¡ Name : JAGORANI CHAKRA FOUNDATION (JCF) ¡ Jagorani Chakra means : The Wheel of Development ¡ Type of Organisation : A Non Government Development Organisation ¡ Year of Establishment : 1976 ¡ Registration Authority & Number Directorate of Social Welfare NGO Affairs Bureau Joint Stock Company Micro Credit Regulatory Authority : : : : SW/113/77 date: 29/03/77 219 date: 11/4/87 Khulna-92 date: 27/04/04 MRA – 322 – 01714 – 00008 date 5-9-07 ¡ Governing Body : Number of Executive Committee members : 7 Number of General Committee members : 21 ¡ Name and Designation of Chief Executive : Azadul Kabir Arzoo Executive Director ¡ Background Jagorani Chakra Foundation (JCF) was established in 1976 as a national social welfare organisation in the southwest region of Bangladesh. Over the years, Jagorani Chakra Foundation has established a reputation as an organisation that is committed to address the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the community, by focusing on their social and economic development. ¡ Philosophical Foundation From the beginning Jagorani Chakra Foundation has felt that many existing development policies tend to benefit only the privileged, and although it is not possible to solve all the problems faced by community, the people themselves can identify their own priorities and plan the strategies which will lead to feasible solutions. Jagorani Chakra Foundation believes that education is the key to social change, and that the pace of development will be accelerated by the creation of self-awareness. ¡ Vision Jagorani Chakra Foundation has a vision of socially just; economically sustainable and environmentally balanced communities, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. ¡ Mission Jagorani Chakra Foundation will continue to operate local, regional and national programmes based on the demands and potential of ultra poor, poor and disadvantaged communities to foster their confidence and builds the capacity to share resources and also to develop, control and sustain their endeavours to find greater prosperity and improve the material conditions of their lives. ¡ Goal The goal of Jagorani Chakra Foundation is to support the process of poverty alleviation and the creation of socio-economic equity through the promotion of sustainable community based people’s institutions. 1 Objectives 1 Human Institution Development, capacity building and sustainability Objective 1.1 Objective 1.2 To reach a greater number of people whose poverty and vulnerability can be reduced through community based institutions. To ensure basic quality education for children in poor & disadvantaged communities. Objective 1.3 To help disadvantaged & vulnerable children develop, through education, training and guidance in life skills, so that they become part of a skilled workforce and responsible members of society. Objective 1.4 To develop the technical capacity of community people to improve their livelihood. Objective 1.5 To develop systems for generating and mobilising local resources to raise the income of the poor. Objective 1.6 To increase the use of environmentally friendly inputs and equipment in agriculture to control and reduce environmental pollution. Objective 1.7 To facilitate a way for people and their institutions to take responsibility for community health and ensure access to existing public health services. Objective 1.8 To develop the capacity to respond to the community people during any natural disaster 2 Human Rights and Social Justice Objective 2.1 To reduce discrimination by influencing the formulation and implementation of legal procedures Objective 2.2 To build the capacity for establishing the basic human rights of rural and urban communities. Objective 2.3 To work jointly with peoples’ institutions and disadvantaged people to advocate human rights and issues of local concerns. 3 Organisational Sustainability Objective 3.1 To develop Jagorani Chakra Foundation as an organisation that learns from assessment, innovation and demonstration. Objective 3.2 To ensure the effectiveness of organisational management Objective 3.3 To plan and implement strategies for maintaining the financial sustainability of the Organisation. 2 Map of Working Areas No. of District: 30 No. of Upazila: 139 No. of Union: 1,499 No. of Villages: 13,473 No. of ward under 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Different Municipalities: 209 No. of ward under Dhaka city Corporation : 09 Khulna city Corporation : 31 Rajshahi Metropolitan city : 30 Rangpur City Corporation : 33 Jessore Jhenaidah Narail Magura Kushtia Chuadanga Meherpur Khulna Bagerhat Satkhira Barishal Division 11. Pirojpur 12. Barishal PANCHAGAR Dhaka Division 13. Faridpur 14. Rajbari 15. Gopalgonj 16. Madaripur 17. Sharyatpur 18. Dhaka 19. Manikgonj 20. Tangail LALMONIRH AT NILPHAMARI THAKURGAON Working Areas (name of districts) Khulna Division KURIG RAM DINAJPUR RANGPUR GAIBANDHA JAIPURH AT SHERPUR SYLHET SUNAMGANJ NAOGAON JAMALPUR BOGRA NETROKONA CHAPAI NOBABGONJ MYMENSING RAJSHAH I Rajshahi Division 21. Rajshahi 22. Natore 23. Pabna 24. Chapainowabgonj 25. Sirajgonj MOULVIBAZAR SIRAJGANJ NATOR KISHOREGANJ HABIGANJ TANGALI GAZIPUR PABNA NARSINDI MEHERPUR KUSHTIA MANIKGANJ DHAKA BRAHAMANBARIA RAJBARI CHUADANGA JHENAIDAH COMILLA SHARI YATPUR JESSORE NARAIL KHAGRACHHARI CHANDPUR MADARIPUR GOPALGANJ LAKSHIPU R Chittagong Division FENI NOAKHALI BARISA L KHULNA SATKHIRA Rangpur Division 26. Rangpur 27. Dinajpur MUNSHIGANJ FARIDPU R MAGURA RANGAMATI PIROJPUR JHALAKATI BAGERH AT SANDIWP CHITTAGONJ PATUAKHALI BHOLA BORGUNA BANDARBAN BAY BAY OF OF BENGAL BENGA L COXSBAZAR 3 28. Comilla 29. Chandpur 30. Feni Statistical Information Number of Offices & Training Centre 1. 2. 3. 4. Head Office Dhaka Liaison Office Program/Project Offices Zonal Offices : : : 5. 6. 01 37 10 Area Offices Branch Offices Total Office : : : 43 266 357 Training Center : 02 Employees: 4,334 (March 2014) [General Management Staff: 37] Total Employees: 4,334 Donor Supported Staff 1,687 (39%) Female, 1,272, 29% JCF Supported Staff 2,647 ( 61%) Male, 3,062, 71% Staff Growth 2007- 2014 Staff Growth: 2007-2014 (March) 7000 5728 6000 5773 5646 5000 4439 4000 3000 4772 4590 4334 3207 2000 1000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 4 2011 2012 2013 2014 Beneficiaries Direct Beneficiaries Indirect Beneficiaries : : 7,41,310 (male: 2,00,677, female: 5,40,633) 31, 13,502 Beneficiaries Growth: 2007-2014 (March) 964,011 1000000 892,130 781,733 775985 800000 755,957 741,310 655,167 604,582 600000 400000 200000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Education for Children Total School: 1,093 (March 2014) Total Student: 53,327 Girls 26,152 (49%) Boys 27,175 (51%) 5 2013 2014 Statistical Information Credit (March 2014) Revolving Loan Fund Lone Outstanding Cumulative Loan Disbursed : : : US$ 96,125,694 US$ 87,538,002 US$ 692,993,606 Borrowers: 3, 43, 449 Male : 62,229 Female : 2, 81, 220 (BD TK. (BD TK. (BD TK. 749, 78, 04,169) 682, 79, 64,127) 5405, 35, 01,268) Total Borrower: 343,449 Male 62,229 (18%) Female 281220 (82%) Financial Growth 2008 - 2012 1,600,000,000 1,400,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,000,000,000 Income 800,000,000 Expenditure Net Income 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Support Services a Administration and HRD Department a Finance and Accounts Department a Monitoring and Evaluation Cell a Internal Audit Cell a Reporting & MIS Cell a Documentation Cell 6 2011-2012 List of Present Programmes (Sector wise/Issue based) # 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Programmes Donors Sustainable Livelihood Support for Sustainable Organisation of the Extreme poor Women Development Programme (SSOEPWDP) Social and Economic Empowerment of Ultra-Poor (SEEUP) Sustainable Technology transfer to Enhance Productivity for ultra poor (STEP UP) Valu-based Holistic Community Development Project (VBHCDP) Elimination of Extreme Poverty and Food Security through Community Empowerment (EEPFICE) Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security & Linkages (SAFAL) Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) Education: ECD, Non-formal & Formal Quality Primary Education for Students from Marginalized and Extreme poor Families in Bangladesh (QUEST) Quality Primary Education for Children from Extremely Poor Families in Bangladesh : Constructions and Management of Community School (CS) PROTEEVA– Promoting Talent Through Early Education READ- Reading Enhancement for Advancing Development Community Primary School Education Equity for Out-of-School-Children Project (EEOoSCP) Shisu Sargo Children’s Education Program ( SSCEP) Nur Jalal Shishu Ananda Nikaton (Orphanage) Professor Sharif Hossain Scholarship Program NETZ – Germany NETZ Bangladesh & BMZ NETZ & EU Heifer International Heifer International SOLIDARIDAD CYMMIT, IRRI & WorldFish BMZ & NETZ Bangladesh BMZ & NETZ Bangladesh Save the Children, USAID Save the Children Own fund UNICEF Own Fund Own fund Own fund Environmental Sustainability 17 18 19 Improving Rural Effective Total Sanitation through Female Local Government Members of Union Parishad Led Intervention in Bangladesh Panii Jibon JCF Solar Mission Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & EPRC Helvetas Swiss intercoop. IDCOL Microfinance 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Microfinance Programme Programmed Initiatives for Monga Eradication (PRIME) Enhancing Resource & Increasing Capacities of the Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH) Human Rights and Social Justice Disabled Rehabilitation Programme (DRP) Children’s Haven- a programme for the rehabilitation and education of the children of sex workers(CHP) Promoting Community based social Protection for Reducing Children Vulnerability from Sexual Abuse and Commercial Exploitation Shishu Kontho (SK) PKSF PKSF PKSF Own fund UNICEF Own fund Health Interventions 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Adolescent Health HIV/AIDS Prevention Nutrition Programme Water & Sanitation Good Governance Strengthening Civil Engagement in Elections & Political Process for Enhanced Transparency & Democratic Accountability Linkages Organisational Sustainability Self Reliant Project (SRP- 1; (Agriculture, Rice & Oil Mill, Fish Hatchery) Self Reliant Project (SRP- 3; Fish Culture) Self Reliant Project (SRP- 4; Handicraft) 7 Own fund Own fund Own fund Own fund The Asia Foundation Own fund Own fund Own fund Own fund Support for Sustainable Organisation of the Extreme Poor Women’s Development Programme (SSOEPWDP) Donor: NETZ German Duration: January 2011- December 2014 Contact person: Shailendra Nath Das, Project Director Phone: 01718 064613, E-mail: hpwdpjcf@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives An independent women’s organisation has been established and working for developing livelihood and ensuring rights of the extreme poor women. Major Component/Activities School Programme Passing on Gift Tanning Legal Support & advice camp Vaccination Camp Community Shop Water & Sanitation Homestead Gardening Initiatives to protect women & Child discrimination Savings & credit Operational Area District: 01 (Chuadanga), Upazila: 02 (Damurhuda & Jibonnagar), Union: 13, Village: 87 Pre-School: 25, Student: 689 (boys: 323, girls: 366) Other Information No. of Employees: 71 (male- 10; female- 61), regular: 46; irregular: 25 No. of Beneficiaries: 6,992 (female), No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 29,366 Savings: Tk. 1, 44, 67,469 ; Savers: 6,992; Borrower: 6,992 8 Social and Economic Empowerment of Ultra-Poor (SEE UP) Donor: NETZ Bangladesh, BMZ Duration: January 2010 – March 2014 Contact person: Md. Emdadul Haque, Project Manager Phone : 01724-676686, E-mail: seeupjcf@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To contribute to the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger in Bangladesh (MDG 1) Major Component/Activities Federation Fund Collection GO/NGO Linkage & Networking FDP Follow up Skill Development Training Transfer of Productive Assets Contribution Collection Savings Collection Vaccination and Treatment through Para vet Focus Group Session (Health, Hygiene, Nutrition) Profitability analysis Federation Development Operational Area District: 01 (Rangpur), Upazila: 02 (Kaunia & Gangachara), Union: 08, Village: 23 Other Information No. of Employees: 18 (male: 16, female: 02) No. of Beneficiaries: 1,661 (female) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 6,976 Savings: Tk. 21,12,739; saver: 1,661 9 Sustainable Technology transfer to Enhance Productivity For Ultra Poor (STEP UP) Donor: European Union & NETZ Bangladesh Duration: December 2011- November 2014 Contact person: Md. Monayem Hossain, Project Manager Phone : 01726 117962, E-mail: stepup.jcf@gmail.com Goal/Objectives To contribute to food and nutrition of the poorest 20% of the population in severely food insecure and hard to reach areas in Bangladesh with a high rate of indigenous people Major Component/Activities Provide skill training for ultra-poor Households on sustainable integrated farming systems and technologies. Facilitate continued productive investments for income generation. Provide systematic counseling and demonstration on sustainable integrated farming and its management. Conduct market studies and market chain of 5 potential product of ultra-poor Established and strengthen 151 village level groups and at latest 1 federation at each UP/GP level as self -help institutions. Facilitate federation to organize their activities (meetings, campaigns, cultural events etc) at UP/GP and subdistrict level. Systemize locally adapted sustainable agricultural technologies/methods including local knowledge and publish handbooks feasible for disadvantaged groups Operational Area District: 01 (Rangpur) Upazila: 03 (Pirgacha, Kaunia & Gongachara) Union: 12, Village: 88 Other Information No. of Employees: 37 (male: 35, female: 02) No. of Beneficiaries: 2,451 (female) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 10,294 Savings: 26,44,844; Savers: 2,451 10 Values-based Holistic Community Development Project (VBHCDP) Donor: Heifer Project International, Bangladesh Duration: 2012- June 2014 (Reporting Period) Contact person: Md. Mamun Chowdhury, Team Leader Phone: 01714-353408, E-mail: mamun_js@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To build strong, sustainable communities in the Nator District of Bangladesh Major Component/Activities Purchase, ensure and vaccinate livestock Distribute improved breed of livestock to the participant Improved animal management training Provide kitchen gardening and horticulture training Provide seed and sapling of vegetables and fruit trees Ensure the poultry cage building by 75 participants Operational Area District: 01 (Nator) Upazila: 01 (Baraigram), Union: 01 (Joari), Village: 01 (Joari) Other Information No. of Employees: 06 (male: 05 female: 01) No. of Beneficiaries: 275 family No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 1,155 Savings: 10, 19,549, Saver: 275; Borrower: 94 11 Elimination of Extreme Poverty and Food Insecurity through Community Empowerment Project (EEPFICE) Donor: Heifer Project International, Bangladesh Duration: March 2013 – Feb. 2016+2 years reporting period. Contact person: Md. Mamun Chowdhury, Project Coordinator Phone: 01714-353408, E-mail: mamun_js@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To eliminate extreme poverty and food insecurity through community empowerment. 1. By the end of the project period 100% of the project participating families have moved above the poverty line of US$2 a day and 85% have sustainable livelihoods. 2. By the end of the project period, project participants have improved their nutrition situation, health and sanitation condition and having safe drinking water. 3. By the end of project, participating families and groups have adopted environment friendly practices. 4. By the end of the project period 100% project families are organized into farmer organizations with increased solidarity and harmony. Major Component/Activities Self help Group (SHG) Formation Support different economic activities of project participants by micro credit fund of the organization. Conduct trainings on Improved Animal Management, Improved Natural Agriculture Practices, Nutrition and sanitation, SHG management, training on human nutrition, forage and fodder plantation gender justice training, disaster preparedness and climate change. Build collaboration with sub district, Union and Community clinic level health and nutrition workers and programs Provide productive assets for income generation like, chickens, seeds, different tree saplings and fodder plants for cultivation. Operational Area District: 01 (Natore) Upazila: 01 (Baraigram), Union: 02 (Joari & Majhgaon), Village: 03 Other Information No. of Employees: 08 (male: 05, female: 03) No. of Beneficiaries: 625 (female), No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 2,625 Total Savings: 4, 02,927, Total Savers (male & female): 625 Female 12 Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security & Linkages (SaFaL) Donor: The Kingdom of the Netherlands Duration: November 2013 – September 2016 Contact person: Md. Touhidul Islam, Project Director Phone : 01716 115605 E-mail: safaljcf2013@gmail.com Goal/Objectives To enhance food and nutrition security of small farmers and landless workers in Southwest Bangladesh with a focus on developing resilient livelihoods through promoting sustainable agricultural production and market chain development Major Component/Activities Formation of Sub-Sector Producer Group (PG) Problem Identification and Annual Action plan Development Lead Farmer Selection Piloting Plat Identification Operational Area District: 02 (Jessore & Narail), Upazila: 06 (Avoynagar, Monirampur & Bagharpara; Narail Sadar, Kalia & Lohagora) Union: 32, Village: 217 Other Information No. of Employees: 47 (male: 35, female: 12) No. of Beneficiaries: 23,113 (male: 11,152 female 11,961) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 97,075 13 Cereal Systems Initiativ for South Asia (CSISA) Donor: CYMMIT, IRRI & World Fish Duration: October 2013- September 2014 Contact person: Sk. Ashraf Hossain, Development Officer Phone: 01711-319717, E-mail: ashrafhossain423@gmail.com Goal/Objectives To increase farm household income and agricultural productivity focusing on improved cereal cropping systems, fish, livestock and other high-value agricultural crops and vegetables. Major Component/Activities Widespread delivery, participatory fine-tuning and adoption of improved varieties, production technologies and natural resource management for cereal and fish systems in order to improve productivity, income and resilience to risk. Socioeconomic and farming systems analysis for technology targeting and the development and improvement of market linkages and livelihood systems for inclusive agricultural growth and sustainable poverty reduction. Formalize for the parties, the project targets and time frame, fund allocation, indemnity and liability, intellectual property right, amendments and modifications and termination of the agreement. Operational Area District: 04 (Jessore, Jhenidah Chudanga, & Magura) Upazila: 16 (Jessore Sadar, Jikorgasha, Sharsha, Monirampur, Keshobpur, Kotchandpur, Chougasha, Kaligonj, Moeshpur, Horinakundo, Jhenaidha Sadar, Chuadanga Sadar, Dhamurhuda, Alamdanga, Magura Sadar and Shalika), Union: 89, Village: 356 Other Information No. of Employees: 24 (male: 23, female: 01) No. of Beneficiaries: 1,987 (boy: 1,677, girl: 310) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 8,345 14 Quality Primary Education for Students from Marginalized and Extreme poor Families in Bangladesh (QUEST) Donor: BMZ & NETZ Bangladesh Duration: March 2012- December 2015 Contact person: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Area Coordinator Phone: 01714-605275, E-mail: mizanur_12338@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives Children from extreme poor and indigenous families, living in remote areas, have access to inclusive and qualitative pre-primary and primary education. Major Component/Activities Establish 40 pre-schools and 80 NFPE schools; renovation of 40 formal primary schools. Develop concept and materials for the teachers’ trainings. Organising health camps and providing additional food supply to students during Monga season. Operate 40 pre-School and 80 NFPE School. Support for children of high drop-out-risk by education support officers at 40 formal schools. Promote the involvement of parents and school management committees in the schools. Establish network with local authorities, NGOs and Civil Society. Support students in their transition to secondary schools from grade- 6. Operational Area District: 01 (Rangpur) Upazila: 02 (Kaunia & Gangachara), Union: 09, Village: 61, School: 160, Student: 11,623 Other Information No. of Employees: 158 (male: 49, female: 109) No. of Beneficiaries: 11,623 (boy: 5,819, girl: 5,804) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 48,817 15 Quality Primary Education for Children from Extremely Poor Families in Bangladesh : Construction and Management of Community School (CS) Donor: BMZ & NETZ Bangladesh Duration: November 2012 to December 2015 Contact person: Md. Alamgir kabir, Area Coordinator Phone: 01754048316, E-mail: cs.jcfr@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives 1080 ultra poor and poor children, who had no access to education before, will attain an inclusive quality education at 9 newly built community schools in the district of Rangpur. 1. 9 new community schools (CS) have been set up 2. An education of high quality with a low rate of school droop-out and positive learning results are achieved at each school. 3. The local community participates actively in schools’ operation. Major Component/Activities Selection of adequate locations, construction and equipment of 9 new primary schools. Official inauguration of each school in the presence of representative of public education authorities. Selection and training of 27 teachers and 3 programme organizer. Selection of students, regular operation of 9 schools. Organising medical camps twice a year for students Provision of food during Monga season. Support creative learning process (e.g. cultural and sport event, lending of books). Continuous dialogue of teachers with parents, setting up School-Management Committees at 9 schools. Organizing annual roundtables on primary education with representatives of government and civil society. Operational Area District: 01 (Rangpur) Upazila: 03 (Gangachara, Kaunia & Pirgacha), Union: 06, Village: 09, School: 09, Student: 808 Other Information No. of Employees: 23 (male: 07, female: 16) No. of Beneficiaries: 808 (boy: 402, girl: 406) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 3,394 16 PROTEEVA- Promoting Talent through Early Education Donor: Save the Children Duration: March 2010 - August 2014 Contact person: Ashish K. Chatterjee, Project Director Phone : 01727-536894, E-mail: jcfsucceed@gmail.com Goal/Objectives Improve Primary School enrolment, Completion and academic performance for children in Bangladesh. Major Component/Activities Early Childhood (ECD) a) Pre-primary (school base) b) Pre-primary (Community base) c) Parenting session with Learning basket d) Sisimpur Primary Education (PE) a) Reception and Orientation (RO) b) Reading Buddy and Mentoring (RBM) c) Community after school circle (CAC) d) Children Magazine e) Interactive Teaching Learning f) Teachers Magazine g) School Management Committee (SMC) Education & Equity Community Mobilization Monitoring & Evaluation Operational Area District: 04 (Jessore, Jhenaidah, Magura & Norail) Upazila: 09 (Monirampur, Jhikargasha, Jhenidah Sadar, Sailokupa, Magura Sadar, Mohammadpur, Narail Sadar, Lohagara, Kalia.) Union: 90, Village: 278, School: 480, Student: 13,696 Other Information No. of Employees: 544 (male: 49, female: 495) Regular: 64 (male: 49, Female: 15), Irregular: 480 (female) No. of Beneficiaries: 1, 06,680 (male: 51,440, female: 55,240), Student: 13,696 (boys: 6, 911 girls: 6,785) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 4, 48,056 17 Reading Enhancement for Advancing Development (READ) Donor: Save the Children/ USAID Duration: December 2013 – November 2015 Contact person: Md. Ariful Islam, Project Director Phone: 01716372731, E-mail: readpc.jcf@gmail.com Goal/Objectives a All primary school students in Bangladesh attain expected learning outcomes and competencies; a Increased reading competences among grade 1-3 students in READ- supported schools in the selected districts of READ Major Component/Activities Improved ability of teachers to teach early grades reading Reading instruction skills strengthened (INSET) Increased instructional supervision Teachers’ capacity to use ICT resources Classroom Diagnostic Assessment Tool developed assessment results used to track reading performance progress Standards developed to improve the quality children’s reading materials Access to ample & appropriately-leveled reading materials Digital reading materials development Operational Area District: 02 (Jessore & Magura) Upazila: 04 (Monirampur, Jhikorgacha, Magura Sadar & Mohammadpur), Union: 44, Village: 144 Total School: 120, Student: 16,037 (boys: 8,608, girls: 7,429) Other Information No. Employees: 41 (male: 30, female: 11) No. of Beneficiaries: 16,037 (male: 8,608, female: 7,429) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 67,355 18 Community School Programme Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2012- On going Contact person: Nahin Akther, Programme Coordinator Phone: 01712 590391 Goal/Objectives Ensure Quality Education for Disadvantage Children. Major Component/Activities Conduct Class Regularly Arrange Special Coaching for Slow Learner Follow Government Curriculum & NCTB Books Co-curricular Activities Teachers Training Parents Meeting Operational Area District: 01 (Jessore) Upazila: 01 (Jessore Sadar) Jessore Municipality (Word: 1 3, 5 & 7) Upashahar Union (E- Block) School: 5 Students: 736 Other Information No. Employees: 25 (male- 02 female- 23) No. of Beneficiaries: 809 (boys- 343, girls- 466) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 3,398 [[ 19 Education Equity for Out-of-School-Children Project (EEOSCP) Donor: UNICEF Duration: October 2012- December 2015 Contact person: Muhammad Firoz Rahman, Project Director Phone : 01716 224911 E-mail: jcfeeoscp@gmail.com, firoz.jcf@gmail.com Goal/Objectives a To contribute for achieving MDGs, increasing literacy rate and coverage of Primary Education enrollment. a The propose `Equity Education’ intervention will ensure that Oosc children 8-14 years age in Satkhira district(i) (ii) (iii) receive age appropriate primary education that supports and nurtures their learning, are ready for primary school (grade one to five), and avail a safe learning environment. Major Component/Activities Component I: Ability-Based Learning for Out of School children 8-14 years old Component II: Communication for Development Component III: Capacity Development Operational Area District: 01 (Satkhira) Upazila: 02 (Assasuni & Shaymnagar) Union: 23, Village: 230 School: 250, Student: 7,475 Other Information No. of Employees: 290 (male: 77, female: 213) No. of Beneficiaries: 7,475 (boys: 3,637, girls: 3,838) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 31,395 20 Shisu Sargo Children’s Education Program (SSCEP) Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2013- On going Contact person: Aditi Arzoo, Project Director Phone : 01717 354486, E-mail: jcf-dcep@yahoo.com, arzoo.aditi@gmail.com Goal Disadvantaged children will have access to quality primary education. Objectives The general objective of the program is to provide opportunity to the disadvantaged children to have access to quality education, which will help them to acquire knowledge, skills, capacities, values and attitude to improve quality of their life. Major Component/Activities Improve teachers’ knowledge and capacity to make them able to apply teaching-learning as per PoT approach in class-room situation. Improve knowledge, skills and capacity of teachers and trainers to make able to develop teachinglearning materials, plan lessons as per PoT principles and guidelines. Provide opportunity to disadvantaged children to develop themselves as the responsible actors of the society through non formal education. Build up saving attitude trough Shisu Samiti. Develop cultural mentality through Extra Curricula Activities Build up teachers parents collaboration through Parent Teachers Meetings Operational Area District: 01 (Dhaka) Dhaka City Corporation, Mohammadpur Thana, Word # 43, School: 1 Other Information No. of Employees: 16 (male: 02 female: 14) No. of Beneficiaries: 276 (boys: 145, girls: 131) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 1,159 21 Nur Jalal Shishu Ananda Nikaton- Orphanage Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2008 – On going Contact person: Md. Tabibur Rahman, Superintendent Phone: 01736 139802 Goal/Objectives Ensure shelter, food, cloth & education for 20 orphans (boys) from the poor families. . Major Component/Activities Education Co-curriculum Residential care Site District: Jhenaidah Upazila: Kotchandpur Union: Dora Other Information No. of Employees: 02 (male- 01, female- 01) No. of Beneficiaries (orphan students): 06 (boys) (Class II- 2, IV- 2, Class VI - 2) 22 Professor Sharif Hossain Scholarship for Higher Education Donor: Own Fund Duration: 2008- On going Contact person: Hasib Nawaz, Public Relation Officer Phone: 01718 845032 E-mail: nawazhasib@yahoo.com Goal Ensure accessibility in higher education of students from poor families. Objectives To make the ways of higher education easy for poor and meritorious students of JCF working areas and staff whose education life are suffering for financial hardship. The education fund will be available for those who are either children of low salaried staff of JCF (those staff who are not giving IT are considered to be low salaried staff) or HSC passed students studying at higher educational institutions of poor families under JCF working areas. Fund The fund is created by 1% monthly salary contribution of JCF staff, donation collected from other sources and JCF own fund. The amount of scholarship is fixed by considering one student’s minimum requirement. Specification The scholarship may be awarded for the poor but meritorious students considering their minimum requirement in the following one or more events1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Admission fee Examination fee Tuition fee/Session charge Dormitory Book purchase Fees of private tutor Others Qualification for the Candidates · · · Satisfactory results in SSC and HSC (GPA 4.8 without counting the 4th subject in one exam and GPA 4.6 in other exam) Students who are interested to get higher education but don’t have financial capability Interested to assist needy students financially in future. Operational Area District: 29 (JCF working areas) Other Information No. of Scholar: 30 (male: 19, female: 11) No. of Educational Institution Dhaka University- 12, Bangladesh Agricultural University- 05, Jahangirnagor University- 01, Islamic University, Kushtia- 01, Jessore Science & Technology University- 01, Bangladesh Textile University- 01, 23 Sher- e- Bangla Medical College, Barishal- 03, Rajshahi Medical College- 02, Pabna Medical College- 01, Rangpur Medical College- 01, Faridpur Medical College-1 & Govt. M. M. College, Jessore- 01 Improving Rural Effective Total Sanitation through Female Local Government Members of Union Parishad Led Intervention in Bangladesh Donor: Bill & Melinda Gates Duration: May 2012 – April 2015 Contact person: Md. Lutfor Rahman, Project Coordinator Phone: 01716 887064, E-mail: jcfdhaka@gmail.com, lutforrahman6@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives Develop and test a model for effective sanitation in rural Bangladesh. Major Component/Activities Census on latrines/sanitation in households Girls and Women need assessment Mass awareness Basic Training on Total Sanitation Sanitation sub committee development Posting of information in public boards Operational Area District: 02 (Dinajpur & Comilla) Upazila: 06 (Birgonj, Birol, Kaharol, Parbotipur & Devidhwar, Muradnagar) Union: 32, Village: 115 Other Information No. of Employees: 03 (male) No. of Beneficiaries: 50,000 (Female) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 2, 10,000 [ 24 Panii Jibon Donor: Helvetas Swiss intercooperation Duration: October 2013 - December 2015 Contact person: Hasan Aref, Director- Program Phone: 01714 023059, E-mail: pjpmorrelgonj@gmail.com Goal/Objectives Communities improved their livelihoods through climate change adaptation and increased resilience to water related threats. Specific Objective: 1. Communities improve their well-being and resilience by increasing permanent access to safe drinking water. Specific Objective: 2. Improved adaptation to climate change through improved food production in saline land and waters. Major Component/Activities Identify best system for access to safe drinking water. Promote and establish sample and low cost save drinking water systems (rain water harvesting etc) Build the capacity of the community to manage and maintain the drinking water systems. Facilitate linkages with relevant public and private sector actors to ensure inputs and services Support linkages with local government institutions (Ups---) to support the communities’ plans. Promotion of saline tolerant crop and related technologies in particular rice, in collaboration with the public and private sector. Establishment of demonstration plots. Operational Area District: 01 (Bagerhat) Upazila: 01 (Morrelgonj) Union: 06 Village: 30 Other Information No. of Employees: 07 (male) No. of Beneficiaries: 1,350 (male: 1,151 female: 199) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 5,670 25 JCF Solar Mission Donor: Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) Duration: January-2011 - On going Contact person: Md. Hadisuzzaman, Project Director Phone: 01712 104695, E-mail: jcfsolar@gmail.com, hadis_gs@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To ensure ultra clean, natural and a sustainable source of energy and increase the working hour after dusk to the non grid areas of Bangladesh. That provides non polluting lighting services. Major Component/Activities Supply renewable energy. Lighting in the rural areas. Increase the working hour. Save the conventional fuel sources. Reduce the green house gas emission. Operational Area District: 18 (Jessore, Magura, Jhinaidah, Narail, Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, Faridpur, Gopalgonj, Madaripur, Sariatpur, Manikgonj, Comilla, Chadpur, Tangail, Sirajgonj, Barisal & Rajbari) Upazila: 74, Union/Words: 387 Village: 1,385 Other Information No. of Employees: 183 (male) No. of Beneficiaries: 34,732 (male: 18,710; female: 16,022) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 1, 45,874 No. of Borrower: 6,499 (male: 4,126, female: 2,373) 26 Microfinance Programme (MFP) Donor: PKSF & Own fund Duration: 1990- On going Contact person: Md. Wahiduzzaman, Director (MFP) Phone: 01711 805471, E-mail: jcfmfi@gmail.com Goal/Objectives To make a sustainable contribution to the long term Poverty Alleviation, Women Empowerment and Job creation by providing micro credit support of the rural poor people. Major Component/Activities Introduce appropriate, easy & suitable credit system according to the need of the farmers. Introduce profitable & sustainable agricultural production system to increase the purchasing ability by increasing real income of the farmers. Introduce alternative crops cultivation to low income farmers. Introduce & supply new resources according to the capacity of the farmers & small entrepreneurs to raise additional income. Encourage the farmers to use various skills like beef fattening, Milky cow rearing, fish culture, goat & other cattle rearing. Arrange regular awareness program to motivate & boost the farmers for livestock & various crops cultivation. Collaborate with national & international development agencies to acquire high technical knowledge of production & new crops cultivation. Initiate, undertake & arrange training program for the farmers to acquire modern agriculture knowledge. Operational Area District: 25 (Jessore, Narail, Magura, Jhenaidah, Kushtia, Chuadanga, Meherpur, Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Faridpur, Gopalgonj, Rajshahi, Pabna, Natore, Nawabgonj, Dhaka, Madaripur, Manikgonj, Commilla, Chandpur, Pirozpur, Rangpur , Tangail and Feni) Upazila: 121, Union/Words: 1, 370 Village: 8,507 Other Information No. of Employees: 2,458 (male: 2,297, female: 161) No. of Beneficiaries: 4, 07,097 (male: 75,828; female: 3, 31,269) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 17, 09,807 No. of Borrower: 3,08,686 (male: 57,164, female: 2, 51,522) Savings: Tk. 224,91,96,688 Severs: 4, 07,097 27 Programmed Initiatives for Monga Eradication (PRIME) Donor: Polli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Duration: December 2008 - June 2014 Contact person: Moniruzzaman Sapon, Project Coordinator Phone: 01716 102858, E-mail: sapon@jcf-bd.org, sapon70@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To create regular self employment for Monga affected people with Necessary/Flexible Credit Support and to assist for increasing their IGA Skill and assistance in assets creation and transfer. Major Component/Activities IGA Training for Beneficiaries Flexible Micro credit Beneficiaries Health Support for the Beneficiaries Livestock Treatment Support for the Beneficiaries Operational Area District: 02 (Rangpur and Sathkhira) Upazila: 07 (Badorgonj, Pirgonj, Mithapukur; Kaligonj, Tala, Shamnagar, Asasuni) Union: 29, Village: 412 Other Information No. of Employees: 187 (male- 132 female- 55) No. of Beneficiaries: 32,418 (male: 1082, female: 31,336) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 1, 36,156 Savings: Tk. 5, 22, 27,585; Borrower: 19,665 (male: 933, female: 18,732) 28 Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of poor Households Towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH) Donor: PKSF Duration: April 2011- June 2016 Contact person: Md.Rafiqul Islam, Coordinator Phone: 01712-015553, E-mail: jcfpariaenrich@gmail.com Goal/Objectives a Increase household’s socio-economic status and welfare on a sustained basis. a Increase productivity, diversifying into higher value crops and promoting off-farm employment opportunity to generate income and savings of the poor people. Major Component/Activities Financial support according to the requirement of group members of JCF within the framework of Ongoing credit programme Build Capacity through appropriate trading, awareness programme and other skill development training. Primary health care services for the common people, particular emphasis on the women and children. Linkages with Government service providing agencies. Ensure health, nutrition and education for common people. Tree plantation, Infrastructure developed and community cooperation for the common people. Promote human rights and gender equity. Operational Area District: 01 (Jessore) Upazila: 01 (Avaynagar), Union: 01 (Payra), Village: 12, School: 36, Student: 755 Other Information No. of Employees: 50 (male: 13, female: 37) No. of Beneficiaries: 4,796 (male: 550, female: 4,246) Student: 755 (boys: 364 girls: 391) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 20,143 Savings: Tk. 42, 45,941 Savers: 1,862 (male: 12, female: 1,850) Borrower: 1,434 (male 06, female 1,428) 29 Disabled Rehabilitation Program (DRP) Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2003- On going Contact person: Monoj Kumar, Manager Phone: 01724-708260, E-mail: Goal/Objectives Provide physiotherapy and credit support to disabled people and raise social awareness on disability. Major Component/Activities Physiotherapy & referral activities Community group based Awareness rising Identify the Disability Primary Rehabilitation and Service Flexible Credit Support for disable IGA training for disable people Physiotherapy Center 22/C Mujib Sarak, Jessore Other Information No. of Employees: 03 (male: 1, female: 2) No. of Client: 297 30 Children’s Haven- Brothel Children’s Human Rights Programme (CHP) Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2011- On Going Contact person: Mohituzzaman Milon, Project Director Phone: 01711-390538, E-mail:mzmilon@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives To ensure that children of women working in prostitution enjoy social recognition, have options of alternative life choices, and assert their human rights. Major Component/Activities Identify, Select and admit children who born in brothel and children at risk Provide residential facilities, child care & Provide support for child development Arrange extra curricula activities and events Provide support for social integration; arrange pre-school, primary & secondary education Provide education support, arrange skill and vocational training Promote employment opportunities Arrange awareness raising events, Participate in networks, workshops and seminars Operational Area District: 01 (Jessore) Upazila: 01 (Jessore Pourosava- 5 Words) Other Information No. of Employees: 13 (male: 3, female: 6, part time: 4) No. of Beneficiaries: 51 (boy: 18, girl: 33) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 256 Shelter Home School: 1, Students: 14 (boys: 06, girls: 08) 31 Promoting Community based social protection for reducing children vulnerability from sexual abuse and commercial exploitation (CBCPP) Donor: UNICEF Duration: July 2011 - March 2014 Contact person: Md. Khademul Bashar, Project Coordinator Phone: 01719 927871, E-mail: cbcpp.jcfbagerhat@ymail.com, bkhademul@ymail.com Goal/Objectives Strengthening community based child protection system to promote protective environment for children from violence, abuse and exploitation including sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation. Major Component/Activities Set up of 2 Child Friendly spaces and 1 safe place to provide essential services for the children of Sex Workers and Child Sex Workers. Establish linkage with different GO-NGO to ensure existing services for the Child Sex Workers and sex workers’ children. Staff development: training for Social Worker and Peer Educator on Case Management, BSST, PSST, counseling, C4D, life skills. And TOT on connections & Child development module. Formation & orientation of ward level child protection committees & mothers and adolescents group and their capacity building. IPT script development and capacity support on IPT and arrange ward based IPT shows Printing of IEC materials & organize community dialogue to prepare community action plan attended by ward level child protection committee members and community people. Operational Area District: 01 (Bagerhat) Upazila: 02 (Bagerhat and Mongla- Bagerhat Municipality and brothel, Mongla Port Municipality) Ward: 06 (Bagerhat Municipality - 4, 6 & 8; Mongla Municipality- 5, 7 & 9) Other Information No. of Employees: 19 (male: 10, female: 09) No. of Beneficiaries: 10,246 (male: 4,900, female: 5,346) School: 6, Students: 1,139 (boys: 611, girls: 528) 32 Shishu Kontho Donor: Own Fund Duration: January 2003- On going Contact person: Mohon Lal Ghosh, Child Organizer Phone : 01712-180981, E-mail: mohon.dunia@yahoo.com Goal/Objectives Giving children a voice and permitting a free exchange of information and views on the situation of children in society. Major Component/Activities Children’s Organisation Building Networking Training Child Journalist development Advisory Committee Meeting (School Teachers) Operational Area District: 01 (Jessore) Upazila: 01 (Sadar), Union: 02, Village: 05 Other Information No. of Employees: 01 (male: 1) No. of Beneficiaries: 14,672 (boy: 12,723, girl: 1,949) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 115,059 33 Strengthening Civic Engagement in Elections and Political Processes For Enhanced Transparency and Democratic Accountability Donor: The Asia Foundation Duration: May 2013 - October 2014 Contact person: Golam Rasul Khanduker, Program Maneger Phone: 01716 644453, E-mail: golamrasulkhanduker2012@gmail.com Goal/Objective bEnhance Transparency and Credibility of Election Processes bDecrease Political and Electoral Violence bStrengthen the Quality of Representation and Democratic Accountability Major Major Component/Activities Enhance Transparency and Credibility of Election Processes Decrease Political and Electoral Violence Strengthen the Quality of Representation and Democratic Accountability Operational Area District: 01 (Rangpur- National Parliamentary Seat of Rangpur- 3, 4, & 5) Upazila: 04 (Sadar, Kaunia, Pirgacha & Mithapukur), Union/Word: 65 (City Corporation: 33 Words; Mithapukur: 17; Kaunia: 6; Pirgacha: 9) Village: 849 Other Information , Vote No. of Employees: 04 (male) Center: 469, Voter: 11, 75,494 (male: 5, 83752; female: 5, 91,742) 34 Self Reliant Project (SRP- 1) Donor: Own Fund Duration: 1990- On going Contact person: Md. Ashraful Islam, Project Director Phone: 01712 891102, E-mail: ashrafjhjcf@gmail.com, jcfsrp1@gmail.com Goal/Objectives Generate Income for General Management of JCF and create job opportunity for poor and marginal peoples. Major Component/Activities Improve pond. Produce fish and fingerlings. Sell fish & fingerlings. Improve hatchery and variety production. Rice process and sell. To product mustered oil and sell it. Fatten cattle and sell it. Operational Area District: Jessore Upazila: Jessore Sadar, Union: Haybotpur, Village: Barinagar Other Information No. of Employees: 50 (male: 43 female: 07) No. of Beneficiaries: 6,000 (male: 4,000 female: 2,000) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 25,200 35 Self Reliant Project (SRP- 4) - Charka Handicraft Donor: Own Fund Duration: 1990- On going Contact person: Shamim Ara, Project Director Phone : 01716 860292, E-mail: charkajess@gmail.com Goal/Objectives Generate Income for General Management of JCF and create job opportunity for poor and marginal peoples. a Promote the traditional embroidery of Bangladesh and help customers appreciate the value of hand embroidery a Develop the market for traditional embroidery work. a Increase the wages of the producers. Sell embroidery handicrafts locally and overseas. Major Component/Activities Constantly training more women and increasing the size of their product range and wages. Produce the wearing cloth, house hold item with Nakshi stitch and sell it by locally and overseas. Operational Area District: 1 Jessore Upazila: 03 (Jessore Sadar, Jhikorgacha, Monirampur) Union: 11, Village: 38 Other Information No. of Employees: 33 (male: 07, female: 26) No. of Beneficiaries: 790 (female) No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 3,318 36 Executives of Jagorani Chakra Foundation Responsible Persons Designation & Programme Land Phone Cell Phone Senior Level Executives A. K. Arzoo Salim Chowdhury Hasan Aref Md. Nurul Islam Md. Wahiduzzaman Dipok Kanti Biswas Kazi Mazed Nawaz Merina Akhter Executive Director Director- Programme Director- Programme Director- Admin & HRM Director- Microfinance Director- Finance & Accounts Deputy Director- Programme Deputy Director- Programme 0421-68823 0421-68823 0421-68823 0421-68823 0421-61983, 71044 0421-68823 0421-68823 0421-68823 01711 899259 01711 832412 01714 023059 01711 806978 01711 805471 01711 432433 01711 002324 01711 469052 Mohituzzaman Milon Asish Kumar Chattarjee Shamim Ara (Papia) K M Shafiqul Islam Mukta Mizanur Rahman Firoz Rahman Ashraful Islam Md. Enamul Haque Md. Monayem Hossain Md. Mizanur Rahman Project Director, CHP Project Director, PROTEEVA Project Director, SRP- 4 (CHARKA) Assistant Director, M & E Assistant Director, Audit Project Director, EEOoSCP Deputy Project Director, SRP-1 Project Manager, SEEUP Area Coordinator, STEPUP Area Coordinator, QUEST 0421-61173 0421-68823, 69018 0421-68825 0421-68823 0421-68823 01711 390538 01727 536894 01716 860292 01711 074999 01711 101312 01716 224911 01712 891102 01726 117964 01726 117962 01714 605275 Md. Alamgir Kabir Shailendra Nath Das A. K. Azam Gazi Salahuddin Ahmed Sk. Mostagaosul Haque Area Coordinator, CS Project Director, SSOEPWDP Sr. Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Rajshahi Sr. Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Khulna Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Jhenaidah Fazlul Haque Mintu Assistant Director, Monitoring, MFP, Jessore Abdul Kuddus Uzzal Kumar Dewan Tarafdar Enamul Hasan Polash Santy Ram Biswas Krishno Pado Sarkar Md. Mostafizur Rahman Hasib Nawaz Md.Khademul Bashar M.A Jalil Khan Sk. Mahmud Hossain Md. Mamun Chowdhury Md. Amanot Ali Md. Farhad H. Joardar Golam Rasul Md. Hadisuzzaman Md. Ariful Islam Md. Touhidul Islam Nahin Akther Assistant Director, Central Office, Jessore Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Jessore Assistant Director, Zonal Office,Chuadanga Mid Level Executives Lutfar Rahman Sk, Ashraf Hossain Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Kushtia Sub Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Dhaka Sub Assistant Director, Zonal Office, Satkhira Public Relation Officer Project Coordinator, CBCPP Manager (Admin) Asst. Sr. Documentation Officer Project Coordinator, EEP Coordinator, ENRICH Field Facilitator, Panii Jibon Project Program Manager, Election Project Project Director, JCF Solar Mission Project Director, READ Project Director, SaFaL Program Coordinator, Community School Prg. Liaison Officer, Dhaka Office & Project Coordinator, Improving Rural Effective Total Sanitation through Female Local Government Members of Union Parishad Led Intervention in Bangladesh Development Officer, CSISA 37 0421-67138 0521-66164 01754 048316 0763-251077 041-2850207 071-62107 0421-61983 0421-65865 (Res.) 0421-61983 0451-62853 0421- 67860 0421-68823 0421-68823 0421-68823 02-8157096 01718 064613 01711 806980 01711 448816 01711 029411 01711 324721 01711 579128 01711 469861 01716 874575 01730 036097 01711 443503 01712 282075 01718 845032 01719 927871 01729 550223 01911 074526 01714 353408 01712 687050 01675 087895 01716 644453 01712 104695 01716 372731 01716 115605 01712 590391 01716 887064 01711 319717 Areas of Expertise Community Based Development, Children Education, Women Empowerment, Extreme/Hardcore Poor Enhancement Capacity Building/Training, Child Rights, Early Childhood Development, Health & Nutrition, Disaster Response and Rehabilitations, Micro Finance, Collaborative Programme Operation, Working Capabilities with Local Government Authorities and Peoples’ Representatives, Creativity/Innovations and Efficient Project/Programme Management. Exceptional and Successes of JCF We have received many awards for successful Programme operation and excellent achievement. Major and remarkable awards are: (1) A Special Award received from The Honourable President of The Government of Bangladesh in 1994 for developing valuable co-curricular subjects and awareness based materials for adult Education. (2) A Gold Medal received from The Honourable Prime Minister of The Government of Bangladesh in 2003 for the development of Fisheries Sector. (3) Another special Award received from The Honourable Prime Minister of The Government of Bangladesh in 2006 for the best Practitioner in Micro Finance (for the both poor people of rural and urban areas). (4) In 2009 we have received a Gold Medal on Micro Finance from Mother Teresa Research Council. th (5) JCF’s position is 6 among the National NGO’s working in Bangladesh, as per the assessment carried out by Micro credit Regularity Authority in 2009, in terms of quantity and quality coverage in the field of Microfinance. (6) In 2011 we have received City Foundation award for the Best Micro-credit Organization in Bangladesh for the year of 2010. (7) Zinat Sultana Smriti, a beneficiary of JCF Microfinance program has received the `Successful Micro rd entrepreneur’ award in the fair celebrating 23 anniversary & development organized by PKSF in 2013. Organizational Strengths · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Active General Body and Executive Committee Strategic Plan Operation Manuals (Administrative Manual, Accounting Manual, Service Rules & Credit Policy) Participatory Planning & Implementing Committee 132.565 acres own land Own Head Office Compound 2 Training Centers Total asset value BD Tk. 7,680,276,311 : US$ 93,661,906 Total Fixed Asset value BD Tk. 229,445,642 : US$ 2,798,118 Total Current Asset value BD Tk. 7,527,437,197 : US$ 91,798,015 Total revenue income from all Prog. BD Tk.366,144,239 (FY 2012-13) : US$ 4,520,299 Overhead cost support from revenue income BD Tk. 1,283,587 (FY 2012-13) : US$ 15,847 Staff salary met from JCF’s own income BD Tk. 81,390,838 (FY 2012-13) : US$ 1,004,825 Staff salary met from donor fund BD Tk. 15,084,500 (FY 2012-13) : US$ 186,228 Total operational cost BD Tk. 272,422,208 (FY 2012-13) : US$ 3,363,237 JCF overall budget BD Tk. 13,467,998,212 (FY 2010-11) : US$ 160,333,312 JCF overall budget BD Tk. 21,208,610,331 (FY 2011-12) : US$ 271,905,261 JCF overall budget BD Tk. 21,208,610,331 (FY 2012- 13 : US$ 271,905,261 JCF overall budget BD Tk. 28,525,530,676 (FY 2013- 14 : US$ 365,711,932 Education Fund BD Tk. 245881,765 (Sept. 2012) : US$ 270,145 JCF supported staff (March. 2014) : 2,647 (61%) Donor supported staff (March. 2014) : 1,687 (39%) (Currency Rate: BD TK. 78 = US$ 1) Own Institution § § Established one Primary School in Jessore Orphanage : Nur Jalal Shishu Anando Nikaton, Kotchandpur, Jhenaidah 38
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