“제1회 세계 북한학 학술대회에 초청합니다.” Dear Colleagues, Along with the increased concern over North Korea these days and bearing in mind the essential need for academic research and practical understandings, hereby, the 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 북한에 대한 국내외 관심과 학문적 연구 및 현실적 필요성을 will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from October 28 until October 반영하여 [제1회 세계 북한학 학술대회]를 개최하고자 합니다. 29, 2014. We believe this meeting will become a new turning point for 이번 세계대회는 북한에 대한 올바른 이해, 북한학의 세계적 understanding North Korean justly and development of North Korean 발전, 통일미래의 구상 등에 있어 전환점이 될 것입니다. Studies, designing the future of Korean unification. 이번 세계대회는 북한학을 주제로 한 세계 최초의 학술회의라는 This World Conference has a very important meaning as a first official 의미를 지니고 있습니다. 그리고 세계대회에서 학제적 연구인 step to stimulate the international activities for North Korean Studies by 북한연구의 성격을 반영하여 북한연구의 다양한 분야를 모두 망 opening up numerous panel sessions with the various topics including 라하고자 합니다. 또한 이 세계대회는 학술과 문화가 함께 어우 politics, economy, history, national security, culture, society, gender issues, 러지는 자리가 될 것입니다. 특히 북한의 영화, 조형예술, 음악, health, arts and many more. Furthermore, through the open panel session 그림, 건축 등을 주제로 각 분야의 전문가가 영상자료를 활용 for young researchers and the special sessions for North Korean culture, 하여 주제별로 설명하고 청중과 대화하는 시간이 마련됩니다. we believe this knowledge and cultural exchange opportunity will promote 아울러 북한연구자들이 세대의 벽을 뛰어넘어 교류하는 기회가 fostering the academic network among the researchers and increasing 될 것입니다. the awareness of the need for peace on the Korean Peninsula among the international community. 북한연구와 통일에 대해 관심을 가진 학자, 전문가, 학생, 일반 인 여러분께서는 학술회의와 문화행사에 적극적으로 참가해서 This meeting cannot have its fruits without your sincere participation. We 북한의 과거와 현재, 미래를 조망하는 한편, 국내외 저명한 학자 encourage all of those, including researchers, students and the publics, who 및 신진연구자들과 교류하고 소통하는 시간을 갖기 바랍니다. are interested in the issues on the Korean Peninsula to come and join us to share your knowledge and experiences, exploring new trend of North 2014년 10월 Korean Studies worldwide. This fall, we hope we could harvest altogether our efforts for academic achievements. 세계북한학학술대회조직위원회 위원장 북한연구학회 회장 박종철 올림 PARK Jong-Chul, Ph.D. Chairperson, The Organizing Committee of the 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies (WCNKS) President, The Korean Association of North Korean Studies (KANKS) Program Day 1 2014. 10. 28(화) Day 2 2014. 10. 29(수) 패널 14 09:00~09:30 등록 09:30~09:50 개회식 개회사 l 박종철 세계북한학학술대회조직위원회 위원장 / 북한연구학회 회장 축사 환영사 l 류길재 통일부장관 ● 09:00~10:50 세션 4 ● 패널 15 패널 16 패널 17 북한의 권력구조 북한 경제 북한의 수령체제와 남북관계의 시스템의 변화와 정치사회적 동원 갈등과 협력 개발협력 (신진학자) (신진학자) (대학원생) 제1세미나실 제2세미나실 제3세미나실 제4세미나실 ● 09:50~10:20 기조연설 ㅣ 서대숙 (하와이대) 10:20~10:30 휴식 ● 12:20~14:00 15:50~16:10 북한의 경제 노선과 정책 제1세미나실 제2세미나실 18:30~20:30 문화세션 패널 3 패널 4 패널 5 북한의 젠더질서와 문화 냉전의 지형 남북관계의 역사와 회담 제3세미나실 제4세미나실 북한의 문학, 예술, 문화재 은명대강당 오찬 패널 7 패널 8 패널 9 북한의 이데올로기 북한 시장화의 동학 북한의 도시사와 도시적 삶 북한 대외관계의 정체성과 냉전시대 외교 제1세미나실 제2세미나실 제3세미나실 제4세미나실 휴식 패널 10 16:10~18:00 세션 3 패널 2 북한의 새로운 세대와 교육 패널 6 14:00~15:50 세션 2 10:50~11:00 강성윤 (동국대) 휴식 패널 18 패널 1 10:30~12:20 세션 1 ● 패널 11 북한체제의 안정성과 정치적 변화 북한의 보건과 환경 제1세미나실 제2세미나실 패널 12 북한의 건축과 미술 제3세미나실 제4세미나실 13:30~14:50 북한 영화 속의 일상과 여성 15: 10~16:30 아프리카에서 찾은 북한미술 17:00~18:00 남북한 음악의 비교 패널 20 패널 21 북한 과학기술의 특성과 남북협력 북한사회의 내면과 모빌리티 북한 대외관계의 지형과 위상 제1세미나실 제2세미나실 제3세미나실 제4세미나실 13:00~14:20 오찬 14:20~14:40 특별강연 l 정의화 국회의장 - 남북 화해·협력과 국회의 역할 14:40~16:30 라운드테이블 - 북한의 오늘과 내일 16:30~16:50 휴식 16:50~17:50 랩업 세션 - 세계 북한 연구의 동향과 과제 17:50~18:00 신진학자 시상식 및 폐회식 18:30~20:30 만찬 패널 13 북한의 일상생활과 커뮤니케이션의 세계 공연 및 만찬 11:00~13:00 세션 5 패널 19 북한 핵문제와 한반도 통일 문화세션 10:00~1 1:20 커튼 뒤의 명화들 1 1:40~13:00 남북한 근대 건축 100년 Kor Day 1 2014. 10. 28(화) 패널 2 / 북한의 경제노선과 정책 사회: 최대석 (이화여대) Compared With China, Whether North Korea Could Continue to Follow the Policy of Reform and Opening Up North Korea's Economic Policy in the Kim Jong Un Regime 제 2 세미나실 09:00-09:30 (30분) 등록 09:30-09:50 (20분) 개회식 - 개회사 l 박종철 세계북한학학술대회조직위원회 위원장 / 북한연구학회 회장 - 축 사 l 영상 메세지 - 환영사 l 류길재 통일부장관 09:50-10:20 (30분) 10:20-10:30 (10분) 기조연설 - 서대숙 - 강성윤 하와이대 동국대 패널 3 / 북한의 젠더질서와 문화냉전의 지형 사회: Cheehyung Harrison Kim (미주리대) “The Sustaining Myth” “북한연구의 현실적 과제와 역할” 휴식 세션 1 10:30-12:20 (110분) 제 3 세미나실 패널 1 / 북한의 새로운 세대와 교육 사회: Tatiana Gabroussenko (고려대) 제 1 세미나실 발표 박찬석 공주교육대 북한 교육의 현실과 전망 김정은시대 북한 교육정책 방향과 중등교육과정 개편 북한사회변화에 대한 교육관련 법제의 영향 토론 김동규 고려대 발표 조정아 통일연구원 토론 한만길 한국교육개발원 발표 김동한 법과인권 연구소 토론 신효숙 북한이탈주민 지원재단 패널 4 / 남북관계의 역사와 회담 사회: Avram Agov (브리티쉬컬럼비아대) 제 4 세미나실 6 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 김정은 정권의 경제 정책 노선과 경제개혁 북한의 젠더레짐과 젠더질서의 구성의 동학 문화냉전의 관점에서 본 분단의 수행성 Gender in the Process of German and European Unification: Persistence, Paradoxes, and Transformation Inter-Korean Relations form 1953 to 1961 The Impact of ICT and Influences from South Korea on North Korea 남북 군사회담의 유용성과 가능조건 발표 ZHAO Huji 중국 중앙당교 토론 이석 한국개발연구원 발표 MIMURA Mitsuhiro ERINA 토론 조영기 고려대 발표 양문수 북한대학원대 토론 조봉현 IBK 경제연구소 발표 조영주 동국대 토론 김화선 연변대 박순성 동국대 발표 홍민 통일연구원 토론 Tomoomi Mori 리츠메이칸대 발표 Ingrid Miethe 독일 기센대 토론 이희영 발표 James Person 토론 신종대 발표 Gabriel Jonsson 스톡홀름대 토론 Ria Chae 서울대 발표 정성임 육군사관학교 토론 현성일 국가안보전략 연구소 대구대 우드로윌슨센터 북한대학원대 7 Kor Day 1 패널 5 / 북한의 문학, 예술, 문화재 사회: 전영선 (건국대) 2014. 10. 28(화) 북한 문학, 청년 지도자의 욕망: 김정은 시대 북한 문학의 동향과 전망 연극영화로 읽는 북한: 세 가지 시각 Marketing the Kulturnation 은명대강당 12:20-14:00 토론 유임하 한국체육대 패널 7 / 북한 시장화의 동학 발표 김정수 통일교육원 사회: WANG Sheng (길림대) 토론 오양열 한국문화관광 연구원 발표 University Ruth College Scheidhauer London 박성진 국립문화재 연구소 세션 2 Political Natures and Ideological Topographies: Environmental Strategies of North Korea Culinary Nationalism as an Instrument of North Korean State Ideology 제 1 세미나실 성균관대 오찬 (110분) 사회: 전현준 (우석대) 김성수 토론 14:00-15:50 패널 6 / 북한의 이데올로기 발표 북한의 사상과 김일성·김정일 주의 연구 8 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 발표 토론 패널 8 / 북한의 도시사와 도시적 삶 사회: 정형곤 (대외경제정책연구원) Robert Winstanley 리즈대 - Chesters J.Battur 북한 사금융의 형성과 발전: 양태, 함의 및 과제 북한의 부동산 투자 현황에 관한 분석: 주택을 중심으로 Socialist Modern: The History of Cities in North Korea and the Impact of the 1990s Economic Crisis on Urban Life Urban Transformation of North Korean Cities and Their Urban Spaces 몽골국립대 Tatiana Gabroussenko 고려대 토론 김병로 서울대 발표 진희관 인제대 토론 김창희 전북대 발표 제 2 세미나실 북한 시장화의 주요 특징과 도전요소: 북한 당국의 최근 정책변화를 중심으로 제 3 세미나실 북한주민의 의식주 생활과 사회변동 패널 9 / 북한 대외관계의 정체성과 냉전시대 외교 Constructing Threat, Performing Security, Identity and North Korean Foreign Policy 사회: James Person (우드로윌슨센터) An Attempt to Turn Tables: North Korea’s Diplomacy toward the United Nations in the 1970s 제 4 세미나실 North Korea’s Relations with Socialist Countries in the 1970s After the Détente during Cold War 15:50-16:10 휴식 발표 임강택 통일연구원 토론 이석기 산업연구원 발표 임을출 경남대 극동문제연구소 토론 김석진 통일연구원 발표 정은이 경상대 토론 권영경 통일교육원 발표 Charles 컬럼비아대 Armstrong 경남대 극동문제연구소 토론 최봉대 발표 Dongwoo Yim 토론 이상준 국토연구원 발표 정은미 서울대 토론 유시은 고려대 발표 Eric Ballbach 토론 기광서 조선대 발표 Ria Chae 서울대 토론 박정후 몽골국립대 발표 Avram Agov 브리티쉬 컬럼비아대 토론 이정우 경남대 극동문제연구소 PRAUD 베를린자유대 9 Kor Day 1 2014. 10. 28(화) 16:10-18:00 세션 3 (110분) 패널 10 / 북한체제의 안정성과 정치적 변화 북한(김정은)체제의 안정성 평가: 북한체제의 특수성과 사회주의 체제의 보편성 시각으로 발표 HAN Xian Dong 토론 김창근 부산교육대 발표 J. Battur 몽골국립대 토론 김근식 경남대 발표 고경민 제주대 토론 임재천 고려대 발표 Eigil Sorensen 토론 정우진 사회: Robert WinstanleyChesters (리즈대) 제 1 세미나실 패널 11 / 북한의 보건과 환경 사회: 전우택 (연세대) Distancing and Choice: Postwar Everyday Life of North Korean Workers 사회: 김성민 (건국대) Time in North Korea: The Negotiation between Disciplinary and Market Regimes 북한의 민주주의 북한 인터넷 개방의 정치적 영향 Existing Documentation of North Korea's Health Situation and External Support: Analysis and Policy Suggestions Health care in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 북한의 기후변화와 자연생태 계 현황 그리고 미래 대응 제 2 세미나실 중국 정법대학 패널 12 / 북한의 일상생활과 커뮤니케이션의 세계 Policy Arrangement for Inter-Korean Forest Cooperation from 1998 to 2012 in the Republic of Korea 10 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 태국 타마셋대 연세대 Concord Repatriation General Hospital 발표 Alice Lee 토론 정우진 연세대 발표 공우석 경희대 토론 명수정 한국환경정책 평가연구원 발표 토론 박미선 강호상 서울대 서울대 NICEM 발표 Cheehyung Harrison 미주리대 Kim 토론 차문석 통일교육원 발표 이수정 덕성여대 토론 남영호 서울시립대 이호규 동국대 곽정래 서울대 손영준 국민대 발표 북한의 외부정보 유입과 커뮤니케이션 양식의 변화 제 3 세미나실 토론 Jean Lee 발표 패널 13 / 북한의 건축과 미술 Overcoming Isolation of Juche Architecture 사회: Ruth Scheidhauer (University College London) Korea: An Impossible Journey? AP 통신 Jelena Pro- 세르비아 kopljevic 건축학자 토론 이왕기 목원대 토론 안창모 경기대 발표 Alessandro 이태리 사진작가 Belgiojoso 토론 이형재 정림건축 발표 박계리 한국전통문화대 토론 정연심 홍익대 선군사상과 총대미술 제 4 세미나실 18:30-20:30 (120분) 공연 및 만찬 ● 상기 일정은 주최측의 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다. 11 Kor Day 2 2014. 10. 29(수) 09:00-10:50 세션 4 (110분) 패널 14 / 북한의 권력구조 Model Formulation for Understanding North Korea 사회: 김성철 (서울대) North Korea's New Legacy Politics 제 1 세미나실 패널 15 / 북한 경제 시스템의 변화와 개발협력 (신진학자) 사회: 김병연 (서울대) 제 2 세미나실 김정일-김정은 권력 세습과 통치연합의 재편 북한 경제시스템구조 변화 과정에 대한 연구 동북아개발은행 구상과 추진 전략 북한의 관광산업 기반형 ‘지속가능한 경제발전 모델’ 의 가능성 탐색 12 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 발표 Haruki Wada 도쿄대 토론 김도태 충북대 발표 Heonik Kwon 토론 정영철 서강대 발표 박형중 통일연구원 토론 안경모 국방대 발표 곽인옥 서강대 패널 16 / 북한의 수령체제와 정치사회적 동원 (신진학자) 북한의 체제유지와 선전선동의 역할: 수령형상의 측면에서 사회: 김용호 (연세대) 노동신문 사·논설을 통해서 본 북한 여성담론과 여성정책의 변화 University of Cambridge 북한의 청소년 정책 : 조선소년단을 중심으로 제 3 세미나실 패널 17 / 남북관계의 갈등과 협력 (대학원생) 사회: Gabriel Jonsson (스톡홀름대) Conflict Communication of the Inter-Korean Maritime Crises in the Yellow Sea: Learning and Expectation from the Battlefield 토론 홍순직 현대경제연구원 발표 김유리 한국수출입은행 토론 이형근 대외경제정책 연구원 제 4 세미나실 The Meaning of the Kaesung Industrial Complex with the Changed Paradigm on the Korean Peninsula 발표 조성찬 토지·자유연구소 10:50-11:00 휴식 토론 문경연 한국수출입은행 발표 이경직 북한대학원대 토론 장용석 서울대 발표 현인애 이화여대 토론 김효진 남북경제연구원 발표 차승주 전주교육대 토론 Sandra Fahy 일본 소피아대 발표 송태은 서울대 정외과 박사수료 토론 조영국 국가인권위원회 발표 이숙현 Uni-share 토론 김중태 북한인권정보센터 13 Kor Day 2 2014. 10. 29(수) 11:00-13:00 세션 5 (120분) 패널 18 / 북한 핵문제와 한반도통일 사회: 박영호 (통일연구원) North Korea and Proliferation: A Key Obstruction to Unification Russia and the First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, 1990-1993: A Historical Investigation North Korean Nuclear Issue and International Relations ㄴurrounding Korean Peninsula 제 1 세미나실 패널 19 / 북한 과학기술의 특성과 남북협력 사회: 이춘근 (과학기술정책연구원) Korean Unification Issue: Looking through International Perspective North Korea's Science and Technology Development Plan and National Convention of Scientists and Technicians since 1990s 북한 과학기술의 독특한 스타일과 경제 발전 가능성 제 2 세미나실 북한의 IT 수준 분석 및 남북 협력 시사점 발표 토론 Bruce E. Angelo State Bechtol Jr. University 엄상윤 세종연구소 패널 20 / 북한사회의 내면과 모빌리티 사회: Eigil Sorensen 동아대 박정란 카자흐스탄 유라시아국립대 토론 고성호 통일교육원 발표 Sandra Fahy 일본 소피아대 토론 김영희 한국정책금융 공사 발표 Igor Tolstokulakov 토론 이우영 북한대학원대 발표 김석향 이화여대 토론 김성경 북한대학원대 발표 Wang Sheng 길림대 토론 서보혁 서울대 발표 Simon Shen 홍콩중문대 토론 김유은 한양대 발표 ISOZAKI Atsuhito 게이오대 토론 신정화 동서대 발표 Balazs Szalontai 국민대 토론 이수형 (태국 타마셋대) 발표 토론 안성호 발표 Nishino Junya 토론 김용현 발표 Sandip Kumar Mishra 토론 김일기 발표 Psychosocial Issues in Contemporary North Korean Military - Civilian Relations Sergey Aberystwyth Radchenko University 충북대 게이오대 Religions in North Korean System of Social Values 동국대 델리대 동아시아연구소 국가안보전략 연구소 Sang Chun (전) 오사카정보 컴퓨터전문학교 Lee 토론 최성 남서울대 발표 강호제 이화여대 토론 변상정 국가안보전략 연구소 발표 김종선 과학기술정책 연구원 토론 김유향 국회 입법조사처 제 3 세미나실 패널 21 / 북한 대외관계의 지형과 위상 사회: 조성렬 (국가안보전략연구소) 북한 내 소수자: 그 분류의 기준과 유형 The Evolution of the Relationship between China and North Korea after the Cold War and the Trend among China, South and North Korea Explaining China's Shifting Attitude toward DPRK since Kim Jong-un 북한 관광과 일본인 제 4 세미나실 14 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 김정은 시대 북한사회 변화 실태: 북한주민 심층면접 조사를 중심으로 강동완 발표 Cracks in the "Axis of Evil': A New Look at Iranian-North Korean Relations 러시아 연방극동대 국가안보전략 연구소 15 Eng Day 2 Day 1 2014. 10. 29(수) 2014. 10. 28(화) 문화기획패널 프로그램 13:00-14:20 오찬 14:20-14:40 (20분) 특별강연 ㅣ 주제: 남북 화해·협력과 국회의 역할 - 정의화 국회의장 북한의 영화, 조형예술, 음악, 그림, 건축 등을 주제로 각 분야의 전문가가 영상자료를 활용하여 은명대강당 14:40-16:30 (110분) 주제별로 해설하고 청중과 대화하는 시간 라운드테이블 ㅣ 주제: 북한의 오늘과 내일 참석자 5 참석자 3 박명규 (서울대) ZHAO Huji 은명대강당 16:30-16:50 (중국중앙 당교) 참석자 1 사회 이정식 서대숙 (하와이대) (펜실베니아대) 참석자 2 참석자 4 참석자 6 Haruki Wada 최완규 (북한대 학원대) 박순성 (동국대) (도쿄대) 13:30~14:50 주제: 세계 북한연구의 동향과 과제 발표 Wrap-up Session 사회: 유호열 (고려대) 북한 영화 속의 일상과 여성 고유환 동국대 Charles Armstrong 컬럼비아대 ISOZAKI Atsuhito 게이오대 HAN Xian Dong 중국정법대학 15:10~16:30 아프리카에서 찾은 북한미술 최원준 (영화감독/미술가) / 박재용 (큐레이터) - 2014년 베니스 비엔날레 국제 건축전 황금사자상 수상 - 북한 만수대 창작사의 아프리카 현지 건축물을 주제로 한 다큐멘터리와 해설 17:00~18:00 남북한 음악의 비교 김계옥 (중앙대) 외 - 옥류금/장새납 연주 및 해설 토론 ● Eric Ballbach 은명대강당 전영선 (건국대) -『문화로 읽는 북한』저자 - 북한 영화 속의 서사와 갈등 구조에 반영된 사회현실을 포착하고 그 안에서 일상과 여성상의 변화를 조망 휴식 16:50-17:50 (60분) 17:50-18:00 (10분) 장소 ㅣ 은명대강당 상기 일정은 주최측의 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다. 베를린자유대 신진학자 시상식 및 폐회식 은명대강당 18:30-20:30 (120분) 만찬 ● 상기 일정은 주최측의 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다. 16 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 17 Day 2 2014. 10. 29(수) 문화기획패널 프로그램 장소 ㅣ 은명대강당 북한의 영화, 조형예술, 음악, 그림, 건축 등을 주제로 각 분야의 전문가가 영상자료를 활용하여 주제별로 해설하고 청중과 대화하는 시간 10:00~11:20 커튼 뒤의 명화들 박계리 (한국전통문화대) -『예술과 정치 ( 북한 문화예술에 대한 이해 )』저자 - 북한 미술계에서 벌어진‘좋은 그림’논쟁을 통해 한 시대의 명화가 ‘커튼’뒤로 사라졌다가 다시 나타나는 과정을 해설 11:40~13:00 남북한 근대 건축 100년 안창모 (경기대) - 2014년 베니스 비엔날레 국제 건축전 황금사자상 수상 - 베니스 비엔날레 국제건축전 한국관 전시 소개 및 해설 ● 상기 일정은 주최측의 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다. 18 제1회 세계북한학학술대회 Eng Program Day 1 09:00~09:30 Tuesday 28th October ● on North Korean Studies (WCNKS) / President of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies 09:30~09:50 Congratulatory Remarks Welcome Address l the Honourable Ryoo Kihl-jae Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea Keynote Speech ㅣ Dae-Sook Suh (University of Hawaii) Sung Yoon Kang (Dongguk University) ● ● 10:20~10:30 10:30~12:20 Session 1 12:20~14:00 14:00~15:50 Session 2 Seminar room:1 Panel 16 Panel 17 The Great Leader (‘Suryong’) System in North Korea and Socio-political Mobilization (Young Researchers) Conflicts and Cooperation in the InterKorean Relations (Graduate Students) Seminar room:2 Seminar room:3 Seminar room:4 ● Break Panel 1 North Korean New Generation and Education Panel 2 Economic Strategy and Policy in North Korea Panel 3 Gender Order in North Korea and the Topography of Cutural Cold War Panel 4 History of Inter-Korean Relations and Meetings Panel 5 Culture in North Korea: Arts and National Treasures 10:50~11:00 Break 11:00~13:00 North Korea’s Nuclear Crisis and Korean Unification Characteristics of Science Technology in North Korea and Inter-Korean Cooperation Seminar room:1 Seminar room:2 Seminar room:3 Seminar room:4 Panel 18 Session 5 Myung Seminar room:1 Seminar room:2 Seminar room:3 Seminar room:4 Eun Auditorium Lunch Break Panel 6 Ideology of North Korea Panel 7 Panel 8 Dynamics of History of the Marketisation Cities and in North Korea Urban Life in North Korea Panel 9 Identity of North Korea’s Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Strategies during the Cold War Era Seminar room:1 Seminar room:2 Seminar room:3 Seminar room:4 Break 16:10~18:00 Panel 10 Panel 11 Stability of North Health and Korean Regime Environment in and Its Political North Korea Changes Panel 12 Everyday Life of North Koreans and Communication Panel 13 Arts and Architecture in North Korea Seminar room:1 Seminar room:2 Seminar room:3 Seminar room:4 18:30~20:30 Panel 15 Power Structure Changes in of North Korea the Economic System of North Korea and 09:00~10:50 Development Session 4 Assiatance (Young Researchers) ● 15:50~16:10 Session 3 Wednesday 29th October Panel 14 Registration Opening Opening Remarks l Dr. Jong-Chul Park l Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the 1st World Conference 09:50~10:20 Day 2 Panel 19 Panel 20 Inner Side of North Korean Society and Mobility Panel 21 Topography and Its Position of North Korean's Foreign Relations 13:00~14:20 Lunch Break 14:20~14:40 Special Lecture Role of National Assembly for Reconciliation and Cooperation Between Two Koreas -Ui Hwa Chung, National Assembly Speaker 14:40~16:30 Round Table Session - North Korea : Present and Future 16:30~16:50 Break 16:50~17:50 Wrap-up Session - Trends of North Korean Studies in the World and Its Tasks 17:50~18:00 Young Researchers Awards and Closing 18:30~20:30 Dinner Performance and Dinner ** Special Session on Culture and Arts ** Special Session on Culture and Arts Daily Life and Female in North Korean Films 10:00~11:20 Notable Paintings behind Curtain 15:10~16:30 North Korean Arts in Africa 11:40~13:00 North and South 100 Years of Modern Architecture 17:00~18:00 North Korean Music and Way Ahead of Inter-Korean Music 13:30~14:50 24 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 25 Eng Presentation Day 1 th Tuesday 28 October 09:00-09:30 Moderator : Dae-Seok Choi (Ewha Womans University) North Korea's Economic Policy in the Kim Jong Un Regime Economic Policy Lines and Economic Reform in the Kim Jung-un Regime Opening - Opening Remarks Dr. Jong-Chul Park l Chairperson of the Organizing Committee 09:30-09:50 of the 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies (WCNKS) / President of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies (20min) - Congratulatory Remarks - Welcome Address l the Honourable Ryoo Kihl-jae Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea Keynote Speech - Dae-Sook Suh - Sung Yoon Kang 09:50-10:20 (30min) 10:20-10:30 University of Hawaii Dongguk University 10:30-12:20 (110min) Panel 1 Outlook & Reality of North Korean New Generation North Korean Education and Education The Direction of Educational Policy in the Kim Jong-un Era and the Reform of Secondary Education Curriculum The Influence of Education-Concerned Law System on the Social Seminar room : 1 Change of North Korea The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Seminar room : 2 Panel 3 Dynamics in Construction Gender Order in of Gender Regime and GenNorth Korea and der Order in North Korea the Topography of Cutural Cold War Cultural Cold War and Moderator : Performativity of Division Cheehyung of Korean Peninsula Harrison Kim (University of Missouri ) Break (10min) 26 Compared With China, Whether North Korea Could Continue to Follow The Policy of Reform and Opening Up Registration (30min) Moderator : Tatiana Gabroussenko (Korea University) Panel 2 Economic Strategy and Policy in North Korea Session 1 Chan Seok Park Gongju University of Education Dong-Kyu Kim Korea University Jeong-ah Cho Korea Institute for National Unification Korea Educational Man-Gil Han Development Institute Dong-Han Kim Research Institute of Law & Human Rights Hyo-Sook Shin Korea Hana Foundation Gender in the Process of German and European Unification: Persistence, Paradoxes, Seminar room : 3 and Transformation Panel 4 History of Inter- Inter-Korean Relations Korean Relations from 1953 to 1961 and Meetings Moderator : Avram Agov (University of British Columbia) The Impact of ICT and Influences from South Korea on North Korea The Usefulness of the Inter-Korean Military Talks and the Feasible CondiSeminar room : 4 tions for Their Success ZHAO Huji Suk Lee MIMURA Mitsuhiro Discussion Central Party School of the Communist Party of China Korea Development Institute ERINA Young-Key Korea University Cho Moon-Soo Yang University of North Korean Studies Economic Bong-Hyun Research Institute of the Industrial Cho Bank of Korea Young Ju Cho Dongguk University Hwa-Seon KIm Yanbian Univeristy Sun Song Park Dongguk University Min Hong Korea Institute for National Unification Tomoomi Mori Ritsumeikan University Ingrid Miethe University of Giessen Hee-Young Daegu University Yi James Person Woodrow Wilson International Center of Scholars Jong Dae Shin University of North Korean Studies Gabriel Jonsson Stockolm Univeristiy Ria Chae Seoul National University Sung Im Jung Korea Military Academy Sung-Il Hyun Institute for National Security Strategy 27 Eng Day 1 Tuesday 28th October Presentation Panel 5 / Culture in North Korea: Arts and National Treasures Moderator : Young Sun Jeon (Konkuk University) Eun Myung Auditorium 12:20-14:00 North Korea in Literature, a Youth Leader's Desire: Trends of the North Korean Literature in the Period of Kim Jeong-un Seminar room : 1 Im-ha Yoo Korea National Sport University Yang-Yeol Oh Sung Jin Park Institute of Cultural Heritage Lunch Break Session 2 Political Natures and Ideological Topographies: Environmental Strategies of North Korea Culinary Nationalism as an Instrument of North Korean State Ideology Study on the Idea and Kim Il-Sung & Kim JongIlism of North Korea Robert University of Winstanley Leeds - Chesters J.Battur Panel 7 / Dynamics of Marketization in North Korea Moderator : Wang Sheng (Jilin University) Korean Culture & Tourism Institute University Ruth College Scheidhauer London Marketing the Kulturnation (110min) Moderator : Hyun-Joon Chon (Woosuk University) Sungkyunkwan University Institute for Jeong-Soo Unification Kim Education To Read North Korea through Drama and Cinema: Three Viewpoints 14:00-15:50 Panel 6 / Ideology of North Korea Seong-su Kim National University of Mongolia Tatiana Korea Gabroussenko Univeristy Philo Kim Seoul National University Hee Gwn Chin Inje Univeristy Chonbuk Chang-Hee National Kim Univeristy The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies The Formation and Development of Private Financiing in North Korea: Patterns, Implications and Tasks Seminar room : 2 An Analysis on the Status of a Real Estate Investment in North Korea Panel 8 / History of the Cities and Urban Life in North Korea Socialist Modern: The History of Cities in North Korea and the Impact of the 1990s Economic Crisis on Urban Life Moderator : Hyung-Gon Jeong (Korea Institute for Economic Policy) Seminar room : 3 Panel 9 / Identity of North Korea’s Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Strategies During the Cold War Era Moderator : James Person (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) 15:50-16:10 28 The Main Features of Marketization in North Korea and the Challenge Factors Urban Transformation of North Korean Cities and Their Urban Spaces Food, Clothing and Housing of North Korea’s Residents and Social Changes Discussion Kangtaeg Korea Institute for National Unification Lim Korea Institute for Seogki Industrial Economics Lee & Trade Institute for Far Eul Chul Eastern Studies, Lim Kyungnam University Suk-Jin Korea Institute for National Unification Kim Eun-Lee Joung YoungKyong Kwon Gyeongsang National Univeristy Institute for Unification Education Charles Columbia Armstrong University Institute for Far Bongdae Eastern Studies, Kyungnam Choe University Dongwoo PRAUD Yim Korea Research Sang Jun Instiute for Human Lee Settlements Eun-mee Seoul National University Jeong Shieun Yu Korea University Constructing Threat, Performing Security, Identity and North Korean Foreign Policy Eric Ballbach Free University of Berlin Kwang Seo Kee Chosun University An Attempt to Turn Tables: North Korea’s Diplomacy Toward the United Nations in the 1970s Seoul National Ria Chae Univeristy North Korea’s Relations with Socialist Countries in the 1970s After the Détente during Cold War Jung Hoo National University of Mongolia Park University of British Columbia Institute for Far Jung Woo Eastern Studies, Lee Kyungnam University Avram Agov Break 29 Eng Day 1 Tuesday 28th October Presentation 16:10-18:00 Session 3 (110min) Panel 10 / Stability of North Korean Regime and Its Political Changes North Korea's Political Stability: Contradiction between Peculiarity and Universality Moderator : Robert WinstanleyChesters (University of Leeds) Mongolian Lessons for North Korea: Democratization Without Violence Opening up the Internet and Its Political Impacts Seminar room : 1 in North Korea Panel 11 / Health and Environment in North Korea Existing Documentation of North Korea's Health Situation and External Support: Analysis and Policy Suggestions Moderator : Wootaek Jeon (Yonsei University) Health care in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Climate Change, Ecosystem Response and Future Countermeasure Policy Arrangement for Inter-Korean Forest Cooperation from 1998 to 2012 in the Republic of Seminar room : 2 Korea 30 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies HAN Xian Dong China University of Political Science and Law Busan National Changgeun University of Kim Education J. Battur National University of Mongolia Keun-sik Kim Kyungnam Univeristy Kyungmin Ko Eigil Sorensen Thammasat University Woojin Chung Yonsei University Concord Repatriation General Hospital Woojin Chung Yonsei University Woo-seok Kong Kyung Hee University Soojeong Myeong Korea Environment Institute Seoul National Mi Sun Park University Ho Sang Kang NICEM, Seoul National University Distancing and Choice: Postwar Everyday Life of North Korean Workers Moderator : Time in North Korea: Sung-Min Kim (Konkuk University) The Negotiation Between Disciplinary and Market Regimes The Influx of Information and the Changes of Communication in North Korea Jeju National University Jae-Cheon Korea Lim Univeristy Alice Lee Panel 12 / Everyday Life of North Koreans and Communication Seminar room : 3 Panel 13 / Arts and Architecture in North Korea Overcoming Isolation of Juche Architecture Journey? Songun Ideology & Gunstock Art Seminar room : 4 (120min) Cheehyung Univeristy of Harrison MIssouri Kim Institute for Moon-seok Unification Cha Education Soo-Jung Lee Duksung Women's University Youngho Nam University of Seoul Hokyu Lee Dongguk University Jeongrae Kwak Seoul National University Young Jun Son Kookmin University Jean Lee Associated Press Jelena Proko- Serbian pljevic Architect Moderator : Ruth Scheidhauer (University College London) Korea: An Impossible 18:30-20:30 Discussion Wang-Kee Lee Mokwon University Changmo Ahn Kyonggi University Alessandro Italian Belgiojoso Photographer Hyung-jae Lee Junglim Architecture Carey Park Korea National University of Cultural Heritage Yeonshim Chung Hongik University Performance and Dinner 31 Eng Presentation Day 2 Wednesday 29th October 09:00-10:50 Session 4 (110min) Panel 14 / Power Structure of North Korea Model Formulation for Understanding North Korea Moderator : Sung Chul KIm (Seoul National University) North Korea's New Legacy Politics Seminar room : 1 The Power Succession from Kim Jong-il to Kim Jong-un and the Changes of Ruling Coalition Panel 15 / Changes in the Economic System of North Korea and Development Assistance (Young Researchers) Moderator : Byung-Yeon Kim (Seoul National University) Research on Process of Changing Economic System of North Korea A Strategy toward a Regional Multilateral Development Bank in Northeast Asia The Search for the Possibility of 'Sustainable Economic Development Model' Based on the Seminar room : 2 Tourism in North Korea 32 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Haruki Wada University of Tokyo Do-Tae Kim Chungbuk National University Heonik Kwon Young Chul Jung University of Cambridge Sogang University HyeongJung Park Korea Institute for National Unification Kyung Mo Ahn Korea National Defense University In-Ok Kwak Soon-Jick Hong Sogang Univeristy Hyundai Research Institute Research Institute for North Korea Yu-Ree Kim Development, the Export-Import Bank of Korea Hyung-Kun Lee Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Sung-Chan Cho Institute of Land and Liberty Kyungyon Moon The Export-Import Bank of Korea Panel 16 / The Great Leader (‘Suryong’) System in North Korea and Socio-political Mobilization (Young Researchers) Moderator : Yongho Kim (Yonsei University) The Role of Agitation Propaganda in Sustaining the North Korean Regime: In Terms of Artistic Representation of the Leader Examining Changes in Discourse and Policy for North Korean Woman in the Rodong Newspaper A Study on the Youth Policy of North Korea: As the Youth League Seminar room : 3 of North Korea Panel 17 / Conflicts and Cooperation in the Inter-Korean Relations (Graduate Students) Moderator : Gabriel Jonsson (Stockholm University) Conflict Communication of the Inter-Korean Maritime Crises in the Yellow Sea: Learning and Expectation from the Battlefield The Meaning of the Kaesung Industrial Complex with the Changed Paradigm on the Korean Peninsula University of North Korea Studies Seoul Yong Seok National Chang University Inae Hyun Hyo-Jin KIm Ewha Institute of Unification Studies North and South Economic Research Institute Jeonju Seung-Joo National University of Cha Education Sandra Fahy Sophia University Tae-Eun Song Seoul National University National Young-Kuk Human Rights Commission Cho of Korea Sookhyun Lee Jung-Tae Kim Uni-share Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (former Research Fellow) Seminar room : 4 10:50-11:00 Kyung-jik Lee Discussion Break 33 Eng Day 2 Tuesday 29th October Presentation 11:00-13:00 (120min) Panel 18 / North Korea’s Nuclear Crisis and Korean Unification Moderator : Young-Ho Park (Korea Institute for National Unification) Session 5 North Korea and Proliferation: A Key Obstruction to Unification Russia and the First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, 1990-1993: A Historical Investigation North Korean Nuclear Issue and International Relations Surrounding Korean Peninsula Korean Unification Issue: Looking Through International Perspective Bruce E. Bechtol Jr. Angelo State University Sang-Yoon Sejong Eom Institute Sergey Aberystwyth Radchenko University Sung-Ho Ahn Chungbuk National University NISHINO Junya Keio University Sandip Kumar Mishra North Korea's Science and Technology Development Plan and National Convention of Scientists and Technicians Since 1990s Sang Chun Lee Osaka Information and Computer Science College (former Professor) Sung Choi Namseoul University Unique Style of Science Technology in North Korea and Its Potential for Economic Development Hojye Kang Ewha Womans University A Study on Information Technology of North Korea for the Cooperation Between South-North Seminar room : 2 Korea Jong-seon Kim Moderator : Chun-geun Lee (Science & Technology Policy Institute) 34 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Psychosocial Issues in Contemporary North Korean Military - Civilian Relations Religions in North Korean System of Social Values University of Delhi Il-Gi Kim Panel 19 / Characteristics of Science Technology in North Korea and Inter-Korean Cooperation Moderator : Eigil Sorensen (Thammasat University) The Current State of Changes to North Korean Society under the Kim Jung-eun Regime: With a Focus on an In-depth Interview Investigation with North Korean People Yong-hyun Dongguk Kim University Institute of National Security Strategy Seminar room : 1 Panel 20 / Inner Side of North Korean Society and Mobility Seminar room : 3 Minorities in North Korea: Who Are They and Why Are They Classified as Minorities? Discussion Dongwan Kang Dong-A University Jung-Ran Park Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan Institute for Sung Ho Ko Unification Education Sandra Fahy Young Hui Kim Igor Tolstokulakov Sophia University Korea Finance Corporation Russia Far Eastern Federal University University of Woo Young North Korean Lee Studies SeokHyang Kim Ewha Womans University University of Sung Kyung North Korean Kim Studies Sang-Jung Institute for National Byun Security Strategy Science & Technology Policy Institute Yoo Hyang National Assembly Kim Research Service 35 Eng Day 2 Tuesday 29th October Presentation Panel 21 / Topography and Its Position of North Korean's Foreign Relations Moderator : Seong-Ryoul Cho (Institute for National Security Strategy) The Evolution of the Relationship between China and North Korea After the Cold War and the Trend among China South Korea and North Korea Explaining China's Shifting Attitude Toward DPRK Since Kim Jongun North Korean Tourism Policy Toward Japanese Nationals Seminar room : 4 Cracks in the "Axis of Evil': A New Look at Iranian-North Korean Relations WANG Sheng Bo-hyuk Suh Jilin University Seoul National University The Chinese Simon Shen University of Hong Kong Discussion 13:00-14:20 Lunch Break 14:20-14:40 (20min) Eun Myung Auditorium Special Lecture l Role of National Assembly for Reconciliation and Cooperation between Two Koreas - Ui Hwa Chung, National Assembly Speaker 14:40-16:30 Round Table Session ㅣ North Korea : Present and Future (110min) Moderator : Chongsik Lee University of Pennsylvenia panel 1 Dae-Sook Suh University of Hawaii Youen Kim Hanyang University panel 2 Haruki Wada University of Tokyo ISOZAKI Atsuhito Keio University panel 3 ZHAO Huji Central Party School of the Communist Party of China Jung Hwa Shin DongSeo University panel 4 Wan Kyu Choi University of North Korean Studies Balazs Szalontai Kookmin University Soo-Hyung Lee Institute for National Security Strategy panel 5 Myung-kyu Park Seoul National University Eun Myung Auditorium panel 6 Sun Song Park Dongguk University 16:30-16:50 Break 16:50-17:50 (60min) Wrap-up Session Trends of North Korean Studies in the World and its Tasks Presentation Yu-hwan Koh Moderator : Ho-Yeol Yu (Korea University) Charles Armstrong Columbia University ISOZAKI Atsuhito Keio University HAN Xian Dong China Univeristy of Political Science and Law Eric Ballbach Free University of Berlin Discussion Eun Myung Auditorium Dongguk Unicersity 17:50-18:00 (10min) Eun Myung Auditorium 18:30-20:30 (120min) 36 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Young Researcher Awards and Closing Dinner 37 Kor Special Session on Culture and Arts 13:30~14:50 Daily Life and Female in North Korean Films Day 1 Day 2 Tuesday 28th October Wednesday 29th October Eun Myung Auditorium Young Sun Jeon Special Session on Culture and Arts 10:00~11:00 North Korean Arts in Africa Onejoon Che (Movie Director) Jaeyong Park (Curator) - Golden Lion Award of Venice Biennale 2014 - Documentary on structures built by North Korea in Africa 17:00~18:00 Comparison of Two Korea's Music Notable Paintings behind Curtain Carey Park (Konkuk University) (Korea National University of Cultural Heritage) - Reviewing of daily life and social position of female in North Korean society reflected on the narrative of the films 15:10~16:30 Gye-Ok Kim Eun Myung Auditorium - Reviewing of Good Paintings Controversy in North Korean history 11:20~12:20 North and South 100 Years of Modern Architecture Changmo Ahn (Kyonggi University) - Golden Lion Award of Venice Biennale 2014 - Presentation on Korean Pavilion of Venice Biennale 2014 deliberating on comparison between two Koreas' architecture (Chungang University) ● This preliminary programme is subject to change - Performance and commentary on North Korean instruments ● 38 This programme is subject to change The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 39 Participants Opening Remarks Moderators Jong-Chul Park President of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies Avram Agov Postdoctoral fellow and Sessional Faculty Senior Research Fellow at Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea University of British Columbia, Canada e-mail: pjc@kinu.go.or e-mail: agov@mail.ubc.ca Welcome Address Seong-Ryoul Cho Senior Research Fellow Institute for National Security Strategy, Korea Joseon@inss.re.kr Kihl-jae Ryoo Minister Ministry of Unification, Korea Dae-Seok Choi Professor Keynote Speech Dae-Sook Suh Professor University of Hawaii, USA e-mail: daesook@roadrunner.com Sung Yoon Kang Professor Emeritus Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University, Korea e-mail: sykang@dongguk.edu 44 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Department of North Korean Studies at Ewha Womans University, Korea e-mail: Choi5@ewha.ac.kr Hyun Joon Chon Visiting Professor Woosuk University, Korea hyunjhj@hanmail.net Tatiana Gabroussenko Assistant Professor Department of North Korea Studies at Korea University, Korea. e-mail: t.gabroussenko@gmail.com 45 Participants Moderators Wootack Jeon Cheehyung Harrison Kim Professor Korea Foundation Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea Department of History, University of Missouri, USA e-mail: wtjeon@yuhs.ac e-mail: kimcheehyung@missouri.edu Young Sun Jeon Sung Chull Kim Professor Research Professor 46 Konkuk University, Korea Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: multifriend@hanmail.net e-mail: Kim239@snu.ac.kr Gabriel Jonsson Sung-Min Kim Lecturer Professor Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Sweden Department of Philosophy, Konkuk university, Korea e-mail: Gabriel.Jonsson@orient.su.se e-mail: Ksm3386@konkuk.ac.kr Hyung-Gon Jeong Yongho Kim Vice President for Research Professor Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Department of Political Science, Yonsei University, Korea e-mail: hgjeong@kiep.go.kr e-mail: ykim1@yonsei.ac.kr Byung-Yeon Kim Choongeun Lee Professor Research Fellow Department of Economics, Seoul National University, Korea Science and Technology Policy Institute, Korea e-mail: kimby@snu.ac.kr e-mail: cglee@stepi.re.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 47 Moderators Young-Ho Park Robert Winstanley-Chesters Senior Research Fellow Visiting Research Fellow Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea School of Geography at the University of Leeds, England e-mail: youngho@kinu.or.kr e-mail: R.Winstanley-Chesters@leeds.ac.uk James Person Deputy Director for the History and Public Policy Program and Coordinator of the North Korean International History Project Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, USA e-mail: james.person@wilsoncenter.org Ruth Scheidhauer Cultural Heritage Manager and Art Historian University College London e-mail: r.scheidhauer@ucl.ac.uk Eigil Sorensen Senior International Health Consultant School of Global Studies, Thammasat University, Thailand e-mail: eigil.sorensen@inhealth.asia Wang Sheng Professor Jilin University, China e-mail: ws72@hotmail.com 48 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 49 Participants Speakers Avram Agov Alessandro Blegiojoso Postdoctoral fellow and Sessional Faculty Photographer University of British Columbia, Canada Italy e-mail: agov@mail.ubc.ca e-mail: alessandro@belgiojoso.com Charles Armstrong Seung-Joo Cha Affiliated Professor Director at Center for Korean Research Columbia University, USA Department of Ethics Education, Jeonju National University of Education, Korea e-mail: cra10@columbia.edu e-mail: Cha0121@hotmail.com Eric Ballbach Research Fellow Ria Chae Lecturer Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: Eric.Ballbach@fu-berlin.de e-mail: riachae@snu.ac.kr J. Battur Heegwan, Chin Professor Professor National University of Mongolia, Mongolia Department of Korean Unification at Inje University, Korea e-mail: batmoore@yahoo.com e-mail: chinhg@inje.ac.kr Bruce E. Bechtol Jr. 50 Jeong-Ah Cho Associate Professor Director at Information Center for Unification Studies Department of Political Science, Angelo State University, USA Korea Institute of National Unification, Korea e-mail: bruce.bechtol@angelo.edu e-mail: Orlando@kinu.or.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 51 Participants Speakers HAN Xian Dong Sung-chan Cho Professor, Executive director of Center for the Korean Peninsula Studies Researcher Institute of Land and Liberty, Korea China University of Political Science and Law, China e-mail: landjustice@hotmail.com e-mail: hanp668@163.com Young Ju Cho Research Professor Haruki Wada Professor Emeritus Korean Division-Post Division Research Center at Dongguk University, Korea University of Tokyo, Japan e-mail: womenjs@naver.com e-mail: fwjg0575@nifty.com Sandra Fahy Min Hong Assistant Professor Research Fellow Anthropology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Sophia University, Japan Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: smfahy@gmail.com e-mail: mhong@kinu.or.kr Tatiana Gabroussenko Hyun Inae Assistant Professor Associated Research Fellow Korea University, Korea. Ewha Institute of Unification Studies, Korea e-mail: t.gabroussenko@gmail.com e-mail: hoil56@naver.com Atsuhito ISOZAKI Assistant Professor Keio University, Japan e-mail: dprk@nifty.com 52 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 53 Participants Speakers Eun-mee Jeong Dongwan Kang Research Professor Professor Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University, Korea Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Dong-A University, Korea e-mail: intopeople@hanmail.net e-mail: simple1@hanmail.net Gabriel Jonsson Lecturer Hojye Kang Research fellow Department of Oriental Languages at Stockholm University, Sweden Ewha Institute of Unification Studies, Korea e-mail: Gabriel.Jonsson@orient.su.se e-mail: woojuir@gmail.com Eunlee Joung Cheehyung Harrison Kim Research Professor Korea Foundation Assistant Professor Institute for Social Sciences at Gyeongsang National University, Korea Department of History, University of Missouri, USA e-mail: eunlee7512@hanmail.net e-mail: kimcheehyung@missouri.edu Sung Im Jung Professor Dong-Han Kim Department of Political Science and Sociology at Korea Military Academy, Korea Director e-mail: sungijung@hanmail.net e-mail: law-rights@hanmail.net Nishino Junya Associate Professor LAW & H.R. Research Institute, Korea Jeong-Soo Kim Professor 54 Department of Political Science at Keio University, Japan Institute for Unification Education, Korea e-mail: nishino@law.keio.ac.jp e-mail: Js391@unikorea.go.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 55 Participants Speakers Jong-seon Kim Woo-seok Kong Research Fellow Professor Science & Technology Policy Institute, Korea Department of Geography at Kyung Hee University, Korea e-mail: jskim@stepi.re.kr e-mail: wskong@khu.ac.kr SeokHyang Kim In-ok Kwak Professor Senior Researcher. Department of North Korean Studies at Ewha Womans University, Korea Institute of Social Studies at Sogang University, Korea e-mail: feelfree@ewha.ac.kr e-mail: inokkwak@hanmail.net Seong-su Kim Jeongrae Kwak Researcher Professor Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Institute of Communication Research at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: kssdh@hanmail.net e-mail: Jrkwak70@daum.net Yu-Ree Kim Heonik Kwon Senior Research Fellow Associate Research Fellow The Export-Import Bank of Korea, Korea Trinity College, University of Cambridge, England e-mail: kimyuree@koreaexim.go.kr e-mail: hik21@cam.ac.uk Kyungmin Ko Research Professor Jeju National University, Korea e-mail: kmkolej@naver.com 56 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 57 Participants Speakers Alice Lee Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist Sookhyun Lee Concord Repatriation General Hospital Australia Researcher at FELICA and Director at Uni-share, Korea e-mail: aliceulee@gmail.com e-mail: leetnrgus@gmail.com Hokyu Lee Eul Chul Lim Professor Professor Department of Communications Studies, Dongguk University, Korea The Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University, Korea e-mail: hokyulee@dongguk.edu e-mail: eulclim@hanmail.net Kyung-jik Lee Kang-Taeg Lim Lecturer Senior Research Fellow Department of Political Science, Pai Chai University, Korea Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: lhkyjc@chol.com e-mail: ktlim@kinu.or.kr Sang Chun Lee Ingrid Miethe Senior Research Fellow Professor Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea University of Giessen, Germany e-mail: sjlee@krihs.re.kr Soo-Jung Lee e-mail: Ingrid.miethe@erziehung.unigiessen.de Mimura Mitsuhiro Senior Research Fellow Assistant Professor 58 Department of Cultural Anthropology at Duksung Women's University, Korea Research Division at the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, Japan e-mail: lee.soojung@gmail.com e-mail: mimura@erina.or.jp The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 59 Participants Speakers Mi Sun Park Sandip Kumar Mishra Assistant Professor Research Professor and Instructor University of Delhi, India Program in Global Environmental Management at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: sandipmishra10@hotmail.com e-mail: mpark@snu.ac.kr Carey Park Professor Sun Song Park Professor Department of Traditional Art&Craft at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage. Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University, Korea e-mail: parkcarey@gmail.com e-mail: sunsong@dongguk.edu James Person Chan Seok Park Deputy Director for the History and Public Policy Program and Coordinator of the North Korean International History Project Professor Gong Ju University of Education, Korea Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, USA e-mail: pcskmy@hanmail.net e-mail: james.person@wilsoncenter.org Hyeong-Jung Park Senior Research Fellow Prokopljevic Jelena Architect Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea Spain e-mail: dpblue@kinu.or.kr e-mail: jelena@tres60virtual.com Jung-Ran Park Professor 60 Sergey Radchenko Department of Korean Studies at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan Reader in International Relations e-mail: jrp89@naver.com e-mail: ser18@aber.ac.uk The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Aberystwyth University 61 Participants Speakers Ruth Scheidhauer Cultural Heritage Manager and Art Historian Balazs Szalontai University College London Kookmin University, Korea e-mail: r.scheidhauer@ucl.ac.uk e-mail: aoverl@yahoo.co.uk Simon Shen Associate Professor Assistant Professor Igor Tolstokulakov Associate Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Far Eastern Federal University, Russia e-mail: simonshen@cuhk.edu.hk e-mail: tia1963@rambler.ru Wang Sheng Robert Winstanley-Chesters Visiting Research Fellow Professor Jilin University, China School of Geography at the University of Leeds, England e-mail: ws72@hotmail.com e-mail: R.Winstanley-Chesters@leeds.ac.uk Tae-eun Song Ph.D. Student Moon-Soo Yang Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University, Korea Professor e-mail: taenysong@snu.ac.kr e-mail: msyang@kyungnam.ac.kr University of North Korean Studies, Korea Eigil Sorensen Senior International Health Consultant School of Global Studies, Thammasat University, Thailand e-mail: eigil.sorensen@inhealth.asia 62 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 63 Participants Speakers Discussants Dongwoo Yim Changmo Ahn Lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design and Principal and co-founder of PRAUD, USA Professor e-mail: dyim@praud.info e-mail: changmoahn@hotmail.com ZHAO Huji Kyonggi University, Korea Kyung-mo Ahn Assistant Professor Director China Society of Political Science, China Department of International Relations at Korea National Defense University, Korea e-mail: zhaohuji@vip.sina.com e-mail: ahnkm77@hanmail.net Sung-Ho Ahn Professor Department of Political Science & Diplomacy at Chungbuk National University, Korea e-mail: hosungho@hanmail.net J. Battur Professor National University of Mongolia, Mongolia e-mail: batmoore@yahoo.com Sang-Jung Byun Senior Research Fellow Institute for National Security Strategy, Korea e-mail: goobyun@yahoo.co.kr 64 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 65 Participants Discussants Moon-seok Cha Young-Key Cho Associate Professor Professor Institute for Unification Education, Korea Department of North Korea Studies at Korea University, Korea e-mail: Mmdy97@hanmail.net e-mail: Bellkey1@hanmail.net Ria Chae Bong-Dae Choe Research Professor Lecturer 66 Seoul National University, Korea The Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University, Korea e-mail: riachae@snu.ac.kr e-mail: onlymu@chol.com Yong Seok Chang Sung Choi Senior Researcher Professor Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University, Korea Department of Computer Science at Namseoul University, Korea e-mail: cyskkj@hanmail.net e-mail: sstar@nsu.ac.kr Bong-hyun Cho Young-Chul Chung Chief Researcher Assistant Professor Economic Research Institute of the Industrial Bank of Korea, Korea Graduate School of Public Policy at Seogang University, Korea e-mail: chobh21@ibk.co.kr e-mail: sjhong@hri.co.kr Young Kuk Cho Woojin Chung Investigator Professor National Human Rights Commission of Korea, Korea Graduate School of Public Health at Yonsei University, Korea e-mail: englandcho@hanmail.net e-mail: wchung@yuhs.ac The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 67 Participants Discussants Chung, Yeonshim Ho Sang Kang Research Associate Professor Associate Professor Department of Art History and Theory , Hongik University, Korea National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: Mushim70@gmail.com e-mail: silvi1@snu.ac.kr Sang-Yoon Eom Kwang Seo Kee Professor Research Fellow The Sejong Institute, Korea Department of Political Science, Chosun University, Korea e-mail: scare96@hanmail.net e-mail: keeks@chosun.ac.kr Sandra Fahy Changgeun Kim Assistant Professor Professor Anthropology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, at Sophia University, Japan Department of Ethics Education, Busan National University of Education, Korea e-mail: smfahy@gmail.com e-mail: cgkim84@hanmail.net Man-Gil Han Chang-Hee Kim Professor Senior Research Fellow 68 The Korean Educational Development Institute, Korea Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Chonbuk National University, Korea e-mail: mghan@kedi.re.kr e-mail: dam@jbnu.ac.kr Soon-Jik Hong Dong-Kyu Kim Senior Research Fellow Professor Emeritus Hyundai Research Institute, Korea Korea University, Korea e-mail: sjhong@hri.co.kr e-mail: donkey@korea.ac.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 69 Participants Discussants Do Tae Kim Keun-sik Kim Professor Associate Professor Department of Political Science at Chungbuk National University, Korea. Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Kyungnam University, Korea e-mail: dtk949@chungbuk.ac.kr e-mail: kimosung@kyungnam.ac.kr Hwa-Seon Kim (Hua Shan Jin) Philo Kim Professor Professor Yanbian University, China Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: huashanjin@ybu.du.cn e-mail: philo@snu.ac.kr Hyo-Jin Kim Suk-Jin Kim Senior Research Fellow Research Fellow North and South Economic Research Institute, Korea Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: elyze@hanmail.net e-mail: kimsj@kinu.or.kr IL-GI Kim Research Fellow Sung Kyung Kim Assistant Professor 70 Institute of National Security Strategy, Korea University of North Korean Studies, Korea e-mail: 7088kim@naver.com e-mail: ksksocio@kyungnam.ac.kr Jung-Tae Kim Yong Hyun Kim Research Fellow Professor Database Center for North Korean Human Rights, Korea Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University, Korea e-mail: Jtkim8545@hanmail.net e-mail: unikor21@hanmail.net The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 71 Participants Discussants Yoo Hyang Kim Head of Science, Media & Telecommunications Team Hyung-jae Lee President National Assembly Research Service, Korea Junglim Architecture, Korea e-mail: Agora77@gmail.com e-mail: Hyungjae.lee@junglim.com Youen Kim Hyong-Kun Lee Professor Senior Researcher Graduate School of International Studies at Hanyang University, Korea The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea e-mail: maloman@hanyang.ac.kr e-mail: hklee@kiep.go.kr Young Hui Kim Jean Lee Fellow, Alicia Patterson Foundation Head for the North Korea & Economy Team Korea Finance Corporation, Korea Bureau Chief, Associated Press, Seoul and Pyongyang e-mail: kbukyu@kofc.or.kr e-mail: jhleemedia@gmail.com Sung Ho Ko Jungwoo Lee Research Professor Professor Institute of Unification Education, Korea Institute for Far East Studies at Kyungnam University, Korea e-mail: shkofree@naver.com e-mail: afklee@daum.net Young-Kyoung Kwon Sang-Jun Lee Senior Research Fellow Professor 72 Institute for Unification Education, Korea Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea e-mail: kwonyk@unikorea.go.kr e-mail: sjlee@krihs.re.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 73 Participants Discussants Seog-ki Lee Head of Global Industry Team Jae-Cheon Lim Associate Professor Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade(KIET), Korea Korea University, Korea e-mail: sklee@kiet.re.kr e-mail: jclim@korea.ac.kr Soo-Hyung Lee Kyungyon Moon Senior Research Fellow Associate Research Fellow Research Institute for North Korea Institute for National Security Strategy, Korea Development at the Export-Import Bank of Korea, Korea e-mail: soophd@hanmail.net e-mail: Mohandas78@hotmail.com Suk Lee Mori Tomoomi Research Fellow Research Associate and Lecturer Korea Development Institute, Korea. Ritsumeikan University, Japan e-mail: suklee@kdi.re.kr e-mail: moritomohi@gmail.com Wang-Kee Lee Professor Youngho Nam Research Professor 74 Department of Architecture at Mokwon University, Korea. University of Seoul, Korea e-mail: Leewk@mokwon.ac.kr e-mail: younghonam@hotmail.com Woo Young Lee Yang-Yeol Oh Professor Named Endowed Chair Research Fellow University of North Korean Studies, Korea. Korean Culture & Tourism Institute, Korea e-mail: wylee@kyungnam.ac.kr e-mail: yroh@kcti.re.kr The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 75 Participants Discussants Jung Hoo Park Young Jun Son Research fellow Professor Department of Political Science, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia. School of Communication at Kookmin University, Korea tamarix2090@naver.com e-mail: yoson@kookmin.ac.kr Sung Jin Park Bo-hyuk Suh Curator Research Professor National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Korea Institute for Peace and unification Studies at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: dknight0605@hanmail.net e-mail: shinjd@kyungnam.ac.kr Hyo-Sook Shin Hee-Young Yi Professor Researcher Korea Hana Foundation, Korea Department of Sociology, Daegu University, Korea e-mail: shsuk13@hanmail.net e-mail: biograf@daegu.ac.kr Jongdae Shin Im-haYoo Professor Professor 76 University of North Korean Studies, Korea Division of Liberal Arts, Korea National Sport University, Korea e-mail: shinjd@kyungnam.ac.kr e-mail: cultura@hanmail.net Jung Hwa Shin Shieun Yu Associate Professor Assistant Professor Department of International Relations at Dong Seo University, Korea Department of North Korea Studies at Korea University, Korea e-mail: jungwha82@hotmail.com e-mail: seyou1224@hanmail.net The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 77 Participants Special Session on Culture and Arts Changmo Ahn Jaeyong Park Professor Curator Kyonggi University, Korea Work on Work, Korea e-mail: changmoahn@hotmail.com e-mail: park@workonwork.org Special Lecturer Onejoon Che Film Director and Artist Korea e-mail: cheonejoon@gmail.com Ui Hwa Chung National Assembly Speaker, Republic of Korea e-mail: ceh312@naver.com Young Sun Jeon Research Professor Konkuk University, Korea e-mail: multifriend@hanmail.net Gye-Ok Kim Instructor Department of Korean Traditional Music at Chung-ang University, Korea e-mail: Jinguiyu57@daum.net Carey Park Professor Department of Traditional Art&Craft at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage. e-mail: parkcarey@gmail.com 78 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 79 Roundtable Session Roundtable Session Moderator Panelists Chong Sik Lee Dae-Sook Suh Professor Emeritus Professor University of Pennsylvania, USA University of Hawaii, USA e-mail: cslee19@gmail.com e-mail: daesook@roadrunner.com Haruki Wada Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo, Japan Panelists e-mail: fwjg0575@nifty.com Wan Kyu Choi ZHAO Huji President Director University of North Korean Studies, Korea China Society of Political Science, China e-mail: wkchoi@kyungnam.ac.kr e-mail: zhaohuji@vip.sina.com Myoungkyu Park Professor at Department of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University, Korea e-mail: parkmk@snu.ac.kr Sun Song Park Professor Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University, Korea e-mail: sunsong@dongguk.edu 80 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 81 Wrap-up Session Wrap-up Session Moderator Discussants Ho-Yeol Yoo Professor Charles Armstrong Director at Center for Korean Research Department of North Korean Studies at Korea University, Korea Columbia University, USA e-mail: yoohy@korea.com e-mail: cra10@columbia.edu Eric Ballbach Research Fellow Speaker Yu-hwan Koh Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany e-mail: dima.mironenko@post.harvard.edu HAN Xian Dong Professor Professor, Executive director of Center for the Korean Peninsula Studies Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University, Korea China University of Political Science and Law, China e-mail: yhkoh@dongguk.edu e-mail: hanp668@163.com Atsuhito ISOZAKI Assistant Professor Keio University, Japan e-mail: dprk@nifty.com 82 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies 83 The Organizing Committee of the First World Conference on North Korean Studies Chairperson Jong-Chul Park President of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies Senior Research Fellow at Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: pjc@kinu.go.or Secretary General Staff Members Min Hong(Senior Staff Member) Research Fellow Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: mhong@kinu.or.kr Juhee Hwang Master of North Korean Studies, Korea University, Korea ormer Research Associate, Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea Gee Dong Lee Senior Research Fellow e-mail: juhee0612@naver.com Institute for National Security Strategy, Korea e-mail: kdlee@inss.re.kr Dae-jin Jung Research Fellow Deputy Secretary General Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies, Yonsei University, Korea e-mail: jungdaejin@gmail.com Kap-Sik Kim Research Fellow Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea e-mail: gomkim12@gmail.com 84 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies Il-Young Jeong Lecturer Department of Political Science, Ajou University, Korea e-mail: 4025102@hanmail.net 85 The Organizing Committee of the First World Conference on North Korean Studies 안내 Information Staff Members 연세대학교 신촌세브란스 (6층) Bomi Kim (6th floor of Severance Hospital, Sinchon) Lecturer at Chung-ang University and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Korea Institute for National Unification e-mail: bk.bomi@gmail.com A Se Ra Yoon Director The Korean Association of North Korean Studies / Dongguk University C D 보건대학원 G e-mail: ysr1120@naver.com B E F So Hee Moon Deputy Director The Korean Association of North Korean Studies / Dongguk University e-mail: soheeng0911@naver.com 86 The 1st World Conference on North Korean Studies A 은명대강당 Eun Myung Auditorium B 옥상정원 Roof Garden C 세미나실 1 Seminar Room 1 D 세미나실 2 Seminar Room 2 E 세미나실 3 Seminar Room 3 F 세미나실 4 Seminar Room 4 G 오찬장(2F) Cafeteria 87 안내 Information
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