WASHINGTON SOUND Washington Unit #112, WBCCI President: Larry Alvar 360-413-7539 kd7tqw@yahoo.com 1st V Pres: Norm Bahl 425-314-7184 sjfjeld@gmail.com 2nd V Pres: Mike Gebbie 360-485-6549 Martha.gebbie@gmail.com Corr. Sec: Ginny Scott 360-731-5285 unit112secretary@comcast.net Rec.Sec: Deborah Decker 530-301-1704 djdecker@sbcglobal.net Assist Sec: Charon Alvar 360-413-7539 kd7tqw@yahoo.com Treasurer: Marti Gebbie 360-250-2054 Martha.gebbie@gmail.com Trustee: Ron Florence 360-249-5714 WBCCI3500@aol.com Trustee: Nancy Morman 360-350-2755 nmorman@hotmail.com Past President: Joel Ware 206-250-5950 (cell) joelware@yahoo.com News Editor: Lori Hyde 360-438-9154 alori@comcast.net Circulation Manager: Carolyn Long 360-493-6497 Unit E-mail: Waunit2003@yahoo.com ISSUE #500 NOVEMBER 2014 www.washingtonunitwbcci.org Greetings to All, It has been a very busy time since the Election Rally and at the same time a very exciting time. To start, I had my first BOT meeting. Many items were on the table from the budget to rallies for the coming year. Since I have been unable to secure a parliamentarian for my board, I was pleased to invite a guest parliamentarian for my first BOT meeting. Carolyn Florence graciously accepted and Julia Jowders has accepted the position for our upcoming BOT in December. My thanks to both of these ladies. Our return to Leavenworth Rally was fun, great weather and greater people! We had 21 rigs in attendance and 42 people. The Royal Lady made an appearance Saturday afternoon in camp and was a true delight. My co-host Mike Plympton kept the coffee hot, I kept the fires bright and Marianne & Kathy took care of our meals. Not to be outdone, everyone helped and made the job easy and fun. Thank you all. The last BOT was not well attended and I promise to never again schedule a BOT on Monday night. With that said, I urge all members of the Washington Unit to do your best to attend our BOT Meetings and our Membership Meetings. I need your opinions, your guidance and your support. I was told to keep this short as this is going to be one large newsletter so I will just say thank you all for your support and stay safe. Next BOT is during the Christmas Rally Dec 11 at 7:00 PM with the rally on Dec 12 to 14. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving - God Bless & God Bless America. Larry Alvar, President WA UNIT WBCCI RALLY, CARAVAN & EVENT SCHEDULE for 2014-2015 September 22 BOT Meeting 7 PM Harmony Hall September 25-28 Leavenworth L &C Alvar and M. Plympton October 24-26 Halloween Rally Pat Latimer * December 11 BOT Meeting 7 PM Harmony Hall * December 12-14 Christmas Rally Nick & Emily Fisher January 17 Winter Luncheon Larry & Charon Alvar *February 14 Valentine Rally Ople Morman & Daughters Linda Ott & Nancy Morman March 13-15 St Patrick’s Day Rally Bob & Elsie Legg April Joint Rally w/North Cascade TBA * May 7 BOT Meeting 7 PM Harmony Hall *May 8-10 Crab Feed Rally Norm & Sylvia Bahl *May 9 Unit Membership Meeting 9:30 AM Harmony Hall May 10-21 Fishing Caravan Darlene Leslie June 6 Ladies Appreciation Dinner Unit Officers June 26-July 4 International Rally Farmington, NM, LET’s GO! July 10-12 Sand & Surf Rally Jeff & Kim Freemire * August 5 BOT Meeting 7 PM Harmony Hall * August 3-9 Potlatch Rally Mike Gebbie * August 8 Unit Membership Mt. 9:15 AM Harmony Hall *September 10 BOT Meeting 7 PM Harmony Hall * September 11-13 Installation Rally Carol Ortiz * September 12 Unit Mbrs Meeting 9:30 AM Harmony Hall CARAVANS May 10-21 Fishing Caravan Darlene Leslie International Farmington, NM ? TBA Surprise Caravan TBA RB & Zelma Bernd 2017 St. Martins Jazz Festival Possible National Rally around this event late June/early July National might change dates of International Rally * To be held in Harmony Hall November 2014 pg WASHINGTON UNIT 2014-2015 WASHINGTON UNIT BUDGET UNIT RECEIPTS 2013-2014 Budget 4000 Unit Dues 7,800. 4006 Advertise. Directory 1,000. 4010 Misc. Income 100. 4015 Donations 200. 4020 Rallies & Meetings 13000. 4025 Club Store 150. 4027 Recycle Income 350. 4035 Caravans 5,000. 4040 Fundraiser 350. 4045 Potlatch 8.000. 4055 Church Income 500. 4200A Desig.Rally Income 4,500. 4455 Interests on CD&MM 300. TOTAL RECEIPTS 41,250. UNIT DISBURSEMENTS2013-2014 Budget 5000 Newsletter 1,600. 5005 Insurance 700. 5010 Legal & Accounting 2,300. 5020 Unit Directory 1,000. 5025 Office Exp & Supplies 400. 5034 Caravan Expenses 5,000. 5040 Misc. 00. 5045 Non-Profit Donations 500. 5060 Membership 600. 5065 Rally Expense 13,000. 5070 Club Stores 200. 5075 Int’l Rally Events 200. 5081 Kitchen Expense 50. 5100 Potlatch 8,000. 5110 Community Service 100. 5115 Church 100. 5200 UnitLease w/WLYH 4,500. TOTAL 38,650. 2013-2014 2014-2015 Actual 9,926. 00. 35. 457. 8,677. 70. 300. 5,000. 179. 7,912. 986. 5,162. 193. 38,897. Budget 7,800. 1.000. 100. 300. 10,000. 100. 300. 5,000. 500. 8,000. 800. 5,000. 200. $39,100. 2013-2014 2014-2015 Actual Budget 1,241. 723. 1,820. 1,462. 838. 5,000. 399. 617. 833. 10,170. 00. 00. 550. 8,052. 275. 50. 4,525. 36,555. 1,200. 800. 2,000. 1,500. 400. 5,000. 400. 500. 800. 10,000. 300. 200. 50. 8,000. 150. 50. 5,000. $36,350. FOR THE RECORD Transfer: #214 MANTLE, Don &Clara From Arizona Unit #4793 ABLEMAN, Jim & MO Changed to Affiliate—transferred to Oregon Unit Changes: #3830 SHERWOOD, Yvonne winter phone 928-304-0433 #3709 HORN, Willard Home 360-273-5794 WBCCI BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2014-2015 President: Larry Alvar 360-413-7539 kd7tqw@yahoo.com 1st V Pres: Norm Bahl 360-688-7196 sjfjeld@gmail.com 2nd V Pres: Mike Gebbie 360-485-6549 Martha.gebbie@gmail.com Corr. Sec: Ginny Scott 360-861-8030 unit112secretary@comcast.net Recording Secretary: Deborah Decker 539-301-1704 djdecker@sbcglobal.net Assistant Secretary: Charon Alvar 360-413-7539 kd7tqw@yahoo.com Treasurer: Marti Gebbie 360-250-2054 Martha.gebbie@gmail.com Trustee: Ron Florence 360-249-5714 WBCCI3500@aol.com Trustee: Nancy Mormon 360-350-2755 nmorman@hotmail.com Past Pres: Joel Ware 206-250-5950 joelware@yahoo.com Is your e-mail address current? Send to thodges@wbcci.org (International) or unit112secretary@comcast.net (Unit) Don’t forget to state your member number and name. November 2014 pg 2 You are cordially invited to A Real Old Fashioned Christmas Rally! December 1212-14, 2014 in beautifully decorated Harmony Hall Washington Land Yacht Harbor Rally Hosts & Santa’s Helpers —Emily & Nick Fisher and Maryke &Lin Hines Last Rally of 2014! Come and enjoy festive food, fun entertainment And share good tidings with friends, family and community! You’ll enjoy breakfast, lunch and great dinners on Friday and Saturday, Excellent entertainment both nights, an educational seminar, Santa’s arrival with presents for all, Christmas caroling, a fun holiday crafts class, Watch in wonderment as WA Unit Past Presidents prepare a pancake breakfast, Enjoy a real old fashioned nostalgic Christmas with Eggnog, yummy Christmas cookies and goodies, Contribute to a fantastic one of a kind Hodgepodge Soup Lunch, Be amazed at a really big surprise event that’ll blow your mind and NEW! Our First Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater and Modeling Contest! Nostalgia challenge: Create & decorate a gingerbread house in December and bring to rally to display at Art Walk LYH. Don’t miss any of the fun! Sign up now. Rally Fee—only $25 per person. Last day to register is Tuesday, December 9, 2014. RV parking separate and pay the park when you arrive. *See registration coupon on page 5* November 2014 pg 3 Current Calendar - http://www.washingtonunitwbcci.org/calendar.html 1Coffee & Rolls* 8:30 Town Hall Meeting 9:00 *C&R– Subject to change No host—no C&R See reader board or calendar on Harbor web page 2 3 Exercise 9:30 GH 4 Needlecraft 9:30 5 Excise 9 :30 GH 6 Pokeno 11:30 Bridge 6:30 Pinochle 7:00 Band 10:00 Joker/Fast Track 7:00 7 Excise 9:30 GH Bridge 6:30 8 Coffee & Rolls* 8:30 9 10 Excise 9:30 GH Bridge 6:30 14 15 11 Needlecraft 9:30 12 Excise 9:30 GH 13 Pokeno 11:30 Pinochle 7:00 Band 10:00 Joker/Fast Track HAC Dining 7:00 in Harmony Turkey Dinner 5:30 $5 16 17 Bridge 6:30 18 Needlecraft 9:30 19 Excise 9:30 GH 20 Pokeno 11:30 Pi1ochle 7:00 Band 10:00 Joker/Fast Track 7:00 RENTAL (HH) RENTAL (GH) 21 Excise 9 :30 GH 22 Coffee & Rolls* Bridge 6:30 8:30 RENTAL (GH) 23 24 Exercise 9:30GH 25 Needlecraft 9:30 26 Excise 9:30 GH 27 Bridge 6:30 Pinochle 7:00 Band 10:00 Joker/Fast Track 7:00 28 Excise 9:30 GH 29 Coffee & Rolls* Bridge 6:30 8:30 30 November 2014 pg 4 WASHINGTON UNIT COMMITTEES AND CHAIRPERSONS 2014-2015 COMMITTIES CHAIRPERSONS PHONE NO. Advertising for Directory Audit Blue Beret By-Laws Caravans Chaplain Club Store Coffee Community Services Comp Mbrship Database Doll Dress Project Ethic/Grievance Commit Flag Protocol Historical Hospitality Key Custodian Kitchen Consultant Library Medical Supply Redist. Membership Parking Parliamentarian Professional Services Protocol Photographers Sunshine & Memorials Tables & Chairs WA Sound Editor WA Sound Circulation WA Sound Labels Waste Mng Web Page tbd Norm Bahl 425-250-2054 Gloria Spearman 360-455-4973 Julia Jowders 360-459-3726 Mike Gebbie 360-250-2054 Mary Lisius 360-789-7467 Ted Harrison 360-459-3147 Dave Robinson 360-350-0308 Charon Alvar 360-413-7539 Lori Hyde 360-438-9154 Maureen Isaman 360-455-4057 Emi Fisher 425-577-4105 Norm Bahl 425-250-2054 Zelma Bernd 360-459-4342 Rally Volunteers Vic Jowders 360-459-3726 Kathy Ciokiewicz360-918-3114 Erma Lang 360-459-5576 Pat Champagne 360-456-8006 Russell Decker 530-301-5882 Rally Volunteers Julia Jowders 360-459-3726 Board of Trustees tbd Lin Hines 360-455-9637 Joel, Kayla Ware 206-783-4784 Ron Florence 360-249-5714 Doris Davis 360-491-1166 Martha Gebbie 360-250-2054 Lois Hamilton 360-742-7997 Mike Plympton 207-831-8339 Dick Genske 360-456-5006 Jerry Patten 360-355-9308 Ron Florence 360-249-5714 Dottie McCrary 360-456-4252 tbd Lori Hyde 360-438-9154 Carolyn Long 360-493-6497 Kim Freemire 360-459-0198 Vic Jowders 360-459-3726 Maryke Hines 360-455-9637 WLYH Office Kim Freemire Reader Board Registered Agent Registration, Rallies Safety Chairman Sound & Stage Contact 360-459-0198 SAVE THE DATE! January 17, 2014 Winter Luncheon Hosts, Larry & Charon Alvar A Real Old Fashioned Christmas Rally Dec 1212-14, 2014 Harmony Hall, WLYH Name(s)__________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone: Home________________Cell__________________ Unit: WA___Other)__________WBCCI #_____________ E-Mail address for info_____________________________ No. in Party___ Adults___ Children___ Disabled___ No. attending______X $25 (children under 10 years free)_________ Total Enclosed $ ___________________ LAST DAY TO REGISTER Dec 9, 2014 Make separate check per rally to Washington Unit, WBCCI Send to Lois Hamilton, 9101 Steilacoom Rd SE #78; Olympia, WA 98513 Phone 360-742-7997 Arizona Meeting Welcome back Airstream Snowbirds to warm and sunny Yuma. Our first luncheon will be November 20th at 1:00 pm at the Golden Corral. I will call and remind each of you that I have phone numbers for so if I don't have yours please call me. Our luncheon will continue to be the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. We will discuss future plans on November 20th. Please have a safe journey as you travel south. Pat Latimer 360-459-8508 November 2014 pg 5 Thanksgiving WA Unit WBCCI 9 1 0 1 Let us give thanks to God above, Thanks for expressions of His love, Seen in the book of nature, grand Taught by His love on every hand. S T E I L A C O O M O L Y M P I A W A R D S E 9 8 5 1 3 Let us be thankful in our hearts, Thankful for all the truth imparts, For the religion of our Lord, All that is taught us in His Word. Let us be thankful for a land, That will for such religion stand; One that protects it by the law, One that before it stands in awe. Thankful for all things let us be, Though there be woes and misery; Lessons they bring us for our goodLater 'twill all be understood. Thankful for peace o'er land and sea, Thankful for signs of liberty, Thankful for homes, for life and health, Pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth. Thankful for friends and loved ones, too, Thankful for all things, good and true, Thankful for harvest in the fall, Thankful to Him who gave it all. Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer Sign up for emailed version of this newsletter Send editor an email to editor Submit articles for the December/January 2014 Washington Sound SNOWBIRDS!!! If you have your WA Unit newsletter mailed to you, please complete the coupon below, so that a proper snowbird label can be made up for your benefit and convenience. This will help me immensely!! Have you considered your newsletter by e-mail? Lori, our editor, sends them out by the 20th of the month. Mailed newsletters don’t get processed until the 25th of the month at the latest, then add the delivery time. SNOWBIRD LABEL & DATES WBCCI#________ Name(s)___________________________________________ Winter Address:____________________________________ __________________________________________________ Change the above address starting:_______________ Will return:_______________ Another option Send newsletter by e-mail:______________________________ by deadline midnight, November 19, 2014 to Lori Hyde, 9101 Steilacoom Rd #185 Olympia, WA 98513. Phone ℡360-438-9154 or E-mail: alori@comcast.net Check the Unit & International Directory: Is your information current? Pay dues by Nov. 1 to be in both directories or the first part of December to be listed in the Unit Directory. Both Directories will be published the first part of January Make check payable to: Washington Unit WBCCI Notify me by mail, phone or e-mail: Kim Freemire 9101 Steilacoom Rd SE #57, Olympia, WA 98513 Ph: 360-918-9628 e-mail: jkfree@comcast.net November 2014 PAY BEFORE Nov. 1st Mail payment to: Ginny Scott, Corresponding Secretary 41 Calder Rd Elma, WA 98541 pg 6
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