Document 407373

A publication of Calvary Baptist Church, Tupelo, Mississippi
Mark your Calendar
11.16 “Bring My Praise” by
the Children’s Choirs
11.16 Operation Christmas
Child Shoeboxes due
11.27 Thanksgiving
11.30 First Sunday of Advent 1 Associate Pastor *As we enter into the last two months of 2014, the easy thing to do is look back and say, “what a year!” In many ways you would be right – THE tornado, saying goodbye to beloved staff members, seeing the loss of loved ones and special Calvary members…and we could probably go on and on…but as we come to the last two months of 2014, I ask that you join me in saying “I can’t wait to see what God has in store!” For every time God takes away, He seems to restore all the more AS WE TRUST HIM! I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced God has His eye on Calvary Baptist Church and has something He desires us to do in this City, in this State, in this Nation and all across this world. In the meantime, let’s be about His business – loving people, being the hands and feet of Christ, and sharing the hope we have in our Savior. THE BEST IS YET TO COME! **November is going to be a great month! Baptisms on November nd
2 , Men’s Breakfast, the Women’s Ministry “Holiday Tablescapes and Decorating Ideas”, and the Deacon Ordination (and Deacon Emeritus recognition), all on November 9th. On November 16 our Children’s Choirs will lead us in worship and we’ll dedicate our “shoeboxes” as we partner with Samaritan’s Purse and their ministry. Finally, on November 23 we’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper and remember His sacrifice that has given us hope and assurance! How appropriate that on November 27th, we’ll all pause to say thank you to our Lord for all He’s done for us…and wow, has He ever. Keep your eyes on Him…trust Him…and know, the best is yet to come! Jim
Be ye DOERS of the
wor d, and not hearer s
James 1:22 2 Student Ministry
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Wednesday, Nov. 12 during ROCK Dedication Sunday, Nov. 16 during morning worship No ROCK November 26 January 16-­‐18 Believe it or not, it is already time to begin preparation for Super Summer 2015! We need to start putting together a list of students who will be participating. Please let Shane Harrington or anyone on the youth council know if you are planning to attend. Weekly Schedule Sunday: 9:15 am.…Sunday School 10:30 am…Worship Service 5:00 pm…Praise Band Practice 6:00 pm…KStyle – Nov. 2 & 9 only Wednesday: 6:00 pm…ROCK – No ROCK on Nov. 26 Thursday: 6:45 am…Prayer Breakfast – No PB on Nov. 27 Children’s Ministry
Worship KStyle will meet Nov. 2 and Nov. 9 at 6:00 p.m. then resume in January 2015. Children’s Weekly Schedule Sunday: 9:15 am…Sunday School 10:30 am… W orship Service (Nursery for ages 3 and under) 6:00 pm… Kstyle – Nov. 2 & 9 only 6:00 pm… Nursery during Worship Service Wednesday: 6:00 pm…Children’s Choirs – No choirs on Nov. 26 6:00 pm…Nursery During Prayer Meeting Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm…Mother’s Day Out No Wednesday night activities Nov. 26 3 Minister of Music “No one else can bring
my praise but me.”
Our God is so sovereign, so supreme, so highly exalted that all of creation is singing His praise. Every sunset, every flower, towering trees, babbling brooks, sunrise and sunset, the moon, the stars, birds singing . . . quite literally everything God has made decries His glory and majesty. And of all of His handiwork, whose praise does He treasure most? Ours. Humans. Descendants of Adam and Eve, His creation He made by design for a relationship. That’s right -­‐ God, the divine Creator, made us for a close, personal relationship that is carried out as we worship Him through our everyday living. Not just on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, or Wednesday evenings as believers gather for fellowship with one another and corporate fellowship with Him, but every moment of every day our lives can bring honor to our Sovereign God. THAT was the intention of His relational design with man and woman. Because He is a God who gives us free will, the choice is ultimately ours to live obediently to His call; but trust me, there is nothing -­‐ that is no thing, no person, no job, no possession -­‐ that can fill the God-­‐shaped space He built inside each one of us. Our Children’s Choirs sing a beautiful song that speaks to this: No one else can bring my praise but me, No one else can give my offering, You have put a love song deep inside of me, That’s why no one else can bring my praise but me. I love this song lyric for too many reasons to talk about here, but Jesus was completely right when He said “if [my followers] keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want a rock doing my job! God designed me and you to bring Him the praise He deserves, and it’s important to remember that I’m the only one who can bring my praise. No one can do that for me. We live (and worship) in a spectator culture. Let’s not be guilty of sitting back comfortably in our pews taking it all in and just observing those leading in worship, as if somehow they can offer praise for us. Never! You have to bring your own praise to the Creator. That’s His design. The Children’s Choirs will be leading the church family on Sunday evening November 16 at 6:00 p.m. In fact, the song I mentioned above is the theme song. Won’t you please come and be a part of this special evening, not as a spectator, but as a participating worshipper, as our children lift praises and ask us to join them in worship of our great God. How about you? I’m NOT letting a rock do my job! Doug 4 1
Announcements and Opportunities Welcome New Members Congratulations to Michael and Samantha Barron on the arrival of their son Samuel Harris Barron born Sunday, October 26, 2014 weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces. Charlotte Armistead & Bitsy Armistead 184 Hillview Drive Mooreville, MS 38857 Joined by statement Katy Fogt 21 Trevino Lane, Apt. 3 Starkville, MS 39759 (Pictured with Katy is her fiance Jake Johnson) Joined by statement Jim Jolly 1713 Valley View Dr. Tupelo, MS 38801 Joined by Profession of Faith There is an opening for a Church Librarian. Please contact the church office if you are interested in this volunteer position. Wednesday Night Supper Menus
November 5th: Grilled Chicken Tenders Au Gratin Potatoes Green Beans Salad Roll Cookies November 12th: Vegetable Beef Soup Potato Soup Salad Cornbread Banana Pudding November 19th: Chicken & Dressing Green Beans Macaroni & Cheese Salad Roll Brownies Fried Chicken Tenders are available for kids each week. 5 Announcements and Opportunities Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday: 9:15…..Sunday School 10:30…Worship Service 6:00…..Evening Worship Service LifeGroups Tuesday: 10:00…Ladies’ Prayer Time Wednesday: 6:00…Student ROCK Prayer Meeting LIfeGroups Sanctuary Orchestra 7:00…Sanctuary Choir 9:00 – 4:00 Mother’s Day Out Thanksgiving Week Schedule: No Wednesday Night Activities on November 26 Offices Closed Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27 PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE Bob McCord William Armistead Chris Maynard Greg Pirkle Matthew Kimbrough Beth Wynn Charlotte Busby Sunday School Average Attendance for October General Officers 7 Adults 238 Youth 61 Children 44 Preschool 46 Jail 24 Fire Station 4 Total 424 BUDGET GIVING as of September 30,2014 2014 Budget Goal $ 2,191,628.00 Received to Date $ 1,365,217.08 Spent to Date $ 1,451,631.58 MISSIONS GIVING as of October 19, 2014 Total Missions Giving to Date $ 297,312.19 M.L. State Missions Goal for 2014 $ 20,000.00 M.L. State Missions Received to Date $ 8,007.50 RIPPLE EFFECT CAMPAIGN Total Amount Pledged $ 3,909,624.00 Total Amount Received $ 3,615,853.60 MINISTER OF YOUTH SEARCH COMMITTEE Pat Caldwell Josh Hurt Jennifer Locke Janya Rogers Amy Scoville Kyle Alford Rachel Lee 6 1
Weekly Servants for November
November 2 Myara Gravlee Babies November 16 Babies Sara Talton Sherry Magee Gail Chisholm Gail Chisholm Diane Wiese Preschool 1A Amy Witcher Preschool 1A Stacy Tollison Debra Allen Janya Rogers Preschool 1B Candice Reed Preschool 1B Kim Edwards Wendi Gordon Christian Reed Preschool 2 Kelsey Carruth Preschool 2 Kelsey Carruth April Baker April Baker Preschool 3 Brittany Irwin Preschool 3
Marla D
arnell Kevin Irwin Jason Darnell November 23 November 9 Babies Hannah Williams Babies M.A. Kennedy Sarah Gray Carolyn Gray Gail Chisholm Sarah Gray Preschool 1A Ashley Gray Preschool 1A Kelsey Carruth Caroline Gray Ashley Gray Preschool 1B Nyanza Steward Preschool 1B Barbara Davis Bob Chisholm Ricky Davis Preschool 2 Kelsey Carruth Preschool 2 Kate Gray Kate Gray Caroline Gray Preschool 3 Sherry Whitehead Preschool 3 Lauren Hurt Josh Hurt Michael Whitehead Media Team Nov. 2 Clay Stewart – camera Jeff Rogers – camera Kelven Wilson – camera Kyle Alford – camera alternate Tracey Morton – sound Rachel Lee – projection Luke McAlpin – switcher Nov. 9 Kerri Wampler – camera Mary Preston Evers – camera Kyle Alford – camera Jeff Rogers – camera alternate Bob Chisholm – sound Odis Henry – projection Clay Stewart – switcher Nov. 16 Bob Chishom – camera Jeff Rogers – camera Kelven Wilson – camera Clay Stewart – camera alternate Tracey Morton – sound Odis Henry – projection Luke McAlpin – switcher Nov. 23 Clay Stewart – camera Jeff Rogers – Camera Kyle Alford – camera Kerri Wampler – camera alternate Bob Chisholm – sound Ellen White – projection Tracey Morton – switcher Offertory Prayer November 30 Nov. 2 – Parrish Alford Nov. 9 – Gary Bonds Nov. 16 – Pat Caldwell Nov. 23 – Shane Harrington Nov. 30 – Harold Hinchey Babies Carolyn Gray Goldie Wesson Sarah Gray Preschool 1A Jason Tubb Hillary Tubb Preschool 1B Leanne Davis Jim Davis Preschool 2 Kate Gray Caroline Gray Preschool 3 Ashley Gray Offering Committee Kelsey Carruth Nov. 2 -­‐ William Armistead and Larry Stewart Nov. 9 -­‐ Parrish Alford and Gary Bonds Nov. 16 -­‐ Fred Pitts and Lee Johnson Nov. 23 -­‐ Ed M itchell and Steve White Nov. 30 -­‐ William Armistead and Larry Stewart Van Drivers Nov. 2 – Van Stone Nov. 9 – Tommy McElroy Nov. 16 – Phil Jones Nov. 23 – Bob Chisholm Nov. 30 – Pat Caldwell Hospital Visitation Jail Ministry Adult Men Nov. 2 – D. Mitchell/ D. Turner/E. Gates Nov. 9 – D. Turner/E. Gates/B. Taylor Nov. 16 -­‐ E. Gates/B. Taylor/LB Davis Nov. 23 -­‐ B. Taylor/LB Davis/B. Kline Nov. 30 -­‐ LB Davis/B. Kline/G. Kennedy Juvenile Boys Nov. 6 – Al Pleasants/Chris Weaver Nov. 13 – Chris Weaver/Gregg Kennedy Nov. 20 – Gregg Kennedy/Jimmy Bowers Nov. 27 – Jimmy Bowers/Bob Chisholm Adult Women Nov. 2 – Debbie Milton/Nellie Epps Nov. 9 – Nellie Epps/Hannah Kimbrough Nov. 16 – Hannah Kimbrough/Lane McClellan Nov. 23 – Lane McClellan/Rosemary Marecle Nov. 30 – Rosemary Marecle/Missy Lunceford Juvenile Girls Nov. 6 – Marian Moore/Chris Maynard Nov. 13 – Melanie Moore/Cindy Pike Nov. 20 – Elaine Bowers/Patricia Jones Nov. 27 – Thanksgiving Week Nov. 2 – Phil Jones & Matt Wesson Nov. 9 – Ed M itchell & Lee Johnson Nov. 16 – Greg Pirkle & Van Stone Nov. 23 – James Hayes & Zack Pleasants Nov. 30 – Phil Jones & Matt Wesson Media Team – continued Nov. 30 Mary Preston Evers – camera Jeff Rogers – camera Kelven Wilson – camera Clay Stewart – camera alternate Tracey Morton – sound Kyle Alford – projection Luke McAlpin – switcher 7 1
Calvary Baptist Church
P.O. Box 1008
Tupelo, MS 38802
Church Staff
Morning Worship Interim Evening Worship Interim Associate Pastor Minister of Music Director of Childhood Ministries Business Administrator Pastor’s Secretary Education Secretary Secretary/ Receptionist Financial Secretary Operations Coordinator Mother’s Day Out/Nursery Coordinator Kindergarten/ Preschool Director Media Director Music/Media Assistant Dr. Bill Hardin Dr. Bobby Douglas Jim Yates Doug Spires Brandy Johnson Michael Lunceford Yvonne Merritt Rachel Crocker Mickie Gatlin Samantha Barron Mike Williams Gail Chisholm Kevin Ann Weatherly Tracey Morton Ellen White 769-­‐1211 610-­‐4773 312-­‐1081 397-­‐8384 401-­‐1056 372-­‐4948 423-­‐7618 538-­‐1856 231-­‐9686 844-­‐8958 791-­‐1025 401-­‐7717 871-­‐7967 Contact Us
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1008
Tupelo, MS 38802
Physical address:
501 West Main St.
Tupelo, MS 38804 8