DAY ONE: MONDAY 27th OCTOBER 2014 The Sebel Mandurah: 1 Marco Polo Dr, Mandurah WA 6210 Registration commences at 0800hrs Stream 1 - Practical Engineering Advice on Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability for Australian Coastal Development Stream 2 - Western Australian coastal community workshops Ron Cox, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW and Tony Webb, Environmental Hydraulics and UNSW and Tanya Stul, Seashore Engineering, Damara WA WA. Venue: The Sebel - Acacia 1 Venue: The Sebel - Acacia 2 0830 Contemporary issue in coastal management and planning in WA – an open forum Dr Garry Middle 1000 Morning tea 1000 Morning tea 1030 Session 1 1030 Challenges and Solutions in Managing Vehicles in the Coastal Zone, South Coast WA and Beyond Climate Change and Sustainability Guidelines – case study Brett Dal Pozzo and Dylan Gleave, South Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Inc with the South Coast Management Group 1200 Lunch 1200 Lunch 1300 Session 2 - Adaptation Guidelines – case study 1300 South West Regional Coastal Stakeholders Forum / Workshop Blair Darvill South West and Peel Harvey Coastal Management Group (CoastSWaP) 1430 Afternoon Tea 1430 Afternoon Tea 1500-1630 Final session - Putting three guidelines together – case study 14451715 Exploring the legal feasibility of planning instruments for coastal adaptation planning in WA 1700-1900 Ashley Robb, with support from Curtin University, Prof Jan MacDonald, Dr. Charles Lester, WA Department of Planning, and the WA Department of Transport Coast to Coast Conference 2014: Welcome Reception at M on the Point 1 Marco Polo Dr, Mandurah (Sponsored by Perth Region NRM). DAY TWO: TUESDAY 28th OCTOBER 2014 0800 Registration 0900 0900-0905 0905-0910 0915-0920 0925-0955 1000-1010 OPENING PLENARY CHAIR: Garry Middle Harry Nannup (Bindjareb Nyungar elder) Mayor Marina Vergone and Junior Mayor Ryan White (City of Mandurah, Western Australia) Professor Nick Harvey (University of Adelaide and Australian Coastal Society) Coastal Management in Australia: Twenty years of Coast to Coast conferences Hon. Greg Hunt MP (Minister for the Environment, Australian Government) - Video Morning Tea Break & Poster viewing (Sponsored by The Nature Conservancy) 1015 1045 12.00-12.30 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Coastal Ecosystems and Communities CHAIR: Geoff Wescott Dr Susanne Moser (Director and Principal Researcher at Research & Consulting, Santa Cruz, US) (Video) Successful Adaptation to Coastal Climate Change: Framework and Lessons from Across the Seas Lynne Hale (Director Global Marine The Nature Conservancy, Narragansett, US) Protecting and Enhancing the Coast’s Natural Wealth Professor Enzo Pranzini (University of Florence, Italy) Coastal erosion and protection in Europe Followed by Q & A 1230 Lunch& Poster viewing 10.45-11.05 11.10-11.30 11.35-11.55 ROOM THEME CHAIR 1330 The Sebel - Acacia 1 MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE Sponsored by City of Mandurah MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER FO The Sebel - Acacia 2 Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre S01- Coastal processes and data collection Lindsay Collins S02- Managing coastal and marine biodiversity Chris Rawson S03 - Coastal Climate Change Complex flow patterns in limestone reef-fringed beach systems. Gundula Winter, University of Western Australia. Marine biodiversity trends through time and space – improving knowledge of the Australian marine environment through citizen science science. Rick Stuart-Smith, Smith, Reef Life Survey Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Dance Studio S04 - 7 minute presentations Peta Leahy Chiara Danese Community Use and Attitudes towards the Coast and Coastal Management – 20 years of data. Geoff Wescott, Deakin University. Adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone of the Peron Naturaliste Region of Western Australia. Craig Perry, Peron ron Naturaliste Partnership, WA. Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Fishtrap Theatre Workshop Session You Tube video as a tool to developing and strengthening coastal partnerships and engaging youth in on-ground coastal partnerships. Chris Gibbs, South West and University of Tasmania. 1350 1410 1430 1450 Reef Geomorphology and Holocene Growth History of Cockatoo Island, Inshore Kimberley Bioregion, Northwest Australia. Tubagus Solihuddin, Curtin University. Climate Change Science: increasing community knowledge with collaboration, credibility, and co coproduction. Jenny Shaw, Curtin University University. Knowledge to support adaptation to climate change in coastal New South Wales. Tim Pritchard, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. A Large Scale Geomorphological and Surficial Cover Map of Nearshore Reefs in the Kimberley Coast, WA. Moataz Kordi, Curtin University. Sharing the Love for Victoria's MPAs. Mark Rodrigue, Parks Victoria Victoria. Understanding the cumulative impacts of coastal development on marine ecosystems: land-use change scenarios and Bayesian networks. Benjamin Reid, James Cook University. Growth history of Faure Sill seagrass bank, Shark Bay, during changing sealevels. Giada Bufarale, Curtin University. A national survey of marine debris along Australia’s coast, patterns and implications for local managers and policy makers. Chris Wilcox, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Research. Stakes, Issues and Boundary Organisation: Addressing and Improving Science Uptake in the Coastal Zone. Chris Rees, University of Tasmania. Status and conservation of migratory shorebirds in Tasmania. Eric Woehler, BirdLife Tasmania. Coastal Vulnerability Study Scoping – Synthesis of Previous Studies. Matthew Elliot, Damara WA. Managing Coastal Information: The Gold Coast Coastal Knowledge Hub. Derek Todd, Griffith Centre for Coastal Management. Gingin Dandaragan Coastal Partnership: a collaborative approach to coastal hazard risk management. Ashley Robb, Gingin Dandaragan Coastal Partnership,, WA. Cockburn Sound Coastal Vulnerability Values & Risk Assessment. Craig Perry, City of Cockburn, WA. WA Vulnerability and Progress in Adaptation of South East Queensland Coastal Council. Marcello Sanò, Griffith University. Who do coastal stakeholders trust? Brian Coffey, Deakin University. University Perceptions of risk: what are coastal households concerned about? Carmen Elrick- Barr, University of the Sunshine Coast. Post-storm storm event monitoring; defining a major storm. Katherine Thorne, BMT Oceanica. Performance of Operational Wave Models at Australian Coast. Aihong Zhong, BoM. Quinns Beach geotextile sand container undertaking. Neil Taylor, Geofrabric Australasia. An integrated hydrodynamic/hydraulic modelling tool for urban flood mitigation analysis. James Hilton, CSIRO. Catchments Council, WA. 1510 ROOM Afternoon Tea Break & Poster viewing (Sponsored by The Nature Conservancy) S05 - Coastal Processes & Data Collection Derek Todd S06 - Governance: Partnerships, & information sharing Brian Coffey S07 - Planning – what are the best practises? Paul Robb Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Dance Studio S08 - Protecting & enhancing coastal values Joanne Ludbrook 1530 Correlation between the East Australian Current and Fort Denison Sea Level. Fatemah Ziaeyan Bahri, The University of New South Wales. Good ood leadership in Coastal Management – the opportunities at all levels of the game. Chris Rees, IMAS UTAS & Imp Impact Solutions International Pty. Best practice planning on the coast – Challenges of bringing regional lessons home. Emma Struys, Kiama Municipal Council, NSW. Recognising and Recording Cultural Heritage on K’Gari (Fraser Island World Heritage Area). Sue Sargent, Fauna & Flora International Australia.. 1550 Design Wave Analysis for Augusta Boat Harbour. Fangjun Li. Department of Transport, WA. Coastal Governance in South Australia - A Case Study. Nicole Pelton. University of Adelaide. Practical Application of Western Australian Coastal Policy – a Guide by Case Studies. Joanna Garcia-Webb, Cardno. 1610 Hydrodynamic impacts of tropical cyclones along the Australian North West coast. Edwin Drost, University of Western Australia. Tackling the rolling maul of federal coastal NRM funding: getting back on track. Beverly Clarke, Flinders University, SA. 1630 Understanding Wave Resource within Wave Energy development. Jessica Kolbusz, Carnegie Wave Energy. Beyond Standard Practice – The Adaptation by Design Coastal Communities Workshop. Phillip Roos. Deakin University & Jacobs, VIC. The 4th Victorian Coastal Strategy: continuing to improve coastal planning and management in Victoria, now and into the future. Nicola Waldron, Victorian Coastal Council. Towards best practise Council-based coastal planning - valuing local knowledge and shared responsibility. Phil Watson, Clarence City Council, TAS. Aboriginal experience with coastal climate change: e: Nyungar Wardan Katitjin Bidi. Laura Stocker, CUSP Curtin University. Integrating cultural heritage objectives in marine park systematic reserve design. Sarah Bignell, Department of Parks and Wildlife, WA. 1650 Quantifying New South Wales Inundation and Erosion Risk. Dave Hanslow, NSW Office Environment and Heritage. Connecting to community through next generation visualisations and information sharing. Jonathan Hodge, CSIRO. THEME CHAIR The Sebel - Acacia 1 The Sebel - Acacia 2 MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre Gippsland - A new approach to coastal planning. Richard Ellis, Gippsland Coastal Board, Victoria. Engaging Aboriginal groups and the broader community for water quality work in coastal and inland waters in South Australia. Linda-Marie Marie McDowell, SA Environment Protection Authority. Authority Protecting and restoring Australia’s ‘Great Southern Seascapes’. Seascapes’ James Fitzsimons, The Nature Conservancy. Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Fishtrap Theatre Workshop Session Developing a framework for coastal climate change risk in Australia. David Rissik, NCCARF. DAY THREE: WEDNESDAY 29TH OCTOBER 2014 0800 Registration 0830 9.45-10.15 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Coastal Hazards Adaptation Planning CHAIR: Garry Middle Dr Charles Lester (Executive Director Californian Coastal Commission, San Francisco, CA, US) Stay, Up or Away: Confronting the Socio-economic, economic, Environmental and Legal Challenges of Adapting to Sea Level Rise Professor Allan Williams (University of Swansea, UK) Great Britain responses to coastal erosion & floods Professor Jan McDonald (Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Hobart) Coastal adaptation planning in Australia – has progress stalled? Followed by Q & A 1015 Morning Tea Break & Poster viewing 8.30-8.50 8.55-9.15 9.20-9.40 MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER ROOM The Sebel - Acacia 1 The Sebel - Acacia 2 Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Dance Studio City of Mandurah - Tuckey Room THEME S09 - Coastal Processes and Data Collection S10 - Coast and marine infrastructure and adaptive decision-making making S11 - Coastal planning – what are the best practices? S12 - 7 minute presentations Workshop Session CHAIR Matthew Eliot Chris Rees (Sponsored by WA Planning Commission) Bev Clarke Naomi Edwards 1045 The value of coastal monitoring in responding to the challenges of sea level rise and coastal management. Neil Carroll, City of Mandurah. Slacks Creek Catchment Restoration: baselines for community engagement. Toni Cannard, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere. Participatory Google Earth Mapping: Raising Community Awareness of Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change in the City of Busselton. Laura Stocker, CUSP, Curtin University. 1105 Assessing change: From Beach Surveying to Beach Monitoring. Enzo Pranzini, University of Florency, Italy Financing the Coast. Jon Hickman, ckman, Victoria Coastal Council. Watching big brother: What the US can teach us about the behavioural and economic dimensions of coastal management. Allan Young, NSW Department of Planning and Environment. 1125 Coastal Imaging in Australia – The Next Generation. Matt Blacka, WRL. Fine tuning costs and benefits for coastal investment. Nick McCristal, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority. State Planning Policy No. 2.6 State Coastal Planning Policy. Ben Bassett, Department of Planning, WA. 1145 Remote Imagery for Coastal Monitoring. Vicky Walkley, BMT Oceanica. Coastal Adaptation Pathways: A CBA Approach. Ellen Witte, SGS Economics and Planning. Strategic planning for integrated coastal governance? Insights from a critical discourse analysis of coastal strategic planning in Victoria, Australia. Brian Coffey, Deakin University. Ocean Grove Coastcare: our story and our partners. Jackie Scally, Ocean Grove Coastcare and RM Consulting Group. Coastcare and the corporate world: A Perth perspective. Craig Wilson, Perth Region NRM. NRM Burgeoning coastal populations, economic development and a climate of increasing variability are adversely affecting essential coastal area ecosystems. Julian ulian Reid. Central Queensland University. Popping the Bubbles and Filling the Gaps with CoastSWAP -building building and enhancing a regional coastal network. Blair Darvill, South West and Peel Harvey Coastal Management Group, WA. The Coastscapes Project – Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity Resilience in the Coastal Macro Corridor of the South Coast of WA. Dylan Gleave, South Coast Natural Resource Management. Jurien Bay Artificial Reef and Snorkel Trail. Michael Sheppard. Jurien Bay Coastcare Group. Case Study Asian paddle crab - Incident management and the importance of community engagement. Victoria Aitken, Department of Fisheries, WA. The luxury of time - building a lasting Shorebird Conservation Project for Bundaberg, Queensland. Sue Sargent, Burnett Mary Regional Group for NRM. Australia’s Temperate Bays and Estuaries…..Identifying and Scaling Management “Bright Spots”. James Fitzsimons (The Nature Conservancy), Lynne Hale (The Nature Conservancy), Rebecca Koss (Deakin University), Geoff Wescott (Deakin University). Other speakers & presentations - David Rissik (Griffith University): Developing socio-ecological systems for South East Queensland estuaries and Moreton Bay: Supporting integrated decision making. - Craig Copeland (NSW Department of Primary Industries): Growing our temperate fisheries - opportunities and actions - Faith Coleman (EcoProTem): SA Estuaries - Not all Negative - Jan Star (Peel-Harvey Catchment Council): Inform, involve, inspire: people working together for the Peel Harvey estuary - Kieryn Kilminster (WA Department of Water): South-west WA estuaries in the spotlight - Open discussion on estuaries management ‘bright spots’ 1205 Coastal Adaptation and Protection in South West WA. Stuart Barr, ShoreCoastal. Using participatory visual methods for information exchange about climate risk in canal estate communities. Claudia Baldwin, University of the Sunshine Coast. Coastal Character and Values Study. Garry Middle, Curtin University. Antarctic Mermaid Susie Seaweed presents on Biodiversity and Marine Debris. Susan Ross, SCAT. Development and Environmental Management of Carnegie Wave Energy Limited’s Perth Wave Energy Project. Edwina Davies Ward, Carnegie. MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE -DANCE STUDIO 1225 Lunch & Poster viewing (Sponsored by WA Planning Commission) mmission) 1230 ACS AGM 1330 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Urban Development and Coastal Engineering CHAIR: Ron Cox nvironmental engineer, former WRL, NSW) Alessio Mariani (Coastal and environmental Innovative solutions to beach erosion: lessons learnt from international case studies Barry Sammels (Mayor City of Rockingham, Western Australia) & Dr Karin Strachin (Manager of Strategy and Corporate Communications, City of Rockingham, Western Australia) National Sea Change Taskforce and Peron Naturaliste Partnership update & City of Rockingham: Climate Change Response, moving from planning to implementation Clive Attwater (Principal SGS Economics and Planning, Hobart) Adapting our coast as the sea rises, who will pay? Followed by Q & A Afternoon Tea Break & Poster viewing 13.30-13.50 13.55-14.15 14.20-14.40 14.45-15.15 1515 ROOM The Sebel - Acacia 1 The Sebel - Acacia 2 Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre THEME S13 - Coastal Processes and Data Collection Ashley Robb S14 - Coast and marine infrastructure and adaptive decision decision-making Craig Perry Workshop Session Sediment compartment characterisation of the Australian Coast. Martyn Hazelwood, Geoscience Australia. The Dilemma of When to Protect, How important is Green Space, and Who Pays? - CY O'Conner Beach - A Case Study. Doug Vickery. City of Cockburn Cockburn, WA. CHAIR 1530 Photo-monitoring training workshop using the smartphone app Photomon. Mic Payne, Northern Agricultural Catchments Council, WA. MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Dance Studio S15 - Managing coastal and marine biodiversity City of Mandurah Multi-disciplinary disciplinary protection requirements for threatened coastal raptor species in South Australia. Sharie Detmar, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. City of Mandurah - Tuckey Room Workshop Session Coastal Collaboration Cluster: The Knowledge - Governance Conversation in ICZM. Laura Stocker, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, Curtin University. 1550 1605 1625 1900-2300 Coastal evolution and sediment dynamics of the Geraldton embayments: implications for coastal management in regional Western Australia. Lindsay Collins, Curtin University. Impact of the sea breeze on beach morphology in southwestern Australia. Laura Segura, University of Western Australia. Sediment Cells in Western Australia. Tanya Stul, Damara WA. Adaptive sea walls and breakwaters – a counterintuitive approach. Angus Gordon, Coastal Zone Management and Planning Planning. Grey Nurse Shark Watch – diving into shark conservation. Sue Sargent, Fauna & Flora International Australia and Burnett ett Mary Regional Group for NRM. Dealing with sea level rise - Evidence based decision making. Neil Carroll, City of Mandurah, WA. Local action on global problems – protecting Ramsar wetlands in Victoria. Steph Spry, RM Consulting Group. Group First Pass fine-resolution resolution coastal Marine Water Quality Dashboard: New exposure estimation in NSW: Implications generation tools for monitoring water for coastal adaptation planning quality. frameworks. Jamie Treleaven, Bureau of Meteorology Kevin Roche. Risk Frontiers. Conference Dinner, entertainment and performances MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE • Aboriginal dance performance - Bindjareb Nyungar dance troupe • Angela Rossen (Artist in Residence, Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia) - Moving from a Mindset of Consumption to One of Conservation. • Music Entertainment - Sneaky Weazel DAY FOUR: THURSDAY 30TH OCTOBER 2014 Field Trip 1 8.00am5.00pm Mandurah/ Rockingham/ Cockburn Coastal Tour Meeting point: The Sebel Hotel Field Trip 2 Mandurah/ Dawesville/ Lake Clifton Coastal & Catchment Tour Field Trip 3 Binningup/ Bunbury Coastal Management Tour Field Trip 4 Rottnest Island Coastal & Marine Tour Field Trip 5 International Kids teaching Kids ‘Coast, Climate and Communities’ Conference 2014 Meeting point: Mandurah Jetty Meeting point: The Sebel Hotel Meeting point: The Sebel Hotel Meeting point: Mandurah Performing Arts Centre DAY FIVE: FRIDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2014 0830 0900 9.00-9.20 9.25-9.45 09.45-10.15 1015 Registration KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Ecology & Biodiversity CHAIR: Laura Stocker Simon de Lestang (Principal Research Scientist, Rock Lobster, Department of Fisheries) Climate change effects on fisheries in Western Australia Professor Kingsley Dixon (Director of Science, cience, Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Western Australia) Ecological restoration: benefits for all Dr Judy Fisher (Research Associate, Western Australian Museum & IUCN/CEM Theme Leader Ecosystems and Invasive Species) Innovative thinking for knowledge advancement and effective coastal action Followed by Q & A Morning Tea Break & Poster viewing ROOMS The Sebel - Acacia 1 The Sebel - Acacia 2 Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre THEME S16 - Managing coastal and marine biodiversity S17 - Governance: Partnerships, & information sharing S18 - Coast and marine infrastructure and adaptive decision-making CHAIR Mic Payne Jenny Shaw 1045 Microbialites in Shark Bay: World Heritage Coastal Assets. Lindsay Collins, Curtin University. A catchment to coast conceptual stormwater model for Adelaide. Peter Pfenning, Environment onment Protection Authority, SA. (Sponsored by City of Mandurah) Neil Carroll Monitoring Seas And Inspiring Communities (MOSAIC): citizen science contributions to monitoring South Australia’s new Marine Park network. Alex Gaut, Conservation Council of Australia. Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Dance Studio S19 - 7 minute presentations MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER MANDURAH CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE MANDURAH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE NORTH FOYER City of MandurahMandurah Tuckey Room Workshop Session Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Fishtrap Theatre Workshop Session Garry Middle WA PestWatch – Using locationbased crowdsourcing in the fight against aquatic pests. Brett Harrison, Department of Fisheries, WA. The Australian Marine Debris Initiative Source Reduction Plans. Leslie Mallison, Tangaroa Blue. National Coastal Sediment Compartments Project: Project National overview and east and west coast case studies. Bruce Thom (University of Sydney), Sydney) Matthew Eliot, (Damara Damara WA), Martin Hazelwood (Geoscience Australia), James Carley (WRL). A Recipe for Coastal Community Engagement: Peta Leahy. Peta Leahy, Griffith Centre for Coastal Management. 1105 A mechanistic description of Lyngbya algal blooms for intertidal coastal embayments. Gayan Gunaratne, University of Western Australia. The influence and efficacy of waste management policies on coastal marine debris in Australia. Britta Hardesty, CSIRO CSIRO. Joint management arrangements for the Lalang-garram/Camden Sound Marine Park – a new park, a new beginning.... Sarah Bignell, Department of Parks and Wildlife, WA. Development of a fluorogenic detection process of faecal indicator bacteria in recreational waters. Jodi Jonns, Central Queensland University. Thrombolites in the South West Australian Lakes: General Aspects and a Case Study from Lake Richmond. João Guerriero, Curtin University. Photo Monitoring at Lake Clifton the results. Christine Comer on behalf of the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council. Coastal Conservation Project Phang Nga, Thailand. Carolyn Bloye, Central Institute of Technology (TAFE), WA. 1125 Status and conservation of resident shorebirds in Tasmania. Eric Woehler, BirdLife Tasmania. 1145 A decade of streamlined Partnership Paves the Way for New recreational boating assessment of fisheries habitat the Recovery of Derwent Estuary facilities at Portland, Victoria – trying to find the balance. in Hobart, Tasmania. interests in Queensland. Ursula Taylor, Derwent Estuary Belinda Ainley, Ainley Nikki Moore, Fisheries Projects, VIC. Program, TAS. Queensland, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Closing - Mandurah Convention and Exhibition Centre Dr Gary Middle (ACS) - Feedback, ideas and thoughts from the 4 golden hats & Official Close. 1205 OceanWatch Australia Natural Resource Management for the Marine Environment. Brad Warren, OceanWatch Australia. Post Cyclone Yasi Geosynthetic Sand Containers Survivability Investigation. Neil Taylor, Geofabrics Australasia.
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