CALA WELCOME HO ME S Welcome to this public consultation event for our proposed development in Tiddington and thank you for taking the time to come along today. CALA Homes is preparing a detailed planning application for a high quality development of 32 homes together with the provision of new and improved sports facilities and a new clubhouse on land at the Home Guard Club in Tiddington. Here today are a number of representatives from CALA Homes and our specialist consultants, who can discuss the proposed scheme in detail with you and answer any questions you might have. About CALA Homes • Premium national housebuilder with a heritage stretching back to 1875 • Developments in prime locations throughout the Midlands, South East of England and Scotland • Award-winning reputation for craftsmanship, architectural heritage and design, taking inspiration from the character and materials of the local areas in which we build • Medium Housebuilder of the Year in 2012 and 2013 at the prestigious What House? Awards • Achieved the maximum five-star rating in an independent customer satisfaction survey for five consecutive years • Proud to be a part of the Considerate Constructors scheme Further information can be found at Copthorne Grange, Shrewsbury Cotswold Chase, Eastcombe The Bluebells, Pebworth ABOUT THE SITE CALA HO ME S Our proposed development is for 32 homes on the Home Guard Club site in Tiddington. The site is currently occupied by the Tiddington Home Guard Club; a social club with sports facilities which are leased to a range of local sports and social clubs. The club is central to the Tiddington community and is regularly used for a wide range of activities including football, rugby, archery, cycling and scouts. Membership levels, however, have declined over recent years whilst running costs have increased. The club is now in need of new sources of funding to improve and retain its facilities and enable it to continue to benefit the local community. The site is located on the north-easterly edge of Tiddington and benefits from views across open countryside to the rear. The site is located within walking distance of the village centre and local amenities. OUR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT CALA HO ME S CALA Homes is proposing a development of 32 two, three, four and five bedroom homes to cater for everyone from first time buyers to families. It is expected that 35 per cent of the properties will be affordable homes for social rent, shared ownership or discounted open market sales, although this is subject to confirmation once the sporting package has been finalised. The scheme has been designed to enable the development of new and improved facilities at the Home Guard Club and CALA has been in close discussions with Sport England and the clubs which use the site to propose various options for the future sporting provision. Negotiations are still ongoing but these could include new football pitches, improvements to the cycle track, a new scout hut and a rugby training area. A new clubhouse would also be built. If the development goes ahead, measures would also be put in place to protect the future of the club so that it can continue to be enjoyed by future generations. This investment will: • Provide first class facilities for the benefit of local people including a new clubhouse • Secure the long term future of the club through a business plan in agreement with Sport England • Provide a Community Contribution Fund (sinking fund) which will enable future maintenance, management and improvements to funded from the interest 3 NOTES Permission is granted to scale from this draw only. In all other circumstances DO NOT sca additional information required. Contractors, Sub Contractors and Suppliers and building before commencing any shop d recorded to the Architect. Where applicable this drawing is to be read i This drawing is the copyright of Tetlow King Ordnance Survey Data © Crown Copyright. REV DESCRIPTION A Elevation revised. Elevation to Rugby Field An artist impression of the proposed clubhouse Building 300, The Grange, Romsey R Tel: 01794 517333 Fax: 017 PROJECT Home Guard C Tiddington, Warw For: Cala Homes DRAWING Elevations -01 0 (1:100) 5 10m SCALE D 1:100 @ A3 2 JOB NO. D CALA130134 E THE PROPOSED NEW HOMES CALA HO ME S SPORTING OPTIONS & COMMUNITY BENEFITS CALA HO ME S A3 NOTES Permission is granted to scale from this drawing for the purpose of Local Authority Planning Approval only. In all other circumstances DO NOT scale from this drawing, please contact this office for any additional information required. Contractors, Sub Contractors and Suppliers are to check all relevant dimensions and levels of the site and building before commencing any shop drawings or building work. Any discrepancies should be recorded to the Architect. Where applicable this drawing is to be read in conjunction with the Consultants' drawings. This drawing is the copyright of Tetlow King Ltd ©. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100007359 REV DESCRIPTION DATE A Floor plan revised. 14/08/14 Lift CHK’D AK CW Gross Floor Areas (Measured over external walls) Stairwell Office Ground Floor Area = 340m2 First Floor Area = 340m2 Total = 680m2 Kitchen Store Hall Meeting Room/ Technical Workshop Store Dis WC Store Food Store 1 Cellar Referee 1 Changing Female WC Food Store 2 Referee 2 Changing Store Team 1 Changing Team 2 Changing Dis Changing A3 AUTHOR Food Kiosk Male WC Building 300, The Grange, Romsey Road, Michelmersh, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 0AE NOTES Tel: 01794 517333 Fax: 01794 515517 Web: Servery Permission is granted to scale from this drawing for the purpose of Local Authority Planning Approval only. In all other circumstances DO NOT scale from this drawing, please contact this office for any PROJECT additional information required. Contractors, Sub Contractors and Suppliers are to check all relevant dimensions and levels of the site and building before commencing any shop drawings or building work. Any discrepancies should be recorded to the Architect. Where applicable this drawing is to be read in conjunction with the Consultants' drawings. This drawing is the copyright of Tetlow King Ltd ©. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100007359 Home Guard Club Tiddington, Warwickshire Entrance For: Cala Homes REV DESCRIPTION DATE A Floor plans revised. 14/08/14 AUTHOR CHK’D AK CW DRAWING Ground Floor Plan -01 Ground Floor Plan Snooker Room 1 0 (1:100) 5 Dis W/C Lift Stairwell Snooker Room 2 10m SCALE DATE 1:100 @ A3 27/05/14 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. KEY AUTHOR CHK’D CAW/AK CAW REV Function Room capacity based on a A CALA130134 ‘Banquet Hall’GFP-01 table arrangement (tables joined in continuous rows) Bar area capacity based on 50% seating. Upper Landing SOURCE: AJ METRIK HANDBOOK Gross Floor Areas (Measured over external walls) Bottle Store Ground Floor Area = 340m2 First Floor Area = 340m2 Total = 680m2 Bar Function Room 100m2 for 100 persons Stage Bar Area 92.5m2 for 60+ persons Building 300, The Grange, Romsey Road, Michelmersh, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 0AE Tel: 01794 517333 Fax: 01794 515517 Web: PROJECT Home Guard Club External Balcony Tiddington, Warwickshire For: Cala Homes DRAWING First Floor Plan -01 First Floor Plan 0 5 10m SCALE DATE 1:100 @ A3 27/05/14 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. REV CALA130134 FFP-01 A AUTHOR CALA Homes has been in close discussion with Sport England and the clubs which use the site about the sporting provision at the Home Guard Club. (1:100) CHK’D CAW/AK CAW A key part of our proposals will be the confirmation of a business plan, produced in collaboration with Sport England and the Home Guard Club to secure the site for future generations. This plan will include representation from all the sporting bodies on the Home Guard Club committee and it will assess the current economic viability and community usage of the club, as well as looking at the various options for the future. In addition, a Community Revenue Contribution (sinking fund) will be put in place. In essence, this is a financial contribution to the club which enables all future maintenance, management and improvements to be funded from the interest. We are still in negotiations with Sport England to ensure that the sporting provision put forward best meets the requirements of the club now and in the future, but this could include: • Three newly laid and reseeded football pitches • A resurfaced cycle track • Retention of the existing archery facilities • A purpose-built rugby training area • A new scout hut HIGHWAYS & DRAINAGE CALA HO ME S Highways Two points of access will be provided as part of our plans, one for the Home Guard Club and scout hut, and one for the new housing development. On-site parking is provided in line with the District Council’s standards for residential development and we are proposing additional visitor spaces in certain areas. In addition, roads within the new development have been designed at 5.5m wide instead of the usual 4.8m wide to allow for on-street parking in accordance with the Council’s Highways Design Planning Guide. A further 34 parking spaces will be provided for those using the Home Guard Club. Our modelling shows that the development would generate approximately 16 (two-way) additional vehicle trips in the morning peak period and 23 trips in the evening peak period. These numbers are not considered to have an impact on the capacity of the surrounding road network. Drainage The Environment Agency’s basic flood zone maps show that the site lies within Flood Zone 1 which means there is little or no risk of flooding. Severn Trent Water have confirmed that there is capacity in the nearest combined sewer to accommodate for the development. A system of flow attenuation and control will be included to ensure that surface water flows to the combined sewer do not exceed the restricted flow of five litres per second. CASE STUDY CALA HO ME S West Warwickshire Sports Club (WWSC) West Warwickshire Sports Club has been in existence for over 100 years, but due to competition from large clubs such as David Lloyd, Fitness First and Virgin Active, WWSC were unable to compete and membership numbers were decreasing with facilities deteriorating. In 2002 an opportunity was identified which enabled the sports club to remain in existence, provide funds to modernise and secure its long term future. This was a “win-win” situation for the club and also for CALA Homes, the selected developer. Planning permission was granted in January 2005 for 24 homes and CALA Homes was praised for its commitment, approach and the public consultation that had taken place. Through working in partnership with WWSC and the local community, the club’s future is now secure with membership and usage of facilities on the rise. Key statistics: • 24 new houses and 39 new flats • £1.4 million sinking Club Revenue Contribution (CRC) put in place, the interest of which can only be used by trustees to fund repairs and improvements to the club. • Land receipt enabled the club to build a new international standard hockey pitch and floodlights, as well as a new bowling green. • A new two storey clubhouse with facilities including changing rooms, functions rooms and a bar and café. • £320,000 contribution to community cricket facilities at the local school • £60,000 contribution for new cricket nets and facilities. CALA NEXT STEPS HO ME S All the feedback received today and following this event will be taken into account when we submit our planning application to Stratford-on-Avon District Council. You can leave feedback by completing one of the feedback forms available, which can be completed today or posted back to us. Alternatively, you can visit tiddington to leave feedback. Thank you for taking the time to attend this event. October 2014 Nov/Dec 2014 Detailed planning Council consultation application submitted process January 2015 Expected decision on planning application
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