3 November 2014 SMRT Corp Ltd Do not be fooled: Accounting profit and free cash flow are not one and the same SINGAPORE | TRANSPORT SERVICES | COMPANY UPDATE 2QFY15 Revenue increased 6.0%y-y to S$314.0mn, out-paced by 66.5%y-y growth in EBIT to S$33.3mn and 75.5%y-y growth in PATMI to S$25.3mn. Fare business made a commendable come-back to profitability at the operating level to S$5.5mn, following 6 consecutive quarters of losses. Non-fare business EBIT continued to grow at a moderate 4.1%y-y to S$27.2mn. Despite the apparent reversal of fortune, SMRT still does not generate a positive free cash flow; net gearing to rise considerably in the next quarter. 1.50 Cents dividend declared (2QFY14: 1.00 Cents). Maintain at "Reduce" rating, with lower TP of $1.370. (Previous S$1.470) What is the news? SMRT announced its 2QFY15 financial results on 31 October after market hours, followed by the briefing for analysts and media. SMRT reported a 75.5%y-y increase in PATMI to S$25.3 million, on the back of single digit 6.0%y-y Revenue growth. Improved performance for SMRT was primarily due to Fare business reversal to profitability. How do we view this Largely in line with our estimates for individual line items. But variances added up and we missed at the EBIT level. Management deserves credit for the commendable effort in reining in costs and turning the Rail business to profitability as well as lowering the loss for the Bus business. Derails swift transition to new Rail Financing Framework (RFF). With the MRT business now registering a profit, it will become increasingly unpalatable for the electorate on why the Government needs to help a profitable business transition to the RFF. Such a move would likely raise the ire of the electorate and we now place a higher probability on the transition not occurring before the next General Elections. Still bleeding cash. Despite registering an accounting profit, SMRT is still bleeding cash. Operating cash flow was not sufficient to cover Capex requirements and we think that it will be the same again for 2HFY15. FY15F 1,234 91 6.00 24.8 56.46 2.6 3.25 2.2% FY16F 1,280 100 6.60 22.6 59.76 2.5 3.63 2.4% 0.38 Market Cap. (USD mn / SGD mn) 1765 / 2268 Ent. Value (USD mn / SGD mn) 2208 / 2832 3M Average Daily T/O (mn) Closing Px in 52 wk range 0.96 1.01 1.66 1.80 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 Volume, mn MRT SP Equity Major Shareholders 1. Tema s ek Hol di ngs Pte Ltd 2. RCM Ca pi ta l Ma na gement LLC 3. Va ngua rd Group Inc Nov-14 FY14 1,164 62 4.07 26.4 52.69 2.0 2.20 2.0% Raw Beta (Past 2yrs weekly data) Aug-14 FY13 1,119 101 6.62 23.0 50.54 3.0 2.50 1.6% Company Data May-14 FY12 1,057 142 9.21 19.1 51.50 3.4 7.45 4.2% Company Description SMRT Corp Ltd (SMRT) i s a mul ti -moda l l a nd tra ns port opera tor i n Si nga pore. SMRT opera tes two Ma s s Ra pi d Tra ns i t (MRT) Li nes , the Buki t Pa nja ng Li ght Ra i l Tra ns i t (BPLRT) s ys tem, bus es a nd ta xi s . A s i gni fi ca nt pa rt of i ts profi ts come from i ts a nci l l a ry bus i nes s es of Renta l & Adverti s i ng. SMRT a l s o ha s a s ta ke i n Shenzhen Zona Tra ns porta ti on, a l a nd tra ns port opera tor ba s ed i n Shenzhen. Feb-14 Key Financial Summary FYE Mar Revenue (SGD mn) NPAT, a dj. (SGD mn) EPS, a dj. (S Cents ) P/E (X),a dj. BVPS (S Cents ) P/B (X) DPS (S Cents ) Di v. Yi el d (%) Source: Bl oomberg, PSR es t. (Maintained at "Reduce") Target Price (SGD) 1.370 Forecast Dividend (SGD) 0.033 Closing Price (SGD) 1.490 Potential Upside -8.1% Nov-13 Investment Actions We do not see any compelling investment merit in SMRT primarily due to (1) weak cash flow, (2) higher probability of the transition to the RFF being delayed, (3) and the S$2 billion in obligations up to 2019 as the RFF negotiations drag on. SMRT is looking more like a speculative punt on the transition occurring sooner rather than later. We maintain our "Reduce" rating on SMRT, and lower our TP to S$1.370 on the basis of our belief that the RFF does not transition by FY16. Reduce Rating: STI rebased (%) 54.2 0.8 0.6 Valuation Method DCF (WACC: 5.1%, Termi na l g: 1.0%) Analyst Richard Leow, CFTe ri cha rdl eowwt@phi l l i p.com.s g +65 6531 1735 *Forward multiples & yields based on current market price; historical multiples & yields based on historical market price. Page | 1 MCI (P) 046/11/2013 Ref. No.: SG2014_0170 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Results at a glance (SGD mn) MRT LRT Bus Ta xi Rental Advertis i ng Engi neeri ng Servi ces Revenue EBITDA Operating Profit/(Loss) MRT LRT Bus Ta xi Rental Advertis i ng Engi neeri ng Servi ces EBIT PATMI Source: Compa ny, PSR 2Q15 165.2 2.5 60.7 35.1 30.1 9.4 3.7 314.0 80.2 7.6 (0.7) (1.4) 3.4 19.0 5.2 (0.9) 33.3 25.3 2Q14 y-y (%) 160.5 3.0 2.7 (8.5) 55.2 10.0 32.4 8.3 24.2 24.4 8.6 9.5 6.6 (43.9) 296.3 6.0 62.8 27.7 1.0 (0.4) (7.4) 2.1 18.6 4.8 0.9 20.0 14.4 648.8 64.7 (80.6) 62.9 2.5 9.3 (197.5) 66.5 75.5 6M15 323.1 4.9 118.8 69.5 56.0 18.7 6.5 611.1 154.4 6M14 y-y (%) Comments 314.0 2.9 5.3 (7.4) 108.8 9.2 65.4 6.4 Hi gher rental i ncome from newer fl eet. 47.7 17.3 16.8 11.5 Increa s ed a dvertis i ng on tra i ns , s tations a nd taxi s . 10.3 (36.6) 581.1 5.2 Broad based growth across most segments. 124.9 23.6 12.6 3.9 (1.3) (1.0) (7.0) (14.9) 7.5 4.3 39.1 36.3 10.8 9.5 (0.8) 1.5 62.6 42.2 47.6 30.8 224.4 29.8 (53.3) 74.1 7.8 13.7 Lower s taff cos ts ; l ower el ectri ci ty cos ts . Productivi ty ga i ns . Lower di es el tax a nd l ower i ns ura nce expens e. Hi gher rental renewa l ra tes . Expens es for newl y s et up Si nga pore Ra i l Engi neeri ng. 48.3 Hi gher Ra i l profi t, l ower Bus l os s es . 54.9 (156.9) Discussion of 2QFY15 results Key contributing factors: Higher Rail profit and lower Bus losses. EBIT improved by S$13.3 million y-y. Key contributing factors to the y-y improvement was the higher Rail profit (increased by S$6.6 million) and the lower Bus operating loss (reduced by S$6.0 million). Higher Rail profit due to managing Staff costs and Fuel costs well. Staff cost being the largest cost component (39.5% of total operating costs) was controlled well through productivity gains and saw a 1.1%y-y decline. Notable cost reduction was seen through the fuel cost component (16.5% of total operating costs), dropping a significant 14.4%y-y, which came as a positive surprise. Lower Bus losses through overall cost controlled. Individual cost components for Bus business were mixed, but overall grew a moderate 4.3%y-y. However, the higher Revenue which grew 10%y-y helped to offset the increase in operating costs thus lowering the operating loss. Review of our 2QFY15 estimates Our 2QFY15 estimates for revenue, other operating income and total expenses were in line with actual results, but the variances added up and we missed at the EBIT level. Revenue: S$311.2m est., S$314.0m actual. Other operating income: S$11.3m est., S$12.2m actual. Total operating expenses: S$296.2m est., S$292.9 actual. EBIT: S$26.3m est., S$33.3 actual. Adjustments made to our forecasts. We make adjustments to the cost components in our forecasts to account for: (1) prevailing change in fuel costs and (2) evidence of cost savings through productivity gains. (3) We also raised our forward Capex estimates to account for the increased probability of SMRT having to make good on at least some of its S$2 billion obligations related to the NSEWL. SMRT's 6MFY15 Revenue, EBIT and PATMI now stand at 49.5%, 51.2% and 52.1% respectively of our full year FY15F estimates. Page | 2 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Items discussed at the analyst and media briefing Taxi business Following a survey of potential third party apps, SMRT had chosen to partner with Hailo as it was deemed the most appealing (favourable user experience) to both the commuter and taxi hirer. SMRT did not see any discernable trend in their call centre bookings and it "continues to be active". However, it noted a trend of more passengers turning to third-party apps. In terms of taxi fleet, it is of varying ages and there is a drive to use a common fleet. Loss making LRT business SMRT will not abandon or divest this business, as it has a licenced obligation to discharge their duty to provide the service until 2028. SMRT has no intention of rescinding the licence agreement and will balance costs with the prevailing fare regime. Not provisioning for fines Effort will be channelled more productively to focus on improving service standards. Rental business Healthy contributions from Sports Hub operations, and higher rental renewal rates from within the network. Capex guidance Management did not quote a specific number for Capex for FY15, but guided that "it remains unchanged from the previous briefing". (i.e. S$600 million) No guidance was given for FY16F, but would be given at the end of FY15. Page | 3 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Accounting profit is not the same as cash flow! While SMRT did a commendable job with the 75.5%y-y increase in PATMI, but we still highlight to investors that accounting profit and actual free cash flow are not the same thing. We argue that despite showing an accounting profit, SMRT is still not able to generate a positive free cash flow! Use of S$100 million borrowings. Closer examination of SMRT's Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows reveals that 2QFY15 Cash flow from operating activities of S$129.0 million was not able to cover the net Capital Expenditure of (S$153.9 million). On a 6M-YTD basis, 6MFY15 Cash flow from operating activities of S$163.9 million did not cover the net Capital Expenditure of (S$247.8 million). This implies a 6M-YTD short fall of $83.9 million. In 1QFY15, SMRT had raised S$100 million debt (through the MTN program and issued on 11 June 2014), which was in effect, substantially used to top up the shortfall of Cash flow from operating activities to support its Capex obligations during 1HFY15. Where are the dividends coming from? With the 1.5 Cents dividend declared, SMRT will be paying out about S$22.8 million cash dividend in the next quarter. We think that investors should be made aware that their dividends are not from coming from free cash flow generated over the normal course of business during the period, because there is none to begin with! Coincidentally, the S$83.9 million short fall for 1HFY15 Capex and the S$22.8 million dividend add up to just over S$100 million. Capex going forward for 2HFY15. 6MFY15 Capex stands at close to S$248 million, implying about another S$352 million to go for 2HFY15 (based on Management guidance of S$600 million Capex for FY15). Additional S$200 million debt raised and net gearing to rise in next quarter. We draw investors' attention to the additional S$200 million debt that has been raised and announced on 16 October 2014. This additional S$200 million debt is not reflected in 2QFY15 balance sheet as it had occurred after the reporting period of September. Consequently, SMRT's net gearing would be considerably much higher in 3QFY15 than the 68% as reported on 2QFY15 balance sheet. Net gearing could be as high as 92% in the next quarter, by our estimates, assuming all other things being equal and the S$200 million is used up. S$300 million debt raised so far in 1HFY15. We had already been forecasting since our first re-initiation report (29 April 2014) that SMRT would need to raise S$300 million debt to support their FY15 cash flow. We think that it had been obvious that structurally, the business model is not sustainable and requires constant injection of funds to support its voracious Capex appetite. High gearing limits inorganic growth. SMRT lacks the internal funds to make strategic acquisitions, and the highly leveraged balance sheet is inhibitive to raising new debt for acquisitions. Page | 4 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 What do we think of the transition to the new RFF? The biggest re-rating catalyst for SMRT now is the transition to the new RFF. While we think that transition to the RFF is a given and likely to be overall positive for SMRT, but the key uncertainty is: "When will it happen?" SMRT's cash flow to materially improve With the responsibility of Capex renewal lifted off SMRT's shoulders under the RFF, free cash flow for SMRT should materially improve. Hence the transition to the new RFF should affect SMRT's share price positively. But still bleeding cash now However, until the transition to the RFF materialises, SMRT will still be bleeding cash. SMRT's cash flow from operating activities in FY14 was insufficient to cover its net Capex, and the situation remains the same for 1HFY15. We think that SMRT will see a modest reprieve in FY17F onwards, owing to the change in bus model in Singapore to the Government Contracting Model (GCM). Under the asset-light GCM, the Government will own all operating assets and be responsible for asset renewal. Hence SMRT will no longer be required to purchase new buses. Timing of implementation remains uncertain Our position remains unchanged from our Singapore Land Transport Sector report (21 August 2014), in that "Shareholders of SMRT could be in for a bumpy ride if negotiations between LTA and SMRT are protracted and such a transition to the RFF is delayed". We also said that "LTA is not obligated to revise the framework since SMRT's licence remains valid for 30 years until 2028." This is consistent with what was discussed during the analyst briefing about SMRT having to continue the loss making LRT business until 2028. Now that the Rail business is registering a profit, it will be increasingly difficult to convince the electorate and general public at large that SMRT needs to transition to the sustainable RFF model. We think that this has raised the probability of the transition to not occur before the next General Elections. In a nutshell: Will there be price upside in the future? Yes, but… With the weak cash flow of SMRT and hampered ability for inorganic growth, we do not see any compelling investment merit in it, other than being a speculative punt that the transition to the new Rail Financing Framework occurs sooner rather than later. Page | 5 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Quarterly Revenue and Profitability data Fig 1. Revenue (S$ mn) Fig 2. Revenue by Fare/Non-Fare Business (S$ mn) Revenue 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 %y-y, RHS Source: Company, PSR 15% 10% 5% 0% 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Fare Fare %y-y, RHS 10% 5% 0% Source: Company, PSR -5% 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 LRT 2Q14 MRT 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 Remarks: Higher y-y growth for Non-Fare revenue than Fare revenue. Fig 3. Revenue by Business (S$ mn) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Non-Fare %y-y, RHS 20% 15% 3Q12 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 3Q12 Remarks: Revenue grew 6.0%y-y. Non-Fare Bus Revenue Segmentation for YTD 6M15 Taxi Rental Advertising Source: Company, PSR Engineering Services 9% 3% 1% 12% 20% 54% 1% 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 Remarks: Highest source of revenue from MRT fares. 4Q13 1Q14 Fig 4. Operating profit (S$ mn) 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 Fig 5. Operating profit by Fare/Non-Fare Business (S$ mn) Operating profit %y-y, RHS Fare Fare %y-y, RHS Non-Fare Non-Fare %y-y, RHS Source: Company,150% PSR 60 40 100% 40 0% 30 50% 20 -100% 20 0% 10 -50% 50 0 100% 0 -200% Source: Company, PSR -100% -20 -300% 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 3Q12 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 3Q12 Remarks: 2Q15 EBIT grew 66.5%y-y. Remarks: Fare business reversed to profitability. Fig 6. Operating profit by Business (S$ mn) MRT 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 3Q12 4Q12 LRT Bus 1Q13 Fig 7. PATMI, adj. (S$ mn) PATMI, adj. 40 Taxi 2Q13 Rental 3Q13 Advertising 4Q13 Engineering Services 1Q14 2Q14 Source: Company, PSR 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 Fig 8. Earnings per share, adj. (S Cents) %y-y, RHS Source: Company, PSR 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% -50% 30 20 10 3.0 EPS, adj. 250% Source: Company, PSR 200% %y-y, RHS 2.5 150% 2.0 100% 1.5 50% 1.0 0% 0.5 -50% -100% 0.0 0 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 3Q12 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 1Q13 4Q12 3Q12 Remarks: 2Q15 PATMI grew 75.5%y-y. -100% Remarks: 2Q15 1.70 S Cents EPS. Page | 6 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Quarterly Financial Indicators Fig 9. EBITDA, EBIT & Net margins 35% EBITDA margin EBIT margin Net margin Source: Company, PSR 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 Fig 10. Operating Margin by Business MRT 100% 6M14 6M15 y-y comparison for YTD 6M15 LRT Bus Taxi 2Q13 3Q13 Rental Advertising Engineering Services Source: Company, PSR 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 6M14 6M15 Remarks: (1) Rental and Advertising have the highest operating Margins. (2) LRT, Bus and Engineering Services are loss-making. YTD 6M15 performance with Historical performance Fig 11. Revenue (S$ mn) 1,400 Revenue Fig 12. Operating profit (S$ mn) 6M14 6M15 Source: Company, PSR est. 1,200 250 Operating Profit 6M14 6M15 Source: Company, PSR est. 200 1,000 800 150 600 100 400 50 200 0 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F Remarks: 6M15 Revenue 49.5% of FY15F. FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F Remarks: 6M15 EBIT 51.2% of FY15F. Fig 13. PATMI, adj. (S$ mn) 200 PATMI 6M14 6M15 Source: Company, PSR est. 150 100 50 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F Remarks: 6M15 PATMI, adj. 52.1% of FY15F. Page | 7 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 FYE Mar Income Statement (SGD mn) Revenue Other opera ti ng i ncome EBITDA Depreci a ti on & Amorti s a ti on EBIT Net Fi na nce (Expens e)/Inc Other i tems As s oci a tes & JVs Excepti ona l i tems Profit Before Tax Ta xa ti on Profit After Tax - Non-control l i ng i nteres t Net Income, reported Net Income, adj. FYE Mar Per share data (S Cents) EPS, reported EPS, a dj. DPS BVPS FYE Mar Cashflow Statements (SGD mn) CFO PBT Adjus tments WC cha nges Ca s h genera ted from ops Others Cashflow from ops CFI CAPEX, net Di vd from a s s oci a tes & JVs Others Cashflow from investments CFF Sha re i s s ua nce, net Loa ns , net of repa yments Di vi dends Others Cashflow from financing Net change in cash Effects of excha nge ra tes CCE, end Source: Compa ny Da ta , PSR es t FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F 1,057 1,119 1,164 1,234 1,280 22 36 42 49 51 300 278 256 311 323 (130) (151) (171) (189) (190) 170 127 84 122 133 (4.5) (4.8) (9.2) (15.0) (14.9) 2.7 (0.4) (0.4) 2.6 2.8 (22) (17) 147 105 75 110 121 (27) (22) (13) (19) (21) 120 83 61 91 100 (0.1) (0.4) (0.6) (0.7) 120 83 62 91 100 142 101 62 91 100 FY12 7.80 9.21 7.45 51.50 FY12 FY13 5.50 6.62 2.50 50.54 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F 4.07 4.07 2.20 52.69 6.00 6.00 3.25 56.46 6.60 6.60 3.63 59.76 FY12 1,346 14 68 15 1,443 54 64 195 0.0 313 1,756 546 58 604 150 210 360 965 791 FY13 1,436 14 51 32 1,532 60 86 546 692 2,224 2 577 54 633 607 216 823 1,456 0.3 768 FY14 FY15F FY16F 1,642 14 53 21 1,729 84 99 5.0 156 344 2,073 156 355 54 566 480 225 705 1,271 (0.1) 802 1,973 14 55 21 2,063 89 105 5.0 197 396 2,459 156 377 72 605 780 215 995 1,600 (0.7) 860 2,184 14 58 21 2,276 93 109 5.0 48 254 2,531 156 391 90 637 780 204 984 1,621 (1.4) 911 FY14 FY15F FY16F 147 105 75 175 193 187 10.5 (18.9) (12.8) 332 279 249 (50) (19) (15) 282 260 234 110 204 10.4 325 (35) 290 121 205 6.8 333 (37) 296 (234) (248) 0.2 0.2 (0.0) (14.4) (234) (262) (649) 0.2 6.5 (643) (531) 0.4 (531) (412) 0.5 (411) 0.41 (100) (129) 0.1 (229) (181) (0.0) 195 0.05 29 (30) 18.9 17 (391) 0.2 156 300 (33) 15.2 282 41 197 (49) 15.2 (34) (149) 48 0.57 460 (109) 2.5 353 351 (0.1) 546 FYE Mar Balance Sheet (SGD mn) PPE Inta ngi bl es As s oci a tes & JVs Inves tments Others Total non-current assets Inventori es Accounts Recei va bl es Inves tments Ca s h Others Total current assets Total Assets Short term l oa ns Accounts Pa ya bl es Others Total current liabilities Long term l oa ns Others Total non-current liabilities Total Liabilities Non-control l i ng i nteres t Shareholder Equity FYE Mar Valuation Ratios P/E (X), a dj. P/B (X) EV/EBITDA (X), a dj. Di vi dend Yi el d (%) Growth & Margins (%) Growth Revenue EBITDA EBIT Net Income, a dj. Margins EBITDA ma rgi n EBIT ma rgi n Net Profi t Ma rgi n Key Ratios ROE (%) ROA (%) Net Debt/(Ca s h) Net Gea ri ng (X) FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F 19.1 3.4 8.9 4.2% 23.0 3.0 8.5 1.6% 26.4 2.0 8.3 2.0% 24.8 2.6 9.7 2.2% 22.6 2.5 9.8 2.4% 9.0% 5.9% 4.0% 6.0% -4.7% -7.3% -8.1% 21.9% -12.9% -25.1% -33.9% 45.3% -12.1% -28.9% -38.5% 47.6% 3.7% 3.7% 8.7% 9.9% 28.4% 24.8% 22.0% 25.2% 25.2% 16.1% 11.4% 7.2% 9.9% 10.4% 11.3% 7.4% 5.3% 7.4% 7.8% 17.8% 12.9% 8.4% 5.1% (45) Net Cash 63 0.08 7.9% 11.0% 11.3% 2.9% 4.0% 4.0% 481 0.60 740 0.86 889 0.98 *Forward multiples & yields based on current market price; historical multiples & yields based on historical market price. Page | 8 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Ratings History 2.00 Source: Bl oomberg, PSR Market Price Target Price 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 1 2 3 4 5 PSR Rating System Total Returns Recommendation Rating > +20% Buy 1 +5% to +20% Accumul a te 2 -5% to +5% Neutra l 3 -5% to -20% Reduce 4 < -20% Sel l 5 Remarks We do not ba s e our recommenda tions entirel y on the a bove qua ntitative return ba nds . We cons i der qua l i tative fa ctors l i ke (but not l i mi ted to) a s tock's ri s k rewa rd profi l e, ma rket s entiment, recent ra te of s ha re pri ce a ppreci a tion, pres ence or a bs ence of s tock pri ce ca tal ys ts , a nd s pecul a tive undertones s urroundi ng the s tock, before ma ki ng our fi na l recommenda tion Page | 9 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Important Information This publication is prepared by Phillip Securities Research Pte Ltd., 250 North Bridge Road, #06-00, Raffles City Tower, Singapore 179101 (Registration Number: 198803136N), which is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“Phillip Securities Research”). By receiving or reading this publication, you agree to be bound by the terms and limitations set out below. This publication has been provided to you for personal use only and shall not be reproduced, distributed or published by you in whole or in part, for any purpose. 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Page | 10 SMRT Corp Ltd 3 November 2014 Contact Information (Singapore Research Team) Management Chan Wai Chee (CEO, Research - Special Opportunities) Joshua Tan (Head, Research - Equities & Macro) Macro | Equities Soh Lin Sin Bakhteyar Osama +65 6531 1516 +65 6531 1793 Research Operations Officer Jaelyn Chin +65 6531 1240 +65 6531 1231 +65 6531 1249 Market Analyst | Equities Kenneth Koh +65 6531 1791 Finance | Offshore Marine Benjamin Ong +65 6531 1535 Real Estate Caroline Tay Telecoms | Technology Colin Tan Transport & Logistics Richard Leow, CFTe +65 6531 1735 Contact Information (Regional Member Companies) MALAYSIA Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd B-3-6 Block B Level 3 Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 2162 8841 Fax +603 2166 5099 Website: www.poems.com.my +65 6531 1221 SINGAPORE Phillip Securities Pte Ltd Raffles City Tower 250, North Bridge Road #06-00 Singapore 179101 Tel +65 6533 6001 Fax +65 6535 6631 Website: www.poems.com.sg US Equities Wong Yong Kai +65 6531 1685 +65 6531 1792 HONG KONG Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd 11/F United Centre 95 Queensway Hong Kong Tel +852 2277 6600 Fax +852 2868 5307 Websites: www.phillip.com.hk JAPAN Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. 4-2 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 Tel +81-3 3666 2101 Fax +81-3 3666 6090 Website: www.phillip.co.jp INDONESIA PT Phillip Securities Indonesia ANZ Tower Level 23B, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 33A Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809 Website: www.phillip.co.id CHINA Phillip Financial Advisory (Shanghai) Co Ltd No 550 Yan An East Road, Ocean Tower Unit 2318, Postal code 200001 Tel +86-21 5169 9200 Fax +86-21 6351 2940 Website: www.phillip.com.cn THAILAND Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Co. 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