The CoastLine Unitarian Coastal Fellowship Member of the Unitarian Universalist Association 1300 Evans Street, Morehead City, NC 28557 252-240-2283 Minister: The Reverend Sally White 252-726-4863 OUR VISION STATEMENT: Our congregation’s vision is to be a visible presence in the community, growing a just world through spiritual enrichment, compassionate action, and free religious inquiry. A WELCOMING CONGREGATION: We are an intentionally diverse community welcoming of and enriched by people of varying cultures, economic and ethnic backgrounds; by people of varying sexual orientations, gender identities and family compositions; by people of all races, ages and beliefs. November 2014 FROM THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE Promise of Carteret County called “Cardboard City.” This morning several of the young people who participated will talk about their experiences, and Family Promise Executive Director Sandy Giacobbi will tell us about the wonderful work this organization does for homeless women and families in Carteret County. November 2: Thin Places. Celtic spirituality shares with us the idea of thin places. But what are “thin places” and why should the concept of them be considered? These are just a couple of the questions that will be explored in the service presented by Chaplain Kelley Wheat-Rivers. She is Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator at Liberty Hospice and one of the on-call chaplains and member of the Professional Advisory Group at New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Kelley is a member of the UU Fellowship of Wilmington. November 30: Thanksgiving Memories. What do you think when you turn the calendar page to November and see Thanksgiving? What Thanksgiving memories come to your mind? On this Sunday following Thanksgiving three members of our congregation will share memories that still resonate with them today. November 9: No Thanks. How does gratitude or a lack of it affect your sense of generosity? When is it difficult to give and what do we do when it is hard to give thanks? Reverend Karen Day will be guest speaker on this day. She is a community minister in Floyd, VA with Plenty!, an organization that nourishes community and feeds hungry neighbors by growing and sharing food. PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Greetings! It was a wonderful service on October 26 on singing, tremendous energy and passion, thanks everyone. November 16: The Gentle Art of Spiritual Self-Defense. Unitarian Universalism has been called everything from a cult to a bunch of godless communists and everything in between. What’s a good UU to do when others condemn us, try to convert our children, or even honestly question our beliefs? Our service will be presented by the Reverend Tom Rhodes who is the former minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh where he continues to practice the Gentle Art (and sometimes it takes lots of practice!) Your UCF Board of Trustees met in October and discussed a number of issues, primarily remodeling efforts at the church and an update of the Long Range Plan. We agreed to start a Long Range Plan revision looking out five years. We will be assembling data on where we are today focusing on a number of topics, where we have been in the last 5-10 year time frame, and where we hope to be 5 years down the road. This is exciting work and there will be plenty of time for input from the congregation. This input is critical for all our projects. I need to find ways to find out what you all are thinking. As I have been traveling a lot lately I lost some day to day connection with UCF; Penny November 23: Homelessness in Carteret County. On October 17 and 18 our youth participated in a homelessness awareness and fundraising event for Family 1 and I have a trip in November but for the most part we will be home. For me the best way is one on one, as plans become more concrete please seek out a Board member and give them your comments. We will do our best to organize the discussion and provide the important information. UCF’S CURRENT LEADERSHIP On November 1 we will meet at the church at 10 AM to begin our remodeling efforts. First up is the storage shed at the side of church. We need to fix the shed, it will be emptied, all materiel sorted, the outside repaired and painted. This will give us a secure location to store material moved from other projects. I am inviting all ablebodied men and women who may want to come help with the project. Staff: Music Director: Ann Odell Religious Education Administrator: Emilee Mroz There will lots of opportunity to participate in remodeling efforts over the next few months. One thing that will be required is we have to "sort through our stuff." The shed outside is a good place to start, we have some material stored in the shed that no longer has much useful purpose; sort, clean, recycle, throw away…At the end of the project we will have an organized storage shed. At this Saturday November Work Day we hope to have a crew working to mount our new AC unit. Please join us if you can, thanks. See you in church, Mark RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Finally, it feels like autumn is upon us. These cool mornings are so refreshing! Eight of our youth and several UCF adults recently spent the night sleeping in a teepee made out of cardboard at Camp Albemarle as part of the Family Promise Cardboard City. Our youth raised close to $400 for Family Promise and won third prize for their cardboard house! They did an awesome job planning and then actually participating in the event. And, they learned a thing or two about the unfortunate reality of homelessness. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! We will continue our unit on Bible stories in the RE classroom. So far, the children have enjoyed the lessons, and hopefully have taken home some new understandings and perspectives. As always, we need UCF members and friends to volunteer to teach our Sunday morning RE classes. Without your help, we would not be able to offer Religious Education to the children who attend our fellowship. The sign-up sheet is on the RE board in the Social Hall, or you can always contact me. Thank you, and best, Emilee Minister: Rev. Sally B. White Board of Trustees: President: Mark Hooper Vice President: Brad Rich Secretary: Karen Baggott Treasurer: Joe Naset Leadership Trustee: Claire Doyle Leadership Council and Committee Chairs: Chair: Claire Doyle Facilities: Ron White Worship: Ann Odell Finance: David Evans Membership: Penny Hooper Social Outreach: Miriam Green Barb Thomas Religious Education: Emilee Mroz Care Circle Coordinators: Martha Naset Newsletter Editor: Paul Fontenoy WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL? The Leadership Council is made up of the Committee Chairs of each of the seven standing committees of UCF 2 and its function is to engage in the day to day operations of the Fellowship. It meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month and is chaired by the Leadership Council Trustee who serves as the link between the Board and the Council. Anyone from the congregation can attend the meetings and bring any ideas before this council. There is a definite effort to "cross-pollinate" between the activities of each of the committees and the LC insures that "the right hand knows what the left hand is doing"…most of the time! UCF GROUPS These UCF Groups meet regularly and are open to anyone interested. All meet at UCF unless otherwise noted. Suggestions for new groups are always welcomed. Womens’ Group: 1st Wed. at 12:00―Ann Odell (726-3648) Book Group: 2nd Mon. at 5:00―Ted Odell (726-3648) Buddhist Study Group: 1st & 3rd Thurs. at 7:00―Ann Rivers (240-1914 Meditation: Every Wed. at 5:00―Happy Ewbank (7279233) or Ann Rivers (240-1914) Photography Group: 3rd Wed. at 7:00— Jim Canada (7281227) or Pat Harms (808-3815) Lunch Bunch: Every Sun. at 12:00 BUDDHIST STUDY GROUP A Buddhist study group meets on first and third Thursdays, at UCF at 7:00. There will be discussion of a chosen book and how it applies to our lives and there will be time for quiet reflection; other Buddhist materials will be shared and discussed. All interested are very welcome. WOMEN’S GROUP Our Women’s Group will meet on Wednesday, November 5 at 12:00. Please bring your own lunch and come for a discussion on “what moves you?” All UCF women members, friends and guests are welcome. If you have questions contact Ann Odell at 252-726-3648 or PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP From now on the Photography Group will be meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Please note the change in day. The next meeting will be on November 19. LUNCH BUNCH There are a number of people from UCF who go to Floyd’s Restaurant for a dutch-treat lunch following our services. All members, friends and guests are very welcome to come. Ann Odell phones them shortly after our service ends to let them know about how many to expect as they do want to know. If you’d like to attend, please let Ann know or just show up at the restaurant. They are very flexible in arranging for all of us. We leave following coffee hour or after After Words on days that takes place. CONTACTING THE EDITOR Please use this email address ONLY: COFFEE HOUR ROTATION SCHEDULE Morehead City Country Club and Crab Point March,July and November. Beaufort and Down east January, May and September. Western Carteret and Craven Counties April, August and December. Morehead City Downtown February, June and October. GREETERS The greeting task is very important because greeters are the first people that an arriving person meets when coming to our church. We want everyone to feel that they are very welcome and that we care about them. This is true for old and new members and friends, and it is especially true for those who have come for the first time. So give everyone a joyful welcome. If you don’t recognize someone, ask them if this is the first time they have been to UCF. If so, ask them to fill in the Guest Book. We like to send a welcoming letter to newcomers, but we can’t without an address. If there are children, tell their parents about our programs for the children: Sunday School or our accommodations for the youngest youth. If there is an opportunity, introduce them to another person. After the service you may be able to encourage them to go to the Social Room for coffee and conversation. You may also be able to introduce them to others at that time. 3 MEMORIAL SERVICE A memorial service for Dwight Rettie will be held at UCF on Saturday, November 8 at 4:00 pm. A reception will follow the service. Dwight’s longtime friend, John Biggers will officiate at the service. MEATLESS MONDAY POTLUCK Bring your favorite meatless dish at 6:00 PM to the Fellowship Hall on November 17, and stay to watch our movie, Forks over Knives, which will start at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary! This event is sponsored by the UCF Green Sanctuary Committee and the Carteret Local Food Network and it is open to the community, so please bring your friends and, if you would like to do so, bring your meatless recipe to share with others. You may feel free to join us for both the meal and the movie, or for only one or the other. Here is what the internet has to say about this film: “Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to “battle” these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases.” “Could it be there’s a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive, but so straightforward, that it’s mind-boggling that more of us haven’t taken it seriously? Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed food diets.” UCF GOODS AND SERVICES AUCTION Save this date: November 21 at 7:00 pm. That’s the date of our annual goods and services auction, UCF’s biggest fundraiser of the year—and the most fun! Last year our auction included, but was certainly not limited to, dinner parties, food at your door, the art of beer making, flower bouquets, tarot card reading, and cases of wine. We raised $4,110 in 2013! This year Christina Berner and Anne Fiske will manage the auction for us, and Mark Hooper will once again be our inimitable auctioneer, complete with fuchsia boots. To make the auction a success, we need you to fill out auction sign-up sheets with all the nice things you have that you don’t want anymore and nifty services that you are willing to provide. It’s going to be even more fun than last year, so of course show up at the auction and bid, bid, bid! Auction sign-up sheets will be posted in the social hall and on the website. Return them to Anne or Christina. Christina and Anne need help. Contact them if you want to join the fun:, 726-6029 and, 240-2600. THANKSGIVING DINNER A pot-luck Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at UCF on Thursday, November 27 at 4:00 pm. We will need a couple of people to roast turkeys and others to bring the rest of the feast and, very important, people to stay and clean up. A sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the social room. Please, please sign up so we will know how many to expect and have enough dishes, utensils, chairs, etc. for all. All members, friends and their guests are invited. If you have questions contact Ann Odell at 252-726-3648 or NORTH CAROLINA SEAFOOD FESTIVAL Thanks to all of our UCF volunteers who sold Coke products at the Seafood Festival. I, Ann Odell,don’t know yet how much money we made but the festival was really a huge success and I’m hoping we made over $1,000. The weather was perfect, most of the music coming from the stage next to our booth was fun to hear and I think it’s always fun to interact with the festival goers. Thanks to David Merandi, Janis Williams, Penny Hooper, Elizabeth Ledford, Sandi Sox, Gerald Harbison, Faye Nelson, Coleen Clark, Miriam Green, David Evans, Dail Bridges, Vicky Thayer, Karen Brown, Reinette Batson, Dan Phillips, Jo Ellen Essex, Susan Fetzer, Josh & Amanda Barber, Terri Thomas, Claire Brothers-Thorne, Julianne & Naomi Fontenoy, Karen Baggott, Barb Thomas and Ted Odell. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. UCF FACEBOOK PAGE For those of you on Facebook, check out the UCF page. Just enter 'Unitarian Coastal Fellowship' in the search box at the top of your page. You can see announcements, photos, and news of UCF. If you click 'Like' you will get the regular bulletins direct to your page. You can also post, add photos, etc. to the UCF page. 4 FAMILY PROMISE OF CARTERET COUNTY Family Promise of Carteret County is our local program for homeless women and families in Carteret County. Local churches provide dinner and overnight lodging and the guests go to a Day Center during the day where they receive intensive counseling services to help them learn how to manage on their own, find jobs and locate housing. At the time of this writing, Family Promise is full with 14 guests. the corner of the Social Hall (near the kitchen). They will be delivered to Martha’s Mission and to Family Promise of Carteret County. Martha’s Mission also accepts pet food for their clients with pets. Non-perishable breakfast items like granola bars, cereal and fruit juice are especially needed for supplying our Family Promise host churches. EAT PIZZA FOR A GOOD CAUSE Family Promise is also in need of Day Center volunteers. These volunteers work five hour shifts at the Day Center – either 7:00am to 12 noon or 12 noon to 5:00pm. Tasks include answering the phone, greeting visitors and guests and helping the Director with various special projects. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, call the Day Center at 252-222-0019. On the third Thursday of each month, Pizza Inn in Morehead City hosts a “Family Promise Night” where 10% of the proceeds are given to Family Promise, the local organization that provides support and temporary shelter for homeless families. Take your neighbors with you and enjoy pizza on October 16, 6:00–9:00. If you feel guilty about eating pizza, just say to yourself: “It’s for a good cause.” 5TH SUNDAY COLLECTION CARING CONNECTIONS As is our UCF tradition, whenever there is a 5 th Sunday in the month all non-pledge offerings in the collection plate go to a charity or cause that is chosen by the Social Action Committee. November has five Sundays so on November 30, our non-pledge contributions will go to Project Christmas Cheer. Project Christmas Cheer is a county wide effort that allows parents to apply for assistance when they can’t afford to provide a real Christmas for their family. Each year, we pick a family in need to sponsor and collect money to provide them with much needed clothes, games and toys to put under their tree. Our UCF youth will take the money we contribute and do the shopping and wrapping of the presents. For those of us who have so much, this is an opportunity to provide a very special Christmas for those who have not been as lucky. Come One Come All to Social Action …is our directory of standing offers for help, from members and friends of UCF, to members and friends of UCF. Need minor repairs on your house or car? Need a visit, a meal delivered, or a ride to the doctor’s office? Short-term care for a child or an adult? Yard clean up, light hauling? Call or email a person in our caring connections network. Every time someone in the community calls someone on the list, a connection is made, and with each connection another strand is woven into the fabric of the UCF community–intentionally, openly, willingly, inclusively. COME ONE COME ALL TO SOCIAL ACTION Our network of interchange through the medium of email consists of people who have signed up to be part of the project. “Senders” submit offers or proposals to the network moderator, who collects the offers and emails them to everyone on the network. Offers may consist of a gift of a book, or a tool, or instruction on how to do something; extra seedlings in the spring, or surplus tomatoes in the fall. Senders may also inquire about getting something they need: borrow a wheelbarrow, get a recommendation for a plumber, or a referral for computer repair service. The Social Action Committee will meet at 11:45 in the sanctuary on Sunday, November 9. Included on the agenda will be the status of current projects and a discussion of candidates for 5th Sunday collections in 2015. You do not need to be a “member” to attend. Come and learn about our exciting efforts and share your thoughts and ideas. MARTHA’S MISSION CUPBOARD To offer services, or request help, check the list posted in the social hall. THE UCF EXCHANGE If you have a need or an offer, or wish to receive the regular bulletin, contact Pat Harms, We continue to support the work of Martha’s Mission, through the generosity of our congregation. At any time, non-perishable food items may be brought in and left in 5 SIGNPAINTER NEEDED! also, and money was raised for Family Promise. Thanks to all who helped. The sign in front of the church is showing wear, particularly the side facing west. Do we have any sign painters in the congregation, or can anyone recommend someone who can touch it up? Please contact the Leadership Council. Pam Holiday and Bob Johns have moved to Beaufort from Down East--to the big city. NEWS OF UUs Jane Hines is leaving for Arizona to see her daughter and family. This car trip is a new adventure for her. We will miss her while she is gone. Thanks for all those who volunteered for UCF at the Seafood Festival. Claire Doyle has had surgery and is recovering well. We welcome the Cullison's who have moved back into the area. Karen Baggott has a wonderful trip to Michigan, seeing the Kunkle's (who were members of UCF before they moved to Michigan), and her sister, Kristen. Fay Nelson is facing treatment for her recently diagnosed cancer. Megan Pinkerton has quit her "school job" and is now a full time Mom to Rory. Thanks for Josh and Amanda Barber for arranging the camping trip to Flannners Beach. Judy Scallon is happy that the hurricane by-passed Hawaii where her daughter lives. Cindy Burchett's mother would have been 68 this month. Joe and Martha Naset were in Wilmington, NC recently for the wedding of Joe's daughter. Susan Johnson remembers her sister, father, and mother who passed away in the last years. Shirley Noonan's son was recently married in Beaufort. David Merandi's sister was in a car accident. She is recovering at home with help from her husband Miriam Greene and many others are pleased that Amendment 1 was overridden by the courts. Happy Ewbank: Cardboard City was a great success. Kids had fun, adults 6 CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:15 Choir Practice 10:30 Service & Children’s RE 10:30 Youth Group 3 4 2:00 Worship Committee 5 12:00 Women’s Group 5:00 Meditation 5:30 Finance Committee 6 7:00 Buddhist Study Group 7 8 4:00 Dwight Rettie Memorial Service 9 9:15 Choir Practice 10:30 Service & Children’s RE 11:45 Social Action Committee 16 9:15 Choir Practice 10:30 Service & Children’s RE 10 5:00 Book Group 11 12 5:00 Meditation 13 7:00 Buddhist Study Group 14 15 17 6:00 Meatless Monday Potluck & Movie 18 5:45 Leadership Council 19 5:00 Meditation 7:00 Photography Group 20 6:00 Board of Trustees 6:00-Pizza at Pizza Inn 21 7:00 Service Auction 22 23 9:15 Choir Practice 10:30 Service & Children’s RE 24 25 26 5:00 Meditation 27 4:00 Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner 28 29 30 9:15 Choir Practice 10:30 Service & Children’s RE 7 Unitarian Coastal Fellowship 1300 Evans Street Morehead City, NC 28557 OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Officers President: Mark Hooper Vice-President: Brad Rich Secretary: Karen Baggott Treasurer: Joe Naset 252-729-2521 252-864-1532 252-247-5770 252-504-3869 Trustee Claire Doyle 252-726-6997 This newsletter is published once a month for members and friends of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship. The newsletter is distributed by email. Those not having email can pick up a copy in the lobby of the church, usually by the first Sunday of each month. The deadline to submit material for the newsletter is by midnight of the fourth Sunday of each month, unless specifically designated otherwise. Submissions, preferably in MS Word, may be made by email: The editor has the prerogative of accepting material based on appropriateness and space. 8
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