Regional Events

Regional Events
from page 21
through gift-laden tables for special presents. This is a wonderful
opportunity to purchase beautiful gifts for those on your list this
holiday season. (800) 411-9671
Movie and Talk: Shinnecock: A Thom Hoffman Documentary Friday-Saturday, Nov. 28-29, 2 pm. at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center, 110 Pequot Trail, Mashantucket - This
hour-long documentary (2013) explores the history of the Shinnecock
Indians. Produced by filmmaker Thomas Hoffman, it features
Shinnecock tribal members sharing tribal history in their own words.
On Saturday, Nov. 29, Thom talks about the film and answers (800) 411-9671
Niantic’s 11th Annual Holiday Stroll 3:00 – 7:00 pm. Saturday, November 29th in downtown Niantic - This family-friendly day features
horse-drawn carriage rides, professional holiday carolers strolling
the quaint shop-lined streets of Niantic, complimentary hot cider
and cocoa on the green, a “Snow-Flake Drop” featuring discounts
and giveaways at local shops and restaurants, and last, but not
least, the arrival of Santa on a shiny red fire truck just in time for a tree
lighting ceremony beginning at 5:00 pm on Liberty Green. For more
information visit
Save The River – Save The Hills Winter Buffet and Holiday Cheer
- Friday, December 5, 6-10 at Flanders Fish Market and Restaurant in
East Lyme - Includes dinner, dessert and glass of wine, beer or soda.
Live and Silent Auctions. Price per person $30.00 Children 12 and
under $15.00 Limited tickets will be sold at the door. Always a full
house. For more information call Eileen O’Pasek 860-439-1687
continued on page 38
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PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Nov. 2014
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PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
History Matters:
Tales from East Lyme’s Past
by Jim Littlefield -
In regards to the evolution of shapes, I recently stumbled upon a
quote attributed to the early Quakers… “God provided us the circle,
religion gave us the triangle but it was man who invented the square.”
That brought to mind an enlightening encounter I once had with a
Chinese scholar by the name of Henry Kuo. I visited this gentleman
at his home on Hopkins Drive years ago in hopes that he could
interpret a Chinese coin we had found on a nearby archaeological
dig. I soon knew the date, value and place that coin was minted, but
that information paled in comparison to what was revealed about a
square cut in its center. “That was done to remind people that we as
individuals have sharp edges like a square and we must learn to
blend into the round, never-ending circle of life suggested by the
outer edge of the coin,” Professor Kuo had wisely offered.
Native Americans as well as Asians seemed to have long understood this communal connection as they continually referenced the
“circle of life” in their religion and culture. Native American architecture… fortifications, as well as individual wigwams and teepees were
round in nature as were their graves, bodies being drawn up in a
circular fetal position, suggestive of the beginning and ending of
life. Early European settlers, I think it is fair to say, brought a different
perspective to the New World and a case could be made that it was
reflected and represented by the basic shape of the square. Our
forefathers quickly built “squarish” houses and marked off their personal “squarish” plots of land with wood or stone. Even their graves
had sharp defining edges (and still do). If you look at a map or view
our part of the world from the air, the checkerboard pattern suggests
the Quakers may have been right. Our culture is defined by its individualism and with that, many corresponding sharp edges.
“Good fences make good neighbors,” is an old saying familiar to
us all. In the words of writer Caroline Westerhoff: “(Within this proverb lies) the irresolvable tension between boundary and hospitality,
between demarcation and common space, between individuality and
collectivity, and between other conflicting attitudes that separate
people from each other.” Sometimes prudence dictates that a fence
be built for protection or separation but perhaps at other times that
same practice may do more harm than good. It might be interesting to
look back at East Lyme’s early years to find suitable information to
Before East Lyme became East Lyme, most of the 42 square miles
that now comprises it (if you include the water) was part of the Pequot
Plantation (New London) which, in turn, was part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Most folks who have lived here for any length of
time know the famous 1646 story of the “Bride Brook Wedding” and
the importance the border defined by that waterway played in the
account. Bride Brook (called “Sunkipaug” by the Nehantic Indians)
was the recognized boundary between Massachusetts and the Connecticut colonies and as such became the cause of considerable
problems over the years.
The “sweet meadow hay” that was found along our shores (particularly in the Black Point area) drew interest from both sides of the
Nov. 2014
brook. As the boundaries of Connecticut and Massachusetts gave
way more specifically with the creation of New London and Saybrook,
frequent arguments and confrontations arose over the border.
Saybrook was said to extend “eastward, five miles from the Connecticut River” and New London “was granted four miles west of the
Pequot (Thames) River,” according to the early General Court which
decided such matters. The trouble was that when this was actually
measured out, Saybrook was found to have encroached almost two
miles into New London territory, definitely beyond the original Bride
Brook borderline. Attempts were made to reconcile the issue in 1668
with deputies from both New London and Lyme (now broken off
from the original Saybrook colony) but nothing could be agreed
upon that was satisfactory to both sides. One attempt was made to
“set aside the area in question as ministry land” but unfortunately
both groups felt their minister more deserving of the sweet meadow
hay benefits that grew there. It was on this ministry land in August of
1671 where the two towns squared off physically to decide the issue.
Known locally as “The Haymaker’s Frolic,” thirty men from New
London and a similar size group from Lyme, all armed with scythes,
rakes and pitchforks converged on the disputed area in Black Point
in an effort to secure their minister’s hay. Luckily, weapons were
quickly abandoned but that did not prevent fists from soon flying. In
the ensuing melee various arrests were made and calmer heads eventually prevailed. It was decided to let the law settle the issue. “After
drinking a dram of friendship,” we are told, all parties retired from the
field of battle but with the lawsuits and protests that followed, the
issue was certainly far from settled.
In her book “East Lyme Our Town and How It Grew,” Olive
Chendali relates the following, perhaps somewhat embellished, accounting. “Having despaired of ever settling the matter, the inhabitants of both towns eventually agreed to end the disagreement by a
test of strength on the part of two contestants chosen by each town.
The men selected by New London were the Messrs. Pickett and
Latimer, while Lyme chose as their contestants Messrs. Griswold and
Ely. A day was chosen and the site as told in the legend was Black
Point. We can only imagine the excitement of the supporters who
must have accompanied their contestants. At the signal they confronted each other with fists until victory was achieved by both
Lyme contestants. Lyme henceforth took possession of the disputed
strip of land between Bride Brook and Nehantic Bay and continued
to hold it without further dispute to the day when East Lyme was set
off from Lyme (and became a town) in 1839. ‘WIGWAM ROCK’ became the eastern boundary of Lyme’s grant and the western boundary for Waterford’s grant to East Lyme. (Waterford had separated
from New London in 1801.)”
It would be interesting if a poll could be taken among current
East Lyme residents to see how many folks actually know what and
where Wigwam Rock is located. For those of us who grew up here,
swimming out to that landmark was a (forbidden) rite of passage
when visiting McCook’s Point. Beginners usually honed their skills
by swimming out to the raft first but eventually Wigwam Rock would
beckon. Jutting out all alone in the waters of Niantic Bay, it certainly
invited youthful visitation but I remember it was rocky when one
“came ashore” and tough on bare feet. Bragging rights were sure to
outweigh any discomfort, however. My wife, Georgia Lee, spent a
great deal of time at that beach with friends during her younger days
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continued page 37
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Nov. 2014
ARIES (March 20 - April 19) You are drawn to consider where you stand with
others in November. Although you are independent and individualistic, under ideal
circumstances you are not a loner. You believe the world would be a poorer place
without certain folk around you, to bounce off in a spirit of friendly competition.
After all, your sign is associated with coming first. How will you ever be victorious
at anything, without a worthy competitor to vanquish occasionally and to keep you
on your toes? It is when your relationships limit you, or lead to more obligations than
you’d like, that you start to question the wisdom of allowing people so much say.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Recently, you have been far away from the cosmic
spotlight. This has its benefits and has not bothered you excessively, since there
are advantages to being able to pursue your own concerns in privacy. While you are
growing and developing on an inner and spiritual level, working through events that
happened in the very distant past and making peace with issues that have lurked in
your subconscious unresolved for ages, you’d expect to turn your gaze inward. You
are thus unwilling to become subject to public scrutiny, but need people around who
you respect and trust, not that you have to keep an eye on the whole time.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Assorted obligations and your working life feature
during the first half of November. This leaves you little scope for relaxation and
causes you to wonder what this is all about. Your expenditure and a growing list of
outgoings are the primary reason for such frenetic activity, but whether the need
for more cash ought to predominate so markedly, you aren’t exactly sure. This isn’t
a new situation either, as the past couple of years have been characterised by
these concerns, leaving you worn out and regularly plagued by an array of minor
ailments. It is a great month to be kinder to yourself, just here and there.
CANCER (June 20 - July 22) Marriage and romance are treated differently in
astrological terms. No doubt this will raise a hollow laugh in certain quarters based
on your life experiences, but to informed stargazers each is genuinely connected
with a contrasting region of the sky. Hopefully, these associations go hand in hand,
but at certain junctures you’ll find good influences impacting on one and not the
other, creating a complicated interplay. During the first half of November for
instance, you notice looser liaisons are more enjoyable than the sense of being tied
to anyone, with commitment as the number one priority.
LEO (July 23- August 22) The focus on your domestic affairs comes as no
surprise, since Saturn has emphasised this area of your horoscope for almost two
years. Looking back, the atmosphere within your family and how you are living
today, prove in sharp contrast to what you were facing then. Much has changed, as
Saturn pruned away whatever wasn’t working and that you no longer needed,
leaving you with a sparser framework of relationships and activities that are
nevertheless more dependable. So, compared to what you have been through,
November is plain sailing. Love and laughter are also on the agenda.
VIRGO (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) While the full moon on 11/6 reflects the rays of the
Sun, so this month marks a reflective period for you, no matter how busy matters
seem on the surface or look to the casual observer. In your quieter moments you
cannot help but compare the circumstances in which you are living, with those
ideals you always were keen to promote and at how a number of awkward compromises, have led you away from your original intentions. Probably, it has escaped
your attention on an everyday basis, since the process was gradual and cumulative.
But fundamentally, stay true to yourself, since you are your sternest critic.
By Paul Wade
-The Astrology Wizard
LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) An unusual planetary pattern puts money at the
forefront of your attention. And largely the portents are excellent; although you’ve
never found economics the most fascinating subject once the initial emphasis on
such practicalities subsides. But to begin this period, the best use of these prevailing trends is to examine your thoughts on certain key issues and to ascertain, what
actually counts in your world. Symbolically, your attitude towards the material
sphere reflects what you really value. Security is another concept that relates to
cash in some ways, but is not entirely the same.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) It is not until the middle of this month that the
emphasis on your sign even begins to wane. After a sojourn in the background that
you resented enormously, but which curiously suited your purposes, the solar
eclipse of last month changed all that and brought your concerns to the forefront.
Others suddenly noticed your existence again, while subjectively it was far harder,
to keep your concerns secret and not to acknowledge the import of these anxieties.
You have always found it tough, to be open about your feelings, but everyone has
vulnerabilities that are best addressed by accepting the desire to share them.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) There are definitely two sides to your character and this month, you can give free rein to both of them. Your sign is linked with
the centaur, a mythic combination of the human form with the legs and body of a
horse. Thus you can horse around with the best of them and as the planets
gradually move to occupy your sign from November 16, you will have plenty of
opportunity for fun and frolics. But prior to this, you’d be working against the
celestial tide to push yourself forward out of season. Promote your more cerebral
and philosophical inclination then, while you make up your mind about a few things.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Pluto is a little over one-third of the way,
through a visit to your sign that lasts a daunting sixteen years. Astronomers may
undermine this planet’s importance, but it remains a force to acknowledge. It
heralds change and transformation, promising the breakdown of existing structures and causing you to question all you previously assumed to be true. This does
not happen easily, since you must first access and then examine hidden conditioning, buried deep down within your psyche. Still, once this process winds up what
emerges is ultimately better, since Pluto correlates with regeneration as well.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Although you have occasionally doubted the
wisdom of the course you’ve chosen, four planets around the apex of your horoscope in November dispel a number of the doubts you’ve encountered. It seems
others have noticed your efforts after all and while their approval was never
something you sought, it is encouraging to have feedback that tells you, your
efforts are not in vain. Mainly the response from those in authority and your peers
is supportive and assures you that you’re on the right course. There are some who
are less pleased and work against you, but accept their envy as a compliment too.
PISCES (Feb. 19- March 19) When you’re busy, have a goal in mind and the bit
between your teeth, it is possible to lose sight of other issues in your eagerness to
tackle the task in hand. But be careful you don’t give anyone the message, that you
are not concerned about their opinion and will ride roughshod over their needs and
sensibilities. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth, even if you are one
of those rare representatives of your sign, who puts on a tough front to hide your
sensitivity. Especially in your social life and with more casual acquaintances, you
gain the most pleasure from the company of those on a mission themselves.
Paul Wade, a UK-based astrologer, is published in seven languages.
For weekly and annual horoscopes, services, information, freebies and more, visit
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Nov. 2014
Saye-Brooke Strip Shop, LLC
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History Matters
continued from page 35
and remembers wearing sneakers for that very reason. She and her
adventurous friends visited one night after the lifeguard had gone
off duty and she shared a remembrance common to many of us who
had undertaken that journey…IT SURE WAS A LOT FARTHER
The next time you drive by Niantic Bay, walk the boardwalk or
go to the beach, take a good look at Wigwam Rock. It is shaped
exactly like a wigwam, similar to the ones our Native American forebears once built of saplings and bark. I can’t help but think there
may have been a lesson there we never saw. Round shapes are
suggestive of the circle of life with the potential for all people to be
included inside. To think that that rock stood stoically by while
seemingly more advanced people advocating squares raged and
fought… “Such the pity,” my grandmother would have said. “Such
the pity.”
Over the last three years, local author, Jim
Littlefield has shared with us many local
history stories of interest.
He has recently written a book entitled
“The Slave Catcher’s Woman.” This work
of historical fiction reveals much of the institution of slavery as it existed in the antebellum south. “The Slave Catcher ’s
Woman.” is available on Amazon, at Bank Square Books
in Mystic, Monte Cristo Bookshop in New London or can
be locally purchased at Book Barn, Tri-Town, Barbers Plus
One or at the Niantic police station down on Main Street.
For more information visit Mr. Littlefield’s website
online at or email him at
Stephanie & Demi Now Offering
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PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
We’ve Moved! Our new location is:
95 Pennsylvania Avenue, Niantic
Nov. 2014
40 Pennsylvania Ave • Niantic, CT
860 739-5032
An Education in the Grotesque:
The Gargoyles of Yale University
Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library presents an evening with photographer and author Matthew Duman who will talk on the Gargoyles of
Yale University on Wednesday November 12, 2014 at 7 pm.. In his
lecture Matthew will highlight a selection of gargoyles and grotesques found on the buildings of the Yale University campus in
New Haven, CT.
Using original photographs from his book, Matt explores the
artistic, historic, architectural and even humorous significance of
these decorative sculptures and their role in communicating the
identity of Yale University as a place of learning and enlightenment.
Everyone from teens to seniors interested in history, architecture,
sculpture or photography will appreciate Matt’s presentation! A
book signing will follow his talk.
Mathew Duman is a photographer and graphic designer who
grew up in Bethany, Connecticut. While studying abroad, he developed a fascination with the grotesque sculptures of the cathedrals
of Britain.
In addition to England, Matt has made photographic trips to
Italy, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Matt currently works at
the Knights of Columbus in New Haven. He began exploring the
variety of sculpture found on the buildings of Yale University a few
years ago and as a personal project, has researched and documented these “new world” grotesques which are closer, but no less
bewitching than their European counterparts.
The Library is located at 2 Library Lane, off Lyme Street in Old
Lyme. Winter hours are Monday and Wednesday, 10am to 7pm;
Tuesday and Thursday, 10am to 6pm; Friday, 10am to 5pm and
Saturday, 10am to 4pm.
The program is free and open to the public. Registration required by calling 860-434-1684 or visit to
register online under the Events calendar.
Regional Events
Buying All Coins (U.S. & Foreign), Franklin Mint Issues,
All other Private Mint Issues, Sterling Silver Items,
Old Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Scrap, Pocket
Watches, Vintage Watches, Diamonds, Estate Jewelry
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
from pg. 33
Dick Campo Big Band A Concert and Party to Benefit Center for
Hospice Care - 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. December 5 at the Mystic Marriott
Hotel & Spa - The legendary Dick Campo Big Band will get you in a
festive spirit with a benefit concert featuring a combination of big
band hits and holiday classics. Be part of this great event, while
helping Center for Hospice Care. Tickets are $75 per person $65 per
person for Circle Members 860.848.5699
Wreath Silent Auction 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, December 5th at the
Smith-Harris House, 33 Society Rd., Niantic - Theme: “Thomas &
Elizabeth Avery’s First Christmas Together” (1845) Enjoy the SmithHarris House decorated for the holidays and lit by candlelight as
you bid on the prefect wreath for your home! Wreaths decorated
and donated by local businesses and patrons of the Smith-Harris
House will be available for silent bidding. Performer Jennifer Emerson
will entertain with harp music while refreshments inspired by historic recipes are offered. All proceeds benefit the Friends of the
Smith-Harris House, for preservation and public programming. For
more information call (860) 739-0761 or visit our website at
Nov. 2014
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Nov. 2014
Community Bulletin Board
This space has been set aside for non-profit organizations to post their announcements.
NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) Support group. Fourth Monday of
every month (except July) @ St.Agnes Church Hall, 22 Haigh Ave.Niantic from 7-8:30
PM. Support for friends, family members and those diagnosed with mental illness.
Resources and information regarding mental illness offered. Facilitator: Joan Lazar
RN,MSN. call 860-739-8822 for more info.
Ballroom Dance-First Sat. of each month from 6:30-11:00pm, and third Friday of
each month from 7:00-10:00pm (except July & August) at the East Lyme Library
Activity Room. For info call Ken Curry 860-572-7185.
Shoreline Swing Dances - Sept. - June. Live bands on the 3rd Sat of each month,
at the East Lyme Community Center (7:30 - 11:30 pm); and Sunday record hops at the
Mystic German Club (7:00 - 10:00 pm). A free swing dance lesson precedes each
dance. visit or call Barbara 860-464-9947.
The Kari-Hill VFW post 5849 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM
at the Post home at 39 Columbus Ave, Niantic. For info, call CDR Bob Farrior at
860.908.4530 or Adjutant Glenn Elliott at 860.691.2557. We welcome all
veterans.The Women's Auxiliary meets at the same time- for info call Pres.
Sharon Hathaway at 860.857.8089
CT/RI Coastal Fly Fishers meetings are held at 7pm on the last Thursday of
every month at the Hugo Simonelli VFW Hall, 60 Stonington Road in Mystic, CT
from September through June. For more information visit
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families Meetings Sundays at 2 p.m. at All
Souls Church, 19 Jay Street, New London. For people who grew up in dysfunctional families, compulsive behaviors and difficulty dealing with everyday situations may have an ongoing impact on their quality of life 860-857-2687
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New London Spiritualist Church- Sleep Inn, 5 King Arthur Dr., Niantic. Sunday
Service and Fellowship 10:30am.Medium's Day, 11-2 pmlast Sat of month,
PFLAG OF SECT (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays of SE CT, a support
group, meets the 2nd Monday of each month at Noank Baptist Church (18 Cathedral
Heights Road in Noank) pot luck dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7. call Paula Hardy at 860447-1239 X232 or email
Volunteers NEEDED mornings and evenings Alliance for Living, Inc., the
only AIDS Service Organization serving all of New London County. Call 860-447-1239
ext. 229 for info. Email or visit
The American Legion Aux. Unit 128 Niantic meets at 7 pm on the 2nd Mon of the
month at the Am. Leg. Post home, 16 York Ave.,. call Pat Keegan 739-2107
EAST LYME HS BOTTLEAND CAN DRIVE - 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. 9
am - 1 pm. at EastLyme High School . For more info call Ken Miller at 739-8989 Email: Support the High School concert and marching band.
Lymes Village Voices, an adult chorus with members from Guilford to Waterford,
is always welcoming New Members to its Monday evening rehearsals at St. Anne's
Church, Rt 156, Old Lyme. For fun and harmony call Joanne at 434-2526
CT Parents Advocacy Center is a nonprofit agency offering info and support to
parents of children with disabilities (860) 739-3089 or (800) 445-CPAC
VNASC East Lyme Health Clinics: 4th Wednesday of each month from 1:152:15 at the Community Center for the residents of East Lyme. Call 444-1111.
IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: monthly, 2:30-3:30. at VNA SE CT. Bring shot record
or a note from doctor. $2 per shot. Call 444-1111 ext. 307 for specifics.
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Nov. 2014
Dining with the Dudleys
rom pg. 25
dish was, again, quite complex but the essential flavor of perfectly
grilled chicken still shone through the seasonings. It was a real treat!
If you have a problem with spicy foods,I’d suggest you start with
this dish.
We really enjoyed our visit to India Grill & Mild Curry. The host,
who was the only employee we had any contact with, was friendly,
efficient and helpful. The decor was simple and clean but quite nice.
The overall atmosphere was quite relaxing with some Indian music
playing softly on the PA. There was a mixture of booths and tables
with seating for perhaps as many as 40 people. It is a narrow dining
room though, so I’d suspect it might become quite noisy in there if
the dining room became filled to capacity.
As I said earlier. I’m very glad we finally made it to an Indian
Restaurant, and in some ways, I’m glad it was this place. It is very
unintimidating. They’re tucked away in the plaza on the right near
the eastern end of W. Main Street, right next to the Dairy Queen.
Keep your eyes open - the sign is very low key....I was right in front
of the place and I still had to look three times to see it. Now that I
have, however, I’m certain that Derek and I will return to explore more
of this exotic and wonderful cuisine. I have a hunch the learning
experience will be lots of fun.
The Post Road Review
is brought to you free each month entirely by the support of its advertisers.
If you enjoy reading our magazine, please show your support
by patronizing our advertisers whenever possible
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Nov. 2014
To place a Classified Ad - Call us at 860 537-1260, or send your ad along with a check to THE POST ROAD REVIEW, P.O. Box 910, Uncasville, CT 06382.
$12.00 for the first 15 words, and 50¢ per additional word. ($12.00 minimum order) Deadline: the 15th of the month PRIOR to when you want the ad to appear.
Example: submit by Oct. 15th an ad you want to run in November.
We reserve the right to refuse ads we deem inappropriate - include your return address in case your payment must be returned.
Casey's Property Maintenance. Landscaping, Dump Runs, Mulch, Topsoil and Stone
Deliveries. 860-739-9352. Lic # 575411, Insured. 02/15
LEAF REMOVAL & RAKE,End of Season Lawn Care, Carted or Mulch, All Niantic Areas,
to mid December, Call BOB FATONE 860-739-7998. 09/15
Are you looking for additional income - the opportunity to work
wherever you are, build residual income, and have fun too?...Or do you need holiday gift
ideas? Call me! Karen Doherty, Independent Consultant with Arbonne Intrntl. 7397870
ALEXANDRA'S CLEANING SERVICE will be happy to clean your home on your
schedule. Call Alex at 860-772-7890. 11/14
ROLFING®-Therapeutic soft tissue manipulation. Since 1975. Mary C. Staggs, M.S.,
LMT. Advanced Rolfer®. 860-639-6537 East Lyme, or email
WEED NO MORE - Weeding, Planting, All your Gardening needs. Weekly,
monthly or once. Call Denise at 860-912-4962. 08/15
FOR SALE: TIME SHARE CONDO RESORT in beautiful Berkshire County, Lenox MA.
2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fully equipped kitchen. Heated indoor pool, tennis, boating, skiing,
gym. Sleeps 6. Asking $1,500 or reasonable offer. Call MJ 860-739-3171. 12/14
Gerald Bernier Home Improvements: Remodeling, repairs, kitchens, baths, decks,
handyman services, references, 30 years experience. Insured, Lic # 0674104. 860739-0742. 05/15.
AJ STUMP GRINDING, FIREWOOD and Material Deliveries - 860-739-3778
Hiring Companions and Homemakers for homebound clients. Flexible part time hours,
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDED. Most brands accepted. Will pay up to $30/box
excellent wages. Home Care Services of CT 860-395-9595.
depending on type, brand and quantity. Call 860-237-5208. 11/14
FREE FIREWOOD - You cut. Wood Stove $200., Laptop $150.,Used Tire $25., Movies
$1.50 ea, 8 for $10.00. 860-434-8013. 12/14
Tree work and stump removal. Snow plowing. Backhoe, mulch, topsoil. Call Old
Orchard Farm Services at 860-625-5015.
New Laser Hair Removal & Esthetics Practice in New London! Kiki Verma, MBBS,
Located in Dr. Verma’s office, 391 Ocean Ave., 516-320-9464
TIM’S LAWN CARE. Mowing and trimming, Spring and Fall leaf and yard clean-ups,
snow removal. Call 860-287-0644. 04/15
Waterslides, Sumo, Mazes Obstacle Course, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Sno-kones. 860- Art Shallcross Painting and Powerwashing. Interior and Exterior, Over 20 Years
399-4813. 4/15
in business. License. # 563635, insured. 860 447-2315 Cell: 860-271-1859,
Waterford. 02/15
HANDYMAN SERVICES - Painting, Electrical, Plumbing, Dump-Runs, etc. Reasonable
Rates. To inquire call 860-984-4071. 03/15.
CUSTOM RAILINGS, Residential and Commercial, Call KJ Welding, LLC at 860-3458743 or cell: 860-508-0611. Lic#HIC0631508. Insured
1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE FOR SALE: Classically Restored. Mint body condition, no
rust, housed in garage. New immaculate maroon paint job (from Toyota Dealer). 77,900 SMALL DELIVERIES - Will make deliveries of Loam, Stone and Mulch. 860-460-5750.
original miles. $9,000 860-739-4364 Niantic 12/14
Monthly Classified Ad Rate:
$12 for 15 words or less.
6 month Classified Ad Rate:
$60 prepaid for15 words or less.
12 Months: $100 prepaid for
15 words or less.
Call 860 537-1260 for more information
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Chair Caning, Danish Cord, Shaker Tape, Porch Rockers Rewoven, Patio Chairs
Wrapped. See our work online at 860-388-5689.
Casey's Property Maintenance-Landscaping, Backhoe and Dump Truck Service,
Patios, Walkways and Fencing. 860 739-9352, Lic # 575411 Insured 2/15
House Cleaning Services - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Experienced, w/
references, dependable, excellent prices. Call Sandra 860-501-4370 8/15
HomeCare Services of Connecticut - Providing quality care/ companionship in your
home. Hourly or live-in, plans. 860-395-9595;
Burial Plots: Union Cemetery, Rt. 32, Quaker Hill. Single Grave $800. Call Treasurer,
Guy Scribner at 860-884-1012. 05/15
ESTATE SALES by The Old Family Homestead 860-434-2960, free consultation,
on-site weekends & internet sales. 8/15
House/Office Cleaning Services Available. Reasonable Rates, plenty of references.
Weekly, bi-weekly or rental cottage cleaning. Over 25 years experience. Come home
to a clean home and relax! Call Natalie at 860-657-6702. 12/14
Nov. 2014
Community Bulletin Board
This space has been set aside for non-profit organizations to post their announcements.
Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Groups: 2ndThurs. each month from
10 -11am at the Waterford Senior Ctr. 1st Fri of every month from 1011am at Montville Senior Ctr. For more information contact Donna Hunter
Group Facilitator @ (860)443-8650 or via E-mail
Target 10:10 for Recovery: A Christ-centered recovery group for those
struggling with substance abuse, co-depency, anxiety, anger, depression,
eating disorders or other issues. Fridays @ 7:00pm Harvest Christian
Fellowship - 5 Freedom Way, Niantic (860)739-5723 or 442-7423
The Coastal Camera Club meets at 7PM on the first and third Wednesday
of each month at the Madison Senior Center, Cafe, 29 Bradley
Drive,Madison. For more info. visit
Donate your car. Wanted: any car, any condition. Will pick up. Help a
charitable group home for male teens raise money, and receive a tax
deduction for your donation. Must have title. Tom, Executive Director, at
(860)961-3576. New England Adolescent Treatment Center, Groton.
Care & Share of East Lyme, Inc. is accepting food pantry donations
Saturdays 11:00am - 1:00pm at 12 Roxbury Rd, Niantic. Non-perishables,
frozen food and household products are needed. Grocery gift cards are
also accepted. 739-8502
BINGO. The Retired Armed Forces Association, 135 Garfield Ave. New
London, CT. Thursdays, 7:00pm. Open to the public. 860-447-0055.
Harvest Christian Fellowship-Women's Bible Study-every 2nd and 4th 7pm and every 2nd and 4th 10am. FREE men's breakfast
1st Sat.8:30am., 5 Freedom Way, Niantic. 442-7423 or 739-5723
Shoreline Toastmasters Meeting - Toastmasters provides a positive environment to develop your communication and leadership skills. Meets
weekly on Thursday evening from 7-8 PM at the Ledyard Middle School.
For more info call 860-732-9875. Visitors always welcome.
HIGH HOPES THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC. seeks volunteers age 14 or
older. For more info, visit or call 860-434-1974 x12.
Volunteer at the Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library. Donations of
new and gently used books are welcome. Call 434-0733 or 434-7004
The Noank-Mystic Community Band rehearses Wednesdays 7 - 9PM at
the Noank Firehouse. No audition. Call Barbara (572-0308) orRon (2450164) or E-mail:
East Lyme Garden Club meets 2nd Monday monthly at 7 pm (not Jan. or
Feb) at the E.Lyme Police Station or at members homes. New members welcome.
Call 860 691 0088 or email
Newcomers Club - East Lyme/Waterford and surrounding towns -first Thurs
of each month from 9:30 - 11:30 at the Niantic Community Church, 170 Penn.
Ave., Niantic. Info:
Sacred Source Painting meets the second Friday of each month, 9:30 am1:00 p.m. Bring a bag lunch. No painting or creative experience needed. Call
ahead to be part of this program that celebrates the connection between
creativity and spirituality. Niantic Community Church (860) 739-6208.
The Bahá’í Community of Old Saybrook devotional program the 2nd
Sunday of each month 7-8:30 p.m. at 5 London Court. Share prayers, poems,
or readings of a spiritual nature. Call Valerie Smith at 860-388-5948.
Where am I?
Smith-Harris House
Each month, The Post Road Review will feature a picture or a
portion of one like the picture below and to the right. If you know
the other place in this magazine that the picture can be found, call
Brian Conklin at (860) 537-1260 and leave a message with your
name, telephone number, and the answer. The first caller with the
correct answer will win a Post Road Review Tote Bag.
Winnings are limited to once per year if you’ve already won in the past 12 months,
please give someone else a chance!
Annual Wreath & Greens Sale
and Open House
Deck your halls with an assortment of wreaths, swags, centerpieces, and arrangements in live and permanent greens!
All proceeds benefit the Friends of Smith-Harris House, for
preservation and public programming. Afterwards, on Saturday, stop by the Smith-Harris House, where it is 1845,
and performer Jennifer Emerson portrays Elizabeth Avery
welcoming holiday visitors to her home! On Sunday, the
Smith-Harris House will feature silhouette artist Elizabeth
O’Brien (beginning at 11 a.m.). Silhouettes make beautiful,
one-of-a-kind holiday gifts! Sample refreshments inspired
by historic recipes, and purchase tickets for our ever-popular holiday drama performance, featuring Sally Mummey.
day,, December 6th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sunday,, December 7th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The winner of last month's contest was Bill Walden of East Lyme,
who found the answer on the front cover in the "o" of the word
“Road” in “Post Road Review”.
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
The Smith-Harris House, 33 Society Rd., Niantic
For more information call (860) 739-0761
or visit our website at
Nov. 2014
Thames Hearing Services, Inc.
324 Flanders Road · East Lyme
Jennifer M. Clays, M.A., CCC-A/FAAA
Jean P. Tuneski, M.S., CCC-A/FAAA
17 Liberty Way, Niantic, CT 06357
860-691-1611 ·
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Anytime Fitness Celebrates
Five Years of Growing Strong
Growing stronger, getting healthier, losing weight, gaining flexibility,
reducing health problems, recovering from injuries or surgeries. Anytime Fitness members have a number of reasons for walking through
the door of 17 Liberty Way in Niantic, and they stay for the success.
Over their five years in operating the 24/7 fitness club, owners Axel
and Lynnea Mahlke have developed relationships with members who
now enjoy healthy lifestyles by benefiting from personalized fitness
plans and one-on-one attention. Celebrations of their fifth anniversary begin October 5, and include special events, open houses, and
opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles.
“We worked to create a place where the 80 percent of people
who don't exercise regularly feel comfortable coming in to learn how
exercise can improve their health and make them feel better every
day. We are committed to helping people see that just 20 minutes of
exercise two or three times a week can improve health significantly,”
said Axel, who studied orthopedic medicine in Hamburg, Germany
and has been a certified personal trainer for over 19 years. With his
unique background, Axel offers a bridge for people who have completed physical therapy for joint replacement or injury, helping them
to continue to gain strength, balance and good health while understanding their medical needs.
Friendly, comfortable, spotless and featuring state-of-the-art
equipment, the club feels welcoming to members with a wide range
of fitness goals, from peak performance to specific health issues. A
team of expert, caring personal trainers begin members with comprehensive assessments and develop plans that prevent injury and address past problems. In hiring their staff, the Mahlkes have sought
trainers with different areas of specialization so every member finds
a perfect match with one of six certified personal trainers and a registered dietitian.
Growing strong has included the expansion of Anytime Fitness
this year to include an exercise studio with group classes and workshops. The classes are great motivators for those who love to mix
some social time with workouts and enjoy the positive energy in the
group. Classes include Zumba, yoga, boot camp, core blast and, for
the kid at heart who wants a strong heart, Hooping! Workshops on
mindful eating, weight loss, joint care and other topics are taught by
the experienced team of trainers.
Anytime fitness is taking five months to celebrate its first five
years. Everyone is invited to attend open house events, informational sessions, and health and fitness lectures on topics ranging
from the impact of fitness on medical concerns to weight loss to
getting the most out of your fitness gadgets. For a list of events and
times and to register to attend, contact Anytime Fitness at 860-6911611 or
Individual tours are available by appointment. Anytime Fitness
of Niantic is open 24/7 and features a complete range of cardiovascular and strength training equipment including circuit and crosstraining machines, free weights, stationary bicycles, adaptive motion trainers, ellipticals and treadmills. There are also 24-hour group
exercise classes with Fitness on Request and membership reciprocity among any of the 2000+ Anytime Fitness clubs currently open.For
more information contact Anytime Fitness at 860-691-1611 or
Nov. 2014
Wally Lamb's "Wishin' and
Hopin'" to make world premiere
at the Garde Arts Center
One of America’s major authors and the pride of Connecticut, Wally
Lamb, will join the cast and crew for the world premiere of the film
version of his best-selling novel "Wishin’ and Hopin’" on Sunday,
November 23 at 2:30 p.m. at the Garde Arts Center.
The author of such award-winning works as “She’s Come Undone,” “I Know This Much is True,” “I’ll Fly Away,” and “The Hour
I First Believed,” Lamb chose a Connecticut creative team, Synthetic Cinema International, to shoot this holiday coming-of-age
tale with filming locations in Norwich, including Norwich Free Academy, Jewett City and Willimantic.
The film is produced by Andrew Gernhard, Zach O’Brien and
Shane O’Brien with executive producers Wally Lamb, Richard Lucas
and Bonnie Farley-Lucas. Directed by Colin Theys with a screenplay by John Doolan, "Wishin’ and Hopin’" stars Molly Ringwald,
Annabella Sciorra, Meat Loaf, Conchata Ferrell, Cheri Oteri, Danny
Nucci, Wyatt Ralff, Quinn McColgan, Chevy Chase and a large cast
of local extras.
A vivid slice of 1960s life, Lamb’s Christmas tale is the poignant
and hilarious story of a feisty parochial school fifth grader named
Felix Funicello—a distant cousin of the famous Mouseketeer and
teen movie queen Annette. Set in the beloved fictional town of
Three Rivers, Connecticut, “Wishin’ and Hopin'” follows Felix as he
navigates through Catholic school and learns about life, culture
and the birds and the bees. Published in 2009, "Wishin' and Hopin'"
is Lamb's fourth fictional work.
“Wally and I had not a moment of hesitation when we considered launching this movie at the Garde Arts Center with their movie
palace décor, giant screen, and new state-of-the-art digital cinema,”
Andrew Gernhard said. “We wanted the premiere to be in Connecticut so the folks that supported the project from the start could be
the first to enjoy it! Following the premiere the film will be released
in New York City and Los Angeles as well as other markets.”
The world premiere will include a private cast and crew reception prior to the showing and a public panel discussion with the
producers and meet-and-greet in the lobby with Wally Lamb and
the cast.
Born in Norwich, Lamb taught English and writing for 25 years
at Norwich Free Academy. He was an Associate Professor in the
English Department at the University of Connecticut and the school's
Director of Creative Writing. His first two works of fiction, "She's
Come Undone" and "I Know This Much Is True," were both number one on "The New York Times" bestsellers and Oprah's Book
Club selections. He currently lives in Connecticut with his wife,
Christine. The Lambs are the parents of three sons.
Partial proceeds from this premiere will be donated to St. Vincent
de Paul Place (Norwich), The New London Community Meal Center
(New London) and the Covenant Soup Kitchen (Willimantic).
Seating is general admission and includes the film, the panel
and the meet and greet. Ticket prices are $25 and are available online
at and by phone at 860-444-7373 ext 1. Children
16 and under with an identification can purchase tickets for $15 at
the Garde Box Office at 325 State Street, New London, CT.
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
860-639-6537 · EAST LYME
Nov. 2014
Charter Oak Walk-In
Medical Center, P.C.
Family Medical Care
Your Convenience
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Sat 9AM-2PM
Sun 12:30PM-4PM
Contact our office for additional information
(860) 739-6953
324 Flanders Road • East Lyme
R.C. Albrecht, M.D. - W.L. Beason, M.D. - R.J. Welsch, M.D.
P.J. Cullen, P.A.-C - F. Hage, P.A.-C
The Parcel Centre
153 Boston Post Road
€ Pack € Ship € Fax € Color Copy
€ Private Mailboxes € Notary Services
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We now refill most inkjet cartridges
at savings of 30% - 60% off the cost
of new cartridges. We also offer
discount black and color toners.
€ Save Money
€ Save Time
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Authorized Shipping Outlet for UPS, Federal Express & DHL
Phone: 739-2492 Fax: 739-3702
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
from Charter Oak Walk-in Medical Center, P.C.
Walking Can be Good!
The simplest, safest and least expensive exercise is walking.
A long-term study of thousands of Harvard alumni indicates
that walking only an average of nine miles a week can significantly prolong life. Other studies have suggested that walking
can benefit nearly everybody, regardless of their previous state
of health and fitness. Walking can be good, especially for postmenopausal women. It is a weight-bearing exercise, and can
slow down the progression of osteoporosis.
Still other studies have shown that walking at a pace of 3 1/2
to 4 miles/hour (that's a brisk walk, not a stroll), can produce
cardiovascular benefits too. Slower walking, about 2 miles/hour,
can be helpful to older people, cardiac patients and those
recovering from a prolonged illness. Walking at speeds of 5
miles/hour can burn as many calories as jogging, without the
wear and tear on your feet and knees.
Walking by itself is not enough to prevent heart disease and
stroke. It must be combined with other sensible health habits,
avoiding cigarettes, sensible diet and watching your blood
pressure. As with any form of exercise or health habit, it must
be done on a consistent and regular basis, and it must become a
long term habit.
If you are inactive, but otherwise healthy, start with mile-long
walks at three miles/hour, three to five times a week. If you can't
walk that fast, walk a little farther.
You can increase the aerobic exercise received by walking in
two ways. Swing your arms. This increases the workout for
your upper body. As you get used to walking farther and faster,
you can carry a light backpack, or a set of hand weights. Try to
keep the weight balanced to avoid back strain.
This Spa
By taking advantage of our reasonable advertising rates,
you can put your company’s name in front of
tens of thousands of our readers WITH ONE EDITION.
And with our website visitors can click on links that take
them directly to your website. Call 860 848-3737
email or visit us at
Nov. 2014
By Debra Miller, M.D.
Skin Care For You & Your Family
Cosmetic Dermatology
Adult & Pediatric Dermatology · Dermatologic Surgery
Cold Sensitive Skin
Winter is around the corner, and its uncomfortable chill can
cause physical damage as well as dampen ones spirits. Here is
information about cold sensitive skin ailments; what to look for
and what you can do to avoid their numbing effects.
Raynaud’s Disease and its symptoms turn up when the temperature turns down. Hands and feet are extremely sensitive to
the cold and become affected when the small arteries that supply these extremities with blood and oxygen constrict or tighten.
The decrease in blood flow can cause the fingers or toes to turn
white or blue. Tingling and then swelling may occur and become painful. If allowed to continue, ulcers may form which
further damage the tissue and produce chronic infection around
the nails of the fingers or toes.
Raynaud’s symptoms are brought on by sudden exposure
to cold or stress. Perhaps you’ve reached into the freezer to
remove tonight’s dinner only to discover that Raynaud has become an uninvited guest.The symptoms of Raynaud’s may be
associated with an underlying cause such as a connective tissue disease, or, in some people, they may occur with no identifiable underlying cause.
Chilblains result from exposure to dry cold that does not freeze
the skin. You may notice that affected areas turn reddish-blue
and become swollen. Chilblains are itchy and sometimes painful. In time, blisters containing clear fluid may form. No permanent damage results, however, injured areas may be more
sensitive to future cold.
Damp cold at temperatures near freezing can result in trench
foot (or immersion injury). This may occur when a glove or
sock becomes wet while out in the snow. The symptoms of
trench foot are similar to those of chilblains, but the damage is
usually more serious. The blisters are deeper and look more
like those from burns. As with chilblains, there is no permanent
injury other than increased cold sensitivity.
Frostbite occurs when the injured area freezes. Ice crystals
form within the cells of the skin leading to their rupture and
Frostnip is a first degree frostbite where only the surface of the
skin is frozen. Similar to chilblains, frostnip results in itchy and
painful skin, but does not lead to permanent damage.If freezing
is allowed to continue second or third degree frostbite injuries
may result in serious and long lasting damage.
Anybody can be affected by the cold, but those most likely
to suffer injury are the young and the elderly. The best way to
prevent cold injury is to dress warmly and move indoors once
your fingers or toes begin to feel cold. Insulated mittens work
better than gloves. Always keep your hands and feet dry and
your ears covered.
Be aware that alcohol and certain medications may cloud
your judgment. It’s important to know when it’s time to come
in out of the cold.
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Put Your Best Face Forward
Laser Hair Removal & Laser Aesthetics
Restylane, BOTOX, Juvederm & Prevage,
Chemical Peels, Treatment of Spider Veins
53 Granite Street, Suite D, New London, CT 06320
(Corner of Granite & Williams Street)
(860) 447-1419
•Relieves Pain
•Reduces Stress
•Increases Circulation
By Susan Selden
Gift Certificates
(860) 739-0502
“One of CT’s Top
- CT Magazine, 2011
Nov. 2014
Internationally Renowned Painter
Nelson H. White Presents
“Inside My Studio”
Serving my community:
Providing F
Holistic Healthcare
We’ve moved to
17 Hope Street
(next to The Natural Food Store)
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
Internationally renowned painter Nelson Holbrook White is the second speaker in the 2014-15 lecture series, “Inside My Studio: The
Artist Revealed,” hosted by the Alumni Association of Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New Haven on Friday,
Nov. 7. The evening begins with a reception in the Sill House Gallery
at 6 p.m. before White’s presentation at 7 p.m.
White received his earliest art instruction from his grandfather
Henry Cooke White (1861-1952) and father Nelson Cooke White
(1900-1989), who were both prominent American artists. The elder
White (the presenter’s grandfather) was an early member of the famed
Lyme Art Colony of impressionist artists, many of whom lived at
Florence Griswold’s boarding house in Old Lyme. The younger White
(the presenter’s father) lived with his parents at the Florence Griswold
house, where he met some of the most influential artists of the day,
including Childe Hassam, Will Howe Fotte and Harry Hoffman.
Nelson H. White was born in New London in 1932. After graduating from Tabor Academy in Marion, Mass., he enrolled at Mitchell
College in New London, but left to pursue music theory and composition. At that time, he began to spend more time studying with his
father and grandfather and by 1955, had decided to commit himself
to a career in painting.
White’s studies led him to Florence, Italy, where he became an
apprentice to the world-renowned Florentine painter Pietro Annigoni
and studied with the acclaimed Italian teacher Nerina Simi. Although
he received instruction from a number of major artists, White’s work
is highly individual. His ability to use color, coupled with rich brushwork and graduations of light, air and atmosphere, richly convey
both mood and intimacy.
Collections of White’s work are held by many organizations
including the Wadsworth Atheneum, the New Britain Museum of
American Art, the Florence Griswold Museum and Pfizer Inc. He has
exhibited his work both nationally and internationally and received
the Biennale Internazionale Career Award in 2003. Today, White
divides his time between the USA and Florence, Italy.
Reservations are required at $10 per person and should be made
by contacting Ann de Selding at 860.434.3571 ext. 117 or Early reservations are recommended
since seating is limited and a capacity audience is expected.
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New
Haven continues the academic tradition of figurative and representational fine art while preparing students for a lifetime of contemporary creative practice. The College offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts
degree in Drawing, Illustration, Painting, and Sculpture (full- and
part-time study); Certificates in Painting and Sculpture, a Post-Baccalaureate program; Continuing Education for adults; and a PreCollege Program for students aged 15-18. The College is accredited
by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the National Association of the Schools of Art and Design, and the Connecticut Department of Higher Education.
For more information about this event or Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New Haven, contact Olwen
Logan, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, at 860-434-3571,
ext. 135 or
Nov. 2014
Progress Report: East Lyme’s
Overlook Park
R.S. De Santo, East Lyme Public Trust Foundation, Inc.
In our 29th article in The Post Road Review of July 2013 we reported
that the eastern half of East Lyme’s Overlook Park, also known as
The Niantic Bay Boardwalk, was rebuilt by Amtrak and opened to
the public on July 12, 2013.
When Amtrak replaced its rail road bridge, Federal Law required
that it replace the impacted public park as it agreed to in the Federal
Finding of No Significant Impact of 2002, which states: “…Amtrak
will comply with the CTDEP's [Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection] request for in-kind or better replacement of any
impacted boardwalk components with one that would be equal or
better …”
Unlike the eastern half of the park, its western half was storm
damaged (see:,
and that redesign and reconstruction has waited until now for the
collection of funds derived from: 1)FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) grants, 2) a long drawn out settlement from
the original design firm, 3) two Town insurance settlements, and 4) a
state $500,000 STEAP grant (Small Town Economic Assistance Program). That collection enabled East Lyme to allocate $4,570,604 for
the redesign and reconstruction of the western half (i.e. 2,750± feet)
of Overlook Park.
Pile driving began on September 25, 2014 and the photograph
seen here was taken on October 5, 2014 at 3:24 pm EST when a New
York bound Amtrak train passed the half-way point of Overlook
Park. The steel sheet piles seen in the foreground are the first of
approximately 635 that will stretch along 2,750± feet from the end of
the eastern half of the park, seen on the right of the photograph, to
its terminus at Hole in the Wall. They will finally be locked together
by a reinforced concrete cap that will run the full length of the steel
sheet retaining wall, which will be backfilled with gravel with a maximum stone size of 3.5 inches and compacted in 6” lifts (i.e layers),
then finished with a 6” thick concrete sidewalk. A similar sidewalk on
the eastern half of the walkway is seen in cross section in the photograph that shows the end of the existing walkway. Between this
point and Hole in the Wall, 9 Gauge, 2” mesh, vinyl-dipped black,
chain link fence will separate the walkway from the railroad embankment. A thermoplastic railing system 3’ 6” high will extend along the
water side of the walkway. When connected to Hole in the Wall,
expected in the summer of 2015, Overlook Park will once again provide public access to its original uninterrupted length of 1.1 miles.
PHONE (860) 537-1260 <NEW NUMBER
980 Poquonnock Rd · Groton
(Next to Bare Wood Furniture)
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6 / Sat. 9-4 / Closed Sundays
Phone: 860-440-7444
Nov. 2014
DONATES $24,500 TO
47 Hale Haven Court
Primped & Polished! Lovingly
remodeled. New custom
kitchen steals the show! New
carpet, windows & much more!
Cathedral ceiling living room
addition. Expansive patio &
deck. Detached garage w/elec.
Carefree shed. Offers almost an
acre of park like grounds in a
quiet subdivision.
Nine Grant Requests Funded in Third Quarter
Charter Oak Federal Credit Union approved nine grant requests in
its third quarter totaling $24,500.
“Making a positive impact within the communities we serve is
what we continuously strive to do,” said Brian A. Orenstein, Charter Oak’s Chief Executive Officer. “Through Charter Oak’s Community Giving Program, its employee-funded Community Outreach Program, and through volunteerism, Charter Oak and its employees
constantly find ways to enrich the community and reinforce Charter
Oak’s philosophy of people helping people.”
This past quarter, nine local groups received funding through
Charter Oak’s Community Giving Grants Program. Grant recipients
included the Center for Hospice Care Southeast Connecticut; Children First Norwich/School Readiness Council; the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, Inc.; LifeFAQs; Martin House, Inc.;
Thames River Community Service, Inc.; United Cerebral Palsy of
Eastern Connecticut; United Way of Southeastern Connecticut on
behalf of Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Food Center; and the
YMCA of Mystic, Inc.
Charter Oak is proud to support each of these organizations
and their local initiatives. Grant awards ranged from $1,000 to $5,000.
Requests are accepted at any time, and are reviewed by Charter
Oak’s Community Giving Committee quarterly. The next deadline is
January 1, 2015.
Charter Oak’s Community Giving program was developed in
2009, and has since disbursed more than $900,000 to local nonprofit organizations, college students, and members in need. In addition to accepting grant requests, Charter Oak accepts sponsorship and volunteer requests. Visit for
more information regarding Charter Oak’s Community Giving Program.
Help Keep a Child's Feet
Warm This Winter
TVCCA and Senior Resources are sponsoring the 2014 Santa Anonymous Boot Project for towns in New London County. Last year’s
sponsorship resulted in over 1800 low-income children throughout
New London County receiving warm winter boots for the holidays.
They are presently looking for donors to help meet an incredible need for new winter boots. If you would like to participate in
this worthwhile effort and live in Southern New London County
please call TVCCA at (860)425-6617or if you live in Northern New
London County please call Senior Resources at (860)887-3561.
You will then receive a letter with the first name, gender, age,
and boot size of a child. They will provide you with further instructions, including how to wrap the boots and information about dropoff sites. A monetary donation towards the purchase of new boots
is also welcome.
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