Training and Assessment Courses 2015 Registered Training Organisation Course Information

Training and Assessment
Courses 2015
Registered Training Organisation
Course Information
RTO No. 91474
ACN – Advancing
nurse leadership
Australian College of Nursing
(ACN) is the national professional
organisation for all nurse leaders:
• Nurses with an interest in leadership.
ACN is an advocate for the nursing profession,
advancing the skills and expertise of nurses to
provide leadership in their contribution to the
policy, practice and delivery of health care.
• Nurses aspiring to leadership roles.
To learn more:
• Nurses in leadership roles across
the Australian health system.
t 1800 061 660
ACN contacts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Foreword������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
ACN membership����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
ACN education��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Course information��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Eligibility criteria������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
Enrolments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
NSW Ministry of Health-supported places�������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Important dates������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13
Fees and payments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14
Training and Assessment courses.................................................................................. 17
Nationally Recognised Training............................................................................................18
HLT51612 Diploma in Nursing (Enrolled/Divison 2 Nursing) ���������������������������������������������������������������18
HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) ���������������������������������������������20
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment��������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Professional development courses for nurses......................................................................24
Immunisation courses�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Immunisation for registered nurses and NSW NM���������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Immunisation: tuberculosis for authorised nurse immunisers (NSW only)�����������������������������������������26
Principles of emergency care courses�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
RN: Principles of emergency care���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
EN (Division 2): Principles of emergency care����������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
ACN contacts
Course information and
t 02 9745 7500
1800 265 534
t 02 9745 7536
f 02 9745 7503
t 02 6283 3400
1800 061 660
f 02 9745 7501
f 02 6282 3565
ACN corporate partners
With thanks to the support of our corporate partners
Corporate partner
Insurance partner
All information in this handbook is correct at the time of publishing and is subject to change without notice.
© 2014 Australian College of Nursing
Published by Australian College of Nursing
1 Napier Close, Deakin ACT 2600
t 02 6283 3400
ABN 48 154 924 642
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
I am pleased to present the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) Training and
Assessment 2015 courses handbook.
The College of Nursing, which is a part of ACN, is a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) approved to deliver nationally accredited training with
the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). ACN is also a higher education
provider and is registered and accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality
and Standards Agency (TEQSA) for the delivery of higher education courses.
This handbook outlines a range of opportunities for enrolled nurses (ENs) and registered nurses (RNs)
within the Training and Assessment division, including: EN Diploma of Nursing, EN Advanced Diploma
of Nursing, Principles of emergency care for both RNs and ENs, Immunisation for RNs/midwives and
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE).
ACN courses are offered via both distance education (DE) and online modes, allowing students the
flexibility to study while balancing work and family life. All students are supported by our online learning
platform, CNnect, and our skilled nurse educators and tutors who are committed to facilitating a unique
learning experience. Some courses have a face to face requirement. See each course for further
If you are a member of ACN you will receive substantial reductions in course fees (excluding RTO
courses) as well as the entitlement to a range of discounts on ACN products and services and access
to the Katie Zepps Library. Our specialist library staff will provide you with electronic access to books,
journals, database searches, interlibrary loans and much more. For more details about ACN courses, DE
subjects and all other ACN educational opportunities, please visit our website at
Adjunct Professor Debra Thoms FACN (DLF)
Chief Executive Officer
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
ACN membership
ACN is the national professional organisation for nurse leaders: Nurses with an interest in leadership,
nurses aspiring to leadership roles and nurses in leadership roles across the Australian health system.
The leadership capabilities of all nurses play a critical role in the delivery of health services to the
Australian community. ACN is an advocate for the nursing profession, advancing the skills and expertise
of nurses to provide leadership in their contribution to the policy, practice and delivery of health care.
ACN encourages and supports nurses to develop and grow to become nurse leaders who are able to
contribute by providing professional, economic and health perspectives.
General benefits
> ACN Fellows and Members may use the postnominals applicable to their membership category.
> A
CN publications (free of charge subscriptions to The Hive and Collegian) and regular email updates
and newsletters.
> Discount on ACN CE courses, ACN conferences and ACN CPD workshops.
> ACN Grants and Awards.
> A
ccess to 3LP (ACN’s Life Long Learning Program), a web-based health care learning environment for
ACN members that:
- assists nurses to develop and maintain the highest standards of professional excellence
- encourages nurses to plan, implement and evaluate their professional development
- assists nurses in maintaining a customised professional e-portfolio.
> A
ccess to the largest dedicated nursing library in the Southern Hemisphere, the Katie Zepps Nursing
Library for database and literature search services both on location or online.
> V
arious discount opportunities for members including Guild Insurance for professional liability, Toga
Hospitality, and Elsevier Australia.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Regional, national and global professional activities
ACN has a presence in regional, national and international activities, providing members with a range of
opportunities to represent, influence and advance nursing. ACN provides members with the opportunity
> Connect with nurses in their geographical area through ACN’s Regions and in their area of expertise
through ACN’s Communities of Interest networks.
> Network at ACN events, expos and member only events.
> Save with lower member registration fees for ACN events.
> Liaise with other health industry and professional organisations.
> Provide input on nursing professional and political issues.
> Engage in advocacy at state and federal levels with health departments and ministers.
> Contribute to policy and discussion papers on issues that affect the nursing profession.
> Access comprehensive historical and archival collections.
> Raise their professional profile through representing ACN on relevant committees.
> Stay abreast of international issues as ACN is a member of the International Council of Nurses and
represents Australian nurses in international nursing policy development and reform.
For more information on membership benefits, categories and fees please call ACN’s membership team
on freecall 1800 061 660 or check out the membership section on the website: Fees
are listed in the membership brochure and application form online.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
ACN education
Training and assessment – Nationally Recognised Training courses
Our RTO delivers nationally-accredited training courses for Enrolled Nurses including the HLT51612
Diploma of Nursing and HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing. The TAE40110 Certificate IV in
Training and Assessment that has been contextualised for people already working in the health care
Training and assessment – professional development courses
Our professional development courses provide opportunities for RNs to expand their individual scope of
practice with courses such as Immunisation for RNs, and NSW RMs the RN Principles of emergency care
(RN PEC). ENs completing EN Principles of emergency care (EN PEC) will be able to articulate this course
into the HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (pre-requisites apply).
Graduate certificate (GC) courses
Our GC courses prepare nurses for a rewarding career in the health and community services sector.
Designed to meet contemporary industry needs, the courses provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes
directly suited to working in specialist areas of health care. We offer coursework programs that are
academically challenging and professionally relevant in an environment that encourages independent
learning and interaction amongst peers, in an environment of individual student support from tutors and
nurse educators.
GC qualifications awarded by ACN are of an equivalent standard to a qualification at other Australian
higher education institutions, including universities. ACN’s courses may be recognised by universities,
enabling advanced standing towards higher degrees, under the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Continuing professional development (CPD) program
ACN offers an extensive range of short courses that attract CPD hours. The CPD calendar and handbook
are published twice a year in January and June, and are available on the website.
To request emails updating you on upcoming CPD courses, contact
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Course information
Course delivery and attendance
ACN offers a flexible learning environment, with modes of delivery including DE, online, face-to-face and
professional experience placements. ACN’s online learning platform, CNnect, can be accessed through
the ACN website, under Education > Current students or directly at
Students should confirm the dates and times for any face-to-face workshop sessions and professional
experience placements with ACN prior to making any leave or travel arrangements.
Course duration
This varies depending on the course. Please refer to course information for further details.
It is recommended that students study 12–15 hours per week. The actual amount of time will be
determined by individual learning needs and the sequence of assessment items.
Course completion
Students must obtain all required units/assessments for their course and pay any outstanding debts to be
eligible to complete their course. Students are advised to contact Student Services for further advice or
assistance with determining and confirming their eligibility for completion.
Student resources
ACN requires its students to have a current email address and access to a computer and the Internet.
ACN provides a range of computer and Internet access options, including a computer lab, informal
learning spaces and meeting rooms.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)
Applications for RPL and CT must be made in writing on application to the course and must include
supporting documentation. If you are considering applying for CT or RPL please access the Credit
transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Information/Application Package to determine your suitability.
This package can be found on the ACN website and the completed form must be used at the time of
application when seeking CT or RPL for ACN subjects or units of competency within ACN programs prior
to course commencement. You can access the form through the ACN website, under Education > Future
students > Training and Assessment.
RPL applications will incur a fee.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Recommended minimum system requirements
300MHz Processor
Intel based processor
1280 X 1024 resolution display preferred
(notebooks may operate on other resolutions)
1280 X 1024 display
Windows XP or later operating system
OSX 10.5.x or later
CD/DVD drive
CD/DVD drive
Speakers (either inbuilt or external) and
microphone (preferably external)
Speakers (either inbuilt or external) and
microphone (preferably external)
Internet Explorer 10 or Firefox or Chrome
Safari or Firefox or Chrome
Ability to save file in Microsoft Office format
Ability to save file in Microsoft Office format
CNnect IT support
ACN provides CNnect IT support for students (during business hours) to assist them to access and utilise
On CNnect, you will find the Student Management Policy, resources, discussion forums, links to
websites, study and assessment timetables and subject information and assessment books relevant to
your course. Please see contact details on the CNnect website for CNnect IT support.
Study skills workshops
Students are encouraged to attend the writing and study skills workshops, conducted during February
and July each year. The half-day workshops include valuable information on academic writing, referencing
and assessments. Further details are available on the website, or by contacting Student Services at
Katie Zepps Library
As an ACN student, you also have access to the library.
Workshop/subject/course cancellation
ACN reserves the right to cancel a workshop/subject/course if there are insufficient enrolments. A full
refund will be made of all fees paid. A decision to cancel a workshop/subject/course will be made ten
working days prior to workshop/subject/course commencement.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Students receive their Academic Transcript free of charge on completion of all the requirements of
their course. There is a charge for the issue of a replacement testamur and award certificates. Contact
Student Services for details.
Library fines
Fines imposed by the library will result in the imposition of sanctions and may halt your progression within
a course.
These sanctions remain until such time as proof is received that the debt has been paid.
If a sanction is imposed, a student is:
> not permitted to receive a result in any course or subject completed
> not permitted to enrol, re-enrol or vary enrolment in any course or subject completed
> not permitted to graduate from any course or receive a transcript or testamur.
ACN policies and guidelines
The policies and guidelines of ACN have been written to provide guidance on the responsibilities of
students to their studies. Students should read and be familiar with the policies and guidelines, especially
the Student Management Policy, which can be found on the ACN website at
and within the student learning portal (CNnect).
Student complaints and appeals
ACN is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which complaints are responded
to promptly, with minimum distress and maximum protection to all parties. All students and staff have
a responsibility to contribute to the achievement of a productive, safe and equitable study and work
The Student Management Policy and Customer Service Policy which can both be found on the ACN
website at, outline what a complaint or grievance is and contains information
about how to make a complaint or appeal and the process associated with appeals.
Australian Students Tuition Assurance Scheme (ASTAS)
ACN maintain a tuition assurance scheme to safeguard students in the event of it becoming insolvent
and are unable to return fees paid in advance. The tuition assurance scheme will source similar training
to allow the affected participants to complete their studies without further financial burden. However if the
student cannot be placed, the tuition assurance scheme will make refunds.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Eligibility criteria
General eligibility criteria
Admission to courses is based on academic merit and selection. In addition, applicants must satisfy any
prerequisites or additional requirements specified for particular courses.
Eligibility criteria (nursing programs)
All applicants seeking admission to training and assessment courses are required to:
> b
e currently registered as an enrolled or registered nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of
Australia (NMBA)
> be currently employed in an appropriate work setting to enhance course completion
> a
ll students need to be able to perform basic computer tasks. For further information go to > Student information > CNnect for Students - How to Navigate and use CNnect >
Online skill check.
Enrolments for fee-paying students in training and assessment courses are made through Student
Services. Application forms can be obtained online at
How to apply
1. Seek course advice
If you would like advice on which course you should attend or whether you meet the selection criteria for a
particular course, please refer to the course descriptions in this handbook, on the website at
www.acn. or contact the Course Coordinator or Student Services at ACN on 1800 265 534 or
02 9745 7500.
2. Submit an application form
Available on the website at Forward the completed form to ACN before the closing
date (where vacancies exist, late enrolments may also be considered).
< 10 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
3. Await confirmation of enrolment letter
Following the closing date for a course, the Course Coordinator and the Course Selection Committee
will review enrolments. Successful applicants will be sent a confirmation of enrolment letter detailing any
outstanding payment, dates, venue and course requirements.
4. Accept your position
Your position must be accepted in writing. Students are required to return the signed and completed
Acceptance of Position form to confirm their place (sent with confirmation of enrolment letter).
Students wishing to withdraw or defer after submitting an acceptance of position MUST notify ACN in
writing before the census date.
Deferred enrolment
Students who have requested a deferral are sent a letter confirming the dates and course that they have
deferred into.
Enrolment in subjects
Correct enrolment in courses is the responsibility of the student. Additions and deletions can be made to
an enrolment by contacting Student Services before the Census Date. Failure to notify ACN of withdrawal
from a course before the Census Date can result in subject failure and incurs financial liability.
Students should be aware that it is their responsibility to notify Student Services to ensure that:
> their personal details, postal address and contact telephone numbers are correct, and that ACN is
informed of any changes as they occur
> their enrolment details are correct
> they are registered into activities (online, CNnect, etc.)
> their course enrolment is consistent with the completion rules of the course. Further information is
available from Student Services.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015
< 11 >
NSW Ministry of Health-supported places
Nurses employed by the NSW Ministry of Health (MOH) who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for
courses that are supported by NSW MOH. These positions are not available for those on 457 visas.
Applicants must be permanent residents of Australia.
How to apply
1. Seek course advice
Please refer to the course descriptions on the website at or contact the Course
Coordinator or Student Services at ACN on freecall 1800 265 534 (charges may apply).
2. Complete the NSW MOH application
Available from your nursing administration or on the website at Both you and your
nurse unit manager must complete the relevant sections and forward the application form to your Director
of Nursing and Midwifery, by the advertised closing date. Priorities will be assigned to applicants by the
Local Health District/Network, based on Local Health District/Network needs.
3. Submit an application form
The completed application will be forwarded to ACN by the Local Health District/Network before the
closing date (where vacancies exist, late enrolments may also be considered).
4. Student selection
A panel compromising ACN and NSW MOH representatives will convene in November and June of each
year to determine student selection for NSW MOH-supported courses.
Selection is made according to the priorities and workforce needs of Local Health Districts/Networks
(provided the applicant meets the course admission criteria).
5. Await confirmation of selection letter
Following student selection, successful applicants will be sent a Confirmation of Selection Letter, detailing
requirements for accepting the offer. Directors of Nursing and Midwifery at the Local Health Districts/
Networks are advised in writing of the outcomes within one week of the selection process occurring.
6. Accept your position
Your position must be accepted in writing. Students are required to return the signed and completed
Acceptance of Position form to confirm their place (sent with confirmation of selection letter).
Please note: NSW MOH-supported students generally cannot defer.
< 12 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Important dates
ACN is required to set a Census Date for each course it offers and this is set at two (2) weeks after the
course commencement date. The Census Date is:
> the date students become financially liable for any subjects/courses in which they are enrolled
> the final day students can withdraw from a subject/course without financial liability (minus an
administrative fee) and academic penalty
> the final day ACN is allowed to accept upfront payments for fee paying students.
Please note: applicants must check individual course information for specific key course dates.
For more additional information on course dates see the training and assessment course page on the
website at
09 Feb – 26 Jun 2015
February 2015 (FEB 15) semester
31 Oct 2014
NSW MOH-supported applicants closing date for FEB 15 semester
9 Jan 2015
Closing date for FEB 15 semester enrolments for all other applicants
9 Feb 2015
FEB 15 semester commences
20 Feb 2015
Census Date – FEB 15 semester (5.00pm) (RTO courses)
27 Mar 2015
NSW MOH-supported applicants closing date for JUL 15 semester new
5 Jun 2015
Closing date for JUL 15 semester new enrolments for all other applicants
26 Jun 2015
FEB 15 semester ends
27 Jul – 11 Dec 2015
July 2015 (JUL 15) Semester
27 Jul 2015
JUL 15 semester commences
7 Aug 2015
Census Date – JUL 15 semester (5.00pm) (RTO courses)
16 Oct 2015
NSW MOH-supported applicants closing date for 2016 FEB 16 semester
11 Dec 2015
JUL 15 semester ends
8 Jan 2016
Closing date for FEB 16 semester enrolments for all other applicants
8 Feb 2016
FEB 16 semester commences
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 13 >
Fees and payments
The course fee covers learning materials provided online, educator/tutor support and assessment
marking where applicable. The course fee includes an administration fee which is non-refundable.
Course fees do not cover the supply of recommended and prescribed texts, salary supplementation
or travel/accommodation expenses for face-to-face components. Course fees may be tax deductible.
Contact your tax advisor for further details.
Some courses have the option of paying in full or part payments; part payment prior to course
commencement will incur higher fees. ACN Training and assessment course fees must be paid in full
prior to course commencement. See the fee schedule below for payment options.
For further information regarding specific course costs, see below.
> Failure to pay course fees by course commencement date will result in the cancellation of course
> All requests to withdraw from a course/subject must be made in writing to ACN.
> All students will be required to pay a recommencement fee if their program of study is varied due to
extenuating circumstances.
Fee schedule
These prices are effective from 1 January 2014 and were correct at the time of printing; however, fees are
subject to change without notice. Please enquire about course fees at the time of application. All fees are
in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Type of course
administration fee
Fee balance
Total course
HLT51612 EN Diploma in Nursing
HLT61107 EN Advanced Diploma of Nursing
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and
RN: Principles of Emergency Care
EN: Principles of Emergency Care
Immunisation for Registered Nurses
Immunisation for Registered Nurses –
Tuberculosis course
RTO programs:
Professional development programs *
* Member discounted fee – this is the total course fee less 10%. This does not apply for RTO courses.
< 14 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
How to pay
Payment details can be submitted on a Course Application Form via Visa and MasterCard or by sending
a cheque or money order. Payments such as EFTPOS and BPAY can be made in person at the Sydney
office in Burwood, or via telephone.
Students are reminded that fees are payable in advance and that all course fees must be paid in full prior
to course commencement. Students supported through scholarship or alternative arrangements must
submit these details on application.
Refund policy
Applicants are advised to familiarise themselves with the Cancellation and Refund Policy at
Withdrawal from a course or subject
Notification of a student’s intention to withdraw either before or after the commencement of a course/
subject must be made in writing. Withdrawal by telephone or by implication is not acceptable under any
Withdrawals prior to Census Date are subject to a non-refundable administrative fee as outlined in the fee
schedule. If withdrawal occurs after Census Date there is no refund. See the Student Management Policy
and the Cancellation and Refund Policy at
Recommencement fees
A fee will be charged when students defer a subject or a course. This fee covers the administration
component of re-enrolling, producing materials and contacting your tutors and markers. Re-entry to
courses and subjects will occur only after the ‘student to complete’ section of the confirmation of deferral
letter has been returned and the re-entry fee paid.
Collection of unpaid fees
Students with outstanding fees who have received notification of the amount owing will be referred to the
appropriate debt recovery agency for recovery action. Please note that students will be liable for recovery
costs incurred.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 15 >
Approval of facilities for assessment
An approved facility is one that has been assessed by ACN and approved to be able to provide clinical or
workplace assessment experience relevant to specific course requirements.
Approved assessors for clinical and workplace assessment
An approved assessor is someone who possesses a TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
or has completed the three units of competence related to ‘assessment’. They must attend an ACN
assessor training program or equivalent prior to the assessment. For further information, please contact
the Course Coordinator.
Please note: Assessments conducted by a non-approved assessor are invalid.
< 16 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Training and Assessment courses
Nationally Recognised Training
HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse/Division 2 Nursing)
Course code
25 010 1502
25 011 1507
Mode of delivery
Blended – face-to-face and online
Course duration
20 weeks part-time (student must complete the course within 12 months of
Course dates
09 Feb 2015 – 26 Jun 2015
27 Jul 2015 – 11 Dec 2015
Textbooks and
Course fees
09 Feb to 13 Feb 2015 (5 days)
27 Jul to 31 Jul 2015 (5 days)
01 Jun to 02 Jun 2015 (2 days)
16 Nov to 17 Nov 2015 (2 days)
Other costs
See fees and payments on page 14
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
Course overview
This course is available to ENs with a Certificate IV in Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) or equivalent
wishing to obtain the Diploma of Nursing qualification. Please note: Candidates must already hold the
EN Medication management unit of competence. This course offers an RPL assessment for those with
evidence of recent, relevant experience in nursing.
Learning outcomes
This course will assist you to:
a) assess, develop, implement and plan nursing care to clients with acute, chronic and mental problems
b) contribute and respond to clients in complex and deteriorating situations through applying critical
thinking, reflection and analysis in nursing practice
c) apply the principles of wound management and palliative care
d) work effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and persons of diverse cultures
e) apply effective communication, mentoring and teamwork skills in nursing practice
f) work effectively within the legal and ethical framework of the Australian health care system.
< 18 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
All applicants are required to:
> meet general eligibility criteria outlined on page 10
> have current registration as an EN (without notation) and meet recency of practice requirements with
> be employed in or have authorised access to a health care facility that can provide the learning
experiences necessary to achieve the course outcomes
> complete all sections of the application form and submit copies of the required documents at time of
enrolment with the application form.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 19 >
HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing)
Course code
27 008 1502
Mode of delivery
Fully online
Course duration
40 weeks part-time (mid semester break) (student must complete the course within
18 months of commencement)
Course dates
09 Feb – 11 Dec 2015
On-campus dates
Textbooks and
Course fees
Other costs
27 009 1507
27 Jul 2015 – 3 Jun 2016
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
See fees and payments on page 14
MOH supported places may be available for the 18 month pathway Advanced Diploma.
Refer to page 12 for further information
Course overview
This course is for ENs who wish to further develop their knowledge and skills to enhance their
competence and leadership in their chosen specialty areas of practice. Participants choose one of the
specialty areas of nursing and health care in which to further develop knowledge and skills. The specialty
streams offered at ACN are aged care, critical care, mental health and perioperative.
The 12-month pathway is available to eligible ENs who hold a Diploma of Nursing. It consists of three
modules, conducted part-time over two 20-week semesters (40 weeks and a mid-semester break).
The 18-month pathway is available to all eligible Australian ENs and includes six months up-skilling
through the HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (see details and dates in this handbook) – candidates must
hold the completed medication management unit of competency (with no notation on their registration).
Students working for NSW Health may be eligible for MOH supported places in the 12 or 18 month
pathway courses. Please refer to page 12 for further information.
Students seeking RPL for recent and relevant nursing study and experience must apply prior to
course commencement. Information on CT and RPL is available by accessing the Credit transfer and
Recognition of Prior Learning Information/Application Package available at
< 20 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Learning outcomes
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
a) address the principles of best practice in nursing care delivery, client service and health care
teamwork in order to provide holistic nursing care to clients at an advanced level in a variety of health
care settings
b) demonstrate nursing practice in a contemporary health environment using research skills
c) develop advanced nursing skills in an area of specialty practice.
All applicants are required to:
> meet general eligibility criteria outlined on page 10
> have current registration with NMBA as an EN, with no notation on their registration
> work in the area selected for their chosen specialty stream, for the duration of the course.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 21 >
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Course code
Course dates
Mode of delivery
Course duration
Textbooks and
23 020 1502
23 021 1505
23 022 1509
14 Feb 2015 – 30 May
05 Sep 2015 – 12 Dec
17 Jun 2015 – 16 Sep 2015
Blended face-to-face or fully online (see below) (student must complete the course within
6 months of commencement)
8 weeks – 6 hours/on
14 weeks – 3 hours/on
8 weeks – 6 hours/on
campus session plus selfcampus session plus selfcampus session plus selfdirected study
directed study
directed study
Alternate Saturdays over
16 weeks
Wednesday nights
Alternate Saturdays over
16 weeks
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course.
Course fees
Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
Other costs
See fees and payments on page 14
Course overview
The goal of this course is to prepare you to function within the vocational education and training sector.
This includes providing you with skills to design and deliver training and conduct assessments in line with
nationally recognised vocational education standards.
The course is available via a number of modes of delivery:
> Blended: Students attend face-to-face training on either Wednesday night (6pm – 9pm) or Saturday
(9am – 4pm) with additional online learning content and independent study.
> Online: Alternatively, students can enrol for the online only mode and work in a self-paced manner
within the specified timeframes of the course. Students enrolled in the online option may choose a
blend of face-to-face training or fully online – this can be negotiated with the course coordinator.
Assessments include written submissions, and workplace and/or simulation in class activities. A
designated tutor provides academic support throughout the course.
Students will require a level of literacy and numeracy and computer literacy consistent with a Certificate IV
vocational education and training course. There are no other prerequisites.
< 22 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Learning outcomes
This course will assist you to:
a) plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
b) plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
c) design and develop learning programs
d) use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
e) plan assessment activities and processes
f) assess competence
g) participate in assessment validation.
Commonly used vocational elective units are offered; however, students will also be able to apply for RPL
from a number of elective units within the TAE to meet their vocational needs.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 23 >
Professional development courses for nurses
Immunisation courses
Immunisation for registered nurses
Course code
CPD hours
100 hours over 12 weeks
Mode of delivery
Course dates
Monthly – commencing first Monday of each month (except January)
Closing date for
4 weeks prior to commencement or upon course capacity being reached.
Textbooks and
Course fees
RN in Australia or RM in NSW with current NMBA registration, and a current
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or basic life support (BLS) certificate.
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available
As per schedule of fees page 14
Other costs
See fees and payments on page 14
Course overview
This course is designed for RNs across Australia (or RMs working in NSW healthcare areas), where
administration of vaccinations is part of their role, or those wishing to enhance their career opportunities.
It is based on the National Guidelines for Immunisation Education for Registered Nurses. Content
includes: the theoretical foundations of immunisation; the public health perspective; the immune system
and vaccination; epidemiology and vaccine preventable diseases; myths and realities of immunisation;
valid consent and other legal aspects; adverse events following immunisation; handling, storage and
administration of vaccines; and health promotion.
< 24 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Learning outcomes
Using the current best practice standards and recommendations in The Australian Immunisation
Handbook 2013 (10th edn), it is anticipated the participant, on successful completion of this course, will
be able to:
a) demonstrate an ability to safely practice immunisation within professional, legal, and ethical
b) practice as a safe competent provider of an immunisation service in a variety of settings under the
authority to immunise, relevant to the state or territory in which they practice
c) identify the aims of an immunisation program as a public health strategy
d) demonstrate an understanding of the correct age appropriate administration of vaccines
e) apply problem solving strategies to effectively prevent, manage, and follow up adverse events
following immunisation
f) identify the direct needs of the client, including concerns such as health, age, lifestyle, occupation,
(HALO) medical history, and social, cultural and ethnic status
g) develop the confidence and skills to interpret current immunisation recommendations and be able to
effectively communicate all aspects of the immunisation process.
This course is approved by New South Wales, Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian and Australian
Capital Territory Health Departments. Successful completion of this course is required for authorisation to
administer vaccinations without the direction of a medical officer within NSW, VIC, TAS and SA.
If you have previously completed a course that meets the National Guidelines for Immunisation Education
for Registered Nurses in another state/territory of Australia, you may be able to apply for RPL –
applications should be in writing to the Executive Manager, Education.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 25 >
Immunisation: tuberculosis for authorised nurse immunisers (NSW only)
Course code
CPD hours
25 hours over 8 weeks, plus practical components
Course dates
Monthly – commencing first Monday of each month (except January)
Closing date for
4 weeks prior to commencement or upon course capacity being reached.
Mode of delivery
Online mode
RNs working in NSW with current NMBA registration, current CPR or BLS certificate
and successful completion of Immunisation for registered nurses (subject code 046).
Students must have written approval from the NSW Local Health District/Network TB
Coordinator to enrol in this course.
Textbooks and
Course fees
Other costs
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
See fees and payments on page 14
Course overview
This course comprises two topics with both having a theoretical and a practical component:
> Tubeculin skin testing (TST): This topic will enable the RN to competently assess clients for risks, signs
and symptoms of tuberculosis; to safely administer TSTs; accurately read and document reactions
and to review TST policy and procedures (Topic 1 can be completed without enrolment for Topic 2).
> Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG): This topic will authorise RNs to administer BCG vaccinations without
the direction of a medical officer within NSW. Students wishing to complete Topic 2 must be working
in a chest clinic or other approved organisation e.g. Defence department. (Topic 1 is a prerequisite for
Topic 2).
Learning outcomes
< 26 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Topic 1 – Tuberculosis and tuberculin skin testing
On successful completion of this topic it is anticipated you will be better able to:
a) consolidate your knowledge of the immunophysiology and immunopathology of TB
b) review the relevant NSW Health Policy directives relating to TSTs
c) describe the purpose of and the response to TST
d) describe the TST procedure
e) demonstrate theoretical and practical proficiency in the administration of TST
f) read and response to TST
g) review the relevant NSW Health Policy Directive for BCG vaccination.
Topic 2 – Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination
On successful completion of this topic it is anticipated you will be better able to:
a) explain the immunophysiology of BCG
b) debate issues of BCG vaccine efficacy
c) describe the BCG vaccination administration procedure including the pre-vaccination assessment
d) explain the adverse events relating to BCG vaccine
e) demonstrate theoretical and practical proficiency in the administration of BCG.
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 27 >
Principles of emergency care courses
RN: Principles of emergency care
Course code
CPD hours
150 hours over 20 weeks
Mode of delivery
Basic understanding of anatomy and physiology
Course dates
09 Feb 2015
– 26 Jun 2015
Textbooks and
Course fees
Other costs
11 May 2015
– 25 Sep 2015
27 Jul 2015
– 11 Dec 2015
12 Oct 2015
– 18 Mar 2016
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
See fees and payments on page 14
Course overview
This course is designed for RNs working in any clinical setting in metropolitan, regional, rural and remote
areas. It equips RNs with the knowledge underpinning the skills needed in order to render first-line
emergency care in emergency/critical situations. This subject aims to enhance nurses’ critical thinking
and problem-solving skills, and their confidence in decision-making when providing care to patients
during emergency situations.
Topics include: assessment, prioritisation and management of patients with various emergency
presentations, trauma, sick children, stabilisation and transfer of patients to the appropriate facility.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, it is anticipated the student will be better able to:
a) build on existing knowledge and understanding of principles of emergency nursing care
b) demonstrate assessment skills in prioritising care of critically ill patients
c) apply problem solving and clinical decision making skills in the management of deteriorating patient
d) implement communication strategies that support interdisciplinary collaboration and patient-centred
e) plan and evaluate patient management using clinical practice guidelines and current evidence.
< 28 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
EN (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing): Principles of emergency care
Course code
CPD hours
150 hours over 20 weeks
Mode of delivery
Basic understanding of anatomy and physiology
Course dates
09 Feb 2015
– 26 Jun 2015
Textbooks and
Course fees
Other costs
11 May 2015
– 25 Sep 2015
27 Jul 2015
– 11 Dec 2015
12 Oct 2015
– 18 Mar 2016
There are no prescribed textbooks for this course. Resources are made available online.
As per schedule of fees page 14
See fees and payments on page 14
Course overview
This course is designed for ENs working in all clinical areas across a variety of health care facilities. It
equips ENs with the knowledge underpinning the skills needed in order to render first-line emergency
care of acutely ill patients in the clinical setting. This course aims to integrate theory into clinical practice,
enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and improve confidence in decision-making when
providing care to patients during emergency situations.
Students who wish to enrol in the Advanced Diploma in Nursing (EN) (critical care stream) may seek RPL
for this course, pre-requisites apply. Refer to Advanced Diploma course information for further details.
Topics include: Working in a critical care, respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological nursing
environment; and first line emergency nursing.
Learning outcomes
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 29 >
On successful completion of this course, it is anticipated you will be better able to:
a) describe the EN’s role and the role of other members within the multidisciplinary team
b) demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of assessment methods to plan holistic nursing care
for critically ill patients
c) use evidence-based information to evaluate the appropriateness of interventions with critically ill
d) analyse complex nursing interventions for patients with an altered health status
e) evaluate effectiveness of nursing interventions and the patient’s understanding in relation to their
current health status
f) communicate effectively with critically ill patients to assess their level of understanding of their
condition and treatment.
< 30 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Training and Assessment Courses 2015 < 31 >
< 32 > Training and Assessment Courses 2015
Online CPD courses
Manage your continuing professional development in your own time,
at your own pace and in your own space.
A range of online courses are available, with
more on the way, including:
> Abdominal assessment
Available now
> Pay online for instant access
> Cardiac assessment
>Benefit your practice through increased
> D
eteriorating patients
>Start your course immediately
> M
usculoskeletal and neurovascular
assessment of the lower limbs
> Access your content 24/7
> M
usculoskeletal and neurovascular
assessment of the upper limbs
>Print your online certificate after course
> Three months for you to complete your course
> Neurological assessment
> P
hysical assessment
> Respiratory assessment
For more information and a full list of courses
currently available please visit
or freecall 1800 265 534 (charges may apply) or email
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