SUNDAY: 02 NOVEMBER: THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) MUSIC NOTE: The parish chorister program will begin rehearsals on Monday, November 3rd, at 3:30 p.m. in church. It is not too late to sign up for the program, simply attend the first rehearsal. Thanks to the parents and children who have signed up for this addition to our parish music program. A schedule of rehearsal dates and sung liturgies will be posted to the parish website in the near future. INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER: • Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. • Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and wellformed mentors. SACRED HEART IMAGE Mr. Waven Boone’s drawing of the Sacred Heart is available to order through the Sacred Heart Development Office with all proceeds benefitting the Sacred Heart School Foundation. Mr. Boone has given Sacred Heart the copyright to this exquisite drawing. Michelle Morein (SHS Class Women’s Day of Recollection of 1979) of Sacred Treasures is reproducing the November 22, 2014, drawing on Canvas, Slate, Tins, and Linens. It is only 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. available for purchase through the Sacred Heart Retreat Director: Fr. Mitchell Guidry Development Office. If you would like to place Our Lady Queen of All Saints Family an order or would like to view the Sacred Heart Life Center drawing on any of the items, please contact the Development Office at 337-363-8050. To register, contact Letitia Payton at, Small Slate $18.00 Flour Sack Kitchen Towel $10.00 337-308-9120 or 363-5167 before Medium Slate $ 24.00 White or Ecru Tea Towels $10.00 5x7 Canvas $20.00 Muslin Bags $6.00 November 17, 2014. Registration 8x10 Canvas $ 30.00 fee: $20, includes lunch The Spirituality of Christian Women, NECROLOGY: According to St. Teresa Benedicta of Please remember the souls of these departed Priests, Deacons, Bishops, and the Cross (Edith Stein) other religious who have served our Diocese: Thursday, Nov. 6: Rev. Harry van Tiel (+1978), Rev. Peter van Tiel (+1978), Friday, Nov. 7: Rev. Joseph Eugene Legros (+1977), Sunday, Nov. 9: Rev. Eugene H. Derivas (+1928) PRAYERS FOR OUR Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis. DIOCESAN PRIESTS: Each day, please remember the following Priests in prayer: Monday, Nov. 3: Bishop Michael Jarrell, Tuesday, Nov. 4: Rev. George Simon, Wednesday, Nov. 5: Rev. Jody Simoneaux, Thursday, Nov. 6: Rev. Cedric Sonnier, Friday, Nov. 7: Rev. Come and See.. Joseph Stemmann, Saturday, Nov. 8: Saint Joseph’s Seminary College Vocations Weekend Retreat Rev. Michael Sucharski, SVD, Sunday, November 7-9, 2014 Nov. 9: Rev. Jared Suire Thought about the priesthood lately? Been on your mind a lot? Come Eternal Father, we lift up to You and see what God has to say about it. This weekend is about how to these and all the priests of the world. discern God’s call for your life. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your No cost to you. Transportation provided from Lafayette. Meals provided, beds provided, prayer provided. Men 16 years and older. Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. Contact Fr. Kevin Bordelon to reserve your spot today. Call (337) 261May their lives be pleasing to You. In 5690 or email Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. SUNDAY: 02 NOVEMBER: THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) FROM THE PASTOR “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1 Mes chers amis, As the time changes and the darkness comes a little earlier, the Church nears the end of her liturgical year. During these days, we observe the annual feasts of All Saints and All Souls. On Saturday, we contemplate the Saints in glory who have achieved the victory of faith and now live forever with the Lord. They show that the noble calling Christ gives to all of us to be saints is possible to achieve! What St. Paul said while on earth (which we hear in today’s second reading), is equally true for him and the other saints in Heaven: “We always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him.” May their prayers help us to be worthy of the calling we have received and, through God’s grace, bring it to fulfillment in our lives! And today, on Sunday, the Church ponders anew the mystery of death that every human person will one day share in. But we do so with the hope given by Christ Jesus who has conquered death and opened the way to Eternal Life. We remember our loved ones who have died in Christ and pray that they be brought to the fullness of His glory in Heaven if they are still experiencing His purifying mercy in Purgatory. The great French Creole and Cajun tradition of cleaning, painting, and readying tombs for All Souls Day expresses our communion with the faithful departed. We hold their memory dear, and with our prayers, bring them to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As we ponder the Church Triumphant on the feast of All Saints and the Church Suffering on the feast of All Souls, we are reminded that we belong to the Church Militant and must continue the battle against sin in our personal lives and in the world. It is a difficult battle. None of the Saints deny this. But what they show us is that Christ’s grace is all-powerful, and if we are filled with His life, striving for holiness, the victory will be ours! For our departed brothers and sisters, we pray: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. To Our Lady and all the Saints, we pray: Pray for us, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen! Dans le Sacré Cœur du Christ, Fr. Vidrine READINGS FOR THE WEEK READINGS FOR THE WEEK: MONDAY, Nov 3: Phil 2:1-4, Lk 14:12-14, TUESDAY, Nov 4: Phil 2:5-11, Lk 14:15-24, WEDNESDAY, Nov 5: Phil 2: 12-18, Lk 14:25-33, THURSDAY, Nov 6: Phil 3:38a, Lk 15: 1-10, FRIDAY, Nov 7:Phil 3:17—4:1, Lk 16:1-8 SATURDAY, Nov. 8: Phil 4:10-19, Lk 16:9-15 ALL SOULS DAY 2014 SCHEDULE OF CEMETERY VISITS: NOTE: The feast of All Saints is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Cemetery Visits Saturday, Nov. 1st 12:00pm Evangeline Memorial after 4pm Mass Belaire Cove 5:15 p.m. Gate of Heaven 5:30pm Old VP Cemetery Sunday, Nov. 2nd after 8:30am Mass St. Joseph after 10am Mass Sacred Heart 12:30pm Tate Cove 1:30 p.m. Tee Mamou 3 p.m. Platin St. Joseph Catholic Church is sponsoring a pie sale on Friday, November 7, and Saturday, November 8, 2014. Sweet potato pies, peach pies, and blackberry pies large ($7.00) and small ($2.00) are being sold. The sale is from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. both days. Pies may be picked up from St. Joseph Church Hall, 1109 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. at these times. Call Mrs. Carrie Deville (337) 363-4885 or Sister Rita at (337) 506-2400 to place your orders. We are now accepting names for the 2015 All Souls List. Envelopes are available in church or at the parish office. Please return envelopes with your donation to the parish office or in the weekend collection by November 23, 2014. PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Aubrey Catoire, Mike Coulon, Michael Fontenot, Donald McDaniel, Carrie Saucier, William Theriot, Sr., and Eldridge Vidrine. STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCES SACRED HEART: $5,414.34 2ND COLLECTION (CEMETERY) $1,612.00 TOTAL: $7,026.34 BELAIRE COVE: $334.00 2ND COLLECTION $89.00 TOTAL: $423.00 Thank you for your support and generosity! Advertiser of the Week May we suggest that you regularly flip over the back page of our bulletin and check our sponsors and advertisers. Through their generosity, our bulletin is made possible. We would like to express our thanks to them for their ongoing support. SUNDAY: 02 NOVEMBER: THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 8 & 9 November 4 p.m. (BC) Layton May 4 p.m. (SH) Rivers Lanclos 7 a.m. Laura Manuel 10 a.m Tre & Dreu Fontenot, Seth Menard 5 p.m. The Bellows READERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 8 & 9 November 4 p.m. (BC) Stephanie Wedlock 4 p.m. (SH) Patsy Veillon 7 a.m.Eva Guillory 10 a.m.Chris Soileau 5 p.m.Dennis Fontenot EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE WEEKEND OF 8 & 9 November 4 p.m. (BC) Rita Fontenot 4 p.m. (SH) Elaine Sonnier, Verna Guillory 7 a.m. Perry & Bonnie Meche 10 a.m. Luke & Tanya Guillory 5 p.m. Larry & Sherry Vidrine ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEK OF 3 November - 7 November Mon. Nov. 3, 6:30 a.m. Tre & Dreu Fontenot Tues. Nov. 4, 6:30 a.m. Wed. Nov. 5, 6:30 a.m. Thur. Nov. 6, 6:30 a.m. Megan Donovan Fri. Nov. 7, 6:30 a.m. Rivers Lanclos Sacred Heart School Foundation Donations The Sacred Heart School Foundation plays a major role in the procurement of funds to ensure the continued financial stability of Sacred Heart School and is designed as a safety net for the school. The proceeds from the SHS Foundation endowment fund are exclusively for Sacred Heart of Ville Platte. It is a non-profit, charitable corporation that is not subject to parish or diocesan control. The principal is never spent. It is invested to generate earnings to be disbursed to the school. Any monetary gift is a fitting way to remember or honor a loved one. All gifts are fully tax deductible. Cards acknowledging the gifts are sent to the honored or the next of kin of the deceased with no amounts mentioned. Donation forms are available at the parish office or at the Development Office at Sacred Heart High School. You may also give online by clicking on the link, Network for Good, located under Foundation on the website. Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign A pro-life fundraising campaign will be held next weekend, November 8 & 9, 2014, to benefit our local pregnancy resource center and the operation of a maternity home for homeless, pregnant women. ALL OF THE SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE. Together, they will provide pregnancy testing, counseling, ultrasound imaging, STD and abstinence education, shelter, food, and other services to pregnant women in need. Baby bottles will be available after all Masses and may be returned the following weekend with a donation. Please be generous to this worthwhile cause. You may also choose to honor a friend or loved one with a monetary gift to the local pregnancy resource center. The donor simply provides the name and address of the person being honored (living or deceased and/or birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and the center will mail a beautiful honor card to that person with your name as the person honoring them. SUNDAY: 02 NOVEMBER: THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) INTENTIONS FOR HOLY MASS SATURDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 2014 4 p.m. BC: ALEX REED, SAM MATTE, & MARK KRASNOFF Also remembered in prayer: : Mr. & Mrs. David Fontenot & Family, Wade & Rita Fontenot, Andrew Fontenot, Patricia Vidrine, Juanita Sonnier, Shawn Sonnier, Mr. & Mrs. Cieus Fontenot, Melba Sonnier, Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Sonnier, Karen Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Guillory, Mr. &Mrs. Raphael Lafleur, Armide Soileau, Janet Deville, Wayne Perrodin, Morel & Eva Lou Perrodin, Melvin & Ella Dupre, Vernel J. Fontenot, Gaynor Soileau, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Briley & Family, Paula Sylvester, Beryl McDaniel, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Fontenot, Mr. & Mrs. Homer Fontenot, Laberta Lafleur, Estelle Fontenot, Mr.& Mrs. Clayton Fontenot & Family 4 p.m. SH: SOULS IN PURGATORY Also remembered in prayer: Nellie & Delta Doucet, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse “Calo” Soileau, Ewell Lafleur Family, Lionel & Ollie Ardoin, Mr. & Mrs. Willie Ardoin, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sylvester, Bonnie S. Manuel, Rowell Duos, Gerald Attales, Lawrence Attales, Nazel Vidrine, Morris Vidrine, Clarence & Bernice Ardoin, Audrey Guillory, Calvin & Essie Fontenot, Richard Fontenot, Dewy Fontenot, Mr. & Mrs. Morel Perrodin, Jason Aguillard, Terry Guillory, Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Dupre, Ted Anthony Ardoin (15th Anniversary), Lourie Ardoin Arnaud, Emma Joy Ardoin Long, Mrs. Thelma F. Ortego, Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Soileau & Family, Bruce & Geraldine Soileau, Special Intention, Floyd Dupre, Joe & Marjorie Ardoin, Elvin Lafleur, Icie Lafleur, Stacie Lafleur, Arville & Hattie Lafleur, James A. Reed, Sr. and the deceased members of his family, Warren, Irene & Tammy Lafleur, Henry Ortego, Jade Pitre, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Roberie, Collins & Corbett Roberie, Mr. & Mrs. Williams Waltens, Lee Ray Guillory, Percy & Hazel Sylvester, Henry & Louisa Fontenot, Euwell & Bernice Fontenot, Hubert & Runie Fontenot SUNDAY, 2 NOVEMBER 2014 7 a.m.: GERALD ORTEGO, MR. & MRS. CURLEY C. ORTEGO, MR. & MRS. FABUSE ORTEGO Also remembered in prayer: Betty Faye Lejeune, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Vidrine & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eraste G. Fontenot, Rita Keller 10 a.m.: ALL SOULS LIST Also remembered in prayer: Alex Reed, Sam Matte, Mark We will begin taking Mass intentions for the year 2015 on Friday, November 7, 2014. Mass intentions must be done in person at the parish office or by mail (send a list of your intentions and the dates and times with your payment to the parish office). Intentions cannot be taken over the phone. Mass intentions are $5 per Mass and five names may be added per intention. Into the Wild! Men, do you want to experience God in a profoundly masculine way? Want to keep a young man’s interests engaged for four full days? Consider then The King’s Men’s dynamic Into the Wild outdoor experiential retreat coming to Chicot State Park November 13-16, 2014. The weekend includes Eucharistic Adoration, daily Mass & rosary, orienteering, archery, fishing, hiking, brotherhood, bonfires & much more! Visit to learn more and register for the retreat. For info please contact Mark at or call (267) 980-5507 Krasnoff, Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Soileau, Lyndon Soileau, Gloria Ardoin, Gussie & Helen Ortego, Hubert & Kate Lemoine, Sally Duplechin, Ardinia P. Prejean, Prieto Family, Prejean Family, Joseph M. Fontenot Family, Mr. & Mrs. Homer Ardoin & Family, Leo R. Soileau, Ollie Pitre (2nd Anniversary), Raoul Pitre, Jerry Wayne Fontenot, Agnes Vidrine, Rowena Pitre, Elby Fontenot and deceased family, Mr. & Mrs. Rivers Lavergne, Percy David, Mr. & Mrs. Moise McCauley, Lelma Guillory Lafosse. 5 p.m.: GARIC L. LATOUR Also remembered in prayer: : Jennings Tate, Roderick J. Fontenot, Nelton Fontenot, Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Shuff, Chad J. Ortego, J.Y. & Elva Soileau, Dwaine Soileau, James Ortego, Elvin & Icie Lafleur, Stacie Lafleur, Arville & Hattie Lafleur, Rena F. Ortego MONDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2014 6:30 a.m.: CHESTER SMITH FAMILY, NASEN FONTENOT FAMILY Also remembered in prayer: Woodrow & Mavis Vidrine (wedding anniversary), Brian Vidrine TUESDAY, 4 NOVEMBER 2014 6:30 a.m.: L. J. ARCHER (52ND ANNIVERSARY) WEDNESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2014 6:30 a.m.: HARVEY LEBAS FAMILY Also remembered in prayer: Woodrow Vidrine (Birthday) THURSDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 2014 6:30 a.m.: ANTHONY REED Also remembered in prayer: Rita Keller, Preston Bourgeois (Birthday) FRIDAY, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 6:30 a.m.: SOULS IN PURGATORY Also remembered in prayer: Craig M. Fontenot, Douglas & Irene Fontenot, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Trahan, Cavolyn Tate, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Fontenot, Bruce & Geraldine Soileau, Theo Fontenot, Hilda Lafleur 8:10 a.m.: C. L. Attaway (32nd Anniversary), Curtis, Inez & Ursula Attaway, Alexis & Rose Demoruelle, Thomas & Mary Reed SATURDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 2014 8 a.m.: J. NEWMAN, EMMA FONTENOT Cemetery Note: As we make our annual visits to the cemetery to clean and tidy-up the graves of our loved ones in anticipation of All Souls Day, please remember that according to the newly enacted cemetery policy that graves may be painted in our cemeteries, but they are to be painted white. If you have marble or granite graves then please follow the manufactures instructions for the upkeep of them. The policy also specifically states that no trinkets, memorabilia, or other items be placed on the graves or around the graves. These items can cause damage to surrounding graves if they come unfastened. The cemetery authority does reserve the right to have these removed. Another point that has been brought to the attention of the cemetery authority is the use of weed killer in the cemeteries. The upkeep of the cemetery of the ground of the cemetery is provided by the church parish. The lawn crews will clean around the graves, so please do not apply weed killer. This will eventually cause issues of soil erosion. Please see the schedule for the Visits to the Cemeteries.
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