Vol. 1 October 29, 2014 No. 9 This Sunday is Baptist Women’s Day, a day to acknowledge the vital role that women play in the life of First Baptist. Women were very prominent in the ministry of Jesus. They willingly gave their energies and resources in support of His work. In addition, they were there at the cross when He was crucified…even after His male disciples had scattered. We read later in the New Testament about the outstanding work of such women as Lydia and Pricilla in the early days of the church. In Romans 16 Paul lists a host of women who labored with him in the service of Christ. Here at First Baptist we are proud of the contributions that women are making in the life of our church. We affirm them as equal partners in the ministry to which God has called us one and all. ALSO….. THIS SUNDAY IS HIGH ATTENDANCE SUNDAY Create a goal for connecting and reaching those around you. Invite others to come THIS SUNDAY, November 2nd to experience what Christ calls us to share… ourselves & the good news! The Christian journey is not to be walked alone but shared… SHARE IT! 2015 PROPOSED BUDGET Enclosed please find the 2015 proposed Budget for First Baptist Church. We will have a Budget Presentation Meeting in the Fellowship Hall Wednesday night, November 5th after Family Night Supper and will vote on the Budget Sunday, November 9th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Deacon. TIME CHANGE! Don’t forget to turn your clocks back Saturday night! YOUTH NEWS FBC Youth Group meet Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 6:15 p.m. for Snack Supper followed by Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. Hanna White, Parker, Tyler & Gracie Watson, Colby & Gracie Langley, McKenna Harris, Aubrie & Bella Leonard and Meghan Barham & Eston Lee are responsible for Snack Supper. YOUTH-PARENT CONNECTION Youth Parents, meet in the lobby of the Ministry Center, Sunday November 2 at 7 p.m. (during youth group). The purpose of this meeting is to lend support, learn what issues are important to our group of youth parents, and prayer for our teenagers. WINTER SKI TRIP Winterplace, WV Jan. 19-21, 2015 (Mon.-Wed. – JOCO Public School Vacation), Cost: $150 (Cost includes 2 night stay in Country Inn and Suites in Beckley, WV, Ski Equipment, Lift Ticket and Ski Lessons, Lunch at Ski Lodge, Continental plus Breakfast, and Travel Expenses.) $50 Deposit Due by Sunday, November 16!!!!! JOCO Project Weekend – November 14-16 (Cost: None... Other than your time, sweat, attention and availability to serve Christ and others) Weekend Schedule Friday, November 14—7 p.m. in the Ministry Center at First Baptist Church in Smithfield. Be CHALLENGED as participating churches rally together. Music led by GILES BLANKENSHIP and speaker JUDGE ADDIE RAWLES. Saturday, November 15—8:30 a.m. SERVE: Meet at a LOCAL designated area where you serve in your community (rake leaves, clean gutters, build a wheel chair ramp, etc..) till noon. Sunday, November 16—SHARE: at your local Church, talk about your experiences at Sunday School, Worship, or Youth Group meeting and celebrate how God worked in our community! YOUTH FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON Mark your calendar and make plans to join us Sunday, November 9th for the Youth Fundraiser Luncheon. The menu is Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli Salad, Corn, Dessert, Tea and Coffee. The cost is a donation toward the 2015 Youth Mission Trip. Please up in Sunday School or call the church office CHILDREN’S AND FAMILIES MEETINGS Attention families with children (babies – 6th graders) join us Sunday, November 9th in the Fellowship Hall to discuss ways to minister to children and their families. Childcare provided if needed. Contact the church if you need childcare. YOUTH FUND RAISER AUCTION DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Getting ready for another SUPER auction to raise funds for the Youth Mission events coming up Summer of 2015!!! We are now taking donations (services from businesses, beach or mountain houses, antiques, etc.). Please note that all donations given this year can be a tax deduction for 2014. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL SERVICE The Spiritual Care Services of Johnston Health, along with the SECU Hospice House & Johnston Home Care & Hospice, is hosting their annual Community Memorial Service Sunday, November 2, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. at the Johnston County Agricultural Center. FBC Flute Ensemble will be participating in this service. OUR KNOWN SICK Bill Downs (Home), Dean Andrews (Home) SUPER SENIOR FEST The Kennedy Home in Kinston will host a Super Senior Fest on Thursday, November 6, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. You will enjoy live entertainment, breakout sessions and lunch (Cost for lunch is $9.00). The event features Dr. Michael Blackwell, the Rick Webb Family Gospel Quartet and a tour of Kennedy Home’s Cedar Dell Mansion. For more information, please contact Carolyn Tharrington (919-9343749) for more details. JUST A FEW REMINDERS FROM YOUR RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM We are hosting a Spirit Night on Thursday, 10/30, at Zaxby’s of Smithfield from 5-8pm. 10% of sales during this time will go to our team, so please join us at Zaxby’s for dinner Thursday night!!! Thanks. Butter Braids order sheets are on the clipboards. Please attach your checks, payable to FBC (w/ BB in memo line) to the form or please place it in the BB envelope. The last day to order is 11/9. Poinsettia order forms are on the clipboards as well. The last day to place these orders is 11/16. Please attach your checks, payable to FBC (w/ Relay Poinsettia in the memo line). Thank you so much! CLOTHES CLOSET NEEDS The Clothes Closet is in need of winter clothes, especially coats, for men women and children. If you have donations, you may bring them Monday and Thursday beginning at 9:00 a.m. or put them in the bin at the elevator. Thank you in advance for your help. HAVE YOU MET APRIL? April Brown is a Campbell Divinity School student who is completing some of her coursework through our music and worship program. She is working with Kerrie on Wednesdays and Sundays to gain experience in leading choirs and ensembles. April is originally from Alabama, a graduate of Judson College, and is a second year Divinity School student. Please welcome, encourage and support her as she works toward becoming a minister and worship leader. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOE BOXES We are planning to pack 300 shoeboxes as part of Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child this year! The shoeboxes will be sent to children in poverty stricken countries to help pave the way for others to come in and continue to share the love of Christ! Each Sunday School Class will find specific items on their clip board that we’d like for their class to help with. Other items that are needed are: Toothbrushes, Bubble gum, Candy, Small Flashlights, Small toys, and Washcloths. Donations to help send the boxes overseas (each box costs $7) We will welcome any small gift items (no liquids or weapon toys please). If you are unable to shop and would like us to do it for you please make checks payable to FBC and note Operation Christmas Child on the bottom! Come join us for our packing party on November 8th at 10:30 in the Ministry Center! There will be something for all ages to help with! Most importantly please pray for the children that will receive these boxes and for the missionaries coming behind the box to share Christ’s love with them! THANKSGIVING DINNER Each year our church reaches out to the community to provide Thanksgiving meals for those who would otherwise not have a hot meal on Thanksgiving Day. We are in the process of gathering all of the necessary food items and manual help needed to make this mission come together. If you can help in any way, please use the form below. Put a check mark or quantity next to the items you will be able to help with, tear off this form and place in the offering plate or turn it into the church office. We will be preparing and serving in the Ministry Center. THANKSGIVING DINNER SIGN UP Name & Phone No. ________________________________ Green Beans (Lg Cans): ____ Advertisement: ________ Boiled Egg ______________ Set Up: ______________ Cook Sweet Potatoes: _____ Cook: ________________ Rolls: __________________ Spiral Hams: __________ Desserts: ________________ Serve: _______________ Clean Up: _______________ Deliver Meals: _________ Distribute Fliers: _________ Time: ________________ FROM THE PULPIT Sunday Morning Baptist Women’s Day Speaking To the Occasion Amy Galloway, Heather McLamb, & Emily White OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WEEK Sunday, Nov. 2 8:45 A.M. Early Worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:00 A.M. Radio Bible Class, taught by June Ward, broadcast over 1090 AM 10:55 A.M. Morning Worship, broadcast over 1090 AM 11:00 A.M. Hispanic Worship Service 5:15 P.M. Youth Choir in the Sanctuary 6:15 P.M. Youth Snack Supper, Ministry Center 6:30 P.M. Praise Ringers Handbells, Alathea Room 7:00 P.M. Youth Bible Study, Ministry Center Monday, Nov. 3 10:00 A.M. Clothes Closet, Ministry Center, end at noon 10:00 A.M. Adult Respite Care, Ministry Center, end at 2:00 p.m. 4:45 P.M. Soup Kitchen Ministry Center, end at 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5 5:30 P.M. Family Night Supper * 6:00 P.M. Children’s Choirs, Ages 4, Kindergarten: Preschool V; Grades 1-3, Adult II; Grades 4-6, Music Room 6:15 P.M. GriefShare, Ministry Center Conference Room * 6:30 P.M. Proposed Budget Presentation Meeting, Fellowship Hall * 6:30 P.M. Small Groups for Adults * 6:30 P.M. Discipleship Training for ages 2 – grade 6 6:30 P.M. MaD 4 Youth 6:45 P.M. Handbell Practice, Alathea Room * 7:30 P.M. Sanctuary Choir Practice, Music Room Thursday, Nov. 6 10:00 A.M. Clothes Closet, Ministry Center, end at noon 10:00 A.M. Adult Respite Care, Ministry Center, end at 2:00 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7 2:00 P.M. Pinecone Christmas Tree Decorating, Ministry Center 2014 General Fund Budget needs per week: Received as of 10/26/14 Budget needs Year to Date Received Year to Date $16,987.15 $9,775.50 $730,447.62 $639,132.22 Building Fund Received 10/26/14 $1,515.50 NC Missions Received to Date $3,687.00 Building Fund Note Balance as of October 29, 2014 $1,427,978.05 STAFF EMAIL ADDRESSES lee@fbcsmithfield.org tommy@fbcsmithfield.org bryan@fbcsmithfield.org kerrie@fbcsmithfield.org janice@fbcsmithfield.org glenda@fbcsmithfield.org margie@fbcsmithfield.org (their first name @ fbcsmithfield.org)
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