Celebration Is in the Air! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Founded Plymouth Harbor - 1966
Founded New College - 1960
Sponsored Orchard Place - 1992
Celebration Is in the Air!
This month we are blessed with not one, not two, but
FIVE great Sunday celebra ons!
On November 1st and 2nd is our 60th Anniversary Celebra on. We will have one worship service on November
2nd at 10:30 am with a fellowship recep on to follow.
Please remember this is standard me weekend, fall
back when you go to bed, and enjoy the extra hour of
sleep. Those wishing to celebrate communion are invited to do so in the chapel at 9 am on this day. We do encourage carpooling this weekend to worship!
November 30th we will set off on our Advent Journey to
Bethlehem to witness again how God becomes flesh in
our midst. As we travel to the stable, we let the candle of
Hope begin to light our way.
We truly are blessed in many ways; each Sunday these
services will ground us and remind us in amazing ways of
God’s uncondi onal and unceasing grace! Hope to see
you every Sunday in November and bring a friend!
November 9th is our All Saints Day and Veterans Day
Celebra on. During both the 9 am and 11 am services we
will light a candle in remembrance of our saints, those
who have le fingerprints upon our hearts. If you have an
immediate family member who passed from this life into
the next over the last year and would like a candle lit for
him/her, please call the church office or talk to Pastor
Wes by November 2nd. At 12:15 there will be a showing
of the video, “Veterans of Color” in the Chapel, a light
lunch provided.
November 16th is Stewardship Celebra on Sunday. We
will dedicate our financial gi s for 2015 during worship!
November 23rd is our Thanksgiving Celebra on. We will
let the music guide us into praising God, from whom all
blessings flow. On the evening of November 23rd at 7 pm
at 1st Presbyterian Church (2050 Oak St Sarasota, FL)
there will be an interfaith service with representa ves
from Chris an, Jewish, and Muslim faith communi es all
worship together.
Thanksgiving Cornucopia
November 2014
--Honoring our own Tuskegee Airman, Dr. Marion "Wick" West--
re you ready to par cipate in our fabulous Red,
White, and Blue Christmas Fair? Over one hundred
of our members have been working for months, handcra ing special items for you to buy. But if you are s ll
looking for a way to help, we do need a few volunteers
for several commi ees! The Christmas Cafe needs a few
more servers and kitchen staff, and the Silent Auc on and
all the other Tables can always use more dona ons. Don't
forget to bring in those grocery bags you've been saving
for us! And the Christmas wrapping paper! Contact your
Table Chairmen to find out when to bring in your
contribu ons. Fair set-up will be on Friday, Dec. 12. The
furniture (tables) placement will be done by the Set-up
team in the morning, but the individual Table Chairmen
and their commi ees should not arrive un l a er 12
noon to prepare their tables and price their wares.
The Fair will open at 10 AM on Saturday, Dec. 13, and
run un l 4 PM. Our church's own Tuskegee Airman, Dr.
Marion "Wick" West, will bring his Congressional Medal
of Honor to show you, and he will be available for
"selfies!" We will have some educa onal info for you,
about what those brave Airmen did to defy segrega on
while they protected our bomber pilots during WWII.
Their courage and skill changed our world for the be er,
and their work needs to be celebrated and remembered
by every genera on.
Lunch will be served at our Christmas Cafe, and, of
course, lots of beau ful items will be displayed for your
last minute Christmas shopping. Don't miss this patrio c
Christmas event!
Lee Brockman
gree ng card table. If you create gree ng cards with
either photos, pain ngs, drawings or cra ing techniques,
please consider dona ng some of your cards to our table
to sell at the fair. If you are willing to do so or would like
more informa on, please call Susan Moore at
941-907-2833. She’s anxious to hear from you.
Hear ye! Hear ye! Calling all bakers and non-bakers. The
Church Fair needs you! Start planning now to bake your
favorite cookie recipes. We especially need holiday
cookies for our cookie co age. You non-bakers can help
by dona ng new containers to hold the cookies. We need
people to help the day of the fair. Join the fun! We will be
the best-smelling booth there.
(So We Won't Have to Buy Them!)
Even if you're not crea ve, you can contribute to the Fair
by collec ng and bringing in some important things. Both
plas c and paper bags of all sizes are needed for the
Check-Out desk. Cookie ns of all types and sizes can be
used at the Bakery Table, Christmas wrapping paper for
the gi wrappers, small gi s for the Children's Shopping
Table. Tickets to shows or sports events, dinner at a
special restaurant, gi cer ficates to golf courses or spas
or shops are all appreciated for the Silent Auc on.
An ques, White Elephants, and books by Sarasota
authors are s ll being sought, as well. Contact the
appropriate chairman to say what you can bring, and find
out when to bring it.
And you can always sign up to be a "Floater," an
important person who will be available to sub at any table
while the chairman takes a break.
The First Congrega onal Church Christmas Fair on
Saturday, December 13, needs your handiwork. Whether
you’re vaca oning or enjoying yourself in Sarasota, get
out your needles and yarn, your pa erns and your sewing
machines and CREATE. The Kni ng/Sewing table needs
you! Think of items for grandchildren and grandparents,
children and parents, neighbors and friends. We’re
coun ng on your gi s of TIME and TALENT to make our
Kni ng/Sewing table full of wonderful gi s for others.
Ques ons? Call or write Kni ng/Sewing Chair, Lucy
Hedrick, 203-561-9590, or lucy@lucyhedrick.com.
Ar sts! Cra ers! Photographers! We need you. One of
the tables at our church fair in December will be the
November 2014
Missions, Teams and Other News
paid by First UCC Women. We thank each of you for
sharing your me and talent.
hrough the summer handmade items con nued to
be brought to church for our North American Indian
friends in South Dakota. A box was sent in early October
with what we had on hand: 5 baby quilts, 40 hats, 19
pairs of mi ens, 10 scarves, 3 baby sweaters, 9 pair of
boo es and 1 baby shawl. These were made by Rose
Antrim, Ruth Olson, Ethel Rudy, Dick Howard, Fran
Knight, Elinor Kline and Marie Nickerson. Postage was
Library News
Another box will be sent November 1 as deliveries are
made to the reserva ons of wood and our warm gi s
before Thanksgiving.
If you are new to our church and want to learn how you
can be a part of this project please phone Barbara
O’Connor at 941-355-2263. We would love to have you.
From BeƩy SchaƩschneider
Lavilla Watson has donated her book “Susannah, My Incredible
114-Year-Old Aunt.”
Also, we have special sec ons for:
Large Print books, Hunger, Poverty, Gardening, Finance, New
Books, Reading for Renewal selec ons and much more!!
Invest your me wisely, as well as your money.
The next UCCLID mee ng will take place
on Monday, November 17th, at 12:00pm in
Fellowship Hall.
Many thanks
Come in for a tour.
The day has come
November 16, 2014
Please take one of these actions by November 16:
Personally put your check into the offering place.
Deliver or mail your check to the church office for pre11/16 delivery.
Arrange for electronic deposits. Contact the church
office for this.
Make prayer a part of the giving process.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers and Angel Tree
Bell ringers are scheduled to ring the bell on Saturday, December 6th, 9a.m. to 6p.m., for the Salva on Army at the Publix on
Fruitville and Honore. Look for sign-up sheets this
month. You can sign up by yourself or with a
We will again be suppor ng children and adults in
need this Christmas by displaying an ANGEL TREE
in Fellowship Hall. Look for the tree just a er
Thanksgiving. Deadlines for purchasing gi s (usually a toy and an
ar cle of clothing) will be announced soon.
are given from
Pete and Jan Drew for those who
sent wonderful messages of
thoughts, prayers and support during
my mother’s passing. It is such a
great feeling of love and kindness to
have the support of our church
family beside us as we are dealing
with her loss. When visi ng us, she
would love coming to our church,
and she enjoyed the feeling of
welcome. Our church family means a
great deal to me, and all of you have
given me a me to heal and go forth.
Jan Drew
Green Is the New Black
(A Greener, Brighter Newsle er)
Would you like to see the newsle er in full
color to match the vibrancy of your
congrega on? Get on the green list! If you do
so, we will no longer mail you the drab black
and white version, but you can view or print
the color newsle er from the church website.
Email Sue.Spigel@aol.com if you wish to be
removed from the newsle er mailing list and
placed on the green list.
November 2014
groups that func on ac vely within the church. Council
will further inves gate how we might include these and
other groups in our delibera ve processes.
Pastor Wes Bixby has been in discussion with the new
Rabbi at the synagogue, and they have agreed that we
will par cipate in the Community Thanksgiving Service at
1st Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 23rd at
7PM, rather than our two-congrega ons mee ng. Wes
also invited Council members to assist him in priori zing
his me and tasks. These discussions will be ongoing.
On November 9th we will celebrate the lives of those who
have passed away during the last year. If any members
have loved ones who are not part of our church
fellowship, and would like these loved ones included in
this recogni on, they should call the church office.
We will be conver ng the Conference Room into a daycare nursery facility for Li le Pilgrim. There is a need in
our community for such facili es.
Our Stewardship Drive is approaching, and informa on
has been shared at several small group sessions. As we
approach Commitment Sunday, we hope everyone has a
chance to become familiar with the budget and plans for
the coming year. Also, the Christmas Love Offering is
approaching, and the goal for this year has been set at
We can now GIVE on our Website! Peter Burroughs and
Binh Nguyen have worked hard to establish a PayPal
account and a means to give on our website. Try it out!
Just tap on GIVE and it will take you through the process.
A brief message from the Moderator, Dick Miller.
On October 12th, I sat next to two ladies visi ng our
church for the first me. Both were from Sarasota. We
spoke briefly prior to the service and then again a er the
service, when they remarked, “You have something very
special happening here.” Being my modest self, I
answered, “We know we do.” They indicated they would
be returning. All of us at First Congrega onal have
embarked on a very special journey to “find our way.”
This journey will be filled with many surprises, but we
should never ques on that the Holy Spirit is
accompanying us every step of the way!
he Church Council met on Tuesday evening, October
7th. Moderator Richard Miller called the mee ng to
order, and Susan Moore led devo ons based on 1st
Corinthians 12: 12-20.
Minutes were presented and approved. Nancy Morris
gave the Treasurer's report, commen ng that giving has
kept pace over the summer months, so that we go into
the last quarter of the year with a small posi ve balance.
Clerk Jim Ferri reported that we gained one new member,
but lost one member who passed away. He also gained
Council approval to remove several inac ve members
a er no response to a empts to contact them.
Thom Reeves spoke on suggested improvements to the
AV system. The audio consultant believes some problems
are due to misplacement of speakers and poor aiming of
the speakers for coverage. Sugges ons include overhead
hanging microphones over the choir, realignment of the
exis ng speakers, a new control panel and a dedicated
sound booth. A er evalua on of our video needs, three
remotely controlled cameras were suggested. Council
decided audio system improvements were the most
immediate need. Pricing and more concrete plans will
now be gathered. Video will be added at a later date as
funds become available.
Susan Moore presented a brochure developed by John
Chapman, outlining weekly volunteer opportuni es and a
tear-off sign-up form. This brochure will be placed in the
pews shortly. Also, Thom Reeves presented updated
Church and COLLAGE brochures.
Our 60th Anniversary Service will be a combined worship
at 10:30 am on November 2nd. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dr.
John Syster will preach that Sunday. Since this is also a
communion Sunday, those wishing communion will be
served in the chapel prior to the main service at 9 am. On
Saturday a ernoon there will be a recep on between
4:00 and 6:00 p.m. in the chapel for friends and
community members to share with us.
Bob Goldman invited discussion of making Council more
inclusive, no ng some ac vi es we support as a church
are not represented in Council. The Women's Fellowship,
SURE, Family Promise, Peace and Jus ce are all such
Our midweek program is in full swing for children 4
years of age through 12th grade. We offer music,
recrea on, worship, arts, meal and fellowship, Thursday
nights, 5:00–7:15 p.m.
Cost is $40.00 per 12‐week session to cover the cost of
dinner. Parents gather for their own fellowship, meal
me and growth group.
Come join in the fun; this is the place
to be on Thursday evenings!!
November 2014
The Men’s Fellowship
Breakfast is on November
1st at 8 a.m. at Denny’s at
3701 Bee Ridge Road!
AŌer Breakfast all men who
are willing are invited to
help set up tables for the
60th anniversary recepƟon
All men are
welcome to
join us!
Don’t miss out, or you’ll regret it!
Our Steve Horowitz will be starring in "Regrets Only" at the Island Players Theater on Anna Marie Island, December 4–14. This comedy of Manha an manners
explores the latest topics in gay marriage, friendships and squandered riches.
The se ng: a Park Avenue penthouse. The players: a powerhouse a orney
(played by Steve Horowitz), his deliriously social wife and their closest friend,
one of the world's most staggeringly successful gay fashion designers.
Add a daughter's engagement, some major gowns, the president of
the United States and s r.
TICKETS: $20 each; purchase at the box office or by phone: (941) 778-5755
during the hours the box office is open. All ckets not purchased in person will
be held in "will call" for pickup. BOX OFFICE is open 10 days before opening
night, Monday–Saturday, 9 AM–1 PM, and on performance nights, one hour before curtain: Tuesday–Saturday 7 PM and Sunday ma nee 1 PM.
PERFORMANCES: Tuesday through Saturday, 8:00 PM, Sunday ma nees, 2:00
PM,"DARK" (no performance) on Mondays.
COLLAGE members, our LGBT group, remain a vital part of
our church life, par cipa ng and o en leading in all its
aspects. Our members and friends meet monthly socially
for a luncheon a er worship on the 4th Sunday of the
month, November 23rd, at 12:30 p.m. at Square 1
Burgers, located at 1737 South Tamiami Trail (US 41
South) across from Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
We’d love to see everyone for the lively conversa on and
good fellowship of our COLLAGE brunch. We have some
2fers for sharing burgers which we can hand out. So plan
to join us and bring a friend(s) to worship AND brunch.
Newcomers? No reserva ons needed. Just come join us
and for more informa on or to be put on our e-mailing
list contact Thom Reeves: cartercreagh@verizon.net or
First UCCWomen
At our first program of the season on October 7th, We honored Pat Wanta, who was with us to offer her last
devo ons for First UCC Women’s events. Pat has moved
to Ft. Myers. Terri Crawford is Pat’s daughter, who Pat
lovingly referred to as her “best produc on.” Pat’s
devo ons included Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I
have for you, says the Lord.” We know the Lord has great
plans for you, Pat. You will be missed.
27 a endees had our food appe tes whe ed by a
delicious lunch, and our reading appe tes whe ed by
descrip ons of this year’s “Reading for Renewal” books.
Table decora ons were cleverly stacked books and
colorful autumn vines and flowers.
Arlene Magno lighted the Christ candle. A special candle
was lit for Laura Copes, a former President of First UCC
Women. A book will be purchased in her honor.
Coming Events:
Tuesday, November 4th – Luncheon and program at
11:30 in Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be served following a
brief business mee ng. Guest speaker is Kathleen
Houseweart, Manager of Geriatric Services, Sarasota
Health Care System. Sign up on the two Sundays prior.
Cost is $10.
Terri Crawford, State “Reading for Renewal” chair, was
our speaker. With the vast number of books from which
to choose, she has put together an informa ve and
diverse list for the coming year. The chosen books reflect
a wide range for “Nourishing Your Spirit for Life’s
Journey”; fic on, non-fic on, humorous, controversial, all
are currently available in the library in Fellowship Hall.
Tuesday, Nov. 25th - Mini-Trip to Patriot Plaza at the
Na onal Veterans Cemetery. Sign up on the two Sundays
prior. Mini-Trips are free.
Rosemary Jung
November 2014
Pastor’s Pen
s you can tell from the front page of the
newsle er, there is a lot going on in November.
In addi on the ways the sacred will s r in our midst
every Sunday, we will also celebrate two weddings in
November. On November 11th we celebrate with
Kimberly Eldridge and Chad Eastman. On November
15th we will celebrate with Samus Haddad and Adam
DeSorgo. We ask for God’s blessings to surround
both these couples.
Sunday morning worship and special services are not
the only way God will move in our midst this month.
On Saturday, November 15th from 9 am to 11 am,
you are invited to an Adult Educa on Event,
“Praying Our Way Through Advent” We will explore
various methods of prayer and centering yourself,
especially during the hustle and bustle of December.
Those who a end will be offered an opportunity to
write the liturgy we use during the ligh ng of the
“Our service to the world has just begun”
Advent Candles in December. I hope you will take
Focus Scripture in November:
advantage of this sacred me.
Numbers 21:6-9
I pray this month you have an opportunity to give November 2:
Ma hew 14:13-21
thanks for the blessings in life; take me to celebrate
God’s presence; and rejoice. I also hope I will see you November 9:
on November 15th for a great way to center yourself
November 16:
before the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
November 23:
Blessings, love and happy Thanksgiving
November 30:
~ Pastor Wes ~
Micah 5:2-4, 6:6-8
Acts 2, selected verses
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Advent 1: Hope
Ma hew 1:1-17
You will no ce a LACK of photos in the printed and
mailed version of the newsle er. This is due to the
quality of our ability to copy. For PHOTOS please see
the newsle er ONLINE.
You will also no ce the absence of calendars in the
printed newsle er, due to space considera ons.
Please look for copies of the October calendar in the
narthex and in the online newsle er.
Remember the video sermons are now located on
the church website (www.uccsarasota.com/)
Audio CD copies of the recordings of the church
services are available upon request. Please talk to
Donna or Sue if you would like a copy from a
par cular service.
November 2014
Breakfast and Books reading group will meet for six Thursday
mornings from October 16 through November 20. We will gather
from 8:30am to 10:00 am at Der Dutchman Restaurant located at 3713
Bahia Vista St. We will read and share conversa on about the book On
God’s Side: What Religion Forgets and PoliƟcs Never Learned About
Serving the Common Good by Jim Wallis. Jim Wallis is founder and editorin-chief of Sojourners magazine. Bestselling author, public theologian, and
leading Chris an ac vist Jim Wallis speaks directly to our current context
revealing the spiritual compass we need to effect las ng change in our
society. The book seeks to move beyond the current media and poli cal
warfare and bring together a divided country. Wallis builds his thoughts
on Abraham Lincoln’s statement, “My concern is not whether God is on
our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side” as the founda on.
Craig Collemer and Jeane e Sherrill will facilitate the conversa ons.
Used books may be purchased from Amazon for $7.10. Par cipants
should come to the first mee ng having read at least the first chapter.
Need more informa on or wish to make a reserva on? Contact Jeane e
Sherrill at jeane ersherrill@gmail.com or call 941-747-7271. Even if you
do not wish to eat breakfast, come for coffee and conversa on!
Thanksgiving Service
will be an interfaith service
held at First Presbyterian
Church at 2050 Oak Street,
Sarasota at 7 pm.
Representatives from
Christian, Jewish (including
Temple Beth Sholom) and
Muslim faiths will
participate together. Come
and join in this
Thanksgiving service!
Our Prayer Chain mee ngs are
star ng again—October through May
on the 2nd Friday of each of those
months. We meet at 10:00 A.M. in the
Conference Room.
Rose Antrim
n 2012, the Associa on for the Study of African
American Life and History (ASALH) presented the
film Veterans of Color at the Sarasota Film Fes val.
The film depicts the heart warming and some mes
heartbreaking stories of black soldiers living in
Sarasota and Manatee Coun es. Ringling College of
Art and Design and the Manasota ASALH partnered
together to support the Veterans History Project
established by the U.S. Congress to preserve oral
histories of American soldiers.
pain of Korea and Vietnam.
The film has been presented in film fes vals from
Boston to Hawaii in major ci es and before
audiences of high school and college students. Last
year it was presented in the White House for re red
Many members of our congrega on are members of
ASALH. Marion West and the late Lionel McMurren
relate their military experience in the film. Lois and
Bernard Watson are the producers.
Thirty one veterans' narra ves bring to life their
struggles and triumphs, the humilia on and
segrega on of civilian and military life of those who
stormed the beaches in Normandy, flew as Tuskegee
Airmen and experienced the unse ling chaos and
You are invited to see this outstanding film on
Sunday, November 9th, at 12:30 pm in the Chapel.
Lunch will be served.
November 2014
Blessing LiƩle Pilgrim
Lightring the Peace Candle
Pink is for The Cure
Blessing of the Waters
Wings: “Wade in the Water”
Wes’ Children’s Sermon
Give 60 Forward
Give 60 Forward
November 2014
New Members
George Reed died on Oct. 2.
Allen Scha schneider died on
Oct. 18.
First CongregaƟonal at Sarasota Pride
Bob Goldman
Charles Shipman, Jr.
Jacci Tutt
Evelyn Mitchell
Richard Nelson
Cory Kuhn
Ethel Rudy
Christine Hoffman
Geri Johnson
Betty Goldman
Roger Leach
Sandy Phelps
Richard Hayes
Sylvia Kornelsen
Melton Miller
Yvonne Popa
Dick Howard
William Markell
David Abel
Ian McLaughlan
Fran Collier
Arlene Greene
William Hatfield
11/21 Janet Baker
Sandy Chapman
Jodi Kleppinger
Mary Kukainis
Denise Roggenbuck
11/23 Dennis Crooks
Don Dillman
Frank Magno
James Moody, Jr.
Ian Van Arsdall
11/24 Eric Van Arsdall
Arden Yakimow
11/25 Marjorie Hall
Betsy Traba
11/26 Olivia Ellis
11/27 Cecille Hire
Mae Reid
Johnnie Williams
11/28 Susan Mitchell
11/29 Don Arquette
11/30 Steven Moore
Gregory and Susan Zahn
Charles and Marilyn Shipman
Bryan and Phyllis Zuerner
Bill and Linda Pursley
Kay and Richard Wakefield
Bob Lewis and Edie Sanders
Senior Minister ........................ Wes Bixby
Minister of Music ......... Gregory Chestnut
Moderator ........................... Richard Miller
Vice Moderator ................... Susan Raines
Administrative Assistant Donna McCalden
Secretary ................................. Sue Spigel
Parish Nurse ...................... Julie Pennella
Campus Manager .................. Mark Swain
Treasurer............................. Nancy Morris
Collector ....................... Pam Hendrickson
Christian Ed Administrator ...Leigh Melton
Newsletter Team ................ Thom Reeves
................................................ Sue Spigel
Webmaster ...........................Binh Nguyen
Pastor Emeritus ............... Dr. John Syster
Contributing Photographer .. Susan Moore
4 9:30am Staff
10am Balance Class
10:30am LP chapel
3pm Recorders
6pm Teams Meet
10am Balance Class
10:30am LP Chapel
1pm Bridge Club
3pm Recorders
7pm Audubon
10am Balance
10:30am LP Chapel
3pm Recorders
5:30pm Spiritual Life
10am Balance Class
10:30am LP Chapel
3pm Recorders
2 Standard Time
9am Communion
10:30am 60th
Anniversary Service,
Rev. Dr. John Syster
11:30am Recep on
9 All Saints Sunday
9 & 11am Worship
12:30pm “Veterans of
Color” movie/lunch
9 & 11am Worship
9 & 11am Worship
9 & 11am Worship
7pm Interfaith
Service at First
7:30pm Men’s AA
Thanksgiving Dinner
27 Thanksgiving Day
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
8:30am TOPS
10:30am Visita on
9am New Gate School
10:30am Visita on
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
13 8:30am TOPS
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
8:30am TOPS
10am Visita on
7pm Ukrainian
Church office Closed
7pm Ukrainian
10am Prayer Chain
5:30pm New Gate
School Play
7pm Ukrainian
7pm Ukrainian
4pm Women’s AA
8am Sarasota Gulf
Coast Sewing Guild
mee ng
4pm Women’s AA
4pm Women’s AA
9am Advent Class
4pm Women’s AA
4‐6pm 60th
Recep on
Newsle er deadline for the December Newsle er is Friday, November 14.
Email ar cles to sue.spigel@aol.com
Weekly bulle n announcements need to be sent to
donnamfirstcong@aol.com no later than noon Wednesdays.
Li le Pilgrim T-Giving
FUCCW Trip-Nat Cem.
10:15am AlaNon
11:30am LP Karate
4pm Key Chorale Bd
6pm Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
4pm Baby Basics
7pm Choir
7:30pm Men’s AA
11am Bible Study
7pm Choir
7:30pm Men’s AA
11am Bible Study
2pm Baby Basics
4pm Baby Basics
7pm Choir
7:30pm Men’s AA
5 11am Bible Study
25 9:30am Staff
No Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
18 9:30am Staff
10:15am AlaNon
11:30am LP Karate
11 9:30am Staff
10:15am AlaNon
11:30am LP Karate
11am wedding
6pm Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
10am 1st UCC Women
Board Mee ng
10:15am AlaNon
11:30am 1st UCC
Women Lunch
November 2014
November 2014