Document 407233

dance beginner tap basketball gymnastics hip hop netball tai chi junior song and dance ja zz ballet
advanced ja zz seniors bike riding club 115 pilates junior ballet sub senior ja zz eas
junior ar t kindy dance senior ja zz sewing seniors li te pace computers for seniors holiday program seniors indoor bowls mobile phone for seniors karate junior joeys mordi munch fencing bookclub lifeball
dance beginner tap basketball gymnastics hip hop netball tai chi junior song and dance ja zz ballet advanced ja zz holiday program seniors bike riding club 115 pilates junior ballet sub senior ja zz eas
ar t kindy dance senior ja zz seniors indoor bowls sewing holiday program seniors li te pace computers for seniors seniors indoor bowls mobile phone for seniors karate junior joeys mordi munch fencing
Alistair Lowe Memorial: Karen Billing
President’s Award:
Sam Shorthouse
John Earp Award:
Lynette Matthews-Ritchie
Life Member ship awarded to:
Andrew Shepherd, Margaret Hastings
and Jenny Mortlock.
1964 - 2014
ra tin g 5 0
MCC Staff at the Book Launch
On the 22nd October we celebrated the long
anticipated launch of our 50th Year History
Book. In all 125 guests including City of
Kingston Mayor Paul Puelich, councillors Ron
Brownlees and Geoff Gledhill, Local MP
Lorraine Wreford, sponsors, life members,
volunteers and staff from over the decades
attended in what was a day of celebration
and reminiscing with old friends.
Congratulations to Dianne Filipenko; author
and all involved in making the day one that
will be always remembered. Dont forget that
the 50 Year Book is available to purchase from
our office for $20.
September Holiday Program
Our program in September, saw 175 children attend
activites over 10 days. Activities ran for 2 - 4 hours
and included excursions to Gravity Zone, Village
Cinemas at Southland and Bayside Rock Climbing. The
children continue to enjoy incursions from Supreme
Incursions, including Lego and Mind and Body
sessions, and mixed games with Proactivity Sports.
Thank you to our enthusiastic volunteer leaders who
continue to ensure that the children have fun and enjoy
themselves in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our next program will be run in January 2015.
Activities will include Gravity Zone, swimming,
arts and craft and cooking. Look out for the
program early December on all your social
media sites and also at the centre. To be
added to the email list to recieve the program
first, please email
Dont forget
to drop
in for a
coffee at our
Congratulations also to our award winners
From the Manager
Our 50th Year celebrations began with our 50th Annual General Meeting
on October 15th. Thankyou and congratulations to our President Richard
Newton, Treasurer Andrew Shepherd and General Committee members;
Jenny Foley, Jenny McGinley and Mary Stephens for their support throughout
the 2013/2014 year. At this meeting we welcomed two new committee
members to our team, Stephen Griffiths and Peter Jackson.
Our 50 Year Celebration
Welcome back to the centre for term 4.
Today along with 125 staff, volunteers and
special guests I had the pleasure of attending
the Launch of our 50th Year History Book.
This special day marked the end of 18 months of
vision, dedication and passion by author Dianne
Filepenko and our wonderful 50th year Subcommittee headed up by Bill Nixon OAM, Norma
Gibson, Shirley Oddy, Eleanor Hewitt and Carol
French. We are all very proud of this book and the
story it tells of our unique and important history
and I sincerely congratulate Dianne and the
sub-committee for this wonderful achievement.
Our Book is available for sale and well worth a
read! Pick one up for $20 from the office.
Term 4 promises to be a very busy one at the centre
with dance concerts, presentation days and end of
year celebrations across most of our activities.
Term 4 is also the time for us to be planning for
our 2015 programs and we hope to have this
ready by week 8 just in time for the enrolment
period to commence. The enrolment process for
next year will begin on Monday November 24th.
Enrolment forms will not be sent home so it is
important that you take note of the information
around the centre leading up to this time.
Remember that the majority of our classes are full
with waiting lists so if you forget to re-enrol you
do risk losing your spot in your chosen class.
Parents please remember that it is very important
that all children under 12 are escorted into the
centre before classes and picked up from inside the
centre when their class is finished. Children should
not be navigating the car park without parental
supervision. Please also ensure that if you are going
to be running late to collect your child that you phone
the office as soon as possible. Teachers/ instructors
generally go from one class to the next without a
break and cannot supervise children that have not
been collected on time. In order for the office staff
to ensure the safety of your children it is important
that we are advised when you are going to be late.
Term 4, 2014 No.2
Last week of classes: Monday 8th to Saturday 13th December
Office closes: Wednesday 17th December 3pm
Office Re-opens:
Monday 13th January 2015
School Holiday
Program January 2015:
WEEK 1 - Monday 13th to Friday 17th January
WEEK 2 - Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd January
Classes for 2015 Resume:Tuesday 28th January
Have a wonderful term 4 and enjoy
our beautiful Spring sunshine.
Rebecca Harvison
Centre Manager
Centre Contacts
Centre Manager
Rebecca Harvison
Assistant Manager
Lindy McLaughlin
Newsletter Editor
Shelley Pattinson
Dance Coordinator
Nicole Kelly
Gymnastics Coordinator Karen Billing
Holiday Program Coordinator Gemma Shea
Seniors Programs Coordinator Norma Gibson
Mordy Flyers Basketball
Bec Jacobs
Pink Panthers Netball
Mordialloc Community Centre Inc. 115A Warren Road, Mordialloc
Ph 9580 3675
dance beginner tap basketball gymnastics hip hop netball tai chi junior song and dance ja zz ballet
advanced ja zz seniors bike riding club 115 pilates junior ballet sub senior ja zz eas
junior ar t kindy dance senior ja zz sewing seniors li te pace computers for seniors holiday program seniors indoor bowls mobile phone for seniors karate junior joeys mordi munch fencing bookclub lifeball
dance beginner tap basketball gymnastics hip hop netball tai chi junior song and dance ja zz ballet advanced ja zz holiday program seniors bike riding club 115 pilates junior ballet sub senior ja zz ea
ar t kindy dance senior ja zz seniors indoor bowls sewing holiday program seniors li te pace computers for seniors seniors indoor bowls mobile phone for seniors karate junior joeys mordi munch fencing
Term 4 is all about Dance at MCC as we approach our spectacular end of
year concerts. This year we will be presenting 5 concerts over the weekend of
the 6th and 7th December. Students and teachers are working very hard to
ensure their routines are perfect and that we deliver another fantastic show.
Concert tickets on sale Friday 7th November
12am (Midnight Thursday)
Concert Photo Day
Sunday 23rd November Times on noticeboard
Dress Rehearsals:
Concert 1 Rehearsal
Concert 2 Rehearsal
Concert 3 Rehearsal
Concert 4 Rehearsal
Concert 5 Rehearsal
Saturday 29th November
Saturday 29th November
Saturday 29th November
Sunday 30th November
Sunday 30th November
12.00pm – 1.30pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
4.00pm – 7.00pm
10.00am – 1.00pm
2.00pm – 5.00pm
Concert 1
Concert 2
Concert 3
Concert 4
Concert 5
Saturday 6th December
Saturday 6th December
Saturday 6th December
Sunday 7th December
Sunday 7th December
We are currently working on the timetable for 2015 and will be releasing
it ASAP. The timetable will be released with your enrolment forms and will
also be accompanied by a slip of paper detailing which classes you should
enrol into in 2015. This is a recommendation made by your current teacher
based on ability, age and friendship groups. If the recommended class is
not at a suitable time then please contact me to discuss other options.
This is a very busy and exciting time of year! Please make sure you are
attending all your classes and are well prepared for the dance concert. I am
sure that this year’s show will be another fantastic one and I hope you enjoy the
preparation this term. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
Nicole Kelly, Dance Co-Ordinator
To celebrate the end of term 3 Mordialloc Dance Studio booked
out Kidspace for the night! 80 kids and their parents attended our
term 3 fundraiser and had a fantastic time, climbing, jumping and
sliding on the indoor playground. It was hard to tell who was having
more fun, the students or their teachers! Thank you to everyone
who supported our fundraiser and helped out on the night.
We have just completed our final eisteddfod for the year and all of
our girls have performed exceptionally well. Throughout this year our
groups have improved out of sight and we have proven ourselves to be
a competitive school. I am so proud of all of our competition students,
not only for their excellent performances but also for the positive
way in which they have conducted themselves. We have had a lot of
fun at competitions this year and look forward to next year when I’m
sure we will continue to get better and better. A big thank you must
go to all of our competition teachers for their hard work in classes
and for supporting the girls at competitions throughout the year.
Back Row: Chris Johnstone and Anastasia Michael
Front Row: Lesley Goldin, Karen Billing Co-ordinator and Anna Ward
Well done to the teams that entered into the Bendigo Bank Challenge on
Sunday 26th October. It was a great to see so many Pink Panthers teams
having fun. It was a great Family Day. Pictured below is Pink Panther
Diamonds team, congratulations to all our teams.
Don’t forget, Presentation Night, Friday 14th November
6.30pm for Sausage Sizzle.
Junior Netball skills for 5-7 year olds
Wednesdays 4-5pm @ Parkdale Secondary School
Taking enrolments Now at the office!
Learn the basic Skills of Karate and
earn your coloured belt!
Beginner Karate 6-12 years boys & girls
Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm
Learn the basics of Basketball for 5-7years.
Thursdays 4-5pm @ Parkdale Secondary College.
Book At the Office!
Honourable Mention in Under 16 Lyrical Performance
The Concert Handbook was released last term detailing everything you
need to know regarding the concert, including concert and rehearsal
dates. If you have not yet read the handbook please do so ASAP. It is
available on our website, on Facebook or I can email you a copy.
Throughout this term you will be receiving all the information
needed to prepare you for the concert. Please ensure you check the
noticeboard for any new information and are clear on which concerts
your child is performing in. If you are unsure of any information
speak to your class teacher or contact me in the office.
Concert ticket information has now been released. All tickets will be sold
online this year -
This year there are limits placed on ticket sales so please read the
information given out in classes. We have over 400 families trying to
purchase tickets for our concerts – be patient during the booking process
and ensure you purchase your tickets promptly to save missing out.
Our Kindygym program for 1-5 year olds assists in the
development of physical and social skills through a number
of dominant movement patterns (swing, locomotion, spring &
landing, rotation & static) our themes this term include Teddy
Bears, Circus, Christmas & more!
4-5 year olds: All parents welcome to come and watch the last
class of the term. Spots still available in some classes.
Please call to book on 9580 3675. Meet our wonderful team.
Congratulations to all our teams who played in
finals for the Winter Season. Two teams made the Grand
final. (see pictures) - The Under 10 Finches won there
Grand Final and the Under 14 Kites were runners up.
Congratulations to all involved with both teams.
Sunmer Season has commenced with Mordy Flyers having
22 teams entered in the Sandringham Competition. If
anyone has any queries please contact Bec Jacobs Look out soon for the major
raffle which will be drawn before Xmas. Go Mordy!
Welcome back to term 4 and another busy term in the gym. Over
the last few weeks we have had some changes to our coaching team
and as a result have seen some minor disruption to some classes.
Thankyou to all families for your understanding and patience during
this time. Our coaches for term 4 are:
Karen Billing Coordinator, Scott McHarry, Mikayla Harvison,
Stephanie Placzek, Zoe Woebeken, Anastasia Michael,
Gayle West, Hannah Harvison and Lucas King.
Please note that due to the structure of our new gym we are unable
to have a formal end of year display in the same format that we have
done in the past. Parents of all Beginners children will be invited to a
final Christmas themed class which will be held on Monday 16th
December at 4.30pm to 5.30pm. More details will follow shortly.
As the weather starts to warm up please remember to
bring a drink bottle with you to all classes.
Please note that we do not cancel classes in extreme heat. We will
however modify class activities and ensure that children
are well hydrated. If you chose to keep your child at home on
days of extreme heat you will not be entitled to a refund.
Congratulations to Ruby Douce Level 1 squad for being
invited to train at the Prahran High Performance Centre.
Well done Ruby and we wish you all the best!
Mordialloc Community Centre Inc. 115A Warren Road, Mordialloc
Ph 9580 3675