November 2014

Volume 12, Issue 2
Page 1
 Trip to Hayward
 Activities and
Trip to Hayward Japanese Garden
Page 2~3
 November Highlights
 SPCA Volunteer
 November
 New Resident
 Thanksgiving
 Guess Who?
 Beaujolais
 Meetings with
Senior Staff
Page 4
 Employee of
the Month
 November
 Acknowledging
Our Supporters
 Health Tips
Apple りんご
November 2014
Japanese Food
of the Month
hat a pretty garden in the middle of Hayward! A bus full of
Kokoro residents and escorts enjoyed a beautiful day at
Hayward Japanese Garden. Strolling through the garden, a group
enjoyed watching the massive koi fish and turtles. The senior center
next to the garden welcomed us and graciously let us participate in
their activities. Kokoro residents enjoyed live music and dancing.
Activities and Events
By Naoko Jones
“Otoko wa tsurai-yo”
Apple Tasting &
Nov. 2 (Sun) 2:00pm
Crafts w/Amy
Nov. 13 (Thu) 2:00pm
Nov. 14 (Fri) 10:00am
In this very funny Japanese
movie, “Tora-san” is a kindhearted traveling salesman
who is always unlucky in
Join us to taste different
varieties of apples - - Fuji,
Gala, Red Delicious and
Granny Smith. Which one
is your favorite?
A long time volunteer Amy
Hanamoto leads simple
and fun arts and crafts
every month. This month’s
theme is “Gobble-Gobble”!
Slide Show w/
Marilyn Straka
Japanese Dance w/
Fujimoto Sensei
Emiko’s Kitchen
“Kinoko Gohan”
Nov. 19 (Wed) 3:00pm
Nov. 20 (Thu) 1:30pm
Nov. 25 (Tue) 2:00pm
Fall colors are vivid as
Marylin takes us to the five
states in the Eastern US.
We will catch glimpses of
the Appalachian Trail.
Well known Japanese
dance instructor Fujimoto
sensei will bring her class
to Kokoro. Enjoy the beautiful culture of nihon buyo.
Kinoko Gohan is a savory
rice with mushrooms.
Emiko’s easy to make recipe is perfect for fall.
Please join us!
Volume 12, Issue 2
Page 2
SPCA Volunteer
SF Conservatory of Music
November 15 (Sat) 3:00 pm
Very talented music students from the SF
Conservatory of Music will perform classical
music. Please come and enjoy their beautiful performance. These young musicians
strive everyday for their love of music.
This activity is made possible by your generous donations to Kokoro’s Activity Fund. THANK YOU!!!
Bus Trip to Boudin Bakery
San Francisco
November 21 (Fri) 9:30 am
Onica Kuch & Baxter Tibetan Terrier
The Boudin family opened a tiny, old-world bakery
on Dupont Street in 1849. We will tour the collection of historic and interactive exhibits as we observe the bakery in action from a catwalk. We will
sample different kinds of fresh baked breads!!
This activity is made possible by your generous donations to Kokoro’s Activity Fund. THANK YOU!!!
Donations Wish List
Bingo Prizes
JARF Thanksgiving
Interfaith Service
November 25 (Tue) 3:00 pm
Volunteers needed
November 21 (Fri)
Bus Trip to Boudin
Bakery San Francisco
“Hanafuda” “Go”
“Mah Jongg” leader
Clergy of the Japanese American Religious
Federation will lead an interfaith service of
Thanksgiving for all. Please join us to
celebrate this special holiday service.
Special Thanksgiving Movie:
“Miracle on 34th Street”
November 27 (Thu) 2:00 pm
Kokoro is owned by KALI
and managed by NCP Senior Ventures, LLC
You might think this film belongs to the Christmas. Actually, Miracle on 34th Street begins
on Thanksgiving Day with the famous Macy’s
parade. This movie captures how Thanksgiving
kicks off the stressful holiday shopping season.
Volume 12, Issue 2
Page 3
November Birthdays
New Resident
Kokoro cordially
invites you to
Thanksgiving Luncheon
11/14 ………. Frances Fung
11/14 ………. Grace Takamoto
11/22 ………. Ted Kodama
11/26 ………. Joji Kanda
#206 ….. Miyoko Lee
Beaujolais Nouveau
Japan is the largest buyer of
this young wine outside
France, accounting for more
than half of overseas sales.
The country drinks three times
more Beaujolais Nouveau than
the U.S. The third Thursday in
November marks the official
debut of Beaujolais, and the
Japanese, because of their
time zone, get the first taste.
A spa outside Tokyo celebrates the arrival of Beaujolais
Nouveau wine by pouring red
wine into outdoor pools and
inviting the adventurous in for
an invigorating bath. The record sales were set a decade
ago, when 12.5 million bottles
were sold in Japan in 2004.
November 27 (Thu) Noon
Garden Salad
Steamed Broccoli
Cauliflower & Squash
Homemade Cranberry
Mashed Potato & Gravy
Roast Turkey
Honey Baked Ham
Pumpkin Pie
Mobile Phone Hotline:
(Direct to Lead Res. Asst.- Anytime)
Main Telephone Number
415-776-8066 or 415-674-4276
Answer on a back page.
Executive Director
Kirk Miyake-Ext. 12
Director of Sales & Marketing
Jimmy Murota-Ext. 11
Meetings w/ the
November 3
November 10
November 24
November 20
November 20
…… Dining/Food
…… Marketing
…… Resident Care
…… Executive Dir.
…… Activities
Director of Dining/Housekeeping
Roddy Kodama-Ext. 13
Director of Activities
Naoko Jones-Ext. 15
Director of Resident Care
Richard Grange -Ext. 16
Volume 12, Issue 2
Employee of the
Trina Kobata
October 2014
November Quote
An optimist is a person
who starts a new diet
on Thanksgiving Day
Our Supporters
Aida Rodriguez
Al Morales & Luna
Amy Hanamoto
Barbara Noguchi
Benjamin Cheung
Claire Okuyama
Clarence Hisatsune
Denise Teraoka
Elaine Beatson
Emiko Tom
Emiko Ogawa
Fumiko Walsh
Hiro Matsunaga
Hisako Yamaguchi
Jack Dairiki
Jean Nakashima
June Pramualphol
Katsunobu Yamabata
Kinya Matsuno
Lara Zanzucchi &
~Irv Kupcine
Kokoro Assisted Living
1881 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-776-8066
Fax: 415-674-5941
Linda Yamane
Lois Ohwa
Mari Murayama
Noriko Kashiwabara
Patrick Gaiser
Paul&Yoneko Omai
Renee Powers &
Rev. Rodney Yano
Rose Ichiyasu
Setsuko Nakahara
Sharen Langewisch
Sim Seiki
Sumi Suda
Sumiko Nakamura
Sunny Endo-Benus
Takanobu Fujii
Tara Sweet & Sophie
Vickie Ina
Liberty Candelaria’s
Health Tips
Good Oral Hygiene
Bacteria can live in our mouth in the form of
plaque, causing cavities and gingivitis. In
order to keep our mouth clean, we must practice good oral hygiene every day. Plaque is a
sticky layer of material containing bacteria
that accumulates on teeth. Plaque also produces substances that irritate the gums making them red, sensitive and susceptible to
bleeding. The best way to remove plaque is
brushing and flossing teeth every day. Brush
your teeth twice per day with a soft bristle
tooth brush. Use antimicrobial toothpaste
containing fluoride which help protect teeth
from decay. Clean between the teeth once a
day with floss or interdental cleaners to remove plaque from between the teeth.
Answer: Ms. Chiyoko Fukumoto