The Massabielle The Weekly Newsletter of St Bernadette’s Parish Community, Castle Hill, NSW November 1 & 2, 2014 - ALL SOULS’ DAY - Year A Issue Number 611 CATHOLICS PRAY FOR THE DEAD. IT’S WHAT CATHOLICS DO! I t was while Augustine was Bishop of Hippo that the Vandals laid siege to the walled episcopal city of Hippo in 430. This was the end of an era, the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. On 28 August 430, three months into the siege, St Augustine, who was 75 by this time, died. Rome could do nothing to give protection to this important outpost of its vast empire. The Vandals destroyed the city of Hippo leaving only the cathedral and Augustine’s library. Even though he lived a long time ago, many of his sermons and writings still survive. We know much about him because he wrote his Confessions in 397. His story is the most complete record of any single person from the 4th and 5th centuries. Saint Augustine was born in Thagaste, now Souk Ahras, Algeria. His mother, Monica was a devout Christian while his father, Patricius was a nonCatholic who converted to Christianity on his deathbed. He gained an insight into sin when he and his friends stole pears from a neighbour’s orchard. They didn’t really want this fruit or need it, yet under peer-pressure Augustine joined in this antisocial and illegal behaviour. Augustine was not yet baptised but, as a catechumen, was considered a Catholic. He left the Church to follow the Manichaean religion. He got in with the ‘wrong crowd’. They were young men who drank and boasted of their exploits with women. He lived de facto with a woman and, together they had a son called Adeodatus meaning ‘a gift from God’. Their sexual relationship lasted for thirteen years. When he moved to Milan, Augustine came under the influence of the local bishop, Ambrose. Both Augustine and his son, Adeodatus were baptised during the Easter Vigil in Milan cathedral in 387. In 391 Augustine was ordained a priest in Algeria and, in 395, was made coadjutor Bishop of Hippo, becoming the bishop of the diocese shortly after. He remained in Hippo until his death. Augustine came from a mixed marriage. He was weak and gave into peer-pressure from his friends in the area of sexual activity. He lusted after women. He left the Church. He had a son out of wedlock. He broke up with his de facto. He later became a priest. What a story! “Give me chastity”, he prayed, “but don’t give it to me yet”. St Augustine has much to teach us. His teaching on praying for the dead is of interest to us as we enter November, the month of the Holy Souls. St Augustine admonished his congregation one Sunday because, on the previous Sunday afternoon, many of them had taken a picnic lunch to the local cemetery. Eating and relaxing among the graves of their relatives was not the problem. Their sin was to overindulge in alcohol, eat too much food and carouse without restraint. They had forgotten what they were meant to be there for: genuine prayer for the dead. St Augustine was no wowser; he knew about the pleasures of the flesh in his past and he wasn’t against drinking, but now as bishop he taught moderation and restraint. The admonition tells us something about how fourth-century Christians in North Africa understood death. Firstly, they liked to visit the graves, somehow sensing that life had been transformed, not ended. Secondly, they felt at home amongst the dead; it was a good place to relax and share a picnic. Thirdly, their faith led them to pray for their dead, suggesting that there was still a connection between this world and the next. What lies behind these human and divine motives is the Incarnation. It is because God became man, the Word was made flesh, that St Augustine’s parishioners felt comfortable relaxing amongst the dead. The Incarnation establishes a deep connection with God through baptism. Our sins are washed away and we are gifted with the divine life dwelling within our souls. The way we relate to each other is based on God’s love for us and our love for God and neighbour. Thus, the dead and the living are of equal value in the sight of God. Therefore we remember the dead, celebrate their passing from death to light, and keep their memory alive in our hearts and in our prayer. The importance of St Augustine’s admonition to his parishioners in the late 300s is not that this bishop was doing what bishops usually do. Its importance lies in the fact that we have documentary evidence from that time that Catholics in North Africa were doing what Catholics around the world do today, that is, pray for the dead. This is our sacred heritage. It is our Catholic tradition. Throughout November the priests will pray for the dead whose names are inscribed in the Book of Life. This book will be on display on the sanctuary under the Paschal Candle. You, too are invited to leaf through the book and remember in prayer the names of deceased relatives, friends, parishioners and people for whom Masses will be offered. To have Masses said for the deceased, please take an envelope. Envelopes are found at the entrances to the church. Write the names of the deceased on the envelope and place the envelope on the collection plate, or give it to the priest, or put it into the parish office. From there the names will be typed up and eventually placed in the Book of Life. Please write legibly. O n Wednesday night a group of parishioners met in the parish hall to listen to a talk by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, author of Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church. At the suggestion of some parishioners I arranged the visit of Bishop Robinson to lead us in a discussion on the sexual abuse crises that has engulfed the Church in Ireland, the United States, Canada and Australia. The small group of parishioners present enabled us to talk with an openness about these matters. We shared stories and asked questions. I think we left the hall knowing more about the issue than when we arrived. B ishop Anthony Fisher’s Farewell-fromthe-Diocese Mass is to be celebrated in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta this Wednesday night at 7.30pm. The young people will be farewelling the new Archbishopelect with a Mass at Blacktown at 11.30am on Saturday. Parishioners are invited to attend both functions. Father John LITURGY CORNER The last section of today’s Gospel (Matt 11:25-30): Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened …, is well known and loved. Many of us find comfort and support from knowing Jesus invites us to come when we are in trouble (anytime at all, really). No doubt when he spoke these words his listeners were comforted and encouraged as they (those who were responding to Jesus’ love) were being ostracised by other Jews. This reading also supports those who are mourning (and we are celebrating All Souls Day) because Jesus goes on to say: you will find rest for your souls. Today’s Readings First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9. A consoling vision of salvation, when death will be destroyed forever. Second Reading: Romans 5:5-11. God’s love for us is demonstrated in Christ’s death on the cross. Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30. God mysteries of the kingdom to children. reveals the Next Week: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - A Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1 Cor 3:9-11,16-17; John 2:13-22. Feast Day this Week Tuesday 4 November - St Charles Borromeo HOLY HOUR WITH BENEDICTION this Thursday from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, prayers, hymns and scripture reading. All welcome. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION this Friday following 6.45am Mass until 9.15 and following 9.15 Mass until 11.45am. FIRST FRIDAY MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK will take place this Friday, 7th November at 12 noon followed by a light lunch in the Marian Centre. All welcome. If you can help with transport or by providing sandwiches it would be greatly appreciated. Contact Maureen Fearnside on 9634 3329. REPARATION PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays in the Parish Office Basement from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Rosary and a cuppa. All welcome. ASYLUM SEEKERS often come here with only what they can carry, trusting in the generosity and good will of Australians to help them to settle into their new country. If Refugee Status is granted, they will settle into life in Australia but they need help with understanding English, accessing public transport, shopping, and understanding Australian laws, values and culture. You can make them feel welcome and assist them in a practical way by becoming a Volunteer Mentor. Full training and support will be provided through Marist Youth Care, 36 – 38 First Avenue (Corner Boys Ave) Blacktown on Tuesday, 18 November from 7pm to 9pm. For more information or to book a place contact: Janice Williams on 9672 9210 or NOVEMBER MASSES Parishioners are invited to write the names of deceased relatives and friends on an envelope which is handed to the priest or placed on the collection plate or given in to the parish office. From there the names are typed up and placed in the “Book of Life”. Parishioners are welcome to browse through the Book, placed on a temporary altar (to the right of the main altar), looking at the names, and remembering to say a prayer for those whose names are in the Book. Masses will be offered for these people who have gone before us during the month of November. DIOCESAN WORKS FUND APPEAL: Thank you to all who gave so generously to the DWF Appeal last weekend. For those who may have missed the Appeal, envelopes are still available in the church foyer. All donations are tax deductible. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015: A Reminder to parish families who would like their child to commence preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, that you need to contact the parish office to book an appointment to meet with Fr John Boyle. Enrolments will be finalised following our ‘Presentation to the Parish’ at all masses on the weekend of 16th November. Please ensure you have met with Fr John before then. For more information contact Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator, on 9634 2622 (Mon & Tue) or PROPOSED CATHOLIC CEMETERY AT KENTHURST: St Madeleines Parish is undergoing research to test the viability of a proposed Catholic Cemetery to be developed alongside their new church and are seeking the feedback from Catholic parishioners in surrounding areas. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey online and have your say. If you can please complete the survey as soon as possible at (this website differs from that in previous bulletins). POSITION VACANT: Office Administrator St Margaret Mary’s Parish, Merrylands is seeking an Office Administrator to join their parish team. For further information please contact Fr. Damian Mosakowski, osppe, Parish Administrator on 9637 2526 or visit the Diocesan website to download the position description. Applications close 14th November. A LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY What: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Where: The Marian Centre When: Wednesday evenings from 7.30 - 9pm. For Whom: Anyone who is considering what it means to be a Catholic Christian and may want to join the Catholic faith community. Please contact Sr Judy - Parish Office on 9634 2622. COLUMBAN CALENDARS ARE NOW ON SALE FROM THE BOOKSHOP FOR $10 EACH. VINNIES CHRISTMAS CARDS ON SALE FOR $7 PER PACKET The sale of these products support the works of the St Vincent de Paul Society Leading Teens Closer To Christ Youth & Young Adults Ministry Into LIFE Friday for years 6-8: It’s JPII is the best guy around. Find out why at Into Life this week! In the parish hall 7-8.30pm. Don't forget your $2 donation! Life NIGHT tonight: Special guests galore and Sr Rosie returns. You don't want to miss this awesome night. Don't forget your $2 donation! Have ideas for new works and ministries? Please contact James Hay. More information? Please contact James Hay on 0403 933 732, Twitter: @StBernadettesYM, Instagram: StBernadetteYouth or ADVENT FESTIVAL OF READINGS & SONGS at Mount St Benedict Centre Chapel, 449D Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills on Sunday 30th November. 3.30pm afternoon tea, 4.30-5.30pm Advent Festival. Bookings essential: or 9484 6208. ST PHILOMENA ASSOCIATION MASS at St John Vianney Church, 17 Cameron Street, Doonside next Saturday 8th November. Mass at noon with Confession from 11.30am. Please bring a snack to share. RSVP Elizabeth on 0423 154 463 or RECOLLECTION AND PRAYER DAY for Nurses, Doctors, Allied Health Workers, Carers and all who care for the sick, at Sacred Heart Parish Westmead on Saturday 22 November from 10 am. – 3 pm (parish Mass at 9.00am). Suggested donation $10. BYO Lunch. Morning Tea, tea & coffee provided. The day will consist of a keynote address, discussions, prayer times, quiet time, group sharing and a closing liturgy, reconciliation available. The aim is for those in the caring professions to have a time of prayer and recollection and be renewed in their professional calling. For enquiries please contact Michelle 47343150 b/h or OLMC MERCY SCHOLARSHIPS: Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta is now accepting applications for Mercy Scholarships for Academic Excellence and Music Excellence. Girls entering Years 7, 9 or 11 in 2016 are invited to apply. Visit the College website for more information. MEN ALIVE - AN AFTERNOON EVENT FOR FATHERS from 1.30 to 4pm on Saturday 29th November at St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Parramatta. Topic is The Critical Importance of Fathering and includes a discussion on the importance of the role of Fathers and Grandfathers. Rsvp to Ben Smith on 8838 3440 or Have you considered leaving a gift to the parish in your will? If you would like further information please phone 9634 2622 for a confidential discussion. St Bernadette’s Parish Community Parish House, 367 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Telephone 9634 2622 Fax 9899 3511 Email: Web page: Parish Staff Mass Times for this Week Fr John Boyle, Parish Priest Sunday Sat 6.00pm Fr Eugene Szondi, Assistant Priest Sun 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & Fr Michael Gathuku 6.00pm Parish LIFE TEEN Youth Mass Sr Judy McLeod, rsm, Pastoral Associate Weekdays Mon 6.45am Mrs Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator Tue 6.45am Mr James Hay, Youth Minister Wed 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Frances Gallagher, Office Manager Thurs 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Monica Rubic, Parish Secretary (Finance: Mon-Thu) First Fri 6.45am, 9.15 am, 12 noon Mr Darren Edwards, Maintenance Sat 8.00 am Reconciliation Sat 8.30am - 9.00am, 4.30pm - 5.30pm Mass on Public Holidays at 8.00am Baptisms and Marriages: By appointment only. Contact the Parish Office. Please note the Church law: Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptised in the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it. [Can. 867 §1] St Bernadette’s Parish School: Mrs Leanne Nettleton (Principal) 9634 2898 Acting Parish Council Administrator: Peter Grace 9659 5350 Sacramental Programme 2016 Information Nights - 12th & 13th October, 2015 Please pray for Jonathan Blacklock, Jean Atkinson and Ivan Mikulich who have died recently and for the anniversaries of Clara Aguilar, Eileen Markham and Darryl Blazey. Prayers for the Sick: Patrick Bowie, John Mulholland, Robert Ison, Elaine Rowe, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Sandra Watson, Greta Meier, Robert Teoh, Victoria Gatt, Peter Yao, Archer Kemmis, Joe Rego, Sophie Maher, Dorothy Barbour, Evelin Lockley, Jan Heyworth and Avelina Ecarma. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND - 8 & 9 November, 2014 ACOLYTES/ SERVERS LECTORS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Zeno Hong, Vince Connelly S8 Douglas Carvalho Tony Calabria Felicity Carvalho Williams Family, Annarita Mezger, Sabrina Lobo, Maureen & Ray Scully, Connie Tierney, Helen Wintle, Rebecca/David Cushway, Delphine Fernandes 7.30AM Budi Kawiadji, Roque Dias S9 Lisa/Geoffrey Kemmis Patricia Bright Robert Ash Rose & Peter Huby, Gerard & Geraldine Kearney, Sarah Markowskei, Joyan Fife 9.00AM Edy Kesuma, Dennis Frketic S1 Trevor O’Shea Brian Blacklock Joanne O’Shea David/Bettina Green, Sally Healey, Healey Family, John & Lois Donnelly, Aida Pereira, Lena Madry, Brian & Katrina Fitzalan 10.30AM John Maker, Joseph Frketic S2 Tony Smith Jan Crawford John Rajkumar Rosemary Roco, Coney Lau, Roslyn Knezevic, Sandra Merhi, Joanna Frketic, Hilary Fong, Elizabeth & Jiji Joseph, Dawn Wickramasinghe VIGIL 6.00PM PARISH LIFE TEEN YOUTH MASS MINISTRY ROSTER - 9 November Adult Server Nick Holden Altar Servers S3 Lectors Josh Chaney Leanne Pak Natalie Jones Projectionist Andrew Tchang Singers Musos Piano Bass Alice Bradshaw Anthony Healey Guitar Drums Horns Jordan Tulinsky Sara Ang, Jamie Irawan Alyssa Tchang Adam Chioatto Jason Irawan Jolene Chu Rachel Chua Lauren Fernandez CHILDREN’S LITURGY Vicki Ford Lisa Biasucci Bernadette Logue, Marjorie Anderson, Robyn Morgan, Kate Cowper CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING COUNTING (2nd Collection) Rex Smith, Jeff Cronan, Erika Druzine, Siew Elsden, Tony Virgona FLOWER ROSTER COUNTING (1st Collection) BOOKSHOP Maureen Fearnside / Catherine Seddon / Falentina Young / Crystal Good / Leah Bonifacio Olivia Cheng John Faehrmann Len Goldsworthy
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