School District of Arcadia NEWSLETTER November, 2014 Vol. 15, Issue 3 From Your Superintendent Enrollment Trends: According to our third Friday in September student enrollment count we have 1,187 students actually in our buildings. Last year at this time we had 1,178 students present. Our open enrollment students coming into our district from other districts are 48, our open enrollment students from our district going to other districts are 33. Student enrollment is a key factor in determining the revenue limits, which in turn affect local taxes. This year our third Friday in September and summer school enrollment counts increased by 15 FTE’s. FTE’s are full time equivalent students. Our PALS and early childhood students attend partial days and therefore are counted as .6 or .5 FTE’s. This enrollment increase transcended into a three year average increase of 22 FTE’s from 2013-14. Our district generates $10,235.73 per student in allowable revenue limits. This year we have a three year average of 1,145 FTE’s. That number is then multiplied by the allowable revenue limit of $10,235.73 per student to give us our total revenue limit for Fund 10 operations. We are a heavily aided district to the level of roughly 72% general equalization and poverty aid. Therefore, outside of local referendum debt, our local tax payers are responsible for approximately 38% of the total $10,235.73 per student allowed revenue limit. Revenue Limit/Tax Levy: Now that the 2014-15 school year is underway and we have determined our pupil count, the district staff and school board begin to finalize the budget and set the local tax levy. The equalization value for our district went from $365,340,568 to $379,566,339 for an increase of $14,225,771. This is very important because it is one of the major factors in determining our district’s tax levy. Early estimates show a decrease in the local tax levy due to increased equalization values and an estimated increase of $264,482 in state equalization aids. Even though our three year average student enrollment increased by 22 students, the district is estimating a decrease in the tax levy of approximately $.19 per thousand dollars of property valuation. The 2014-15 estimated tax levy will go from $11.14 per thousand to $10.95 per thousand. The final tax levy will be determined after the state issues the final state aid amounts on October 15 th and will then be set and approved by the school board at the 2014 Annual Meeting. School Report Card: The Department of Public Instruction recently released the statewide school report cards for Wisconsin Schools. A numeric score with multiple levels of criteria is assigned to each school district and school within that district. A rating is then determined based on the numeric score. If a school receives a score between 83-100 it is rated as Significantly Exceeds Expectations. If a school receives a score range between 73-82.9 it receives a rating of Exceeds Expectations. A score of 63-72.9 rates as Meets Expectations and a score range of 53-62.9 rates as Meets Few (Continued on page 2) For your reference: District Office—323-3315 H.S. Office—323-3334 (Grades 9-12) Elementary Office—323-7500 1 Inside this Issue: From your Superintendent cont. 2 School Closing 2 8th Gr. Conferencing 3 Holiday Concerts 3 Intro to Business 4 Music Dept. News College Credit Courses 4 MS Drama Alumni NightBasketball 5 Raider Night Child Development Days 5 HS Counseling News 6 Wrestling 7 Notice of School Board Election 8 Notice of Child Find Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form Energy Assistance Program 5 5 6 8 9 10 14-15 Board Goals Walking Track & Weight Room Hours 11 Lunch Menus 12 November Calendar 13 December Calendar 14 January Calendar 15 Check out our website! 11 (Continued from page 1) Expectations, and finally a school or district receiving a score of 0-52.9 receives a rating of Fails to Meet Expectations. The Arcadia School District received a score of 73.3 which is a rating of Meets Expectations. The Arcadia Elementary School received a score of 69.5 which Meets Expectations. For the second year in a row the Arcadia High School received a score which Exceeds Expectations, this year’s score was 79.5. The scores are determined by student achievement, closing achievement gaps, student growth, and on-track and post secondary readiness. Fairfield Avenue Project: Beginning on October13th, the City of Arcadia will begin a sewer and water upgrade on Fairfield Avenue from Wilson Avenue to Reit Lane. The road will be closed during the initial construction phase. With good weather, the initial phase of installing sewer and water pipes will last approximately two weeks. In late spring or early summer this section of road will be blacktopped and have curb and gutter installed. Thank you in advance for avoiding this section of Fairfield Avenue during the construction phases. Middle School Building Project: The middle school building project is getting close to its final design stage. Once the design is finalized in November, it will be sent out for bid in December/January. As you recall from the last newsletter the original design and upgrades came in 2.5 million dollars over budget due to design upgrades and bids received by building contractors. This is why the project did not start in July, 2014. Since that time the board, administration, architect, building representative and contractors met. Through consensus discussion and problem solving the project costs were reduced an estimated $950,000+ from the plan. This still leaves us approximately $1.5 million short of our budgeted referendum amount. It was determined that the middle school gym and locker room areas would be bid as an alternate, because those areas were estimated to cost $1.5 million in the initial bid last June. If there is no other funding source or if the bids received in January do not allow us to build the gym and locker room areas, they will be eliminated in this project. The project will now begin in April if there are not weather or other delays. Occupancy is now planned for September 1, 2016. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the building process. Thank you for your continued support of our schools in the Arcadia School District and I look forward to a very busy and productive 2014-15 school year. And remember, my email, phone, and door are always open to you. Louie Ferguson, Superintendent School Closing A reminder that it is that time of year when bad weather can suddenly cause school to close. We urge you to discuss emergency procedures with your children so they know what to do when we close early. For your convenience, we have listed the radio and TV stations that will be notified of our closing, early dismissal, or late start. Thank you for your understanding and assistance should we need to change our normal routine. We will also be using our calling system to notify our parents of school closings. Station & Dial Number City WIZM 1410 AM, Z-93 93.3 FM WKTY 580 AM, WRQT 95.7 FM, KCLH 94.7 FM MAGIC 104.9 FM, 1490 A, Class Rock 100.1 FM The Eagle 102.7 FM, KWNO 1230 AM,KWNO 99.3 FM KAGE 1380 AM, KAGE 95.3 FM, Soft Rock 101.1 FM WHTL 102.3 FM Z-100100.7 FM or Sports Radio 1400 AM The Mix 98.1 FM or ROCK 92.1 FM or WQRB 95.1 FM I-94 94.1 FM or WMEQ 880 AM WAXX 104.5 FM or WAYY 790 AM Moose Country 106.7 FM WEAU TV—Channel 13 WKBT TV—Channel 8 WXOW TV—Channel 19 2 La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse Winona Whitehall Eau Claire Eau Claire Eau Claire Eau Claire Eau Claire Eau Claire La Crosse La Crosse 8th Grade Conferencing to Start in December Parents and guardians of 8th grade students will soon be getting a letter with the date and time of their GPS (Global Plan for Students) Conference. This conference reviews the student’s goals for post-secondary options and then what classes they need to take in high school to achieve those goals. We will be registering students for their freshman classes at this conference. If you cannot meet at the time that is set up for you in your letter, please let Mrs. Nilsestuen know. She will change your appointment to accommodate your schedule. The counseling department has found that having these conferences helps keep students on track for graduating with the classes they need to meet their educational and career goals. All the eighth grade students and their parents will meet with either Mrs. Nilsestuen, Mrs. Pinnow, or an counseling intern student during the months of December and January. Upcoming Holiday Concerts Tuesday, November 18—5th Grade Band Concert—6:30 p.m.—HS Auditorium Thursday, December 4—Kindergarten & Gr. 1 Winter Concert—6:30 p.m.—MS Gym Sunday, December 7— Winter Jazz Concert—3:00 p.m.—HS Auditorium Tuesday, December 9—MS Band/Choir Concert—7:00 p.m.—HS Auditorium Thursday, December 11—Grades 2 & 3—6:30 p.m.—Middle School Gym Monday, December 15—HS Band/Choir Concert—7:00 p.m.—HS Auditorium Tuesday, December 16 — Grades 4 & 5—6:30 p.m.—Middle School Gym Veteran’s Day Program The Veteran’s Day program will take place on Tuesday, November 11, at 10:45 a.m., in the high school gym. The public is invited and welcome to attend. 3 Intro to Business & Marketing The students in Intro to Business and Marketing practiced their management skills by running a meeting using parliamentary procedure. The student groups had to plan and properly run a meeting. This was part of their management unit which also included learning how to tie a tie, properly give a handshake and how to solve personnel problems in the workplace. 2015 Florida Trip On June 15th, 2015 AHS Music Department will be on their way to Florida! There will be time spent on Cocoa and Blizzard Beach, Disney World, choir and band performances, and a night at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville! The cost is $879 per person, and we are still looking for community and chaperones to join. If you are interested, please contact Adam Petroski at 608-323-3334 x3129. More information is on our music department website. Winter Jazz Concert Winter Jazz Concert will be held on Sunday, December 7th at 3:00 PM. This Concert will feature the Middle School Jazz bands, High School Jazz band, and Arcadia High School’s a cappella group, Adams Family. AHS Presents “All Shook Up” Featuring the Music of Elvis! This November, AHS Music Department will feature “All Shook Up” the musical! Theatrical Rights Worldwide says it is “Inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley. It's 1955, and into a square little town in a square little state rides a guitar-playing roustabout who changes everything and everyone he meets in this hip-swiveling, lip-curling musical fantasy that'll have you jumpin' out of your blue suede shoes with such classics as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Don't Be Cruel." This year’s cast consists of Trent Wolfe as Chad, (a motorcycling, guitar-playing roustabout), Faith Siewert as Natalie (a mechanic), Carlos 4 Corona as Jim (Natalie’s Father), Taylor Rae as Sylvia (the no-nonsense, sassy owner of the local Honky Tonk), Brea Scow as Lorraine (Sylvia’s 16 year old daughter), Garrett Knudsen as Dennis (a young, awkward, aspiring dentist), Shauna Frahm as Ms. Sandra (the local Museum Curator, as well as other great characters exploding with talent! “All Shook Up” is full of great Elvis classics, heartbreaking romance, and enough comedy for the whole family to enjoy! You won’t want to miss it! Performance are November 7th and 8th at 7:00 and November 9th at 2:00 at Arcadia High School. There will also be a lasagna dinner ticket option for Saturday night’s performance this year! Only 150 tickets will be sold - $20 for an adult, and $10 for children 12 and under. The dinner will consist of homemade lasagna, salad, garlic toast, desert, and drink! Call the high school for tickets at 608-323-3315. We can’t wait to see you there! College Credit for High School Courses All students who complete the accounting course and the computer applications course with a C or better will receive credit through Western Technical College. These credits can save students time and money. Last year alone, area high school students saved over $355,000 by taking these transcripted courses. These courses can also be added to student's college application in the "College Courses Taken" section. AMS Drama - Theatrical Adventure The Arcadia Middle School Drama class - Diana Alvarez, Ian Bortoluzzi, Alecia Cadmus, Leanni Dominguez, Aaron Haines, and Jeremiah Williams, had the awesome opportunity to see Bill Blagg's The Science of Magic on Sept. 22, 2014 at Viterbo Fine Arts Center. Students even had the chance to talk to Bill Blagg after the performance and pose for a quick picture. For centuries magicians have used scientific principles to make people levitate in mid-air and vanish in the blink of an eye. Illusionist Bill Blagg’s one-of-a-kind educational experience took the students on a rare, never-before-seen journey “behind the scenes” of the magic world. Bill’s comedy-filled, action-packed, presentation was highly interactive and made science fun and exciting! Students used the Scientific Method to levitate one of their teachers in mid-air and even learned how the science of reflection can make their homework magically disappear! Drama Teacher Mrs. Schock was very impressed with the students' mature manners, lovely appearance, and inquisitive nature; making the AMS Drama theatrical fieldtrip a GREAT success. Basketball Alumni Night On Tuesday, January 6th, the Arcadia Boys Basketball program will host the 2nd annual Arcadia Basketball Alumni Night. This year we will be inviting and recognizing the Conference championship team from the 1989 season to the home game against West Salem. Those that are able to be in attendance will be introduced between the JV and Varsity games. If you have any contact information (address, phone number, email address) for any of the team members, we would appreciate it. Please send any contact information to: Lynn Sonnentag Arcadia High School 756 Raider Dr. Arcadia, WI 54612 (608) 323-3334 ext.3112 OR Raider Nation Night The Boys Basketball Program would like to invite you to the second annual RaiderNight! This will be a night filled of fun, excitement, and basketball! It will take place on Monday, November 24th at 5:30 pm in the high school gym. This is a great chance for you to meet and see the 20142015 Arcadia Raiders in action before they start their season against LaCresent on December 4th. Admission is FREE!!! We will play a complete four quarters, with some halftime entertainment, and the Raider Pep Band of course. With the help of Edge Graphics, we have designed some awesome fan shirts this year! These shirts will be available for purchase on the 24th. Every person who comes to RaiderNight will get a ticket. Throughout t h e 5 night, we will be drawing out tickets and these lucky fans will be getting a FREE T-SHIRT! The date and time of Raider Night may be subject to change based upon how far the football team goes this year. Watch for updates on the school website! We appreciate your positive support of Arcadia Athletics and the Boys Basketball Program. We look forward to seeing you on the 24th and all season long! Go Raiders! Coach Sonnentag . 2015 Arcadia Child Development Days & PALS 4K The annual Arcadia Child Development Days will take place on Thursday, January 29, and Friday, January 30, 2015. The Development Days will be held at Arcadia Elementary School in the little gym. The Development Days will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Registration for the PALS 4K program for the 2015-2016 school year, will be held in conjunction with Child Development Days on Thursday, January 29, and Friday, January 30, 2015 during the above mentioned times. If you are planning on registering for the PALS 4K program, please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, along with a copy of their current immunization records. development through participation in an informal educational screening process, available services in the community for families of young children, and normal growth and information regarding early childhood development. Arcadia Child Development Days are designed to be a time of fun and information for both parents and young children. Refreshments will be served, and children will receive a small gift when they leave. Invitations will be mailed the week of January 5, 2014 to parents of children 2 ½ to 3 ½ years of age who have not been previously screened. Please call the Pupil Services office at 323-3334, extension 3132, for information or to schedule your child. We look forward to seeing you in January! Arcadia Child Development Days will provide families with the opportunity to learn about the level of their child‘s 2015 Días del Desarrollo Infantil de Arcadia e Inscripción para el programa de PALS - 4K rollo de su hijo/a a través de la participación en un proceso de evaluciòn de educación informal, servicios disponibles en la comunidad para familias con niños pequeños , y el crecimiento normal e información sobre el desarrollo de la primera infancia . Los Días Anuales del Desarrollo Infantil de Arcadia se llevarán a cabo el jueves , 29 de enero y el Viernes, 30 de enero del 2015 . Los Días de Desarrollo se llevará a cabo en la Escuela Primaria de Arcadia en el gimnasio pequeño. Los Días de Desarrollo seràn de 2:00am-8:00pm el jueves y el viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm. Los Días del Desarrollo Infantil de Arcadia están diseñados para divertirse e información para los padres y niños pequeños. Se ofreceràn bocadillos, y los niños/as recibirán un pequeño regalo antes de irse. Las invitaciones se enviarán por correo la semana del 5 de enero 2015 para padres de niños de entre 2 ½ a 3 ½ años de edad que no hayan sido seleccionados previamente. Por favor llame a la oficina de la escuela primaria al 323-3334, extensión 3132, para obtener información o para programar una cita para su hijo/a. La inscripción para el programa de 4K PALS para el año escolar 2015-2016 , se llevará a cabo en conjunto con Los Días de Desarrollo Infantil el jueves, 29 de enero y el Viernes, 30 de enero durante el horario antes mencionado. Si usted está pensando en inscribir a su hijo/a al programa de 4K PALS, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo/a, junto con una copia de su registro de vacunas actuales. Los Días del Desarrollo Infantil de Arcadia proporcionará a las familias la oportunidad de conocer el nivel de desar- Esperamos contar con su presencia en enero! School Counseling News Please feel free to call Jen Pinnow with any school counseling questions or concerns 323-3334. More information is available on the Counseling Website Financial Aid Night – February 26th *Financial Aid Information 5-6 pm. This workshop will provide a comprehensive look at what financial aid is and the responsibilities that come with it. It will include information on the types of financial aid available, how to apply for financial aid, and how financial aid is awarded. A letter will be sent with each each senior describing the workshop in more detail. *FAFSA Completion 6-7:00 PM. A representative from Great Lakes will be here to help any students/families with filling out the FAFSA online. Please bring all necessary documentation found at General Financial Aid Information *Students should apply for financial aid with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be printed from the website ( Applying online is highly recommended. Each college has its own deadline so make sure these deadlines are not missed. 6 School Counseling News, continued *After filling out the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the Department of Education. From that information each college will develop a financial aid package for you including grants, scholarships, work-study, or student loans. *You notify the college you wish to attend of acceptance or rejection of your financial aid package. You can accept or reject any part of the package. 2014-15 Wrestling The 2014-2015 Arcadia Wrestling Season looks to be one of the most promising ever… season, and we feel the competition seen here is much more meaningful. After an injury stricken season last year, (having 10 or more guys out of the line-up), we look to be healthy and filling with a SOLID roster of returning lettermen and a good Freshman class that could help out even more. I am confident the change will be a good team bonding experience, and allow more of the parents to be cheering on their own kids through the placement rounds. –something we have lost at the other tournament. Our leadership will stem from these three highly successful and experienced Seniors: Jacob Erbe, Lee Pronschinske, and Richie Hotelling. We will be filling the roster with a LARGE Junior class of returning lettermen, with the Hernandez twins, Josh & Fran, Austin Bown, Aaron Benson, Michael Prokop, Dominic Glodowski, Michael Sonsalla, Henry Hilmanowski, and Will Loewenhagen. Many Sophomores are also returning lettermen; Seth Lisowski, Bradyn Korpal, Omar Sanchez, Travis Tamke, and Jacob Lallemont will fill out the roster and add depth to many of our positions, with a half dozen Freshmen looking for opportunities as well. *All interested athlete are encouraged to join the TEAM. We have a kids night “Run with the Pack” scheduled for January 8th in our Home Dual vs. BRF. Arcadia Wrestling Club sponsors Youth Wrestling, with sign-up taking place in December, and starting early in January. Kids Night will feature the youngsters at our home meet. We have a couple of “changes” that are encouraging… (1) We will be back in D-3 this year, where we look to be much more competitive in the run for state, and (2) the Team will travel to the Northern Badger over the break instead of the Bi-State. This was one of the tough choices we have been considering for the past several years, but looks to be the right one… Northern Badger is a much better fit for our Team. –as Bi-State continues to fill with the highly ranked D-1,as well as the top D-2 and 3 teams in the state, then filling in with several very good Minnesota teams, we have found that the majority of our TEAM is not getting a very good experience from this event, and the majority WILL benefit from the Northern Badger in number of matches, and still get the level of competition and challenge that a large tournament has to offer. Northern Badger is filled with the D-2 & 3 teams that we will run into in the post 7 Arcadia continues to host two highly competitive and respected tournaments, Dec. 20th and Jan. 24th, and we will also host the D-3 Regional this year. *A BIG Thank Youahead of time, for ALL of the parents and volunteers who help make these events possible! We are always looking for more volunteers to assist in setting-up and running these events. Please contact Coach McKeeth or Bruce Schweisthal if you would be interested in helping. Attached is our season schedule… We hope to see a huge following this season as we look to be one of the top teams in the area. 2014-2015 Arcadia Wrestling Schedule Tue Fri Sat Thu Sat Thu Sat M-Tue Th Sat Fri Th Sat Th Sat Sat Sat Tue Sat Th-F-S Fr-Sat 12-2 12-5 12-6 12-11 12-13 12-18 12-20 12-29-30 1-8 1-10 1-16 1-22 1-24 1-29 1-31 2-7 2-14 2-17 2-21 2/26-27-28 3/6-7 Dual A Quad A Trny A DualH Blair-Taylor trny @ Dual A Trny H Trny @ Dual H Dual Trny @ Dual A Dual H Trny H Dual A Trny @ Trny A Trny H TEAM Sectionals WIAA Indiv. Sectionals STATE @ TEAM STATE Whitehall MMGET, vs. LXC, ECM, & Arc. Mel-Min -JV only -Parents NightLogan Invite (9 teams) Westby Arcadia Scramble (16 teams) (V & JV) River Falls-Northern Badger (32 teams) BRF (Run with the Pack)=kids night Osseo 5 Duals (V & JV) West Salem-Bangor Viroqua Raider Challenge (16 teams) MMGET @ GET Indee Varsity Reserves GET -Coulee Conference Trny (Rd-Rob) WIAA D-3 Regional @ Arcadia @ Ladysmith @ OSSEO Kohl Center -Madison UW Madison Notice of School Board Election Notice is hereby given, that at an election to be held in the School District of Arcadia on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. The term of office for school board members is three years, beginning on Monday, April 27, 2015. Office Incumbent Board Member (at large) Board Member (at large) Michael Edmunds Randy Nilsestuen Notice is further given, that a Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy, must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015, in the School District office located at 756 Raider Drive, Arcadia, Wisconsin, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, mailed to the address noted above, or filed personally with School District Clerk, Laney Bork, prior to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Notice is further given that if a primary is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Laney Bork, District Clerk School District of Arcadia, Wisconsin Notice of Child Find Activity Upon request, the School District of Arcadia is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district. A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child's parent that the referral will be made. Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Brian Grill, Director of Pupil Services, School District of Arcadia, at 608-323-3334, Ext. 3165, or by writing him at 756 Raider Drive, Arcadia, WI 54612. Notificación De Actividad Para Localizar Al Nino A solicitud, Distrito Escolar de Arcadia está obligado a evaluar a un menor para determinar si éste requiere servicios de educación especial. Se conoce como recomendación a una solicitud de evaluación. Cuando el distrito recibe una recomendación, el distrito designará un equipo de Programa Individualizado de Educación (IEP, por sus siglas en inglés) para determinar si el menor tiene una discapacidad, y si el menor necesita servicios de educación especial. El distrito ubica, identifica, y evalúa a todos los menores con discapacidades que son matriculados por sus padres en escuelas privadas (incluyendo religiosas), escuelas primarias y escuelas secundarias localizadas en el distrito escolar. Un médico, enfermera, psicólogo, trabajador social, o administrador de una institución social quien crea razonablemente que un menor que ha sido llevado al mismo para recibir servicios es un menor con discapacidad, 8 tiene el deber legal de recomendar a este menor, incluso si es un menor sin hogar, al distrito escolar en el cual vive el menor. Antes de recomendar al menor, la persona que hace la recomendación debe informar a sus padres que se hará dicha recomendación. Otros, incluyendo a los padres, quienes crean razonablemente que algún menor es un menor con discapacidad pueden también recomendar al menor, incluso si es un menor sin hogar, al distrito escolar en el cual vive el menor. Las recomendaciones deben hacerse por escrito y deben incluir la razón por la cual la persona cree que el menor es un menor con discapacidad. La recomendación debe hacerse contactando a Brian Grill, Director de Educación Especial, Distrito Escolar de Arcadia, en el 608323-3334, Ext. 3165, o escribiéndole a 756 Raider Drive, Arcadia, WI 54612 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ARCADIA—DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD The School District of Arcadia is proud to announce the initiation of a distinguished alumnus award. The Distinguished Alumnus plaques, honoring alumni of the School District of Arcadia, will be displayed at the Senior High School. Purpose: To provide inspirational role models for students To provide a recognition for past alumni To promote a legacy of community pride Making The Best Better Criteria: Have attended Arcadia Public Schools Have graduated at least 20 years prior to induction Have made significant contributions to their community and society through service or a distinguished career Have demonstrated those qualities of character, citizenship, and service that form the foundation of a democratic and humane society Nominations: Made in writing by any person familiar with the individual Submitted no later than January 1 Nominations will remain active for five years. Selection: Made by the Distinguished Alumnus Award Committee members Selection will be made for presentation of the award(s) at the annual graduation ceremony. Recognition Award: A picture plaque and description of accomplishments located at the Senior High School Individual personal memento Arcadia School District Distinguished Alumnus Award Nomination Form Name of Nominee _________________________________________________________________ Arcadia High School graduation dates or dates of attendance in the Arcadia School system _______ Current Address of nominee _________________________________________________________ (Street) ________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) (Phone) If deceased, name and address of the closest living relative… Name ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) (Phone) Nomination submitted by ___________________________________________________________ (Name) ________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) Home Phone ________________________ (Zip) Work Phone ___________________________ Signed ______________________________________________ Date ________________ On a separate paper, please provide a biographical sketch of the nominee as to why you believe this alumnus should be considered for this honor. Please include information about: The significant accomplishments this person attained in his or her professional life. The significant accomplishments and/or contributions this person has made to their community, state and/or nation, outside their professional life. Any other information you feel sets this person apart from others and would make them a “distinguished” alumnus. Please return to: Arcadia High School 756 Raider Drive Arcadia, Wisconsin 54612 Attn: Superintendent of Schools 9 Energy Assistance Program Administered by the State of Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program Trempealeau County Department of Human Services 36245 Main Street – Government Center – Whitehall, WI 54773 715-538-2311 or 1-877-538-2311 (Ext. 290) Applications will be taken for the 2014-2015 heating season beginning October 1, 2014. FACE TO FACE applications will be taken at Human Services in Whitehall on Tuesdays, Thursdays beginning October 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. To schedule an appointment, call the above number. Walk-In to any of the outreach sites listed below. Please check dates, times and locations, as they have changed from last year. City Location Times Arcadia Christ Lutheran Church (WIC Outreach) 464 St. Joseph Avenue Commodities Distribution First Presbyterian Church – Food Pantry Hauge Memorial Library 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. By Appt. See above Arcadia Galesville Osseo Eleva Dodge Whitehall Whitehall Village of Eleva City Hall Sacred Heart Church (Senior Meal Site) Brookside Apartments (Senior Meal Site) Government Center October 2014 --- December 2014 --- January 2015 --- --- ----- --- Wednesday December 3 Monday December 15 --- Tuesday October 28 --- --- --- --- --- Until May 15, 2015 --- --- --Wednesday October 22 Monday October 27 --- November 2014 Wednesday November 3 Wednesday November 19 ----- --Wednesday January 7 --Tuesday January 6 --- Bring the following items to your appointment: Social Security Numbers and Dates of Birth for all persons living in the household. Photo ID for person doing the application. Verification of Heating and Electric Costs for 12 months. Either September 1, 2013- through August 31, 2014 or the last 12 months. Income verification for all household members for the three (3) months PRIOR to the month of application. If you apply in October bring income for July, August, September. Types of income include but are not limited to the following: -Wages: Check Stubs or a pay history statement from your Employer. -Social Security, SSI, Pension or Retirement: Award letter -Interest or Dividend Income: Last year’s 1099’s or Income Tax Return. -Self Employment: Last year’s Income Tax Return. -W-2: Check stubs or copies of your checks. -Child Support : Printout or debit card statement -VA Award Letter or Check stubs (Continued on page 11) 10 MEAL SITES: If you come to one of the meal sites, and wish to eat while you are there, please call at least one day ahead to make a reservation so they will have a meal for you. Sacred Heart Church – Dodge – Kathy Kramer - 608-539-5391 Brookside Apartments – Senior Services – 715-538-2311 ext. 250 REMEMBER: If you don’t bring all needed information, it will delay your application. Delayed applications could result in denied services. For more information or questions, please call Trempealeau County Department of Human Services at 715-538-2311 or 1-877-538-2311 (Ext. 290). 2014-2015 School Board Goals 1) Increase rigor and accountability in academics Goal: Investigate ways to measure student learning & achievement (skill-based or competency-based report cards?) 5) Develop a strong PreK-12 reading program Goal: Pursue optional funding to implement, support & enhance a research proven effective reading program. 2) Building & facilities plans Goal: Create and implement a comprehensive landscaping plan for all district properties. This plan shall include some or all of the following elements. 6) Incorporate Spanish as a "special" Goal: Develop a PreK-6 introductory level foreign language program for FY15 & provide 30 minutes of instruction per week for PreK-6 students. 3) Clear guidance & expectations from administrators Goal: Provide regular communication from superintendent & administrators to all staff & community members. Goal: Provide regular communication with website, Facebook, etc. 7) Increase respect at all levels Goals: 7A) Complete building-level surveys to ID morale issues & develop improvements through SIT. 7B) Research & select a data-gathering tool to measure student bullying. 4) Focus and time to implement programs and goals year after year Goals: 4A) The administrative team will create a 2014-15 school year professional development schedule. 4B) The administrator who supervises the employee will meet with that employee to determine expectations of employees and reduce unnecessary workloads. Walking Track & Weight Room Hours Have Changed Effective November 1st the Walking Track Hours are changing and will be open week days only. 7:30-3:15– Available only when classes are not present— Adults must comply with a background check and sign-in through the HS office. Please enter through the HS main entrance. 3:15-8:00 p.m.—Must be 18 or older (children must be accompanied by parent/guardian) 11 Effective November 1st the Weight Rooms hours are changing and will be open week days only. 7:30-3:15– Available only when classes are not present— Adults must comply with a background check and sign-in through the HS office. Please enter through the HS main entrance. 3:15-5:00—HS Staff and Students only 5:00-8:00 p.m.—Must be 18 or older (children must be accompanied by parent/guardian) November Lunch Menu * November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 7 Chicken Nuggets Raider Burger/bun Uncrustable Ham & Cheese Sub Tacos November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 Popcorn Chicken Fish Nuggets Toasted Cheese Crispy Chicken Strips Italian Dunkers November 17 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 21 Chicken Quesadilla Hot Dog/bun Cold Cut Sub Turkey & Gravy Rotini w/meat sauce November 24 November 25 November 26 November 27 November 28 Cheese Pizza Grilled Chicken Patty Uncrustable NO SCHOOL - THANKSGIVING DAY NO SCHOOL January Lunch Menu* * Subject to change January 1-2 NO SCHOOL January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 Hamburger Beef & Cheese Nachos Turkey & Cheese Sub Chicken Nuggets Macaroni & Cheese January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 Popcorn Chicken Toasted Cheese Crispy Chicken Strips Italian Dunkers Peanut Butter & Jelly January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 Corn Dog Turkey & Gravy Chicken Patty/bun Rotini w/Meat Sauce Ham & Cheese on Pretzel Roll January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 Chicken Nuggets Lasagna Roll-ups Pepperoni Pizza Fish Nuggets French Toast Sticks * Subject to change High school students have choice of alternate meal deal. Salad bar available daily for fifth grade through high school. Breakfast is served daily. High school students have choice of alternate meal deal. Salad bar available daily for fifth grade through high school. Breakfast is served daily. No ghosts or goblins and trick-or-treats, No candy or flowers for your sweets. No gifts to buy or presents to give, Just be THANKFUL for the life that you live. December Lunch Menu* December 1 December 2 December 3 December 4 December 5 Hamburger Soft-shell Taco Chicken Nuggets Ham & Cheese on Pretzel Roll Macaroni & Cheese December 8 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 Popcorn Chicken Fish Nuggets Toasted Cheese Crispy Chicken Strips Italian Dunkers December 15 December 16 December 17 December 18 December 19 Beef Quesadilla Hot Dog Cold Cut Sub Turkey & Gravy Rotini w/Meat Sauce December 22 Chicken Patty December 23 Pizza December 24-31 Christmas Break * Subject to change High school students have choice of alternate meal deal. Salad bar available daily for fifth grade through high school. Breakfast is served daily. 12 November 2014 School District of Arcadia Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 CC State WI Rapids **Time and date of events may change. Check school website for up-to-date information. 2 3 Holiday Fair HS Gym 9:00-2:00 4 MS BB practice begins VB Sectional Final 5 Early Dismissal Teacher Inservice 6 7 VB State Green Bay Musical HS Aud. 7:00 FB Playoffs Level III 14 PTO Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Elem LMC 9 10 GB practice begins Gymnastics practice begins Musical HS Aud 2:00 p.m. 16 12 13 17 BB practice starts W practice starts 24 7th Gr. GB Rec Tourney Musical HS Aud. 7:00 15 MS BB Alma (H) 4:30 MS BB Eleva Strum (A) 5:00 National Honor Society 7:30 p.m. Auditorium School Board Meeting HS Rm. 219 7:30 23 11 8 VB State Green Bay FB Playoffs Level IV 18 19 MS BB C-FC (A) 4:30 MS BB Gilmanton (H) 4:30 GB Whitehall (H) 7:30 21 22 MS BB Lincoln (A) 5:00 GB Onalaska (A) 7:30 5th Grade Band Concert HS Aud. 6:30 25 20 26 Early Release 30 13 FB State Madison FB State Madison 27 NO SCHOOL 28 NO SCHOOL 29 December 2014 School District of Arcadia Sunday 1 Monday MS BB Mel Mini (A) 5:00 7 8 Winter Jazz Concert 3:00 p.m. HS Aud. 14 15 HS Band/Choir 7:00 Aud. School Board Meeting HS Rm.219 7:30 21 22 2 Tuesday MS BB C-FC (H) 4:30 W Whitehall (A) 7:00 GB Viroqua (H) 7:30 9 MS BB BRF (H) 4:30 GB C-FC (H) 7:30 BB Viroqua (A) 7:30 MS Band/Choir 7:00 Aud. 16 Wednesday 3 K & Gr. 1 Winter Concert MS Gym 6:30pm 11 W Blair-Taylor (H) 4:30 10 Gr. 2-3 Winter Concert MS Gym 6:30 pm GB Luther (H) 7:30 18 MS BB Whitehall (A) 4:30 G (H) 6:30 W Westby (A) 6:30 BB Luther (A) 7:30 17 Gr. 4-5 Winter Concert MS Gym 6:30 BB C-FC (H) 7:30 GB West Salem (A) 7:30 23 24 25 NO SCHOOL 28 29 NO SCHOOL 30 NO SCHOOL W River Falls Invite (A) 8:00 W River Falls Invite (A) 8:00 BB Altoona Tourney (A) 6:00 BB Altoona Tourney (A) 6:00 Thursday 4 MS BB BRF (A) 4:45 BB LaCrescent (H) 7:30 NO SCHOOL Friday 5 Saturday 6 MS BB Tourney Whitehall (A) W Quad Mel Min (A) 5:00 GB GET (A) 7:30 12 13 MS BB Blair Taylor (H) 4:30 W Logan Invite (A) 9:00 GB Independence (A) 7:30 BB GET (H) 7:30 19 20 W Invite (H) 9:30 GB Westby (H) 7:30 G Tomah Invite (A) 10:00 26 27 NO SCHOOL 31 NO SCHOOL **Time and date of events may change. Check school website for up-to-date information. 14 January 2015 School District of Arcadia Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 **Time and date of events may change. Check school website for up-to-date information. NO SCHOOL Friday 2 Saturday 3 NO SCHOOL GB Bangor (H) 7:30 4 5 CLASSES RESUME PTO Mtg. Elem LMC 6:30 6 G West Salem (A) 6:30 7 8 W BRF (H) 6:30 BB West Salem (H) 7:30 9 10 BB Westby (A) 7:30 5th Gr. GB Rec Tourney W Osseo Invite (A) 9:30 MS W practice begins GB Fall Creek (A) 7:30 11 12 BB Osseo (A) 7:30 18 19 13 14 15 MS GB Lincoln (H) 4:30 MS GB Alma (A) 4:30 MS W C-FC (A) 5:00 GB BRF (A) 7:30 20 21 22 MS GB C-FC (A) 4:30 25 School Board Meeting HS Rm. 219 7:30 26 G Marshfield (A) 5:30 W Viroqua (H) 6:30 GB BlairTaylor (A) 7:30 27 MS W BRF (A) 5:00 BB Blair-Taylor (A) 7:30 29 MS GB ElevaStrum (A) 5:00 28 G Viroqua (A) 6:30 GB Eleva Strum (A) 7:30 16 Early Dismissal Teacher Inservice End of 2nd Qtr/ 1st Semester W West Salem (A) 6:30 GB GET (H) 7:30 23 17 MS GB Whitehall Tourney 8:00 G Holmen Invite (A) 9:00 BB Durand (A) 2:30 24 MS GB GET (A) 4:30 W Invite (H) 9:30 G Viroqua (A) 5:30 MS W Home Invite (HS Gym) 6:00 30 GBViroqua LaX Center 12:00 (A)BB Viroqua LaX Center (A) 1:30 31 BB GET (A) 7:30 7th Gr. BB Rec Tourney W GET (A) 6:30 G Holmen Quad (A) 6:30 GB Luther (A) 7:30 BB BRF (H) 7:30 15 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER/JANUARY U.S. POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT PERMIT NO. 28 ARCADIA, WI 54612 ECRWSS School District of Arcadia 756 Raider Drive Arcadia, WI 54612 RESIDENT All up-to-date information Check out our website! can found on our website! 16
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