St. Joseph Parish A Ministry of the Capuchin Franciscans since 1877 404 W EST L AWRENCE S TREET · A PPLETON , W ISCONSIN 54911 · P HONE : 734-7195 · F AX : 734-0227 W EBSITE : Pastoral Staff Capuchin - Pastor, Fr. James P. Leary, O.F.M. Cap. 920-419-8738 Deacon / Pastoral Associate, Mark Farrell Deacon / Pastoral Minister, C.F. Dedman Interparish Adult Enrichment (739-5119) Carol Jensen Music Director, Jill Beyer Bookkeeper, Linda Baumruk Secretary, Barb Mauthe St. Joseph Parish is a member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System: 735-9380 Inter-Parish Religious Formation: 738-7413 DRE, Coordinator K-4, Eucharist: Andrew Russell Coordinator 5-8/Reconciliation: Jennifer Schubring Youth Ministry 6-12, Coordinator 9-11, Confirmation: Peter Leitermann Celebration of the Sacraments Marriage: Active parish membership of 6 months is required before a wedding date may be set. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 9 — approximately 9:30 a.m. or call for an appointment. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office anytime. Office Hours We remember these parishioners who died between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014. Phyllis Ann Goehler Lee Ann Lukas Willi Ibbetson Marian Verstegen Clyde Heckner Lavern Monyette Edward Steenis Evelyn Hameister Marion Batzler Pamela Beschta Jerome Kunstman Addie Ulman David Hammond Robert Weber Elva Dorn James Ney Raymond Wuerger Leonard Kaminski Tom Oudenhoven Michael St. Peter Rosemarie Worcester Leroy Blohm Audrey Schulz Margaret Theisen Shirley Schultz John Roegner Joseph Van Schyndel Mary Kobal Mary Geurts Audrey Ertl Erwin Weber Unis Brown Victor Petit Eleanor Gambsky Richard Huss Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mass Times Saturdays: 4:00 p.m.; Sundays: 8, 10 & 6:30 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Fri.: 12:05 p.m. . St. Mary’s: Wed. & Thurs.: 12:05 p.m. Holy Days: Check Bulletin. November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed S T . J O S E P H P A R I S H , Fr Jim’s Jottings Since October 2013, the parish celebrated the funeral liturgy for 40 of our parishioners. From October 2012— 2013, we prayed for 25. So this year our Lord called many more of our people to “come home” with Him. The names of our deceased are listed on the two scrolls in front of church. They will remain there throughout November as a reminder for us to lift them up to God in gratitude. We should also ask our Lord to offer comfort and hope to family and friends who grieve their loss. As we celebrate All Souls Day this weekend, it provides an opportunity to talk about death and funerals. Is there anything more certain than death? NO! That’s why we should think about it. Our Lord said “be not afraid” about dying. He promised life after death. He suffered, died and rose from the dead to demonstrate that He’s more powerful than death. For those who believe, life doesn’t end with death. It is only changed. We will live in God’s love for all eternity. Do you believe this? And when we die, how do we want our death celebrated? Will our life and death be celebrated through a funeral liturgy? If we have lived our life after the example of Jesus, isn’t it fitting to be brought to church where we thank God and ask for eternal life for the deceased? If that is what you would like, I suggest strongly that you indicate that to your family. Hopefully, they will honor your wishes. Finally, will the deceased be buried in a permanent grave? I think it’s sad when someone is cremated and their ashes are scattered on a hillside or collect dust on a mantel in the house. Cremation is fine, but those remains should be put permanently some place. Everyone deserves a place on this earth. That place should be a reminder to family to visit this place and continue to pray for this person. (Sometimes it seems that were so busy that we don’t want to be bothered by remembrances or visiting of graves.) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them! Job Opening “Maintenance Person” Do you know someone who is willing to be a part-time maintenance person here at St. Joe’s? This is an immediate need. It would be 15-20 hours a week. The job requires overall electrical, plumbing, heating skills and an ability to do basic repairs of equipment. If interested in applying, send a resume or call the Parish Office (734-7195). Thank you! Congratulations to Our Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners October 19 —Albert & Janice Exenberger—$25.00 October 20—Mary & Henry Becher—$25.00 October 21—Patrick Ruppel - $25.00 October 22—Mary Gosling—$25.00 October 23—Sherm & Mary Stromen—$25.00 October 24—Robert Hoersch—$25.00 October 25—Rachel Smith—$25.00 Please Pray For... Please pray for all our parishioners who are ill: Jean Hahn, Tom Nygard, Joe Strick, George Floodstrand Please also remember our nursing home residents and shut-ins. Please remember to pray for our parishioners or family members of our parishioners who have died. A P P L E T O N , W I SCRIP SALES for Christmas Many parishioners have been participating in our SCRIP program that benefits the parish. With Christmas coming, would you consider using the purchasing power of SCRIP to pay for your Christmas gifts? We can receive 5%10% on many purchases. It does not cost you anymore. It only involves a slight inconvenience of buying the SCRIP certificates and using them at the appropriate stores. From now till Christmas we will be selling SCRIP in the Great Hall after all our weekend Masses. Thank you for at least considering using SCRIP for the Christmas season. People who purchase SCRIP earn a credit for St. Joe’s. For September, St. Joe’s received $375.11 for selling SCRIP. Mass Stipends for Nicaragua Recently one of our parishioners wanted to have Masses offered for a deceased loved one. (We have a limited number of openings here at St Joe’s.) I suggested that she might have some Masses offered by our Capuchin missionaries in Nicaragua. Besides the reassuring graces of the Masses, the $10 Mass stipend is a great help for the livelihood of the missionary. Last week I got a note from Bp. Paul Schmitz in Nicaragua thanking us for the Mass stipends that were sent to him. He particularly said, “these stipends are really a great support for the guys who don’ t get much financial help”. If you ever want to have Masses offered by our Capuchin priests in Nicaragua, just let Fr. Jim or the Parish Office know. Thank you Pictorial Directory We are up to 420 appointments for pictures!!! That is terrific BUT there are still way too many parishioners who are not scheduled yet. We have added another three days to our schedule. So, please, look at our website or call our Parish Office to sign up. We want to get over 500 parishioners pictured in our directory. This week we begin picture taking on the 2nd floor of Holly Hall. Be sure to come on time and be as dressed up as you want to be. Thanks to those who are being hospitality ministers through all this. Remember…if you have your photo taken, you get a “free” copy of the Pictorial Directory and an 8 x 10 portrait. NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / COMMERORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Adult & Young Adult Enrichment Opportunities The Prophets: Nov. 4 and Nov. 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Nov. 4 : Jeremiah and Isaiah; Nov. 11 – Ezekiel. Join us to learn more about The Old Testament Prophets. Come to individual sessions ($5/per session). St. Joseph Holly Hall. Instructor: Rabbi Sid Vineburg. Please pre-register -7395119 or Please bring a Bible with an Old Testament to class. Young Adult Gathering (folks in their 20’s and 30’s) Tuesday, Nov. 18, 6:00 – 7:45 p.m. St. Joseph Parish Center, Holly Hall Plan to join us for an evening of warm food, conversation and welcome. We’ll begin with a soup and sandwich meal: home-made chicken noodle or tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. We’ll also serve fresh fruit and refreshments. At 7:00 PM we’ll offer a speaker (see next week’s bulletin). Small children are invited to join us – during the speaker, we will provide babysitting. Please pre-register before Nov. 17 by calling Carol at 739-3700 x 22 or e-mail: Spiritual Book Clubs Our book clubs will meet again on Nov. 12 and 13. The Wednesday morning group continues to read Prayerfulness by Robert Wicks ( pp. 47-82). The Thursday evening group will begin reading Radical Gratitude by Mary Jo Leddy, chapters 1-3 for Nov. 13. You are always welcome to join us! An Evening for Men - Thursday, Nov. 20, St. Mary Parish Center – Community Room, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. When Life Throws You a Curve: The Vern Sumnicht Story: A Blessing Born from Tragedy! In 1976 Vern was a victim of a car accident. He was left paralyzed – a C-6 quadriplegic. But he graduated at the top of his class and went on to become a successful business entrepreneur. Through the adversity he drew strength from Christ and from his wife. Pre-Registration is Required by calling Carol at 739-3700 x 22 before Nov. 19. There is no fee for this presentation because of your generosity to the Bishop’s Appeal. “Heavy Hors d’oeuvres” will be served prior to the presentation (5:45 – 6:30 p.m.) and after (until 8:30 p.m.). A free will offer will be taken for the food only. St. Francis Xavier Schools News This weekend we celebrate the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. The students and staff of Xavier Catholic Schools remember all who have gone before us who have used their gifts to build up the Church and our Catholic schools. We are blessed by their sacrifice and example. Mark your calendar for the next "Song, Stories and Fun!" Marquette Campus will offer a session on Friday, Nov. 7, at 9:00 a.m. and McDonald Campus will have one on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 9:00 a.m. This fun activity is free of charge and open to children ages 2-5 with an accompanying adult. Younger siblings are welcome to come along. St. Francis Xavier High School Fruit Sale The St. Francis Xavier High School Performing Arts Department Fruit Sale is being held again this fall. The sale runs until November 10. Delivery date is set for Saturday, December 6. Please call St. Francis Xavier High School at 7336632 to place an order or contact any band, chorus, orchestra or theater member. Financial News Tithing Needed ..................... $15,700.00 Last Week’s Tithing ........... $12,041.75 Children’s Collection ............... $38.25 Thank You! Your special offering to help keep us on target would be appreciated. Readings for the Week of November 2, 2014 Sunday: Wis 3:1-9 Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9 Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4 Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11 Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18 Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17--4:1 Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19 Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 Jn 2:13-22 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. "And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of what he gave me, but that I should raise it on the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him up on the last day." - Jn 6:39-40 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Pick Up Your RAFFLE CALENDARS The Calendar Raffles are in the Great Hall waiting for you to pick up. Every parishioner has an envelope with their name on it. We ask you to please pick it up. (We can no longer mail them out… government regulations!) This has been our most successful fundraiser each year. For $20/ticket a person can win $25 for a year. We ask parishioners to buy/sell three calendars. (If you can sell more than that, we have extras in the back of church or at the Parish Office.) Thank you ahead of time for your efforts! S T . J O S E P H P A R I S H , ANNOUNCEMENTS 1) Photos for our Pictorial Directory begin this Thursday November 6. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so soon. We WANT you to be a part of our “Family Album.” 2) Next weekend, we will have Blood Pressure Screening after Masses. “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” Xavier Theatre presents “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre. Performances will run November 14-22. To purchase tickets, visit or call the box office at (920) 733-8840. Phone messages may be left at any time and will be returned. The Xavier box office is staffed Mondays and Wednesdays from noon until 3:00 pm for walk up sales. Courtesy Announcements St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Store Please visit the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Store inside of Northland Mall! Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. This is a great place to shop for holiday decorations, ornaments, furniture, Christmas trees, antiques and more! Store proceeds benefit people in need in our community. In 2013, St. Vincent de Paul donated over $350,000 in financial assistance and merchandise to help people meet their basic needs. St. Vincent de Paul helps qualifying individuals and families with their rent, utility bills, medical bills, transportation and more. Shop and give to a great cause this holiday season! “The Spirit of Christmas” Craft Sale Sunday November 9 from 8:30 a.m.—2 p.m. Holy Spirit School Gym and Cafeteria County Trunk KK in Darboy Featuring: Crafts, Floral, Candy Sale, Cookie Walk, Classroom Theme Baskets and Luncheon. St. Thomas More Adult Daytime Programs presents Henry Golde Tuesday, November 11 at 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Come hear Henry Golde’s remarkable presentation of his true life Holocaust experiences. Henry is both an author and an oral historian, frequently presenting at schools across the state. As a young child Henry survived 9 concentration camps while suffering through the loss of his father, mother and brother. All are welcome. Invite a friend or two. A free will donation is appreciated. St. Edward’s Parish, Mackville’s Pancake/Porkie Breakfast November 16th (8-11 a.m.) Come enjoy pancakes, with your choice of toppings, and eggs and sausages. It’s a delicious breakfast for a low price…$5 each or $15 for the family. All proceeds will go to the Harvest Moon fundraiser. A P P L E T O N , W I Courtesy Announcements Continued Events at Mount Tabor Spirituality Center 522 Second Street, Menasha Janssen Forum Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to share in Janssen Forum's blessing with guest speaker, Sister Marita Gilsdorf, ANG. Sister Marita will share how she has lived and demonstrated "Moments of Grace!" Come alone or bring a friend to hear Sister Marita's inspiring and uplifting presentation on Thursday, November 13th at Mount Tabor Retreat Center in Menasha. Continental breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., Sister Marita will be presenting at 7:30 followed by 8:30 Mass. Please call 722-8918 with your reservation. Spaghetti with SPIRITUS Young adults ages 18 - 30ish are invited to join the SPIRITUS team for Pasta and Prayer on Thursday, November 13, 5 p.m. at Mount Tabor Center, Menasha. Registration is not required. IGNITE! IGNITE are dynamic gatherings for area high school students who wish to grow in their Catholic faith and spend time with their friends. Students are invited to join the SPIRITUS team members on the first and third Mondays from 7:30- 9 p.m. at Mount Tabor Center, Menasha, St. Clare Parish, Greenleaf and Holy Family Parish, Fond du Lac. Registration is not required, just plan on attending this free, faith-filled event with your friends and share your Catholic faith with others! INSPIRE! Young Adult Catholics Inspire offers fellowship for young adults, ages 18 – 30ish who wish to grow in their Catholic faith, meet with other young men and women and dive into scripture with the SPIRITUS team. INSPIRE is free and meets on the first and third Mondays from 5:45 pm-7:15pm at Mount Tabor Center in Menasha. Registration is not required. St. Bernard’s “Spirit of Music” A Fun Family Event that all are welcome to attend. WHEN: Saturday, November 15 from 4:30 p.m. WHERE: St. Bernard Parish 1617 W Pine St Appleton WHY: To highlight varied music programs. WHO: Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir, Men’s Choir, Contemporary Band, Organ, Small Singing Ensembles, & Father Dennis Ryan Evening Activities: 4:30 p.m.—Mass 5:45 p.m.—Pasta Dinner* 7:00 p.m.—Concert *Catered by Victoria’s Restaurant. Free Will Offering for Dinner Sign—up at St. Bernard’s Welcome Desk or call the Parish Office for Dinner Reservations at 739-0331. “Hearts Wide Open” —- JustFaith Mission November 17, 18 & 19 - 7 p.m. St. Thomas More Parish 1810B N McDonald St Appleton A Parish Mission in the Spirit of Pope Francis: presented by Jack Jezreel, president and founder of JustFaith Ministries NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / COMMERORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Weekly Liturgical Calendar Monday, November 3 12:05 p.m. Dec. Joanne Illias Tuesday, November 4 12:05 p.m. De. Gen & George Niles 12:30 p.m. St. Anthony Devotions Wednesday, November 5 12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Thursday, November 6 12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Friday, November 7 12:05 p.m. Dec. Mary & Roy Abendroth Saturday, November 8 4:00 p.m. Dec. Mary Ellen Bergman Sunday, November 9 8:00 a.m. Dec. Leroy Blohm 10:00 a.m. Dec. Nancy English 6:30 p.m. Members of St. Joseph Parish This Week in Our Parish Monday, November 3 7:00 p.m. Faith & Light Classes, Rm. LL11 Tuesday, November 4 1:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl, Rm. LL09 6:30 p.m. ADFF Prophet Series, Holly Hall 6:30 p.m. OFS Council Mtg., Rm. LL11 Wednesday, November 5 Noon Senior Citizen Committee Mtg. IPRF Classes 6:30 p.m. Men’s CRHP Team Mtg., Rm. LL09 Thursday, November 6 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Directory Photos, Rms. 210-212 5:30 p.m. Fundraising Mtg., Holly Hall 6:30 p.m. Twinning Meeting, downstairs 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, Church Friday, November 7 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Directory Photos, Rms. 210-212 Saturday, November 8 9:00 a.m. Private Reconciliation, Church 10:00 a.m. Pictorial Directory Photos, Rms. 210-212 Blood Pressure Screening after Mass SCRIP Sales after Mass Next Sunday, November 9 Blood Pressure Screening after Mass SCRIP Sales after Mass Please support our advertiser of the week. Brettschneider Trettin-Nickel Funeral Chapel They help support the printing of this bulletin Thank you! “PAST PASTORS” of St Joe’s Past Pastor # 17 Fr. Pacificus Raith (1924-1930) was born in Bavaria in 1874. He was assigned as Pastor at the age of 50 and served two terms here. Both of these terms were periods of apprehension, since he was aware of plans to form a new parish (St Therese). He knew there would be repercussions as a result. (Remember…back in 1898 Sacred Heart parish was formed out of St. Joseph and St. Mary parishioners.) When it finally came about in 1927, during his second term, he did all in his power to help the new parish become successful. But the cloud seemed to hover over all major decisions during the previous years. Despite the apprehension he felt regarding the formation of a new parish, Fr. Pacificus embarked upon another effort in the autumn of 1925. He opened ninth grade in the school with the promise that the children who enrolled could remain for a full high school course. Thirty boys and thirty girls entered that first ninth grade. However, the hope for a high school was dampened when the state building inspector kept insisting the school building was too crowded and demanded more and more safety repairs. The only way to continue the high school was to build another building. That issue, along with the impending forming of a new parish which would take away parishioners and school children, caused the high school project to be dropped. Appleton was still without a Catholic high school. Another issue was the old church organ. It had gone through many repairs and finally on April 17, 1929 it was decided that a new pipe organ should be installed. Schaefer Co. of Slinger who had built the old organ built a new one. This organ has 2,073 pipes and is a three-manual instrument. Total cost was $12,000. (This is the organ that we now can see in the choir loft. However the original console has been replaced by the new console on the church floor.) Complaints were also heard about the poor acoustics in the church. To remedy this condition a public address system was installed in 1929. It was not perfect but at least some improvement was noted. On Jan 6, 1929 Fr. Pacificus published the first Parish Bulletin. It usually contained four sides of reading material. Parishioners could now leisurely read the important parish announcements of the week, including the holy Mass intentions and also digest some articles on religious topics in the quiet of their homes. An important decision of Bishop Rhode was read from all the Catholic pulpits of the city on July 11, 1926. It announced the establishment of a new parish to be dedicated to St. Therese, the Little Flower. The whole district north of Wisconsin Ave. and south of Atlantic St., running east from Richmond St. was thus severed from St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s Parishes. St. Joe’s was taxed $30,000 to provide a working fund for the new parish. In order to raise the tax of $30,000 Fr. Pacificus introduced the envelope system of contributions. It brought gratifying results. St. Joe’s history proudly acknowledges that two parishes (Sacred Heart and St. Therese) came to existence from its own members. And financial sacrifices were made to help them get started.
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