28 Years of Serving Diamond Bar, Walnut & Surrounding Cities Call Susan at 909-270-7000 for a consultation! 2 The Windmill The Best of Diamond Bar On the Cover: Law Librarian of Congress, David S. Mao, visits Diamond Bar Feature your advertisement or article in print and online! Please send materials to: JUST LISTED Spectacular family home in HUGE LOT in private and serene location. Call Susan for details. The Windmill P.O. Box 4697 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 861-1147 thewindmillmag@gmail.com Real Estate Broker Deadlines for November / December advertising & articles: October 10th BRE No. 00904544 International Sales Consultant International President’s Circle 909-270-7000 JUST LISTED Sophisticated move-in ready end unit. Call Susan for details. www.SusanLeeRealty.com Susan@SusanLeeRealty.com The Windmill is brought to you by: The Diamond Bar Community Foundation www.thedbcf.org Mayor's Corner 4 The Spin 5 DBCF News 7-8 Library News 9 Community News 10 Treasurer Carolyn Pirritano WVWD News 11 Community News 13 Board Member Jody Roberto Community News 15-17 Ed Royce & Don Knabe 19 Bob Huff & Curt Hagman 20 Board of Directors Carolyn Anderson Waste Management Community News 21 Library News Ling-Ling Chang Diamond Bar Council Member 22 PUSD News 23 WVUSD News 24 Church News 25 Health News 26 Upcoming Events 27 Bridget Reynolds Bridget’s Beautiful Events Sheriff Stats and Classifieds 28 Ta Sui Owner, East 180 Restaurant This publication is made possible by our advertisers. Please thank them by supporting their businesses. Look for their specials in this month’s issue. Editor Krystal Spindler Officers President/Chair Peter Pirritano, Farmers Insurance VP/Vice Chair Stuart Pompel HIGHEST Sales Value Secretary Alison Meyers, City of Diamond Bar Board Member Jolene Zirbes $1,405,000 909-861-6000 Local Real Estate Specialist Contact Joyce for all your real estate questions. 0 DAYS SOLD IN 3 22402 Robin Oaks Terrace Diamond Bar $798,000 CE R LIST PRI SOLD OVE JUST SOLD 1648 Longview Dr. 1515 Bluff Ct. Diamond Bar $889,000 Diamond Bar $1,399,000 Past Pres./Chair Raul Galindo, Retired Parole Board Mahendra Garg Retired Engineer Lew Herndon DB Parks and Recreation Commissioner Tina Javid The Gas Co. Carolyn Pirritano Farmers Insurance Stuart Pompel Pacific Crest Youth Arts Org. 800-400-4881 joyce4mail@aol.com www.joyce4homes.com LIC#00704394 CE R LIST PRI 586 Topside Pool and Spa Diamond Bar $675,000 2300 sqft with View, New Kitchen Remodel Diamond Bar $779,000 SOLD OVE 24328 Knoll Ct. Diamond Bar Joyce achieves the HIGHEST, BEST price in the area. CALL TODAY for details on your homes highest value! Table of Contents Becky Serrano Turning West Compliance Andrew Wong Dechert LLP Layout & Graphic Design Kirsten Khoury Designs Lif e BAR DIAMOND PanhdotoVs ideo CAPTURE YOUR THROUGH Nature TO OPEN D BAR N DIAMOENTS OF RESID AGES ALL IN ! People 4 Mayor's Corner Mayor's Corner Diamond Bar Mayor Carol Herrera $150 GRAND PRIZE!!! Jumping Right Into Fall I would like to start with a sin- As part of the City’s 25th anniversary commemoration, the participated in our fun summer in a time capsule to be opened in 2039 when it reaches 50 years cere thank you to everyone who festivities including Sycamore Can- yon Park Summer Concert series and Movies Under the Stars, the summer recreational programming and the annual National Night Out. The National Night Out was designed to increase crime prevention, neighborhood safety and strengthen collaboration LINE ENTRY DEAD 14, 2014 NOVEMBER @4:30P.M. Winning photos and video may be featured in the City’s annual calendar, website, and newsletter, as well as in the Windmill magazine. Co-sponsored by City of Diamond Bar and Diamond Bar Community Foundation QUESTIONS? 909.839.7057 • www.DiamondBarCA.gov/photocontest • Email:photocontest@diamondbarca.gov Plac es and unity between local law enforcement and the community. The City and the Sheriff ’s Department consider public safety as a top priority and continue to collaborate and enhance Neighborhood Watch programs. I am excited to continue the City’s celebration of 25 years of incorporation, and invite residents to the upcoming Fall Fun Festival activities. With school back in full swing, I wish the teachers, parents, and especially students a successful school year. Since incorporation there have been 80 organized Neighborhood Watch groups in Diamond Bar. The Neighborhood Watch is a great program to help protect our community by working together with the Sheriff ’s Department to help reduce crime. By being observant and reporting suspicious activity in your neighborhood you will be protecting your family, as well as friends and neighbors. If you are interested in joining or start- ing a neighborhood watch group, or have questions about the program, please contact Aaron Scheller, Community Relations Deputy, at (909)839-7079 for more information. City of Diamond Bar is soliciting ideas about what to include of Cityhood. Some of the items to be included in the capsule are the City’s annual budget for fiscal year 2014-2015, 25th anniversary logo branded memorabilia, newspaper clippings, home sale brochures, and photos of City buildings and public parks. If you would like to suggest additional items to include in the capsule, please send an email to info@diamondbarca.gov. An event is planned to seal and secure the time capsule inside Diamond Bar City Hall. Please join us with your friends and families on October 25 at 4 p.m. Lastly, community fall festivities are well underway. Diamond Bar’s annual Halloween Haunted House is scheduled for October 30 and 31 at Heritage Park, 2900 S. Brea Canyon Road from 6-9 p.m. You can visit www.diamondbarca.gov/ hauntedhouse for more information. The Fall Fun Festival, a fun alternative to trick-or-treating, will include game booths, crafts, prizes and of course candy! The Fall Fun Festival is Friday, October 31, at Heritage Park from 4:30-8:30 p.m. You can visit the City’s website for more information at www.diamondbarca.gov/fallfunfestival. As always, the City Council welcomes your comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me or any other council member by calling (909) 839-7010 or by using the links to our email addresses located on the “Council Members” page of the City website at www.diamondbarca.gov. 6 The Spin The Spin 5 appy Fall Diamond Bar residents! H I would like to invite participation from and will appear drift away, but at the same time am meaningful moments in Diamond Bar. www.thewindmillonline.com. Looking ties. The cool crispness in the air brings Diamond Bar” to display exciting hap- of the ever-so-popular Starbucks Spice your photos to be featured in the next in all seriousness, fall to me represents last forever. I am extremely sad to see summer all residents to submit photos from elated to start all the fun fall festivi- On page 21, we have “Snapshots Around excitement because that is when a cup penings around the community. Send in Latte tastes extremely satisfying. But issue and cherish a memory that will new beginnings. As the leaves fall and wilt away, growth starts immediately. Do not wait until the New Year to start improving your health or pursuing your dreams. We are never promised tomor- row, so get on the “go” path today and live life with no regrets. We are also conducting The Windmill’s 3rd annual article contest with the theme “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” This is your opportunity to share your favorite “hot spots” in Diamond Bar and what our community means to you. Winning articles will be featured in the 1st issue of 2015 on our website at forward to reading all your articles. Lastly, now that school is back in session, please drive safe and pay close attention around schools. When behind the wheel, avoid any distractions and stay off the phones. Your text messages and phone calls can wait until you arrive at your destination. Enjoy the beauty of fall Diamond Bar! Your Editor, - Krystal M. Spindler The Windmill’s 3 rd Annual Article Contest The Windmill team is inviting all residents to submit an article on “Oh, The Places You’ll Go In Diamond Bar” to be featured in our 1st issue of 2015. Deadline for article submission is December 15, 2014 Entry Guidelines: 400 words with photo and caption Adheres to the theme: “Oh, The Places You’ll Go In Diamond Bar” Article must be original, unpublished work Articles must be sent via email to thewindmillmag@gmail.com in Word Document Articles will be judged by The Windmill team Please contact Krystal at thewindmillmag@gmail.com or call 909.861.1147 for more information. brought to you by: in Diamond Bar 49 59 DIAMOND BAR PLAZA 1195 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. Diamond Bar Blvd & Grand (909) 612-9700 Open 7 Days: M-F 8am-10pm, Sat 8am10pm, Sun 8am-10pm 8 I the m o r f s g Greetin DBCF News 7 Diamond Bar An Enchanted Evening Community Foundation t is that time of year again – Time for the Diamond Bar Community Foundation’s (DBCF) Annual Holiday Gala. Make your reservation now for the 11th Gala scheduled for Saturday, November 15 at the beautiful Diamond Bar Center from 6-10 p.m. This year’s theme is “An Enchanted Evening” and is sure to be just that with Industry Manufacturers Council as the DBCF’s honoree. The money raised at the Gala will go toward sponsoring Art, Culture, and Recreation programs in the City of Diamond Bar. It is a wonderful night of fun that raises money for a great cause. We hope you will join us! For more information, to donate, sponsor or buy tickets, please visit www.thedbcf.org. The DBCF Has Elected Their 2014-2015 Board Congratulations 9 fields f r KIDS T housands of children participate in of the four A’s: Academics, Athletics, We as a community must work together every year, but there is an underlying the four A’s because a healthy child has cally fit. Parents must encourage their kids Diamond Bar youth sports programs problem within our community to meet President - Peter Pirritano Bar simply does not have enough fields Secretary - Alison Myers Treasurer - Carolyn Pirritano Past President - Raul Galindo Thank you to the previous board for your hard work and dedication to our community. DBCF News How Important are Youth Sports in Diamond Bar? to the New DBCF Officers: Vice President - Stuart Pompel 8 the needs for these programs. Diamond to accommodate our youth, so we should be doing everything possible to help these children. Diamond Bar is honored to have two great school districts that do their best to meet the needs of their students. Diamond Bar High School Principal, Catherine Real, emphasizes the value Arts and Activities. Athletics is part of a much better approach to the other “A’s.” Unfortunately, our school system cannot meet the physical needs for our children. A recent editorial article in the Daily Bulletin states “Too many school kids to encourage our kids to be more physi- to participate in programs that produce physical activity and the City and school districts must work together to increase the availability of more sports fields to meet the needs of our after school youth sports programs. are out of shape and untutored in fitness Visit the Fields For Kids website at www. health later in life and affecting their tab to learn more or see how you can techniques, raising their risks for poor ability to learn in the classroom.” thedbcf.org and click on the “Programs” help. Cars for Diamond Bar Kids d H v T o D AMK W j f Donate your tax deductible car to help raise funds for sports fields for Diamond Bar’s youth. N Accepting cars, trucks, boats or RV’s, (just about any type of vehicle) in any condition, running or not.* *Coin collections, stamp collections, stocks, bonds, art, property or anything of value is also being accepted. For additional information please fill out the form below and mail it to: Fields for Kids / Diamond Bar Community Foundation, PO Box 4704, Diamond Bar, CA, 91765 fields f r KIDS Diamond Bar Community Foundation Please contact me regarding a possible donation: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: 11 10 Concerts and Movies in the Park is a Wrap Library News T 9 he City of Diamond Bar completed another successful Summer Con- certs in the Park and Movies Under the Law Librarian of Congress Visits Diamond Bar Stars series for its residents. For eight consecutive Wednesdays throughout the summer, Sycamore Canyon Park was the communities destination for live music D avid S. Mao, the 23rd Law Librarian of Congress, will and movies. talk on “Serving Digital Natives in Libraries Today” on Music from all genres and PG-rated Saturday, October 18 at 2 p.m. at the AQMD Government movies made for an eventful evening. Building, located at 21865 Copley Drive in Diamond Bar. Mao manages the operation and policy administration of the Law Library of Congress, which contains the world’s largest collection of legal materials and serves as the leading research center for Foreign, Comparative, and International Law. The libraries mission is to provide research and legal information to the U.S. Congress as well as to the U.S. Federal Courts and Executive Agencies. The library has now moved into the age of digitized information with online databases and guides to legal information worldwide. Mao describes the position as part Law Librarian to Congress, part Steward for the law collections, and part Ambassador to the world’s legal and library communities. We hope you can join Mr. Mao for an interesting and in- formational exchange. A reception will follow after Mao’s discussion. Seating is limited and reservations are a must. Call 626.960.2861 to reserve your seat. The same afternoon, the winners of the Student Essay Writing Contest “How a Book Changed My Life” will be announced. Students ages 13 to 18 are encouraged to write a personal letter to an author, living or dead, from any genre—fiction or non-fiction, contemporary or classic, explaining how that author’s work changed their way of thinking about the world or themselves. For more information on the essay contest, please call 626.960.2861. Please visit www.dblibraryfriends.org for upcoming events or for more information on David S. Mao or the Student Essay Writing Contest. Information booths, free kid activities and refreshments were also available from community non-profit groups. Thank you to the City for sponsoring the first seven weeks and to the Dia- mond Bar Community Foundation for sponsoring the last week of exciting entertainment. Join the community next summer! 10 Community News 12 WVWD News Walnut Valley Water District Adopts Mandatory Water Conservation Measures 11 T he Walnut Valley Water District (WVWD) Board of Directors voted to adopt a Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage resolution. This action comes in a hose to wash a vehicle is prohibited, except by use of a hand-held hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle. • Drinking Water Served Upon Re- response to the state’s ongoing drought quest Only: Eating or drinking estab- and the recently enacted emergency lishments, including but not limited regulations by the State Water Resources to a restaurant, hotel, cafe, cafeteria, Control Board establishing statewide bar, or other public places, will not mandatory water use restrictions. These provide drinking water to any person enhanced restrictions became effective Services at Commercial Lodging Es- further curtail outdoor water use which tablishments: Hotels, motels, and other accounts for more than one-half of a • Limits on Watering Hours: watering your lawn or land- scaping is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. commercial lodging establishments are encouraged to provide customers the option of not having towels and linen laundered daily. “Our District customers have done an excellent job using water wisely over the years,” states WVWD Board President, Barbara Carrera. “We must all take the extra step to save even more.” • Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: All Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought-related ‘State of plumbing or distribution system must be repaired within has experienced one of the driest snowpack and fourth lowest leaks, breaks, or other malfunctions in the water user’s five days. • No Excessive Water Flow or Runoff: Watering any landscaped area cannot cause excessive water flow or runoff onto the sidewalk or street. • No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces: Washing down hard or paved surfaces, such as sidewalks or driveways is prohibited. * In response to the drought, State officials have implemented emergency regulations to increase conservation practices for all Californians. Walnut Valley Water District has adopted a “Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage,” which includes mandatory conservation measures. • Option to Decline Daily Linen Stage 1 restrictions are intended to include: MANDATORY WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES NOW IN PLACE unless requested. August 28. Some of the conservation measures in the Stage 1 restrictions Walnut Valley Water District (WVWD) is partnering with its customers to conserve water during one of the driest periods in California’s history. Together we can make a difference! • Limits on Washing Vehicles: Using * typical family’s monthly usage. FIGHT THE DROUGHT Emergency’ in January of 2014. Since that time, California runoff in 100 years. For questions about the new mandatory conservation measures or to learn more ways to save water, visit www.wvwd.com or call 909.595.1268. The following conservation measures are now in effect: REPORT WATER WASTE Call the Water Waste Hotline at (909) 348-8228 or email savewater@wvwd.com • Lawn or landscape watering between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. is prohibited • All leaks in the water users’ plumbing system must be repaired within five days • Watering any landscaped area cannot cause excessive water flow or runoff onto the sidewalk or street • Washing hard or paved surfaces, such as sidewalks or driveways is prohibited • Using a hose to wash a vehicle is prohibited, except by use of a hand-held hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle HELP US PRESERVE OUR WATER RESOURCES FIND HELPFUL TIPS ONLINE! WVWD.COM For conservation information, rebates and incentives, visit: wvwd.com saveourh2o.org bewaterwise.com U S E W AT E R W I S E LY 14 Community News 13 Diamond Bar’s Lockett Brothers Made it to the NFL L ast year we covered a story on Diamond Bar High School (DBHS) graduate, Bret Lockett, and his journey in mak- ing it to the National Football League (NFL). This year we are excited to announce that his younger brother, Colin Lockett, is following in his footsteps. Colin, also a Diamond Bar High School graduate, has recently been signed to the Cincinnati Bengals. do what I love to do,” states Colin. “I thank God every day for putting me in this position and for everyone that has helped me get to this point.” After having three surgeries and struggling to stay healthy, older brother Bret, decided it was best for him to leave the NFL and move on to a new business venture. Bret’s charismatic personality drove him into the real estate industry where he is After graduating from DBHS in 2009, licensed to work in California Colin went to San Diego State Univer- and New York. sity where he had a successful football career. Immediately following college, Colin signed with the Bengals and began practicing with them in May of 2014. “I feel very blessed to be able to have the opportunity to live my dream and VALLEY VISTA SERVICES, INC. Bret’s NFL experi- Providing quality waste and recycling service for over 50 years ence, both on and off the field, has helped Colin transition to the professional level more thoroughly. “I know my Colin will be a great NFL player,” states Bret. “He is an extreme- ly hard worker and strives to be the best every day and it is only a matter of time before the entire NFL RECOVERING THE EARTH’S RESOURCES Call or email us for more information. 800-442-6454 www.valleyvistaservices.com Waste Disposal and Recycling Division 17445 East Railroad Street, City of Industry CA 91748 | 1371 East 9th St., Unit B, Pomona CA 91766 knows who he is.” Colin will make his NFL debut this season and Bret will be right there along side mentoring him through his journey. Congratulations to the Lockett brothers for pursing and conquering your dreams. 17 16 Community News 15 PulsePoint App Now Available to Diamond Bar Residents ALS Ice Bucket Challenge T he past few months, a brilliant public relations campaign has gone T o aid cardiac arrest victims quickly, the Los Angeles viral on social media with the popular County Fire Department, The PulsePoint Foundation and “Ice Bucket Challenge,” creating aware- The Wireless Foundation have officially made the PulsePoint ness all over the world for Amyotrophic app available to individuals in Los Angeles County. The app is Lateral Sclerisis (ALS) also referred to designed for average citizens and off-duty professionals trained as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. in CPR. It alerts registered users when a sudden cardiac arrest The challenge requires nominated par- occurs in a public place in the immediate vicinity. Information ticipants to video themselves dumping the challenge is complete, the participant as Jennifer Aniston, Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Degeneres all accepting the challenges. President Obama joined in on the action as well. Right here in our own community, Principals and office staff also participated in the social phenomenon. Diamond Bar High School (DBHS) Principal, Catherine Real, and Assistant Principal, John Terry, answered the call by Senior If you are CPR-trained, please download the PulsePoint app today to help save lives. In addition to the PulsePoint app, the Los Angeles County Fire Department will be launching the PulsePoint AED app these crowdsourced AED’s will be visible in the PulsePoint DBHS Principal and Assistant Principal getting doused with water. must nominate others to do the same. Hollywood by storm with celebrities such Fire Chief, Daryl Osby. county for use during cardiac arrest emergencies. Once validated, donating to the ALS Association. Once multiplied significantly. It has even hit at no cost to our organization,” states Los Angeles County to help locate and record all public access defibrillators in the a bucket of ice water on their head and The Ice Bucket Challenge videos have 16 Community News football player, Isaiah Thompson. The team Principals to accept the challenge. Her the pair with the cold ice water. Elementary School’s new Principal, Dr. gathered on the football field and doused The challenge really hit home for Principal Real who lost her big brother to ALS as a 32-year old. “He was a big inspiration for doing this and continues to be a big inspiration for me and my career,” states Real. The DBHS pair then challenged all Walnut Valley Unified School District PulsePoint app and PulsePoint AED apps are available on Android and iOS (Apple). nomination was answered by Castle Rock For further information, please visit www.pulsepoint.org. Resma Byrne, who in her video mentioned that she would not take the challenge, but instead held up a check and donated to the cause. The Castle Rock Knight decided it would only be fair to pour the ice water over Byrne’s head. Although the Ice Bucket Challenge has been seen in a negative light to some is provided at the same time as emergency responders; giv- enduring, it has given ALS well deserved external defibrillators (AEDs) nearby. because of the drought California is attention to help with research in fighting this horrible disease. What is ALS? ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The early symptoms start off as muscle weakness and stiffness and then progresses to impairment in use of arms and legs, thick speech, difficulty breathing and eventually leads to death. To learn more about the disease visit Castle Rock Elementary School Principal gets doused by the Castle Rock Knight. app as well as for dispatcher use during emergency calls. The www.alsa.org. ing detailed instructions, including the location of automatic More than 13,000 people in Los Angeles County have already GET LISTED. GET SOLD. downloaded the app, but local promotional campaigns are in development to help raise awareness among the County’s more than 4 million residents. Cardiac arrests outside hospitals are responsible for more than 1,000 deaths a day and 424,000 a year. Effective CPR administered immediately after a cardiac arrest can potentially double or triple the victim’s chance of survival, but less than half of victims receive that immediate help. “Mobile technology can help us build a safer, more resilient community, and thanks to the donation by The Wireless Foundation, PulsePoint is available to Los Angeles County GAYLE BARNES Call for a e Free Hom n Evaluatio Realtor Promenade Realtors call: 888-699-8702 gayle@gaylebarnes.com www.gaylebarnes.com BRE Lic: #00873908 18 Local School Receives Generous Donation for Students and Teachers Community News 17 desire to make a positive difference on a daily basis at the ground level O ver the summer, Neil Armstrong within nearby communities. Their Elementary School was fortunate goal is to educate and raise awareness to have received 50 backpacks filled with of the needs within the communi- school supplies provided by a newly found- ties, to promote the importance of ed non-profit organization, Girlfriends volunteering and philanthropy, and Giving Circle of Southern California. Additional school supplies such as two cases of copy paper, 200 glue sticks, 50 spiral notebooks, dozens of rulers, crayons, ers, pencil boxes and 70 Expo dry erase markers for the teachers were also donated to the school. Founded in January 2014, Girlfriends Giving Circle of South- ern California was established to bring together friends that Senior & Kids Programs vided over 500 Blessing Bags to the Pilates bags filled with toiletries, snacks and Physical Therapy water. 60 Easter baskets were also donated to children living in shelters. The Girlfriends Giving Circle of Southern California’s next project will be cooking and serving breakfast for families that Giving Circle of Southern California, have questions, or would like to donate, please contact President, Robin Parks at 909-437-2674 or visit their Facebook page under “Girlfriends Giving Circle of Southern California.” l ADVERTISE In The Windmill Ask Profits Go Reach Every About Back To The Diamond Bar Discounts Community Resident Diamond Bar Community Foundation Weight Loss To date, the organization has pro- If you are interested in becoming a member of Girlfriends 10/31/14 Certified Personal Trainers Body Shaping reside at the Ronald McDonald House in Pasadena. Self Feel Good! Look Great! to bring about positive change. homeless, which consisted of Ziploc highlighters, colored pencils, pocket fold- Real Solutions! Contact Krystal at 909.861.1147 or thewindmillmag@gmail.com Try Us Out For Free! Try A Complimentary Personal Training Session (First time clients only Some restrictions apply) State Of The Art Training Center Changing lives & improving bodies for over 15 years. Fitness Advantage has been providing top quality personal training and weight loss services in Diamond Bar since 1990. Real Success Stories Lost 53 pounds! “I’ve lost 53 lbs and at 60 years old I look & feel better than ever. Thank you Fitness Advantage ”. Meg McIntyre (909) 396-0309 fitnessadvantagehealth.com Located on the corner of Grand & Diamond Bar Blvd. Royce/Knabe 19 20 Senator Bob Huff Ed Royce Senate Republican Leader Proudly Serving the 29th Senate District U.S. Representative Serving the 39th District of California I Legislature Recognizes the Contributions of Chinese-Americans & Apologizes for Past Discriminatory Laws Ensuring Californians Are Ready for the Jobs of the Future recently had the pleasure of visiting the headquarters of economy and creating high paying jobs in Southern California. The company is headquartered in the City of Industry where workforce in the world, policies that promote science, technology, X-ray inspection systems manufacturer Astrophysics, Inc. all of its products are manufactured exclusively. I was able to tour the company’s facility, meet with Astrophysics’ executives and employees (many of whom are Diamond Bar residents), and view a live demonstration of the company’s next generation counter-terrorism technology. Astrophysics employs over 200 workers in the United States and the company’s systems are used in more than 100 countries at airport checkpoints, courthouses, sporting events and seaports, making it one of the largest exporters of X-ray technology globally. Astrophysics is a company making products that keep us all While our country has the best educated and most productive engineering, and math (STEM) education at our schools will ensure that success stories like Astrophysics are far more common. High-tech jobs are the future, which is why I am working in Congress to guarantee that America is home to the next generation of engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs. California’s T he California State Assembly recently took ac 0tion to natory laws that targeted Chinese-Americans and aimed to ments of Chinese-Americans in California and to call upon brings light to past laws which denied Chinese in California pass measures that recognize the many proud accomplish- Congress to formally apologize for the 1882 adoption of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Senate President Pro-Tem, Kevin de León, joined me in authoring Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 23 and Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 122. advocacy partners to launch the next phase in our fight against child sex trafficking here in Los Angeles County. Our staff has been on the frontlines since the beginning; For the last two and a half years, we have raised the level of aware- ness of this horrific crime to the public’s consciousness. We have changed the understanding that these are girls—maybe a neighbor or maybe even a relative—who are being tortured with physical and emotional abuse, and sexually exploited for money. Thanks to the efforts of Judge Catherine Pratt and our STAR Court, we have been able to provide much needed support, even the right to fish in California’s waters. These measures directly limited the success of the Chinese laborers and resulted start businesses like Astrophysics that provide high-paying also formally calls on Congress to apologize for laws which the right to own land, vote, or go to our public schools laid the schools, and the STEM educated students they produce will jobs for all Californians. tributions of Chinese Americans in California. The resolution resulted in the persecution of Chinese Americans, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act. SCR 122 recognizes the history and contributions of Chinese- Americans in California and also apologizes for past discrimi- launching a set of protocols that will provide more girls with these services. who are brutally beaten by their pimp for not making a quota grown men are not prostitutes. which was signed into law last year. I am extremely inspired We need to be there to protect these victims. We need to wrap the legislative process. night after night on a street corner are not prostitutes. Kids are not prostitutes. Kids victimized and sexually exploited by our arms around them and get them everything they need to get on the road to recovery and the path to a better life. The lives of our girls depend on it. racist law that was painful for our community. This is a good step towards much-needed healing in the Chinese American community. Assemblyman Bill to Ensure Proper Use of School Facility Funds is Signed by the Governor I from your vocabulary. Kids who are forced to sell themselves groundwork for the federal Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, a Assistant Republican Leader Representing the 55th Assembly District mentorship and services to our young survivors. We are Let’s start with the language. Remove the word “prostitute” Our state laws that denied Chinese Americans in California Assemblyman Curt Hagman The Fight Continues Against Child Sex Trafficking ing and DCFS staff, local law enforcement, Probation, and our elections, access to public schools, the right to bear arms, and in their persecution. Serving Los Angeles County’s Fourth District Probation Chief Jerry Powers, DCFS Director Philip Brown- the right to own land or property, the right to vote in our SJR 23 acknowledges and celebrates the rich history and con- Supervisor Don Knabe I discourage further immigration from China. The apology most valuable assets are its universities, colleges, and technical safe, and it is doing it right here in our backyard – growing the proudly joined Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell, Huff/Hagman am happy to announce that Assembly Bill 1664 that I authored has been signed into law by Governor Brown. AB 1664 ensures that school facility funds are being used for their intended purpose. My bill is a follow up to AB 308 by the unanimous support that this bill received throughout This bill became necessary to ensuring the proper use of school facility funds due to a potential conflict between AB 308 and the Naylor Act, which requires school districts to offer their recreational school sites to local government agencies before offering it to another local education agency. AB 1664 allows, in cases where a property falls under both code sections, for a school district to first offer the property to another specified educational entity rather than a local government agency, keeping schools first in line for properties built with school facility funds. Please visit my website to learn more about AB 1664 at www. assembly.ca.gov/hagman. 23 Community News 21 The Perfect Love Story M ichael Sia- cunco and Sarah Lin, former Quail Summit stu- dents, were recently engaged at the exact Pretty Pretty Princesses “By the time we were at Quail Summit I already knew,” she said. The campus was decorated with lights and rose petals. About 30 family members and friends gathered in the amphitheater while video played photos and tributes. I t is not everyday girls get to dress up and look and feel like a princess. The Diamond Bar Library and Miss Diamond Bar and her court want to give girls that opportunity. Together they are teaming up and hosting a Princess Party place they met 17 years “I was watching the projector and he came down the aisle ater at Quail Summit Then he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. conclude at 2 p.m. at the Diamond Bar Their story began on the second day of school in the fourth “I was in tears. I just nodded, I could not even talk,” she said. “He has known me for 17 years, there is no doubt he is the ing, princess stories, princess crafts and ago – the amphitheElementary School. grade. “She chased me because she liked me,” he recalled. “I liked him,” she acknowledged. They became friends, dated during middle school, and then reconnected during college. singing “As Beautiful as You,” by All 4 One. one.” “She was my first girlfriend when we were nine, my first dance when we were ten, and my first kiss. And here we are 17 years later at the place where we met and she is now my fiancé,” he said. Center. Two years ago she wrote him letters during the eight-week party will start promptly at 1 p.m. and Library. Guests will enjoy princess danc- more. Attend in your favorite princess costume and take priceless photos with Miss Diamond Bar and her court. Although attendees get to dress up in beautiful dresses, girls should know that true beauty is what lies within. How you treat others, your morals and values, and Siacunco is currently serving in the US Air Force stationed in Denver, Colorado and Lin is a nurse at UCLA Medical for girls ages 0-11 on September 20. The Do you have a picture you think should be featured in The Windmill ? basic training. They became a couple about a year ago. “We were both finding our faith and we just took a leap of faith,” he said. Siacunco arranged the surprise proposal during leave in his hometown. He incorporated all their favorite places into the occasion– Quail Summit Elementary, Chaparral Middle School, Diamond Bar High, St. Denis Church and the Diamond Bar Center. A girlfriend drove Lin to each location and standing there were friends holding a poster with a special memory and a gift greeting her. “Every stop had a little blurb about what we were going through during that time in our lives.” he said. “The best thing was that I had no idea!” she exclaimed. But after a few stops, she got the picture. Sierra Weesner’s first day of Second Grade at Evergreen Elementary School. Photo courtesy of Tiffany Weesner Send us your “ Snapshots Around Diamond Bar” to Krystal at thewindmillmag@gmail.com. Images must be 300dpi in JPEG format. BRE#01213587 knowing and accepting who you are is 22 Library News what is really beautiful. “Nowadays, social media has skewed girls Spots are limited, so be sure to RSVP certain way to be considered beautiful,” at 909.861.4978. into thinking that they have to look a states Miss Diamond Bar 2014, Taylor Kalinowski. “But everyone is made differently and everyone is beautiful in their own way. Learn to love the true beauty you find in the raw- ness and uniqueness in you.” The Princess party will be one of a kind. by contacting the Diamond Bar Library 25 24 Superintendent’s Message: Richard Martinez 23 PUSD News were cut during the recession, hire more As we continue our commitment to the new classrooms and labs, as well as offer the and graduate, we will – with the input at the Pomona Uni- nation (AVID) program at many of our (PUSD)! I would for college and careers. We have had a warm welcome from PUSD schools over the last couple district, which this year is celebrating number of transfers from surrounding W elcome to teachers and expand technology in our 2014-15 school year Advancement Via Individual Determi- fied School District schools to better prepare our students like to extend a record number of students graduating to new and returning families to our of years and we are also welcoming a 60 years, marking the continuation of districts. of all of our stakeholders – be revising our Strategic Plan, a six-year blueprint for PUSD that aims to inspire, encour- age and empower every student to build students in the communities of Pomona This year, additional state funding has enabled us to restore programs that W alnut Valley Unified School “It is a reflection announce both high schools, Diamond commitment to District (WVUSD) is pleased to Bar and Walnut, have been ranked in the top 100 of all high schools in America by the Daily Beast publication. respectful relationships with our teachers Diamond Bar High School ranked #54 their college or career goal. They also scored in the top 100 in specific and staff and stay the course to reach 60 60 60 60 60 6060 60 60 60 60 Congrat u l a t i o ns t o P S D 60 60 60 60 6060Cel60e60 60 60 60 60 60 60606060brat60ing606060Years! 60 60 6060 60606060 606060 another successful academic year for our and Diamond Bar. helping our students reach their goals Best High Schools in America - Diamond Bar, Walnut Named to Top 100 for 2014 u overall in the nation and #7 in California. categories of Rigor, Graduation Rates, and ACT / SAT Scores. Walnut High School ranked #97 overall in the nation and #11 in California. They also scored in the top 100 in the specific category of Rigor. This is a remarkable achievement when considering it is estimated that there are more than 30,000 public and private high schools across the country. It also appears that WVUSD is the only school district in California with two high schools in the top 100 in the nation. “This is an incredible achievement for our schools and entire community,” Superintendent Dr. Robert Taylor stated. 24 WVUSD News of the relentless student achieve- ment on behalf of our Board of Trust- ees, staff, students, parents, and com- munity. And, to be what appears as the only school district in California with two high schools ranked in the top 100 nationally is a tribute to the “Kids First” attitude throughout our K-12 community.” The Daily Beast also recognized Diamond Bar and Walnut High Schools as the 25 Best High Schools of the West. Diamond Bar High School ranked #15 and Walnut High School ranked #19. The Daily Beast publication uses six indicators taken from school surveys Diamond Bar High Class of 2014 Super Star Seniors Steven Gomez,Claire Huang, Jane Wu, and Vrajesh Shah. United States, with graduation and college acceptance rates weighed most heavily. Other criteria included: collegelevel courses and exams, percentage of students with free or reduced lunch, as well as SAT and ACT scores. The full results can be viewed at http://www. thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/27/ america-s-top-high-schools.html. to compare public high schools in the Maple Hill Elementary Opened Doors to Modernized Campus M aple Hill Elementary students had an incredible surprise at the start of the school year with a newly art technology, skylights and gener- struction project con- desks and chairs were purchased for the designed school. The $5.6 million con- sists of a brand-new interior design, large multipurpose room and exterior landscaping. Classrooms also feature state-of-the- ous storage cabinets. Six hundred new campus. The school community came out to celebrate during a grand re-opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 3. 26 Church News 25 Diamond Bar United Church of Christ by Sylvia Galelli and the language of the local Native T Christ recently re-dedicated their Peace Pole, a symbolic statue, with the words “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in 12 different languages. of its members. The church has a tradition of supporting peace and justice issues over the years, allowing the Peace Pole to be the stable reminder of the continuous work there The Peace Pole was installed in 2000 and sits in front of the church. The lan- guages of English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Hebrew, French, Arabic, Nige- rian, German, Tagalog, Sign Language is to do within this country. To learn more about the Diamond Bar United Church of Christ and its Peace Pole, visit www.diamondbarucc.org. Wednesday Night Live at eFree free Church of Diamond Bar invites you to join them for their mid-week program, WEDNESDAY NIGHT MS, Dip CN, Cert. Health Coach, Cert. Lifestyle Educator A calorie is a calorie, right? Or is it? The common as- sumption is that to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce caloric intake. For the most part, it is correct and counting calories can be helpful. It is true that in order to lose weight, we must pay attention to the number of calories consumed. Creating a caloric deficit, leads to weight loss. What most people who are stuck just counting calories miss, is that to optimize weight loss, ensure long-term weight maintenance, and promote health, it is also important to be aware of the following factors: glycemic index (for proper blood sugar management), and exercise. - 5th grade and includes lively worship, bible stories, recreation, Tales. Please encourage your child to bring their friends so that they too can learn more about God and His Word! recommendation is to focus not just on calories, and numbers on the scale, but also to emphasize key factors, such as blood sugar management and exercise. This will ensure long-term results and better health. Advantage in Diamond Bar at 909.396.0309. The popular KID’S CLUB program is for children 4 years old “What’s In The Bible?,” by Phil Vischer the creator of Veggie Not all calories are created equal. If you want to lose weight, my visit www.glycemicindex.com or contact me at Fitness every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 PM. New Testament using the fun-filled, fast-paced DVD series Exercise does so much more than just improve your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn each day. Your body is designed to move. Whatever you do not move will eventually weaken, cause atrophy and deteriorate. Exercise is key to managing your blood sugar and is also good for your brain. For more information on the Glycemic Index LIVE!, designed for the entire family. The programs runs crafts and group time. This year, the children will explore the Health News Still Counting Calories to Lose Weight? American Tribes represent the heritage he Diamond Bar United Church of E 26 Glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of how fast a particular food raises blood glucose (sugar) levels. Blood glucose, and our body’s ability to metabolize it, is relevant to our waistline and to our health. Foods that have only a slow, small effect on blood sugar are said to have a low GI value, while those that cause The cost is $20 per child or $50 for a family of three or more. a rapid and massive rise in blood sugar have a high GI value. entire year. Visit www.efreedb.org today for more information stimulate insulin oversecretion. Overproduction of insulin, in This includes a club T-Shirt and all the supplies needed for the High glycemic foods (mostly white, refined and processed) and to download a registration form today. turn causes blood glucose levels to crash resulting in increased appetite and increased fat storage. Chronic overproduction of insulin promotes fat gain and can threaten our health. It can result in a pre-diabetic insulin resistant state, known as metabolic syndrome, and eventually progress to diabetes. Overproduc- tion of insulin has also been linked to such diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s. When you are at the supermarket, look for food with the GI symbol because it is your trusted guide to healthier food choices. Foods that display the GI symbol have had their glycemic index tested at an accredited laboratory and have met strict nutrient criteria. 29 Upcoming Events 27 Diamon d Bar 's Up coming Events Calen dar September 20 4th Annual Drive Electric at AQMD parking lot from 12:00pm - 4:00pm. Learn, ride or test drive electric vehicles. Visit www.driveelecticweek.org. 20 Princess Tea party for girls ages 10 and under at the Diamond Bar Library from 1:00pm - 3:00pm. Hosted by the Miss Diamond Bar Court and the Diamond Bar Library. To RSVP and for details contact 99.861.4978. 20 NJB Diamond Bar Youth Basketball Sign Ups for grades K-8th at Pantera Park from 8:00am - 2:00pm. Visit www. dbnjb.org for more information. 24 NJB Diamond Bar Youth Basketball Sign Ups for grades K-8th at Round Table Pizza (Grand/Diamond Bar Blvd.) from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Visit www.dbnjb.org for more information. Octobe r 18 Law Librarian of Congress, David S. Mao, visits Diamond bar at the AQMD Government building. Please RSVP by October 10 to 626.960.2861. 18 & 19 22nd Annual Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival at the Farm Store (4102 S. University Drive in Pomona) from 8:00am - 5:00pm. Admission and parking Free. Pumpkins $5. 21 Free Residential Landscape Class at the Walnut Valley Water District from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Call 909.595.7554 ext. 370 and leave name, address and phone number. 25 City of Diamond Bar 25th Anniversary Time Capsule Dedication at City Hall at 4:00pm. Visit www.colapublib.org/ libs/diamondbar for further information. 26 Octoberfest at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & School Los Angeles County Sheriff 's Department Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Walnut/Diamond Bar Station 28 Walnut/ Diamond Bar Station Crime Analysis Unit - Monthly Crime Recap - Part I Crimes City Diamond Bar Crime Analysis Unit - City ofofDiamond Bar Part I Crimes 2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 909.861.5481 for more information. Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 & 31 Rape 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 Robbery 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 6 Assault 1 4 1 6 7 2 2 23 specialevents or call 909.839.7070 for details. Burglary 22 15 24 35 20 29 14 159 31 Larceny 38 29 32 28 23 31 30 211 - 8:30pm at Heritage Park. Visit www.diamondbarca.gov/ GTA 4 3 4 5 1 5 6 28 specialevents or call 909.839.7070. Arson 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 31 Total 66 53 64 76 53 67 53 (23300 Golden Springs Dr.) from 12:30pm - 3:00pm. Free event includes food, drinks, raffles and auction items. Contact City of Diamond Bar Haunted House from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Admission $5 per body. Buy One Get One Free coupon on page 14. Visit www.diamondbarca.gov/ City of Diamond Bar Fall Fun Festival from 4:30pm Happy Halloween! November 14 Diamond Bar Through My Lens photo and video contest entry deadline at 4:30pm. Email entries to photocontest@ diamondbarca.gov or visit www.diamondbarca.gov/photocontest for details. 15 The Diamond Bar Community Foundation’s Annual Gala an Enchanted Evening at the Diamond Bar Center from 6:00pm - 10:00pm. To sponsor, donate or purchase tickets contact 951.741.5999 or visit www.thedbcf.org. December 15 The Windmill’s 3rd Annual article contest “Oh The Places You’ll Go in Diamond.” Refer to page 5 for details or email and submit articles to thewindmillmag@gmail.com. Part I Crimes 2013 Homicide Rape Robbery Jan Feb Mar Apr Charity Garage Sale May Jun Children's Hospital of Orange County garage 0 sale0hosted0by the 0MOMS 0 Club 0 of Diamond Bar on Saturday, September 0 0 1 1 0 0 27 from 7am-1pm on Sunset Crossing in 5 3 Donations 2 3 accepted 1 and 4 Diamond Bar. are 32 37 29 39 28 Jazzercise: LarcenyIt Shows! 42 38 44 50 53 Jul Sep Aug Oct Nov Dec Total 0 0 0 0 432 Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 0 Classified Ads tax deductible. Assault Email diamondbarmomsclub@gmail 4 3 5 2 for 2further 3 information. Burglary Aug Sheriff Stats/ Classifieds Pc Software Consultant Do you get Error Messages? Internet connection problems? Computer running slower and slower? Retired Aerospace Software 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Engineer with 34 years experience with PCs. Will troubleshoot and 0fix your 0PC problems at0your residence or 0 0 1 place of3business. Please contact Steve at 909.594.0604. 24 1 0 0 2 1 2 3 4 Contractor 5 0 Ceramic Tile 1 2 34 343work at 26 Full37service 20(entry, 27showers, 19 floors) 24 high 25quality reasonable prices by licensed contractor, 37 years experience. 461 31 Diamond 37 30 resident. 32 909.396.9032. 34 31 39 Bar Cardio + Strength + Stretch + Fresh Moves + New Music + Pure GTA 6 4 10 6 8 7 Motivation! All fitness levels! 909.590.0027 or 800-fit-is-it for 0 0 0 0 0 0 class Arson information. 2 2 3 7 10 1 Diamond Bar Residential Care Facility 66 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Move in Special at Diamond Bar Residential Care Facility for Elderly.56 24 hour67 European-Style 89 932 with Total 85 91 101 92 71 The80 63 67assisted70living facility Local Ad Sales Representative personal assistance offering 50% off first month’s basic price with The Date: Windmill is searching for a local Ad Sales Representative. 08/14/2014 minimum 90 days stay. Visit www.boardncare.com or contact Data Source: Monthly UCR-Return A reports. Commission hours. Ad Sales experience a plus by butreport) Carmen at 909.721.4705, carmen@boardncare.com. (Homicide, only. Rape,Flexible & Agg-Assault counted by victims, all otheriscounted Negative numbers are a correction for a previous month when the previous counted crime is determined not a crime. not required. Send resumes to thewindmillmag@gmail.com. The Windmill is distributed to every resident in Diamond Bar, and is available at local businesses and City centers. Proceeds from The Windmill go directly back into the community of Diamond Bar to support Art, Culture, and Recreation. Thank you for your continued support. WE TURN HOUSES INTO HOMES STARTING AT KITCHEN $3995 CABINETS & GRANITE ! INSTALLED + TAX 333//' SEE STORE FOR DETAILS ! ^ FREE WITH PURCHASE OF COMPLETE KITCHEN AND FLOORING CENTER, INC. n mo Le yn aC Bre 60 rings Go Sp lden 20875 GOLDEN SPRINGS DR. 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Chino $316,888 4637 Gettysburg Ave Great area and great price. This home is partially remodeled - including conversion to a 4 bed, 1.5 bath home. Newer windows, front door and kitchen with granite counters. Fully covered patio in back, attached 2 car garage with roll up door. Matching shed for storage. Fenced in yard front & back. view all properties on my website Diamond Bar $489,000 1173 Overlook Ridge Remodeled home with great view. 4 beds & 2 baths. Remodeled kitchen, master bath with walk-in sunken shower, forever metal roof, beautiful curb appeal, pool size lots & plenty more room to play. This home will not last long! Diamond Bar $398,888 1511 Diamond Bar Blvd. Estate Sale. Diamond Gate town home style - end unit. This 3 bed, 3 bath home has a fireplace & wood floors in living room. Master suite with oval soaking tub. Two car garage, private patio, Walnut School District. Association parking, pool & spa. Great home in the perfect area! www.LARRYMBLACK .com
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