St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Rochester, New York November 9, 2014 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 Vigil: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 4:00 p. m. Fred and Agnes Sroczek (Daughter, Chris Cerami) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9:00 a.m. 10th Anniversary: Matthew Roman (Mom and Dad) 11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Msza w. Odpustowa w intencji wszystkich parafian (St. Stanislaus Kostkas Feast Day) 1:30 p. m . Latin Mass Deceased members of Czerniak and Wroblewski families (Florian and Veronica Czerniak) MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:00 a.m. Jane Kirchgessner (Son Kenneth) TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop Veteran s Day 5:30 p.m. Patrick Donohue (Wife and Children) WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12 Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 8:00 a.m. Anniversary: Zygmunt Tomaszkiewicz (Family) THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 8:00 a.m. Joseph Kurto (Son Jan and Daughter Mary, grandchildren and great grandchild) 5:30 p. m. Ceil Remmel (James and Jane) FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 14 8:00 a. m. NYS Trooper Christopher Skinner (Jim and Sonja Stenclik) 5:30 p. m. - Living and deceased members of the Ladies Society SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:00 a. m. Anna and Frank Pullara and deceased members of the family (Daughter Jenny) Vigil: Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p. m. Mary Schwartz (Peggy and Tony Leib) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16 Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time A very warm welcome is extended to all who have come to St. Stanislaus Church to worship. We are grateful to our parishioners and we welcome our guests who visit us this weekend! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Deceased members of Hall, Beth and Karp families (Gary and Irene Knights) 11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Stefania and Zygmunt Skuza (Family) 1:30 p. m . Latin Mass Jeanne Fallon (Sara M. Love) NOVEMBER 9 No parish activities MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 6:15 p.m. No Religious Education Classes 7:30 p. m. - Northeast Freedom AA Group (Auditorium) Lighting of the Advent WreathVolunteers Needed Prayer for the Graces of Saint Stanislaus Kostka TUESDAY _ NOVEMBER 11 Families and individuals are needed to be part of the ritual of lighting the Advent wreath candles each week at the beginning of Mass. This is a beautiful way for you to be part of this centuries old tradition as you prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Call the rectory at 467-3068 or see Fr. Roman after Mass by Nov. 14th if you or your family are interested. The sooner you call, the better chance you have of choosing the date most convenient for you! O God, Who among the many wonders of Your wisdom endow some, even in tender years, with the grace of ripest holiness: grant under us, we beseech You, after the pattern of Saint Stanislaus Kostka to be instant in good works, and thus to make speed to enter into everlasting rest. Amen WEDNESDAY No Confirmation Class this week! NOVEMBER 12 1:00 p.m. Golden Age Club 5:30 p.m. Polish Choir practice 7:00 p.m. Polyphonic Choir practice SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY Polish School NOVEMBER 16 After the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses: Polish School Fundraiser Nale niki Breakfast/Lunch (Auditorium) After Polish Mass: PNA meeting (Parish Hall) St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of Rome. This is not St. Peter's, but it is the Pope's cathedral. Also called the Church of Holy Savior or the Church of St. John Baptist, it was the baptism church of ancient Rome. On this solemnity the Word of God recalls an essential truth: the temple of stones is a symbol of the living Church, the Christian community. Today s feast celebrates a mystery that is always relevant: God s desire to build a spiritual temple in the world, a community that worships him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). But this observance also reminds us of the importance of the material buildings in which the community gathers to celebrate the praises of God. Every community therefore has the duty to take special care of its own sacred buildings, which are a precious religious and historical patrimony. Family Advent Night Our annual Family Advent Night will be Monday, December 1st starting at 6:15. All ages (young and the young at heart!) are invited! (Children must be accompanied by their parent). The evening will be filled with activities, crafts and a story to prepare our hearts for Baby Jesus and to bring the joy of His birth to our shut-ins. To make sure we have enough supplies REGISTRATION is REQUIRED. Forms are on the altar railings and at the back of the church. Registration deadline is November 10th. Catholic Ministries Appeal Update As of October 28, 2014 the amount of $12,558.00 was pledged in contributions from 93 parishioners which represents 30.13% of our quota amount of $41,680. The following parishioners made their contributions to CMA during the week of October 28: MCH Parishioners, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ciejek, Mrs. Krystyna Grzebieniak, Mrs. Ewa Kajosz, Mr. and Mrs. Tomasz Mokrzan, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olufsen, Mrs. Danuta Piekut, Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Rattelade, Mrs. Deborah Z. Ritz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roman, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Samiec, Mrs Veronica Schoenheit, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Skurski, Mrs. Barbara Smagin, Mr. Robert Smagin, Mr. Eugene F. Suski, Mr. Philip A. Torti and Mrs. Florence B. Wolkonowski. Help us Keep the Church Grounds Beautiful! We have such a beautiful church, and it is always a shame that sometimes the wind brings over some trash to our grounds. The Parish Council would like to ask that we all try to help maintain the grounds outside to keep our church looking as great outside as it does inside. After each mass, we will have available plastic gloves and bags by the doors. Please use these to pick up any trash that might have blown over to our church. The trash dumpster is by between the auditorium and Religious education building. If you have extra plastic bags at home (the kind from the grocery store) please bring these in so that we will have extra on hand. Many hands make the work easier! Rochester, New York November 9, 2014 Please Pray for Please pray for all those in hospitals, who are ill or recovering from surgery, and all those ailing at home, in hospice or in nursing homes. Please keep in your prayers: Marilyn Adams, Phillip Michael Adams, Phyllis Adamski, Marylu Balacki, Arlene Bialaszewski, Dolores Biddle, Marjorie Boeker, Peter Bonenfant, Leonard Brozak, Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Janice Bubb, Carmen Caiazzo, Joseph Camptone, Carol Capidone, Norma Coleman, Carl Conde, Elaine Costello, Linda Cranston, Nolan Cybulski, John Flannery, Hania Ferenc, Peter Gierczak, Eleanore Golomb, David Hawn, Eliodora Hernandez, Florence Hoy, Debbie Husted, Paul Iezzi. Kathy Jedrzejek, Carl Juda, Connie Kawka, Joseph Kociuba, Danuta Kolacz, Krzysztof Kotkowicz, Chester A. Krol Sr., Amelia Kuras, Norma Leblanc, Irene Lichwiarz, Ruth Mance, Joseph Mattioli, Anne May, Kathleen McHugh, Jim Mills, Justina Montanez, Iwona Muszak, Emily Nakas, Maria Nawrocki-Dzyban, Cheryl Neilson, Kathy Nielson, Stella Noga, Susan Oberle, Thomas I. Orczyk, John Ozminkowski, Cristine Paradowski, Vincent Parks Jr., Bernie Pensek, Mary Pogrow, Geenevieve Rodgers, Bob Quist, Ann Reeder, Zofia Robaczynski, Shirley Rojek, Tom Schramil, Genevieve Skiba, Stephen Skura, Sharon Smith, Trudy Swol, Lydia Tata, Nancy Tychoniewicz, Gary Walczak, Barbara Webster, Bernard Weeg and Józef Zawitkowski. To add a loved one s name to this prayer list or to take someone off the prayer list, please call the parish office at 4673068. Annual Thanksgiving/Holiday Food Drive: Just ONE Can (or Box or Bag!!!) Oct. 20th thru Dec. 21st The holidays are FAST approaching! Many of us anxiously await these special holidays in anticipation of the delicious foods we will share with our families. The poor and those in need are just hoping for a hot meal. This Thanksgiving and Christmas let us help to set their tables with bountiful foods to share with their loved ones! Shopping lists are available on the altar railings and at the back of the church. Although ALL food items are appreciated, the most critical items needed are: Rice and beans (2, 3 or 5lb. bags/boxes) Crackers, peanut butter, jelly Boxes of stuffing and potatoes Gravy Canned/powdered milk Cereal Canned fruits and vegetables Thank you for living the Corporal Works of Mercy by feeding the hungry! ARPP Driver Safety Course The AARP Driver Safety Course will be offered by Janet Masetta on Saturday, December 6. The session is from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at Saint James School at 109 Brockley Road in Rochester. Pre-registration is required. For details of cost, locations and any other questions, please contact Janet at 3428143. St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Rochester, New York Rocznica Po wi cenia Bazyliki Latera skiej Wiele osób s dzi, e najwa niejszym ko cio em papieskim jest bazylika w. Piotra na Watykanie. Nie jest to prawd . To bazylika wi tego Jana na Lateranie jest ko cio em katedralnym papie a. Odegra a ona donios rol w historii chrze cija stwa i dlatego Ko ció obchodzi specjalny dzie , przypominaj cy moment jej po wi cenia. Bazylika ta jest jedn z czterech bazylik wi kszych Rzymu. Gdy w 313 r. cesarz Konstantyn Wielki wyda edykt pozwalaj cy na oficjalne wyznawanie wiary chrze cija skiej, kaza wybudowa okaza wi tyni pod wezwaniem Chrystusa Zbawiciela, w. Jana Chrzciciela i w. Jana Ewangelisty. Sta a si ona pierwsz katedr Rzymu, a przylegaj cy do niej pa ac - siedzib papie y. Bazylika latera ska by a pierwsz na wiecie katolick wi tyni , w sposób uroczysty dedykowan Panu Bogu. W to wi to stajemy wobec tajemnicy Ko cio a, którego fundamentem jest Jezus Chrystus, a opok - Piotr. Przypominamy sobie o mocnej wi zi Ko cio ów lokalnych ze Stolic Apostolsk . Po wi cenie wiec Adwentowych Pierwsza Niedziela Adwentu przypada 29-30 listopada i w tym czasie mo na przynie swoje wianki i wiece adwentowe do ko cio a aby Ks. Roman je po wi ci . Ma a ilo jest to sprzedania w poniedzia ek 24 listopada w Rel. Ed. Center o 6:15 wieczorem albo na plebanii w godzinach urz dowych. Polska Szko a Zaprasza na Nale niki w Przysz Niedziel ! Polska Szko a zaprasza na Nale niki w przysz Niedziel po Mszach o godzinie 9-ej i 11-ej. Dochód jest przeznaczony na ksi ki dla dzieci z Polskiej Szko y. Zapraszamy na Smaczne Nale niki! wi to Dzi kczynienia Parafia w. Stanis awa organizuje tradycyjny dzi kczynny obiad w wi to Dzi kczynienia dla parafian w czwartek 27 Listopada od godziny 12:00 p.m. do 2:00 p.m. Prosimy zadzwoni do Biura Parafialnego: tel. 467 3068. ile osób mamy si spodziewa . Zapraszamy do prze ycia wi ta Dzi kczynienia w gronie bliskich i znajomych. Sprzeda Ciasta Stowarzyszenie Pa w. Stanis awa b dzie sprzedawa ciasta w sobot 22-go Listopada i w Niedziel 23-go Listopada po ka dej Mszy w. Prosimy wszystkich o poparcie tego celu. Druga Taca w tym Tygodniu na Ogrzewanie Ko cio a! Eucharistic Minister - Lectors - Commentators Schedule for Saturday and Sunday: November 15-16, 2014 November 9, 2014 Parish Hospitality- Greeters! We need your smile~ to greet our parishioners, families, friends and visitors! The holidays will soon be here, we want those who come to worship and pray to feel welcomed and part of our community. You never know when a kind word and a bright smile will lift a person s spirit or draw someone who has drifted away from the church back to God. The job description for this ministry is easy: Arrive about 20 minutes before Mass and pick up the Parish Hospitality badge in the sacristy. Choose your favorite church entrance. Hand out Missalettes (and any other flyers that are out). When Mass is about to begin, go to your favorite pew and thank God for ALL the blessings He is bestowing on you. You can do it just one Mass a month or every week! If you are interested, call the rectory at 467-3068 or just stop in by November 21st. PS This is a GREAT way for children and their families to help serve our parish community! The Ladies Society Bake Sale The Ladies Society Thanksgiving Bake Food Sale will be on November 22 & 23. It ll be after Saturday s 4 p.m. mass and Sunday s 9 and 11 a.m. masses in the auditorium. They will have many of the Polish baked goods, chru ciki, kuchens, babkas, pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc for your enjoyment. We need baked goods brought Saturday after 2:30 p.m. to the auditorium and after 8:15 a.m. on Sunday. Please label what kind of cake or cookies, etc. and if there are nuts contained. Anyone in the parish can contribute food items to the sale and it will be greatly appreciated. Second Collection this Weekend: Fuel Second collection this weekend is the designated collection for fuel to heat our church. Please be generous. Mass Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Commentators 4:00 p.m. Pam Bialaszewski Elaine Bialaszewski Sharon Grant Sharon Grant 9:00 a.m. Gerry Wilson, Chuck Vorndran Mike/Mary Yackiw Sister Theresa Andrew Smagin 11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Adela Piotrowska Walter Kiljan Ma gosia Juskiewicz Kasia Juskiewicz Blessing of Family Advent Wreaths/Candles The weekend of Nov. 29 and 30th will be the First Sunday of Advent. To set a prayerful, peaceful tone in your home, bring your Advent wreath to Mass to have it blessed by Fr. Roman. If you don t have a wreath or candles, there is a VERY LIMITED supply for sale at the Religious Education Center on Monday 11/24 (6:15PM) or at the rectory during office hours. St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Rochester, New York November 9, 2014 CMAngels Earlybird Drawing! Our Gifts to God for the weekend of November 1-2, 2014 Offering: Attendance: Saturday 4:00 p.m. $ 1,400.00 263 Sunday 9:00 a.m. $ 1,804.00 201 11:00 a.m. $ 1,093.00 214 Rectory $ 650.00 Votive Candles $ 193.65 All Saints Day $ 831.00 Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Stanislaus! Thank you for your continued generosity! Marriage Banns Annemarie Maurer and Michael Nordquist The CMAngels would like to help you celebrate Thanksgiving with some of their Attitude of Gratitude by giving 3 CMAngels a $25 Wegmans gift card to use toward their Thanksgiving dinner! To be eligible for the drawing all you have to do is to be an Earlybird donor. Everyone who donates to the CMA Campaign by Nov. 15th will have their name entered. One name will be drawn at each Mass during the week of Nov. 22nd and 23rd. A special Thank you to the Secret Agents who donated the gift cards for this special incentive!!! If you do not want your name listed in the bulletin or put on the CMAngel please call the rectory and we will make you a 'Secret Agent'. I Altar Flowers The floral centerpiece at the main altar for this weekend Masses is offered in honor of the 73rd wedding anniversary of Mary and Chester Skurski from the members of their loving family: Judy and Zeke, Cristiana, Steven, Averie, Jack and June. St. Stanislaus Church is sponsoring a FREE traditional Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 27th, 2014 from 12:00 2:00 p.m. in St. Stanislaus Auditorium. For reservation please call St. Stanislaus Rectory at 467-3068. Enjoy Breakfast with Us Next Sunday! Please join Polish School after both masses on Sunday November 16th for breakfast. We will have homemade Nale niki (crepes) and also soup will be available. This is our annual fundraiser for books for our students. Come support us and enjoy a wonderful breakfast.
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