. The Foundation also tracks consumer spending and priorities which underscores the importance of teaching Biblically Grounded Stewardship. The Foundation noted that in 2004 American consumers spent an estimated $705 Billion on recreation and entertainment. The Good News of the Gospel invites, challenges and draws us into a pilgrimage of spiritual growth and renewal where we as a people of God can reflect the earmarks of the Church and manifest a generosity and discipleship as a Lutheran Church commensurate with the love, grace and abundance of blessings we have already received in Jesus Christ. Rituals and Traditions COMMEMORATIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, November 3, 2014 - Martín de Porres, renewer of society, died 1639 - Martín was the son of a Spanish knight and a freed black slave from Panama. As a lay brother in the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), he engaged in many charitable works in Lima, Peru. He founded an orphanage, a hospital, and a clinic for cats and dogs. Andhra region of India. A worker among the Tamil people on the southeast coast of India, Ziegenbalg was opposed both by local Hindus and by Danish authorities who favored a different missionary style. He was known for caring about the welfare of the whole person. Nommensen was born in northern Germany and was sent to Sumatra as a Lutheran missionary. Working among the Batak people, he translated the scriptures into their language, and honored their native culture. A Month of Giving “Thanks” As grateful stewards of all God’s gifts, the congregation is invited to give thanks by sharing our gifts with the “least of these.” Each Sunday during the month of November, the congregation will be collecting and distributing items that are needed by children and adults in our local community. Please bring the following items on the designated Sundays: **November 2 is “Paper Products Sunday” – Please bring packages of toilet paper and paper towels to the church for a special collection. These items will be donated to the Home for Female Veterans and/or Dallas/High Shoals Christian Ministry. **November 9 is “Soap, Shampoo, & Smile Sunday” – This Sunday, we are asking you to bring shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothpaste, and toothbrushes to be distributed at Christmas to the residents at Heritage Oaks. **November 16 is “Undie Sunday” – This Sunday we are collecting underwear for children and youth; please bring new packages of underwear for boys and girls to the church. Disposable diapers are also needed. These items will be donated to Dallas/High Shoals Christian Ministry. All Saints Sunday **November 23 is “Personal Products Sunday” – There are 44 men and 27 women who reside at Heritage Oaks. Many of the residents are in need of basic supplies, so we are asking you to bring deodorant, shaving cream, razors, and lotion to be distributed to them as needed. Friday, November 7 - John Christian Frederick Heyer, died 1873; Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, died 1719; Ludwig Nommensen, died 1918; missionaries - Heyer was the first missionary sent out by American Lutherans. After teaching at Gettysburg College and Seminary he was assigned to the **November 30 is “Snack Sunday” – Please bring individually wrapped snacks (such as Lance crackers or cookies, small bags of chips, 100 calorie snack packs and candy bars,) and small plastic bottles of soda and/or bags of candy this Sunday. These items will be used to create “treat bags” and/or used as bingo prizes for the residents at Heritage Oaks. Thanks, in advance, for your generous gifts in response to God’s many blessings. 11 12
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