Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine November 2014 Delivered to every home in Wickham Bishops by St Bartholomew’s Church www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk 2 Welcome to the November edition of the Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine. Last month the community were invited to contribute articles to the magazine and the results have been heartening! Thank you so much. As there is unfortunately not enough space available in the magazine with our regular contributors, the articles will be posted on the St Bartholomew's website: www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk Scroll down the webpage to the bottom to “Parish Magazine” and click on “More articles”. Here is the link : http://www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk/homepage/magazine/more-articles We have had a number of responses about Kate Luard and her sisters who lived at Abbotts in Church Road and we will be posting an article under “More Articles”. Parish Contacts Priest in Charge Vacancy Ian Forward Churchwarden Dorothy Kerr Churchwarden Sally Forward Magazine Editor Kath Adkins Church Hall Bookings Contact Churchwardens (see below) 8 Prince of Wales Road 07778-449842 Great Totham CM9 8PX ikforward1@yahoo.co.uk 5 Byron Drive, 01621-892102 Wickham Bishops CM8 3ND 8 Prince of Wales Road 01621-892202 Great Totham, CM9 8PX magazine@churchinwickhambishops.org kathrynadkins@btconnect.com 01621-891143 Photographs on the opposite page are of Margaret Cottiss’ 100th birthday party celebrated in the Church Hall with family and friends,. Many thanks to Christopher Macey for the photos. For further details on Macey Photography visit www.maceyphography.co.uk Email maceyphotography@me.com or Tel:07594384307 3 Services for November SUNDAY 2 8.00 am 10.30 am 4.00pm 6.30 pm All Saints and All Souls Holy Communion Parish Eucharist for All Saints Messy Church Memorial Service for All Souls WEDNESDAY 5 10.00 am Holy Communion (Reserved Sacrament) SUNDAY 9 8.00 am 10.30 am 2.30 pm Remembrance Sunday Holy Communion Parish Eucharist with 2 minutes silence at 11.00 am. This service has a Sunday School. Service at War Memorial SUNDAY 16 8.00 am No service 9.00am Eucharist at Lt Braxted 10.30 am All Age Worship in Church Hall WEDNESDAY 19 10.00 am Holy Communion at Braxted Place Chapel (Reserved Sacrament) SUNDAY 23 Christ the King 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 10.30 am Parish Eucharist with Sunday School. Parish Register Baptisms October 12 Grace Rose Kenneally Marriages September 20 Thomas Steven Gerald Wood and Laura Jane Wilson 4 A message from Dorothy Kerr, Churchwarden Dear Friends I suspect that our main ‘Church News’ this month has already found its way round the village….but just in case it hasn’t, I am delighted to tell you that we have appointed a new priest. She is the Rev. Hilary Le Seve, married to teacher John, with two grown-up children. She has a very warm personality, clearly a committed Christian (No. 1 criterion!) and comes with excellent recommendations. Both Ian and I are sure we have made the right choice and I know you will all extend the hand of welcome to them. The post here in Wickham Bishops and Little Braxted is part time (50%), with the other 50% being the Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands, working with candidates for the priesthood and discerning their calling - a very important role indeed. We expect Rev. Hilary to move to Wickham Bishops early in the New Year, and we will let you know when the service of Installation and Induction is planned. With the clocks changing an hour and the days shortening it really feels that we are descending into winter. I really do not understand how, but the older one gets ,the faster time goes….how quickly this year seems to have gone. The 1st of November is, of course, All Saints’ Day and we shall be keeping this festival during the morning Eucharist on Sunday 2nd November. The 2nd is actually All Souls’ Day when the Church remembers the vast sea of the faithful departed (‘ordinary’ Christians, but extraordinary and very special individuals to you and me). We shall remember our loved ones by name in our special service at 6.30 pm that day. Everyone is welcome to this service where you can light a candle to remember a loved one. (Contd.) 5 The season of Remembrance continues the following week with Remembrance Sunday (9th) both in church at 10.30am and at the War Memorial at 2.30pm, when we remember and give thanks for the many thousands of soldiers who gave their lives in the two World Wars, and later conflicts. We continue to pray for a peaceful solution, without bloodshed, in the Middle East. And before we know it, it will be Advent Sunday, and the whole cycle of the Church’s year begins once more! …What did I say about time? My best wishes to you all, Dorothy Kerr, Churchwarden INVITATION TO COMMUNITY EXHIBITION Great Totham School is holding a display of work done by the pupils of all ages to commemorate the start of WWI leading up to Remembrance Sunday. This will be held on Friday 7 November from 2.00 – 5.00pm at the school in Walden House Road. It is anticipated that the range of subjects covered will include life in Britain in 1914, names on the War Memorial and the Christmas football matches. The children will also create their own ‘poppy installation’ and visitors are invited to make their own to add after the exhibition. This should prove very interesting and Miss Vass warmly invites you to take the opportunity to see the children’s work and talk to them about their research. Refreshments will be provided in partnership with Wickham Bishops Parish Council. A set of keys were found on 2nd October in the grass alongside the tennis courts. If you think these might be yours, please phone 01621-892913. 6 A plea for my disabled daughter We have a 9 year old daughter who as a result of meningitis as a baby now has widespread brain damage, as well as development delays, learning difficulties and epilepsy. Ellie is terrified of fireworks and even the slightest sound of one sends her spiralling into weeks, sometimes months, of trauma. Needless to say this causes our 11 year old son and 3 year old daughter, as well as our lives, to be turned upside down. I wish you all a really happy time around fireworks season and I know how much fun and excitement it brings to lots of people but not for our Ellie. I am pleading as a mother and fellow resident of Wickham Bishops if you could just let me know either via email or phone when you plan to have fireworks. I can then shut the curtains and turn the music up and party in the front room with her, so she is none the wiser. I would be more grateful than you can ever imagine. Thank you in anticipation of kindness and thought for our special girl. Sarah Sutton—email sarah28sutton@gmail.com or Tel. 07956-933473 Youth Club We are pleased to announce that St Bartholomew’s have recruited a Youth Club Leader to run the Community Youth Club every fortnight in the Church Hall. The Youth Club is for 10 to 14 year olds and is from 6pm to 7.30pm. Activities include games, X Box, tuck shop, trips and more. Subscription £2 per week. If you have a child wishing to join, please request a registration form from Kate Farr, our new Youth Club Leader by email at youth@churchinwickhambishops.org.uk. Forthcoming themes include: 31st October—Light Party (an alternative to Halloween) 14th November—Movie Night 28th November—Christmas Activities 13th December—Christmas Party 7 WICKHAM BISHOPS W.I. Our September meeting began with a talk entitled “My life with a stammer” given by Mr. Ray Worcester. Ray was diagnosed with a stammer at the age of 3 and had various treatments similar to George Vl as portrayed in the film “The King’s Speech”, marbles in the mouth, speaking with control, tapping out the words, relaxation and speech therapy. Stammerers do not have a problem speaking but suffer from a fear of speaking. At the age of 52 Ray entered a new programme which included specific breathing, not hurrying speech and thinking about what to say and from his presentation it had obviously worked as he only stammered occasionally. Members were delighted that Margaret Cottiss and her daughter were able to join us at teatime in what has been a busy week of celebrations for her 100th birthday. Our president Jane Dewsnap presented her with a bouquet of flowers and a card and members sang Happy Birthday. What a wonderful lady! At our November meeting the speaker will be Mr. Kenneth Lodge with a talk entitled “All the world is a stage”. There will also be a “Dutch Auction” which is usually a lot of fun. We are always pleased to welcome visitors and new members, for more information please ring Sylvia Dennison on 01621 891235. Wickham Bishops Flower Club Wickham Bishops Flower Club will be holding their Christmas Open Evening on Tuesday 25th November and would be pleased to see all members and friends to enjoy this evening. It will be held in Great Totham Village Hall from 7pm and the evening will commence with a light supper accompanied by soft drink. Sandra Price, a well known demonstrator, will offer her interpretation of ‘CHRISTMAS GREETINGS’ and is sure to have some beautiful flowers and baubles to illustrate her work. Tickets can be obtained from Mrs Joan Tatum, telephone 01621 892550, priced at £12.00 for members and £14.00 for guests. Why not come along and enjoy a night out locally with friends? WICKHAM BISHOPS ART GROUP We are looking for new members to join us in January. We meet on Wednesdays from 2 pm - 4 pm at St. Bartholomew’s Church Hall and are a friendly, informal group with varying abilities. Please contact Jenny on 01621 891246 or Rita on 01621 891130. We look forward to hearing from you. 8 Come and join us at St Bartholomew's Church Hall and MESS!! For families and children of all ages. Everyone welcome – just come along - we'd love to see you! Held on the first Sunday of the month from 4.00pm to 5.30pm For more details contact Rebecca Johnson on 07983 913975 or email: messy_church@churchinwickhambishops.org.uk • Next meetings: • Sunday 2nd November Messy/Christingle on Sunday 7th December at 4pm in the church with crafts in the hall. 9 A Plea for Books ...... We require donations of books for our Bumper Book Sale at the Church Christmas Market on Saturday 22nd November. The books should fall into the following categories: Fiction Non-technical Children’s Biographies Please deliver books to the Welcome Area at St Bartholomew’s Church on the right hand side at the rear of the church and place on or under the pews. For further information please contact Kath Adkins on 891143 or Dorothy Kerr on 892102. I would like to express my thanks for all the many cards and greetings I received on the occasion of my 100th Birthday, from my church friends and the different groups I attend as well as from all my other friends in the village. Margaret Cottiss Over 60’s Our October meeting was our fundraising event. Janet and Eileen had stalls as did Jean who is the daughter of one of our members. The Competition this month was for anything based on the letter ‘T’, with the winner and two runners-up each receiving points to be added to their total for the trophy which will be presented at our Annual Dinner to be held later this month. The afternoon ended with two games of ‘Hoy’ and, of course, the raffle and tea and cakes. Names were taken for two outings in October and November. Mrs Chris Rust, Community Officer and Ali Burlington, Safety Officer, both from Maldon District Council were our speakers in September. They invited members to a Fish and Chip Supper, to be held at the Plume School on Halloween. This is always a popular evening. Win Lawrence 10 After-eight Social Club PUT YOUR GLAD RAGS ON AND… DANCE Dance the night away! Maldon Town Hall dancing to DJ Barry Hayes SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER - Doors open 8.00pm Admission: Members £6 - Non Members £8.00 No bar – bring your own drinks & nibbles! Everyone Welcome! For further information call Mike on 01621 856219 www.aftereightsocialclub.co.uk All Souls’ Day On November 2nd at 6.30pm there will be a Memorial Service at St Bartholomew's Church at which we will remember by name all those who have died in the last year as well as those that have been requested. Those who have been bereaved during the last year will be invited to light a candle during the service. At the end of the service there will be an opportunity for us all to light a candle in memory of our loved ones. There will be refreshments following the service to which we hope you will stay. In the weeks prior to this service there will be a list available in church to write names of those we wish to remember. If you are not able to get to church to do this please ring Mary on 01621 817270 or email maryrothero @gmx.com 11 Great Totham Women's Institute In September Amanda Sutherland told us about her background and training, giving a fascinating insight into the world of fashion design, costume and theatre. This very creative woman never seemed to have drawn breath, working on costume in opera, ballet and sci-fi dramas, then in bridal wear design and at Angel Costumiers. She is now running her own business with a market stall, website and workshops. Members flocked round her display of jewellery made from recycled drink-cans, men's ties refashioned as decorative cravats and sumptuous bands on felt hats, fascinators made from melted milk cartons and the like. At the November meeting Tim Sheppard will be telling us about the work of the RNLI. The competition is for something silver, maybe frosty? Why not visit us: meetings are held at Great Totham Village Hall at 8.00 pm on the second Thursday of the month. For more information contact us by email at greattothamwi@btinternet.com CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS St Bartholomew’s Church would like to invite all local groups, companies and businesses to design and make a decoration to be displayed on the Christmas Tree in St Bartholomew’s Church this festive season. There is no specific theme, so you could design something that reflects your group or is simply based on the traditional Christmas Story. There is no limit to the number of decorations that each group can make. Decorations should be no larger than approx. 4”x4” and please bear in mind that they need to be able to hang safely on the tree! Please add a tag to your decoration with the name of your group/company or business. Decorations need to be delivered to the church and put on the tree in the week beginning 15 December 2014. Any queries to either Francesca 893119 or Jacquie 07912 159448 12 Drop-in For Coffee Healing Prayer Group Our next meeting will be on Monday November 17th at 2.30pm. We are always pleased to receive names of people for prayer at our monthly meetings. On the second and fourth Monday afternoons. We meet from 2.30pm to 4pm There is a book for requests for prayer in the church or ring me on 01621 817270 , email maryrothero@gmx.com ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH HALL We look forward to seeing you Sue (892032) Mary Rothero The next Messy Church will be at 4pm Edward Bear Edward Bear meets each week on Mondays at 10:15 during school term time in the church hall. We are a group for babies and children up to the age of five and their parents, grandparents or carers. on Sunday 2nd November. We usually meet monthly on the 1st Sunday in the Church Hall from 4.00pm till 5.30pm for arts and crafts, fun, food and worship. Activities include play sessions, a short time to sing songs, listen to a story, say a prayer together and craft. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to join in the fun! This is something the whole family can enjoy together and ideal if Sunday mornings are difficult for you because of other commitments. 13 Why not join our friendly CARD-MAKING CLASSES Great Totham Healing Rooms Held in Wickham Bishops on Wed & Thurs evenings and Fri mornings Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever Hebrews 13 v 8 You will make 3 cards at each class, make new friends and enjoy cake and coffee Let the power of Jesus heal you today Open every Thursday evening, 8.00 – 9.30 pm Beginners are very welcome Classes cost £12.50 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month 10.00 – 12.00 noon Please contact Pippa on 01621 890995 The Barn Church, 52, Prince of Wales Road, Great Totham, CM9 8PX 07985 781 698 Visit my blog at Pippapaperpiskies@blogspot.com Women's’ Christian Fellowship At a very happy meeting in September Mr Brian Carline gave us a very amusing talk entitled " Soil, Sweat and Tears" otherwise known as humorous advice for reluctant gardeners! It was a very apt subject as our long standing member Mrs Margaret Cottiss, a very keen gardener, had recently been on "Gardeners World" and had amazingly celebrated her 100th birthday the day before our meeting. Our chairman Mrs Margaret Raven presented her with a card and a pretty planter before we all sang Happy Birthday and tucked into tea and cake. Well done Margaret, we look forward to seeing you on the television again next year! In October we held our A.G.M. and at our meeting on the 26th November Mrs Sandra Howell will be telling us about the history of Antique and Glass beads and will be bringing with her many lovely necklaces for us to look at and talk about. Do come to our meetings, everyone is welcome, they generally start at 2.30pm in the Church Hall on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Denise Yelland. 14 15 Christmas Market & Bumper Book Sale Saturday 22nd November 10.30am to 12 noon In the Church Hall Stalls—Raffle—Refreshments and a chance to meet Father Christmas!! In aid of Church Funds 1st Wickham Bishops Guides We had a great year last year; we did a bit of archery and abseiling at Prances, made and ate lots of delicious sweets and chocolates, learnt some great skills such as team work and communication, went to Windsor for a week's camping and activities and raised nearly £2000 with the help of the local Brownies, Rainbows, Rangers and the Parish - thank you! This year we hope to do it all again, if you're interested in joining us please contact us on guideleader@1stwickhambishopsguides.org.uk 16 Wickham Bishops Men's Badminton Club St Bartholomew's Church Hall for Hire Birthday party coming up, a quiz night to run, or in need of a location for a talk or presentation? Why not consider hiring the hall at St Bartholomew's Church. We are a social badminton club and play at Wickham Bishops Village Hall on Tuesday evenings at 8pm and welcome new players of all standards. Hire rates are very reasonably priced with occasional hire charges at £12 per hour (min of 2 hours) from April to September, £15 per hour (min of 2 hours) from October to March. There is seating for up to 60 people. And a fully-equipped kitchen First few weeks are free and yearly subs are £55. Just turn up on the night or ring Paul on 07908-870125 for more information. Contact Kath Adkins on 01621-891143 or email kathrynadkins@btconnect.com Blackwater Decorative & Fine Arts Society Wickham Bishops Jazz Club Wickham Bishops Village Hall November 8th—The John 8th Petters Jazz Band December13th—Keith Nicholas December13th and the “All Stars” Thursday 6 November—The Bauhaus: the famous art school in Germany Anthea Streeter Thursday 4 December—Deck the Hall : Yuletide Customs and Traditions. David Bostwick BA (Hons) MA PhD ALA AMA Bring your own refreshments. Seating is at tables and reserved. Start time 7.30pm. Visitors welcome - all enquiries to Jennifer Allen 01621 891589 Contact Derek 01621 853626 or Gordon 01621 891717 to book your seat Meetings are held at the Wickham Bishops Village Hall at 11am Visit our website www.blackwaterdfas.org.uk 17 . From The Parish Council ... The regular monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 7th October, and a Planning Committee meeting was held on Friday 17th October. The minutes of these meetings can be read on the Parish Council website at www.wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org As we approach the time of the year when we may suffer from severe weather, the Parish Council considered compiling a record of ‘vulnerable persons’ in the village who may need help in difficult conditions. However, it was felt that such a record might not be welcomed by everyone and so they would ask all residents to be aware of their immediate neighbours who may need such help. On the recent occasion of the 100th birthday of Margaret Cottiss, who has lived in Wickham Bishops for the past 76 years, Council Chairman Iain MacGregor and Parish and District Councillor Henry Bass presented her with a display of flowers and a birthday card designed especially for her. Cllr Bass said "I was particularly honoured to make the presentation on behalf of the Council as I have known Mrs Cottiss all my life. Margaret is a most wonderful lady, much loved by the village and an inspiration to us all" A ‘Council Surgery’ will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday 15th November in the boardroom of the village hall. This is your opportunity to speak with local Councillors on any matter that concerns you. The next meeting of the Council will be held on Tuesday the 4th November 2014 in the village hall at 7.30 pm. A Planning Committee meeting will be held (if needed) on Friday 14th November 2014, at 11:30 a.m., also in the boardroom. Members of the public are welcome to attend either of these meetings. Councillors may be contacted individually, or via the Council’s clerk on 07542 190176, or by email info@wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org 18 At the Club meeting in October, Mel Collins spoke about ‘Mickfield Hostas’ which is a small, family owned and run business, growing a wide selection of Hostas for which they have won many awards including several gold medals at RHS shows. Mel also maintains an excellent website giving much practical advice on the varieties and care of Hostas. On Monday 10th November, we hope to welcome Chris Newenham of ‘Wilkin & Sons’ to speak about this renowned local producer. The meeting is in the Church Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. and all are welcome to come along to enjoy drinks and nibbles, whilst listening to the talk. For more details of the Horticultural Club, please contact Chairman Mike Hall by email – hallrainbow@btinternet.com Topical tips for November Plant spring bedding displays of pansies, violas and primulas. It is a good time to plant a magnolia tree for a beautiful spring display; M. stellata makes a great choice, especially where space is limited. Collect fallen leaves from around the base of rose bushes which suffered from blackspot or rust this summer, and dispose of them (bonfire or green bin) to reduce the chance of re-infection next year. Lift dahlia tubers, begonias and gladiolus corms to store dry over the winter months removing the dead foliage before storing. Divide mature clumps of rhubarb once they are dormant using a spade to split the crown. Prepare a bed for planting autumn garlic in mid/late November 19 News from Great Totham Primary School www.greattotham.essex.sch.uk School News School News What a busy term this has been; we have been enjoying a range of exciting experiences. Abbeygate Concert Band Year 4 visited Great Totham Village Hall to see the Abbeygate Concert band. The band played a range of music on wind and brass instruments. The brass instruments were on the stage. One of the biggest instruments was the tuba, which made a low, deep sound. In front of the stage were the wind instruments such as the flutes and the clarinets. The band played lots of music from Disney films. Some of the pieces were from Mary Poppins, which we sang along to. We were surprised when they launched into some of the theme tunes from our favourite TV shows such as ‘Sponge Bob’ and ‘The Simpsons’. It was a great concert! Written by Cedar Graves and Austin Willard (Year 4) National Poetry Day Thursday 2nd October was National Poetry Day and the school celebrated in style! Children throughout that day took part in a wide range of activities: Poetry in the Playground Sharing poems remembered off by heart Outdoor poetry Composing and performing their own poems We also enjoyed a fabulous Poetry Lunch, where the grownups shared their favourite poems in the dinner hall while Mrs Cripps and her team had chosen all of the school favourite dishes to encourage as many children as possible to enjoy the special dinner. 20 Sporting Events Following our great success at the District Sports competition last summer, our sporting abilities are once more being put to the test. On Thursday 25th September pupils from KS2 represented the school to run in the cross country festival at St Francis Primary School. We all did really well and between us brought home medals in all the colours — gold, silver and bronze! The reason we did so well is because we were encouraged by our team mates and the crowd cheered us on all the time from the beginning to the end. We ran against all of the local schools in Maldon. Some of the schools were tough, but we did not get afraid of them and we carried on fighting. It was fun! Here are our results: Y3 Girls — 2nd Y4 Girls — 3rd Y5 Girls — 3rd Y6—Girls — 1st Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Boys — Boys — Boys — Boys — 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Written by Maggie Gunton (Year 5) NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH IS ACTIVE IN WICKHAM BISHOPS! Village Coordinator is Chris Hudson whose contact details are: Tel. 01621-892968 Email: nhw_wb@outlook.com Website: www.maldondistrictnhw.co.uk Please contact Chris if you wish to know who your local coordinator is or if you wish to go on the email distribution list for NHW communications. 21 Witham and District Probus Club The purpose of Probus is to provide a meeting point for professional and businessmen who are retired or who are approaching retirement and who would appreciate increased social contacts and enjoy participating in activities of interest to the members. The first Probus Club was formed in 1965. There are now well over 1600 clubs in the UK and 1200 in Australia. The movement is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Our Probus Club monthly luncheons, held on the last Friday of the month, are the cornerstone of our activities when we usually have a guest speaker and enjoy the company of the members. Wives and partners are invited to attend the quarterly Friday ‘ladies luncheons’ and the special Valentine's Day and Christmas events. Currently our membership is approximately 50 and we seek to increase this number by recruiting new members. If anyone is interested we would welcome them to attend one of our Friday luncheons as a guest so that they can obtain a more informed appreciation of our Club and our membership. For further enquiries and information, please contact our Club Secretary Mike Styman—Tel 01621 852759 or e-mail mike.styman@btopenworld.com St Nicholas Patronal Service he St Nicholas Church, Little Braxted Candle-lit Patronal Service is on Sunday 7th December at 7pm. This will be a Eucharist with some choral items sung by St Bartholomew’s Church Choir members. The service will be followed by seasonal refreshments. Do come along and join our celebrations. 22 Advertising Index Finance Jonathan Clark Essex Financial Solutions 31 51 49 26 Florists Brown's Blooms and Balloons Floral Expressions 43 30 Beauty & Fitness Aquarius Hair Eden Beauty Clinic Happy Exercise The Beauty Room 32 32 26 44 Food & Drink The Chequers The Queens Head Upsons Farm Shop 30 52 39 Building & Maintenance Clark Mayers Roofing Cube Skip Hire Services Graham Cornell J&J Windows & Doors Joe Murrell Windows & Doors MH Property Maintenance NB Contracts Ltd R.A. Lee Builders TMS Roofing 42 35 43 49 42 45 37 51 34 Funeral Services AG Smith Funeral Directors Hunnaball of Witham Richards Funeral Service 38 Leisure 28 Piano Tuning & Repair 39 Camping in the Orchard Animals Brookend Veterinary Surgery 26 Appliances Domestic Appliance Repairs KS Appliances Carers Comfort Carers Moulsham Residential 28 46 Clothing The Alterations Workroom 44 Computers Evans Computer Support IT Positive PC Care Essex PC Doctor Operations Ltd 52 43 44 32 Electrical Engineers Connected Electrics Electric King JL Electrics Sigma Electrical VW & MW Parsley 38 52 27 27 28 Gardens Cube Bespoke Landscapes Hughes & Son Olivers Nurseries Perrywood Nursery Health Absolute Hearing Anagram Therapies Anita Hanraham Foot Care Cambridge Weight Plan Gordon Crawford Physiotherapy Jackie Martin Nutritionist Kate Cochrane Foot Health Springfield Hospital The Physio Rooms Wickham Bishops Health Foods Heating & Plumbing Billericay Fuel Services Blackwater Fuels Ltd James Hoctor Renewable Energy Kevin Barber Gas & Oil Services M A Crossman Heating & Plumbing North Plumbing & Heating Home Caroline’s Curtains Discreet Pest Management Kevin Barber Carpet Cleaning Maid 4 You Mantsbrite Systems Ltd Matt Ruffle Chimney Sweep Peverel Flooring Richard Hopkins French Polishing Simon Houlding Upholstery Speedeclean Wickham Flooring Wild Things Pest Control Motoring & Travel 53 Markham & Smith 34 380370 Cars - Private Hire 54 29 Moving House Valerie Loveland Estate Agents 24 41 36 27 53 48 36 25 24 29 35 33 43 27 46 44 33 48 50 31 30 Painting & Decorating Brooks Painter & Decorator Colin Goodchild Decorating Finishing Touch Kent Blaxill L Johnson Decorator Paul Clary Painter & Decorator RC Martin Painting & Decorating 33 38 31 25 29 42 40 Sign Makers Top Signs 46 Tuition June Cook Piano Lessons Schoolserve Tuition Theatre Train 45 47 45 If you would like to place an advert in this magazine please contact Janet Gilbert on janet.gilbert56@gmail.com or Tel. 07977-414437 23 40 40 41 44 47 50 39 49 38 48 36 34 24 25 26 27 HUNNABALL OF WITHAM Consultant Funeral Director Leonard A. Corley Dip.FD MBIFD Witham’s Independent Family Funeral Service We offer caring, professional attention form a family firm dedicated to upholding the traditional values of respect and dignity. TELEPHONE 01376 511592 24 hour service in Witham and all surrounding areas 1, Coach House Way, Newland St. Witham Part of the Hunnaball Family Funeral Group 28 29 FLORAL EXPRESSIONS Flowers for All Occasions Open 7 days a week Weddings º Sympathy º Gift Design www.floral-expressions.co.uk Tel: 01376 500611 Olivers Nurseries Maldon Road Witham Essex CM8 3HY 30 ACCOUNTANT & Tax Consultant Finishing Touch Painting and Decorating Services • • • • • • • Small Business Accounts Company Accounts Self Assessment Tax Returns Tax Planning Fast Reliable Service Reasonable Fees Pleased to Visit Internal Painting External Painting Wallpaper Hanging Reliable Professional Service No Job to small Call Jonathan Clark F.C.C.A Chartered Certified Accountant Contact Mark Garrett For your Free Estimate 01621 819109 07734689872 Tel : 01621 891318 380370 CARS COMPETITIVE PRICES FOR: Airports, London stations, Hotels And Venues, Business/Corporate Work and Local Requirements DRIVERS SMARTLY DRESSED ALL VEHICLES NON SMOKING LADY DRIVER FOR UNACCOMPANIED FEMALE PEACE OF MIND ACCOUNT FACILITY AVAILABLE CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED Based in Hatfield Peverel : Known for reliability and service 01245 380370 31 32 Piano Tuning and Repair Services Qualified tuner/technician with over 20 years practical experience. For advice on valuation; buying, tuning, restoring or repairing acoustic pianos, please contact: Hugh Mitchell, A.I.M.I.T. A.Mus., T.E.C. H.Dip. (Piano) Telephone : Maldon 01621 859399 33 TMS Roofing and Fascias Fascias, Soffits, Guttering & Cladding • Flat Roofs, Best Quality Materials used - 10 year Guarantee • Tiled and Slated Roofs • Any repairs undertaken • FREE ESTIMATES • No job too small • Tel: 01621 815604 Mob: 07866 551630 34 35 WICKHAM FLOORING TOP BRANDS QUALITY BUDGET RANGES EXCELLENT ADVICE MEASURING AND FITTING SERVICE COMPARE OUR PRICES INTEREST FREE CREDIT SUBJECT TO STATUS DETAILS AVIALBLE ON REQUEST OF MALDON ∗ WOOD & LAMINATE FLOORING ∗ WIDE SELECTION OF RUGS ∗ AMTICO APPROVED RETAILER ∗ YOUR BEST CHOICE FOR QUALITY CARPETS AND VINYL www.wickhamflooring.co.uk 1 THE OLD IRONWORKS • FULLBRIDGE ROAD • MALDON (LARGE FREE CAR PARK SITUATED OPPOSITE TESCO SUPERSTORE) TEL:(01621 841300 • OPEN MON-SAT 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. * PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 36 37 Electrical Engineers Industrial and Domestic Installations For free estimate, call Phone/fax 01621-856217 Mobile 07796 247569 CONNECTED ELECTRICS Email: michaelathomas36@yahoo.co.uk No job too small A PERSONAL SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED P A T S A G SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MONUMENTAL MASONS Professional, Caring and dignified Service 24 hours a day An independent Company owned & run by local people 7 Spital Road , Maldon Tel: 01621 854293 Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors 38 HELP WITH FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Our own Free Range Eggs Locally produced - Potatoes & Meats English Cheeses & Dairy Products Tiptree Jams & Essex Honey Over 25 flavours of Ice Creams RICHARDS FUNERAL SERVICE 01376 513114 • • 78 Newland Street, Witham CM8 1AH • • From advice on how to register a death to making all the arrangements, we’re here 24 hours a day • Chickens, poultry housing, feeds and equipment. Horse and Livestock feed and bedding specialist Huge range of Electric Fencing in stock Garden - Seeds - Compost - Fertilisers Best selection of Farm and Equine toys in the area Mon - Sat 9 - 6 pm Sundays 9 -12 noon Ivy Barns Farm, Hatfield Peverel Members of the National Association of Funeral Directors A British owned Company 01245 380274 www.dignityfuneral.co.uk 39 PEST PROBLEMS? • • • • • • R.C. MARTIN - Quality Painting - Wasp nests Rats Mice Flies Electronic Fly-Killers Fleas All major pests - Decorating - Commercial & Domestic - Paperhanging - Discreet Pest Management Ltd Great Totham, Maldon. 01621-890183 No Obligation Estimates And Advice www.discreetpestmanagement.co.uk Telephone 01621 817530 Mobile 07702 452672 40 41 CLARK MAYERS ROOFING Built-up-Felt, Lead, Glass Fibre, Rubber, Tiles, & Asphalt The Leas Farm, Hatfield Peverel, CM3 2JL Tel (01245) 380619 Paul R Clary Plasterer, Painter and Decorator 20 Years Quality Experience, Fully Insured Mobile : 07734 869966 Home : (01621) 892527 PAULPAUL-CLARY@LIVE.CO.UK 42 Is your computer getting you down? Don’t understand the jargon, know what you need or where to start? • Computer setup, repairs and support • Software installation and coaching • Website design, setup and hosting Call David on 01621 983100 or email david@it-positive.co.uk 43 The Beauty Room For all your beauty treatments look no further Qualified Beauty therapist 14 years experience : Aromatherapist, Creative nail technician. A beautiful studio, in a most relaxing and comfortable atmosphere in the village of Wickham Bishops with ample parking. Products used Dermalogica-JessicaCreative-St Tropez For appointments please call Nicky on 01621 891178 44 MH PROPERTY MAINTENANCE General Handyman Service Laminated Flooring, Tiling External/Internal Decoration Call Matthew Houlding on 0771 2671616 (01621 841964) For a free estimate References available Full Liability Insurance 45 M A CROSSMAN HEATING & PLUMBING 01621 788314 07969 555837 Boilers & Central Heating Service & Installation Solar & Alternative Heating Solutions ~ Underfloor Heating Bathroom/Shower Installations Fully Insured & Guaranteed GAS/OIL/LPG 3 Church Street Goldhanger CM9 8AS Rec by Calor Gas~Worcester Bosch Viessmann ~ Nu-Heat ~ Grant 46 47 48 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS Prompt & Reliable Service WASHING MACHINES – DISHWASHERS – TUMBLE DRIERS FRIDGES & FREEZERS (NEW APPLIANCES SUPPLIED AT COMPETITIVE PRICES) Also Large Stock of new & Used Spare Parts Please ring: ALAN TAYLOR – 01621 773709 & 07885 483595 Family run business. Established 20 years Richard Hopkins Traditional French Polishing Modern Spray Finishes and Furniture Restoration Staircases, Doors, Floors, Panelling and Bars. Painted and Polished Kitchens We have a range of Antique and Modern Furniture for sale Telephone 01245 401180 49 CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE MATTHEW RUFFLE 01621 810711 / 07938439253 matthewrufflechimneysweep@aol.co.uk 50 51 A truly traditional pub, Maldon’s premier waterfront pub. OPEN ALL DAY FOR FOOD from 11am ’til 9pm Hygiene Rating Our Chefs use locally supplied produce, which is cooked to order. Enjoy tea & coffee with a varied selection of cakes, while watching the boats sail by. A fabulous range of at least 8 real ales always available. Visit the old Thames Barges moored outside. The Queen’s Head, The Hythe, Maldon CM9 5HN is just a stroll along the quayside from Maldon’s Promenade Park To reserve a table in THE PORTHOLE restaurant please phone 01621 854112 email queensmaldon@aol.com www.thequeensheadmaldon.co.uk 52 53 Magazine Deadlines December 2014 edition deadline Please ensure that any articles for the December magazine are submitted to the editor by Thurs 13th November. Items for inclusion should be emailed to: magazine@churchinwickhambishops.org.uk or placed in an envelope marked ‘Parish Magazine’ and delivered to 10 Church Green, Wickham Bishops Please note, that items may be excluded or edited for reasons of suitability or space. Priority goes to church events and information connected with Wickham Bishops. For enquiries regarding distribution of the magazine, please phone Jayne Jennings on 01621-891396 © Wickham Bishops & Little Braxted Parochial Church Council (PCC) Published by the PCC of St Bartholomew Wickham Bishops and St Nicholas Little Braxted. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the PCC nor can the Church guarantee the credentials or performance of any of the advertisers within this publication. 54 A visit to St Bartholomew’s Church by Wickham Bishops Nursery School. They listened to the story of Noah and then looked for animals and birds around the church. 55 Autumn Churchyard Clear-up Could you spare a morning on Saturday 8th November from 9.00am to help with getting the churchyard tidy for winter? Help needed with path weeding, cutting back and sweeping up leaves etc. Please bring gloves, secateurs and any other gardening tools with you. Your reward?.... Bacon sarnies and a cup of tea or coffee. Your help would be much appreciated 56
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