Curriculum Vitae October 2014 David J. Sharrow Postdoctoral Research Associate School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington 1122 NE Boat St, Seattle, WA 98105 | Education 2013 Ph.D., Sociology University of Washington Dissertation title: “Modeling The Age Pattern of Human Mortality: Mathematical and Tabular Representations of the Risk of Death" 2007 M.A., Sociology University of Washington Thesis title: “Where the Poor Pay More? The Spatial Location of Credit Resources in King County, Washington" 2005 B.S., Sociology, Magna Cum Laude Florida State University Research Interests Demography, Mortality, Longevity, Aging, Health Metrics, Quantitative Methods Professional Appointments 2014- Postdoctoral Research Associate School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington 2013-14 Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Statistics University of Washington Peer-reviewed Publications Sharrow, David J., Samuel J. Clark, and Adrian E. Raftery. 2014. “Modeling Age-Specific Mortality for Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics.” PLoS ONE 9(5). Sankoh, Osman A., David J. Sharrow, Kobus Herbst, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula, Nurul Alam, Shashi Kant, . . . , Samuel J. Clark. 2014. “The INDEPTH Standard Population for Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2013.” Global Health Action 7. 1 Sharrow, David J, Samuel J. Clark, Mark A. Collison, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2013. “The Age-Pattern of Increases in Mortality Affected by HIV: Bayesian Fit of the Heligman-Pollard Model to Data from the Agincourt HDSS Field Site in Rural Northeast South Africa.” Demographic Research 29(39) 1039-1096. Manuscripts Under Review Sharrow, David J., Yanjun He, Adrian E. Raftery, and Samuel J. Clark. “Probabilistic Population Projections for Countries with Generalized HIV/AIDS Epidemics.” Under review at Demography. Clark, Samuel J. and David J. Sharrow. “Temporal Model Life Tables: An Application of Model Based Clustering to the Human Mortality Database.” Under review at Demographic Research. Manuscripts in Preparation David J. Sharrow and James J. Anderson. “Quantifying Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contributions to Life Span During the Epidemiological Transition: Application of a TwoProcess Vitality Model to the Human Mortality Database.” Clark, Samuel J., David J. Sharrow and INDEPTH Member HDSS. “INDEPTH Model Life Tables for Low- and Middle-Income countries.” Conference Presentations 2014 2014 2013 2013 2011 “Characterizing the Evolution of Longevity with a Two-Process Vitality Model.” 2nd Annual Meeting of the Evolutionary Demography Society. Stanford, CA. November 10-12. “Probabilistic Population Projections for Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics.” Population Association of America annual meeting. Boston, MA. May 1-3. “Modeling Age-Specific Mortality for Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics.” Population Association of America annual meeting (poster session). New Orleans, LA . April 11-13. “Modeling Age-Specific Mortality for Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics.” IUSSP XXVII International Population Conference. Busan, South Korea. August 26-31. “Contemporary Model Life Tables for Developed Countries: An Application of Model Based Clustering.” Population Association of America annual meeting. Washington, D.C.. March 31-April 2. 2 2010 “Contemporary Model Life Tables for Developed Countries: An Application of Model Based Clustering.” INDEPTH Mortality Workshop, Accra, Ghana. June 21-24. 2010 “A Parametric Investigation of Mortality at All Ages in a Rural South African Population.” Population Association of America annual meeting. Dallas, TX. April 15-17. 2008 “Where the Poor Pay More? The Spatial Location of Low-Income Credit Markets in King County, Washington.” American Sociological Association annual meeting. Boston, MA. August 1-4. Authored Software Sharrow, David J. 2013. HIV.LifeTables: HIV-calibrated model life tables for countries with generalized HIV epidemics. Sharrow, David J. 2011. HPbayes: An R Package for estimating the Heligman-Pollard Mortality model via Bayesian Melding with Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling. Sharrow, David J. 2011. LifeTables: An R Package for implementation of a model life table system based on the Human Mortality Database. Small Grants 2011, 2013 Graduate Student Research and Training Grant Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences University of Washington 2013 Graduate Student Travel Grant Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation University of Washington 2010 Graduate Student Travel Grant Department of Sociology University of Washington Research Experience 2008-13 Predoctoral Research Associate, BayesPop Working Group Department of Sociology, University of Washington 2010-13 Research Consultant, INDEPTH Working Group on All-Cause Mortality INDEPTH Network, Accra, Ghana 3 2007-08 Research Consultant, Drug Law Reform Project American Civil Liberties Union & The Defender Association, Seattle, WA 2006-07 Research Assistant, Payday Loan Project Department of Sociology, University of Washington 2007 Research Assistant, Undergraduate Program Reform Committee Department of Sociology, University of Washington 2006 Research Assistant, Seattle Needle Exchange Survey American Civil Liberties Union & The Defender Association, Seattle, WA Teaching Experience 2008-10, Predoctoral Instructor, Courses: Population and Society 2012 Department of Sociology, University of Washington 2011 Associate Faculty, Sociology, Courses: Social Inequality Cascadia Community College 2006-07 Session Facilitator, Session: Planning and Facilitating Discussions T.A. Conference on Teaching and Learning Center for Instructional Development and Research, University of Washington 2005-08 Teaching Assistant, Courses: Survey of Sociology, Sociological Methods, Sociology of Murder, Social Change in the Developing World Department of Sociology, University of Washington Additional Training and Certifications 2009-13 Training Fellow Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology University of Washington 2010 Minor area in Social Statistics in the Graduate Program in Sociology Department of Sociology & Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences University of Washington 2008 Major area in Demography and Ecology Department of Sociology University of Washington Professional Activities 2013- Reviewer, Asian Population Studies 2011- Reviewer, Demography 4 2008-09 Volunteer Committee Co-Coordinator Sociology Graduate Student Association, University of Washington 2007-08 Graduate Student Representative to the Department Chair Sociology Graduate Student Association, University of Washington Professional Affiliations Population Association of America American Sociological Association International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) References Samuel J. Clark Associate Professor Department of Sociology University of Washington Box 353340 Seattle , WA 98195-3340 email: phone: +1 206 616-3375 Adrian E. Raftery Professor Departments of Statistics and Sociology University of Washington Box 354320 Seattle, WA 98195-4320 email: phone: +1 206 543-4505 James J. Anderson Research Professor School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington Box 358218 Seattle, WA 98195-8218 email: phone: +1 206-543-6396 Jerald Herting Research Professor Department of Sociology University of Washington Box 353340 Seattle , WA 98195-3340 email: phone: +1 206 616-3768 5
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