2014 RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE PROSPECTUS WELCOME The University of Newcastle is a research intensive university with a reputation for excellence and a strong and vibrant research culture. Our research work is recognised for its impact and relevance to the region, the nation and the international community. Our proud history is reflected in our consistent ranking in the top ten Australian universities for research effort and outcomes. There are areas of research excellence across the breadth of the University’s disciplines and we are best known for our research strengths in science and technology, engineering, biological and biomedical sciences, and medicine and health sciences. The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment is conducted by the Australian Government to measure the research performance of Australia’s higher education institutions. In ERA 2012 UoN achieved a 5 rating of “well above world standard” for 18 areas of research. Newcastle is the only university in Australia to achieve a 5 rating for social work research and one of two universities in the country to achieve a 5 rating in applied mathematics, biochemistry and cell biology, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. The single most important factor in the success of the University’s research is our people. We value our research candidates as important contributors to our research standing and provide a supportive environment to achieve excellent outcomes. Upon enrolment you will be provided with a laptop and you will also be able to apply for the Annual RHD Candidate Allocation for reimbursement of costs associated with research activities. The high standards set by the University ensure that our research higher degrees are respected and valued throughout the world. Establishing and strengthening partnerships with local and global industries is a key driver in our research success. As a research higher degree candidate, the University will support you to the utmost of its ability. When you accept an offer of a place at Newcastle, you can be sure that you will be accepted into our research community and you will be given quality supervision consistent at all times with the various stages of your development towards being an independent researcher. Please take the time to read through this prospectus and to understand the advantage you will have, should you choose Newcastle as your university. We are confident that you will find much to encourage your application for admission. We look forward to hearing from you. Pictured on cover: Vincent Candrawinata, PhD (Food Science) candidate, who took out the 2012 University of Newcastle Three Minute Thesis competition title from an impressive field with his presentation “The Extraction and Utilisation of the Polyphenolics from Apple Juice Pomace ”. The Office of Graduate Studies Room CH234, Ground Floor, East Wing, The Chancellery Callaghan , NSW, 2308 T +61 2 4921 6537 F +61 2 4921 6908 E research@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/unit/office-of-graduate-studies TO CHOOSE THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE AUSTRALIA 01 World-class research CONTENTS We are ranked in the world’s top three per cent of universities*. Our students are taught by some of the world’s leading researchers and enjoy world-class research facilities. We have 15 Priority Research Centres, we lead an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence and host large national and international research projects. The high standards set by the University ensure that our research higher degrees are respected and valued throughout the world. 04 Why do a research higher degree 02 A great environment for study 08 Costs and Research scholarships 05 Why UoN? - World-class research 06 A great environment for study 07 Expectations and Eligibility in relation to research higher degrees Shaping your future at the university is as much about your environment and connections as it is education. Our three campuses at Newcastle, Central Coast and Port Macquarie offer a unique lifestyle of beaches, cafes and music, as well as a costeffective, friendly place to live. 09 Resources for candidates 03 People who study here do well 17 Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) As one of Australia’s leading research-intensive institutions, we have a reputation for excellence and a strong and vibrant research culture. Completing a research higher degree develops specialist knowledge in your field and professional skills for a range of business settings. Whether you’re interested in a career in academia or in the private or government spheres, you will be equipped with valuable skills that will make you competitive, no matter what your chosen career path. 04 We are hands-on and responsive We value our research higher degree candidates as important contributors to our research standing and provide a supportive environment. You will be accepted into our research community and given quality supervision. 05 This is a place of opportunity A research higher degree is a unique opportunity to develop new skills, develop problem-solving abilities and make a valuable contribution to new knowledge. Whether you want to broaden your mind, advance your career, increase your knowledge, travel the globe or change the world, the University of Newcastle can provide you with the opportunity. 10 A guide to application and enrolment 12 Priority Research Centres 19 Faculty of Business and Law 25 Faculty of Education and Arts 31 Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment 37 Faculty of Health and Medicine 41 Faculty of Science and Information Technology 47 The Wollotuka Institute 48 Completing your application form 50 Proposal template 51 Application form 55 RHD programs and codes * Times Higher Education World Universities Rankings 2012, OS World Universities Rankings 2012 www.newcastle.edu.au | 3 WHY DO A RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE? A RHD is the recognised qualification for a career in academia as well as other diverse and rewarding opportunities in the public and private sectors, domestically and internationally. Develop your passion for research Obtaining a research higher degree is the pinnacle of formal education achievement. As a high-achieving student with an analytical mind and an intrinsic desire for problem solving, you will have the opportunity to master new skills, overcome obstacles and make a contribution of new knowledge to your chosen discipline. The chance to immerse yourself in your topic and persevere with your research over a number of years will give you an overwhelming feeling of great personal achievement. Broaden your career options National prosperity depends on having people with the skills, knowledge and expertise necessary to drive innovation and respond to global challenges. Research is a growth industry, and gaining a research higher degree will give you an advantage for future employment. Workforce projections indicate that demand for research qualified people is set to grow at a faster rate than overall employment demand in our economy over the decade to 2020, with the number of employed individuals with a doctorate by research qualification alone expected to rise by 3.2 per cent per annum over this period (Access Economics 2010). The option of a career in academia is likely always to remain open for you if you complete a PhD, both immediately after graduation and as you continue to build knowledge and gain experience in your discipline. Challenge yourself Graduates regularly report that their research journey was extremely challenging and because of that, highly rewarding. The research program normally involves several milestones starting with the research proposal, literature review, data collection, confirmation, regular progress reporting, analysis, and several thesis drafts before the final version is ready for examination. A research higher degree can be likened to a full-time job. Candidates generally work on their research 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday from January to December with four weeks off for recreational leave usually over the summer period. Contribute to critical knowledge Research involves defining and solving problems and constantly striving for improvement in your chosen discipline. We regularly receive feedback from graduates that doing a PhD has given them a real sense of achievement and the feeling of having contributed to something positive for the future. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research www.newcastle.edu.au | 4 WHY CHOOSE THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE? WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH The University of Newcastle has a vibrant research culture and has enjoyed strong and increasing success in research performance. We hold a unique place in the higher education sector as the most research-intensive university outside of an Australian capital city. Ranked in the top 10 universities in Australia for research, a proven track record of innovation continues to drive our reputation as a place of research excellence and groundbreaking discovery. Find out more about our research strengths www.newcastle.edu.au/researchand-innovation Our track record The University of Newcastle: • is ranked equal seventh in Australia for research that is ‘above world standard’ (Excellence in Research Australia 2012) • Our 18 fields of research that achieved the top rating in ERA are: applied mathematics; macromolecular and materials chemistry; geology; physical geography and environmental geoscience; biochemistry and cell biology; plant biology; civil engineering; electronic and electronic engineering; mechanical engineering; resources engineering and extractive metallurgy; cardiovascular medicine and haematology; human movement and sports science; immunology; neurosciences; nutrition and dietetics; oncology and carcinogenesis; social work and psychology (Excellence in Research Australia 2012). • is ranked in the top three per cent of universities in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2012, QS World University Rankings 2012) • is ranked in Australia’s top 10 universities for research funding. • has an annual external research income of $86.14 million as reported under our 2012 Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) Note: based on the collection of 2011 data • is ranked ninth in Australia according to the 2012 HERDC • has $12 million National Health and Medical Research Council funding commencing in 2013 • had an annual turnover of $15.5 million as part of Newcastle Innovation in 2011 • is an associate member of the Group of Eight (Go8) Deans of Engineering and Associates* *Associate members were invited to join the Go8 Deans of Engineering in recognition of the outstanding quality of their engineering research, teaching and scholarship. We lead an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Geotechnical Science and Engineering. With partner organisations we host: • the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) www.hmri.com.au • the Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) www.newcastle.edu.au/researchand-innovation/centre/nier/about-us We host large national and international research projects including: • the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health • the Australia New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group • the WorkCover NSW Research Centre of Excellence • has $9.5 million new Australian Research Council funding commencing in 2013 www.newcastle.edu.au | 05 A GREAT ENVIRONMENT FOR STUDY The University of Newcastle is a modern, flexible and comprehensive university established in 1965. Campuses We have two main campuses. The largest, set on a 140 hectare natural bushland site, is at Callaghan, 12 kilometres from the centre of Newcastle, and is well serviced by both bus and train. The other main campus is located on a picturesque 85 hectare site at Ourimbah on the Central Coast, halfway between Newcastle and Sydney. Our City precinct comprises the Newcastle Business School, the Newcastle Legal Centre and the Conservatorium of Music. Libraries The University offers specialised services and resources for research higher degree candidates over six libraries, including dedicated postgraduate study facilities at three locations. The library invests over $8 million per annum in scholarly information resources including subscriptions to over 80,000 online and print journals, 370,000 e-books and also acquires over 20,000 print books per annum. Resources in other libraries within Australia and overseas are available free of charge through the inter-library loan and BONUS+ requesting systems. This, combined with 24x7 physical access over three locations, ensures that the library is always available to assist and support research activity. The Faculty Liaison Librarian Service provides advanced information research support to researchers and postgraduate students. Subject information specialists can advise on the best strategies for effective information access including advice on literature searches, research techniques, advanced use of Endnote and training in online resources. Sports facilities The sports facilities on the Callaghan campus are amongst the finest of any university in the country and include The Forum sports complex, which houses a 50-metre indoor heated pool, an 18-metre climbing wall, a fully equipped gymnasium, two martial arts/aerobics studios and two competition indoor courts for sports such as basketball and volleyball. There are also six sporting ovals and a squash centre. There are many social and support services for students from career guidance and health care to banks and sporting clubs. Accommodation The University operates the largest single site accommodation complex of any university in Australia with the capacity to accommodate around 1,000 students. There are four Halls of Residence – Edwards Hall, International House, Barahinebahn and Evatt House. EXPECTATIONS AND ELIGIBILITY FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES A research degree program is a demanding undertaking that will take a number of years to complete. It is likely to involve extended hours to absorb and digest vast amounts of existing information, to develop new data or ideas and, with the advice of your supervisor, to distil these into a well-structured and clearly written research thesis. Master of Philosophy The degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is an ungraded degree awarded for a significant contribution to any branch of learning of concern to the Faculty in which the candidate is enrolled, achieved through a program of advanced study and research. The Master of Philosophy degree is offered by all faculties in the University. Applicants may apply to undertake research in any of the research areas listed on page 53. Candidates are expected to complete their degree within two years of full-time study or four years of part-time study. Entry requirements The entry requirement is, in most cases, a relevant Bachelor degree with Honours Class I or 2/1 or equivalent qualification or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee). Higher doctorates The University offers higher doctoral degrees. Admission to and the award of these degrees is based on the research output of the applicant over a substantial number of years. The requirements for higher doctoral degrees are available from the Office of Graduate Studies and are not referred to further in this prospectus. Thesis by Publication Thesis by Publication is a thesis submitted in the form of a series of published papers. The application process is the same as any research higher degree and scholarships are equally available. The difference only occurs in the format of the thesis you submit. It is recommended that you discuss the option of thesis by publication with your supervisor upon enrolment. Doctor of Philosophy The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is an ungraded degree awarded for an original and significant contribution of merit to any branch of learning of concern to the University, achieved through a program of advanced study and research. For further information on eligibility requirements please visit the relevant schedule at www.newcastle.edu.au/ students/research-higher-degree/ current-students/policy-andguidelines.html It is strongly recommended that all applicants contact the faculty in which they wish to undertake research to discuss possible topics. An applicant shall not be admitted to candidature unless adequate supervision and resources are available. Degree rules The rules governing research higher degrees are available at: www.newcastle.edu.au/ policy/000830.html The associated MPhil and PhD schedules are also available at: www.newcastle.edu.au/students/ research-higher-degree/currentstudents/policy-and-guidelines. html The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered by all faculties in the University. Applicants may apply to undertake research in any of the research areas listed on page 53. Candidates are expected to complete their degree within four years of full-time study or eight years of part-time study. Entry requirements The entry requirement is, in most cases, a relevant Bachelor degree with Honours Class I or 2/1 or equivalent qualification, or a coursework Master degree including a minor thesis completed at an appropriate level or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee). www.newcastle.edu.au | 07 COSTS AND RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS In 2013 the University offered approximately 100 scholarships to domestic candidates. Study costs – Research Training Scheme The base rate living allowance in 2013 was $24,653 per annum. Under the Research Training Scheme (RTS) the University receives funding from the Australian Government to meet its operational costs for the candidature of domestic students. This support is in the form of an exemption from the contributions normally payable by Australian students under the Higher Education Loan Program. RTS funding is limited to: Applications close 31 October each year. • four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) if a PhD candidate • two years full-time (or part-time equivalent) if a research masters candidate All students are required to complete their degree within the RTS entitlement period. Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) From semester 2, 2012 a Student Services and Amenities fee was introduced to improve the services offered to all students. For full details, please refer to: www.newcastle.edu.au/students/services-andamenities-fee. Please note that this fee is not covered by any research higher degree scholarship. Off-campus, online and distance students are also required to pay a service and amenities fee. SCHOLARSHIPS The University of Newcastle offers a number of postgraduate research scholarships to support research candidates in their endeavours. Scholarship duration Scholarship duration is three years for a PhD and two years for a Master degree. Candidates who have commenced a research higher degree prior to being awarded a scholarship will have the duration of the scholarship reduced by the amount of time completed prior to the scholarship starting. Please note that PHD candidature is generally four years, however, PhD scholarship tenure is a maximum of three and half years including extension. Scholarship types AUSTRALIAN POSTGRADUATE AWARD (APA) Australian Postgraduate Awards are funded by the Australian Government and are offered on a competitive basis to candidates undertaking a fulltime MPhil or PhD degree. Applicants must have Honours Class I and be Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents. These awards currently provide a living allowance, a relocation allowance and a thesis allowance. 08 | RHD PROSPECTUS UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP (UNRSC) University of Newcastle Postgraduate Research Scholarships are funded by the University of Newcastle and are offered on a competitive basis to applicants of any citizenship status undertaking a full-time MPhil or PhD degree. These scholarships provide a living allowance, and may also provide a relocation allowance and thesis allowance for the candidate (depending on the funding source). The base rate living allowance in 2013 was $24,653 per annum. Candidates should normally have Honours Class I. Applications close 31 October each year. Additional University of Newcastle Postgraduate Research Scholarships funded from external sources (eg. Research grants) are available throughout the year. These scholarships are advertised on the following website www.newcastle.edu.au/students/research-higherdegree/scholarships/available-scholarships.html If you are applying for a specific scholarship funded from an external source please write the name of the scholarship on the application form. Scholarship procedures Scholarships are awarded to eligible applicants on the basis of academic merit and through a highly competitive process. The award of research scholarships may also take into account areas of research strength or areas of research in line with the strategic directions of the University. The research scholarship criteria for all faculties will have the common components of academic achievement as well as research and scholarly attainments assessed relative to opportunity. For assessment purposes, current honours students who have not received their final results will be ranked on the assumption of achieving Honours Class I (H1). Any subsequent scholarship offer would be conditional upon H1. Applicants may elect to be considered in more than one discipline area. A complete separate application must be lodged for each discipline, and each will be considered separately within the relevant faculty. An offer of admission to candidature and/or offer of scholarship in one discipline may not be transferable to another. First round scholarship offers will be sent to the applicant’s correspondence address in mid to late December. Offers must be accepted within 28 days. It is important that applicants ensure they check their email and collect mail from their correspondence Current candidates must be no more than two full time equivalent years into their PhD (or one year for Masters) at the end of the year to be eligble for scholarship. Scholarship eligibility criteria Applicants must meet eligibility requirements and must have an offer of admission to a research higher degree. Applicants for all schemes must have completed at least four years of undergraduate study and have attained Honours Class I or equivalent. Applicants will be considered for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) in the first instance and then for a University of Newcastle Research Scholarship (UNRS) second. Note that applicants are not eligible for: • support for a MPhil degree if they already hold a MPhil degree or equivalent • any RHD scholarship if they already hold a research doctoral degree or equivalent • an APA if they have previously held any Australian Government funded award for six months or more • a UNRS if they have previously held an equivalent scholarship for 12 months or more, for the same award An applicant who does not speak English as a first language must satisfy one of the English language requirements as listed in the English Proficiency Policy found at: www.newcastle.edu.au/policy/000104.html by the scholarship closing date. Scholarship guidelines and procedures The guidelines and procedures for the ranking and award of research scholarships are available at: RESOURCES FOR CANDIDATES address. Any second round offers will be made from January 2014. Scholarships should normally commence and enrolment should be finalised by 31 August in the year for which the offer of candidature was made. Scholarship recipients must normally be enrolled full-time in their research higher degree. Upon enrolment all commencing RHD candidates are provided with a Dell laptop that includes a standard suite of University software such as Microsoft Office, multimedia, academic and anti-virus software. All candidates are also able to apply for the Annual RHD Candidate Allocation for reimbursement of costs associated with research activities while they are within their allowed/funded candidature period. All uses of these funds must be approved by the supervisor and Head of School. The amount available per candidate is at least $1,500 per annum (pro rata for part-time candidates) and can be claimed for items such as: • project costs (for example costs associated with surveys, interviews, statistical advice, training courses, data entry and processing) • the direct cost of consumables required for the candidate’s research project • travel and fieldwork related to the research project • conference attendance and participation (including registration, travel and accommodation) • purchase of software (or software licences), books, journals, media resources etc. that are related to the research project • purchase or lease of equipment required for the research project • publication costs for research papers arising from the candidate’s research. The Code of Practise for Research Higher Degree Candidature outlines a minimum level of resources that are provided to candidates. For further information go to www.newcastle.edu.au/policy/000061.html www.newcastle.edu.au/students/research-higherdegree/current-students/policy-and-guidelines.html Scholarship top ups Scholarship top ups are frequently offered to strong students eg. University Medallists, students studying in areas of research strength or where a supervisor has been awarded an external grant. Please contact the Office of Graduate Studies on researchscholarships@newcastle.edu.au if you have any questions concerning potential top ups you may be eligible to receive. www.newcastle.edu.au | 9 AND A GUIDE TO APPLICATION ENROLMENT Find a supervisor Applicants are encouraged to consult with academics in the chosen research field at the University prior to submitting an application for admission. This may assist in guiding the direction of your research proposal. The Register of Supervisors allows you to search for a potential supervisor. You can search by school or researcher name, or by keyword, and you will be provided with the names of supervisors, a summary of their research areas, and a link to their research profile and their email address. www.newcastle.edu.au/ research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/meetour-supervisors Research your options The Faculty sections of this prospectus detail areas in which MPhil and PhD candidates can be accepted. The qualifications required for admission are set out on page 5 of this prospectus and in the degree schedules available at: www.newcastle.edu.au/students/research-higher-degree/currentstudents/policy-and-guidelines.html Apply To apply for candidature please complete the application form found on page 49 of this prospectus or log on to online direct admissions www.newcastle.edu.au/future-students/research-higher-degrees/7apply-now.html Instructions on completing the form are available on page 46. Ensure that you attach all required documentation and lodge your application with the Office of Graduate Studies or online. If you don’t provide original or certified documents related to your admission you may only be made a conditional offer and will be unable to enrol until these documents have been received. Assessment Upon receipt of your application form and accompanying documentation, we will register your application and conduct an eligibility assessment. You will receive an acknowledgement email including an applicant login and application tracking information to the email address provided on your application form. Your application will then be sent to the relevant faculty and school for an academic assessment and determination. Once a determination has been made the application will be returned to the Office of Graduate Studies where outcome correspondence will be prepared and despatched to you. Academic review Assessment times can vary. Please allow at least six weeks. During the scholarship assessment period (Oct-Dec) scholarship applications are prioritised. The recommendation to admit an applicant is the responsibility of the Head of School in which the research program is to be pursued, and must also be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the Faculty. Approval requires that: • an applicant is appropriately qualified • there are projects available within the applicant’s areas of research interest • the school can provide supervision and resources 10 | RHD PROSPECTUS Outcome You will be notified of the outcome of your application via email and hard copy letter. If you are made an offer you can accept it online at: http://myhub.newcastle.edu.au If deferral is possible this will be indicated in your offer letter. The letter will outline your program, supervisory arrangements and other details relevant to your initial enrolment. Conditions may be placed on an offer of admission such as enrolment in prescribed courses. The offer may also be conditional upon receipt of further evidence from you. It is important that you attend to any conditions promptly to avoid delays in commencement. If a scholarship application has also been submitted separate advice will be provided regarding its outcome. First round scholarship offers will be made in mid to late December and must be accepted within 28 days. Privacy and confidentiality The information gathered by the University from your completed application form and during the period of your enrolment will only be used in accordance with privacy legislation to assist the University to enable you to complete your program of study. It will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent unless the University is under a legal obligation to do so. Government departments such as Centrelink, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship are authorised to request specific types of information for their purposes. The University may also be required to provide information to law enforcement agencies if a subpoena or warrant is served on it, or if an application is made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Contact The Office of Graduate Studies is the first point of contact for domestic research higher degree applicants. We will respond to your queries by email, phone or in person. Our office is located in Room CH234 on the Ground Floor, East Wing, The Chancellery, Callaghan campus. T +61 2 4921 6537 F +61 2 4921 6908 E research@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/unit/office-of-graduate-studies International applicants should contact International Admissions and obtain an international application form: IA@newcastle.edu.au T +61 2 4921 6236 F +61 2 4960 1766 E international_admissions@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/ international/why-uon www.newcastle.edu.au | 11 PRIORITY RESEARCH CENTRES Research centres and partnerships We are host to a range of research centres funded either by the Australian Government and industry or from our own resources. Our 15 Priority Research Centres bring together our top researchers and promote cross-faculty and cross disciplinary research. Full details of all our research centres are available at www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport The Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport’s purpose is to establish the technologies needed for energy efficient transport of raw materials and efficient recovery of fine particles. This efficiency lowers the carbon footprint, water consumption, and cost of mining on a per tonne of product basis. Major advances are being made in novel belt conveying and establishing new separation technologies to achieve fine particle beneficiation in coal and mineral processing, including the worldwide application of the Jameson Cell in froth flotation and the Reflux Classifier in gravity separation. Research Programs Energy efficient transport of raw materials: • steep conveying, pneumatic conveying • energy efficient belt conveying over long distances Fine particle beneficiation and characterisation: • dry separation, novel flotation technology, novel and enhanced gravity separation and desliming of fine particles • application of electrostatic, magnetic and high G forces • selective flocculation and agglomeration Experimental work is supported by facilities in bulk solids handling, belt conveying, mineral processing, fundamental physical chemistry instrumentation, high-speed video, and laser flow diagnostics, while our modelling capability includes computational fluid dynamics and discrete element modelling. Research opportunities exist in fundamentals of bulk solids handling, pneumatic conveying, belt conveying, dust suppression, physical chemistry and control of surfactant adsorption, particle aggregation, and interactions between particles and interfaces. Research is also focused on the hydrodynamics of foam drainage, the application of fluidisation to support the flotation of coarse particles and the aggregation of nanoparticles, and in promoting the gravity separation of coal and minerals in the Reflux Classifier. A new shock-wave technology is being developed to enhance ultrafine flotation, while in gravity separation centrifugal forces are being exploited to target finer particles. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/cappt/about-us 12 | RHD PROSPECTUS Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Disease The Research Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Disease focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular processes that are associated with the development and progression of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These are the two major chronic respiratory diseases in Australia, with the incidence of asthma among the highest in the world, and COPD a major cause of death. These disorders are a significant health and economic burden to the community. They are designated National Research Priority Areas by the Australian Government and are diseases of global significance. The major aim of the Centre is to advance the national research effort on the understanding and treatment of respiratory disease. The Centre also acts as a national centre for the training of research higher degree students, postdoctoral fellows and clinician scientists and for basic and clinical research. The Centre has formally brought together the leading asthma and respiratory disease researchers in Newcastle to develop an internationally recognised program focusing on respiratory disease. As a result, it has a much more focused research strategy that has resulted in linking both the clinical and basic arms of our research programs. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/card/about-us Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information-Based Medicine The Priority Research Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information-Based Medicine (CIBM) brings together academics from the Faculty of Health and Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment and works in collaboration with the Hunter Medical Research Institute’s Information-Based Medicine Program. The Centre draws together the disciplines of bioinformatics and molecular and genetic analysis with clinical information and population data analysis. Researchers in the Centre capture information from patient populations using a variety of high-throughput devices so that each and every individual has a unique signature of their genome. Diseases that have been studied to date include multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, age related macular degeneration, stroke and endometrial cancer to name but a few. Once the data have been collected, usually on over 1,000 individuals and 1,000 control subjects, it then requires analysis to identify salient associations. This requires the utilisation of computer technology and mathematical methods to extract meaningful information from vast amounts of data to identify disease-related genetic associations. The ultimate aim is to inform the development of patient tailored treatment to a host of diseases thereby bringing about better outcomes for patients and their families. The Centre aims to find methodologies that will shorten the process of obtaining novel discoveries and to use them to obtain distinctively better outcomes in clinical practice and translational individualised medicine. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/cibm/about-us Centre for Cancer The Priority Research Centre for Cancer delivers advanced approaches to assess patient risk and disease progression using cutting edge techniques in the fields of molecular genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics and magnetic resonance spectroscopy that can be incorporated into clinical trials and public health research. This research capacity is supported by close collaboration with the clinical facilities of the Hunter New England Local Health District and the complementary research expertise in the Priority Research Centres for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information Based Medicine, Chemical Biology and Health Behaviour. Using the biobanking experience developed for breast cancer, the Centre extends the collection to other tumours, such as colon, melanoma and lung cancer. The aim is to collect well-annotated tissue from every patient entered in a clinical trial or undergoing cancer treatment. Biological endpoints will be incorporated into the clinical trials by integrating new approaches and capabilities such as proteomics and magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy to diagnose and monitor treatment and NextGen sequencing to define genetic risk factors. These data will also be used by scientists to define new drug targets, develop lead compounds for cancer treatment and validate prognostic and predictive biomarkers to personalise therapy. www.hmricancerresearch.com Centre for Chemical Biology The Centre for Chemical Biology (CCB) is committed to providing innovative therapeutics for the treatment of human disease. By bringing together research teams of international excellence from chemistry, biology and medicine we will unravel the causes of disease, identify crucial biological targets and pioneer the rapid development of novel drugs for the fight against disease. The CCB will be the central facilitator of drug development at the University of Newcastle and with our collaborators, displaying leadership and research excellence. The CCB will provide a supportive forum for career development and enhancement of junior staff across chemistry, biology and biomedical sciences. The Centre will also provide biomedical researchers with a molecular ‘toolkit’ to unravel the intricacies of biological processes and a ‘lab to clinic’ drug development pipeline to a clinical setting. By bringing together research teams of international excellence from chemistry, biology and medicine the Centre will focus on unravelling the causes of disease, identifying crucial biological targets and will pioneer the rapid development of novel drugs for the fight against disease. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/ccb/about-us Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control (CDSC) Modern society, whether in industry, biomedicine, ecology, economics, or energy systems involves complexity, with dynamics and interactions playing an increasing role. Critical questions of measurement, understanding and the regulation of such processes are crucial to our society’s future. At CDSC we take an approach largely based around mathematical modelling and applied control and estimation to tackle these problems. We have a team of experts working on a range of application areas for these fundamental technologies. Example projects include: • dynamics and control in electric energy systems • applications to telecommunication systems • high fidelity nano-positioning systems for MEMS systems • environmental monitoring and sensing • control and transportation systems (marine, aerospace, intelligent vehicle systems) • genetics and biomedical analysis Pictured above (left to right): Professor Kevin Galvin, PRC for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport; Professor Natashia Boland, PRC for Computer-Assisted Mathematics and its Applications; and Professor Ron Plotnikoff, PRC for Physical Activity and Nutrition. Our research spans fundamental engineering work through to a range of practical applications. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/cdsc/about-us www.newcastle.edu.au | 13 Centre for Computer–Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications The Centre for Computer-Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) forms the base for a vibrant cross-university and intra-university Priority Research Centre. There is no corresponding group in Australia and there are very few internationally. Mathematics as “the language of high technology” underpins all facets of modern life and current Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Yet no other research centre exists focussing on the implications of developments in ICT, present and future, for the practice of research mathematics. CARMA partly fills this gap through the exploitation and development of techniques and tools for computer-assisted discovery and disciplined data-mining including mathematical visualisation. Advanced mathematical computation is essential to the solution of many real-world problems: sophisticated mathematics is core to software used by scientists, engineers, policy makers and corporate managers, who design, plan and control the systems and products that are key to our day-to-day life. CARMA actively engages in developing stateof–the-art mathematical algorithms. CARMA research spans Computational Analysis, Modelling and Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, Optimization and Operations Research, Topological Groups, Harmonic Analysis, Number Theory and Functional Analysis. www.carma.newcastle.edu.au Centre for Energy The Centre for Energy operates four research programs. The Research Program on Low Emission Coal has an emphasis on abatement of greenhouse gases, with scientific research underpinning technologies for carbon capture and storage, such as oxyfuel, post-combustion capture, gasification, chemical looping and minerals sequestration. The research includes coal reactions, combustion and gasification, emissions, and impact of carbon capture for retrofitted units as well as new plant. Emissions from current pf plant are also included. The Program involves interaction with technology demonstrations within Australia and international developments. The goal of the Research Program on Renewable Energy Systems is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and hence minimise greenhouse gas emissions, by increasing the share of renewables in our energy mix. The Program focuses on development of novel systems/ processes for more efficient and viable utilisation of renewable energy sources such as biomass, wind and geothermal. The research underpinning the Program covers fundamental and applied aspects of renewable energy systems, including biomass combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis, design of novel wind turbines, as well as geothermal power cycles and hot dry rock technology for geothermal power generation. The Research Program on Transportation Fuels and Energy Conversion concentrates on converting hydrogen to chemicals such as methanol (from CO2) and ammonia (from N2). These products can serve as fuels or chemical feedstocks. The Program examines new and novel developments in electrochemical energy generation, as well as optimisation of energy usage on electrical power grids. The Program also investigates the synthesis of hydrogen from fossil fuels such as coal, biomass and natural gas. The Research Program on Energy and the Environment focuses on sustainable and integrated waste processing/utilisation with energy recovery and generation. Other areas of interest in this Program include energy efficient housing, industrial ecology, knowledge systems, sustainability principles and measurement, energy minimisation and recovery, environmental repair and pollution abatement. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/cdsc/about-us 14 | RHD PROSPECTUS ARC Centre of Excellence in Geotechnical Science and Engineering (CGSE) The Australian Research Council (ARC) provided $14.4 million to the University to establish the CGSE. The CGSE will pioneer new scientific approaches to geotechnical engineering design to underpin Australia’s energy and transport infrastructure, resulting in increased productivity and sustainability of the nation’s export industries. Physical infrastructure, such as offshore platforms and pipelines, and national road and rail systems, rely on geotechnical engineering design, and this is increasingly associated with building on extremely soft sediments (geomaterials). Offshore these are encountered in almost all modern developments, where water depths now mostly exceed 500 metres; onshore, transport corridors must increasingly make use of poor ground that has proved problematic for other developments. In all such cases the response of the geomaterials is complex and highly variable and presents major design challenges. The core goals of the CGSE are therefore to: • provide a national focus for geotechnical research • optimise the design of critical infrastructure • collaborate with offshore and onshore industry • educate and train the next generation of geotechnical engineers and researchers. www.newcastle.edu.au/ research-and-innovation/ centre Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing Centre for Health Behaviour The Priority Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing is a dynamic, crossdisciplinary research group that researches individual, health care and societal factors that affect men and women’s health and wellbeing throughout life and as they age. The Centre also examines the ways in which communities respond to an ageing population. The Centre utilises the University’s acclaimed research capacities across public health/ policy, clinical and basic science disciplines. Its core focii are to maximise analyses of longitudinal and linked data; undertake observational, experimental and translational studies in relation to gender, health and ageing; research appropriate use of medications and other health care resources; and evaluate innovative approaches to caring for older people. The Priority Research Centre for Health Behaviour strives to improve community health through service delivery interventions promoting healthy behaviours and quality healthcare. Led by its highly experienced Director, Laureate Professor Rob Sanson-Fisher, the PRCHB brings together a number of separate research groups to harness their combined wealth of research expertise. These groups include: The broad research capacity of the Centre supports partnerships with industry, government and other institutions, as well as collaboration with other Universities both in Australia and internationally. The Centre membership includes academics with expertise in health and clinical sciences, psychology, sociology, health economics, epidemiology, statistics and architecture, all of which contribute to understanding biological, social and environmental factors that affect the health of men and women as they age. The Centre also includes two World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres. • Hunter New England Population Health (HNEPH) www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/gha/about-us Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling The Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling focuses on the development of new models and innovative computational methods for predicting the behaviour of geomaterials, metals, and composites. Advanced computational methods, coupled with laboratory and field testing, are key tools in this pursuit. The Centre combines two of Australia’s leading research teams in their own areas: the Geotechnical Research Group and the Diffusion in Solids Group. Although these groups study problems at different length scales, they are united in their aim to develop material models that accurately describe the macroscopic behaviour of a wide range of materials. They are also united by their common interest in the use of advanced computational methods, such as nonlinear finite element analysis, to solve multiphase problems involving deformation, diffusion and transport. By combining the numerical modelling expertise of the Geotechnical Research Group with the nano- and microscale modelling expertise of the Diffusion in Solids Group, a wide range of practical problems are being studied including contaminant migration and remediation in soils, the constitutive behaviour of geomaterials (soils and rocks), rock fall analysis, failure mechanisms and heat transport in electronic devices, and the mechanical behaviour of tunnels, building foundations, road embankments, harbour facilities, and mine sites. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/cgmm/about-us • Health Behaviour Research Group (HBRG) • Discipline of Health Behaviour Sciences • Behavioural Science Strategic Research Partnership (STREP) • The School of Psychology • Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB) • Maddison Collaboration. The Centres’ research focuses on social and individual factors that affect the health of populations, developing measures and interventions for reducing prevalence of preventable disease risks while increasing equitable and evidence-based health care delivery. The Centre works to assess and reduce the psychosocial impacts of chronic disease and is involved in improving responses to emerging infectious disease threats. The Centre combines researchers from a variety of fields including psychology, public health, medicine, nutrition and dietetics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing to carry out high quality, intervention-focused health behaviour research targeting key public health issues. www.newcastle.edu.au/researchand-innovation/centre/chb/ about-us www.newcastle.edu.au | 15 Centre for Organic Electronics Centre for Reproductive Science The Centre for Organic Electronics is the first of its kind in Australia. It is an exciting new initiative focusing on the development of new electronic devices at the intersection between semiconductors and plastics. Key research areas include: The Priority Research Centre for Reproductive Science brings together researchers from the Mothers and Babies Research Centre (headed by Professor Roger Smith) and the Reproductive Biology Group (headed by Laureate Professor John Aitken). The Centre for Reproductive Science addresses one of the Australian Government’s most important national research priorities – ‘A Healthy Start to Life’. Recent research demonstrates that the long term health and welfare of individuals is critically affected by the quality of the gametes that form the embryo and the nature of the intrauterine environment provided by the mother during foetal development. The University of Newcastle is internationally recognised for its contribution to studies of human reproductive health and pregnancy. The Centre for Reproductive Science targets the future health of all Australians by improving the health of pregnant women and providing key information on the determinants of a healthy start to life. • organic solar cells (new materials, devices, models, large scale fabrication) • organic electronic based sensors (biosensors, printable electronic arrays, explosives sensors) • organic based photonics (detectors) • new fundamental imaging systems (atom-based microscopy). More specifically, the Centre is currently undertaking the following projects: • large area printing of organic solar cells • computational modelling of organic solar cells • economic modelling of organic solar cells • structure and morphology of conducting polymer blends • extending the spectral response of organic solar cells • photocurrent mapping of organic solar cells • ultra-fast laser spectroscopy of organic electronic materials • sensors and biosensors from plastic electronics • printing of electronic arrays using state-of-the-art ink jet printing • phase contrast mechanisms in scanning helium microscopy • field ionisation helium detection using carbon nanotubes • developing a helium beam microscope. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/coe/about-us Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition The Priority Research Centre in Physical Activity and Nutrition takes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding physical activity and nutrition for population health with particular emphasis on education and health promotion strategies for chronic disease prevention, treatment and wellbeing. The PRC aims to examine these interrelationships across the lifespan by targeting ‘at risk’ populations at multiple levels (individual, social, organisational, population) within various settings (schools, clinics, workplaces, communities). Research and training activities cover the spectrum of theory development and measurement, intervention building and testing and knowledge transfer. The PRC aims to achieve high quality research, training and knowledge translation in the development and testing of effective, theory-driven, multi-level, population based physical activity and nutrition-related interventions (and natural experiments) that can ultimately be used and sustained in practice. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/cpan/about-us 16 | RHD PROSPECTUS www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/crs/about-us Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health The Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health focuses on the leading cause of disease burden globally – the common disorders of the brain. Recent advances in neuroscience have put discovery of the causes, means for prevention and better treatments of these conditions within reach. The Centre focuses on understanding the basis of individual differences in vulnerability and resilience to brain disorders and on applying these understandings to the development and implementation of new treatment strategies. The Centre is comprised of six disease specific research programs. These are: schizophrenia; stroke; affective and addictive disorders; chronic pain and sensory syndromes; brain development, ageing and cognition; and innovative models of care for implementation of new discoveries. The broad aim of each program is to achieve better early detection, prevention and treatment of these common diseases/entities, with both the Centre and the individual Program leadership focusing on developing and promoting research ideas that have clear and direct relevance to improve health care outcomes. To achieve this outcome, the Programs promote multidisciplinary collaboration and support and reward communication and linkage across the basic neuroscience, clinical neuroscience and population research domains, capitalising on expertise across our regional University and Hospital sectors. This strong integration of high quality neuroscience across University and Hospital sectors at multiple levels of enquiry makes this Centre a unique research entity in the Australian neuroscience landscape. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ centre/ctnmh/about-us WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH INDUSTRY COLLABORATION INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Through the Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) the University provides a multidisciplinary model for critical research in energy and resources with facilities on a scale unrivalled at any other education and research centre in Australia. Funded through the Education Investment Fund, NIER is part of the Government’s Education Revolution aimed at supporting world-leading, strategically focused infrastructure investments that will transform Australian tertiary education and research. NIER brings the University’s leading energy and resources researchers together under an umbrella institute and addresses national priorities in sustainability within the energy and resources sector. Collaborating with national and international partners, NIER provides practical and viable benefits to industry, the community and the economy by advancing research in clean energy production, energy efficiency and the minimisation of carbon emissions. Priority research areas include: • reduction of energy and water consumption in industries of national significance • reduction of carbon emissions through next generation clean coal, carbon capture and storage technologies • development of alternative energy sources including geothermal and polymer solar cells NIER is housed in a world-class research facility comprising extensive mineral, chemical and technical laboratories, industrial-scale pilot plant workshops and offices, with a state-of-the-art research building to be completed in 2013. Building capacity provides for significant research training activities, with access to industrial scale facilities fostering industry ready graduates. The collaborations between NIER researchers and industry partners allows crossfertilisation of ideas and approaches aligned to the energy reform agenda of government and industry, and have the potential to make a substantial contribution to sustainable energy research nationally and internationally. Partnerships exist with Ausgrid, BHP Billiton, CSIRO, TUNRA Bulk Solids, Xstrata, Hunter Water and Hunter TAFE with many others in development. Key international partnerships have been established with the University of Witswatersrand, North China Electric Power University, the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of China, the South African National Energy Development Institute and the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, with additional collaborations planned. With world-class researchers and the collective capacity to contribute to regional and national priorities, NIER is well positioned to establish a global leadership position and deliver solutions that make a significant difference in the energy and resources sector. NIER Centres include: • Priority Research Centre for Energy (pg 12) • Priority Research Centre for Organic Electronics (pg 14) • Priority Research Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport (pg 10) • NSW Institute for Frontier Geoscience • Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks • Centre for Ironmaking Materials Research • Centre for Multiphase Processes • Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies • Centre for Social Research in Energy and Resources • Centre for Optimal Planning and Operations For more information, visit: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/nier/about-us • improved efficiencies in energy generation and conversion • smarter, more efficient networks for the distribution and utilisation of electricity and water • social change and the sustainability of resources and the environment. www.newcastle.edu.au | 17 18 | RHD PROSPECTUS FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW The Faculty of Business and Law is an innovative and dynamic learning community that offers distinctive degrees and, in collaboration with our external partners and stakeholders, strives to make a difference by creating new knowledge, preparing our students for global citizenship, and contributing to the economic, social and political progress of Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Through partnerships with leading international universities, through leading roles in international professional and academic societies, and through work with industry, our research has global reach and impact. A candidate for a research higher degree in this faculty is welcomed into our research teams and is trained by experienced academics. It is important that RHD candidates align their research project with the research expertise of existing academic staff. Prospective RHD candidates are advised to browse the research interests of academic staff in the School and make contact with a prospective supervisor who has appropriate research experience in the discipline of choice. Prospective RHD candidates can begin this search at www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/ meet-our-supervisors Successful leaders don’t start out asking, ‘What do I want to do?’ They ask, ‘What needs to be done?’ Then they ask, ‘Of those things that would make a difference, which are right for me?’ Peter Drucker, founding father of management FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW OUR RESEARCH The Faculty’s research-intensive schools contribute to the University of Newcastle’s ranking as one of Australia’s top 10 research universities. Our academic staff are active researchers, with many leaders in their disciplines, who publish consistently in the top international and national journals. Researchers within the Faculty have been awarded substantial research funding through the Australian Research Council and from industry, and they are grant assessors for esteemed bodies such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Australian Research Council. Our academic staff are active researchers, with many leaders in their disciplines. The Centre for Institutional and Organisational Studies This Faculty-wide centre supports many of the research efforts across our two schools. It studies the differential growth and development of societies and enterprise across time and place. The aim is to understand how socially beneficial exchange is organised through legal, political, economic and social institutions and organisations. Organisations comprise business and legal firms, unions, the judiciary, political parties, pressure groups, families, non-governmental and not-for-profit bodies, religious groups, educational bodies and international bodies (UN, World Bank and IMF). Institutions include the formal (legal) and informal (social norms and values) environments within which organisations operate. The Centre has research partnerships with leading universities including Aachen University of Technology; Nanjing University; Beijing Normal University; South China University of Technology; Shandong University; Jilan University; IMT Ghaziabad; Indian Institute of Management, Indore; Chulalongkorn University; University of Malaya; University of Kebangsaan Malaysia; University of Limerick; and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The Centre also partners with industry and a variety of professional associations. The Centre aims to make a difference in society. It provides a home for our researchers and research higher degree candidates to advance current academic knowledge and professional practices in the various business and law disciplines. 20 | RHD PROSPECTUS SNAPSHOT THE CAPITAL MARKETS RESEARCH GROUP The Capital Markets Research Group undertakes industry-relevant research into funds management and share market behaviour. It is a collaboration of researchers from the University of Newcastle and researchers from leading Australian and international universities. It is funded from both industry and university sources. Capital Markets Research Group pictured above from left to right: Back row: Professor Steve Easton, Dr Paul Docherty, Neil Hartnett, Adrian Melia, Lain Tze Tee, Mostafa Seif Middle row: Dr Michael Seamer, Gareth Hurst, Md Akhtaruzzaman, Aaron Ong Front row: Dr Katherine Uylangco, Bronwyn McCredie, Dr Van Le, Si Roei Kew, Yukun Yao, Afsaneh Bahrami www.newcastle.edu.au | 21 FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW OUR SCHOOLS Newcastle Business School Newcastle Law School Newcastle Business School, within the Faculty of Business and Law, provides a multi-disciplinary environment, with opportunities for research in all major areas of business. We engage in research that makes a difference by expanding knowledge and by having an impact on the professions, business and government in Australia and the Asia-Pacific. In doing so, our goal is to improve business practices, foster equity, and contribute to human social and economic progress. Focusing on ‘lawyering skills’, the Newcastle Law School is an internationally recognised law school, combining academic excellence and practical, hands-on training. Our Professional Program pioneered the integration of experiential learning and skills training within the conventional Bachelor of Laws curriculum. Academic staff in the School have diverse backgrounds, wideranging professional experience, strong research records, and excellent experience in supervising research students. They are committed to creating, ensuring and promoting an unmatched research environment, which is reflected in an impressive output of research books, journal articles and professional publications. Over the years, Newcastle Business School and our individual staff members have built research links with prestigious universities in Asia, North America, and Europe. Research higher degree studies are supported in the following discipline areas: As a result, graduates of the Diploma of Legal Practice are immediately eligible to apply for admission as legal practitioners in Australia, without further training. Research higher degree studies within the Newcastle Law School are available in the following discipline areas: • child law • contract law • criminal law and sentencing • environmental law and international environmental law • equal opportunity law • family law • business policy and strategy • human rights law and international human rights law • international business • labour relations law and international labour relations law • innovation and entrepreneurship • legal profession • organisational behaviour, performance and sustainability • occupational health and safety law • general management • tort law • supply chain management • accounting • finance • economics • politics • employment relations • human resource management • marketing • leisure • tourism Interdisciplinary programs are also available. 22 | RHD PROSPECTUS www.newcastle.edu.au | 23 24 | RHD PROSPECTUS FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS The Faculty of Education and Arts has internationally recognised research strengths in social work, religion and religious studies, literature, education, linguistics, history and film and media studies. The Faculty also conducts high quality research led by respected scholars in the classics, language studies, anthropology, speech pathology and the performing and fine arts. This broad and exciting range of academic disciplines is represented in three schools: • School of Creative Arts • School of Education • School of Humanities and Social Science A candidate for a research higher degree in this Faculty is attached to one of these Schools. Each school offers support for research higher degree students and their projects. Existing RHD candidates in the Faculty come from many walks of life, and represent a truly cosmopolitan student body. It is important that RHD candidates develop a research project that aligns with the research expertise of existing academic staff in the School. Prospective RHD candidates are advised to browse the research interests of academic staff in the School and make contact with a prospective supervisor for their project. Pictured top: Dr Tim Stanley Pictured middle (L-R): PhD candidate Rueben Ramsey, Associate Professor Victoria Haskins Pictured bottom: Associate Professor Michael Arthur-Kellly Prospective candidates can begin this search at: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/meetour-supervisors Each school has a Deputy Head of School (Research and Research Training). Prospective candidates are advised to consult the Deputy Head of School before submitting an application for enrolment. If you are unsure of the appropriate School for your interests, please contact the Faculty’s Assistant Dean for Research and Research Training, Associate Professor Pam Nilan (Pamela.Nilan@newcastle.edu.au). www.newcastle.edu.au | 25 FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS OUR RESEARCH Faculty Research is concentrated into the three main clusters of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. While RHD study in any field of Education and Arts is encouraged, research by RHD students that aligns with any of the following clusters will provide a rich intellectual environment for candidate. HUMANITIES SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION Humanities research - including history, languages, philosophy, theology and literature – has an important role to play by fostering the creation of knowledge that enriches our lives, making us more complete human beings and more capable of sustaining ourselves and our communities. Social science is, in its broadest sense, the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around them. Social sciences evolve through the interplay of academic theories and the evidence that supports or refutes them. Social Sciences in the Faculty include Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, and Speech Pathology. Educational research focuses on the key challenges facing contemporary education through interdisciplinary research into theoretical, methodological and evidence based understandings of education and education policy. Teacher Learning and Professional Development is a current research strength as is Special Education and School Reform. The high quality research being carried out in Social Work has been has recently been identified nationally through the awarding of a score of 5 (the highest possible score, indicating research performance well above world standard) in the latest round of the Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) evaluation exercise. Research into the links between physical activity, health and education is carried out through the Faculty’s joint Priority Research Centre with the Faculty of Health and Medicine (see below). The Faculty’s Centre for the History of Violence is developing new frameworks for understanding violence and social order in historical, political and sociological contexts and is leading a fundamental rethinking of the place of violence in the modern world. Endangered Language Documentation Theory and Application is an internationally recognised program driven by a dynamic hub of linguistics researchers and students who document and describe diverse endangered languages and pursue flow-on theoretical and practical applications. The new interdisciplinary research program is Religion in Political life. This program examines religion’s dynamic interactions with democratic authority, radicalism, gender and the legacies of colonial nation building. Research in Speech Pathology is currently directed toward an understanding of human communication and swallowing disorders, and is motivated by the aim to develop and implement interventions which will improve the lives of people affected by these disorders. The research cluster in Social Thought and Analysis includes both sociology and anthropology, with special emphasis on youth, post-industrial economies, health and development studies. Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition There are six inter-related themes: The PRC in Physical Activity and Nutrition takes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding population health with emphasis on education and health promotion strategies for chronic disease prevention, treatment, and wellbeing. • obesity 26 | RHD PROSPECTUS • physical activity and nutrition for population health • therapeutic nutrition • clinical and experimental nutrition • exercise sciences • physical activity and nutrition in schools The Centre for the Study of Research Training and Impact (SORTI) is nationally and internationally recognised for research on doctoral studies and higher order thinking and innovation in the professions. The research cluster in Comparative and International Education examines the global flow of best practice educational policies using critical analyses and comparisons. Equity in Education is an emerging research area. Cutting edge research seeks to identify evidence based programs to enable students from low socio-economic areas to access higher education. SNAPSHOT GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH IN Physical Activity and Nutrition David Lubans and colleagues are developing an international reputation for their innovative research focused on improving student outcomes and teacher practice in the field of physical activity and nutrition. The research team is currently evaluating a number of school-based interventions, working closely with the NSW Department of Education and Catholic and Independent School associations. We know that physical activity dramatically declines during adolescence and dietary behaviours deteriorate as adolescents consume more food away from the influence of the family. Approximately 40 per cent of Australian youth are not sufficiently active and spend a large proportion of their day engaged in screen-based recreation. One of the many negative consequences of inactivity and high screen time has been the increase in paediatric obesity. The research of David Lubans and his team directly addresses these problems. Participation in physical activity is associated with positive social, emotional and physical health and improved academic performance. Schools are a crucial setting for health promotion as they contain the facilities, curricula and personnel necessary for the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating in young people. Although the health and physical education teaching areas are the primary targets for health promotion in schools, break periods, the physical environment of schools, active transportation, canteens and extra-curricular school sport have been identified as additional opportunities for intervention. Researchers in the group are interested in the development and testing of health behaviour theory and improving the accuracy of physical activity measurement in youth. A key objective of the research team is knowledge translation into school-based practice and policy. There are currently eight research higher degree students working in the Priority Research Centre in Physical Activity and Nutrition on school-based research projects. A number of these students have secured prestigious APA scholarships while others are funded through existing research grants. Notable projects include: • The Nutrition and Enjoyable Activity for Teen Girls (NEAT Girls) study, an ARC funded intervention focused on reducing unhealthy weight gain in adolescent girls • The Supporting Children’s Outcomes using Rewards, Exercise and Skills (SCORES) study, a primary school based physical activity and movement skills intervention focusing on student leadership and teacher professional development. Pictured above: Associate Professor David Lubans www.newcastle.edu.au | 27 FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS The Faculty of Education and Arts encompasses a broad range of disciplines represented in three Schools. OUR SCHOOLS School of Creative Arts School of Education The School of Creative Arts offers a strong research culture based on the nexus between theory and creative practice. While research higher degree students in the School of Creative Arts can focus exclusively on theory, the School also provides an environment in which dramatic performance, visual art practice, or musical performance and composition can result in the creation of new practice-based knowledge, and/or innovative uses and interpretations of existing knowledge. Interdisciplinary approaches draw on a broad range of influences and ideas, as well as the traditional skills of the creative arts. Research capacities and strengths include: Research is fundamental to the activities of the School of Education. Research informs our teaching, underscores our commitment to high quality education at all levels and in all contexts, and connects us with the community and its aspirations. A group of dynamic and high performing scholars drive Newcastle’s nationally and internationally acclaimed research programs in curriculum, pedagogy and specialist studies in education. We aim for theory building, with strong influence on educational policy and practice. • world music, its analysis and performance and cross-cultural composition • 17th and 18th century music, especially Italian and French • interdisciplinary performance, film music, music theatre, composition • circus and physical theatre, popular entertainments in the Victorian and Edwardian eras, performance analysis and historiography • photomedia, including digital and multi-media practice, as well as early photography technologies • art history, particularly focusing on affect, emotion and war • museum studies and museology, from the practice of museums to the rhetorical aspirations of the new museology, historical and contemporary Australian art • gender studies, textiles and mixed media installation www.newcastle.edu.au/school/creative-arts Researchers in the School of Education strive to: • have high impact by addressing key educational problems and issues in contemporary contexts • pursue ‘cutting-edge’ projects of national and international significance • share their knowledge, skills, ideas and experience • develop collaborative networks with colleagues throughout Australia and internationally • produce research and research training of the highest quality The RHD opportunities in Education span from early childhood through school education and into higher education and education in the professions. Recent outstanding research higher degree completions in the School of Education range from investigations of emancipatory pedagogy to school principal leadership. Strong research programs in the School of Education include: • teaching and learning • schooling and school reform • research methods, training and impact • professional education, professional development and career trajectories • special education • physical activity, health and education • curriculum development www.newcastle.edu.au/school/education/research 28 | RHD PROSPECTUS School of Humanities and Social Science The School of Humanities and Social Science offers a wide range of possibilities for RHD study, from classics to speech pathology, from social work to American history, and from French to sociology. The following list gives a further sense of the variety of disciplines: • classics • community welfare and social policy • English (including Creative Writing) • film, media and cultural studies • French studies • history • Japanese studies • linguistics • philosophy • religious studies • sociology and anthropology • social work • speech pathology • theology The research section of the School website highlights research strengths, current grants and publications, and active research groups within the School. Discipline pages detail the research activities and expertise of staff and current RHD students. There is a large group of RHD students who come together at regular symposia and workshops. There are strong research programs in a compelling range of theoretical and practical domains pertaining to the humanities and social sciences, for example: • literary and linguistic computing • early modern women’s writing • violence and social order • transcolonial history • religion and society • endangered languages • evidence-based practice in social work www.newcastle.edu.au/school/hss/research Pictured right (from top): PhD candidates Guowu Jiang, Nathan Scott, Tara Dickinson www.newcastle.edu.au | 29 30 | RHD PROSPECTUS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT The Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment is one of the leading faculties of its kind in Australia, with a reputation for the highest quality teaching and research. In 2012 the Faculty received the highest possible Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) ranking of 5, ‘well above world standard’, for Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Resources and Extractive Metallurgy Engineering. In Civil and Mechanical Engineering, we are one of only two institutions in Australia ranked at this level. We received rankings of 3, ‘at world standard’, in Architecture, Building, Built Environment and Design, and Interdisciplinary Engineering. This strong international reputation, along with our comprehensive study options, helps us to attract a diverse range of high quality staff and students from many regions of the world. The Faculty brings together the professions of engineering, architecture, building, industrial design, computer science and surveying. Prospective RHD candidates can begin the search for a potential supervisor at: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/ meet-our-supervisors Pictured opposite page, top: Professor Behdad Moghtaderi and Dr Elham Doroodchi The University of Newcastle is one of just five Universities in Australia to receive an Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) ranking of 5 for Engineering. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/global-leadership/ excellence-in-research-for-australia-era www.newcastle.edu.au | 31 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT OUR RESEARCH The Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment is internationally recognised for its outstanding research record, which places our schools among the very best in Australia. Our research-intensive environment has helped to attract the highest calibre academic and research staff from throughout Australia and around the world. Indeed, many of our staff are leaders in their fields, carrying out internationally recognised work in pure and applied research that invariably attracts high levels of competitive research funding and highly talented research students. Our interactions with industry also bring real-world technology issues into our research laboratories as well as our teaching programs. Working with industry is central to maintaining a ‘forward looking’ approach in our education of students. We are committed to building long-term relationships that provide benefits to all parties, and we are focused on expanding these relationships into the future. Together with our industry colleagues, we research and develop new technologies and discover innovative solutions to many of the significant problems that face society today. ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering (CGSE) The Australian Research Council provided $14.4 million to the University to establish the CGSE. The CGSE will pioneer new scientific approaches to geotechnical engineering design to underpin Australia’s energy and transport infrastructure, resulting in increased productivity and sustainability of the nation’s export industries. Priority Research Centres Other Research Centres The University of Newcastle has 15 Priority Research Centres, four of which are based within the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment and another operates jointly with the Faculty of Health and Medicine. These are: The Faculty is also home to a number of other important university research centres. • Centre for Advanced Particle Processing • Signal Processing Microelectronics • Centre for Energy • Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies • Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling • Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information-Based Medicine (with the Faculty of Health and Medicine) • Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control. Our Priority Research Centres focus resources into areas of existing and potential research strength, and importantly they promote cross-faculty and cross-disciplinary research. 32 | RHD PROSPECTUS The University formed part of the winning consortium for the Australian Government’s $100 million Smart Grid, Smart City demonstration project for Newcastle. These include: • Special Research Centre for Multiphase Processes • Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development • Advanced Composite Structures • Australian Centre for Renewable Energy • Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks • Centre for Interdisciplinary Built Environment Research • Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability • Centre for Climate Impact Management. SNAPSHOT Professor MARK JONES Professor Mark Jones is Director of the Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies, Director of TUNRA Bulk Solids and is also the Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Newcastle. He has been an active researcher and international consultant in the field of bulk solids handling for over 25 years. His principal contributions are in the areas of bulk materials handling and pneumatic conveying. He is currently the Australian Delegate and Vice-President of the International Federation of Measurement and Control of Granular Materials and Editor in Chief of the Vogel Journal Bulk Solids and Powder; Science and Technology, Germany. In his limited spare time, Professor Jones can be found flying his light aircraft or soaring high above Lake Keepit in a sailplane. Viewing the world from above puts things into perspective and often provides the stimulus for new ideas. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT OUR SCHOOLS Research conducted within each of the three schools of our Faculty is often directly linked to business and industry. School of Architecture and Built Environment Academic staff in the School of Architecture and Built Environment have been awarded national and international prizes for research and design. They have held research fellow and visiting scholar positions at the world’s foremost institutions and are on the editorial boards and scientific committees of leading journals. They have been awarded prestigious research grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC), the European Union and a range of North American institutions. Several academics have been independently rated in the top 100 researchers in their field internationally. The School of Architecture and Built Environment is home to CIBER (Centre for Interdisciplinary Built Environment Research); a research group that seeks to address issues of social, cultural and historic importance in the fields of architecture and building. Over the last decade, members of CIBER have been awarded more than $7,000,000 in research income and have published more than 400 research books, chapters and papers. Our research strengths in creative endeavour (research by design) are also significant and our academics have both curated and had their works featured in state, national and international exhibitions. Research capabilities of the School include: • Architecture and design – theory and history • Architecture and design - computing and cognition • Sustainable and resilient environments • Building business governance • Integrated project management 34 | RHD PROSPECTUS School of Engineering The School of Engineering is a strong research-intensive school with expertise in a wide range of disciplines. Our research focus ensures that students are exposed to cutting-edge, worldclass thinking and are taught by staff that are at the forefront of developments in their chosen field. Many of our staff are internationally recognised for their contributions to science and engineering, and play an active role in the development of their research areas by taking on leadership roles in the promotion of information exchange as editors of some of the most prestigious academic journals, organisers of conferences and membership of international standards organisations. The School is closely linked with industry through scholarships, collaborative research, professional consulting and involvement with national and international professional bodies. A number of truly pioneering inventions have been developed within the School that have been patented and commercialised. The School of Engineering is proud to be recognised as one of the top engineering schools in Australia and is keen to continue and enhance its enviable research track record for the benefit of all of its stakeholders including our students, industry and the community. Research capabilities of the School of Engineering include: • energy technology • environmental engineering and water resources School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers an exceptionally strong research profile in the areas of electrical engineering, computer science and software engineering. Within electrical engineering, our research excels particularly in the areas of systems and control theory and the related areas of signal processing and system identification. Within computer science and software engineering our research is integrated and, together with our world-leading and specialised academics, combines theoretical and practical methodologies to reach viable solutions to challenging computational problems. The School’s research strengths are: • control systems and automation • signal processing • data mining, computer science and bioinformatics • machine learning and robotics • smart structures • telecommunications • power systems and smart grids • power electronics and drives • fluid mechanics and turbulence Example industries and applications include: • process industries • geotechnical engineering • electric supply and distribution • particle technology and interface science • optimisation applications in ambulance scheduling • process safety and environmental protection • high performance algorithms with GM research • structural engineering • high speed/high performance nano-positioning systems • surveying and spatial sciences • risk and reliability • masonry • bulk solids and particle technologies • materials engineering Research is an exciting profession that lets you use your vision and creativity to improve the world and become part of the global effort working on solutions to the challenges we face in the new century. www.newcastle.edu.au | 35 Pictured: Professor Brian Kelly, Professor Clare Collins and Professor Paul Foster The University of Newcastle ranks ninth among Australian universities for NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NHMRC) Project Grant funding. 36 | RHD PROSPECTUS FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE Why Faculty of Health AND MEDICINE… The Faculty of Health and Medicine is the leading earner of research funding in the University. Its research is characterised by multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches that complement the Faculty’s integrated undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, health sciences, biomedical sciences and nursing, and its commitment to excellence in professional education. This allows a comprehensive approach to solving research problems and facilitates translation of research findings into practical application for clinical practice or commercial development. National Ranking in Quality of Research Output In the recent 2012 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment, researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medicine at the University of Newcastle (UoN) contributed to a number of fields of research directly relevant to health and medicine. The significant results achieved are outlined below. • 8 fields of research ranked well above world standard: • Biochemistry and Cell Biology, • Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology, • Human Movement and Sports Science, • Immunology, • Neurosciences, • Nutrition and Dietetics, • Oncology and Carcinogenesis, and • Psychology. • 6 fields of research ranked above world standard: • • • • • • Genetics, Nursing, Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Physiology, and Cognitive Sciences. • 2 fields of research ranked at world standard: • Clinical Sciences, and • Public Health and Health Services. This places the Faculty of Health and Medicine and the University of Newcastle with its relevant health and medicine fields of research 4th in Australia based on number of research codes rated above and well above world standard. The results reflect not only the remarkable achievements of our world class researchers in the Faculty of Health and Medicine, but also the commitment of the University to build research capacity in these fields of importance that benefit the wider community. Prospective Research Higher Degree (RHD) candidates should align their research project with the research expertise of existing academic staff. This can be done by browsing the research interests of academic staff in the Faculty and making contact with a prospective supervisor who has appropriate research experience in the discipline of choice. Prospective RHD candidates can begin this search at: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/meet-our-supervisors www.newcastle.edu.au | 37 FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE WHY STUDY WITH US? Facilities Resources The Faculty has medical and laboratory technology of the highest standard to support the training of our health care professionals, our researchers and their research projects. Research Higher Degree students of the Faculty of Health and Medicine are provided with a number of resources to support their projects. These include: The Faculty’s researchers are distributed among 3 major locations in Newcastle: the Callaghan Campus of the University of Newcastle, the John Hunter Hospital (the largest tertiary referral hospital in NSW outside Sydney) and the Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, plus smaller regional campuses at Ourimbah, Tamworth and Port Macquarie. • RHD funding – candidates receive an annual allocation up to a maximum of $5,000 that can be used on any aspect of their research project or research training. The new, state-of-the-art Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) Building, located on the John Hunter Hospital campus, is a $90 million investment in the future of medical research and national and international health care. As the hub for approximately 450 researchers, the HMRI Building houses openplan laboratory and office space along with a Clinical Trials Centre for seamless interaction with patients and study participants. It allows co-location of biomedical, clinical and public health researchers in close proximity to the region’s largest teaching hospital, facilitating effective translation of research into improved health outcomes. The Hunter Medical Research Institute is a partnership between the University of Newcastle, Hunter New England Health and the community. 38 | RHD PROSPECTUS • Scholarships - the Faculty of Health and Medicine provides a variety of scholarships ranging from co-funded scholarships, top-up scholarships and donor funded scholarships. • Laptops - all commencing students are provided with a laptop computer to assist with their research. • World class researchers as supervisors – When selecting a Faculty of Health and Medicine supervisor to mentor and train you through your RHD program, you are selecting a researcher that has wide recognition in their field of research expertise and a well established reputation. • Training – ongoing training support is not only provided by our world-class supervisors, but also by support services available on campus or online. CAREER PATHWAYS A Research Higher Degree will prepare you for a number of career pathways. It is the recognised qualification for a career in academia and will also open doors to new career paths in the public and private sectors. Graduates from RHD programs are highly employable across all fields of study. As at 2011, 83% of PhD/Masters graduates are in full time employment with 77% of those in permanent or long term employment positions. Of those that were educated in a ‘health’ field, 90.8% are engaged in full time employment (Postgraduate Destinations, 2011). RHD graduates experience a high rate of success in employment as the generic or transferable skills required for success in a research degree are the same skills that are in high demand by employers. In particular, successful completion of a research degree indicates to an employer that you have excellent project and personal management skills, and that you can think independently and critically, solve problems and communicate effectively. Apart from enhanced employment prospects, students also benefit from having meaningfully advanced the research and knowledge in their chosen field, and have proof they are capable of completing a complex project at a world-class standard. The practical experience gained through a research degree will help you achieve more in all aspects of your life. Start your research higher degree journey now with the Faculty of Health and Medicine by searching for a prospective supervisor at: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/meet-our-supervisors For further information or general enquiries contact rto-rhd-foh@newcastle.edu.au. Pictured far left: Dr Gabrielle Briggs completed her PhD (Medical Biochemistry) in 2013. During her candidature Dr Briggs came second place in the National Three Minute Thesis Competition in 2011. GRADUATE PROFILE “I had an opportunity to look at the Faculty of Health, profile their research calibre and also read about my new supervisor. It was a big decision for me to move to Australia as most of my colleagues elected to pursue research in the USA. As a PhD candidate I believe that University of Newcastle’s biomedical research is definitely of world class standard. It is completely student oriented and nurtures research skills with full provision of infrastructure, training, conference travel support and funding. I couldn’t have asked for a better University to see my dream take wings.” Divya, PhD (Human Physiology) www.newcastle.edu.au | 39 40 | RHD PROSPECTUS FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Faculty of Science and Information Technology has a strong commitment to fundamental and applied innovative research. Our high international standards and comprehensive study options over a wide range of research activities attract quality staff and students from around the world. Students experience frequent contact with quality academic staff acknowledged for their strong research performance and productive research partnerships with industry and the community. The Faculty portfolio covers areas such as environmental, life and physical sciences; mathematics; psychology; communication; design; and information technology. It is important that RHD candidates align their research project with the research expertise of existing academic staff. Prospective RHD candidates are advised to browse the research interests of academic staff in the school and make contact with a prospective supervisor who has appropriate research experience in the discipline of choice. Prospective RHD candidates can begin this search at www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/ meet-our-supervisors OUR STUDENTS ARE TAUGHT BY EXPERTS AND HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR RESEARCH WHICH INCORPORATES NEW CONCEPTS AND TECHNOLOGIES – THE BASIS FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD. www.newcastle.edu.au | 41 FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OUR RESEARCH The Faculty of Science and Information Technology has established international reputations and formed strong, viable research centres and groups within our four Schools. In addition, the Faculty continues to perform strongly in attracting significant external research funding from national competitive grant schemes and increasing our industry partnerships and links with government agencies in the Hunter region and beyond through applied research and development collaborations. Research interests within the Faculty range from laboratory-based experimentation to fieldwork or clinical research operating within and across discipline interfaces. Priority Research Centres The University of Newcastle has 15 Priority Research Centres (PRC), four of which are based in the Faculty of Science and Information Technology and another four that operate jointly with other faculties. These are: • Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport (with the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment) • Centre for Chemical Biology • Centre for Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) • Centre for Energy (with the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment) • Centre for Health Behaviour (with the Faculty of Health and Medicine). • Centre for Organic Electronics • Centre for Reproductive Science • Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health (with the Faculty of Health and Medicine) Our PRCs focus resources into areas of existing and potential research strength, and promote cross-faculty and crossdisciplinary research. 42 | RHD PROSPECTUS OUR RESEARCHERS ARE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED EXPERTS IN THEIR FIELD. Other research centres and institutes The Faculty of Science and Information Technology is also a major contributor to the Australian Research Council (ARC) and is also home to a number of other important University research centres and institutes. These include: • ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume Research www.cilr.uq.edu.au • Centre for Optimal Planning and Operations www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/ copt/about-us • Centre for Space Physics www.newcastle.edu.au/research-centre/space-physics • Centre for Sustainable Ecosystem Restoration www.newcastle.edu.au/research-centre/cser • Centre for Urban and Regional Studies www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/ curs/about-us • NSW Institute for Frontier Geoscience www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/ frontier-geoscience/about-us • Tom Farrell Institute for the Environment www.newcastle.edu.au/research-centre/tfi www.newcastle.edu.au/faculty/science-it SNAPSHOT FINDING THE RIGHT CHEMISTRY Associate Professor Rob Atkin is making an important contribution to the development of better and potentially greener industrial liquids. As a former basketball player, Associate Professor Rob Atkin knows that executing an ‘assist’ can sometimes be as valuable to a team as scoring a basket. It is an important lesson for a researcher in a vast and rapidly expanding scientific field where every new discovery is a step towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future. Atkin, a physical chemist, conducts research that contributes to the development of novel room-temperature ionic liquids, or molten salts. These are vastly under-exploited substances that can be used more effectively than existing liquids in a range of industrial applications, including lubrication, catalysis, heat transfer and electrodeposition. “Table salt melts at about 800 degrees Celsius, so if you heat it up enough it turns into a liquid,” Atkin outlines. “What we do is take similar salts, change the molecular structure and manipulate them so they have melting points below room temperature. Once you have something that is pure salt but is a liquid, it can do all sorts of interesting things.” As well as offering greater efficiency, these so-called ‘designer salts’ hold the promise of being cheaper and greener alternatives to conventional solvents – and as pure electrolytes have useful conductive properties. Atkin’s focus is on gaining a better understanding of the basic science of this growing field, and identifying the fundamental relationships between properties and the molecular structure of ionic liquids. “The Holy Grail is being able to match the properties of an ionic liquid to a particular application,” Atkin says. “That might sound simple, but the catch is that there are theoretically billions of different ionic liquids – only about 3,000 of which have been described in literature. “Because there are so many, our challenge is to work out what part of a molecule is important for a particular application then apply that information to designing the liquid to fit the purpose.” Atkin has completed several pioneering studies in his field, and is highly regarded for his work in atomic force microscopy (the measurement of matter in nanoscale) and neutron scattering, for which he has access to the ANSTO research reactor at Lucas Heights and the ISIS facility in the UK. Atkin this year received a prestigious Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (ARC) and also leads a three-year $380,000 ARC Discovery Project investigating molecular scale engineering of solid/liquid interfaces. He heads the University’s Ionic Liquids Research Group and is a principal researcher in the Priority Research Centres for Organic Electronics and Advanced Particle Processing and Transport. His work is also aligned with the NIER (the Newcastle Institute for Energy Resources), a key partnership between the University, government and industry for developing sustainable energy technologies. Atkin, who was awarded his PhD at the University of Newcastle in 2003, has received consistent ARC support since 2005 and was appointed to the University of Newcastle in 2007 on a research fellowship as part of a recruitment strategy to foster a new generation of outstanding young researchers. “Gaining a fellowship was a huge boost for me because it allowed me to establish myself in the field and build a research team,” he says. “We are well equipped here and I think the main reason our research group has been successful and has continued to attract government support is that our projects are done well and produce good outcomes and quality papers.” www.newcastle.edu.au | 43 FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OUR SCHOOLS School of Design, Communication and Information Technology Research in the School reflects the dynamic, creative and technologically oriented nature of the areas of design, communication, IT and natural history illustration. The School benefits from working across these disciplines by being able to explore methods that enable more complex approaches to broader areas of study and practice, for example through the use of multimedia. This approach is evident in our commitment to the study of professional practices and the creative process. In a number of projects we apply research methodologies such as ethnography, documentary, systems testing and experimental methods to rigorously investigate phenomena. Our teaching and research emphasises the multidisciplinary nature of our professions, and through interactions with industry our staff and students focus on ‘real world’ applications to their disciplines. We are leaders in the recognition and support of practice-based research in creativity and creative endeavours. Further, our areas of research excellence are wide-ranging, and explore the important areas such as: image analysis and processing; health informatics; public relations and new media creativity; practise-based research; visual communication and digital media design; and contemporary and traditional illustration methods. The School’s research strengths are: • communication School of Environmental and Life Sciences The School of Environmental and Life Sciences contains over 60 academic staff nearly all involved in research training and professional research programs. The biology, biotechnology and chemistry research programs have access to a vast array of stateof-the-art technology including mass spectrometers, electron and confocal microscopes and nuclear magnetic resonance. The laboratories are well resourced and there is a vibrant research culture supporting national and international visitors and seminar presentations. Researchers have gained well-respected reputations reflected by publications in many high impact international journals and presentations at international conferences. The researchers in the School have successfully formed nationally acclaimed research centres via extensive networking and collaborative initiatives, and have also worked collectively within the School and across Faculties to form Priority Research Centres. The School’s research strengths are: • biological sciences • chemistry • earth sciences • environmental science and management • exercise and sports science • food and human nutrition • geography and environmental studies • design • marine science • natural history illustration • sustainable resource management • health informatics • information technology www.newcastle.edu.au/school/designcommunication-it www.newcastle.edu.au/school/ environmental-and-life-sciences School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences School of Psychology The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences is active in many areas of research. Our research groups in mathematics, physics and statistics are very successful in attracting funding from the highly competitive Australian Research Council Grant schemes, from industry and from other governmental organisations. As well as involvement in 3 of the Faculty’s Priority Research Centres, the School is home to The Centre for Optimal Planning and Operations (C-OPT) which provides a scientific and mathematical basis for the decisions that are made in many areas of business, industry, and government. Our research publications have a strong impact, as indicated by high citation rates; in a recent survey we were placed in the top 10 nationally and we have a particularly strong national profile in mathematics. We have internationally recognised expertise in the areas of analysis, number theory, optimization, surface physics, plasma waves and statistics. We are strongly committed to research training with many postgraduate students from Australia and from overseas undertaking research higher degrees. The School’s research strengths are: • applied mathematics, including operations research The School of Psychology has a strong and continually expanding research focus, with a range of internationally recognised research projects funded by national competitive grant bodies. We have state-of-the-art electroencephalogram (EEG) facilities, access to brain imaging equipment, well-equipped wet and dry laboratories and computer facilities. Our research students are provided with opportunities to participate in international conferences to present their research to the international community, and are often supported by research grant funding. The School of Psychology has a strong commitment to supporting the local community through programs such as the Psychology Clinic, which also provides a training facility for the students. The School’s research strengths are: • clinical psychology • bayesian statistics • categorical data analysis • health psychology • cognition • neuroscience • social and developmental psychology www.newcastle.edu.au/school/psychology • computer assisted research mathematics and its applications • global climate change statistical methodologies • medical physics • number theory • photonics • space physics • surface and nanoscience www.newcastle.edu.au/school/mathematicalphysical-sciences www.newcastle.edu.au | 45 46 | RHD PROSPECTUS THE WOLLOTUKA INSTITUTE Umulliko Indigenous Higher Education Research Centre is the primary focus of Indigenous research and research training for the University and The Wollotuka Institute. The ideals of Umulliko are grounded in what is referred to as ‘an Indigenous framework of being’. That is, Aboriginal and Torres Straight people take a holistic view of their lives and histories. A deeper level of framework is seen, in which the past, the present and the future are combined to form a more complete understanding. Umulliko takes on the challenges of increasing Indigenous control of research practice and outcome through the development of high quality Indigenous focused student research education and practice. Research options are diverse in the multi-discipline approach practised by the specialised services of Umulliko. Research in the emerging areas of Aboriginal legal, environmental and health research in a collaborative framework with specialist disciplines is particularly encouraged. Indigenous staff will also guide research in Aboriginal studies covering broad discipline offerings across all faculties through collaborative supervision arrangements. Your research topic options are therefore potentially unlimited within the University’s comprehensive range of disciplines. The University is strongly committed to increasing the participation of Indigenous students in higher education and our Umulliko Indigenous Higher Education Research Centre provides support to our Indigenous research higher degree candidates. Umulliko Research Centre Associate Professor Maree Gruppetta – Research Coordinator T +61 2 4921 6863 F +61 2 4921 6985 E Wollotuka@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/school/wollotuka/research www.newcastle.edu.au | 47 COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION FORM Closing dates Closing dates are not applicable for general RHD candidature applications with the exception of PhD Clinical Psychology. Candidates may commence on almost any week-day of the year. 3. anyone who is currently employed as: • an accountant • a bank manager • a credit union branch manager • a barrister, solicitor or attorney The closing date for PhD Clinical Psychology is 1 October each year. There are additional criteria that must be addressed by applicants for this. For details, please go to www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/domestic/apply-now Applications for 2014 scholarships close 31 October 2013. Scholarship applications received after this date will not be considered. If you miss the closing date in 2013 and wish to apply for a scholarship in the following year you will need to submit an application between 1 January and 31 October 2014. • a police officer of the rank of sergeant or above • a postal manager • a principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school. Apply online or Complete the form Apply online: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/domestic/apply-now OR • Applicants will be assessed on the information provided. Apply with form. Our hardcopy application form is found at the back of this prospectus. The numbers below correspond with the question numbers on the application form. Read these instructions carefully and ensure that all questions are completed. • The application form must be signed and dated. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. • Applications will only be considered if all relevant supporting documents are provided. Step 1 – Student number If you have previously been enrolled at the University of Newcastle print your previous student number in the area provided. Conditions of application • A valid email address should be provided. Applicants will be required to accept their offer and to enrol in their program via the University’s online student self service website ‘myHub’ at http://myhub.newcastle.edu.au Documentation Please retain a full copy of your application. Certified copies of all previous qualifications including testamurs (if applicable) and academic transcripts with grading system descriptions must be provided. If transcripts only are provided they must clearly state that the qualification was awarded, and the date of award. If academic qualifications are in a language other than English, official English translations must be provided as well as certified copies of the original documents. Do not send original documents as they will remain the property of the University for the purposes of this application only. The copies must be verified as true copies by either: Step 2 – Personal details Provide your current personal details. If you are seeking admission on the basis of qualifications gained under another name you need to attach certified evidence of your name change before your application can be assessed. Step 3 – Contact details Include an area code with your telephone number(s). If you change address after lodging this application please advise the Office of Graduate Studies. Step 4 – Citizenship All applicants, including those born in Australia, must provide certified evidence of Australian citizenship or permanent residency. If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident you are ineligible to apply on this form and need to contact the International Admissions Office on +61 2 4921 6595. 1. an official stamp in addition to the dated signature of an authorised person of a recognised tertiary or higher education institution (this includes staff in the Office of Graduate Studies) Step 5 – English proficiency An applicant who does not speak English as a first language must satisfy one of the English language requirements as outlined in the English Proficiency Policy, available at www.newcastle.edu.au/policy/000104.html 2. a Justice of the Peace, identified by name, JP number, address and phone number Step 6 – Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander origin All applicants are invited to complete this section. 48 | RHD PROSPECTUS Step 7 – Current enrolment Provide details of any current enrolment. An academic transcript should be provided evidencing your enrolment at all institutions. It is a requirement of the Research Training Scheme that all previous enrolments for an incomplete research program at another institution be disclosed to your intended institution. Step 8 – Scholarship details Provide all details of scholarships you are receiving or have previously received. Step 9 – Tertiary studies Supply details of all tertiary/higher education studies undertaken including the status of the study (completed, incomplete, currently studying) and dates commenced and completed. Step 10 – Relevant experience and employment Provide details in the space provided or attach a Curriculum Vitae detailing relevant experience and employment. Step 11 – Research experience/publications Provide details of any research or development work undertaken to date. A statement verifying your research experience from a previous supervisor should be submitted with your application. Evidence of claimed publications/exhibitions/research attainments must be provided by scholarship applicants. Include a copy of the abstract as proof of authorship of any published papers. Step 12 – Referees List the names and email addresses of academic/professional referees. If possible, one referee should be a senior member of academic staff of the university in which you gained your degree. Step 13 – Proposed program Please state the code, level and name of the program for which you wish to apply. Please refer to the table of programs and codes at the back of this prospectus. Indicate at which campus you propose to undertake the program: Callaghan or Ourimbah. Off-campus enrolment Normal expectation is that studies are undertaken on campus. However, it is possible to apply for off-campus candidature if you reside and work outside a 50-kilometre radius of the Callaghan or Ourimbah campuses. If you wish to be considered for off-campus candidature please complete the Variation to Candidature form at www.newcastle.edu.au/students/research-higher-degree/ forms.html and submit it with your application. Note that if approval is granted for off-campus candidature, you will be responsible for providing your own resources and you should be aware that the University does not provide special services should you wish to undertake this mode of study. Step 14 – Proposed commencement Provide your anticipated commencement date. Research candidates may commence at any time of year. If coursework is recommended as a component of your research higher degree the usual semester dates will apply. Step 15 – Proposed study load Indicate your proposed study load as either full-time or part-time. Please note that scholarship holders are normally required to be enrolled on a full-time basis. Step 16 – Research proposal A statement outlining the proposed area of research must be attached to the application form. Please refer to the Research Proposal Template on page 48 for assistance with preparing a proposal. Sufficient detail is required to enable the Faculty to determine that it has the resources, including suitably experienced supervisors, to support your candidature. Step 17 – Ethics and Safety Approval It is a University requirement that research projects that involve the use of animals or the use of human subjects receive prior ethical clearance. Some research projects also require safety clearance. While the responsibility for this rests with your supervisor, it is expected that you will be actively involved in drafting information and preparing documents to lodge with your ethics or safety application. Detailed guidelines are included with the applications for animal or human ethics clearance and are available from the School/Faculty offices or the Research Office. In some instances applications are also required for ethics clearance from other institutional ethics committees, such as Hunter New England Health or the Department of Education and Training. If you know that your research will require clearance please indicate this at question 17. If you do not know, you should raise this issue with your supervisor at the beginning of your candidature. Step 18 – Impairments The University can provide support services for people with impairments or a long term medical condition that may affect studies. Please indicate any impairment you have and visit the disability support services website. Disability Services The Disability Support Service offers practical assistance and advice to students with a permanent or temporary disability or medical condition. The support and assistance provided through the Disability Support Service aims to assist each student to meet the inherent requirements of their program whilst maintaining as much academic independence as possible. Further details are available from www.newcastle.edu.au/service/disability Step 19 – Signing your form Please read then sign the declaration. If you choose to cross out any part of the declaration your application will not be processed. Step 20 – Application checklist Use the application checklist to confirm your application is complete. www.newcastle.edu.au | 49 RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE When preparing an application for entry into a research higher degree program it is necessary to supply a clear statement describing the proposed area of research (a research proposal). Consultation with a faculty or school academic staff member in the research area of interest is recommended prior to submission of an application. Liaising with an academic allows you to frame the proposal to align with established disciplines and areas of supervisor capacity. www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/graduate-research/meet-our-supervisors General Length: From one to three pages is often suitable, depending on the area of research. Detail: The following outline may be used as a guide. You should consider each of the areas that will be relevant to your research. Minimum: The recommended minimum requirements are identified with an asterisk (*). Research topic/title* An initial working title should be provided and should describe the content and direction of your project. For example: A template for assisting research students in the development of a research proposal. Project Description Background What is already known or unknown? Set the scene. Aims* What do you want to know, prove, demonstrate, analyse, test, investigate or examine? List your project aims in a logical sequence. For example: The aim of this project is to: a) Provide an outline of a research proposal b) Enable a prospective student to prepare a research proposal Methodology* How do you anticipate you will achieve these aims?* What do you need? (specify any special equipment, software or material) Can you access necessary data or expertise? Do you require particular resources?* Are there barriers or pitfalls? Does the project involve human ethics, animal ethics or safety implications? Is travel or fieldwork required? If so, where to, how long and at what intervals? Expected outcomes, significance or rationale Why is it important? What do you expect it will deliver? What are the expected outcomes? Establish the importance of your project by highlighting its originality or why it is worth pursuing. Highlight the benefits, positive expected outcomes or innovative applications of knowledge. Timetable* Indicate the timeframe for each broad stage considering literature surveys, data collection, production, modelling, review, analysis, testing, reporting, chapter and thesis writing, and thesis submission date. 50 | RHD PROSPECTUS the university of newcastle 2014 application form for research higher degrees You must submit a complete application containing certified documents and a research proposal. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. This application form is used by domestic applicants for both research higher degree candidature and for research scholarships. To be eligible for consideration for a research scholarship you must first be offered candidature in a research higher degree program. Please tick the appropriate box(es). I wish to apply for: Research Higher Degree Candidature Closing dates are not applicable for general RHD candidature applications. Candidates may commence on almost any weekday of the year. Closing date for PhD Clinical Psychology: 1 October each year. There is additional criteria that must be met for this programs. For further details please go to: www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/ graduate-research/domestic/apply-now If I am successful with my application for admission, please consider me for: Postgraduate Research Scholarship Closing date: 31 October each year. Scholarship applicants only: Do you wish to request consideration for educational disadvantage? For example, carer responsibilities, medical reasons, educational disadvantage. If so, please attach a supporting statement. Yes No NB: If you commence, or have commenced your RHD prior to being awarded a scholarship, previous enrolment will be deducted from the tenure of the scholarship. Please also refer to eligibility criteria on page 7 of this Prospectus. 1. University of Newcastle student number (if applicable) 2. Personal details TitleDr Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other Family name Other name(s) Gender Male Previous family name Date of birth (Evidence of name change is required if qualifications are under a different name) Female DD MMYY 3. Contact details Mailing address Home address (if different to mailing address) City/Suburb Country State Phone: Home Mobile Postcode City/Suburb Country State Postcode Business Email www.newcastle.edu.au | 51 4. Citizenship What is your country of birth? If you were not born in Australia, in which year did you first reside in Australia? Are you an Australian citizen? YesNo Are you a New Zealand citizen? YesNo Are you an Australian Permanent Resident* (Permanent Visa)? Yes No Yes No Date permanent residency granted DD MM YY Are you the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa* (within Australia)? *If you are the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa or you are an Australian Permanent Resident and have not previously provided your visa details, please attach a certified copy of your visa and arrival date stamp. If you have answered ‘No’ to all these questions then you are ineligible to apply on this form – please contact International Admissions on +61 2 4921 6595 or email IA@newcastle.edu.au 5. English proficiency What is your first language? Do you speak another language at home? If yes, please state the language: If your first language is not English, you must provide evidence of your proficiency as detailed in the instructions accompanying this form. 6. Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander origin Are you an Australian Aboriginal person, eg. Goori, Koori, Murri or Nunga? Are you of Torres Strait Islander descent? Yes Yes No No (If you are of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, please tick both ‘Yes’ boxes) 7. Current enrolment Are you currently enrolled in a university/institution? Yes No If ‘yes’, name of university/institution: Degree titleDiscipline When do you expect to complete your current enrolment? 8. Scholarship details Are you currently receiving a postgraduate scholarship? Yes No If ‘yes’, please complete the following: ScholarshipInstitution Value Duration Will you be receiving a scholarship to support your research higher degree studies? No Yes If ‘yes’, please complete the following: Sponsor Amount per annum Have you ever received a postgraduate scholarship before? Yes Duration No If ‘yes’, please complete the following: ScholarshipInstitution Value Duration 9. Tertiary studies Certified true copies of academic records must be attached. Official English translations are required for documents in a language other than English. Completion and duration Institution name 52 | RHD PROSPECTUS Qualification title Date commenced Date completed Duration (full-time equivalent) 10. Relevant experience and employment Provide details in the space provided or attach a Curriculum Vitae detailing relevant experience and employment. Date: eg. 6/04 to 10/06 Employer Position held 11. Research experience/publications (attach additional statement if necessary) Provide details of any research or development work undertaken to date. Evidence of any claimed publications/exhibitions/research attainments must be provided. Attach the front page of publication or advertisement for exhibition. Where evidence is not provided, publications/exhibitions cannot be considered in the assessment of your application. 12. Referees Please state referees’ name, title, institution, email address and phone number. 1. 2. 13. Proposed program Please state the code, level and name of the program for which you wish to apply. Please refer to the table of programs and codes in this prospectus. NB: Scholarship applicants wishing to be considered in more than one program in separate discipline areas must submit a separate application for each discipline area. Program Code ( see list page 53-56) Program Level and Name (eg. PhD Education) Campus* * Off campus enrolment requires additional approval. Please complete the Candidature Variation form (www.newcastle.edu.au/students/researchhigher-degree/forms.html) and submit with this application. 14. Proposed commencement Please provide your anticipated start date: 15. Proposed study load DD MM YY Full-time Part-time Please note that scholarship holders must be enrolled full-time unless part-time enrolment is approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. 16a. Research proposal and supervision (attach a typed research proposal) A research proposal must be submitted with this application, indicating the nature of research you wish to undertake. You are encouraged to consult with academics at the University in your chosen discipline to discuss your proposed research prior to lodging your application. A research proposal template is available in this prospectus and can be accessed from the previous two pages. 16b. If you have discussed your proposal with a potential supervisor(s), please state their name here and include it in your research proposal: 17. Ethics and Safety Approval Do you expect that your research will require approval from any of the following committees: Animal Care and Ethics Committee Yes No Do not know Human Research Ethics Committee Yes No Do not know Occupational Health and Safety Committee Yes No Do not know www.newcastle.edu.au | 53 18. Impairments a. Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical condition that may affect your studies? Yes No b. If you answered yes to ‘A’ please visit the following website for information and advice on support services, equipment and facilities which may assist you: www.newcastle.edu.au/service/disability 19. Declaration I hereby apply for enrolment in accordance with the Act, By-law, and Rules of The University of Newcastle and declare that: • I understand that I must enrol in courses that comply with the requirements of the degree program to which I have been admitted • I agree to abide by the Code of Practice for Research Higher Degree Candidature • I authorise the University to release information regarding my enrolment to Government agencies in accordance with legal requirements • I understand that agreement to all of these terms is a condition of my enrolment at the University of Newcastle. • I understand that failure to pay fees and charges owed to the University or its partner organisation by the due date may result in my access to University services being restricted, the cancellation of my enrolment and/or action to recover any remaining debt • I understand that the University of Newcastle is collecting the information in this form for the purpose of assessing my entitlement to Commonwealth assistance under the Higher Education Support Act 2003, and allocation of a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) to me • I certify that all information and documentation supplied by me to the University is true, accurate and complete • I consent to the collection, storage and disclosure by the University, Universities Australia (UA) or any UA member institution of a record of any such information or any other irregular activity that may be considered to be untrue or misleading in any respect • I agree to comply with the rules, policies and by-laws of the University of Newcastle • I acknowledge and accept that the Code of Practice for Research Higher Degree Candidature describes the respective rights and responsibilities of both parties and forms the basis of understanding and commitment between the two parties • I consent to the University contacting other institutions to obtain further detail concerning qualifications I have listed in my application Informed consent: • I understand that the University of Newcastle will disclose this information to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) for the above purposes and that DEEWR will store the information securely in the Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS) and that the information may be used in connection with the National Data Collection on University Applications and Offers and/or other collections as DEEWR may lawfully require from time to time • I accept that DEEWR may disclose the information to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and that the University of Newcastle will not otherwise disclose the information without my consent unless required or authorised by law. In signing this form you are agreeing to all of the above conditions. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth). Signed: Date: 20. Application checklist Tick the boxes when you have completed the following steps: Completed your application form Provided a valid email address Provided certified copies of testamurs and transcripts Provided evidence of citizenship Provided evidence of publications (where appropriate) Attached supporting documentation (certified copies where appropriate) Attached research proposal Signed the declaration Once you have completed all of the above, mail all forms and attachments to: Office of Graduate Studies The Chancellery The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE PROGRAM TITLES AND CODES Applications for Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) research degrees will be accepted throughout the year. The following is a list of application code numbers. The application code needs to be included in step 13 of your application form. IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE APPLICATION FORM FIXED closing dates for specific applications 1 October for PhD Clinical Psychology 1 October for PhD Health Psychology 31 October for research higher degree scholarship Closing dates for general research higher degree entry: Applications for candidature may be submitted at any time. Master of Philosophy research programs Duration in years Program code (MPhil) M Phil (Aboriginal Health Studies) 2 11644 M Phil (Aboriginal Studies) 2 11617 M Phil (Accounting and Finance) 2 11601 M Phil (Anatomical Pathology) 2 11641 M Phil (Anatomy) 2 11629 M Phil (Architecture) 2 11618 M Phil (Behavioural Sciences in Relation to Medicine) 2 11643 M Phil (Biological Sciences) 2 11661 M Phil (Building) 2 11619 M Phil (Chemical Engineering) 2 11626 M Phil (Chemistry) 2 11662 M Phil (Civil Engineering) 2 11624 M Phil (Classics) 2 11607 M Phil (Clinical Pharmacology) 2 11645 M Phil (Communication and Media Arts) 2 11657 M Phil (Community Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology) 2 11647 M Phil (Computer Engineering) 2 11621 M Phil (Computer Science) 2 11620 M Phil (Cultural Studies) 2 11678 M Phil (Design) 2 11658 M Phil (Drama) 2 11603 M Phil (Economics) 2 11598 M Phil (Education) 2 11606 M Phil (Electrical Engineering) 2 11622 M Phil (English) 2 11608 M Phil (Environmental and Occupational Health) 2 11637 M Phil (Environmental Engineering) 2 11625 M Phil (Environmental Science) 2 11663 M Phil (Exercise and Sport Science) 2 11720 M Phil (Experimental Pharmacology) 2 11630 M Phil (Fine Art) 2 11605 M Phil (Food Science) 2 11664 M Phil (General Practice) 2 11646 M Phil (Geology) 2 11665 M Phil (History) 2 11609 M Phil (Human Geography) 2 11666 www.newcastle.edu.au | 55 M Phil (Human Physiology) 2 11631 M Phil (Industrial Design) 2 11739 M Phil (Immunology and Microbiology) 2 11632 M Phil (Information Systems) 2 11659 M Phil (Information Technology) 2 11660 M Phil (Law) 2 11600 M Phil (Leisure and Tourism Studies) 2 11599 M Phil (Linguistics) 2 11611 M Phil (Management) 2 11602 M Phil (Marine Science) 2 11667 M Phil (Mathematics) 2 11671 M Phil (Mechanical Engineering) 2 11627 M Phil (Medical Biochemistry) 2 11633 M Phil (Medical Genetics) 2 11634 M Phil (Medical Physics) 2 11670 M Phil (Medical Radiation Science) 2 11638 M Phil (Medicine) 2 11648 M Phil (Modern Languages) 2 11612 M Phil (Music) 2 11604 M Phil (Natural History Illustration) 2 11734 M Phil (Nursing) 2 11653 M Phil (Nutrition and Dietetics) 2 11639 M Phil (Occupational Therapy) 2 11640 M Phil (Oral Health) 2 11635 M Phil (Paediatrics) 2 11649 M Phil (Pharmacy) 2 11642 M Phil (Philosophy) 2 11613 M Phil (Physical Geography) 2 11668 M Phil (Physics) 2 11672 M Phil (Physiotherapy) 2 11636 M Phil (Podiatry) 2 11732 M Phil (Politics) 2 11597 M Phil (Psychiatry) 2 11650 M Phil (Psychology) 2 11656 M Phil (Religious Studies) 2 11694 M Phil (Reproductive Medicine) 2 11651 M Phil (Social Inclusion) 2 11726 M Phil (Social Work) 2 11616 M Phil (Sociology and Anthropology) 2 11614 M Phil (Software Engineering) 2 11623 M Phil (Speech Pathology) 2 11615 M Phil (Statistics) 2 11673 M Phil (Surgical Sciences) 2 11652 M Phil (Surveying) 2 11628 M Phil (Sustainable Resource Management) 2 11669 M Phil (Theology) 2 11723 56 | RHD PROSPECTUS Doctor of Philosophy research programs Duration in years Program code (PhD) PhD (Aboriginal Health Studies) 4 11125 PhD (Aboriginal Studies) 4 11159 PhD (Accounting and Finance) 4 11032 PhD (Anatomical Pathology) 4 11126 PhD (Anatomy) 4 11132 PhD (Architecture) 4 10184 PhD (Behavioural Sciences in Relation to Medicine) 4 11134 PhD (Biological Sciences) 4 10061 PhD (Building) 4 10853 PhD (Chemical Engineering) 4 10380 PhD (Chemistry) 4 10095 PhD (Civil Engineering) 4 11028 PhD (Classics) 4 10450 PhD (Clinical Pharmacology) 4 11139 PhD (Clinical Psychology) 4 11539 PhD (Communication and Media Arts) 4 10729 PhD (Community Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology) 4 11135 PhD (Computer Engineering) 4 11459 PhD (Computer Science) 4 11029 PhD (Cultural Studies) 4 11677 PhD (Design) 4 10728 PhD (Drama) 4 10050 PhD (Economics) 4 10494 PhD (Education) 4 10367 PhD (Electrical Engineering) 4 10332 PhD (Engineering) 4 11719 PhD (English) 4 10426 PhD (Environmental and Occupational Health) 4 11144 PhD (Environmental Engineering) 4 11468 PhD (Environmental Science) 4 10319 PhD (Exercise and Sport Science) 4 11721 PhD (Experimental Pharmacology) 4 11590 PhD (Fine Art) 4 10727 PhD (Food Science) 4 10955 PhD (Gender and Health) 4 11214 PhD (General Practice) 4 11136 PhD (Geology) 4 10439 PhD (History) 4 10041 PhD (Human Geography) 4 11030 PhD (Human Physiology) 4 11140 PhD (Industrial Design) 4 11466 PhD (Immunology and Microbiology) 4 11128 PhD (Information Systems) 4 11185 PhD (Information Technology) 4 11524 PhD (Law) 4 10147 PhD (Leisure and Tourism Studies) 4 10852 PhD (Linguistics) 4 10114 PhD (Management) 4 10389 PhD (Marine Science) 4 11478 PhD (Mathematics) 4 10033 www.newcastle.edu.au | 57 PhD (Mechanical Engineering) 4 10209 PhD (Medical Biochemistry) 4 11133 PhD (Medical Genetics) 4 11129 PhD (Medical Radiation Science) 4 11130 PhD (Medicine) 4 11137 PhD (Midwifery) 4 11593 PhD (Modern Languages) 4 10333 PhD (Music) 4 10938 PhD (Natural History Illustration) 4 11735 PhD (Nursing) 4 10939 PhD (Nutrition and Dietetics) 4 11131 PhD (Occupational Therapy) 4 11127 PhD (Oral Health) 4 11591 PhD (Paediatrics) 4 11138 PhD (Pharmacy) 4 11592 PhD (Philosophy) 4 10191 PhD (Physical Geography) 4 11031 PhD (Physics) 4 10299 PhD (Physiotherapy) 4 11463 PhD (Podiatry) 4 11733 PhD (Politics) 4 11482 PhD (Psychiatry) 4 11141 PhD (Psychology) 4 10216 PhD (Religious Studies) 4 11693 PhD (Reproductive Medicine) 4 11142 PhD (Social Work) 4 10738 PhD (Social Inclusion) 4 11727 PhD (Sociology and Anthropology) 4 11151 PhD (Software Engineering) 4 11474 PhD (Speech Pathology) 4 11472 PhD (Statistics) 4 10284 PhD (Surgical Sciences) 4 11143 PhD (Surveying) 4 11462 PhD (Sustainable Resource Management) 4 11480 PhD (Theology) 4 11724 58 | RHD PROSPECTUS Applicants are cautioned that all information is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change without notice. The University of Newcastle reserves the right at all times to withdraw or vary degrees listed within this publication without notice. Applicants should make their own enquiries to validate all information before proceeding. 2013/1046 | CRICOS Provider 00109J
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