Growing chemical free flowers in Drimoleague Leap author on ‘Bringing home the Bride’ in Ireland page 41 pages 3 & 4 & October 31 – November 28, 2014, Vol X, Edition 150 FREE Old Town Hall, McCurtain Hill, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. E: P/F: 023 8835698 Dr. Jason Van der Velde from West Cork Rapid Response takes a well earned rest at Ahiohill Threshing & Vintage Day in aid of "Jeep for Jason" and Suicide Aware. Events are stil taking place throughout West Cork to raise €70,000 for a top-of-the-range emergency response vehicle for Jason. Wind industry calls for new schemes to encourage energy production by Cork farms and businesses T he Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) has called on the Government to introduce new schemes that would further encourage and incentivise the development of wind microgeneration for Cork farms, businesses and homes, which the Association maintains could bring significant benefits to rural communities. Microgeneration is the production of energy on a small scale for farms, businesses or domestic homes. Typical microgeneration technologies include Wind Turbines, Solar Photovoltaic, Hydro Power and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) with equipment ratings below 11kW. Speaking at IWEA’s annual conference in Kilkenny, Caitriona Diviney, Chief Operations Officer of IWEA said that electricity costs rank among the main overheads for farms, businesses, and homes, and that more wind microgeneration could help significantly reduce costs, whilst offering an opportunity to earn additional income by contributing the surplus electricity generated to the national grid. “When compared to neighbouring countries such as the UK, the significant potential for wind microgeneration in Ireland, and Cork in particular, still remains relatively untapped. Locally generated electricity can be yet another guaranteed Irish product, and can give farms, businesses and homeowners more control over their own electricity production." “We believe greater wind microgeneration can lead to more sustainable rural livelihoods and form part of the solution to reduce Ireland’s overall carbon emissions." To encourage the development of wind microgeneration, Diviney believes that new schemes should be put in place to provide greater opportunity to invest in this technology. “People and businesses are already successfully availing of microgeneration but there is considerable investment required to develop the technology and the current payback period is expected to be more than ten years. In our budget submission to the Government we have therefore, called for new schemes, akin to those in other countries, that could reduce the pay back period significantly, making this a much more attractive option.” The Irish Wind Energy Association has launched a step-bystep guide aimed at helping people avail of new microgeneration technology and is available for download on their website. The Irish Wind Energy Association is the national body representing the wind energy sector in Ireland. IWEA is committed to promoting the use of wind energy in Ireland and beyond as an economically viable and environmentally sound alternative to conventional generation and promotes awareness and understanding of wind power as the primary renewable energy resource. 2 October 31 – November 27 Crafts inspired by Wild Atlantic Way on display at Cork Airport W ild Atlantic Way inspired crafts went on display at Cork Airport for two weeks in October and included works by several West Cork artists. The exhibition was organised by Cork Craft and Design, whose members draw inspiration from nature along Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, informing the selection of works for this very special multi-disciplinary exhibition. Passengers travelling through Cork Airport had the opportunity to meet with the craftspeople and talk about their work and inspiration. Exhibits included basketry pieces, pottery, furniture, textiles, jewellery, sculpture and painting. Exhibiting his fine woodturning skills, Cork Craft and Designs Chairman, Tony Farrell said: “We are simply delighted to have been given this opportunity to exhibit here at Cork Airport, one of T Paper artist Hilary Nunan from Minane Bridge pictured at the official opening of the "Crafts from the Wild Atlantic Way” exhibition by Cork Craft & Design at Cork Airport. Pic: Diane Cusack Cork’s most iconic buildings. Over one hundred thousand visitors will pass through the airport over the next two weeks and we are thrilled that many of them will have a chance to see the high level of craft being produced right here in the Cork region and all along Ireland Wild Atlantic Way’.” Kevin Cullinane, Head of Communications at Cork Airport commented: “The Wild Atlantic Way, which officially starts right here on our doorstep at Cork Airport, provides a wealth of inspiration. The route around West Cork has some of the most breath-taking scenery anywhere in the world so it’s easy to see how its beauty inspired so much creativity,” he added. SHANAHAN’S NURSERIES & GARDEN CENTRE ClonakiltyTel. 023-8833398 Fax: 023 8858585 Email: The Nurseries for the Connoisseur HELPING TO Christmas pop-up shop in Bantry CREATE BEAUTY FOR OVER GARDENS 65YEARS IN THE OF IRELAND The Unique Design of our 3.acre Nursery and Garden Centre has received many compliments from customers and visitors throughout the many years we have been in business. ⦁ AUTUMN/WINTER BEDDING now available for containers and bowls - to give colour from now until early Spring. ⦁ Growing CHRISTMAS TREES, large and small, in containers, to grow along with the family for years to come. ⦁ Plant HEATHERS now for Autumn/Winter colour. Evergreen and hardy. Excellent ground cover and easy to care for. Ideal for planted containers. ⦁ FRUIT TREES and FRUIT BUSHES are easy to grow if you choose the correct variety. No matter how large or small your garden you will have an abundant crop of tasty fruit. ⦁ We have a superb range of HEDGING PLANTS - many varieties and heights. Gift Vouchers Available Shanahan’s Nurseries (300 Metres from Fernhill House Hotel) OPEN TUES TO SAT, 9am to 5.30pm (CLOSED FOR LUNCH 1-2pm) CLOSED Sundays, OPEN Bank Holidays o add extra interest to the annual Santaland and Christmas Bazaar in Bantry, Our Lady of Mercy National School will run a Christmas Pop-up Shop at The Timberland shop in William Street from Tuesday, November 4 to Saturday, November 8. From baubles to bells, candles to calendars; stock has been gathered from around the country and the school will be offering beautiful decorations at discount prices to Bantry shoppers in the run up to Christmas. Following this, on Sunday November 30, the annual Santaland and Christmas Bazaar will take place at the school from 12-4pm. Much of the school is transformed into a winter wonderland. Santa will hold court in his grotto, with a gift for each child. Mrs. Claus will be baking some goodies in her kitchen (feel free to help her out) and the elves will surely be messing in the snow garden, snowballs at the ready! The bottle stall will be back with a chance to win hundreds of beverages and there will also be Christmas produce and decorations for sale. Last year’s winners of the adult triathlon (darts, pool and rings) will be back to defend their crowns (well cups actually, nice ones too) and new games this year include Nordic Ski Sprint, Christmas Chimney Challenge and Saving Santa with great prizes on offer. The tea room will be open again and organisers are delighted to welcome Danny Miles, who will be selling burgers from The Dingle Dexter Beef Company with his own delicious relishes. Entrance is €5 for children, including a gift and photo with Santa, and €2 for adults including a prize draw ticket. A fun filled day is promised for all. This is a fundraising affair with staff, parents and friends of the school all helping out. The pop-up shop is open daily from from November 4 to 8, 10am to 6pm – pop in for a bargain! ‘Jeep for Jason’ campaign at full throttle S eptember and October have been very busy months for the ‘Jeep for Jason’ campaign but the launch date of Sunday, November 30 in Ballinascarthy is right on target. The success of the campaign is thanks to the people of West Cork, who have rallied round this project and have embraced the need for a new emergency vehicle for Dr. Jason Van der Velde. All sorts of events have taken place including 5K walks, threshings, a car wash, chimney sweeping, concerts, bag packing, quizzes, bingo and numerous coffee days. A number of national and secondary schools also participated in the Uniform Free Day and cake sales for the very deserving cause. Dr. Jason plans on visiting these schools in the New Year with his new jeep and will run through how to make an emergency 999 call. There is still time for anyone who would like to hold or organise an event, just contact Betty (087) 2414787 or Kate (086) 4540981. The events for November are as follows: Saturday, November 1 — Sharon Hayes Memorial ladies football match and Family Fun Day in Dunmanway at 2pm with All-Ireland Ladies Football team members and Brendan Martin Cup attending; Afternoon Tea at Sarah Coules, Rock Haven, Inchydoney from 12 noon to 6pm, everyone very welcome; Gina and The Champions play in Acton’s Hotel, Kinsale, enjoy a great night's dancing. Friday November 7 — Breakfast Morning in Fernhill House Hotel at 7.30am with guest speakers Tomás Mulcahy, John Caulfield and Declan Kidney — this event is ideal for all sporting clubs in West Cork to support the ‘Jeep for Jason’ project if they haven't done so already. Bookings at (086) 3791064. Sunday November 9 — Coffee Day at Michael and Elma O'Neill, Ballinard, Ballineen from 11am - 8pm; Threshing Day in Reenascreena. Wednesday, November 19 – ‘Beauty on the Lane’, Beauty, Fashion and Fun at Monk's Lane, Timoleague, drinks reception at 8pm, amazing spot prizes, goody bags and prize for the Best Dressed Lady. Bookings (023) 88 46348. Saturday, November 22 — ‘The Three Tenors’ play in Inchydoney Hotel at 8pm, guest Soprano Joanne Walsh, tickets going fast, for sale in The Village Store, Ballinascarthy, Centra Enniskeane, O'Donovan’s Hotel and Inchydoney Hotel. Saturday, November 29 — Down and Dirty event in Skibbereen. Sunday, November 30 — official launch of the ‘Jeep for Jason’ in Ballinascarthy. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Come to Ballinascarthy in the afternoon and view the jeep, see where your donation went and meet Dr. Jason Van der Velde. Friday, December 5 — Ceilí Mór in The Parkway Hotel, Dunmanway with Michael Sexton and Band, monster raffle on the night. October 31 – November 27 A picture paints a thousand words Traditionally so-called ‘strong farmers’ used to arrange the marriage matches of their sons and daughters. Instead of inheritance upon death of a family farm, this allowed the elders to retire and have a younger couple take over while they were still alive. Hard bargains were struck over dowries, some involving matchmakers. Those who rebelled against having their marriages arranged for them, resorted to some intriguing alternatives. As part of her decades of research into Irish farmhouse furniture, and then into previously little known paintings that depict rural marriage, Dr Claudia Kinmonth W orking as a furniture restorer in London in the 1980s, Claudia became aware no one was really researching Irish furniture. “I was interested in the history of the items — whose wedding the furniture piece was made for and so on,” says Claudia. She literally started knocking on doors around the country (many in West Cork) searching for items to research for her book ‘Irish Country Furniture, 17001950’.“It was before the Celtic Tiger so there were rich pickings,” she explains. “Sadly when Irish homes were modernised, many of these items were lost — thrown away or destroyed.” After publishing the muchacclaimed ‘Irish Country Furniture’, Claudia turned her attention to researching paintings with furniture in them. Her second book ‘Irish Rural Interiors in Art’ offers a fascinating view of many aspects of Irish rural life from the 18th to mid 20th century, with illustrations that evoke the hardships and celebrations of labourers and farmers. She also draws on knowledge of material culture to present a social history of Irish country people. ‘Bringing home the Bride’ (1883) by American painter Howard Helmick is featured in the book and forms part of Claudia’s lecture on arranged marriage in December. ‘It’s one of Helmick’s most interesting paintings, which is why it’s the title of my talk,” she says. “It’s a wonderful painting, full of information. You can identify all the people will give an illustrated lecture telling the story of arranged marriage. The lecture, which is as part of the Cork Decorative and Fine Arts Society programme 2014, will take place at the Clarion Hotel in Cork City on December 3, starting at 7.45pm. Claudia Kinmonth is the author of two books 'Irish Country Furniture, 1700-1950' and ‘Irish Rural Interiors in Art’. She is also the co-author of numerous other art history and furniture history related publications. Mary O’Brien visits the awardwinning author and curator at her home in Leap, West Cork. in it. For example, the bride is crossing the threshold for the first time and the groom’s father has his hand out for the money, or dowry. “As a prospect for marriage in the late 19th Century, you’d have a cow, some linen, maybe a hundred pounds; quite a lot of money, and there would be a bargain struck over the deal of the marriage.” Helmick had a studio in Kinsale and Galway. ‘Paddy’s Honeymoon’ by Cork painter William McGrath tells the story of the typical Irish farmer getting married. “He’s painted inside the house, ‘Bringing Home the Bride’ 1883 by Howard Helmick, (1840-1907). Courtesy private collection and Gorry Gallery, Dublin. as he doesn’t go away on honeymoon,” explains Claudia. “The newlyweds are painted sitting on a settle bed. You can tell what type of household it is from details in the painting: a rosary bead hanging up, the old granny is by the fire. In the Dutch tradition, you also have animals echoing the behavior of the people of the house.” “You can understand the painting through gaining an understanding of the furniture and objects in it,” says Claudia. continued on page 4 3 4 continued from page 3 Samuel Lover’s illustration ‘The Couple Beggar’ depicts another interesting aspect of Irish history. In the 19th century, defrocked priests would marry hard-up couples or couples of different faiths for a pound or less. “Many couples didn’t necessarily even have a ring,” explains Claudia. “The key was often taken out of the door and placed on the bride’s finger during the ceremony.” Claudia goes on to explain that there were serious penalties if the ex-priest was caught. “He could have been hung.” Interestingly, matchmaking took place at all sorts of events, for example at Wakes, October 31 – November 27 and abduction of women before marriage was common in those days. In the words of one historian “Women were pawns in an elaborate chess game.” “Helmick was very interested in that control of women,” says Claudia “and he was sympathetic to it.” A local West Cork painter, Charles H Cook, from Bandon, describes the ruination of a young women in a pub scene in his painting ‘St Patrick’s Day’. “She’s painted dancing with a soldier, which she shouldn’t be doing, as her chances of marriage are ruined,” says Claudia. An empty birdcage in the painting symbolises how the bird has flown. A glove on the floor is a symbol of an abandoned wedding present. An emigration poster on the wall describes the young woman’s only option after her poor behaviour. “This painting is literally dripping with symbolism,” says Claudia. The ballad sheet on the table in the painting brings back a particular childhood memory to Claudia. “During my childhood in Union Hall, people’s names were added in to a ballad if they did anything wrong,” she says. A full-time researcher and author, Claudia is hugely passionate about her work, loving nothing better than finding an unresearched painting and Cork breedersʼ heifer wins first prize in national championships Pedigree heifer ‘Ballinakill Holly’, bred by Cork natives Richard and Fidelma Stanley from Bandon has been named first prize winner in the Senior Heifer Calf Class at the 2014 Pedigree Belgian Blue Championships, sponsored by Zurich Insurance. The competition is held every year at the National Ploughing Championships and awards the very best pedigree Belgian Blue bulls in the country. Zurich Insurance provides the complete farm insurance solution including cover for Property, Livestock, Business Interruption, Liability, Agricultural Vehicles, Personal Accident and Farm Home. Pictured from left to right are: Fidelma Stanley, Head of Agri Business for Zurich Insurance Michael Doyle and President of the Beef Traders, Belgium. spending hours deconstructing it to discover its history. At present, she is also working on the second edition of ‘Irish Country Furniture’ and is interested in sourcing any 19th century Irish farmhouse furniture or paintings of interiors for her research. Email Full information on Cork DFAS and membership details are available at, or follow CorkDFAS on Facebook and Twitter. The society can be contacted by email: Nonmembers are also welcome to individual lectures. €150,000 investment fund allocated as Local Enterprise Offices announce Corkʼs Young Entrepreneurs of the Year N ine of Cork’s ‘Best Young Entrepreneurs’ were officially announced at an awards ceremony hosted by Cork’s three Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) on Thursday, October 9 in Vertigo, County Hall. The nine winners were chosen from almost 40 young entrepreneurs who were shortlisted from almost 150 applicants in the competition launched this summer by the LEOs in Cork, as part of a nationwide search to find ‘Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur’. The campaign saw each of the three LEOs (Cork City, South Cork, Cork North and West) encourage Cork’s young entrepreneurs to enter and be in with a chance to receive a portion of the €150,000 investment fund up for grabs. The competition, which called for young entrepreneurs aged 30 and under from all over Cork to ‘just do it, like’ and apply, was judged in three distinct categories following the presentation of their business plan to judging panels in their specific region. The three categories were: Best New Idea; Best Start-up Business; Best Established Business with New Add-on. In the Cork North and West competition, the Best Start-Up Business category was won by Samuel Lover’s 1833 Couple Beggar with door key for marriage. James Nagle, Crypto Broker and Darragh McCarthy, Skibereen pictured at the awards ceremony hosted by the three Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) in Vertigo, County Hall, where Cork’s ‘Best Young Entrepreneurs’ were officially announced. Pic: Darragh Kane. brothers, James and Peter Nagle from Rosscarbery for their business ‘The Crypto Broker’, which is one of the leading Bitcoin brokers in Ireland and one of the leading Litecoin brokers in Europe. With the €20,000 investment from LEO Cork North and West, they now plan to establish their own crypto currency exchange platform and will use the investment to develop the exchange platform. Winner of the Best Established with new Add-on category, winning €20,000 investment in her company was Bandon’s Caroline Crowley for ‘CPC Outsourcing’. Caroline’s company provides tax and accountancy services for firms, mainly London based but now expanding throughout the UK. She has invested in high spec IT infrastructure and systems to provide a top quality service for firms who now have the opportunity to outsource tax and accountancy services to Bandon. Caroline plans to spend the investment on hiring new people and in marketing her business in the UK. Caroline was also named Young Entrepreneur of the Year in the LEO Cork North and West competition. The next stage of the national competition will see all nine Cork winners go forward to represent their LEO in a regional final in November, and if successful there, fly the Cork flag at the national final to find ‘Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur’ at the end of the year. Michael Hanley, Head of Local Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West said, “The aim of this initiative was to encourage and support a culture of entrepreneurship among young people in Cork, to promote entrepreneurship as a career choice, and to encourage the establishment and development of new innovative businesses by Cork’s young entrepreneurs.” He continued “We would like to commend all these brave young people who have decided to take the next step in to making their business dream a reality, and we wish them all the very best in their entrepreneurial journey ahead. Best of luck to the nine Cork winners who will fly the Cork flag in the regional final next month; and who knows, with the Cork region being heralded as the entrepreneur’s hub of Ireland, the overall national winner could indeed be from Cork.” Visit for more information on ‘Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur’. October 31 – November 27 A Buddhist monkʼs perspective on mindfulness and mental health A jahn Tiradhammo, a Buddhist Monk of 40 years in the Thai Forest Tradition, will give a public lecture at UCC on Monday, November 10 at 6.15pm. The development of mindfulness, clear awareness of bodily sensations and states of mind has been found to be beneficial in a variety of contexts from everyday stability of mind to the treatment of mental disorders. Some initial mindfulness helps us to know what bodily actions, speech and thought we create. Sometimes this allows us to release them or change them if we find them unpleasant. With some continuity of mindfulness, we begin to observe the cause of some of our habitual actions and reactions. Knowing just what causes them gives us the possibility to be free of them through working on their fundamental causes. In this way we can take responsibility for how we act and think, and also our ability to free ourselves from our negative actions. Ajahn Tiradhammo is one of the most senior monks in the tradition of Ajahn Chah. He became interested in Buddhism in his student years while travelling through Sri Lanka. He became a monk in 1974 and journeyed through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous forest meditation masters. In 1982 he was invited to England to help with the development of Buddhism in the West. He is currently travelling Europe. He has a strong connection with Ireland, as he was the first monk to visit and take retreats in Belfast during the troubles in the 1980s. The Thai Forest Tradition is a tradition of Buddhist monasticism within Thai Theravada Buddhism. Practitioners inhabit remote wilderness and forest dwellings as spiritual practice training grounds. The talk will be hosted by the School of Nursing and Midwifery in association with Critical Voices Network Ireland at Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork, Room G10. All are welcome, and no booking is required. Enquiries to Harry Gijbels, School of Nursing and Midwifery; Gerardine Boyle, Art Therapist, Cork Mental Health Services Ajahn Tiradhammo will also give a silent meditation weekend retreat at Oysterhaven, Kinsale from November 14 to 16. Cost for retreat is donations with limited places available. To book retreat email or phone 085 129 5566. Skibb actor goes back to the day he was born S kibbereen native and actor Don Wycherley will feature in ‘An lá a Rugadh mé’ on TG4 on Tuesday, November 4 at 8pm. Produced by Clonakilty native Mary Kingston Graham of Adare Productions, ‘An lá a Rugadh mé’ is a ten-part series of entertaining half-hour programmes, combining nostalgia, national and International news and popular culture. Each episode is a subjective social documentary, which chronicles a guest presenter, as they sift through the Irish newspapers, radio and television archive from the day they were born. Born in 1967, by following the lead of a small article in the paper, Don Wycherley uncovers a beautiful archive of photos from the time, as he follows a story of 'Jim Pringle’ the photographer. How did a beautiful couple end up cutting their wedding cake with an orangutan? Watch the episode to find out. “My father is a historian so I inherited a love of history from him,” says Mary Kingston. “I’m also a big fan of ‘Reeling in the Years’, so taking some favourite Irish people on a journey to the past made a great programme.” Each episode begins with a visit to the national library to meet Harry McGee of the Irish Times. He meets each celebrity presenter in the spectacular reading room and has prepared the newspapers for them to browse through. Harry guides the featured celeb through the events on their birth date and asks them to choose three stories to follow up on. It will be up to the guest presenter to decide which three stories they like best. It might be those that made headlines on that day, or the smaller news stories that catches their attention. The stories can be a complete mix of heavy news items that have resonance today or lighter items that speak more about the culture, fashion or trends of the day. Having picked three stories, the presenter embarks on an investigative road trip to meet the people or their direct descendants directly involved in the three chosen stories. Interspersed throughout the programme are archive packages reminding the viewer of the big news events of that year. At the culmination of the journey, the presenter returns to Harry and reveals what they have discovered and what they feel the three stories say about the time in Irish history. They will chat about the implications, ramifications and impact each of the stories has had on modern day Ireland. Cork singer John Spillane featured this week and a repeat will show on Sunday, November 2 at 7.30pm. 5 6 October 31 – November 27 West Cork student says volunteering can change your life In August 2014, Samantha Shortall (17), a fifth year in Sacred Heart Secondary School in Clonakilty, travelled to Ghana, in connection with Projects Abroad Ireland, a leading volunteer organisation that has sent over 50,000 volunteers to work in developing countries across the world. Samantha speaks about her experience and how it changed her perspective on Africa and overall outlook on life. A Trainee accountant from Bandon recognised in CPA Ireland Competition Pictured is Olga Pyrka, Finalist in the CPA Ireland Student Development Competition with judges Marc O’Dwyer, Managing Director, Big Red Cloud, CPA Ireland President, Cormac Fitzgerald, and Alex Fisher, Head of Skills and Training State Street . O lga Pyrka from Bandon beat off stiff competition from hundreds of entries to reach the final round of the CPA Ireland Student Development Competition in an effort to win €5,000 bursary towards her CPA accountancy studies. Olga currently works as a trainee accountant with CPA firm, PM Cronin and Co Accountants in Bandon. Olga worked in the Revenue Commissioners in Poland for three and a half years before she moved to Ireland and it is an area she wishes to pursue in Ireland. Hundreds of hopefuls entered a CPA Facebook com- petition with five finalists chosen to present in front of a panel of expert judges, including CPA Ireland President, Cormac Fitzgerald, Marc O’Dwyer, Managing Director, Big Red Cloud and Alex Fisher, Head of Skills and Training State Street. This was the fourth year of the Student Development Award, which was developed to help people realise their ambition of pursuing a career in accountancy. Martina Woodlock from Thurles won the competition after impressing the judges with her commitment to pursuing a career in accountancy after working as a dental nurse for more than 20 years. fter months and months of planning and anticipation, I've concluded that nothing can prepare you for the African experience. As the plane touched the ground, I felt relieved that the journey I had waited so long for was about to begin at last. We had landed in the capital city, Accra. What struck me whilst walking through the poorly maintained airport was the friendliness of the people: they were all quick to say “Akwaaba” (meaning welcome), and many smiled as I passed. Despite being in West Africa and close to the equator, there was only a one-hour time difference, for which I was thankful – we had already been travelling for over twelve hours. We headed for the hostel where we would spend the night. The following day, we were to make the one-hour drive to Akuapem Hills, to meet our host family. There were nine volunteers in my group, seven girls and two boys — volunteering for ‘Care and Community’ and staying with the Dawson family. We were immersed in the Ghananian culture on the evening we arrived. We were taken on a brief tour of the area, trekking up dirt roads that made the potholes in Ireland seem non-existent. Eventually, we reached a gathering of people; young children were outside scarcely dressed. Their clothes were dirty, and they shuffled about in bare feet; it was a surreal sight. Some of the older women carried buckets on their heads and others carried babies on their backs. I was shocked when, as soon as we rounded the corner, one little girl came running straight into my arms; she was fascinated by me, touching my face and hair, whilst giggling joyously – a language that is universal. The next morning, we drove in the blistering heat to a nearby town to exchange our currency. There were people everywhere – mothers with babies tied to their backs, and buckets and baskets propped casually on their head. These were brimming with fish, bread, plantain, water, and just about anything they could sell. The air was stale – something over time that I grew accustomed to – and there were open sewers in the street, from which the stench was overpowering. Every child who managed to spot us shouted “obruni” – meaning white person – smiling and waving as we passed in the street. These people lived in inhumane conditions, yet I had never before seen such a genuinely happy and grateful community. My placement was at Adom Day-Care Centre, and as soon as I entered those large blue gates, I fell in love with the children. They arrived in the morning, eager to play, reaching up to us, craving our attention, our affection and our comfort. My heart melted every time they called for me: “Auntie! Auntie!” they would say, before latching onto my leg or throwing themselves into my arms. Playing with those children, feeding them and showing them love and affection was the most rewarding – and inspiring – experience. They had so very little, yet, they did not complain. I never once heard "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired" in the course of my stay. One morning, there was a terrible storm, and though the windows and doors were poorly fitted and the noise and rain and sheer darkness were frightening, the children weren't fazed. They played games and hugged us and sang – but not one child cried. In the evenings, we painted a local nursery school. We first painted the outside and then the classrooms, office and storage room. Some of the local children even came in to help us and watched in amazement as we worked, entranced by the vibrancy of the colour. We painted the alphabet and numbers in each classroom, as well as painting different pictures such as fruit, books and animals. At the weekend, we drove three hours to Cape Coast to visit the Cape Coast Castle and Kakum National Park. We cautiously shuffled across canopy bridges, which stretched 350 metres across the treetops and 40 metres above the ground – so it’s safe to say it tested one’s nerves. I was taken aback by the views over the treetops; the landscape I found incredible, as we ventured through Top: Samantha Shortall with baby Sally. Bottom: All the children at Adom Day Care Cape Coast castle, receiving a detailed history lesson about the colonisation of Ghana. We trudged through the dungeons heavyhearted in a deeply oppressive silence, frightfully aware of the two hundred slaves shackled in that very room at any one time. We had various organised activities to further immerse us in the culture and involve us in the community: during the second week we went to the pitch to play with the local boys’ soccer team. They were all young children and had no shoes, but I knew they were going to be twice as fast and skilful as any of us…and they were. We were lucky that the teams were mixed between the volunteers and the local team because otherwise it would have been incredibly ill-matched. A few days before I left, I gave a packet of baby wipes that I had for the children to a mother living next to the Day Care Centre. She was so grateful that she hugged me — an emotional moment I will never forget. With a ten-week-old baby, her husband, her mother, and her niece living in one room, this small token meant a lot to her. I feel as though my entire world perspective has transformed as a result of my trip. I can't stress enough how rewarding this experience was — there were tears in my eyes leaving such an amazing country, and I yearn to go back there. Ghana has matured me immensely and has made me so grateful for everything I possess and every opportunity I receive. Anyone who has ever dreamed of volunteering, I urge you to do so! You will not be disappointed. October 31 – November 27 West Cork man honoured for brave act M ark O'Mahony from West Cork was honoured for his act of courage in a sea rescue at the prestigious National Bravery Awards ceremony in Farmleigh House in Dublin last week. On May 29, 2013, three men had to swim to Horse Island near Ballydehob, after their small vessel sank. They tried to swim the 1.5 km to shore began to get into difficulties as a result of swirling currents. Local man Mark O’Mahony was swimming near the shore and heard the three men’s cries for help. After telling his wife to raise the alarm, he got into his kayak and reached one of the swimmers, in spite of a broken paddle, strong tides and gusting winds. Two lifeboats from Baltimore RNLI soon arrived and Mr O’Mahony pointed them in the direction of the other two swimmers. The three men were brought to shore and then transferred by Irish Coastguard helicopter to Cork University Hospital. There is no doubt that but for the courageous actions of Mr. Mark O’Mahony the incident may have resulted in loss of life. Mr. O’Mahony displayed considerable courage in the actions he took. Without his swift actions the three young men concerned may well have perished. Mark O’Mahony was also awarded a Bronze Medal and Certificate of Bravery for his efforts. Ceann Comhairle Seán Barrett, TD presented 21 awards in all for outstanding acts of bravery at a national ceremony in Farmleigh House on Friday, October 24. The honours are awarded by Comhairle na Mire Gaile – the Deeds of Bravery Council – which was established in 1947 to provide for suitable recognition by the State of deeds of bravery. The Council, which is chaired by the Ceann Comhairle, includes the Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, the Lord Mayor of Cork, the Garda Commissioner, the President of the Association of City & County Councils and the Chairman of the Irish Red Cross. The Council may award medals in either Gold, Silver or Bronze categories. Certificates of recognition may also be awarded. At the ceremony this afternoon, two of the medals were Silver and 13 were Bronze. The Council hopes that this high profile ceremony will draw deserved attention to the brave actions of the recipients and heighten awareness of this national awards scheme generally. Congratulating all concerned, Ceann Comhairle Seán Barrett, TD, said: “Today we celebrate the actions of 20 very brave people from every corner of the country, who, through their self- Mark O’Mahony from Ballydehob less acts of courage have helped other people. In going to the aid of others at great risk to their own safety, our award winners have brought great pride to themselves and their families and great happiness to the people and the families of those they have helped.” “The Bravery Awards are the only such awards made by the Irish State to its citizens. It is fitting that these courageous acts of bravery are acknowledged and celebrated, as we have done in the stunning surroundings of Farmleigh House today. One cannot fail to be impressed by the strength of spirit shown by the recipients of these awards. It is that strength of spirit that makes our communities better places in which to live, that selfless sacrifice and endeavour that lifts us all and benefits us all. Our recipients have done themselves, their families, their communities and their country proud and we thank them all." 7 8 Letter to the Editor As chairman of the West Cork Emergency Services and Friends Charity Cycle for the last 11 years, I would like to thank everyone who has supported our event and helped in any way to make the event successful each year. The cycle has raised €417,400 over 11 years and has helped and changed the lives of many. It is now time to move on and let someone else run this event and I am delighted that Fire Officer Cormac Daly and Dan McCarthy will run the event over the next few years. I would like to thank committee members Dick Roycroft, Tony Walsh, George Lane, Seamus O’Mahony Caroline O'Shea October 31 – November 27 and Jim Keane who have all worked tirelessly over the years to make the day a successful, safe and enjoyable event, which takes many months of planning and meetings in preparation. Over the last eleven years, people have travelled from all over Ireland, England, United States, France, Australia and Germany to support the cycle. Listed below are the organisations that have benefitted over the last 11 years: 2004 — €50,000 Co-Action Skibbereen. 2005 — €24,000 Bantry Hospital CT Scanner. 2006 — €29,250 Cope Foundation West Cork; €29,250 Alzheimer’s Unit of Clonakilty Hospital. 2007 — €21,200 West Cork Multiple Sclerosis; €21,200 Cork ARC Cancer Support Group; €6,200 St. Killians School Bishopstown (School for kids with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia); €6,200 Skibbereen Community Play School. 2008 — €22,000 Dzoghen Beara Palliative Care Centre; €12,000 Dunmanway Hospital; €2,000 Skibbereen Defib Group; €10,000 Co-Action Dunmanway; €2,000 St. Esmonds School Mozambique Zambia; €2,000 Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind; €6,000 Cystic Fibrosis Ireland; €5,500 Perrott House, Skibbereen for their new garden for the patients (Psychiatric Services). 2009 — €6,500 Fuse Youth Café Skibbereen; €6,500 Enable Ireland; €6,500 Asthma Society of Ireland; €6,500 Jack and Jill Foundation; €6,500 Bandon Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber; €6,500 Schull Inshore Rescue Services. 2010 — €5,500 West Cork Rapid Response; €5,500 Beara Chernobyl Children’s Project; €5,500 Clonakilty Community Care Centre; €5,500 West Cork Living Links Suicide Bereavement Group; €5,500 Bantry Inshore Rescue Service; €5,500 Worth of Equipment for ASD Class Skibbereen BNS; €5,500 Muscular Dystrophy Ireland. 2011 — €6,400 Skibbereen Day Care Centre; €6,400 Motor Neuron Association of Ireland; €6,400 Dunmanway Youth Café; €6,400 Palliative Care Bantry Hospital; €2,500 Holiday Voucher for Sick Child in West Cork. 2012 — €23,000; €4,100 CLM Clonakilty; €4,100 Cancer Connect; €4,100 Castletownbere Day Care Centre; €4,100 Feileacain Ireland; €4,100 Cork South West Autisim; €2,500 holiday voucher for Sick Child 2013 — €24000; €2,500 Meals and Wheels Dunmanway; €5,500 Friends of Marymount Hospice; €5,500 Skibbereen Community Hospital, Palliative Care Unit; €2,500 Skibbereen Foroige €5,500 CUH Childrens Ward; €€2,500 holiday voucher for Sick Child 2014 — €21,500; €6,000 Union Hall RNLI; €6,000 My Canine Companion; €3,500 CoAction Special Olympics Team; €3,500 Baltimore Community Swimming Pool; €2,000 Aughadown Community Council; €500 St Fachtna’s Silver band, Skibbereen I will look forward to supporting the new committee. Thanks again for all your support and help. Regards Garry Minihane, Chairman West Cork Emergency Services and Friends Charity Cycle Clonakilty Chamber’s Breakfast Brief proves a huge success T he recent Breakfast Briefing hosted by Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce brought over 100 business people together to listen to Owen O’Brien, Lecturer and Resident Entrepreneur at University College Cork and Walt Hampton, Executive Director of Summit Success and founder of the Positive Leadership Academy. Owen has created and managed several businesses over 25 years both here and in the UK and he passed on his Principles of Entrepreneurship to a rapt audience. Among the gems of wisdom he passed on was the need to be determined to succeed no matter what. “There are opportunities everywhere, you just need to get on and do it!” Owen also told those present not to be afraid to make a profit for it is crucial to business success. This successful entrepreneur shared the knowledge and experience gained over 25 years of starting and exiting several suc- Noel Lawlor, Mayor of Cork County, Cllr Alan Coleman, Mayor of Clonakilty Colette Twomey, Owen O'Brien and Walt Hampton cessful businesses and all present were grateful for that. Walt Hampton captivated the entire room with his inspirational talk on Time Mastery. “We are all so busy and we all want to manage time but time cannot be managed. People complain that they don’t have enough time. The truth is that we have all the time in the world. We have the same amount of time as presidents and kings. We have all the time that there is.” Walt showed how to make the best use of our time, how to live in the moment and how to enjoy life. Among other things, Walt is a high altitude mountaineer, adventure photographer, blue water sailor, ultra distance runner, as well, he is an attorney, best selling author of The Power Principles of Time Master: Do Less. Make More. Have Fun. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Getting back to work Question: I’ve been on Jobseeker’s Allowance for a while and there’s nothing available in my old trade. I’d like to retrain, get some work experience and maybe even set up a business. Where can I find out about my options? Answer:, a new website from the Citizens Information Board, has a broad range of information aimed specifically at people in your situation. It answers many questions that you may have on returning to work and provides information that will be useful if you plan to start a business. It includes a ‘My situation’ section, which covers the path back to work for a specific situation such as an early school leaver, a recently unemployed person and a jobseeker who wishes to retrain, as well as someone who wants to set up a business. Topics include: Payments for jobseekers – the main income supports and extra benefits; The way back to work – employment schemes to help you back to work; Education and training to improve your chances of finding a job; Benefits and work – supports for people in work and the benefits you can keep when you get a job; Starting a job – types of employment, finding a job, contracts of employment, signing off social welfare; Your rights in work – employment rights and equality at work; Setting up a business – information sources, legal structures, tax and income supports; Money matters – tax, PRSI, Universal Social Charge and more. uses selected content from This new website has been designed to adapt to different devices like tablets and smartphones, as well as laptops, so you can access it from anywhere and get the information you need. Paying the Local Property Tax Question: I paid the Local Property Tax by credit card this time last year. Is it the same amount for 2015 and how do I pay? Answer: Your Local Property Tax (LPT) is based on the valuation of your property on 1 May 2013. However, the rate you pay for 2015 may vary from the 2014 rate, following the introduction of the local adjustment factor. This means that the basic LPT rates can be adjusted up or down by up to 15 per cent in different local authority areas. Fourteen local authorities have reduced 2015 LPT rates in their areas by up to 15 per cent. You can use Revenue's online calculator to check how much LPT is payable in different local authority areas. As you paid your LPT for 2014 in one lump sum, you will get a letter from Revenue (or an email if you are a ROS customer) telling you whether your local authority changed the rate for 2015 and confirming the amount of LPT due. If you own more than one property, the letter will confirm the total amount due for all your properties. It will include your Property ID and PIN. When you get this letter you must confirm how you want to pay your 2015 LPT to Revenue. You can choose to continue to pay your LPT in the way you paid it in 2014 or you can change your payment method. You will recall from last year that, if you pay by credit card, the deduction will be made on the day that the transaction is completed online. You must contact Revenue by November 25, 2014 if you want to switch to a phased payment method or by January 7, 2015 if you want to pay in full in one lump sum. The easiest way to do this is to use the LPT online system. If you need help with the online system you can call the LPT helpline on 1890 200 255. People who didn’t pay their 2014 LPT in a lump sum do not get a letter from Revenue and they do not need to do anything unless they want to change their payment method. Revenue will apply any rate reductions automatically. You can get more information from Revenue. Further information is available from Bantry or Macroom Citizens Information Centre. Information is available online at and from the Citizens Information Phone Service, 0761 07 4000. Know Your Rights has been compiled by West Cork Citizens Information Service, which provides a free and confidential service to the public. Address: Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry, Co Cork. Tel: 0761 07 8390. 9 October 31 – November 27 Letter from the Editor The circle of life I Mary O’Brien Editor Sheila Mullins Creative Director Caitriona Jardine-Otway Sales Executive Eileen Ruddy West Cork Friday Ad West Cork People Old Town Hall, McCurtain Hill, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. Phone: 023 8835698 or 023 8835696 Email: info@ Contributors Kate Arbon Karen Austin Tony Eklof Hannah Dare Tina Pisco Samuel Kingston Ryan Edwards Louise O’Dwyer John Hosford Anne Crossey ʻBʼ this denotes that the seller is acting in the course of a trade, business or profession ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: West Cork People does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by any error or inaccuracy in the printing of any advertisement. We reserve the right to refuse or amend any advertisement, notwithstanding where, when or by whom accepted for publication, moreover we reserve the right to discontinue with the publication of any advertisement previously published. Please note further that we cannot accept responsibility for one or more incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not detract from the value of the advertisements. WEST CORK PEOPLE t’s that time again. Allhallowstide (a word I only discovered recently) covers the days between October 31 and November 2, which in the Christian faiths, encompasses All Hallows, All Saints, and All Souls day. It wasn’t until the 9th century that the Church dedicated the end of Autumn as a holy time to pray for the departed (it became an obligation in the 12th century), but pre-Christian societies had already earmarked the occasion. Samhain was the most important feast day in ancient Ireland. It marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of the ‘darker half’ of the year. Halloween, as we know it, developed when Irish immigrants brought their mix of Christian and Celtic customs to the New World. In the last twenty years, I have watched it come back across the Atlantic. When my daughters were small, I found it near impossible, and exorbitant, to buy pumpkins at the end of October. Last week I saw a ‘Pumpkin carving kit’ for sale in Lidl, and cheap pumpkins line the aisles of every supermarket in the county. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Living in the countryside makes you more in tune with the seasons and it just feels right to mark the death of all that lush greenery we enjoyed last summer. Getting my dark side on at this time of year is as appropriate as gathering mint for mojitos in July (made with elderflower cordial!) The darkness lengthens, the cold sets in, and the land sleeps. Let’s face it — it’s a pretty creepy time. Lighting even spookier carved pumpkins and dressing up as the undead counters the dismay. Which is why I’m not a big fan of the ‘happy’ Halloween costume. Even the smallest child should get a chance to look as scary as possible. That’s what A WEST CORK LIFE Tina Pisco Even the smallest child should get a chance to look as scary as possible. That’s what Halloween is for. We remember that life is short, by making fun of death. Halloween is for. We remember that life is short, by making fun of death. I’m not being morbid. Death is something that we all need to get our heads around and mocking what we fear to make it less scary is a Universal human trait. Halloween allows us to find comfort in the fact that, though the world is a scary place at times, we are still capable of celebrating. Urban modern living hides the messy realities of death. Raising children in the countryside makes it much easier for parents. Death becomes a part of life. I remember the first time that I confronted the subject of death with my girls. They were around five and eight years-old and they came running into the house yelling that they had saved a baby bird. We went out for a look and found a tiny fledgling trembling on the ground. As the girls excitedly made plans for building it a nest and feeding it by hand, I realised that the bird wasn’t going to make it. I was trying to formulate a way to tell the girls when the little creature gave a shuddering twitch and died. The girls were sad, but accepted the obvious: the little bird had fallen out of the nest and was too small to survive. They were soon as excited preparing the bird’s funeral arrangements, as they had been planning for its rescue. Over the years we have had many lovely pet and ‘saved animal’ funerals. Some have been sad and some have been rather jolly, but all have helped us to accept that life and death, love and loss don’t cancel each other out. They go hand in hand. Speaking of life and death, love and loss; we have mourned the loss of our two beloved cats in the last year. They were the longest living cats we‘ve ever had (over ten years) and were both cruelly cut down in their prime by a passing car. This house needs cats if I don’t want to be running a rodent breeding programme over the winter, and so we now have a brand new crew. As I write, the big cat (who arrived last year) is juggling a dead bird under the table, trying to attract the two kittens who are rolling around in the feathers. Both were found on the road and we took them in. I know that the sound of their tiny paws stampeding across the floor like a miniature herd of rhinos will bring a smile to my face, even on the darkest day of ‘darker half’ of the year. Welcome to the November edition of West Cork People. The clocks have moved back, Halloween is nearly behind us and Christmas is on the way. With dark autumn evenings comes autumn television, finally there’s something worth hitting the record button for — from ‘The Apprentice’ on BBC 1 to ‘An Lá a Rugadh Mé’ on TG4 (Clonakilty native Mary Kingston’s new show) there’s something for everyone. If you’d prefer to curl up with a good book on a dark evening, check out our recommended reads in the next edition. Tina Pisco, Louise O’Neill and Mary Kingston have put together a lovely selection of their favourites to choose from. A couple of books that I enjoyed getting lost in this month include ‘The Miniaturist’ by Jessie Burton and ‘The Taxidermist’s Daughter’ by Kate Mosse. Diane Setterfield’s ‘Bellman and Black’ was a disappointing second novel after ‘The Thirteenth Tale’. If you’re more of the out-and-about type, winter evenings are always a great excuse in West Cork for social gatherings. From film clubs (make a note in your diary to catch ‘The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window’ showing at Clonakilty Film Club on Tuesday, November 18) to music sessions (Paula Gomez and Stephen Housden play The High Tide Club in Castletownbere on Saturday, December 13) to silent retreats with Buddhist monks (Ajahn Tiradhammo leads a retreat from November 14 to 16 in Oysterhaven, Kinsale), we have lots more events and occasions inside to keep you entertained. Huge congratulations are due to the Ballinascarthy organising committee of the ‘Jeep for Jason’ campaign (who I’m sure had no time to watch television or read books recently!). The whole of West Cork has rallied to raise the €70k target to secure an emergency response vehicle to aid Dr Jason van der Velde’s life-saving volunteer work. Fundraising events of all shapes and sizes have been and still are being organised with the target almost reached — a remarkable achievement that has received national media coverage. On my way into Clonakilty recently, I couldn’t believe it when I spotted an entire field of cars at one coffee morning fundraiser. We published the second part of ‘A trip down memory lane’ in the last issue. The article, in which local man Donie O’Sullivan took a historical tour of Clonakilty, was met with huge interest in the town. Following on from this, we have published a vintage calendar of Clonakilty, with beautiful photographs from the 1940s, 50s and 60, courtesy of local historican Maurice McCarthy. It will be available to purchase in local shops and from our office on McCurtain Hill in Clonakilty. Enjoy the read Mary 10 October 31 – November 27 Out and about in West Cork . . . Mary Coulter from Quartertown, Mallow celebrating her 100 birthday with her with her three daughters Agnes Wilson (Ballinscarthy), Ellen Wilson (Bandon) and Lelia Leongson (U.K) Kevin and Mary Day, owners of EUROSPAR Dunmanway, pictured with sporting great, Martin O’Neill at the annual Spar convention in Killarney Nicola O’Leary from Electric Ireland with children from Ballinspittle National School, after she presented them with High Vis Vests to make travelling to school safer. Also included are teacher Kathleen O'Donovan and Principal Tommy Gunning. Pic John Sheehan Photography Pictured at an open day in Clonakilty Agricultural College are Kinsale Community School pupils Michael O'Brien, Alan Ahern and Jack McCarthy. Photo O'Gorman Photography. Pictured at the BIM Seafood Development Centre (SDC) at Clonakilty was Kilmeen National school 4th class student Orlaith Kirby, winner of the junior SDC seafood competition at Clonakilty show. As part of her prize Orlaith cooked her Wild Atlantic Seafood pie at the development centre for all her classmates, Kenneth McCarthy, Principal and class teacher Ann Keohane. Pic Denis Boyle Crossmahon Bandon Macra recently held a fundraising quiz in aid of West Cork Rapid Response, Jeep for Jason where they raised €852. Pictured with her favourite horse 'Indiana' at Meelin Stud in Bandon was Jane McCarthy with bridesmaids Eva O'Leary, Nicola O'Driscoll, Noelle Reidy and Nicola O'Driscoll and page boys Alex O'Leary and Daniel Hurley. Picture Denis Boyle Send your pictures of people events in West Cork to West Cork People’s Out and About page: email: 11 October 31 – November 27 New Zealand weather forecaster looks ahead for West Cork Ken Ring of is author of the Weather Almanacs for Ireland for 2015. The following is extracted from his 2014 and 2015 books. N ovember for the Cork region brings on/off again rain with stronger winds between November 12 and 17, but mild temperatures; with the last couple of days bringing the first chance of subzeros for the season. With precipitation may come snow or cold rain around November 22, but snowfalls, if any, should be light. For most, the first snow of the season may be around the last two days in November. December is dull and wet and with possible snowfalls in the first week, and around December 17. Christmas may see the peppering of white on hills and roofs beforehand, but mostly Christmas Day may be dry but the coldest since the first week in December. Most snow in southwest counties could be in the first half of December. January is mostly cold and unusually dry for the first half. The first twenty days may see only very light flurry days but mostly dry skies, with the coolest period being around January 8. After January 20, the daytime temperatures get milder, at times even reaching around 14C. The last week may bring some heavy rain at times. February’s first ten days are mainly cold and dull, with about three rain days. The windiest time of the year may be in second half of February and first half March, and that will be because the highest tides of the year are in February and March. The probability is that we are not facing a particularly harsh winter. The brunt of winter will mainly be the first half of December, and during January up until January 20. The probability is that we are not facing a particularly harsh winter. The brunt of winter will mainly be the first half of December, and during January up until January 20. Daytime temps should get back to being regularly over 10C from mid February. Mid winter may be milder but wetter and windier in the last ten days of February, developing into more chances of wintry weather in the first week of March, although an absence of subzeros may bring hail then rather than snow. Although the first half of March brings more precipitation, the coolest mornings may be in the third week, and only a couple of subzero minimums that would be able to produce snow. Overnight freezing is mostly gone by March 20 and over the final 10 days the region may see only light showers. Summer-like dryness and milder day and overnight temperatures kick in and run from the second week in April to the first week in May. The best time for holidays is June 4 to 12. Put a ring around that in the calendar as the best opportunity to take your summer break. Closeness of perigees (days of closest earth-moon distance per month) affects the strength of the Gulf Stream. In 2013, the most powerful perigee for the year, coupled with the moon at southern declination in the last week of June, caused record high sea surface temperatures early in summer and as expected brought a heat wave on 9 July. But in 2014 the closer perigees occurred in August together with a northern declination moon, bringing warmth and rain, and in September a southern declination moon that brought sunshine and settled conditions. In 2015, the closest perigee will happen near the end of September and will accompany a full and northward trekking moon. As a result September should be windy at times, wet and mild. Overall, 2015 may be a warmer than average year. This method of longrange forecasting looks at trends that appeared in approximately equivalent years in the past. If we average sun and moon years we arrive at 1957-9 as being the most similar year in trends to 2015 (three moon cycles ago). Other similar years have been 1988 and 1977. Weather tends to repeat each 9-11 years and 1820years, which are an amalgam of lunar and solar factors. But although the sun's orbit averages 11 years, there is fluctuation between 9-14 solar years to achieve this. There is often a 36-38-year turnabout, for instance 1975 saw the hottest summer in Ulster for 150 years. Other hot summers have been 1976, 2006 and 1995, which have been multiple years of the lunar and solar model (1995+11=2006, and 1976+37=2013) The moon provides the timing of weather events and the sun provides amounts of heat and evaporation, which determine amounts of rain that fall. Of the two, the moon is more reliable, and despite the scepticism of mainstream forecasters, our observation is that lunar factors constitute 80-85 per cent of weather. For more detail about what is coming for each county for 2015, Ken’s almanac is available from his website or from Amazon. ‘Just One’ AGM held T he AGM of the Clonakilty section of the “Just One” charity, founded in 2004 by Clonakilty man Declan Murphy took place recently. Along with Declan himself and a number of local supporters attending, also present were Suti and Bimal from Just One in Kathmandu who had accompanied Declan on his recent fundraising trip home to West Cork. Declan outlined the ongoing work in Kathmandu at the school he set up and other projects which assist street children in the Nepalese capital. Ten years on since it’s founding the organisation is held in high esteem. Funds, made up primarily of donations from schools in West Cork and other fundraisers in Ireland, are healthy but are a constant challenge. Deputy Mayor Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin represented the Mayoral Council who had been invited to the AGM, and praised the ongoing work in Nepal, and the Clonakilty committee on their ongoing fundraising initiatives. He noted that unlike many better known charities, the people at the top of the organisation – including Declan Murphy himself, are on very modest salaries and all money collected from the public goes direct- ly into providing the services for the children and teenagers that come to Just One for assistance. The election of the new committer resulted as follows: - Chairperson: Kieran Casey; Vice Chair: Angela O’ Brien; Secretary: Eithne Harte; Asst. Secretary: Marian O’ Leary; Treasurers: Colin Sutton and Fionnuala Walsh; PRO: Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin; Asst. PRO: Fionnuala Harkin. Committee Members: Anthony O' Donovan; Dell McCarthy; Nina Ahern; Vic Sprake and Darragh Whooley. The group would welcome other people to get involved in their Fundraising Sub Committee. The group may be contacted via their Facebook page: justonenepal or website 12 October 31 – November 27 Out and about in West Cork . . . Josephine McCarthy, Judy Naylor, Annabel Adams, Camille Dorney, Patricia Lacey, Rosellen healy, Monica O'Hara, Alison Ducher (West Cork Singers) pictured at the Live life and sing concert on October 8 at Bantry's Maritime Hotel with choirs Bantry Community Choir, West Cork Singers, Schull Gospel Choir & Baltimore Community Choir. Pic: Emma Jervis Photography Anne O'Donovan (Bantry), Phil McCarthy, Lily Murphy and Justine Foster (Bantry Community Choir) pictured at the Live life and sing concert in the Maritime Hotel. Pic: Emma Jervis Pictured at the annual Maria Immaculata Community College Dunmanway MICC Student awards was Evan Murray, who received the 4th year Arts award, with his parents Margarite and Noel and Eammon Fehily and Fiona Ní Charthaigh. Picture Denis Boyle Pictured at the annual Maria Immaculata Community College MICC Student awards was Deirdre O’Brien, who received an award for service to fellow students, with Lisa Kingston and Sandra Pyka. Picture Denis Boyle Colm Cooper on a recent visit to Rossa College in Skibbereen where he did a training session with the U14 teams. Mairead Carey of Mercy Heights School, Skibbereen who recently performed with The Vanbrugh Quartet and Martin Valelly in a music workshop in De Vere Hall UCC. Pic Michael Mac Sweeney/Provision Send your pictures of people events in West Cork to West Cork People’s Out and About page: email: 13 October 31 – November 27 Great choice and care at West Cork Carpets est Cork Carpets in Clonakilty has been trading for over 30 years and is still continually expanding its range of suppliers, not only to offer more choice to valued customers but to give a fast and reliable delivery service from store to door to floor. One of its new suppliers, Cormar Carpets, has been voted the Best Carpet Manufacturer of the Year 2014 in the UK. West Cork Carpets now stocks renowned suppliers like Axminster of Devon, Brintons, Ulster, Ryalux, Whitestone Weavers and more in store. Previously customers may have had to travel to Cork City to source the choice and quality these suppliers offer; now the ranges are all available at West Cork Carpets. Commercial Flooring: West Cork Carpets has recently expanded its flooring services and now caters for the commercial flooring market for retail, schools, hotels, offices, healthcare etc. Whether it’s heavy duty vinyl, safety flooring, industrial carpets or wood flooring, West Cork Carpets has the products and fully trained fitters to provide suitable flooring solutions for your commercial space. In-house Interior Designer: With so many different carpet and curtain samples to choose from in terms of colours, materials and designs available, it can be difficult to choose the best carpet for your home. West Cork Carpets has an in-house interior designer to match these needs. New Curtains and Blinds Sample Books (with exciting designs and W Here are some tips from West Cork Carpets sales person and in-house interior designer Trevor Perrott BA (Hons) Int.Design. colours): Curtains and blinds are a very important detail in any room, be it the bedroom, kitchen or living room. They make can make a room instantly warmer and more atmospheric and are a key element in interior design. The curtain design you choose will depend on your taste and colour scheme. There are many wonderful new curtain and blind designs available at West Cork Carpets and Curtains, which are expertly made and hung. Choose from bright or pastel colours, pinched pleated or pencil pleated. One can choose a stylish timber or metal pole in a variety or designs and colours. The store stocks leading brands like Harlequin, Pt Textiles, Clarke & Clarke, Tipperary Textiles, Luxaflex blinds, Velux and more. Make your house your home this winter with new curtains — hurry now and order to have them fitted for Christmas. New premium Irish-made Quality Beds and Mattresses: West Cork Carpets is now stocking handcrafted Irish-made quality beds and mattress giving customers the choice from pre- mium quality pocket sprung and memory foam mattress to orthopaedic to budget ranges for kids and rental. Come and peruse the new bedding department for yourself. West Cork Carpets delivers free throughout West Cork and will take away your old bed and mattress at no charge. Timber Flooring Department: Laminate flooring is the affordable way to get the floor you want. And it’s an easy way, too – the click system means you can put it in place without any glue. Durable and good quality, the range of laminate floors at West Cork Carpets gives you a choice of styles and colours so you get the look and atmosphere you’re looking for. Come and see the range for yourself. New Rugs Now in Stock: Complement the texture of a hardwood floor or accentuate the ambience of a colourful carpet with one of the wide selection of rugs at West Cork Carpets. Offering a huge range of classic and contemporary styles to lend personality to your living space, these rugs will add beauty to any room. 1. Don’t be tempted to skimp on carpet underlay to save a few euro. Just as a building needs a solid foundation, carpeting relies on a layer of padding for support, strength and a bit of extra cushioning. Made from rubber or foam materials, carpet underlay acts as insulation to help control the temperature of your home, and it even absorbs sound to protect your privacy and eliminate neighbour noise. 2. Carpet comes in many styles such as Twist and Loop Piles, Saxony, Berber and Woven carpets. These terms apply to its pile, which is the surface you see, created from yarn tufts that are either folded over into loops, cut straight across or both. While each style has a distinctive look, that shouldn't be your main consideration. Instead, look at how well your lifestyle meshes with a particular carpet style. Twist and Loop Piles are excellent for busy areas of the house. Berber carpets are exceptionally durable and great for all purpose and give a textured look. Woven Carpets is one of the finest carpets creating a prestigious look and feel but comes with a price tag due to the premium fibres. Make the most of any budget by choosing the best carpet for each room. For example, stain-resistant products may be worth the splurge in your busy family room, but more affordable lowtraffic carpeting may be just fine for your guest rooms. Explore different material options before you buy to balance price and comfort. Wool represents the very best in carpet materials but also comes with the higher price tag. Nylon and other synthetics feel similar to wool but are available at lower prices. 3. The Colour of your carpet is very important and depends on the how much daylight the room has and orientation of the room the size, function, style etc. If you are doing up the whole room choose nothing in isolation. Get all your samples together first for floors, curtains, wallpaper, and look at them together. Don't jump ahead and buy, for exmple, the sofa first. You've effectively tied yourself down and you won't get the result you want. 4. Live With Your Samples. At West Cork Carpets, we always allow customers take samples of carpet and curtains home with them so they can live with them day and night under all lights and circumstances. Beware also the effect that the weather today may have on your decision. "Customers have a strong tendency to pick dark floors in summer and light floors in winter. It's something to be aware of. 5. The quality of your carpet's installation is just as important as the quality of the carpet itself. A second-rate job can leave you with obvious seams, lumps, bumps and other issues, so a shop like West Cork Carpets that employs their own fully trained installers is the best option, as you have come back (an unlikely event) with both the carpet and the fitting service. 14 October 31 – November 27 People of West Cork T his column marks my penultimate column for the West Cork People. December’s column will unfortunately be my last; I, along with my colleague Eamonn Ó’Cualáin, recently secured funding to make a documentary so the next few months will be a busy time for me. My last article will explore what the documentary is about. In this column, I want to briefly mention some of the West Cork historical figures I didn’t get time to write about. These are people I’ve either come across in research or have been mentioned to me by readers of the column. Dr. Martin Crofts – from Timoleague, after attending Queens University Cork to obtain a medical degree, he joined the Indian Medical Service. His first ten years in India were with the British Army as medical surgeon for the 10th Bengal Lancers. He was involved in many battles. In 1886, the state of Gwalior was grieving the death of its Maharajah Jayajirao Sindhia, who had made Gwalior the most advanced city in India. His son and heir, Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia, was ten years-old. As Gwalior held a strategic position between north and south India, the British considered it one of its most important strongholds in the country. Dr Crofts was appointed residency surgeon of Gwalior and tutor to the new Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia. Crofts became close with the boy and a great respect developed between the pair. Dr Crofts passed away in 1915 due to heart disease. In the early 1920s, the Maharajah financed the completion of mosaics in memory of his friend. Inside the beautiful Anglican Church of Ascension in Timoleague is an elaborate treasure of Byzantine style mosaics that envelop the walls and chancel. On the south wall, among the Indian flower designs, is inlaid a tribute to Dr Crofts. Patrick Keohane – born in Courtmacsherry. Keohane is West Cork’s own version of Tom Crean. He was a member of Robert Falcon Scott's Antarctic expedition of 1910–1913, the Terra Nova Expedition, a trip Crean also made. Keohane was part of the group sent out to find Scott’s group when they began to fear the worst. On 12 November 1912, the group found the frozen bodies of Scott and the others. To compound this, Scott was beaten to the Pole by Norwegian Roald Amundsen. After his Polar adventures, he joined the Coast Guard becoming District Officer for the Isle of Man. Donn Byrne – was a writer of considerable fame in the 1920s. He claimed to have been born in New York but grew up in Armagh. He was known for his flights of fancy, his early works were mediocre but he soon turned to crafting hero sagas that became immensely popularly. Books such as ‘Blind Raferty and his Wife Hilaria (1924)’ and ‘Hangman’s House(1926)’ were big sellers. He became accustomed to a grand lifestyle with a big house in the States. He got into money troubles and he had to sell his THE HISTORY CORNER Samuel Kingston Samuel Kingston studied history at NUI Galway and has a keen interest in oral and local history. He is also interested in the Irish historical experience abroad especially in Canada and South America. The aim of this column is to tell the stories of West Cork people both famous and forgotten who, through their lives at home or abroad, made an impact on their time. of eight children. A year later, her father retired to Drishane, Castletownsend, County Cork, where Somerville grew up. In January 1886, she met her cousin Violet Martin, and their literary partnership began the following year. Their first book, ‘An Irish Cousin’, appeared in 1889. In 1898, Edith Somerville went to paint at the Etaples art colony, accompanied by Violet and they profited from their stay by conceiving together the stories gathered in ‘Some Experiences of an Irish RM’ in the following year. By the time Violet died in 1915, they had published fourteen books together. Her friend's death stunned Edith, who continued to write as ‘Somerville and Ross’, claiming that they kept in contact through spiritualist séances. She was in London still recovering from the shock when the 1916 Insurrection broke out. On May 9, she wrote a letter to the ‘Times’, blaming the British Government for the state of affairs in Ireland. She tended towards Nationalism afterwards and, an adept musician, at parties specialised in Irish tunes and Nationalist songs. Somerville was a devoted sportswoman, who in 1903 had become master of the West Carbery Foxhounds. She was also active in the suffragist movement. American house. He bought Coolmain Castle outside Bandon. In June 1928, he was killed in a car accident in Kilbrittain, his car had faulty steering and plunged into a river. His works are pretty much forgotten now, but in the 1920s he was one of the leading popular authors. Danno O’Mahony Edith Somerville Edith Somerville – was an Irish novelist who wrote in collaboration with her cousin ‘Martin Ross’ (Violet Martin) under the pseudonym ‘Somerville and Ross’. Together they published a series of fourteen stories and novels, the most popular of which were ‘The Real Charlotte’, and ‘The Experiences of an Irish RM’, published in 1899. Somerville was born on Corfu, where her father was stationed, the eldest Her brother Henry Boyle Townsend Somerville, a retired RN Vice-Admiral was killed by the IRA at the family home of Castle Townsend in 1936. She died at age 91 in Castletownshend, County Cork. Danno O’Mahony – was a professional wrestler. Born in Ballydehob, the young O’Mahony joined the Irish Army becoming its record holder for the hammer throw. He came to the attention of Paul Bowser who wanted an Irish wrester for the Boston/New York markets. O'Mahony would find success becoming the National Wrestling Association's World Heavyweight Champion at one point. His surname was usually spelled ‘O'Mahoney’ during his wrestling career. His signature move was the Irish Whip, which acquired its name due to its association with O'Mahony. His successes unfortunately didn’t last long as rival promoters double crossed him. Eventually his career faded. O'Mahony died in a road accident November 2, 1950, at the age of 38. Timothy Jerome O’Mahony – Born in Rosscarbery, TJ is considered the greatest pre-Olympic Irish athlete. He ranked as the GAA's Irish champion in the quartermile (400 metres) for three years (1885, 1887 and 1888) and as the Irish Amateur Athletic Association's (IAAA) national champion in 1886. The GAA organised a promotional and fundraising tour of the US in 1888, Mr O'Mahony became the star of the show, defeating all the American champions he faced. He returned home as the uncrowned world champion. His exploits at a gala meet in New York's Madison Square Garden made all the US newspapers, with one American paper describing him as the 'Steam Engine' for the manner in which he defeated all US middle-distance champions. The Hungerford family – They were a prominent family in the Clonakilty/Rosscarbery area. They owned Inchydoney house on the island and had the Cahirmore Estate outside Rosscarbery. They were very much of the English landed class. They originally settled in Rathbarry with Richard Hungerford moving to Inchydoney in 1690. Another Richard a century later became unpopular in Clonakilty for his treatment of the 1798 rebels. He was commissioned as Captain of Ibane and Barryroe Infantry of the Yeomanry. He also built the present day Inchydoney House close to the site of the original house built a century earlier. A number of the Clonakilty Hungerfords mark their mark in Australia; the first to emigrate was Emanuel Hungerford who left was Sydney in 1827 at the age of 42. Thomas Hungerford (1789 to 1861) established the Cahirmore estate, which by 1851 covered 2780 acres. Due to mismanagement, the estate was practically bankrupt by 1900 mainly due to Henry Jones Hungerford’s foolish spending. William Hungerford was a prominent figure in Clonakilty during the second half of the 1800s. He lived in what is now known as Emmet Square and he owned a number of properties in the town. Margaret Wolfe Hungerford married into the family. It was her second marriage and she was not approved of by leading Hungerfords so the family lived in Bandon. To support the family she took up writing and is credited with the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. In 1905, the Hungerfords attempted to block all people using a public path through their estate that lead to the beach. Mary Hungerford refused to back down, which resulted in a group of angry locals tearing down the gates and asserting their rights to the public path. By this time, the Hungerford family were in decline. Thomas Henry Hungerford inherited the estate but had little interest in it, he had moved to Canada, all the other sons also emigrated, mainly to Australia and thus ending the family’s connections with the area. Cahirmore House was burned in 1921 by the local IRA who believed it was a base for British soldiers. Colonel John Warren – Born in Clonakilty, he moved to the States as a young man. He was a US Civil War veteran and a Fenian. He was involved in the ‘Erin’s Hope’ incident in 1867. On 12th of April, 1867, a party of forty or fifty men, almost all of whom had been officers or privates in the service of the American government, and had distinguished themselves in the recently concluded American Civil War left from New York to Ireland in an attempt to start a Fenian uprising. Unfortunately for the men when they arrived in Ireland at Sligo, nobody was aware of a Rising occurring. The ship travelled along the coast. They eventually landed at Dungarvan and twenty seven of the men were arrested, three of these were sentenced to penal servitude, among them was John Warren who got fifteen years. Michael Minihan – Michael was from Castletownsend. He served as a member of the British army in the 2nd Battalion, 24th Regiment (2nd Warwickshire). He fought at the battle of Rorke’s Drift between the British and the Zulu’s in 1878. This battle is retold in the classic film ‘Zulu’. Michael was a private in the army, he didn’t win any rewards but he is remembered having fought at Rorke’s Drift. He later returned home and passed away in 1891 and is buried in a small graveyard in Castlehaven. I didn’t realise there was any connections between West Cork and this battle, so was intrigued when the story was mentioned to me by James Walsh, a reader of the column. These are just a few figures from around West Cork who have been remembered in history. There are many more, every town and village has their own historical figures and it’s important that this history is not forgotten. 15 October 31 – November 27 New museum seeks donations of old furniture and artefacts T he Michael Collins House Museum, housed in a restored Georgian house on Emmet Square in Clonakilty, will tell the story of Ireland’s struggle for independence from the 1798 rebellion onwards. The Museum is looking for donations of furniture relating to the early part of the twentieth century, circa 1900 – 1910. The project team would also be appreciative of any donations of artefacts, letters and papers relating to the three main central characters of the museum — Tadgh an Asna, O’Donovan Rossa and Michael Collins. “The former town Council of Clonakilty and Cork County Council have being acquiring artefacts and papers to be displayed at the House and have been fortunate in the donations they have received to date, most notably a collection of papers from relatives of Michael Collins,” said a council spokesperson. Born in 1890 near Woodfield, Clonakilty, Michael Collins lived at No 7, Emmet Square with his sister Margaret, while attending the national school in Clonakilty. During this time, Collins worked as a young reporter at The West Cork People newspaper, which his sister and her husband Patrick O’Driscoll published from No 7. In 1906, Collins left Clonakilty for a job in the Post Office in London. The house was used as a private residence up to 1981, when it was turned into offices for a solicitors firm. It was vacant until acquired by Clonakilty Town Council in 2012. “The project will restore the house to former glory and will give the visitor a view of what the house was like in its Georgian splendour. Conservation work has being carried out very sympathetically and main body of the house has now being restored,” explained the spokesperson. The house will also contain an audio visual room and a printing room, which will tell the history of The West Cork People newspaper. The Michael Collins House Museum is part of the continuing redevelopment of Emmet Square, which acts as an important axis between the house and statue of Michael Collins just off the square. Particular furniture pieces of interest include Lighting and Lamp Shades; Over Mantel Mirrors; Ornaments for mantelpiece; China and delph; China dinner service; Hanging portraits or landscape paintings; Grandfather clock; Hat stand; Hall table; Single bed with springs and mattress; Vertical washstand, washbowl and pitcher; Old school desk with ink well; Drawing room furniture (Fireside Chairs, Chaise Longue, etc.); Old Books; Newspapers. If people wish to donate items on long term loan to the Museum then please contact Justin England, email, phone 023 8833380 or Billy Houlihan phone 086 8515876. New museum entrance before renovation. New museum entrance after renovation. The dining room The foyer Town Elders encourage ideation E ighteen ideas have been selected from the initial 64 put forward at the inaugural meeting of Clonakilty’s Town Elders. The ideas have been placed into categories, which include; Environment Friendly: Cycle Walkway – Boardwalk – Tidy towns – Water Quality – Rainwater Harvesting; Tourism: Seven Day Tourist Office – Sculpture Trail – Historical Guided Tours, etc; Festivals: Comedy – Storytelling – Shanty Singers – Multicultural Days; Facilities for Bicycles: Urban Bicycle Scheme; Stroller’s Club: Leisurely Walks (1-1.5hrs) once a fortnight. There is also a selection of other standalone projects. The ideas will be worked on over the next 12 months. The next Town Elders meeting will take place on November 11 at 7.20pm at O’Donovan’s Hotel. Make your friends aware of it and bring them along. If you don’t like going to meetings but would still like to be involved in any of the projects, then contact the group at 16 October 31 – November 27 Double win for West Cork Shellfish Sparkling weekend for food lovers at Kinsale Gourmet Festival The 38th Kinsale Gourmet Festival on the weekend of October 10-12 created a sparkling weekend in the Cork seaside resort for food lovers from home and abroad. The event was fully sold out, and there is already a waiting list to book for next year’s festival, October 9-11, 2015, when tickets become available. Artie Clifford (Blas na hÉireann), Ger Lynch (Beara Seafoods), Paul Ward (BIM) at the Blas na hÉireann Awards in Dingle. B eara Seafoods, established by fifth generation local fisherman Ger Lynch, picked up two accolades at Blas na hEireann – the Irish Food Awards. The company’s delectable Mussel Bites, developed from a family recipe, were honoured with the 2014 BIM Seafood Innovation Award. The appetising new product also received a Silver Medal in the prepared shellfish category for its outstanding taste and texture. Beara Seafood’s Mussel Bites are made with sustainably sourced mussels grown at the company’s own farm in Kenmare Bay. Delicately flavoured with garlic, the shelled mussels are coated in a specially developed multigrain crumb made from oats, rye and rice. They are quickly frozen, perfectly capturing their unique flavour. Beara Seafood Mussel Bites are naturally low in fat (1.5g/100g) and have only 152 calories per 100g. Ger Lynch (Managing Director of Beara Seafoods) explained how the family recipe came about: “My wife Marian came up with the recipe when our children were growing up as a way of making shellfish more appetising to younger diners. Ireland is surrounded by some of the world’s best fishing grounds, yet because we are not introduced to the flavours of seafood at a young age many of us go through life unaware of the wonderful range of fish products on our doorstep. We worked very closely with the team at BIM’s Seafood Development Centre carrying out R and D and with Bullseye Food Marketing who helped us take our product from the kitchen table all the way to the supermarket freezer section.” Beara Seafoods products are currently available at 17 SuperValu stores, as well as from local independent retailers and fishmongers. They are also listed on the menu at eight Irish restaurants. 17 October 31 – November 27 people A FLAVOUR OF WEST CORK ‘Farm’ combines intimate surroundings with elegant food ‘F arm’ restaurant and wine bar — opening in the intimate premises of the old Malt House Granary on Ashe Street at the end of October — is a new venture for West Cork based husband and wife team, Jason and Aoife Smith. Both have a strong background in the food industry with a great passion for local produce and traditional cooking methods. The granary building has a long association with good food and ‘Farm’ aims to continue this relationship, promoting local Irish cuisine with subtle hints of French cooking techniques in a friendly and relaxed casual dining experience. The couple has been overwhelmed to date with the incredible support and well wishes from the local community. Despite a delay in opening due to a sudden and unexpected family illness, they are looking forward to their new venture with eager anticipation. This endeavour is a long time coming to fruition for Jason and Aoife. The couple met 15 years ago when Jason joined the kitchen in the family run Rectory Restaurant in Glandore and they have since been sharing a history of their own in both business and family life. "It means so much to be able to get back to working together again," says Aoife. The hours in catering can often be long and with a young family the couple found they were passing each other by. When the opportunity presented itself they were thrilled that the owners entrusted them with the responsibility of the lease. While Aoife was brought up in the hotel and restaurant business, Jason's culinary career spans over 20 years. He quietly acknowledges his incredibly fortunate experiences working with some of the top chefs in the industry. It's been a long journey, starting out at the bottom when, as a teenager, he spent four years as an apprentice to Michael Fleming at Flemings in Tivoli, Cork. After a short stint in the Rectory, he then went on to work for Conrad Gallagher's Peacock Alley where he worked alongside Dylan McGrath (Masterchef Ireland) and Aidan Byrne (Great British Menu). Jason then went to London where he worked at Le Gavroche (Michel Roux Jr) and then with the influential Irish chef Richard Corrigan where you learn to taste everything. After a year working at the famous Aria Restaurant directly next to the Sydney Opera House, Australia, in 2005, Jason and Aoife finally settled back in Aoife’s home of West Cork. Aoife has since been with the Rectory for nine years initially managing the venue for a few years alongside Jason. Jason has been head chef in some of West Cork’s finest establishments including The Rectory and Annie’s of Ballydehob. For the last four years, Jason went down the route of contract catering at Carbery Milk Products in Ballineen. He has just finished a season at the ever busy O'Connors Seafood Restaurant in Bantry. Good produce is half the battle for good food. We see 'Farm' as a showcase for West Cork produce — to name a few, Devoy’s Organic Farm, Skeaghanore Duck, Caherbeg Pork, Clona and a number of award winning smokeries. Both Jason and Aoife have a healthy respect for the hard work and discipline required to work the land and sea. "You do not have to look far to see why we named our new venture 'Farm'. West Cork and county has it all on the doorstep when it comes to food. Good produce is half the battle for good food. We see 'Farm' as a showcase for West Cork produce — to name a few, Devoy’s Organic Farm, Skeaghanore Duck, Caherbeg Pork, Clona and a number of award winning smokeries. While making best efforts to get to as many suppliers as possible, we'd love to hear from those we have not yet made contact with." "We aim to have seasonal dinner menus that will change frequently and also an early Farm Supper menu running from 5pm to 6.30pm, Wednesday to Sunday. This value for money menu will appeal to a wide variety of customers with dishes ranging from simple flavoursome options to those on a more adventurous route. Two courses are €22.50 or a three-course menu is €27.50. It includes crisp vegetable and chicken confit spring roll with a spicy dipping sauce or alternatively beef lasagne with smoked bacon and ToonsBridge buffalo mozzarella. The main dinner menu will run from 5pm to 9.30pm. Mains currently include honey glazed Skeaghanore duck breast with crispy leg in a sweet and sour dressing. Alternatively there is 10oz beef sirloin with garlic butter, bacon and potato rosti or baked walnut crusted cod with parsnip sauce. Sunday lunch will run from 12pm to 3pm with options from hearty roasts to lighter fresh fish and chips and pie dishes. "We are conscious of the fact that some of our patrons will have dietary requirements and we are also keen to cater to families. Without doubt it's always helpful to know particular needs in advance. For coeliacs, we have gluten free breads like banana bread, which gives a nice moist texture. Also a brown soda alternative rice and maize soda bread. Most of the dishes will be coeliac friendly. There is also a vegetarian and vegan menu available to choose from. One of our desserts will include our warm dairy free banana and poppy-seed cake with caramelised banana and dairy free ice-cream. This is equally suitable to vegans and pursuers of delectable low fat treats so no spinning classes required!" Having always loved the premises, minor yet very noticeable decor changes have been carried out on the restaurant. The idea was to play off the beautiful original characteristic features of the exposed brick walls and beams using more bolder wall colours. These include luxurious petrol blue, mustard gold flake and warm reds. They are balanced by large sophisticated gilt style mirrors to reflect the lighting and give a warm and welcoming feel. With candles and low lighting dotted around, you can't help but relax into the cosy setting. Statement pieces like the electric blue gramophone and old Imperial Typewriter on display will take you back to the days of a bygone era. “We hope to do producers proud and welcome all to hopefully many relaxing and enjoyable experiences. We thank you all for your support.” 023 88 34355. 18 October 31 – November 27 people A FLAVOUR OF WEST CORK Congratulations to West Cork restaurant Willie Pa’s, which has just been crowned Yes Chef Best Restaurant in Munster 2015 History and tradition in a bottle THE WINE BUFF Tony Eklof Tony Eklof, originally from New England, has settled in Clonakilty after a career as a librarian at University College Dublin. His knowledge and passion for wine has been inspired by frequent visits to the wine growing regions of the continent, particularly Italy and France. S ome appreciation of the long history and tradition associated with wine and wine making might help to enhance the enjoyment of your evening glass of wine. There is archaeological evidence of wine making in Georgia in the Caucasus and in ancient Persia as far back as 5000 BC. Evidence of a winery, complete with wine press, vats and jars has been uncovered in Armenia, dating from 4,100 BC. Myths and stories involving wine abound in the Bible, in Greek mythology, and in Persian legends. Wine culture thrived in Greece and there was even a God of wine, Dionysus, later known in Rome as Bacchus. Did you know that the modern names Dion, Dionne, and the Russian Deniska are all derived from Dionysus as is the popular Cork name Dennis! The ancient Phoenecians with their impressive trade routes played a major role in spreading wine technology throughout the entire Mediterranean area. It was during the Roman Empire that the great wine producing areas of Italy and the former Roman provinces were established. Wine became a common part of the Roman diet, (for men, but not for women!) During the Middle Ages a split between north and south developed whereby in the south wine drinking became widespread as the cultivation of grapes increased, while in the north the drink of the common man was more likely to be beer or ale. It was during this time that many reli- and witnessed the impressive official opening of the harvest by colourfully robed ‘Jurats’ who gather at the top of a castle each year for the ‘Harvest Proclamation’, a tradition dating back to 1199. So after considering all this, a Bordeaux wine dating back to the glorious vintage of 1995 doesn’t seem so old after all. However, I wouldn’t recommend anything from the 4,100 BC vintage — it is bound to have gone off. Email: Recommendations: Villa Sparina Gavi di Gavi, 2012 — Delicious dry Italian white in an attractive, distinctive bottle. €12 on special in SuperValu, Clonakilty. gious orders, such as the Benedictines, the Carthusians and the Templars became important producers of wine. Not surprisingly the old world wine producing countries pay more heed to tradition than their new world counterparts. I was fortunate enough to find myself in Saint Emilion one Autumn Mayne de Beauregard, Bergerac, 2013. — Young, very drinkable red Bordeaux type wine from one of my personal favourite regions. On offer in Marks and Spencer, Cork, around €10. Winter themed taste of West Cork T ake a taste of the most flavoursome food West Cork has to offer this November as Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa bring back the popular event with a winter twist on November 14. Inchydoney’s Taste of West Cork sumptuous seven course tasting menus will bring guests on a culinary tour of West Cork as Head Chef Adam Medcalf showcases the best produce West Cork has to offer during the colder seasons, as well as the hotels own artisan produce. This culinary feast will open foodie’s eyes to local businesses and produce and will be refreshingly complemented by wines from the hotels cellar. With most ingredients being sourced within a 50km radius of the hotel, Head Chef Adam Medcalf’s unique feast will give guests a true ‘Taste’ of West Cork. While the menu is top secret at the moment, previous menus have included ‘Inchigeelah Wood Venison’ — Roasted Loin of Venison from Inchigeelah Wood, Dunmanway, caught by Dan McCarthy and served with a Celeriac Fondant, Homegrown Rosemary Potato Puree, and a Smoked Apple Cream; ‘Smoked Tuna’ — Blue Fin Tuna Smoked by Shellfish de la Mer, Dinish Island, Castletownbere with a Tomato and Chilli Jam and Fresh Horseradish Cream; ‘Mulled Apple Sorbet’ — Apples from O'Dowd’s Garden, Mulled, Puréed and Frozen with an Apple and Cinnamon Purée and of course no West Cork menu would be complete without ‘Clonakilty Black pudding & sausages’. Tickets are €65 and are available at the hotel reception. Special overnight accommodation rates are available for guests who want to make a night of it with full access to the heated seawater therapy pool, sauna, steam room and relaxation areas. Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa is located near Clonakilty, West Cork has been named Ireland’s Leading Spa Resort three times at the World Travel Awards, in the Top 10 Hotels in Ireland by the 2013 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards and is the perfect place for people who value time together. For more information please visit, or 19 October 31 – November 27 people A FLAVOUR OF WEST CORK The Lebanese experience RECIPE Karen Austin B eirut is a big busy city and the traffic is appalling! Trying to cross the roads was a bit like playing ‘chicken’, making mad dashes between the cars. The main highway out of Beirut, which runs along the coast, is three lanes wide, but in fact a lot of the time there are five lanes in action. Everyone puts their foot down and goes for it, honking their horns. Somehow the lack of road regulation seems to keep everyone super alert and we only saw one prang during our visit and we did quite a few road trips. Being alert seems to be the order of the day, hardly surprising considering that Lebanon is sandwiched between Syria and Israel. The people are incredibly hospitable and optimistic, as they get on with their daily lives. We were made so welcome by the Lebanese people. Everyone, from food ambassadors to taxi drivers went out of their way to ensure we enjoyed our stay. It is a very diverse country, which is in fact only the size of Co.Cork; although a completely different shape, metre for metre it’s pretty similar. Saturday night in down town Beirut could be compared to Saturday night in Temple Bar with everyone out rocking on the streets – less alcohol involved but plenty of singing and dancing, then go 70kms up the coast to Tripoli and it’s a totally different story. Fully manned tanks, machine guns and sandbags everywhere and don’t forget your headscarf, which considering there are ladies running round in mini skirts and high heels in Beirut, is easily done. I learnt to take nothing for granted. The food was always delicious and super fresh. As the main aim of our trip was food, we spent a lot of time cooking and eating. We hung out at a place called ‘Tawlet’ Souk el Tayeb in Beirut. It’s a food initiative that was set up by a man called Kamal Mouzawak, which supports small farmers and local producers. There’s a weekly farmers market and also a daily restaurant where there’s a different cook each day who prepares typical food from his or her own region. The daily feast is amazing, a huge variety of salads, vegetable mezzes, meat, fish and different grains. The tabbouleh that we ate is nothing like the tabbouleh that we make. It’s pretty much the opposite, comprising 90 per cent fresh herbs and 10 per cent bulgur. I went to the kitchen at 8 o’clock each morning to hang out in the kitchen, help with the chopping and pick everyone’s brains. It was an amazing experience and I am so grateful to all the cooks for their time and generosity. Here’s a recipe for a simple and warming soup. Lentil Soup with Swiss Chard and Lemon Adas bi Hamod Ingredients: 300g green or brown lentils 2-3 large onions 4-6 cloves garlic 2 tbs olive oil 2 potatoes 1 large carrot 10 chard leaves 1tbs ground coriander 1tsp ground allspice the juice of 2 lemons a bunch of fresh coriander, chopped Put the lentils into a saucepan and cover with 2 litres of water. Bring to the boil then turn the heat down and simmer for about 30 minutes. Peel and dice the potatoes and carrot. Peel and chop the onions and garlic. Wash the chard and strip the stems from the leaves. Chop the stems and reserve the leaves. Heat a frying pan then add the oil and onions. Cook them on a medium high heat until they begin to brown then stir in the garlic and chopped chard stems. Cook for a few minutes then tip into the pot with the lentils Stir in the potatoes, carrots, coriander and allspice then cook for about fifteen minutes – until the potatoes and carrots are tender. Season with salt and pepper Chop the chard leaves into ribbons and stir into the soup, cook for a few minutes, until the leaves have wilted then stir in the lemon juice. Take off the heat and check the seasoning. Stir in the chopped coriander and serve. The cooking classes are now under way. There are still a couple of places on the Thai class – lots of zingy dishes on Saturday, November 8 and the Winter Warmers - exciting healthy recipes – on November 22. The Lebanese class has been very popular and we now have a second class on Saturday November 29 If you are interested or would like more information please call to the shop or drop us an email. We’re very happy to announce that the Lettercollum Cookbook has now been published. It is available in our shop, The Lettercollum Kitchen Project in Clonakilty and various bookshops around the country. We hope you will enjoy it! Lettercollum Kitchen Project, 22 Connolly Street, Clonakilty; Email:;; (our blog). SPECIALITY FOOD AND WINE SHOP ‘Bakery and takeaway shop with a healthy attitude’ Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am-6pm Method: Sort and wash the lentils. Check there are no small stones. Karen Austin and Con McLoughlin 22 CONNOLLY STREET, CLONAKILTY, WEST CORK TEL: 023 8836938 20 October 31 – November 27 W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G I N W E S T C O R K SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT West & North Cork. If you have been affected by a family member's suicide and would like support do contact us on 085 1562112 or go to The West Cork Women Against Violence Project Freephone Helpline, ph 1800 203136, Tue 10am – 4pm, Drop-in Centre Skibbereen, ph 028 23607, every Friday, Bantry Office, ph 027 53847, weekdays 10am – 1pm. Ballydehob Set Dancing Classes will commence in Ballydehob Community Hall on Wed 8 Oct for Adults. New start time of 8.30 sharp. Beginners welcome. Strictly fun and a great exercise class. Xmas singing for Ballydehob Acapellabella Community Choir warmly invite you to join them for this coming four week period in preparing Christmas songs for the Ballydehob Christmas Craft & Food Fair which will be held in the Community Centre on Sunday 30 November. We meet above Rosie’s Bar on Thursdays from 810pm. All are welcome. Tel: Caz 083 1425599 or email Ballydehob Social Club open to all TuesFri, 9.30-17.30, and for educational activities at various times. Volunteers welcome in kitchen and for workshops and events, contact Two Rivers steiner based Pre- School. For children aged 2 1/2 to 6 years. Free ECCE childcare spaces available. Contact Lucy 0879194082 Parent and Toddler and Baby group at Two Rivers, Ballydehob,meets Friday mornings from 10.00 to 12.00. Come and enjoy Arts and Crafts, songs and stories, tea, food and chat with other families. Contact Colette at 0862649289 Bandon & Innishannon Gospel Message at Bandon Rugby Club, Old Chapel, Bandon. Every Friday 8-9pm. Everyone welcome. Speakers: David Tubman & David Delaney 087 2409969. Family Support & Community Wellbeing Bandon 76 South Main Street Social Group Wed 3.30-5pm Cluid Housing Association Bandon; Men’s Shed Mon 1pm Wed 11am-3pm Fri 1pm-4pm 087/7127563; Women’s Group Thurs 11am-1pm €2 086/0253705; Zumba for Beginners Wed 2.30-3.30pm €5; Community Garden Project Wed 10am-12 087/7519832; Tea Dance; 1st Friday of Month 11am-1pm 086/0253705; Focus Ireland Advice & Information on Housing last Thurs of month 10.30am-12md 021/4273646; Free Legal Aid Clinic third Tue of month, evenings. 087/4146204; Adult Literacy, Mon afternoon by appointment 086/0253705 Get Writing. Stay Writing with Bandon library creative writers. Come along to Bandon Library at 10.30am every second Wednesday to share work, write something new or listen to others reading. All are welcome, especially new faces perhaps contemplating a creative endeavour for the first time. Check out bandonwrites.wordpress. com for updates. Bandon Jobseekers Resource Centre Call in to meet our friendly volunteers. 023 88 29710 or email Innishannon Parent & Toddler group every Wed in the parish hall 10am-12 noon. All welcome. Mother & Toddler Group meetings on Mon. 086 3712626 Crossmahon-Bandon Macra na Feirme contact Claire (secretary) on 087 7498909 See facebook for upcoming events. Innishannon Macra Na Feirme Meet 1st Tuesday of every month at Innishannon Hall at 9pm. 086 3447705. Citizens Information Service every Thurs, 10am - 4pm providing information & advice at the Bandon Voluntary Employment Services office, Weir Street, Bandon. No appointment needed. Friends Together, Active Retirement Group meets every Wed at the Parochial Centre, St. Patrick’s Church, Bandon between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. 023 8844827. West Cork Transport Service. Kilbrittain Parent and toddler group meets every Monday in the Parish hall 9.4511.45, food and drinks provided. Bandon Country Market, Weir Street (opposite Garda Station). Open Fridays 9am1.30pm and Saturdays 9am-1pm. Bandon Farmers Market every Saturday morning 9.30-1.30 in post office car park. Bandon Tidy Towns. Meets Tuesdays 7pm Hartes Carpark. Looking for new helpers so just show up on the night. Bantry & Beara Lehanmore Community Centre, Beara Tue Night Music Sessions, from 8pm, bar open, all welcome. Wed Nights, Bingo from 7.30pm. Yoga classes Mon and Thurs, Tel: 027 73911, Email: for enquiries. Organico, Bantry, Christmas Affordable Art Show opens on November 28 at 3.30 in the Cafe showcasing local artists who have made really affordable pieces. On Nov 29 there will be an Affordable craft fair featuring local artists from 11 to 5. Bible Meetings, Westlodge Hotel every Wed 8-9pm. Everyone welcome. Bantry Open Water Swimmers each Wednesday and Saturday at 5.30 pm from the Abbey pier, Bantry for open sea swimming. Wet suits are highly recommended. Bantry Job Seekers Resource Centre, Open Thursday's 10am-1pm, Old Gaelscoil, Main St, Bantry, Facebook Jrc Bantry Citizens Information For information and advice on rights and entitlements, call 0761 078390. Bingo - every Sunday night at Bantry Boys Club 8.30pm. Bantry Parent and Toddler Group ages 0-4, 10.30-12.30, Mon (except bank and school holidays) upstairs in the Fellowship building behind Cinemax. 0851092832. Grow: Suffering from depression, anxiety, inability to cope - we’re here to help. Bantry Community Resource Centre, Glengarriff Road. Every Tue 7.30p.m. Drop in or 021 4227750. Clonakilty Clonakilty Badminton Club every Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Community Hall from 8.30pm. Old and new members we come. Competitive and social badminton. Clon Casual Chess Club meets every Wed in O’Donovan’s Bar from 8pm. Players of all strengths welcome. Any enquiries 087 2165458 (Ken) or 086 2041394 (Denis). Clonakilty Job Seekers Resource Centre, First Floor Front, 48 Pearse Street, Clonakilty. (Tuesdays 10am – 12.30pm, Thursdays 10am – 12.30pm). Indoor bowls Ballinascarthy Hall on Tuesday nights at 8.30pm. Open to all ages. Beginners very welcome. For information call 087 2414787 or 023 8833648. Clonakilty Rainbow Group. Support Group for people who have or are suffering Mental Distress. Parish Hall (adjacent to Catholic church) Clonakilty. Meeting held on the First and Third Tuesday of every month beginning 7.30pm sharp with tea and coffee from 9pm to 9.30pm. Supported by Cork Mental Health. Clonakilty Camera Club meetings take place every fortnight on Wednesdays, at 8.30 pm in O’Donovan’s Hotel, Clonakilty. or ring Nicholas Cooper on 0851074248. The Grace Centre Friendship Club – Active Retirement club Mon 9.15am. Life ring-support group for recovering addicts, Thurs 8pm. Parent & toddler group, Wed 10.30am. Bumps to tots, third Tue each month, 10.30am. Personal development through creativity, Mon 10.30am. ICA, second Tue of each month, 7.30pm. Keep fit, Mon & Wed 6.15pm. Men’s breakfast, first Sat of each month, 9.30am. Womens Group, second Sat of each month, 10.30am. Prayer & praise group, Thur 8.30pm. Mountain of fire and ministries, Sunday service, 11am. Counselling, everyday by appointment, call 087 2887649 / 086 1058277 / 086 3230805 The Clonakilty First Responders If you would like to train in C.P.R and defibrillation please contact 085 7766683. Clonakilty Lions Club meet on the third Wednesday of month @ 6pm The Emmet Hotel. New members are very welcome. more info contact Ann 087 8206908. Clonakilty Farmer's Market every Thursday, 10am-2pm O'Donovan's Hotel, local Food and Craft. The Clonakilty Market, Fridays 9am – 2pm. Clonakilty Active Retired Group Monday morning meetings starting 10.30am. New members welcome without commitment or obligation. Phone Paddy: 023 8859673. Amnesty International meets on the second Wed of every month at 8pm at O’Donovan’s Hotel, Clonakilty. For further information contact Don Pollard, 023 8840010. Timoleague Parent and Toddler Group every Thurs during school termtime 10.30am to 12.30pm in The Community Centre (the room above the playschool). Parents, Grandparents and Childminders. €3 per family. 086 3451175. Clonakilty Breastfeeding Support: Bumps to Tots- meet third Tuesday of the month from 10.30-12.30 in the Grace Centre. All mums and mums to be welcome! Contact Claire on 087 2323 623. The Clonakilty Market, Saturdays 9am – 2pm. Meditation every Monday morning 9.1510.15. Heart centred meditation, drop in, all welcome. By Donation. Call Lisa 087 2244429. Clonakilty Grow It Yourself (GIY) group meet on the 2nd monday of the month in O'Donovans Hotel in Clonakilty at 8pm. For more information or to be placed on our monthly mailing list email Clonakilty Backgammon Club now meets 6pm - 10pm Tuesdays in Casey’s Bar. Autumn Activities at Clonakilty Library Knitting group meets on Tuesday mornings at 11am. Why not come along and learn a new craft, develop your skills or just relax with friendly company over a cup of tea. New members welcome. Book Club meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 12:00pm. This month the group will be discussing On Canaan’s Side by Sebastian Barry and She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb. New members welcome. Clonakilty Library’s creative writing group continues to meet on alternate Thursdays at 11am. The next meeting takes place on Thursday 16th October. Dunmanway & Drimoleague Durrus Schull/Goleen Gospel Message at Durrus Community Hall. Every Tuesday 8-9pm. Everyone welcome. Speakers: David Tubman & David Delaney 087 2409969. Parent-Toddler & Baby group - every Wednesday morning in Parish Hall from 10.00 to 12ish. All welcome. For more information call Susan on 0860859500. QUIZ NIGHT GROVE HOUSE Sun 2nd Nov 8pm, Teams limited to 13 Teams of 4 €25, Nibbles included Dunmanway Family Resource Centre Community Garden Thurs 10am-2pm in garden at Tonafora. (023) 8856818; Women’s Group every Mon at 12noon the Kilbarry Centre. (085) 8555098; Fitline (Go for Life) Volunteers needed for Fitline telephone support service for over 55’s to help them get physically active; Parent & Toddler Tue from 10.00am -12noon; Breast Feeding Support Group 1st & 3rd Thurs of every month. 10:30am-12 noon. (087) 9130816; Men’s Shed Tue & Thurs from 12noon-7:30pm. (023) 8868 102; Social Day every Thurs at Older People’s Centre 10:304pm (023) 8868110; Active Retirement Group every Wed 2:30-4:30 (023) 8845484 Ladybirds every Sat 11am- 12:15pm (087) 6433969; Dunmanway Nutrition Club Tues nights 7-9pm (086) 1972555; Employment Services (Formely FÁS: 2nd & 4th Tue of every month. Contact Bantry office (027) 50464; EmployAbility Service every Fri 9:30am-4:30pm (086) 8079953. Citizens Information Service every Wednesday, 10am - 1pm providing information & advice at Ross House, Main Street, Dunmanway. No appointment needed. Dunmanway Bridge Club meet Tuesday evenings at the Parkway Hotel at 7.45pm. New members most welcome Contact Ann Bailey 023-8845627 Bible Meetings, Parkway Hotel every Fri 89pm. Everyone welcome. Farmers Market every Thurs from 11am2pm at Healy’s Supervalu carpark. Kinsale Kinsale Voices meet weekly on Wednesday evenings. Relaxed and fun. Contact: 086 8179964 Summer bridge. every Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Trident hotel. Visitors welcome. There is no Bridge on Friday morning during the summer season. Macroom Farmer’s Market in Macroom held every Tuesday in the Square in Macroom.The traders sell fresh fruit and veg, home baking, a variety of bread and chese, gluten free cakes and bread, clothes, candles, crepes and many more items. Youthreach, Macroom 026 43733. Citizens Information Centre Information & Advice on your entitlements. Drop-in to the office at South Square or tel: 0761 078430. Rosscarbery/Leap Myross Community Choir meets every Thursday evening, 7.30-9.30, at Myross Wood House, Leap. Contact Pamela Marshall: 028 34395 or 086 1252004. Taize - Come and join in an Ecumenical Evening Prayer Service of Prayer, Song and Contemplation on the First Thursday of every month @ 9pm in Convent Chapel, Rosscarbery Enchant Ladies Choral Group. Repertoire is enjoyable, varied, and light. Rehearsals: Monday night at 8.p.m. Church of Ireland Hall, Rosscarbery. Great fun guaranteed, Quiz Master Tom McCarthy, Please phone 02828067 to book In Aid of Schull Community Council. For over 55’s, Schull Satellite Centre, Thursdays from 10 am – 4 pm, at Old Boy’s School, chat, activities, music, bingo, lunch, cost €10 (includes hot meal). Ring Nuala on 086 3159719. Skibbereen The West Cork Philosophical Society 7.30pm in front of a blazing fire on Wednesdays at Liss Ard House, Skibbereen. Everyone is welcome, new members and old. Please contact Anne Crossey on 085 851 6172 to register your place. €5. Skibbereen Parent & Toddler group is now closed for the summer holidays! We will reopen on Tuesday 26th August. The Skibbereen Jobseeker Resource Centre Ilen Street (Opposite the Busy Bee). Tues, Wed and Thurs 10 am - 4 pm. This service is free .Please phone 028 22711 or email The Skibbereen Jobseeker Resource Centre are currently recruiting new Volunteers. Contact us on 028 22711 or email You can also drop into the centre and have a chat with us. The West Cork Philosophical Society held every second Wednesday at 7.30pm in the function room at Baby Hannah's, Skibbereen. €5 pp. Please bring a pen, paper, and lots of ideas. Would you like to join us and learn Cúpla Focal Gaeilge? Wednesday Mornings 11.30am to 12.30pm, The Centre for Active Empowerment, 57c. Townshend Street (above Noel Harrington’s Office). Teacher on hand. Tel: 0874197330 or 0868071478 Donation towards Costs €5 Set dancing for adults and teenagers, with Bert and Annie Moran every Wednesday at 8.30 pm in the O’Donovan Rossa G.A.A. Pavilion, Skibbereen. All are welcome. Info. (028) 28647. The Friday Club Skibbereen is opened every Friday at the Skibbereen Town Hall from 10am to 3pm. The Friday club is a community initiative which is open to all free tea/coffee facilities available. There is a different speaker every Friday giving information on local services. Singers club every month (first Friday) Corner bar Skibbereen at 10pm Trad Irish music every Saturday night Corner bar Skibbereen at 10pm. Skibbereen Farmers' Market every Saturday morning 10-1 in the Fair Field Creative writing group meet Fri. nights at West Cork Arts Centre. New members welcome. See Aughaville Parent & Todler Group meet every Tuesday 10am – 12noon at Tadhg MacCarthaig GAA Hall, Aughaville. Call Lillian 086 3861565 or Helen 086 1953625. Grow: Suffering from depression, anxiety, inability to cope — Grow weekly meetings: Thurs 8pm at Myross Wood Retreat House, Leap. Alcoholics Anonymous - Daily meetings in Skibbereen, for more information, Tel 087 6114946. Skibbereen Breastfeeding Support Group: La Leche League meetings, 2nd Thursday of the month in The Methodist Centre, Skibbreen at 11am. For further details about our meetings or for breastfeeding help at any time, tel: 028 23655 or 028 22859. Breastfeeding Coffee Mornings: 4th Thursday of the month in Skibbereen from 10:30am. tel: 028 23655 or 028 22859. Email events to Non-profit, community events are free of charge. October 31 – November 27 21 22 October 31 – November 27 West Cork parent develops website to address children’s cyber safety A local parent and IT Specialist has developed a resource website of practical cyber safety tools from growing concern over his own children's digital safety and from those voiced by parents of local school. The immunizeNet website was launched last week at Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty during their Parent Information Evening, exactly a year ago from when this initiative commenced. In collaboration with Michel Colaci, a parent and IT specialist who attended last year’s evening, a working group was established through the Parents Committee (with the support of the Principal, Ann Marie Brosnan, and DeputyPrincipal, Brendan Walsh) to address parents’ concerns regarding their children’s internet and cyber safety. The findings from pilot workshops and a parent survey formed the basis of the immunizeNet ethos and website, which provides practical tools to implement up-to-date advice from easy-to-follow 'step by step' tutorials — all in one place. It is for the use of anyone who wishes to ensure the safety and well-being of children, digitally and online. As Michel Colaci, founder and developer of immunizeNet explains, “There are lots of headline news stories and awareness initiatives advising parents of the potential risks children are exposed to when using the internet, social network sites and apps and they are urged to implement parental controls, filters etc and to ensure their child’s social media profiles are private and secure. The parents we surveyed through the school initiative are aware, by and large, of the potential risks and of the above recommendations but many feel poorly equipped to implement meaningful, practical measures and are not often aware of what safety options are available to them with the various devices, software, social networks and apps their children are using.” Four main areas of concern were: 1. The sheer variety of devices and ways that children use digital technology. 2. The frequency by which trends, apps and software change. 3. The diversity of potential risks that children are exposed to. 4. Time constraints on attending workshops and information often outdated within months. immunizeNet has been designed on the basis of these needs, and in a unique way information is available for all the most popular devices, covering a great variety of potential risks, safety and even well-being concerns, all in one place. The entire website content is free, impartial and independent. Parents will also be updated about changes and new topics through the sites newsletter and via social media. immunizeNet is easy to navigate and its layout has been especially designed to cater for any level of user experience — in a language and easy to follow 'step by step' format that doesn't take forever to understand or implement. Crucially, with the immunizeNet site, parents don't have to commit to lengthy workshops or screen time but can dip in and out of learning at their convenience. The tutorials (mostly two to five minutes videos) and 'how to' guides can be viewed whenever it suits them, wherever they happen to be and from whatever device they are using. They can pause them, rewind or replay them — even share with others. Left to right: Brendan Walsh, Gerardine Hayes (chairperson, Parents Association,) Michel Colaci, (parent and website developer) Ann Marie Brosnan. “Our goal was simple,” Michel concludes, “we wanted to provide parents with the practical tools to put them back in control of their children’s digital safety and wellbeing. With immunizeNet this can now be achieved. From personal data and identity protection, content filtering and safety settings all the way to 'screen-time' controls and volume limits, immunizeNet is dedicated to helping parents with their child’s digital safety and well-being — and the next set of tutorials are already in production!” View the website at: Flags fly high in Lisheen National School A wonderful occasion took place at Lisheen NS in Skibbereen on September 26, when special guests Fiona Harrington (Active Schools) and Shane O’Driscoll and Gary O’Donovan (world champion rowers and former pupils of Lisheen NS), helped to raise Junior Entrepreneur and Active Schools flags. On a day blessed with brilliant sunshine, staff, pupils, families and friends gathered to celebrate the rewards of a challenging and inspiring school year, when the school was also awarded a plaque for excellence in Primary Maths and Science and being finalists in the Walton’s Music for Schools Competition. The Junior Entrepreneur Programme, founded in 2010, consists of a ten-week, integrated teaching and projectbased approach to the primary school curriculum. It introduces the pupils to the joys of entrepreneurship at a time in their lives when they are full of imagination and open to new possibilities. The children in the senior room developed a series of ‘Recipe Postcards’, as this was the project selected in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ type competition between teams in the class. The cards were then marketed, with the profits donated to the Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dublin. The children worked together to create a superb end product, whilst developing personal skills, confidence and self-esteem, as well as having a lot of fun. The Department of Education and Skills launched the Active Schools Programme in 2009, to recognise and encourage schools striving to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. In addition to enhancing the timetabled PE sessions in school, with new ideas and equipment, a committee of pupils in the school contributed to developing a programme of games at break times including fitness sessions such as ‘Drop everything and dance’, ‘Wake up and shake up’ and ‘Walk a mile with a smile’. The programme culminated with the fun of ‘Active School Week’ in June, when the children tried everything from team games like football and basketball, to Zumba and céili dancing and a fun sports day. Discover Primary Science and Maths was launched ten years ago by Science Foundation Ireland. Although science is an integral part of the school curriculum, registering for the DPSM Award expanded our horizons in this area. The children took part in the national Greenwave project, looking for the first signs of Spring in the locality. They carried out science experiments within the categories of ‘energy and forces’ and ‘materials’, recording their results mathematically using Microsoft Excel. Children used a variety of instruments to take weather readings throughout the school. During Maths Week ‘estimation stations were set up, encouraging children to estimate in the areas of number and measures. Then ‘Science Week’ involved science experiments demonstrated in the hall — exploding volcanoes and the incredible strength of an eggshell. The senior class visited the Lifetime Lab in Cork and took part in the ‘Ilen River Streamscapes’ biodiversity project and everyone got to look at the minibeasts, which can be found in a clean river. Finally, on a baking hot day in June, the school tour to Killarney National Park provided opportunities for scavenger hunts, pond dipping, catching and releasing insects and getting up close to wood mice and voles! It was a busy year and again, lots of fun, learning about the extraordinary processes, which are part of our ordinary lives. So, once the flags were flapping against a bright blue sky, everyone returned to the hall to launch the new school website at and to enjoy the wonderful refreshments brought in by the ever-supportive parents of the school. 23 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT COMPETITION Beara’s links with Irish mythology A native of Beara, now living in New Zealand, author Brian O’Sullivan is passionate about Irish culture and language and educating the Irish diaspora on its heritage. I n ‘Beara: Dark Legends’ — the first in a trilogy of unforgettable Irish thrillers, he has penned a fascinating mixture of contemporary thriller, Irish culture and ancient Gaelic lore. Propulsive, atmospheric and darkly humorous, Beara: Dark Legends introduces an Irish hero like you’ve never seen before. Nothing you thought you knew about Ireland will ever be the same again. Lured from seclusion, despite his own misgivings, Mos is hired to locate the final resting place of legendary Irish hero, Fionn Mac Cumhal. Confronted by a thousand year old mystery, the distractions of a beguiling circus performer and a lethal competitor, Mos must draw on his unique background and knowledge of Gaelic lore to defy his enemies and survive his own family history in the Beara peninsula. “A lot of the influence for this book came from my childhood in Beara,” says Brian. Many of the characters in the book speak with West Cork mannerisms and have the Beara way of saying things. I’ve intentionally put all the placenames in Irish, as I didn’t want it to be too obvious exactly where I was writing about.” At present, Brian has two independent series going; the Beara Trilogy and the Fionn – Fenian Cycle series. He also writes short stories. “Second and third generation Irish can feel a bit lost,” says Brian. They don’t feel at home in Australia or New Zealand for example but they don’t fit in here in Ireland because they have an accent and the culture and rules are different. That’s a group of people that I’m particularly Have a ‘Wild Atlantic’ Christmas party at the Westlodge Hotel in Bantry T he Westlodge Hotel and Leisure Centre in Bantry will hold two Christmas party nights on both Friday, December 12 and Saturday, December 13. Other dates are also available for any companies who wish to book a private party and discounts are available for groups of over 10 persons. Why not have a ‘Wild Atlantic Night’ with Patrick Gill and his wonderful staff in the Westlodge Hotel? Head Chef Robert Farrell has prepared a sumptuous menu, which includes such delights as a Warms Goats Cheese Tartlet, Darne of Union Hall Salmon with a Dill Cream Sauce and for desserts there are delectable options such as Tarte au Citron, as well as the traditional delectable Traditional Christmas Pudding with Crème Anglaise. Robert is also happy to cater for coeliacs and other special dietary requirements. The lobby and bars will have cosy wood burning log fires to warm you up on arrival, as well as a a glass of mulled wine, or spiced apple juice and you can enjoy the winter lights twinkling over Bantry Bay during a dinner serving the finest of West Cork produce. The Westlodge Hotel is offering two superb and highly flexible packages; the €59 package includes a four course meal, overnight B&B accommodation, live band, late bar, late night DJ, free use of the leisure centre, free parking and late checkout. Alternatively, you can just book in for the excellent value four course meal, which also includes live band, late bar and late night DJ for only €35 Second edition of Irish Ceramics published in December I rish Ceramics Second Edition by John Goode records the most important contemporary ceramic artists in Ireland. This edition has been expanded to include students, teachers, professionals and amateur ceramic makers. The book raises the profile and exposure of the brilliant diversity and skills of Irish Ceramic artists. The works, in this edition, show qualities that deserve to be prized, honoured, and cherished but above all to be seen and enjoyed. Irish Ceramics will be available from December 3, 2014. per person. And don’t forget, there are discounts for parties of over 10 persons. So if your company has already booked your office Christmas party, why not get together with a group of your friends and go out all over again! Booking and enquiries to 027 50360 and Don't forget that the Westlodge Hotel is also open for Little Women's Christmas on January 6. Entertainment will be with the Two Mikes and a sumptuous four-course meal awaits you. Special overnight room rates also available. Why not ring the Westlodge now and have something cheerful to look forward to in the short days of January! targeting because you can bring them back in to the Irish culture through mythology and folklore.” Anyone with an interest in Irish culture will enjoy Brian’s books. Brian writes a regular Irish folklore blog on his website If you would like to win a copy of Brian’s book ‘Beara: Dark Legends’ answer the following question and email your answer and name and address to by November 15. Where is Brian O’Sullivan from? 24 October 31 – November 27 October 31 – November 27 25 26 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Keyes latest a book of two halves Review of The Woman Who Stole My Life by Marian Keyes The Woman Who Stole My Life is the new title from international bestseller Marian Keyes. Two years in the writing, it is due for release at the start of November. The story moves back and forth between four stages of Stella Sweeney’s life. Her ordinary life in Dublin with her husband, Ryan, and two teenage children, Jeffrey and Betsy; a life-threatening illness which leads to dramatic changes; a glamorous move to New York touring her self-help book; and an ultimate return to Dublin where she tries to recover from recent events. The idea of karma runs loosely through the stages as a common theme. A downside to the story is that not many of the characters are very likeable, although that may be Keyes’ intention. Ryan is a self-obsessed failed artist, Jeffery is obnoxious and Betsy non-descript. Stella herself is quite whingey, even when good things are happening to her, and allows herself to be completely overshadowed by her ambitious sister, who she works for in Dublin, and her personal trainer in New York. The first half of the book, which covers Stella’s illness, outshines the, mainly New York-based, second half. Stella’s frustration during her recovery from her medical condition is well-written and at this stage of the book there are still many questions hanging: such as how does Stella’s life go from ordinary to extraordinary, how does she end up in New York, and who is the life-stealing woman? However, after Stella’s arrival in New York the book becomes very predictable and the characters even more dislikeable. Overall the book is an enjoyable, easy read, full of humour and unexpectedly racy in parts. The first half of the book is far more absorbing though than the second and I’d have liked to have seen the karma theme developed more. For lots more book reviews and to keep up-to-date with the latest literary news, become a member of the Bord Gáis Energy online book club where you’ll find great recommendations for hours of entertainment in a good book! A new kind of concert experience on ‘A Night in Winter’ T he Vespetine Quinet is starting a residency of collaborative concerts in Debarra's Clonakilty on the last Sunday of each month through the winter. Made up of five West Cork musicians (including two composing members), the quintet was born last winter as an idea by violinist Justin Grounds to gather some friends and play some sparse and wintery minimalist music by Icelandic composer Olafur Arnalds and Estonian Arvo Pärt. They put on a series of house concerts, gathering friends in houses in West Cork, sharing warm food and wine and playing their programme. Word soon got out and the quintet was invited to play to a sold out audiences at Glebe Gardens, Lissard House for the Skibbereen Arts Festival, and most recently at the Ballydehob Arts Festival. In July, they hosted a unique concert in De Barra's, collaborating with acclaimed local composer Clodagh Simonds of Fovea Hex, melding their soulful live strings and piano in new arrangements of her pieces. Now they are embarking on a continuation of this theme — hosting a series called 'A Night of Winter' in DeBarra's pub in Clonakilty, beginning on November 30 with special guests from the UK, Farewell J.R. The aim is to create a new kind of concert experience, crossing genres of early classical and baroque music with modern bands and artists, all in a cozy intimate setting on a Sunday evening — the perfect way to get through the winter. Other artists joining the quintet over the series include Dublin band Nanu Nanu, Choice Music Prize winner Adrian Crowley and iconic vocalist Maria Doyle Kennedy. More information can be found at vespertinequintet. Two West Cork schools nominated for short films A hiohill National School, Enniskeane and Barryroe National School, Bandon have both been nominated for an award at the upcoming FÍS Film Festival. The West Cork schools are amongst 22 others that have been chosen from over 100 entries received from all over the country. RTÉ’s Sinead Kennedy and Eoghan McDermott will host the event in the Helix on November 4, 2014. Ahiohill National School has been nominated for its film ‘Pre Celtic Desertserges’ while Barryroe National School has picked up a nomination for its film ‘Souterrain Time Travel’. The FÍS Film Festival, which is a Department of Education and Skills initiative, is this year celebrating its 10th year and a total of 24 awards will be handed out at the prestigious event. This year, due to the high calibre of entries, 13 schools will also receive a highly commended award including West Cork’s: Together National School, Dunmanway; Scoil Chaitigheirn, Eyeries, Beara; Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockvilla, Innishannon. To enter the festival, primary schools across the country were asked to devise a five- minute long film on a subject of their choice. The film had to be produced by the children and their teachers and entries are judged on imagination and creativity, the originality of the story, excellence in set design, costume design, film direction and production as well as the use of sound, acting and cinematography. Those that use special techniques such as animation or special effects will be awarded extra points. Awards will be made in a wide variety of categories including Comedy, Acting, Storytelling, Adaptation, Animation, Special Effects, Direction, Costume, Editing, Production, Cinematography, Sound, Public Safety, Best Newcomer, Best Junior Class Production and Historical Adaptation, among others. The FÍS methodology empowers teachers and children to explore the medium of film and digital media in the primary curriculum. FÍS helps develop many different areas of the primary curriculum and in particular develops active learning, creative thinking, language, imagination, collaborative learning and problem solving skills as well as giving children hands-on experience of using technology as part of the film making process. 27 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Bandon Art Group exhibits in aid of St Vincent de Paul A coffee morning followed by an exhibition of new work by Bandon Art Group in aid of the Bandon branch of St Vincent De Paul will take place at the Mary Rose Café in Bandon on Friday, November 21, from 10am-12pm. Now in its 21st year, Bandon Art Group held its first exhibition in Bandon Credit Union in July 1993, as part of Bandon Week celebrations; its members first met in 1991 at classes held by local artist Colette Mills in St Brogan's School. Initially the group met in the home of Lynda and Rev Arthur Minion, the then curate to Bandon Union of Parishes. Members continued meeting there until the Town Hall became available to rent in January 1994. Later the group moved again to their present home in the Parish Centre behind St Patrick's Church. Currently there are fourteen members of Bandon Art Group, although almost fifty members have passed through its doors since 1993. Four of the founding members, Freda Roycroft, Evelyn Draper, Vera Hegarty and Agnes Deasy are still members of the group. The members meet once a week to paint together. From time to time, well-known local artists are invited to talk about their work, do demonstrations or run workshops and the group also visits local galleries and exhibitions, all of which provides members with chal- L-R: Evelyn Draper, Marianne Stuckey, Marian Murphy, Agnes Deasy, Angela Brewer, Rosemary Barton, Freda Roycroft, Trish Canniffe, Valerie Canty, Gwenda Forde, Yvonne Ryves and Sue Jacob. lenges as artists. Members work in a range of mediums including oil, acrylic, watercolour, silk painting, mixed media, charcoal, pencils and watercolour pencils, pastels and even ceramics. Bandon Art Group holds regular exhibitions in Bandon and has exhibited in the Library, the Gateway Hall at the Methodist Church, the Blue Geranium Cafe at Hosford's Garden Centre, the Riverview Shopping Centre and Mary Rose Cafe. They also take part in Bandon Engage Arts Festival and Kinsale Arts Week. Over the years, through their exhibitions, the group has raised money for a number of charities including: RNLI, the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, the Bandon Soroptomists, ACT Cancer, the Chernobyl Children's Project (Bandon Branch), B.H.O.C, the Bandon Playground Action Group, Marymount Hospice, Bandon Community Hospital, St Mary's Church Restoration Fund, St Michael's Care Centre and Bandon branch of St Vincent De Paul. Soap opera in Castletownbere T here’s a creative buzz simmering around North Road in Castletownbere, where the lives of ordinary people are being immortalised through film. ‘The North Roaders’ is a new, exciting soap opera developed by local drama specialist Amy O’Sullivan in collaboration with adults with intellectual disabilities using the services at CoAction Beara. The Soap explores the lives of fictitious everyday people who live and work in the North Road area in Castletownbere. “We have some very interesting story lines,” says Amy. “We explore family relationships, teenage bullying, the effects of the recession on businesses, and there’s also a spicy drug dealing story that unfolds over the episodes. We have a drama group at CoAction Beara, and all the characters and story lines are developed in partnership with the people in this group. There’s been a lot of careful planning along with lots of rehearsal and plenty of retakes during filming, and we’re all very proud of the episodes we have filmed so far. We’ve even composed our own theme tune to go with the soap opera, and our actors are getting to know their characters so well that often the lines between fiction and reality become blurred.” Barry Power plays bad boy John Bower in the soap. He likes fast cars and women, but his job in the local jam factory doesn’t support his lavish lifestyle, so he’s always looking for ways to make quick easy money, which ultimately gets him into a lot of trouble. “The best thing about (the soap) is being together with friends and everyone having parts and then watching on the screen after,” says Barry. Helen O’Neill plays Tina Watts, a 16-year-old student at North Road community college. She is a quiet girl, who is bullied by her best friend, but her loyal personality means that she sticks by her no matter what. “It’s good craic,” says Helen.”It’s fun being someone else for a while”. Conor McAtasney, manager at Coaction Beara has been watching from the sidelines, as the soap opera develops. “Everybody loves a good soap opera – Fair City, Coronation Street, Eastenders. When the people receiving supports from CoAction were offered the opportunity to do drama classes, a mini soap was the first thing they wanted to do. I just hope the dramas remain on screen!” The group are planning to air the soap on their very own YouTube channel ‘The North Roaders’, where members of the public can tune in monthly for their soap fix. However, to celebrate the launch of their very first episode they are hosting a red carpet event at Berehaven Holiday Resort on Tuesday, November 4 at 7.30pm. At this exciting event the cast and community of Coaction Beara along with locals and media will enjoy a champagne reception followed by the first three episodes of The North Roaders. If you are interested in attending this event, please contact Amy O’Sullivan on 087 2121675 to reserve your seat. 28 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Decadent Chocolate Truffles handcrafted by Clonakilty Chocolate - Available at Clonakilty Market in a variety of flavours including Christmas specials Hot Cocoa, Cinnamon & Spice and Hot Whiskey. Boxed priced from €7.50 to €20. 10% off when you mention West Cork People! Already started Christmas gift buying? Here are a few ideas from local shops in West Cork. Watch out for our full Editor’s Choice Gift Guide in next month’s issue! Kerastase Gift Sets from €38 The Jagged Edge Salon, Clonakilty Stripe elephant, handmade in Clonakilty, €25 Sterlino Milano necklace with interchangable discs €70-€100 Twomey's Jewellers, Dunmanway Choice of 300 different gifts. COMPETITIONS Triskel hosts rising star Elenor McEvoy Performs of English folksong new work at Triskel Fresh from the release of his much anticipated second album, Mercury Prize nominated folk artist Sam Lee comes to Triskel Christchurch on November 28 at 8pm for one show only. Sam Lee burst onto the music scene in 2012 with his aptly named debut album, ‘Ground of its Own’. This startlingly original work comprised of songs learned first-hand from the Gypsy Traveller community. The recording was a musical manifesto, reflecting the unusual artistic journey Sam has taken so far. Hailed as “The rising star of traditional English folksong” by The Daily Telegraph and “One of the most promising folk singers to emerge from the London scene this decade” by The Independent, London born Sam’s first encounter with folk songs came nearly 10 years ago. After discovering his naturally gifted voice, he was compelled to abandon working as a trained visual artist to embark on a journey into the old songs of The British Isles. Undertaking a four year apprenticeship under the legendary, late Scottish Traveller Stanley Robertson – last of the great ballad singers, Sam quickly learned a vast repertoire of songs and an ancient, idiosyncratic Traveller singing craft. Tickets € 17/€15 (early bird) 021 4272022. West Cork People has a pair of tickets to see this show in Triskel Christchurch on November 28 at 8pm. To be in with a chance of winning answer the following question with your name, address and daytime phone number on a postcard to West Cork People, Old Town Hall, McCurtain Hill, Clonakilty by Nov 20. Which genre of singing does Sam perform? Eleanor McEvoy performs from her new album on Saturday, November 29 at Triskel Christchurch. Ireland’s internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter released her latest album ‘STUFF’ on the Moscodisc label on May 12 this year. The collection is the result of a purposeful mission by the Wexford-based singer to find and release the ‘stuff’ the fans wanted but couldn’t find. Eleanor says, “After I’d tracked down single mixes, audiophile tracks and songs I’d written and performed on other artists records, the project soon took on a life of its own, with more tracks recorded and everything re-mastered. The album named itself STUFF. ” An eleven-track miscellany, Stuff’s tell tales of unrequited love, lust and eloquent farewell; a heady brew of caustic observation laced with wit and wry self-deprecation typical of multi-instrumentalist McEvoy, all delivered in the Irish star’s rich, lilting voice. She has been described by Joe Duffy as “The Woman who gave her Heart to the Nation” Eleanor’s performances are intimate, emotional, uplifting affairs in which she explores soul, love and humour, using own compositions and interpretations from other songbooks, with her unique voice and beautiful playing. Tickets €18 021 4272022. West Cork People has a pair of tickets to see this show in Triskel Christchurch on November 29 at 8pm. To be in with a chance of winning answer the following question with your name, address and daytime phone number on a postcard to West Cork People, Old Town Hall, McCurtain Hill, Clonakilty by September 18. What is the name of Mary McEvoy’s new album? 29 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Outstanding girls only weekend in West Cork raises €12,500 for charity fun in glorious sun drenched Rosscarbery”. Helen also thanked the generous raffle prizes donated and activities providers and suppliers who freely gave of their time and products to support the weekend. She continued “this weekend is a highlight for the Hotel each year. The management and staff of the Hotel are honoured that we can organise and host this event while raising funds for the Irish Cancer Society and creating awareness about cancer and the impor- T he annual Girls Just Wanna Have Fun weekend took place at the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery recently as part of the Irish Cancer Society Paint It Pink fundraising campaign to fight breast cancer. Now in its seventh year, this weekend brought 150 women together from throughout Ireland to help the Irish Cancer Society fund breast cancer research, support and services. Helen Wycherley owner of the Celtic Ross Hotel was overwhelmed with the success of the weekend — “We cannot believe that together we have raised €12,500 for Action Breast Cancer. The weekend was fantastic! All these women came together with their mums, daughters, sisters, friends and supported our weekend while having lots of Julia Whelan, Dungourney, Olivia Tanner, Fermoy and Jennifer O'Keeffe-Smith, Killeagh at the 7th annual Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Weekend in the Celtic Ross. Pic Darragh Kane tance of looking after ourselves and each other”. The women were pampered and spoiled all weekend. They enjoyed a host of activities from Pilates, yoga, beauty treatments, bingo, aqua aerobics, pedal boating, gelish nail bar and hair and make up with The Salon Shop and much more. There was something for everyone to enjoy and take part in. They were treated to a magic and mentalist show by Liam Sheehan and were wooed by the sweet tunes of Dan Twomey, contestant on The Voice of Ireland! One of the highlights of the three-day event was a cookery demonstration with chef Clodagh McKenna. Clodagh brought her passion and enthusiasm for food to the weekend. Using ingredients purchased in West Cork, she cooked a Pesto They can sing, they can play, they can write... I t’s unseemly to talk negatively about the recently departed, and 2013 was a nice enough year as years go, but for music? Some end of year polls put Arcade Fire at the top of the album charts, and, like the year itself, it was a nice enough album as albums go. But it was no Solid Air, Houses of the Holy, Aladdin Sane, Tubular Bells, Berlin, not even a Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and certainly not a Darkside of the Moon; now that was a good year for music. But as I said, years do come and go, with their own character to themselves, their own personality. 1989 was a standout year, the summer of love (rave), unfortunately I wasn’t there, not in a psychotic way but plain and simply physically, I was in the jungle listening to the Blues, I came late to that party, but…Pixies, Stone Roses, Nirvana, Nenah Cherry and so much other stuff that was hot at the time. My own personal favourite was 1995, for many reasons. The weather was hot, there were weddings and 30th birthday parties, Feile came to Parc Ui Caoimhe that year, but the music…Ok, Portishead’s Dummy and Massive Attack’s Protection were technically 1994 but it was 1995 when they took off, alongside Leftfield’s Leftism, Tricky’s Maxinquaye, Paul Weller’s Stanley Road, Radiohead’s The Bends, and the concept of Britpop, with Elastica, The Verve, Supergrass, Pulp, not to mention the big two, was born and was still new enough to be interesting and even of some quality, oh the joy and innocence of it all. ’95 changed the game. But this year, 2014, what a year this is for Irish music. There’s a lot more going on than the space on these pages will allow me to cover. There is also always quality stuff being played live that doesn’t have the luxury of a label to promote it. I bumped into John Spillane on Patrick Street carrying a few posters to announce the arrival of his latest, out now. Daithi seems to have cracked it with his album ‘In Flight’ going down very well with the critics. The year began with The Gloaming, an international selling trad album, the like of which we haven’t seen since trad went out of fashion. Virtual local, Mick Flannery’s done one, Imelda May’s done another. Kerbdog are having another go at what eluded them the first time. There are the undervalued stalwarts like We Cut Corners, Delorentos and Riptide Movement, overvalued stalwarts like The Script. James Vincent McMorrow’s album has pressed the United States’ button. Can we claim Aphex Twin as one of ours; I know we can’t claim Johnny Marr. It gets better — Hozier! Hozier is so hot right now that it would be naïve to guess where this might go. He can play, he can sing, he can write, he has put in the time and he’s got presence. It’s not so much that he’s making a scene outside of Ireland but that they MUSIC Mark Holland Hunky Dory Music Shop Spillers Lane, Clonakilty know he exists; it looks like it’s in his hands. But Sinead, dead and buried as a creative force, has slapped us all in the face with the best thing she has Ricotta Tart, Fennel Rosemary and Garlic Marinated Lamb Chops with Honey Roasted Plums and finished her demo with a Winter Berry Tiramisu. All the women attending sampled tastings from her menu as prepared by the Hotel’s Executive Head Chef Graeme Campbell and his team. done in two decades, and it’s a pleasure, X. This is heading in one direction only, and it hurts, but U2…the only thing worse than people talking about you…I take my hat off! They are relevant, cutting edge, pushing the boat even. But the songs are good, and they can play them. They nailed it on Graham Norton’s show two weeks ago, and if you are interested look it up. The second, acoustic song on the couch was set up to look unscripted and spontaneous, I’m sure they can’t fart without a soundcheck, but I’m not going to begrudge, that would be too Irish, and I think this album is going to grow and grow. And 2014 isn’t done yet. Hunky Dory stocks a huge range of instruments, accessories, CDs and vinyl. Contact Mark on 023 8834982 or pop in to have a listen. 30 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Model Fest to be held for first time in Cork A first for Cork, on Sunday November 23 there will be a Model Diecast, Diorama and Toy Show at the Cork Airport International Hotel. Organised by Mike Murphy of Murphy’s Gala shop in Innishannon, together with his daughter Aoife and son Fionn, admission is only €5 for adults and free for children under 14, with all profits going to Marymount Hospice. Mike is a model enthusiast, with a Collector Toys shop himself and he and Aoife have put together a fantastic show for all the family to enjoy. The Model Fest will cover a wide area of model diecast; cars, tractors, trucks, buses, military vehicles, trains, dolls and doll’s houses, as well as boat model making and diorama's of farm layouts, quarry scenes and truck displays. Exhibitors are travelling from all over Ireland to display their own unique collections. The following is just a small sample of what will be on show on the day: • A unique collection of livestock trucks from all over Ireland, UK and Europe these will include many scratch build models. • An obsolete collection of vintage British farm models from the 1960s, 70s and 80s – all in original boxed condition. This will bring back many happy memories to people now ‘matured’. • Local people who scratch model boats will display their recent builds and will be delighted to talk to peo- 1/50 scale A Volvo FH with curtainsider from Trunwit, Bandon. ple about the art of model building. • In the Diorama section, there will be exhibitors who have built model farm layouts, with both modern and vintage scenes, as well as quarry scenes and model truck layouts. • For railway enthusiasts there will be model train layouts to take in. • A display of remote control trucks and military vehicles will provide huge excitement. The Model Fest is open to the public from 10.30am to 5pm and will provide hours of entertainment for all the family, young and old. For enquiries, please contact Mike on 087 2355379. Above: This Hennessy Scania 113 with a 20ft Bell container is a retro model from the early 90s and along with the farm diorama above will be on display at Model Fest on November 23. Halloween Events around West Cork Banshees in Bantry Bantry Bay Lions’ Halloween fundraising dinner at O'Connor’s Seafood Restaurant on Friday, October 31, from 7pm. Underage fancy dress and disco at Bantry Boy’s Club on Friday, October 31, from 7.30-10pm, organised by Bantry Basketball Club. Creepy Clonakilty Halloween Parade & Disco, held jointly between Clonakilty & District Lions’ Club and Clonakilty Community Arts Centre, Friday, October 31. Leaving from the Community Hall at 5pm. Skullduggery in Schull A special three-day exhibition will take place at the Blue House Gallery in Schull to celebrate Halloween. The official opening is on Friday, October 3, 6-8pm, where it may be possible to ‘taste blood’ or at least red wine and meet some of the artists concerned. The Show will be open only until November 2. Bloodcurdling Baltimore Glebe Gardens in Baltimore presents 'Trail Of The Lost Souls' — a Halloween experience that has never been ventured before. On the evenings of October 30, 31 and November 1, the veil between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest. Doors will open from 5:30pm until 6:30pm for a family friendly Halloween. This earlier walk is a new attraction for this year aimed at young children and their families, full of entertainment. Children cost €5 and a family ticket is €15. From 7pm to 11pm, you will experience the lost souls around the gardens on a trail of terror. Intrigue, thrills and suspense waits around every corner. Tickets are €10 (€50 for a group of six), strictly over 12-years-old. Book in advance for priority tickets. Drinks and food served all evening. For more information contact The Glebe Gardens 028 20579, email 31 October 31 – November 27 Halloween The Day of the Dead In Mexico, on the ‘Dia de Muertos’ or ‘the Day of the Dead,’ Cempasuchitl flowers can be found everywhere. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the triduum of Allhallowtide: All Hallows' Eve, Hallowmas, and All Souls’ Day. Francisco Robello, a Mexican native, now living in Timoleague, West Cork, tells us more about this Mexican holiday that coincides with ‘Samhain’ or the more modern named Halloween in Ireland. T he bright orange glow of the Cempasuchitl petals reflects on to large papermache skeletons; they adorn candy skulls made from castsugar and chocolate, and they frame ‘Dead Man’s Bread’ on the family table. The Cempasuchitl are tied into flower-chains, displayed in large pots or laid on the ground alongside lit candles like a golden rug around ‘ofrendas’ (altars to the dead). The native Mexican word for the marigold hides an important meaning: ‘Cempasuchitl’ or ‘CempoalXochitl’ means ‘Flower of Twenty’ — some say it’s because of its 20 petals. The flower was the ideogram for the number twenty; and twenty was a special number to the Mexica — known in Europe as ‘Aztecs.’ Twenty was the base of their arithmetic and calendar systems. ‘20’ was to them, what ‘10’ is to us today. The Mexican ‘Flower of Twenty’ or ‘Cempasuchitl’ was believed to contain the very heat and light of the sun inside each crown of orange and yellow petals. The light inside the Cempasuchitl was believed to be visible to the departed, and — on the Day of the Dead — it would illuminate the way back to their former earthly abode. Once there, the deceased would find her (or his) picture alongside images of dancing skeletons all dressed up for the ball. Some say that, “Mexicans like to mock death.” Well, we certainly choose to laugh at life, especially when the only other option is to cry; and even when things are good, it sometimes seems that earthly existence is but a long awkward moment. Aztecs had not only one, but two ‘gods of the dead,’ — ‘Mictlantecuhtli’ and his wife ‘Mictecacíhuatl’. After being welcomed by the lovely couple, the souls of the recently-expired found out their fate. Those who died of natural causes could make themselves at home in the underworld, those who drowned became part of an eternal ‘Waterworld,’ and lastly; a temporary heaven inside the sun awaited men who died in battle and women who died while giving birth. These dead men and women could then return to earth in the shape of the flower-drinking hummingbird, a sacred animal. The Spanish had never seen a hummingbird until they came to the ‘New World.’ They marvelled at the bird and called it: ‘the flying jewel’. They captured as many as they could, and sent their colourful feathered skins to Europe, creating an unsustainable demand for more skins and causing the death of many millions of these birds. So, it was back to square one for the brave reincarnated souls. It seems in Mexico that life is always spilling into death and death is always splashing back onto life. On the Day of the Dead, this thin boundary between life and death becomes even fainter, as the departed souls of relatives are thought to be closer to the living than on any other day of the year. Even though the Cempasuchitl will light the way for the visiting spirits, some families are eager to save the deceased the trouble of the journey back, and so they venture into the ‘Panteones’ (Graveyards) not only with Cempasuchitl flowers and candles but with food, guitars and even Tequila. Mexicans could easily use the modern Spanish word ‘cementerios’ for graveyards; but they choose to use the older word: ‘Panteones,’ maybe because in its Greek root, the word means: ‘all the gods’, as in ‘the more the merrier’. To keep things Catholic, ‘Diosito’ (the God) his son Jesus, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the lesser saints are also invited to the Day of the Dead party. During this eclectic graveyard picnic, people will lovingly decorate their dead relatives’ graves and then sit down to chat to them or amongst themselves for hours on end. As night sets, they’ll light up a small constellation of candles and listen to the sounds of rosary prayers blend in with the chords and singing of Mariachi music. A bottle might get passed around while children eat candy and play on the burial ground of relatives they never met. The sugar skulls children bite in to are decorated with common first-names like ‘Maria’ or ‘Francisco;’ or popular sayings like: “Como te ves, me vi, y como me ves, te verás…” (The way you look now, I once did, and as I look now, so will you). This is supposed to be Mexicans ‘laughing at death’ as the cliché goes. In distant times, the appalling practice of human sacrifice helped an elitist Aztec theocracy keep millions of souls under control and was of such a scale that it horrified even the bloodsoaked, iron-hearted conquistadores from across the sea. Since those days, them and others have continued the mass sacrifice, disguised as ‘Conquista,’ ‘Colonia,’ ‘Independencia,’ ‘Manifest Destiny,’ ‘Revolución,’ and mass emigration. Present-day Mexico is still no place to laugh at death. In the grip of a drug war imposed upon the people by local drug cartels, the Mexican government and the international demand for drugs; life is cheap, crazy cheap; but death is always expensive; and no one laughs at the price. In the country of sugar skulls and sun-containing flowers, it makes sense that death be life’s shackled shadow, as near to it as night is to day; and so when you can taste the sunset just around the corner, you can only pray for sweet dreams and a free hummingbird’s paradise. On the Day of the Dead we remind ourselves not only that death is not the end, but also that being crazy and carefree right now is essential to maintaining sanity; because we’re all headed towards that candle-lit night; when children will play above ground asking about who we were, making our surviving relatives airbrush our frowns and growls out of anecdotes and stories about us, and our days on earth. In a typically Mexican circular way, the Day of the Dead also suggests a forgotten life before birth; life in Mexico is desperately and comically flawed but it’s also mysterious and constantly renewing itself. As I ponder on the meaning of the Cempasuchil flower, it’s sad that while growing up over there I didn’t actually know the true meaning of its name. In everyday life in Mexico City, the only remnants of the native language of the Aztecs survive in the names of neighbourhoods and of the surrounding mountains, or as a part of a wider ‘Mexican history’ class in schools. Growing up in Mexico, the ‘Nahuatl’ language was almost a foreign language to my generation; even more so than the English that has opened doors for me throughout my life. Things are changing, and that’s why, the ‘Day of the Dead’ itself is having to fight off its own death these days. A mighty rival illegally crossed the border southbound a few decades ago. Armed with spiderman costumes, minichocolate bars and carved pumpkins, Halloween ‘trick or treating’ is always gaining ground against the traditions of displaying the Cempasuchitl, of eating sugar skulls and of leaving ‘Dead Man’s Bread’ crumbs on the great-grandparents’ plot. How interesting that Halloween comes from the Irish ‘Samhain,’ the autumnal festival during which the doors into the world of the dead were considered to be open for a while. teenagers in Temperance hall from 8pm, and Mangoween 2 ( offering spooky visuals and sounds in the Lord Kingsale (Back Venue) DJ Fake Rolex and DJ Flipside Selekta, Gerry B, DcDj providing world beats and Halloween classics. Come in Fancy Dress, win prizes, play Halloween games until 9pm. Witches and ghouls lead parade in Kinsale F riday, October 31 will see children, parents, performers and the local community begin to gather from 3.30pm in the town park near the new play park, in time for the spectacular Halloween parade, which starts at 4pm. Dancing, storytelling and other performances will take place at the short quay from 5-7pm. This year, Monsieur Gusto from Passépartout will return to walk tall in the parade, leading the newly created witch and ghoul. Ken Parker, a community arts legend throughout Ireland for many years, and founder member of the parade organising team, has come out of a period of retirement to create these two new additions, and this is just a taste of the spectacular plans for 2015. After moving to Kinsale in 2003, Rosita Kingston began the parade in 2005 with a view to providing a safe space for children to enjoy this much loved holiday event and give a focus to a day when the local community can come out and have fun together. “Kinsale gives so much to the visitor being such a popular tourist destination, but this event is where you meet your neighbours,” Rosita explains. The local business owners are very supportive of the event; handing out sweets to the passing children, and sponsoring performers and prizes; in fact all of the funding comes from donations by the local community. “There are special gifts for the best dressed participants on the day, and plenty of sweet treats for everyone. We are already making plans for the tenth anniversary in 2015, but for this year’s event, the scary witches and ghouls are 15 feet tall, and the fire show by Will Flannigan and Kinsale drumming circle led by Jonathon Barlow will keep the entertainment going at the end of the parade in the short quay,” says organiser Yvonne Coughlan. Stall holders from the local farmers market will make sure everyone can buy a hot drink and something tasty to eat. Ruth Gill, Hilary McCarthy, and Peter McSweeney are among the community volunteers making sure all are well and happy and nicely scared this Halloween. Transition Town Kinsale organisers Jeannie Timoney and Klaus Harvey, as well as actors from the local FEC, will ensure a great time is had by all. There are several evening events to keep the festivities going, with bands for the 32 October 31 – November 27 Star Signs ASTRO AUNT Kate Arbon Astrologer Kate Arbon is an astrologer and spiritual teacher. Living in West Cork for the last 10 years, she gives personal consultations and teaches astrology and intuitive guidance As we approach the Full Moon phase this month it may be possible to detect some of the shifts and changes that occurred over the last couple of weeks and especially since the recent New Moon eclipse in Scorpio. Deep undercurrents of transformation can be seen as subtle ripples, or felt as tumultuous waves of revelation or recognition, as it becomes impossible to conceal the reality or truth in many different areas of life. There may be the sense that, despite the everyday challenges and ongoing difficulties, a corner has been turned and the road ahead looks like it holds a promise of something much more positive. The Sun in Scorpio during the first three weeks of the month, keeps the focus on bringing the uncomfortable, unspeakable or unsavoury elements in our society out into the open for scrutiny and purging. With the Full Moon in steadfast Taurus this month, our emotions can now stabilise, as we consolidate the lessons we've had to learn about ourselves and how we relate to others over the last few months. It's truly possible to experience some peace and acceptance during this phase. The Sun's journey is currently closely accompanied by Venus so there are gifts to be found amongst the ashes of the Phoenix, (another symbol of Scorpio), as the developments of the last several years reveal the potential for a creative and positive version of the future. November and early December lead us into the last, of seven difficult square angles between Uranus and Pluto, which has been the signature planetary theme since 2012. Aries: You have a strong appreciation of what has value, and what doesn't. You get some satisfaction and sense of achievement from providing for the basic needs of yourself and others. Feelings of economic insecurity can find you staying longer than necessary in an unsatisfactory work situation. Wise decisions are based on knowing what is right for you and not on always playing it safe. Remember that the talents and abilities you've built up over the years are your security and if you put them to good use you will find the stability you’re reaching for. Taurus: Emotions and personal attachments are central issues in your life now, though it may be that you are the one stretching the limits. You want to have the chance to make some kind of statement about who you are and what sets you apart from others rather than what you share in common. Trust and intimacy are primary concerns right now and you might have cause to test the bonds with the people closest to you. Start with an identity reality check. Be sure you know who you are first and then get out there and let everyone else know. Gemini: At this time you have a deep longing to seek refuge in something, which transcends everyday life. Perhaps this will manifest itself in creative, musical or artistic work. Give time to whatever enables you to merge with something greater than your personal self. You won’t function well in the social whirl during this Full Moon so take time out to appreciate your talents away from distractions. This is a time of reorganising yourself on a subtle level and it’ll take awhile to become aware of the changes. Begin this phase slowly with plenty of time to delve into that impressive imaginative resource that is your inner world. Cancer: Satisfaction comes when you have a sense of belonging to the people you work with, and knowing that they also appreciate you. This Full Moon you might be thinking more about how your ideals fit in with the people around you. You may have become quite attached to personal projects and have some difficulty letting go of the reins when other people need to take over. Use this opportunity to make a positive move towards openness and you may discover a talent for working with people in groups, especially if this involves caring or humanitarian projects. The fiery planet Mars has now entered the earth sign Capricorn and this brings all kinds of structures and establishments under review once more as it joins with Pluto on November 10. As Mars moves forward, it makes a challenging square angle to disruptive Uranus on November 13. Mars takes two years to come full circle and the last time he was in this area of the Zodiac was November 2012. Many of the institutions, governments, corporations or social systems that were in the spotlight then could find it hard to survive this peri- Leo: If you’re not already striking out to fulfill your ambitions then now is the time to make plans for your future. Getting yourself some recognition for what you do well takes on extra significance during this Full Moon. You may find yourself playing a much more significant role, even being out in the public eye as you’re especially able to appreciate what is wanted now. Remember though, it could be wise to develop a certain emotional detachment, so that you feel less vulnerable. You want to get ahead and be appreciated and now is the time to dream up your wildest dreams and take the risk of following them. Virgo: During this Full Moon travel, higher learning, study and spiritual matters can occupy your mind. You are hungry for understanding and will seek to attain further knowledge or wisdom. It's a great time for planning, dreaming up new schemes, or rearranging the way you look at things. Patterns you establish now do not need to be perfected until later, so you can stick to generalities until you've got the basic plan established. Don’t be surprised if you find an opportunity to link with foreign cultures as there are valuable exchanges to be had. You have much to learn over the next few months. Libra: Use your ability to tune in to the deepest emotional signals in other people during this Full Moon. If you can face your inner emotional fears now, you’ll help guide others through theirs. You have the courage to be honest with yourself which encourages others to be honest about their failings too and you’ll be appreciated for the support. Start this next phase with the determination to throw out some old worn out ways and unproductive thinking. This is a time of renewal for you so be prepared for some real transformation. Scorpio: Personal and professional partnerships need your attention now. Try to find the balance in your most important relationships during this Full Moon phase. You may make too many compromises for the sake of emotional peace. You can be very sincere when you want to be but it has to go both ways or you’ll have reason to feel resentful. An increased receptivity to the influence, problems and needs of others inclines you to a listening job in which you can give support and nourishment. od intact. In the midst of this testing planetary dynamic the benevolent Venus joins with the ‘time lord’ Saturn in Scorpio on November 12. As unstable structures are undermined those relationships and core values that have been tested, but held up well, should benefit from the renewed vows and reinforced resolve to follow through with something of true worth now. The next Full Moon is at 15° Taurus on November 6 at 10:23pm and the New Moon is at 1° Sagittarius on November 22 at 8:51pm Sagittarius: Emotional problems can arise at work because of some over-sensitivity and unconscious overreaction. Be aware of where you feel threatened by change and adapt before it happens. You’ll find yourself working on behalf of others now and wanting to be at your best and give your all for to improving conditions, either at work or some other important area of your life. Consider which longterm projects will give you the greatest sense of personal achievement and know that your mind body and spirit are being looked after. Capricorn: There is no time like the present when it comes to having fun, entertaining friends or relaxing with a loved one. Romance in all its forms is demanding to be indulged. Your tendency to yearn for the security of love and intimacy is at a peak and you might find yourself trying to match reality to your fantasy with disappointing results. Begin with a flourish but remember that a more lasting satisfaction comes from creative achievements of all kinds and can be found in simpler pursuits. Whatever you do make sure you have plenty of time to daydream between social events. Aquarius: The bonds to the past may seem stronger at the moment. There is plenty of opportunity to reconsider people and places that have been important in your past. Fundamental security is a major preoccupation for you especially now and you’ll be thinking of ways that you can bring something of your past experiences into the future. You function best when there is peace on the home front, but you might find yourself distracted by family worries or be concerned with matters of the home, land or property. Start to express some of those deep inner tensions that you’ve allowed to build up. Pisces: When you communicate, you’ll find you do so with feeling and conviction. You have a compelling persuasive aura about you now and you are well suited to situations where communication is essential. It may be your job to sort the wheat from the chaff and dispel confusion over certain matters. This is no time to be taking it easy because your skills are required in many areas and friends and neighbours will benefit from your knowledge. Remember to maintain a good pace and you’ll have a lot to be grateful for if you are prepared to be generous in sharing yourself. 33 October 31 – November 27 people ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Quirky is the theme for November’s Film Club D uring October, Clonakilty Film Club screened a film that moved the audience to either a heavy-hearted silence or full on tears as the credits rolled. The Golden Dream will stay with many viewers for a long time to come but, as the Film Club likes to show variety, November’s films are of a different genre; two uplifting films that will lighten your heart on a dark winter’s night. Her – November 4 Directed by Spike Jonze with Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johnasson just some of the big names starring, ‘Her’ is set in Los Angeles in the slight future. The film follows Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing touching, personal letters for other people. Heartbroken after the end of a long relationship, he becomes intrigued with a new, advanced operating system, which prom- ises to be an intuitive and unique entity in its own right. Upon initiating it, he is delighted to meet ‘Samantha’, a bright, female voice (Scarlett Johansson) who is insightful, sensitive and surprisingly funny. As her needs and desires grow, in tandem with his own, their friendship deepens into an eventual love for each other. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared – Nov 18 Jonas Jonasson’s witty, feelgood international best-seller ‘The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared’ gave pleasure to millions and proved that it is never too late to let a little adventure in your life. The eagerly awaited screen version stars Robert Gustafson as the Zelig-like Allan Karlsson who quietly escapes from the cele- Her brations for his one hundredth birthday and takes to the road. Little misunderstandings and unfortunate coincidences soon find him in possession of a suitcase of cash and being hotly pursued by crooks and criminals. It’s hardly going to trouble a man who played a vital role in making the atomic bomb, has known several world leaders and participated in some of the key events of the last century. An outrageous delight. Other films this season: Dec 2 - 20 Feet from Stardom (TBC) ***** 5 stars “Take my money and show me again!” **** 4 stars “I'll see that again when it comes out to buy” *** 3 stars “I'll buy it and watch it when it's in the bargain bin” ** 2 stars “I may watch it again sometime” * 1 star “This is why I’m glad for memory loss” No star “Don't even bother” RYAN’S REVIEWS Ryan Edwards Film Fury 15a 134mins Director: David Ayer Starring: Brad Pitt, Shia Labeouf, Logan Lerman Plot: As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and fiveman crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. Review: It's April 1945 and inside the last surviving tank in a graveyard full of metal carnage is Don ‘WarDaddy’ Collier (Brad Pitt), the commander of an American Sherman tank with his crew Boyd Swan (Shia Labeouf) and Grady Travis (Jon Bernthal). The tank crew head to a check- point where they will receive the next mission, as well as a new tank member Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) after the loss of their previous front gunner. Norman is originally from the messenger services and has no battle experience, but that doesn't stop him from being quickly forced into a situation he really isn't ready for. From mission to mission, Norman struggles with the realities of war; all the while WarDaddy is just trying to get every member of his tank home. The crew of the Fury along with a couple of other tanks are sent to guard a crossroads, which could prove a turning point for the allies because if the German squad heading that way make it to the supply train, the forces could be seriously hindered. With so much on the line, can the crew of the Fury do what is needed or will it all be for nothing? The film is brilliantly presented very much in the same vain as films such as Saving Private Ryan before it — from it's gritty display of field battle and general living to it's dark and grey visual tones. Brad Pitt is brilliant again and easily carries the film through, but with a good supporting cast, it really is easy to watch. Due to its subject mat- The 100 Year Old Man.. ter, it’s not a film for everyone; I really enjoyed it but I do like war films. **** 4 Stars Horns 16 120mins Director: Alexandre Aja Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Juno Temple, Heather Graham Plot: In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to find strange horns sprouting from his temples. Review: A beautiful relationship blossoms from childhood to adulthood for Ig Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) and Merrin Williams (Juno Temple) but after one fateful night, their lives and everyone around them changes inexplicably. Ig struggles with daily life — hounded by the media and hated by pretty much everyone he knows, as well as strangers. As a distraction, he drinks heavily and takes drugs to dull his feelings. After one drunken night, he awakes to find that he is growing horns and that they have a certain control over others. With this newfound ability, as well as a need to recall what happened that night, Ig sets about finding the truth and uncovering what has been hidden all along. This has a brilliantly refreshing storyline, even though you would have come across certain aspects in other films; it is a culmination of different ideas and portrayed and filmed fantastically. It's not a massive blockbuster film that will make millions but it is easily one of the best films of this year. Daniel Radcliffe is on great form again showing just how diverse he can be and I think easily leaving behind the mask of previous characters. With a good supporting cast from his love played by Juno Temple to David Morse as Merrin's father Dale Williams, there really is no shortage in quality. For anyone who wants a good Halloween movie without the unnecessary gore or blatant jump moments, this is perfect, and to everyone else that just wants a great movie with an intelligent story and great acting you can't really go wrong with this. As I said, it's no blockbuster, but easily one of my favourites of the year. **** 4 Stars Sacks to Will Arnett as comic Teenage Mutant relief Vernon Fenwick — albeit, sure his character Ninja Turtles The GrandI'mBudapest Hotel was mod12a 101mins Director: Jonathan Liebsman Starring: Megan Fox, William Fichtner, Will Arnett Plot: When a kingpin ‘Shredder’ threatens New York City, a news reporter finds a group of mutants that allay as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to unravel Shredder's plan. Review: The heroes in a half shell are back and with a massive bang, as they wipe out an entire crew of foot clan. But who are these mysterious vigilantes hitting back at a crime syndicate run by the fearsome crime boss who goes by the name of the Shredder, and what are their end goals. Only one person is up to finding out and that is intrepid reporter April O'Neil (Megan Fox); after getting herself into a troublesome situation, she is rescued by the foursome, which leads to as many problems, as it solves. The film has a pretty standard storyline of good vs bad and heroism or greed, depending on which side you are on, so it's nothing you wouldn't have seen before. The CGI — which, being a film about giant ninja turtles you can expect a lot of — is great; there seems to be no imperfections or badly created CGI. It has a good cast in general — from William Fichtner as Eric elled on Jonah Hill's character from Megamind. Even with all that, it really is not a great film. It pains me to say that because I love the Turtles and have done since I was a child brought up with the 80's cartoon and films, but maybe that's the problem! It does have the standard story that's easy to comprehend and very good CGI throughout and it has its funny moments, as well as its heartfelt moments. So, for older fans of the series I don't think the opinion will be too far off of mine, but for the younger generation, I can't see any reason why this isn’t a movie to be enjoyed. I hate to use the term, but I do think this is a typical Marmite film — you'll either love it or hate it, but regardless, you need to watch it at least once. ** 2 Stars For all the latest movie news and reviews find me on twitter @ryansfilmreviews or Facebook Ryan's Film Review Why not catch these and all the latest films at Ireland's number one best value cinema Park Cinema Clonakilty and second best value cinema Cinemax Bantry 34 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Pets and ponies arrive in Dunmanway P ets and Ponies newly opened in Dunmanway boasts a wide selection of pet and equine supplies, as well as equestrian clothing. Proprietor Gemma Dale opened Bantry Pet and Equine five years ago, growing and changing the business all the time to meet the needs of her customers. The new shop in Dunmanway is another step forward for the local businesswoman who now employs four part-time staff between the Bantry and Dunmanway stores. Gemma breeds rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters and can source budgies, canaries and finches from a local breeder. Coldwater and tropical fish are also available in the shop with a range of aquariums and accessories on display. “We can source other pets on request,” says Gemma. Pets and Ponies stocks everything from rabbit to reptile supplies. There is a smallholder range of non-GM food available for chickens, high quality brands of dog food including Royal Canin and James Wellbeloved to name a few and bird lovers will also be delighted with the reasonably priced food for our wild feathered friends. On the Equine side, as well as supplements and grooming aids, there is an excellent range of riding wear in-store, from hats to boots and bits to bridles. Pets and Ponies carries Zilco racing equipment, Harry Hall hats and Shires Equestrian. As well as being professionally trained, the staff members at both shops are all pet lovers. “We’re more likely to remember the name of the pet than the pet owner,” says Gemma smiling. For all your pet needs, visit Pets and Ponies on Main Street in Dunmanway or Bantry Pet and Equine, The Square, Bantry. Phone: 086 820 8230. Follow on Facebook. A special open day will take place at Pets and Ponies in Dunmanway on November 14, with special guests, the animal Left: The new Pets & Ponies shop in Main Street, Dunmaway. Above: Gemma with one of her furry friends. roadshow bringing an owl, snakes, maybe hedgehogs, tortoises etc. It promises to be a fun and hands-on day, starting at 1pm. All are welcome. 10 per cent off everything in store. Franc steers a fantastic night of fashion in Rathbarry T he Fashion Extravaganza at Dunmore House Hotel on October 9 — a fundraising event for Rathbarry School Development Fund — was a roaring success. The evening commenced at 7pm with a Cheese and Wine Reception sponsored by Eugene and Catriona Scally, Supervalu Clonakilty. Everyone had a chance to browse through the display stands while mingling with special guest Peter Kelly aka renowned wedding planner ‘Franc’. Local models took to the catwalk to showcase in style a sample of the Autumn Winter Collection from 23 local shops and Left: Franc with Colette Twomey, Sponsor of Best Dressed Lady. Top: Joe Hodnett, Anne Kearns (Principal), Franc and Deirdre Hodnett. Bottom: Ellen Jennings (left) and Alexandra Flood, models at the fashion extravaganza. boutiques. Franc thanked the organising committee headed up by Joseph Hodnett, who did such a superb job in organising the event; you would think a team of professionals had been contracted. Eight lucky ladies were chosen as finalists for the Best Dressed Lady Competition kindly sponsored by Colette Twomey, Clonakilty Blackpudding Co. The finalists were brought on to the catwalk where Franc conducted a brief interview, after which Cork’s All-Ireland camogie Star Hazel O’Regan took the honours. The organisers had a special word of thanks to Franc, who not only attended the event, but also visited the school on Thursday afternoon much to the delight of the children. And of course a huge thank you for Carol, Annmarie and all the staff of Dunmore House Hotel for their advice and support in organising this event and indeed all the sponsors who were acknowledged on the night. 35 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Herbal First-Aid Meadowsweet has an anodyne action (pain reliever), as it contains naturally-occuring Salicylic Acid; Aspirin used to be made from it. Based in Ballydehob, Jacqueline Kilbryde is a practicingherbalist with over 25 years experience. She is a memberof the National Institute Of Medical Herbalists, the oldest body of professional herbalists in Europe (established1864) and a member of the Irish Register Of Chinese Herbal Medicine. M ost homes will have an array of medicine for use in the home cabinet, ready for unexpected accidents, such as burns, cuts, scrapes and infections. Herbal first-aid medicines are extremely effective and useful to have to hand for such emergencies. Here are a few examples. Burns/Sunburn: Burns are commonplace in the home and there are many herbs that are excellent for use here; notably the Aloe Vera Plant, and every home should have one! These are easy to grow and do well on a partially sunny windowsill. They do not like to be over watered and will grow to a large plant if maintained well. The leaves are full of a soft sticky, slimy substances called mucilage, which has an immedi- ate soothing action via its antiinflammatory effect, relieving redness, swelling and pain caused by burns and sunburn. Pick a large leaf and open it. Press out the mucilage and apply directly onto the affected area. Other useful herbs include Plantain leaf /Ribwort, Calendula and Comfrey. All three plants can be made into a salve or ointment to be stored for future use. A salve/ointment is made by steeping the plant in, for example, sunflower or olive oil, for two to three weeks and left on a sunny windowsill or by infusing the herb in oil, which is heated for extraction. The oil is then strained and heated and beeswax melted into it. As it cools the mixture hardens and can be kept in a container for use to be applied directly onto the skin. Cuts and Bruises: There are so many wound healers in herbal medicine — it’s a long list. Primarily we have Comfrey, an excellent herb for any type of cut or bruise, as it heals broken skin and bruising. Calendula is another great choice along with Witch Hazel bark and St John’s Wort. A secondary complication of cuts is infection. To disinfect cuts, as well as heal them, use Calendula, Golden Seal root, St John’s Wort, Fennel, Myrrh and Garlic (before the discovery of antibiotics, garlic was used widely to treat and to prevent infection). An infusion may be made with one or a combination of these herbs and used as a wash for the cut. To make an infusion, steep the herbs of choice in a cup of boiling water for around 20 minutes. The infusion is then strained and the liquid used. Alternatively the herbs here can be made up into an ointment or cream, to be applied topically to the affected area as needed. A recommendation here is to grow these herbs in your garden. They are all very easy to germinate and grow and are perennial. Staunching bleeding: Many of our native hedgerow herbs are excellent anti-haemorrhagics/styptics. The herb of choice here is Yarrow, another is Tormentil root; another is Nettle leaf. These can be picked fresh and dried and stored in airtight containers for that time when needed. An infusion or a decoction is then made and poured directly on to the wound, to arrest bleeding. Witchhazel bark or leaf or Oak bark is also excellent. Interestingly, powder of Cayenne pepper was used to staunch bleeding wounds. Insect Repellant: The best choice here is the essential oils, combined with a mixture of water and alcohol and kept in a spray- pump bottle. Essential oils of choice are Citronella, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemon Grass... all have pleasant aromas but are noxious to insects. One native herb, which is hugely overlooked, is Bog-Myrtle (Myrica gale). The flowers contain a strong essential/volatile oil, which repels troublesome insects, especially midges. Insect bites: Poultices or ointments of Ribwort and Comfrey will soothe and heal the bite, as will Aloe Vera. Headache and Muscle Aches: Meadowsweet has an anodyne action (pain reliever), as it contains naturally-occuring Salicylic Acid. It is also antiinflammatory, thereby making it suitable for aches and pains in the joints and muscles. Aspirin was manufactured Seek out the good UNDER THE BODHI TREE Philosophy Corner Anne Crossey Anne Crossey is a painter living in West Cork. She has a primary Degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Western Esotericism, and a Masters in Philosophy, specialising in Psychoanalytic Theory (T.C.D.) She is founder of the West Cork Philosophical Society, which is currently meeting weekly at Liss Ard House, Skibbereen. Email: Continuing with Frederick Copleston’s ‘History of Philosophy: Volume 1’, we move on from the Milesian School to another Ionian philosopher — Pythagoras. Everybody has heard of Pythagoras and most will know the theorem named after him; still very few know anything about the man himself. This is quite surprising when you consider that the foundations of just about everything we call ‘knowledge’ can be traced to his teachings. Bertrand Russell, in his ‘A History of Western Philosophy’, said ‘It is to this gentleman that we owe pure mathematics’, and that ‘the influence of Pythagoras on Plato, Aristotle, and others was so great that he should be considered the most influential of all Western philosophers’. Indeed, the world is even indebted to him for the word ‘philosopher’. Others had called themselves ‘wise’ (sophos), but Pythagoras was the first to call himself ‘a philosopher’, literally ‘a lover of wisdom’. For Pythagoras and his followers, philosophy was not just an intellectual pursuit but a way of life, a practice aimed at manifesting a world of peace, based on principles of universal brotherhood. Control of the mind, heart, and mouth were central to Pythagorean training, and later tradition reports that those who wanted to join his academy had to observe a five-year preliminary silence. This was partly due to their belief that, ‘There is no word or action but that has its echo in Eternity’. They also believed in reincarnation — that the Soul experiences many lives and that Time eventually recurs. Pythagoras was born at Sidon in Phoenicia, c. 570 B.C.E. and grew up on the island of Samos. Also at this time the Buddha was born in India, and Confucius and Lao Tse were born in China, making this possibly the single most significant intellectual period in human history. Pythagoras didn’t write any books himself so we have to rely on second hand sources for information about his life, which causes controversy amongst scholars, but references by Xenophanes (570–475 B.C.E.) and Heraclitus (500 B.C.E.) show that he was a famous figure already in the late sixth and early fifth centuries B.C.E. Briefly stated, the doctrine of the Pythagoreans was that all things are number. It is believed that he discovered the numerical ratios, or intervals of the musical scale and held the Soul to be strung like an instrument resounding either harmonically or in discord. His philosophy is from Meadowsweet and the White Willow bark, as both herbs contain appreciable amounts of Salicyclic acid. Feverfew leaf is also used in headache. Sore Throats: A gargle of Sage leaf and Marigold flowers in combination both have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action on the throat and alleviate soreness of inflamed tonsils, as well as infection. Both plants are easy to grow and can be used fresh or dried. Make an infusion of the leaf and flowers, strain and gargle with the liquid. Upset stomach: Ginger can be taken in capsule form to allay nausea and vomiting. Chamomile flowers and Lemon Balm are two other excellent choices. Fennel is used also to stop cramps and griping in the gut. Slippery Elm in capsule or powder form protects and heals an irritated stomach lining. All the above herbs can also be used to stop acute cases of diarrhoea along with the use of Tormentil and Agrimony. These last two herbs are extremely astringent and stop excessive secretions. based on ambitions of universal harmony among men. Pythagoras said that all men might be classified as either lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, or lovers of gain. “Remind yourself,” he said, “that all men assert wisdom as the greatest good, yet few strenuously seek out that good.” The letter ‘Y’, or Upsilon, is known as Pythagoras' letter for this reason- because Pythagoreans used it as a symbol of the path of virtue or vice. His advice to those faced with a decision is simple: “Do not even think of doing what ought not to be done for it is better to suffer, than to do wrong.” Perhaps if we all took Pythagoras’ advice the world might be a softer and much saner place for all. Anne Crossey is a painter living in West Cork. She is founder of the West Cork Philosophical Society, which is currently meeting weekly at Liss Ard House, Skibbereen. 36 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Cork Care and Companion Agency celebrates 10 years of serving the community I n 2003, Nuala Sikorski's heart went out to a widow, who, after the passing of her husband, moved around from one bed and breakfast to another in West Cork because she couldn't face living at home on her own. Nuala decided to set up the Cork Care and Companion Agency after establishing that there were a great number of individuals in the Cork area needing care and companionship in their own home. The personalised home care agency, which has been in operation since 2004, has provided care and assistance to clients from as young as 18months up to the grand old age of 99-years. A former nurse for the mentally ill, Nuala favours a holistic approach, providing spiritual and mental, as well as physical care. Nuala's approach and her empathy for her clients means that many people who may have lost their confidence, perhaps through illness or some form of trauma, begin to rebuild their belief in them- selves, gaining a renewed sense of independence and purpose in life. The agency not only provides care for the elderly, other services provided include accompanying people on holidays who would not be able to travel alone and also care for people with disabilities and special needs. The specialist agency services range from a two-hour callout to live-in home care 24 hours, seven days a week. The agency aides, who are on hand to meet all needs, from companionship and help with household chores to day-to-day activities like bathing and dressing, are available to live in and in most cases become an extended family member. Great care is taken when selecting the right carer for each post. As well as taking in the practical needs of the client, attention is also given to the personality of both parties. A kind soul, Nuala believes that it's important to connect with people from the heart. "I have met with some of the most wonderful people, both carers and clients, that this world has produced," she says. Nuala originally trained as a nurse for the mentally ill. She also holds a Diploma in Personal Development and served as a facilitator for the study of Metaphysics for almost ten years. She is an associate member of the British Association for Counselling. Nuala would love to help more parents through the agency. "We do sleepovers and get great satisfaction caring for children and giving parents a break," she says. The Cork Care and Companion Agency works alongside other care providers and is always willing to give respite backup for existing carers. Nuala would also like to take this opportunity to thank her clients and her dedicated team both past and present for their dedication and supports over the past 10 years. For more information call 028 34898, Valuable information pack for Carers launched T he launch of a new information pack, which gives an overview of the supports and services available to Carers in West Cork, was welcomed by Carers last month. The pack — a joint initiative by West Cork Citizens Information Service and West Cork Carers Support Group — is a valuable resource for the many people who provide care for family members, neighbours or friends who are sick or infirm. It is also a good example of local agencies working together to pool resources and expertise for the benefit of the local community. “I wish that this pack had been available five years ago when my mother became ill and we had to provide full-time care for her. It would have helped me access the supports and services I needed,” was the response of one client at the Citizens Information Service, who went on to recommend that “it should be made available to every new Carer from the beginning”. The reality is that at some point most of us will either give or receive care. It is a role that we may inherit along with other family responsibilities or one that can be thrust upon us as a result of unexpected illness or an accident. Whichever the case, it is important that we have knowledge about the supports and services available. Information about income supports, HSE supports, housing grants and tax credits as well as important information about the different stages of caring, managing medications and ways that the Carer can look after their own health and well-being are all included in this pack. The pack, which is free, is available from West Cork Citizens Information Service, Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry, Tel: L-R: Anne O'Donovan, Manager West Cork Citizens Information Service, Pat Moynihan, Chair, West Cork Citizens Information Service, Louise Casey, Chair West Cork Carers Support Group, Sally Back, Co-ordinator West Cork Carers Support Group 0761 07 8390 and West Cork Carers Support Group, Bridge Street, Bantry, Tel: 027 53848. West Cork Carers Support Group provided a wide range of services and supports aimed at improving the quality of life of Carers. The group is open to all Carers, whether they care for a family member, friend or neighbour. Supports are provided to Carers of older persons, to Carers of children or adults with a long-term illness or physical or intellectual disability and to Carers of persons experiencing mental distress. It is funded and supported by the HSE. Don’t over-do extra-curricular activities There is a great incentive to engage children in groups and clubs to pursue new activities; however, parents should also make provision for plenty of unstructured playtime. Play is one of the major avenues to learning for young children. Unstructured play gives them the opportunity to explore their world and interact with other children without adult intervention and direction. So, while extra-curricular activities do have something positive to offer, parents should be wary of overloading their children’s timetable. Criteria to consider when choosing an extra-curricular activit: Extra-curricular activities are not merely a way to allow parents more time at work. Your child may be losing out by having to attend activities they don’t particularly enjoy or may feel they are missing out on precious time with you. Beware of choosing overtly educational activities, as you may be putting too much pressure on your child to achieve. If children feel they need to constantly improve their performance in any particular area, it may adversely affect their self-esteem. Scheduling their free time with too many challenging activities may be counter-productive and leave them feeling exhausted, unmotivated and disinterested. Choose an activity in which your child has expressed a genuine interest. Bear in mind the child may lose interest after a few sessions, and you will need to decide whether or not to encourage them to continue. It is important to avoid the situation of allowing your child to give up too easily, but you need to balance this with their enjoyment and interest in the activity. Getting the best from the activity: Rate your child’s interests above your aspirations. If you are keen for your child to pursue a certain activity yet they have no interest, find a compromise. If your child hates sport, consider an alternative such as drama, where physical activity is still involved. Limit activities: If a child is constantly attending classes, they may become tired, stressed or disinterested over time. A huge body of research tells us that children learn most from play. Through play, they learn coordination, social rules, problem solving and exploration of the physical world. Coordinate with your child’s friends: Nothing beats having a friend come along to help settle those initial nerves. Children often get more enjoyment out of an activity if they can share it with a friend. It is also practical to share travel to and from activities with other parents. Do your research: Ask about supervision, experience of staff, safety precautions, and so on. Question the activity organiser to ensure your child will be properly cared for in your absence. Be on time: Timekeeping may be even more important than school – whereas schoolteachers will usually wait with children whose parents or carers are late picking them up, you may not be afforded this facility with out-ofschool activities. Offer to help: For your child, having you so close and part of their activity may be comforting – and you get to share in an activity your child enjoys. For more information, visit - Ireland’s No.1 Website for Pregnancy & Parenting. 37 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Bargain lovers flock to Jenny Feather M aureen O’Sullivan, proprietor of Clonakilty’s latest fashion store ‘Jenny Feather’ has spent her entire career in fashion retail of some kind or another – or the ‘rag trade’, as she laughingly calls it. Whether as a buyer, window dresser or sales assistant, Maureen has an eye for the “beauty in everything; what to add or take away to give it new life.” This is a talent she displays in her ever-changing window — imaginatively combining items from nature and bric-a-brac with clothing from the shop to create an eyecatching display. Jenny Feather (named after Maureen’s daughter Jennifer who had trouble pronouncing her name when a toddler) is a pre-loved boutique for ladies, gents and kids, packed with new or nearly-new items from some of the biggest names in fashion at knock-down prices; just take a look at these bargains – Ralph Lauren sweater €8, Lambswool Marks & Spencer cardigan €6.50, Vintage Avoca tweed suit €15, Remus Suit €20, vintage Aquascutum jacket €50. And the bargains don’t stop there – shelves are stuffed with bags, belts, boots, shoes, scarfs and accessories to complement your outfit. This is a particularly good shop for men’s attire, as you’ll find brands such as Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger and Gant with shirts by Louis Copeland, Wrangler and Polo by Ralph Lauren. For partygoers, Maureen has just this week taken a delivery of formal and debs dresses to add some sparkle to Christmas. With ‘rag trade’ contacts in the UK and Europe, Maureen gets weekly deliveries, so there’s always fresh stock to browse through in your lunch-hour. She also keeps her ear to the ground for hotel refurbishment sales and has regular consignments of ex-hotel laundry – currently she’s stocking freshly laundered bed throws, which are excellent quality and only €15 for a large throw and €5 for a small. There’s a great satisfaction in knowing you are giving a pre-loved item a new lease of life. Maureen has been interested in recycling and upstyling for years. As well as previously working as a Regional Development Manager for Gorta Shops, she was responsible for marketing at the SMILE Resource Exchange, a free service for businesses that encourages the exchanging of resources between its members in order to save money and reduce waste going to landfill. Maureen has had a great start to doing business in Clonakilty, welcoming a stream of bargain hunters through the door every day since she opened, “I’m loving having my own shop and the excitement of finding pieces that I know will be snapped up by wily fashion hunters!” she says. “I’m also overwhelmed by the warm welcome and good wishes I’ve had from other businesses in the town. There’s such a great vibe here of positivity. It’s an extremely open and friendly place and I’m thrilled to be here.” Jenny Feather, No 16 Ashe Street, Clonakilty is open MonSat 10am-6pm. 38 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE It’s tea time HEALTH Hannah Dare Organico Bantry S The Beauty Corner Christmas Limited Edition Gift The SkinCeuticals limited edition Christmas Gift box contains one AGE Interrupter and one complimentary Retexturing Activator (15ml) in a beautifully wrapped SkinCeuticals box. For a list of Irish stockists visit The SkinCeuticals skincare philosophy is built on an effective regime containing three fundamental elements: Prevention, Correction and Protection. The SkinCeuticals product range is built around these principles. Designed to ometimes, after I have been under the weather, I find I change a ‘bad’ habit or two pretty easily. I might take it as an opportunity to give up tea or coffee or sugar, for example. Mostly when I have a cold or the flu I feel like being strict with myself until I feel better, which normally means eating well and getting lots of rest. At the end of this period I find I have often had an unintentional mini detox. This means I come out the other end feeling stronger and purer! As you will know if you have ever tried to give it up or cut it back, caffeine is a very addictive drug, so any excuse to take a break is a good idea. And once you are over the headaches and the taste for builder’s tea has receded, it’s an ideal time to add to your tea cupboard as your taste buds will really be able to appreciate the subtle flavours of herbal teas. Firstly, everyone should experiment with making tea from fresh garden herbs. Mint is an obvious choice, but if you have or know someone who has lemon verbena or lemon balm growing nearby then try these out! Also, never forget that ginger tea is a miracle for easing stomach cramps and nausea; use one chamomile tea bag and add three or four slices of fresh ginger and some fresh lemon juice for a super tummy tea. You can top the ginger slices up with hot water over and over. I find the quality of bagged herbal teas can vary hugely, and the quality really affects the taste and your enjoyment of the tea. So, look for a good quality brand, preferably organic (who wants a load of chemicals in their tea?). Here are a few… Pukka is a relatively new tea company based in the UK but with strong Indian influence. The company uses a lot of spices, but in very subtle ways. The green teas are excellent (try the new Supreme Matcha Green — it’s not Matcha, as I mention it below, but rather a whole leaf tea bag containing a variety of different green teas. What I really like about it is that it doesn't seem to go bitter like some other green teas do; I have even forgotten the bag in the mug and it was still nice five minutes later. Other Pukka favourites to try are: Three Fennel, Three Mint, Echinacea and Elderberry, Vanilla Chai, Manuka Honey and Lemon, and Tulsi, which is also known as Holy Basil in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is said to help with concentration and mental agility sounds good doesn’t it! Luckily it also tastes great. To be honest — the whole Pukka range tastes great! Yogi is another great range of Herbal Teas — also formulated on Ayurvedic principles and hence use a lot of cinnamon and liquorice; their Lemon and Ginger is one of the most popular, but they also do a delicious Detox and a very soothing Bedtime tea. In Organico Café, we also have a range of high quality organic loose leaf herbal teas we some nice loose leaf tea pots and little boxes of bags to make your own tea bag, spoons to measure the perfect cup and a range of different strainers also. We have both black and green loose organic teas, as well as fruity and plain herbs including Sleepy Mint, which is a lovely soothing blend of chamomile and mint. One of my favorites is Roman Provence Rooibos - Luxury rooibos, rosehip, rose petals, lavender, dried currants, dried elderberries, natural flavors. Each cup takes you on a romantic journey through the south of France…perfect for a chilly winter evening in West cork! I must talk about Rooibos for a moment; it is such a wonderful tea. In some African countries it is the main tea that is drunk, and as it can be taken with milk we often suggest it as a way of cutting down on ‘tea tea’. It comes with a vanilla flavour, earl grey, chai, as a green rooibos, and probably others I can’t remember right now! If you haven’t yet tried it you really should, it’s delicious. And, naturally enough, it’s healthy too! A good alternative to coffee is Macachino, made from raw cacao, raw maca and coconut sugar. Produced by the Irish raw foods company Iswari, based in Kinsale, Macachino is a good energy booster, and it tastes good made with water and a milk of your choice (just like coffee really!) and has all of the health benefits of maca too. A similar sounding drink is Matcha (finely powdered green tea), which is a huge hit in Organico Cafe. Matcha is made from very high quality green tea, which is then ‘matcharised’ by a powerful machine and ground to a very fine powder, which looks at first like powdered paint. Made traditionally with simply hot water, it can be quite strong tasting and might only appeal to hardened Green Tea drinkers, but made with hot milk and honey...mmm! Matchchino! Come and try one in Organico Cafe if you aren’t sure — it’s a good idea to try before you buy, as quality Matcha doesn’t come cheap. However, it is even more packed with both energy and antioxidants than regular green tea is, so at least you can skip some supplements that morning to offset the cost — what you do need however to make a good cup of matcha is a whisk. You can use a small electric one, or a special bambu hand whisk. We do normally stock them and will have them back in again soon. For these and many more delicious and healthy teas call in to your local healthfood shop or come over to Bantry and sample our range in Organico Café; it’s possible we have the biggest range in West Cork! Stroke support group to launch in Bantry help prevent future skin damage through the use of a topical antioxidant, protect healthy skin from UV rays and help correct the appearance of existing damage, SkinCeuticals is committed to advanced skincare products that are backed by science. A new Stroke Support group for stroke survivors and their families living in West Cork is being launched in Westlodge Hotel, Bantry on Thursday, November 6h at 7pm. Admission is free and all with an interest in stroke are welcome. The information session will be useful for patients, relatives and health care workers. Keynote presentations will come from Dr Brian Carey, the Irish Heart Foundation and members of the Stroke Care team from Bantry General Hospital. Annually, hundreds of patients present to hospitals West Cork post stroke. Stroke support groups can play an invaluable role — offering guidance, support, physical therapies, as well as a social outlet for stroke patients to come together and share their stories. The key features of Stroke Support Groups are to: Provide help, information and a social outlet for stroke survivors, their families and friends; Enable survivors to share experiences that can be vital in dealing with the effects of stroke; Develops empowerment and control for stroke survivors; Improves coping skills and adjustment to life after Stroke; Helps reduce depression, stress and anxiety. The West Cork stroke support group is a HSE and Irish Heart Foundation initiative. Membership is free and is open to anyone who has had a stroke and his or her family, friends and carers. For more information contact Emma-Jane at or call 01 6346925. 39 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Health and Wellness day in Bantry A Health and Wellness Day will take place at the Westlodge Hotel in Bantry from 12-5pm on November 2. Entry is free of charge. ‘Your Health is your Wealth’ is a phrase many people have become familiar with in recent years, as pressures in personal and professional lives increased. These pressures, as they build up, will find the weakest spot in the body to come out. Pressures can affect your health profoundly leading to the development of emotional and psychological issues, as well as physical symptoms. We are a nation that, at times, will keep going until breaking point, but what if we could prevent this from happening by taking charge of our health? Complementary therapies are health options that can help heal mind and body working in conjunction with conventional healthcare. As we move into the winter season, we become more aware of our health, and of the effects that the dark evenings may have on us. There are many ways of protecting your health and maintaining balanced energy levels during the coming months with good nutrition, exercise, physical therapies, crystals, reiki, meditation, sound therapy and so much more. There are many health pro- fessionals available to help with your health but it can often be difficult to find and connect with the right one for you. This Health and Wellness day is about showing the therapists that are available to help, and the therapies they provide. The day is free for you to pop in and meet up to thirty different therapists, buy nutritional products, sample crystals and energy work, try out Shiatsu, sound therapy and meditation. To heal takes courage and will come through a combination of both physical and emotional work. Complementary therapies work on an ongoing basis towards keeping you in good health at all times. There will be four Free Health Talks from 2-5pm: 2:15pm — April Danann on ‘The Conscious Body, Medical Intuition and Health’; 3pm — Angelica Healy and Paola Vais; 3:45pm — Berenice Davey, Meditation (20mins); 4:15pm — Julie Reed on ‘Cell signalling and how the body heals itself’. More information can be found on If you are a therapist who would like to be involved in the day please contact Joyce on 087 9510554 or email joycestherapies@ €30,000 raised by Clonakilty Charity Cycle 2014 T he Clonakilty Charity Cycle, which in the past two years raised over €67,000 for Cancer Connect and Co Action, was held on Saturday, September 13, 2014 and was officially started by popular commentator Paudie Palmer, former Kerry Minor Footballer. Four hundred and forty nine cyclists took part in the cycle in brilliant sunshine with over €30,000 again raised this year. The Committee would like to sincerely thank all sponsors, communities, cyclist’s and the public in general for their help and support in raising such a fantastic sum of money for the charities. This year the charities supported are Cancer Connect, Co Action, Marymount Hospice, justone, West Cork Rapid Response and Clonakilty Special Olympics. The cheque presentation night will take place at Clonakilty GAA Complex at Ahamilla on Friday, October 31 with light refreshments and all are welcome. Paudie Palmer, Colette Twomey and Monsignor O’Driscoll ADVERTORIAL | Batemans Footwear Butter soft leather boots from Gabor The new Autumn 2014 range of boots and shoes by Gabor has just landed in Batemans Footwear in Clonakilty and Bandon. This German brand has a long history of making beautifully supple leather footwear, having been founded by Bernhard and Joachim Gabor in 1949 when they exchanged their father’s pocket watch for their first sewing machine. In the 60 years since the company has made over 230 million pairs of shoes. Batemans’ selection of Gabor boots is wide ranging, from quilted effect ankle boots to knee-highs with buckles, and every style inbetween. Available in butter soft brown and black leather with sturdy stitching and soles, these boots will see you through years of wet, wintry weather. 40 October 31 – November 27 people HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Embrace chance T IMAGE Louise O’Dwyer Image Consultant he official dictionary definition of 'serendipity' is the occurrence and development of events by chance, in a happy and beneficial way — in other words ‘a pleasant surprise’! I firmly believe that embracing serendipity and also the sometimes 'not-so-good' things that happen is the key to having a peaceful life. I keep hearing words like 'dreaded' and 'looming' and 'pressure' and then 'Christmas' or 'ageing' in the next breath and it has made me realise how many of us live in fear of tomorrow or pain from yesterday and sadly, how few of us actually live in ‘today’. Christmas I will deal with later. Yes, ageing is not always fun, but it is a true privilege. Having worked with clients of all ages, the more mature category will always say that it is easier to get older if you are happy doing something meaningful and the only way you can do that is to ‘define your passion’. Have you found your passion in life? Maybe you have found someone to be passionate with but the two are worlds apart! Have you ever taken the time to reflect and let your mind explore the concept? Or do you spend more time moaning about how much you hate what you are actually doing? You are never too old to ask yourself ‘What do I want to be when I grow up?’ Look at all the people who sign up for personal development courses because they find life a struggle and wonder why it comes so easy to others. It's not that it comes easy to anybody; some out there just know that they are continually in a phase of development and it begins when you take the time to have the first vision of who you can be. When you identify that, you become self-motivating and it is in those moments of inspiration comes great change. I believe that success is really defined as peace. Of course I am very well aware of how life can often burn us out, or indeed people can, but look at what some of the celebrities have to put up with and they have to contend with the added downfall of their lives being so public. I know that I might be coming on very heavy with all of this but in order to live a full life you need to feel absolutely great about yourself — the looking good part will follow. We are a nation of critics and gossipers and for the most part we are guilty of bystander apathy. While I definitely promote constructive criticism, the other kind (and you know very well what I mean) is despicable and every so often I am reminded of those very witty words 'when you are pointing the finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you'. Is it any wonder that so many women suffer from low selfesteem or lack of confidence? So when you are thinking about your New Year resolutions over the next while try to incorporate this into your special one — stop judging yourself, rating yourself, being critical or hopeless and start inspiring yourself and watch the benefits unfold. Look at your life as your own personal development movie script. When you look at others, all that you see is one scene in their movie, yes, it might look like they are on top of things, but that’s all it is — one scene, so let go of comparing yourself to everyone else and ‘stay in your own movie’. Getting back to Christmas, I'm saddened by the fact that rather than bring a smile to everyone’s face, most women see it as a terrifically pressurised time. Will you all just go away and get over yourselves! What is wrong with you? Christmas is magical and it is your responsibility to enjoy it! If you don't have money to buy a load of presents for people be creative or most importantly, be generous with your time, that is the best present of all. Spend the holiday season with people you are comfortable with, stop pleasing everyone for a quiet life and follow your heart to a Christmas dinner table wherever! People are already asking me about any new gift ideas that I might have to share. How about this — have you heard of the waterproof company called 'WE DO SAFE AND DRY' — if you haven't Google it. We live in a country where it could rain for over 200 of the 365 days in the year, yet most houses are illequipped with rain gear. I love this company because it does what it says — 100 per cent waterproof gear while also being highly visible with the added touch of a bit of funkiness. Just take a look at the kids’ waders or the camouflage thigh waders. ‘We Do Safe and Dry’ should be on everyone’s present list this year because it's a practical gift and we are living in times where practicality is of the utmost importance. Hats are making a big splash at the moment and I love them — what a way to create a signature style. Have you ever had a hat made just for you? Well, Elizabeth Christina Design is exactly where you need to go to have a bespoke headpiece created lovingly for you. Owner Tina Coyne, Kinsalebased, won best milliner of 2014. Tina has the incredible gift of combining high fashion trends with traditional millinery methods, the result — a unique piece that evokes elegance and style. This is a wonderful idea for a gift for someone who All welcome at Baby and Me Fair The Baby and Me Fair will be happening at the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery on Sunday November 30 between 2pm and 6pm. This fantastic event has free entry for anyone who is planning a baby, already pregnant or has just become new parents or grandparents. It will also be a great afternoon out for the whole family in the beautiful setting of Rosscarbery! Present will be retailers, birth professionals, midwives, therapists and others talking on a range of services from Breastfeeding Support to Homeopathy, Reflexology, Pregnancy yoga, Baby Yoga, Baby Massage, Midwifery services, Antenatal and Postnatal support, education and other topics. The fair is being hosted by Sarah Pettit-Mee, founder of Baby and Me, a support service for parents-to-be, which provides education, support and resources through individualised programmes for each parent having a new baby. Sarah, a mother of 6, is a qualified Midwife, Certified Infant Massage Instructor and is a Neighbourhood Midwife(Neighbourhood Midwives Ireland) based near Clonakilty. She is hoping to open a Baby and Me Wellness Centre in the near future where pregnant women and their partners can avail of such services showcased at this fair but under one roof with the help of other qualified professionals. Please visit, phone 0863312368 or email for further information or see Facebook. Any donations received on the day will go to the 'Jeep for Jason' fundraising appeal for West Cork rapid Response. Kinsale-based Elizabeth Christina Design won best milliner of 2014. deserves a real treat and the price is very acceptable — Tina will work with your budget. Go on, spoil yourself rotten or spoil someone else rotten, life is short! Be gentle and kind to yourself, stop worrying, paint your toe nails, take some quiet time, inspire yourself, give himself more than a cuddle and ‘stay in your own movie’! Bantry Bay Lions Club Diary On Monday, September 29, the Bantry Bay Lions made a presentation of a cheque for €500 to Ms. Dympna Daly, Principal of Our Lady of Mercy School for the Special Needs Unit. This amount was fundraised at the Lions’ Garden fete, kindly hosted by Nora Lynch and family at her home in July. Ms Daly thanked the Lions and explained that the school receives some funding from Central Government for each of the six children attending the Unit, but that the dedicated Unit was built entirely from money raised in the community. Much of the special equipment, such as hoists and equipment for the quiet room was also funded from generous donations. The Bantry Bay Lions Club will present the Community Awards in conjunction with their Charter Night Dinner and Dance at 7.30pm on November 14 at the Westlodge Hotel, Bantry. Tickets are €35 and can be purchased in advance from Marion Rouse at 086-2416508. 41 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN Ruby puts the heart into flowers Many of us don’t give a thought to where our cut flowers come from. In fact, most are grown in countries where little pesticide regulation exists, encouraging the use of potentially dangerous chemicals. A 2007 study by the International Labour Rights Fund (ILRF) found that 66 per cent of Colombian and Ecuadorian flower workers suffer from work-related health problems. D own at Bumblebee Farm, near Drimoleague, there is plenty of food for the birds, caterpillars and hedgehogs that make it their home. It’s an idyllic haven of biodiversity and beauty in the heart of West Cork. Fascinated by the wildlife that visits their garden, Mags Riordan and her husband Stephen Davies are real nature lovers. “I won’t dig over a bed if I know there are elephant moth hawk caterpillars in it,” says Mags laughing. Their biggest bane this summer has been the Tortrix moth, which invaded the tunnels at Bumblebee Farm. Although pests like the Tortrix moth are left alone and nature is given free rein at Bumblebee Farm, Mags and Stephen still manage to produce a breathtaking array of seasonal blooms. “We’re never bored, I love the fact that everything changes with the season,” says Mags. In Spring, there are over 25 varieties of daffodil and narcissus, as well as hyacinths, tulips, irises, primula, freesia, anenomes and brightly coloured ranunculus. Sweet william in all its scented glory arrives in April followed by the first roses, alliums, libertia, nepata, centauria and ragged robin. alstroemeria and calendula play a part all year round. Mags plants a number of iris bulbs in spring to be ready for cutting in July. Delphiniums make their grand entrance in May with the annual Mallow Lavatera not far behind. Mixed Cosmos have a splendid display of blooms right through from April to November. “One my favourites has to be godetia,” says Mags. Its common name is satinflower; it bears the most beautiful, satiny pink or white flowers for weeks in summer and grows to 2ft.” Of course, in late summer and autumn, dahlias take centre stage. But coming in to the Christmas season, as well as all the clearing and planting work to be done in the garden, Mags is busy drying blooms like hydrangas, which will dress Christmas wreaths and garlands; and collecting cones and foliage. Although pests like the Tortrix moth are left alone and nature is given free rein at Bumblebee Farm, Mags and Stephen still manage to produce a breathtaking array of seasonal blooms. As well as selling her own creations, Mags really enjoys teaching others “how to create something beautiful from what’s around”. She is running a series of Autumn/Winter Locally grown flowers have similar advantages to locally produced food. As well as being free from dangerous chemicals, they are for instance, fresher, so have a longer vase life and most will have a better scent. Mary O’Brien meets Mags Riordan of Ruby Harte Floral Design, who is passionate about growing flowers free from chemicals. Flower Arranging Workshops where you can learn how to create a wonderful seasonal hand tied bouquet that can be adapted as a table centrepiece. Christmas workshops will take place at Bumblebee Farm on Thursday, December 4, from 79pm, costing €35 and Saturday, December 6, from 11-4pm, costing €65. Make and take home your own beautiful Christmas wreaths and arrangements. A professionally trained florist, Mags is renowned for her romantic wedding bouquets, ranging from Cottage Garden’ style to ‘Vintage’ to ‘Bohemian’ to ‘Contemporary Chic’ — of course all chemical free. There is an excellent selection of wedding flower photographs for interested parties to peruse on the Ruby Harte Floral Design page on Facebook. Mags will give a free onehour flower arranging demonstration at Organico in Bantry on November 22 at 11.30am. Ruby Harte Floral Design is at Mahon Point market every Thursday and Mag’s beautiful flower bouquets, priced from €5 up, are also currently available to buy in West Cork at Organico Café in Bantry. Ruby Harte Floral Design, Bumble Bee Farm, Leitry Upper, Castledonovan Drimoleague. For more information call 086 8251380 or 028 32892. A professionally trained florist, Mags is renowned for her romantic wedding bouquets (top and centre left). 42 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN Plant fruit trees in November N ovember is a good month to plant trees, shrubs, hedging and of course fruit trees. Throughout the month, continue raking up fallen leaves and transfer them to a compost heap to provide valuable compost for the garden next year. Japanese knotweed will be going dormant now but do familiarise yourself with it. The weed has has been getting a lot of attention recently with Kerry County Council embarking on a control/eradication programme. An increased amount of information has been posted up on the Internet recently including on Cork County Councils website where there is an informative pdf available to download. Other websites covering the topic include – www.invasivespeciesireland.c om and advice/japaneseknotweed. Don’t dispose of knotweed in landfill sites or skips and don’t cut it back, as the smallest piece will grow and spread. Fruit Trees: Growing your own fruit is well worthwhile; it can be both decorative, as well as highly useful. Growing your own fruit means you are not restricted to only what is available in the shops. It also means you control the input to your fruit crop. If you garden is small, you can utilise walls, fences, arches and pergolas and incorporate fruit as an ornamental feature. When choosing a site for fruit trees and bushes, avoid exposed positions and if your site is exposed, do strongly consider planting a Gardening John Hosford natural or artificial windbreak. Ideally if you are growing tree fruit such as apples, pears, plums or cherries, do make provision for a windbreak of 4-5m high (13ft-16ft-6”). It is important to make provision against strong or cold winds, which can damage and distort growth, inhibit the movement of pollinating insects and blow fruit to the ground (frequently prematurely). The best kind of shelter surrounds the plot on all four sides creating a favourable microclimate; just make sure it does not cast too much shade or create a frost pocket and Where a new shelter is to be provided it should be sited on the side towards the prevailing wind-and also to the north and east in cold areas and exposed sites to give protection from cold winds particularly at flowering time. The height of the fence is relative to the shelter it gives. A windbreak provides effective shelter roughly equivalent to twenty times its height on the leeward side; although the further the plants are away, the less they benefit from it. Bear in mind Coxs Orange Pippin if choosing a hedge that the spread of the roots is roughly equivalent to the height of the hedge/windbreak, therefore the taller the windbreak the further the fruit trees or bushes should be kept back. Frost in late spring is probably the greatest hazard to successful fruit growing. Fruit plants are relatively hardy while dormant, but once they start to grow in spring, they are extremely vulnerable to frost damage. The more forward the plants are in growth the greater the danger. Frost damage occurs in many forms such as scorching and sometimes complete destruction of the young growth. Blossom and fruitlet drop becomes apparent a day or two after the frost. Preventing Frost Damage: The degree and success of frost protection depends to a large extent on the ingenuity, focus and preparedness of the grower. Cover the plants during the duration of the frost but remove the covers when the frost is over. Fan/espalier trained fruit may easily be covered with Hessian or sacking at critical flowering time; secure the protection before nightfall and removing it during the day once frost has disappeared. Avoid frost pockets if at all possible when choosing a site for fruit trees. Planning a Fruit Garden: Most fruit plants represent a long-term investment; once planted they should be there for a very long time. It is important therefore that they are properly sited and correctly spaced from the start. Avoid any site, which has previously grown fruit trees. Choose a sunny, well-drained position avoiding frost pockets and check lime and fertiliser levels. Plant the smallest fruit plants at the south end of the plot and the tallest at the north so that each receives a fair share of light and sun. This means planting gooseberries on the south side, currants and cane fruit such as raspberries in the middle and the tallest tree fruit on the north — these include apples, pears, plums and cherries. Strawberries are a short-term crop and require soil rotation — normally renewed every three years. Apples are a most worthwhile crop to grow but do check out that you have varieties that are compatible pollinators prior to planting. An average household should plant six or eight trees to provide a reasonable level of self-sufficiency. Choose varieties with a long storage life. Generally most people will include two or three cookers in a collection —usually one early cooker and two or more late varieties with a long storage life. RECOMMENDED APPLE VARIETIES: Bramley’s Seedling (the most popular cooking variety): Introduced between 18091813. Very vigorous, spreading variety. Harvest late October /early November. Season of use-November to February. PollinatorsDiscovery, Grenadier, James Grieve, Cox’s Orange Pippin. Coxs Orange Pippin: attractive, richly flavoured dessert apple. Raised in about 1825. Pollinators - Discovery, James Grieve, Grenadier. Season of use - November to January. Choose a good, well- drained soil. Discovery: Raised in about 1949. Attractive well-rounded, second early dessert apple. Pick mid August. Season - mid August to mid September. Pollinators Cox’s Orange Pippin, James Grieve. Grenadier: Early cooker. Introduced in 1875. Pickmid August. Season – August and September. Pollinators – Cox’s Orange Pippin, Discovery, James Grieve. James Grieve: Raised by James Grieve in Edinburgh, Scotland. First recorded in 1893. Well-known, wellflavoured, second early dessert apple. Good pollinator for Cox’s Orange Pippin. Pick - early September. Season - early September to mid October. Spreading round-headed tree. Pollinators - Discovery, Coxs Orange Pippin, Grenadier. FSAI advises caution on consuming wild mushrooms T he Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) strongly advises people not to eat any part of a mushroom found in the wild without first seeking the advice of an expert mushroom forager. It warns of the serious risks posed by poisonous mushrooms and, in particular the need for parents and guardians to ensure children do not consume wild mushrooms that may be growing in gardens or fields. The warning coincides with the start of the foraging season and an increase in enquiries to the National Poisons Information Centre of Ireland in relation to wild mushroom consumption. In 2013, 19 cases of poisoning related to wild mushrooms were notified to the Centre, involving seven adults and twelve children. To date this year, 18 cases have been notified, involving seven adults and eleven children. All of the children had accidently eaten wild mushrooms. 43 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN Stop food waste and compost by Justine Sweeney L ast month Clonakilty Grow It Yourself (GIY) group had the pleasure of hosting a meeting with Donal O'Leary from Donal came to educate us about composting and began by explaining the disadvantages of dumping food waste into landfill sites; the smells; the vermin and the production of methane gas. Methane is a poisonous, explosive gas, which is extremely detrimental to the atmosphere. It is created when food waste is dumped in a heap, which oxygen cannot penetrate, and therefore the waste cannot begin to decompose. Donal pointed out that a scandalous amount of food waste is from ‘wonky’ vegetables, which never make it to supermarket shelves due to consumer demand for perfection. Also to blame is over-purchasing during a weekly shop, encouraged by offers such as ‘buy one get one free’. Shockingly, we throw away about a third of our food purchases – if we were just more careful in what we buy, we could save a lot of money and help save the environment. Next Donal went on to explain how a forest floor ecosystem works; it requires no bags of fertiliser because the forest feeds itself. Bacteria and fungi help to decompose fallen leaves, wood and any dead animal or insect life that finds itself on the forest floor, which becomes food for all the forest’s plant life. In our gardens we can get ‘good’ bacteria and fungi to work on our behalf by giving these living organisms three things – food, air and water. In composting, the food element required comes from green and brown waste. The greens are wet and soft; uncooked vegetable scraps; grass cuttings; garden plants etc. The browns come from trees; sawdust, wood chips, paper, cardboard etc. A moisture/air balance must be kept once these materials are mixed. If there is too much moisture and not enough air the compost bin will get smelly and anaerobic. This is because the greens are so high in proportion to the browns that they exclude the air. More brown material will need to be added to incorporate more air, along with some forking and turning. If the heap is slow to decompose and too dry then you will need to add more green material. Cover the compost with carpet, tarpaulin or plastic to warm the heap and stop rainwater washing away nutrients. Working silently away in the heap should be woodlice, worms, centipedes and beetles; all burrowing through the heap allowing air to penetrate, thus helping the heap to decompose. Several weeks to several months later you will have dark crumbly material that smells like soil. Due to its microbial action this material will benefit the plants it is spread around and improve soil texture. How amazing that we have taken the problems of house- Storing pumpkins and squash By Michael Kelly, GIY Ireland Y ou can pick and eat pumpkin and squashes straight away fresh from the plant, but to store them for the winter, the fruit needs to develop a tough outer skin. It can be hard to know when they are ready to pick and it’s an important decision. Pick it too early and the fruit may lack flavour. Leave it too long and the first frost will turn them to mush. A good rule of thumb is to wait until they have developed a deep rich colour, the skins are hard and the leaves have died back. Leave about 10cm of stalk on the fruit, and then leave it for a further two weeks to ‘cure’ somewhere dry and sunny – I leave mine on the shelf in the potting shed. Once cured, store your squashes and pumpkins in a dry place, with a temperature around 15 degrees. I find the top of our dresser in the kitchen is ideal. Don’t stack them on top of each other, as they can rot where their skins meet – you want lots of air circulating around them. Kept like this they should keep for four to six months (keep an eye on them). The longer you can keep them the better because they are an incredible treat in the depths of winter – slicing in to a vibrant orange pumpkin is a great antidote to the grey, cold winter garden. Two prime West Cork investments sold above the reserve at auction A n exciting combination of prime residential and commercial investments across the county of Cork went under the hammer for a total of €2,400,000 at the Allsop Space Auction recently. Urban and city commercial and residential developments attracted huge interest and recorded the biggest sales of the day. In West Cork, a prime residential investment, 4, 6, 7, 9 An Clachan, Kilcrohane Village, Sheep's Head, Kilcrohane sold for €240, 000, well above the reserve of €200,000. Units 1-4 at Western Road, Clonakilty had a price reserve range set at €150,000 – €190,000 and sold for €265,000. The property is arranged over ground floor only to provide a former garage forecourt and four office units. It comprises a former garage building, which has been converted and sub-divided to provide four self-contained commercial units. The building extends to a net floor area of approximately 403.4 sq. m (4,343 sq. ft). The property is on a site of approx. 0.14 hectares (0.35 acres) with road frontage of approx. 35m to the Western road. . Robert Hoban, Director of Auctions at Allsop Space commented after the auction: “We are very pleased with the results of today’s auction. Big premiums were achieved on all of the €1m plus properties leading to a belief that the expiry of the Capital Gains Tax at the end of December this year had a significant impact on sale prices. Allsop Space expect our December auction to be potentially bigger than this, which will provide an outlet to both buyers and sellers to complete transactions before the expiry of the CGT.” “It is encouraging to see such a healthy appetite in both residential and commercial sectors. The divide between urban and rural properties was evident again with the bigger premiums being achieved in the cities. Rural properties were running at approx. 25 per cent over reserve prices compared to 40 per cent for city properties.” hold waste and transformed it into something so valuable. To find out which composting system will work best for you and further details on what can be composted, a very informative booklet can be downloaded from The next GIY meeting will take place in O'Donovan’s Hotel in Clonakilty at 8pm on Monday, November 10. Our guest speaker will be Barry Shanahan from Shanahan’s Garden Centre and Nurseries in Clonakilty. Barry will talk on the subject of “Growing fruit trees in West Cork”. All welcome to attend. 44 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN WEST CORK PROPERTY RENTALS Tree inspired 023 8831992 Mobile 086 2454823 3 & 4 Bedroomed Property Urgently Required RENTAL PROPERTY OF THE MONTH Churchill, Enniskeane There are many points to consider when planting trees, their overall shape, position, contrast, juxtaposition etc By Grant Jenkins, The Tree Company. O n the radio the other day, I heard how some US companies are giving up to ten thousand dollars to their employees to select the desk and chair of their own choice for their office. This creates a positive comfortable work environment encouraging feelings of value, personal aesthetic and loyalty, which in turn results in positive productivity. How we construct the spaces where we spend most of our time is incredibly important to our holistic sense of wellbeing. This careful consideration should be given to all our living spaces including our gardens, roadsides, streets, towns, parks etc. We all benefit, for example, from well-managed street trees, which break up the hard concrete surfaces in a city or town, an office window might be the only place some of us experience the changing colours of the seasons and walking beneath a green canopy is a wonderful sensory experience of sight, sound and smell we mostly take for granted. Last winter the high winds and storms changed some of our landscapes and brought down many trees. This now gives us a great opportunity to recreate and ‘consider’ some of these spaces, to improve and enjoy new environments. Most of the trees which blew down here in West Cork were dense crowned coniferous (evergreens), some planted too close together, some on shallow soil, some with disease, some simply due to poor or no maintenance, deciduous trees suffered for these reasons too but on the whole it was the cypresses, spruces and pines, which were hardest hit. From now until March is the planting season and time to replace these losses with perhaps more prudent species of trees and shrubs, keeping in mind how different trees and shrubs will fulfill our prescribed hopes for outcomes. There are many points to consider, their overall shape, position, contrast, juxtaposition, sound, seasonal colour, height, flower, fruit, smell, context, use, maintenance, hardiness etc. We are all very visually aware and information rich these days and with some of our modernity there are some crass values and shallow ideals whereby we are encouraged to indulge in quick fixes and short term returns, but living alongside nature, with trees, is one of the core fundamental sensory pleasures that can make us, as humans, happy; planting trees is great example that demonstrates to our children how to invest and value the quality of lives of future generations. As architects and designers strive to create ‘happy buildings’, we can all have a hand in developing and experimenting in our gardens and townscapes to create beautiful, interesting, inspirational, diverse outdoor living spaces and vistas to enhance our own very personal sense of positivity. Happy planting everyone! If you need any further information regarding this article or indeed any other tree matters please get in touch with us at The Tree Company, Ballydehob, Co Cork or email us at or call our office on 028 37630. 4 Bed Detached Property, Oil Fire Central Heating plus Solid Fuel Open Fireplace. Fully Furnished with all modern conveniences. Available Mid September for Long Term Rental. Offer in the region of €550 p.c.m. Viewing Strictly by Appointment. Final Viewings Now New Properties Urgently Required in Clonakilty Town Centre Or Surrounding Areas • 3 & 4 Bedroomed Homes Urgently Required for Family - Excellent References Supplied 3 or 4 Bedroomed Property Urgently for Family in Ardfield or Rathbarry Area. References supplied, please contact immediately to arrange appointment to view if you have a property that might suit. Inchydoney Island, Clonakilty 2 Bed Apartment Overlooking the Blue Flag Beaches of Inchydoney, Gold Shield Electric Central Heating. Fully Furnished with all modern conveniences. Sea Views. Available Mid September for Winter Rental Price Subject to Offer. Professional Letting of Long & Short Term Properties Individual & Group Schemes Reservations, Accounting, Sales & Marketing IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY TO RENT WHY NOT CONTACT US Joseph Hodnett t/a West Cork Property Rentals Tel:/Fax: 023 8831992 Mobile: 086 2454823 Email: www.westcork 45 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN Try tropical green for a busy playroom Walk your Gloss Milk White will give your skirting boards and doors a beautifully smooth finish and complement your colour choice on the walls perfectly. As you have young children, good storage is crucial to make sure the room stays a space you can all actually use. Storage boxes and units come in all shapes, sizes and colours these days so I would recommend investing in some that suit your needs. This way everything can have its place and you can keep the room clutter-free. Personalised coat hooks for each of your little ones are great features to add to the porch and will encourage them to take part in tiding up. I hope this helps and happy decorating! Move or Make Over By Neville Knott In association with Crown Paints Hi Neville, we have a playroom that leads out into a tiled back porch area where we keep coats, shoes, umbrellas and so on. With three young children, there is always someone coming and going so this is a hightraffic spot. The room is for the kids but I still want it to be somewhere nice to come into but I’m having trouble getting it right. Any advice on colour or design would be great. Thanks! It sounds like you’ve a lot to consider and the space needs to fulfil a few different roles making it difficult to settle on a single theme. A space such as this needs to be inviting and relaxing yet youthful and playful for your children. Bringing a sense of colour and exuberance to the space will allow you to do this. Some of my favourite colours include Crown Easyclean Olive Tropics, Bubble Bath and Dream Boat. These colours will bring instant life to the space and make it somewhere both you and your kids can enjoy. These wonderful Easyclean shades come with Stainguard, which means they are scrubbable and per- fect for busy family rooms. Make sure not to forget about the ceiling, skirting boards and doors. Giving these a new coat of paint will make such a difference to the room. Crown Solo Satin Stone White or Quick Dry way to fit in Bantry A five-week programme for people looking to get fit and healthy through walking is commencing in the Boys’ Club, Bantry on November 1. The programme will run for five Saturday mornings between 10am and 11am. The fleetFEET Programme will show you how to improve your physical fitness (aerobic fitness, flexibility and muscle strength) through walking. It will teach you the techniques of stridewalking, powerwalking and also introduce you to the use of step counters, heart rate monitors and fitness walking. This programme is ideal for beginners looking to get active in a fun and supportive way. If you are interested in attending please contact The Cork Sports Partnership on 086 7947922 or email 46 October 31 – November 27 people HOME & GARDEN TRADES & SERVICES — CLASSIFIEDS Call 023 8835696 / 8835698 Next paper published on Nov 28 Book your Advertising Now Special Discounts available for a series of adverts A visit to Shanahan’s Nurseries, Clonakilty is invited Tel. / Fax: 023-8833398 CHIMNEY CLEANING We have a superb selection of trees and shrubs, all in large containers for planting throughout the Year. Lovely stock of Roses, Alpines Herbaceous and Bedding Plants. Brush & Hoover PHONE: Michael 023-8840003 087-6553195 Fully Insured Get your business noticed! 47 October 31 – November 27 people SPORT & FITNESS Finance needed to manufacture land sailing car in West Cork L iving by the sea in Castlefreke, Clonakilty, Kieran Coffey, a design engineer and water sports fanatic has been inspired by his surroundings and his life long passion for wind and water sports to create a land based wind-thrill experience in KazeCar. Kieran has been windsurfing, surfing, and sailing for many years and his design combines his passion for wind sports with the excitement of land sailing at high speed. KazeCar is a land sailing car using the power of the wind through a windsail attached to a uniquely designed aluminium body. This design combines the excitement of motor sports with the thrill of windsurfing. Over time, Kieran has been testing and perfecting his design and is delighted to be at the stage where he is ready to manufacture this product and bring it to an international market. He has enjoyed testing KazeCar on the many beautiful beaches in West Cork — the perfect beach with the right wind conditions combine to give an amazing wind sports experience. Whether you are in the driver’s seat or observing from a distance, KazeCar is one to watch. Kieran is launching a worldwide fundraising campaign through the international IndieGoGo Crowdfunding platform on November 3, 2014, to finance the manufacture of KazeCar here in West Cork. Crowdfunding is a very popular platform for the very effective raising of the necessary funds for bringing new and exciting business and design ideas to fruition. In these times of recession, it is amazing how successful crowdfunding is in helping to get a business idea off the ground. It has been excellent support for many Irish businesses, as well as artists and musicians and entrepreneurs all across Ireland. There are some fantastic rewards on offer for support of KazeCar in this crowdfunding campaign. Find out more on November 3 at For more details on the campaign, and updates on progress check out Kazecar on FaceBook. Watch out for a glimpse of KazeCar on a West Cork beach near you soon! Pic: Dermot O'Mahony Great day out for Kilmeen at U10 Football Blitz Finale U10 Football The U10 footballers travelled to Skibbereen on Saturday morning, October 25 to take part in the final football blitz of the season. These blitzes are a wonderful opportunity for children to develop their football skills in a fun, noncompetitive environment. The skills and confidence of all these young players have developed substantially over the past few months. On Saturday, the U10’s played Tadhg McCarthaigh, Clann na Gael and Dohenys. They were delighted to receive medals from Thomas Clancy at the end of the blitz. Team: Micheal Keohane, George Cannon, Oisin O’Sullivan, Conor O’Sullivan, Neil O’Sullivan, Sinead O’Sullivan, Mary Murphy, Caoimhe Murphy, Orlaith Kirby, Kate O’Donovan and Joe Bailey. part in the ‘Mini Sevens’ Sciath na Scol semi-finals in Newcestown on Tuesday, October 21. The local team performed exceptionally well and lost out in the final to Newcestown by a very narrow margin. They can look forward with confidence to the remaining school competitions and all of the team should be very proud of their efforts. School Skills Programme As part of the ‘U Can’ skills programme, three pupils from Kilmeen NS travelled to Skibbereeen on Wednesday, October 22 to take part in this inter-school competition. All players displayed a diverse range of skills. The Kilmeen boys were unlucky to lose out by just one point and come second. Congratulations to Jack Murphy, Cian Murphy and Paul Lyons on this great achievement. Mini Sevens Sciath na Scol Kilmeen National School took Kilmeen NS Sciath na Scol team 2014 with recent Minor County Champs Joe and Annette Cashman at the Santa Ponsa Swim in Mayorca. A Kilmeen NS team taking part in School Skills Comp 221014 in Skibbereen Bike it around Skibbereen and Ballydehob S kibbereen and Ballydehob Cycling Club is inviting people to join them as a guest for up to two cycles or to enjoy all cycles by becoming a club member. The club meets at Skibbereen Heritage Centre every Sunday morning, with routes to suit all. Those used to a slightly faster pace, over 20km or more, will enjoy weekly 9am cycles whilst the 11am cycles are of varied pace and distance. Routes are decided on the day. West Cork swimmer wins bronze in Mayorca Planned Sunday 11am cycles for the rest of 2014 are: Moderate Pace Cycles (12km to 25km) November 9 and 23, December 7; Gentle Pace Cycles (10km to 20km) – November 2 and 30. Family Cycles (6km to 16km) –November 16, December 14. Christmas Cycle for all – December 21 (also December 28, if met with demand). The club is affiliated to Cycling Ireland and is supported by the Corks Sports Partnership. Membership is €20 for the remainder of 2014 and just €40 in January for the full year of 2015. To join the club or for more information, email or phone 087 9242222 / 087 7589716. t the 30th Annual Santa Ponsa Swim in Mayorca last September, Timoleague native and Clonakilty resident Joe Cashman took home a Bronze medal, finishing third in the Senior Grade. Joe's wife Annette, son Colin and daughter Joanne were among the four hundred other swimmers who took part in the 2km swim, which is one of the highlights of an age-old fiesta in the region. A week later, Joe won another Bronze medal in his Age Group at the 20th Annual Sandycove Island Challenge, which was organised by the Cork Masters Swimming Club and Cork Lions Club. 48 October 31 – November 27 people SPORT & FITNESS Clon AFC News T he AFC First team advanced to the second round of the Munster Junior Cup facing strong opposition MSL side Ringmahon Rangers. A first half played in blustery conditions found the AFC in difficulty to maintain possession allowing the visitors to be the dominant force for the majority of the half. Superb defending from the AFC back four, distinctly from solid centre pairing Dave McCarthy and Shane Buttimer, meant Ringmahon were unable to gain any decided penetration, in fact it was AFC who had the more creative chances, most notably when Oliver McCreesh latched onto a delightful ball played by Jacub Kiminiak between a disciplined Ringmahon defensive line, the Ringmahon keeper advanced quickly to narrow the angle and made a superb save from point blank range to complete the defensive resistance. With renewed vigour, AFC emerged for the second half with quicker and more precise passing and began to dominate in all areas of the pitch, the visitors began to wilt under the pressure of breathtaking combination play from both Jacub Kiminiak and Paudi Horan at the centre of attacking play motivating the AFCs muchimproved ambition. Once once again they were involved again in putting Ollie McCreesh oneon-one with the keeper, but this battle of wits favoured Ringmahon again with another brilliant save from close range. With AFC completely on top, it seemed a comfortable win was the only outcome, but as usual AF” did not make things easy, as they conceded late against the run of play; keeper Mike Sullivan, who was an assured presence throughout in the AFC goal, made a superb initial save but was unable to keep out the rebound, which fell kindly to an oncoming Ringmahon player. The AFC took control in the final stages gaining the reward of a final minute equaliser. Outstanding play, again involv- ing Jacub Kiminiak laying the ball off to Paudi Horan to finish with a chic left foot strike perfectly placed in the corner of the goal, taking the game to extra time. The AFCs authority oozed onward and took the lead when, the omnipresent Jacub Kimiank assisted Ian O’Driscoll to a well-timed run and he made no mistake with a first time shot past the advancing keeper. The AFC was soon ahead two goals; persistence from substitute Gearoid Calnan and the hesitancy of the Ringmahon defence allowed him advantage to finish well, despite a bouncing ball and narrow angle, into the bottom left hand corner giving the AFC a well-deserved victory at 3-1. On a day when everyone in the team won their own individual battle, it was Jacub Kiminiak who was undoubtedly best AFC player as his composure and vision created numerous chances enabling the AFC to capitalise. AFC Development Squad found themselves heading away to Durrus; early on in the game the D.S. pressured the ball and kept good possession, enabling an early lead through hard working Rhuben O’Hea, the D.S., continued to link adding a second from the dexterous, Colm Footman. Unfortunately Durrus pulled one back just on the break. In a frantic and often heated second half both teams were gunning for the win and it was Durrus, who made the most of their opportunities and equalised on the hour. It was end to end for the remainder as both teams had opportunities, Durrus finally broke the deadlock in added time, AFC D.S showed grit and determination throughout, and can count themselves unfortu- With renewed vigour, AFC emerged for the second half with quicker and more precise passing and began to dominate in all areas of the pitch nate not to have at least gained a point in a five-goal thriller. Clonakilty AFC U-18s earned their first point in the league this season against Riverside Athletic. It should of been so much better as they took the lead three times, however, were almost pegged back immediately on each occasion. Clonakilty took the lead just before halftime with Ryan Doonan slotting into the bottom left hand corner from 15 yards after great work down the left from Ferdia McCarthy. Within five minutes of the restart, Riverside were level when some sloppy defending gifted the Riverside a goal. Clonakailty recovered well after this setback and played some of their best football of the season. Martin Connolly and Ryan Doonan were instrumental in all of Clonakilty's good play and it was Martin who put Clonakilty 2-1 up midway the half, with a flowing move down the right he burst past a couple of defenders into the penalty area and he unleashed a superb right foot rocket beating the keeper at the near post. Again Riverside levelled, converting a penalty, after the Clonakilty keeper Carlan Ellis, deserted by his defence, brought down the forward just inside the penalty area. Playing with the more positive play and passing, Clonakilty looked most likely to finish with a flourish of goals for the remainder of the match and missed numerous presented chances. In the final minute, Ryan Doonan looked to have won the game for Clonakilty when he put them 3-2 up from the penalty spot after Liam O’Connor was denied a scoring chance upended by the Riverside defence. However, there was to be a sting in the tail, as a long hopeful ball caught the Clonakilty defence flat-footed enabling the Riverside forward through one on one and he calmly slotted past Carlan Ellis to rescue a point for the home side. Martin Connolly was best on the day for Clonakilty and he capped an inspirational performance with a stunning goal. Clonakilty AFC U-14s went through to the next round of the SFAI U-14 Cup with an emphatic victory over CorkSchoolBoysLeague side Tramore Athletic. Clonakilty led 4-0 at halftime with goals from Dean Harte 2, Brian White and Darragh Holland. Clonakilty continued their scoring exploits in the second half with Dean Harte scoring two more, to take his tally to four, two from Craig McDermott and one from Cillian Keane. Best for Clonakilty was Cathal Sheehy who was involved in all Clonakilty's impressive play. Next best was Joe Edmead who was involved in the creation and assisting of six of Clon's goals. Tramore Athletic U-14s 1 Clonakilty AFC U-14s 9. Online surf shop makes waves N ow open in Clogheen Business Park in Clonakilty, is a specialist watersports equipment shop, run by multiple Irish windsurfing champion Pearse Geaney. A resident of the Bandon / Clonakilty area since 2002, Pearse started bigsurf online in 2009. He tells how it all started after returning from Maui, Hawaii, where he enjoyed sharing the infamous Ho’okipa beach park break with some of the world’s best-known windsurfers and surfers. “Maui for me was the ‘holy grail’ of windsurf trips…it still is for many windsurfers the world over, no matter how many times you go.” Ever since learning to windsurf on a family camping holiday in Ballylicky back in 1991, Maui was always the ‘go to’ destination for watersports enthusiasts explains Pearse Having started racing with the Irish Windsurf Team when he was 15, and competing internationally as a semi pro rider in later years, Pearse needed high performance components to be in with any chance of winning. “Anybody can windsurf at 2530 knots in a straight line, but to have your board speed just two knots faster than the rider alongside you, takes a lot of time spent tuning your equipment. At that level of competi- tion, it’s like motor racing — if you don’t have the equipment or your setup is wrong, you’re not going to lead to the first gybe mark.” A lot of riders at the time were buying from European retailers as they had the experience to know what to stock and the customer base to support them. “Irish surf shops could only ever dip their toes in this of equipment, says Pearse “which is totally understandable — stocking 30 different sizes of racing fins, at €250 each, for five customers in the whole of Ireland, is high risk! I took on those risks — I made mistakes, but I learnt from it.” According to Pearse this is where bigsurf excels. “We have the products, the experience and the know-how to get riders to whatever level they want to get to in their watersports, be they a windsurfer, surfer, kiteboarder, stand-up paddler, bodyboarder or kayaker. We don’t just sell products, we test, develop and then feed back to the design loft or shaping rooms to make the products better. “I’m super lucky to be able to call Clonakilty home, but to be able to run in the surfing hub of West Cork is nothing but a dream come through. Drop in and say hello sometime — or else we’ll see you on the water soon!” Fantastic experience at European level for Bandon athletes T wenty-five junior athletes from Bandon AC travelled to Leiria in Portugal to compete in the European Junior Club Track and Field Competition in September. The women’s team consisted of Laura McSweeney (captain), Helena Murphy, Fiona Duggan, Aisling Everard, Emma Young, Sinead Caulfield, Erin Kingston, Ella Nicholson, Aisling Kelly and Fiona Everard. The men’s team consisted of Colin Kingston (captain), Thomas McCarthy, Jake Inglis, Promise Okafor, Davide Mazzali, Scott Gibson, James French, Daniel Hathaway, Daniel O'Sullivan, Christopher Anaba, Franck Djiosta, Gavin Hicks, Matthew Draper, Gerard Crowley and Fiachra Harrington. All athletes competed very well on the day and had some great results, including two firsts, four thirds, and a number of personal bests. At the end of the day when all the points were added up, the men’s team finished in seventh place and the women’s team finished in eighth place, with both teams within touching distance of the teams ahead of them. Well done to all the athletes involved; some of them under- took events, which they would not normally be competing in just to help the team. Well done also to the coaches and officials who got them there and back safely. A massive thank you to all who helped with the fundraising for this trip and to the sponsors, in particular Bandon Credit Union and also to Siemens who very kindly sponsored the gear, which was worn with pride by the athletes. This was a fantastic experience for the athletes and they are determined to work hard to ensure qualification to this event again in the future. Full results and more photos on
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