HOLY ROSARY PARISH The Dominican Friars serving the Archdiocese of Galveston -Houston 3617 Milam St. G Houston, Texas 77002 H www. holyrosaryparish.org WEEKLY SCHEDULE Pastoral Message WEEKLY SCHEDULE November 2, 2014 As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Saint Martin de Porres on Monday, November 3, I’d like to share with you my devotion, my “long time relationship”, with the beloved Peruvian Dominican saint. As you know, my family is from Lima and they have had a devotion to Blessed Martin even before he was canonized in May of 1962 by Saint John XXIII at the Vatican. People from Lima call him “Martincito”, basically meaning dear Martin. My late grandfather, Miguel Torres, was a member of the Brotherhood of Saint Martin de Porres—an institution sponsored by the Dominican Order and based at the Basilica of the Most Holy Rosary. The Brotherhood was in charge, among other things, of the organization of the annual November procession through downtown Lima. I remember hearing as a child, “Martincito es muy milagroso”, (“Martin is very miraculous”), by several close relatives. Due to our strong devotion to Saint Martin, my family has attributed to him many miracles received through his intercession; so, since an early age, I started “my relationship” with him. I remember going every year with my family to his procession—dressed in the white and black habit of the Brotherhood of St. Martin de Porres. My mother always reminds me that my grandfather vested me with the Brotherhood’s habit at the Basilica of the Most Holy Rosary, when I was one year old. At home we’ve always had, and still do, statues and paintings of St. Martin. As I was growing up, throughout the year, our family made frequent visits to St. Martin at the Basilica in downtown Lima—visits that I continue to do every time I go to Peru, now as a Dominican friar. But it was when I was about ten years old that my mother told me a story that will be in my memory for the rest of my life. (to be continued on November 16) In Christ, —Fr. Juan, O. P. Upcoming Events Fr. Juan will be out of town visiting family from Oct. 27 to Nov. 4. Market Day is today, November 2. This fundraiser benefits the Religious Education Program. Black Bag Collection takes place this weekend, November 1-2. Parish Assembly Weekend will take place on November 8-9. MASSES SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) SUNDAY STAFF DI R ECTORY English: 8:00, 11:00 a.m., 12:30, 5:00 p.m. Vietnamese: 3:15 and 6:30 p.m. Latin: 9:30 a.m. STAFF DI R ECTORY WEEKDAYS 12:05 p.m. Mon.– Sat., 5:15 p.m. Mon.–Fri. RECONCILIATION WEEKLY SCHEDULE SATURDAY 11:30 a.m.– noon, 4:00–5:00 p.m. LITURGICAL CALENDAR WEEKDAYS 11:30 a.m.– noon and 4:40–5:10 p.m. Mon.–Fri. WEEKLY SCHEDULE ROSARY 4:50 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 4:35 p.m. Sat. and Sun. STAFF DI RADORATION ECTORY EUCHARISTIC Fridays, 12:45–5:00 p.m. (5:05 Benediction) STAFF DI R ECTORY Telephone 713-529-4854, enter an extension: Fr. Ian G. Bordenave, O.P. (Pastor) 101 iborde@hotmail.com Fr.LITURGICAL Juan M. Torres, O.P. CALENDAR (Parochial Vicar) 103 j t o r re s @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg Fr. Isidore V. Vicente, O.P. (Parochial Vicar) 104 Fr. Anthony Hung Tran, O.P. (Chaplain) Ava Voissem (Parish Secretary) 101 o f f i c e @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg Geoff Green (Business Administrator) 109 businessadmin@holyrosaryparish . org Valerie Chase (Special Projects) 102 Juan Maldonado (Bookkeeper) 108 Laura Chase (Wedding Coordinator) 110 David Paxton (Music Director) 105 Baptism scheduling 101 Anointing of the sick (visitations) 101 Religious Education Center (3535 Louisiana) Janet Hafernik, C.R.E., 713-526-4389 Priory (Friars in residence, 713-526-6322) Fr. Richard Williams, O.P. (Prior); Fr. Bryan Fontenot, O.P.; Fr. Martin Iott, O.P.; Fr. Richard Patrick, O.P. Assistance for those in need St.Vincent de Paul Society, 713-529-2156 LITURGICAL CALENDAR NOVEMBER 2–8, 2014 Sun. Wisdom 3:1–9 Romans 5:5–11 or 6:3–9 John 6:37–40 We pray especially for those named at this week’s Masses: 8:00 For the people of the parish 9:30 † Janell Pustejovsky 11:00 † Stuart Toomey 12:30 † Richard Nevle 5:00 † Cindy Gibbons Skrehot Mon. St. Martin de Porres, O.P., religious Multiple Readings 12:05 † Rick Doutel 5:15 Flo and Nicholas Chase Tue. St. Charles Borromeo, bishop Phil 2:5-11; Lk 14:15-24 12:05 † Dr. James Considine 5:15 Marion Bell Wed.Weekday Phil 2:12-18; Lk 14:25-33 12:05 Marie and Mac Bench and sons 5:15 Thelma Sanchez Thu. St. Alphonsus Navarrete, O.P., priest and companions, martyrs in Japan Phil 3:3-8a; Lk 15:1-10 12:05 † Michelene G. Toomey 5:15 † Jeannine Stevens Helms Fri. All Saints of the Order of Preachers Multiple Readings 12:05 Anita Rosales and Charlene Ruiz 5:15 Agnes Shimanek Sat.Weekday Phil 4:10-19; Lk 16:9-15 12:05 † Peter Nguyen 5:00 † Sophie and Steve Varnish Parents: Please use the breezeway or courtyard to quiet crying infants Reflection on the Sunday Scriptures One of my sacred times when I go on vacation in the summer to a farm town outside of the city of Salamanca, Spain, is going to the cemetery. My visit primarily is to spend some time in prayer at the tomb of my parents, but also to walk around the cemetery and read the different names, many related to our family. Walking around the tombs, with beautiful granite tombstones, all engraved with dates of birth and death, plus a loving message of the ones left behind, a flood of memories come rushing. It is an act of REMEMBRANCE of those who have gone before me and of so many that I have known in my long life. It feels good being there, praying, remembering their names, their faces, their earthiness, their trust that the earth would sustain them, their donning of their caps as Church bells tolled the Angelus at noon. Those earthy folks were HOLY persons. This act of remembrance which is done by all of us in a special way on this day, ALL SOULS DAY, is not only a reliving of their lives on earth but also of affirming their innate goodness, their connection with the lives of ALL SAINTS whose feast we celebrated yesterday. Both days are one. Both days recall lives lived and now, though dead, live even more fully. They are fully alive in God. They are now part “of the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us” that St. Paul writes about (Heb. 12: 1), and making a reality of the great Catholic doctrine of “The Communion of Saints”, of the union of the Pilgrim Church, the Purging Church and the Triumphant Church. All as one on earth, in Purgatory and in Heaven praising God. Who are those SOULS and those SAINTS? They are our HEROS and HEROINES, those that we have known and those from the past, even the ancient past. This day belongs to all these UNKNOWN SOLDIERS, at whose tomb we come today to render tribute, homage, and thanks. Thanks because from many of them, our parents, our grandparents, our siblings, a teacher, a priest, a nun, a friend, all touched us in a very special way, and touched our innermost part, our soul, where faith, trust, and love reside. They taught us to believe in God and in His Son, Jesus, and in the Blessed Virgin Mary, teaching us the prayer of love and connection with the divine. They are saints. And who is a saint? A football player, was the answer in a Mass for the second graders in my former Parish in Louisiana. Enough said. Or, you may go to the Beatitudes and define them as those who have put them into practice. Or, a definition that I have heard many times: One that does ordinary things extraordinarily well, with love, or, a saint is a recycled sinner, or, a dead sinner revised and edited. I guess we all could fall into that category. ALL SAINTS DAY AND ALL SOULS DAY are two of my favorite feasts of the Roman Catholic Calendar. Yes, we have the celebration of the great mysteries of our salvation and the feast of the great saints, Peter, Paul, Augustine, Benedict, Francis of Assisi, Dominic, Catherine, Theresa of Calcutta... But today we remember our dead, the people that we loved, the members of our ordinary families and other families who were just saying YES to God and people who constantly performed acts of random kindness to others regardless of who they were. They are dead, but ALIVE in Jesus, “the first born from the dead” as Paul says (Col. 1: 18). A few years ago, in the Book of the Saints we used to bring to the Chapel on this day on the UH Main Campus, I wrote the name of my co-chaplain and co-minister, Mary Comeaux, who died of cancer while serving there with me. She was very young, fully alive in her faith and preparing to die. She wrote about her imminent death. She did not like to die, she told God, still she wanted to surrender her life to the power of God’s Love. Who could you write as a saint in the empty pages of your Book of Saints? By the way, you could write your name there too!!! May God’s peace be with you always. —Fr. Vicente 2 Religious Education News Baptismal Class for Parents will take place Saturday, Dec. 13, from 9 a.m. to noon. Please contact Janet to register. Lending Library, come visit the REC or the parish library for uplifting, instructional reading selections or movies especially for an Advent devotion. November 2: Market Day is today in the parish hall. We still need volunteers today and in future activities. To find out more about these activities—Adopt-a-Family, putting up the greenery in the church (Nov. 29), St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 7) and our annual Advent Breakfast (Dec. 14)—please go to the web site, or contact Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389 or jhafernik@holyrosaryparish.org. Adopt-a-Family We are accepting donations for Adopta-Family for Christmas. Find out more by contacting Maria Correa at 713-7245262 or email at mcorrea@mlrcentral. com. Holy Rosary helped approximately seven families the first year to more than twenty last year. Your generosity made it possible. Memories of a WWII Soldier On Wednesday, November 19, World War II veteran and consummate storyteller Luke McConn shares his personal stories, bringing home a first-hand view of the sacrifice and valor of the Allied Forces. For information on ticket prices and location, please contact Valerie Chase at spsecretary@holyrosaryparish.org. All proceeds to benefit the formation of young men into Dominican friars, as well as the care of the semi-retired and infirm friars of the Southern Dominican Province. Young Adult News Open Houses November 7: First Friday Devotion and Fellowship, join us at the 5:15 first Friday Mass and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Afterwards, please gather in the narthex and relocate to Oporto Café, 3833 Richmond Ave., for food, drinks, and fellowship! On Wednesday, November 5, St. Agnes Academy’s Open House will take place beginning at 7 p.m. St. Agnes Academy is an all-girls Catholic college preparatory high school located at 9000 Bellaire Blvd. For more information, visit st-agnes.org. November 8: Texas Renaissance Festival, join us as we meet and carpool from the parish. Please let us know if you will be attending so we can plan ahead. On Sunday, November 9, St. Thomas High School, located at 4500 Memorial Dr., invites families of boys in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades to an Open House beginning at 1 p.m. November 13: Luminous Thursday Rosary and Coffee, please join us in prayer. It is important as individuals and as a group. We meet in the Religious Education Center at 7 p.m. to pray the Luminous Mysteries. Afterwards, we relocate to Glazed: The Doughnut Café, 1333 Old Spanish Trail, for coffee, doughnuts, and fellowship For more information, please email us at hrya.houston@gmail.com or find us on Facebook. Centennial Campaign We began renovations to the sacristy and candle room. This project should last 3-4 months and will bring needed modernizations to these areas. We hope to begin renovation of the church during Lent of 2015 so we can worship in a newly renovated church in time for Easter. If we are unable to begin in Lent 2015, work is likely to begin Lent 2016. All the centennial campaign pledges have been made. So many have responded generously and we thank you for your faith and suppport in the projects. This is absolutely wonderful, and your pledge payments are both appreciated and critical to getting the project done. Thank you all for your generosity towards this campaign. Diocesan Activities On Monday, Nov. 10, the UST 2015 Thomas Aquinas Lecture will present Professor Rémi Brague at Jones Hall, 3910 Yoakum at 7:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. For more information please call 713-525-3591. For Better and For Ever: An evening with Fr. Rob Ruhnke on Wednesday, Nov. 12, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Martha Catholic Church, 702 Woodland Hills Dr., Kingwood. Please RSVP by Oct. 31 to jrutledge@salesactivationco.com or call 636-856-0422. A Cardinal’s Christmas, Saturday, Dec. 13, at the River Oaks County Club. For additional information, please visit www.catholiccharities.org/ACC or call 713-874-6649. Project Rachel This is the Church’s outreach to women who have had an abortion or been involved in an abortion decision. Project Rachel offers Christ’s loving mercy, reconciliation, and healing through counseling and Sacramental Reconciliation. For more information, please call 713-741-8728. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Kevin G. Gardner II, Gloria Guerrero, Kevin Gardner Sr., Bob Reeder, William Beaver, Alex Jimenez, Joe Kowis, Wayne Andrews, Frank Mustachia, Mary Jo Spurr, Richard Galvan, Angel Davis, Marilyn Hensley, Hoa Thi Dang, Dr. Hubert Ried, Jean Ried, and Bob Rogers. If you wish to have prayers added to the Bulletin prayer list, please contact the parish office at 713-529-4854, ext. 101. At every Eucharist, the Church prays for all who are in need. ALTAR FLOWERS: The flowers on the main altar are offered in remembrance of all the souls in Purgatory. COLLECTIONS FOR OCTOBER 26: This fiscal year, the weekly parish offertory goal is $24,000. Last week’s total giving was $20,313.35. For the fiscal year, we are $45,751.983 below our goal. God bless your generosity. The parish’s 2014 Diocesan Services Fund goal is $125,900. As of this week, we have received $127,692.46 in pledges towards that goal, and $121,131.41 has been paid. For all who give sacrificially to support Holy Rosary Parish and its ministries, and who support the Archdiocese through the DSF as it ministers in ways a single parish cannot, we offer our heartfelt thanks. 7 Please come and join us for Wednesday Lunch An Outreach Ministry of Holy Rosary offers a $5.00 lunch after the 12:05 p.m. Mass in the parish hall. (November 5 menu: Baked Chicken) The center of your financial life is all in the family Let us help you connect your financial goals to what matters most Getting to know you and what you care most about — planning for college, taking care of an elder family member, passing a legacy to future generations, buying a second home — is so important. Once we understand your priorities, together, we can help you pursue the goals you’ve set for yourself and your family. Call to learn more today. Vidal H. Ramirez II, CFP® To help, please contact Maria Correa at mcorrea@mlrcentral.com or 713-724-5262 Wealth Management Advisor 713.658.1294 1221 McKinney, Suite 3900 Houston, TX 77010 Life’s better when we’re connected® To advertise, please contact ads@ holyrosaryparish.org CFP® is a certification mark owned by the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards, Inc., and is awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BofA Corp.”). Banking products are provided by Bank of America, N.A., and affiliated banks, members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiaries of BofA Corp. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value The Bull Symbol, Merrill Lynch and Life’s better when we’re connected are trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. | ARHWBSMT | AD-08-14-0927 | 471089PM-0714 | 09/2014 Bulletin Submissions Thank you to all who submit articles for the bulletin. Please remember that submissions should be sent to Valerie Chase at spsecretary@holyrosaryparish.org by noon on the Tuesday prior to Sunday’s date. Any submissions past the deadline will be put in the following week’s bulletin if applicable. Holy Rosary Playgroup Join us on the first and third Thursday at 10 a.m. at the St. George Playground or in the Religious Education Center. For more information please contact Annalee Wagner at eelanna_3@hotmail.com. Flower Donations If you are wish to donate altar flowers for a Sunday, please contact the parish office. The cost is $130. Sunday Brunch available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2521 Bagby @ McGowen Continental & European Cuisine Prayer for Peace Lord, the plight of the Middle East is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Therefore, we ask you, Lord, to spare their lives and to grant them patience and courage to continue their witness of Christian values with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the foundation of life. Grant them the peace and stability that will enable them to live with each other without fear and anxiety and with dignity and joy. Glory be to You forever. 713-521-7231 www.charivarirest.com Black Bag Collection In last Sunday’s Gospel we find the truth that loving God isn’t merely a matter of fervor in our hearts, but that it must be expressed in doing good for the sake of others. Through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to show that love to our neighbors by assisting 31 families or single persons, providing $10, 573.41 for rent, $1,498.84 for utilities, $186 for transportation, and $310 in food. Thank you! Call 713-529-2156 for help, or if you want to help the SVdP Society in this charitable ministry. The Poor Box (in the rear of the church) proceeds are used by SVdP Society to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time.
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