Document 407831

at um’s
grand prix ticket sales beat
fri 07.11.2014
Macau Grand Prix Committee
coordinator Costa Antunes revealed
that this year’s sales of Grand Prix
tickets have exceeded expectations
beijing wants apec to push
regional trade pact The two-day meeting of 21 countries 1
is the first major international
gathering in China since Xi Jinping
came to power
FRI. 07
Nov 2014
T. 21º/ 24º C
H. 65/ 95%
N.º 2186
Blackberry email service
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MOP 5.00
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Founder & Publisher Kowie Geldenhuys
Editor-in-Chief Paulo Coutinho
CHINA Officials and
businesspeople used a
state trip by President Xi
Jinping and other highlevel visits to smuggle
ivory out of Tanzania, an
environmental watchdog
says in a report that
cast doubt over Beijing’s
efforts to stamp out the
illegal trade that has
led to rampant elephant
poaching throughout
Africa. More on p10
renato marques
Gov’t wants later
pension withdrawals,
rules unchanged
Minister Tony Abbott
says that he remains
determined to secure
a one-on-one meeting
with Russian President
Vladimir Putin to demand
full cooperation in the
investigation into the
shooting down of a
Malaysian airliner over
MYANMAR The body
of a freelance journalist
shot by Myanmar’s army
show signs that he was
tortured before he died,
his wife said Thursday.
Ma Thandar said the
body, which was exhumed
Wednesday, had a broken
skull, broken jaw and two
penetration marks on the
chest. More on p12
Burkina Faso
Opposition leaders and
members of civil society
met yesterday in Burkina
Faso to establish ground
rules for a transitional
government and what they
expect from its leader.
drummer for rock band
AC/DC yesterday was
accused of trying to
arrange two killings.
Phil Rudd made a brief
appearance at the
Tauranga District Court in
his adopted home of New
Zealand and was charged
with attempting to procure
murder, which carries a
maximum prison term of
10 years. More on p12
More on backpage
Clashes in HK
for the first time
in more than
two weeks
07.11.2014 fri
Grand Prix ticket sales beat expectation
João Pedro Lau
acau Grand Prix Committee coordinator Costa Antunes revealed that this
year’s sale of Grand Prix tickets has exceeded expectations,
with tickets for the main stand
already sold out. The organizer of the 61st Macau Grand
Prix has also predicted that the
event will attract more people
to Macau this year.
Mr Costa Antunes said that
the earnings from ticket sales
this year are already 20 percent higher than two years ago.
However, he still cannot provide a final figure, since sales are
“We have already reached the
limit at the main stand. [But]
there are more tickets to sell.
We have a few [for the stand] at
the Lisboa corner and some at
the Reservoir,” he said.
The GP coordinator spoke to
the media on the sidelines of a
joint-department press conference held yesterday to outline
the traffic arrangements related
to the event.
The Transport Bureau (DSAT)
deputy director Chiang Ngoc
Vai said that this year’s traffic
conditions during the Grand
Prix period, from November 1316, would be even more challenging than in 2013. The Macau
government has also sped up
the road works on major arteries, and will suspend some of
them during the GP period.
“During the Macau GP, some
of the major traffic arteries
in Macau will be temporarily
closed. The major traffic flow
from the northern districts to
the central and the southern
districts will concentrate at the
area near Avenida do Coronel
Mesquita, Avenida de Horta e
Costa, Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga, Rua de Francisco Xavier
Pereira and Avenida de Sidónio
Pais. Given that the amount of
vehicles in Macau has exceeded
236,000, it can be anticipated
that the relevant avenues will
be overloaded. The traffic will
be even more challenging than
last year,” he said.
Moreover, Mr Chiang said that
the government has already
hastened the progress of road
works on major traffic arteries.
“There are approximately 16
road projects [in progress] that
involve major roads. They include those at Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Avenida de
Sidónio Pais, Avenida da Praia
Grande, Avenida do Almirante
Lacerda, etc. We estimate that
Residents complain GP stand
obstructing jogging path
these projects can be finished
before November 10 when the
GP begins,” he said. As for projects that cannot be completed
before November 10, which
could considerably impact traffic, the administration has decided to suspend them and allow
traffic to briefly resume during
the GP period.
Chiang Ngoc Vai also reiterated
that the traffic conditions during
the GP period depend on the
residents. “The fact is, if more
people choose to drive [during
the GP], the traffic conditions
will be even more challenging. If
more people opted for walking
or taking public transportation,
the pressure on the road will
then be eased,” he said.
Meanwhile, Costa Antunes
said that, over the four racing
days, the racetrack will close at
3 a.m. until all races of the day
have been completed. He has reminded residents to pay attention to the Committee’s roadclosing schedules, published in
newspapers, as well as the reports of local radio and television stations.
Mr Costa Antunes expects the
removal of GP safety barriers to
finish on November 27.
Cross Border
Zone used for
ome residents have voiced
their dissatisfaction regarding the Grand Prix stand next
to the NAPE reservoir, pointing
out that the stand has cut off the
jogging path surrounding the reservoir and is causing inconvenience.
Lam U Tou, a member of the go-
vernment’s Central District Advisory Committee for Community Services, said that he has already written to the Grand Prix
Committee. But the Committee
only replied that there is insufficient space for the public to pass
through the stand during its
construction and on racing days.
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The GP Committee coordinator
Costa Antunes told the Times
that it is difficult to alter the
design of the stand so that the
jogging path can remain open.
“Because [for] this to change, we
need to spend a lot of money…
We can do it, but it is going to
cost a lot”, he said.
Director and Editor-in-Chief_Paulo Coutinho
Managing Editor_Paulo Barbosa
Contributing Editors_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela
China & foreign editor_Vanessa Moore
Design Editor_João Jorge Magalhães | Newsroom and Contributors_Albano
Martins, António Espadinha Soares, Brook Yang, Catarina Pinto, Cyril Law, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Irene Sam, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny
Philips, João Pedro Lau, Joseph Cheung, Juliet Risdon, Keith Ip, Renato Marques (photographer), Richard Whitfield, Robert Carroll
(Hong Kong correspondent), Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Ruan Du Toit Bester, Sandra Norte (designer), Sum Choi, Viviana Seguí
| Associate Contributors_JML Property, MacauHR, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars | News agencies_ Associated Press,
Bloomberg, Lusa News Agency, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | Secretary_Yang Dongxiao
he Judiciary Police (PJ) has detained a
man for allegedly trafficking drugs into
Macau through the Zhuhai Macau Cross Border Industrial Zone. This is the first time the
authorities have handled a drug trafficking
case in which the drugs were brought into
Macau through the zone. Police information
suggested that the authorities had received a
tip-off regarding drug trafficking into Macau
from the Industrial Zone. PJ officers then intercepted the 22-year-old suspect at Horta e
Costa and found around 40 grams of drugs
both on his person and in his apartment, including cocaine and cannabis.
It is estimated that the drugs were worth
around MOP85,000. Authorities also found
the document the man used to cross the border at the Industrial Zone. The authorities
are investigating the origins of the document.
They believe that the suspect has been dealing
for more than two months, mainly targeting
nightclub patrons.
A Macau Times Publications Ltd Publication
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer
Kowie Geldenhuys
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Address Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C,
MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84
For subscription and general issues: | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd
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ISSN 2305-4271
fri 07.11.2014
Brook Yang
he government plans
to implement measures that encourage
residents to postpone
claiming their pension until
reaching the eligible age of 65.
Currently, over 57 percent of
beneficiaries choose to withdraw their pension before they
turn 60.
According to the Social Security Fund (FSS), about 40 percent
of recipients who have withdrawn their pension in advance
also have jobs. In response, it
will retain the current scheme
for early pension withdrawals,
but suggests raising the default
retirement age of 65.
The FSS released a Towers
Watson report yesterday that
examines Macau’s advance
pension issuance scheme. The
report suggested that it would
be fairer to lower the percentages of payment for early withdrawals, whereas the FSS has
João Pedro lau
esterday, the New
hosted a “New Macau Forum” on campus at the
University of Macau Hengqin, to discuss the influence of Hong Kong’s Occupy
movement on Macau, as
well as future MSAR constitutional reform. The organizer also invited Frank
Chio, a member of the
Hong Kong Federation of
Students, to explain the
current situation in the
neighboring SAR.
One of the forum guests, lawmaker Ng Kuok
Cheong, said that the central government has already allowed Macau to
elect the Chief Executive
by universal suffrage after
2014 without the need to
change or amend the Basic Law. However, it is the
vested interests in Macau,
or what he described “the
provincial tycoons”, who
renato marques
Gov’t wants later pension withdrawals
decided to maintain the current percentages at the present
The current scheme stipulates that eligible elderly persons
can receive a full pension from
the age of 65. It also allows the
beneficiaries to withdraw their
pension from the age of 60,
but with a deduction based on
the age at which they apply.
However, the deduction will be
exempted once the beneficiaries reach the age of 80.
pension scheme is very special
and offers more favorable treatment,” said Towers Watson
actuary Ms Yvonne Sin, when
presenting the report’s results.
“From an actuarial perspective,
the scheme is rather a generous
According to Ms Sin, the payment percentage adopted in
Macau’s scheme doesn’t consider the beneficiaries’ chances
of survival; it assumes that the
beneficiaries will inevitably live
until they are 80.
“Based on a more reasonable
actuarial assumption, beneficiaries who apply to withdraw
their pension at the age of 60
should receive 72 percent of the
full amount, which is a lower
percentage than the 75% under
the current system,” she added.
In response, the president of
FSS’s administrative committee, Ip Peng Kin, said that it
New Macau claims vested interests
obstructing universal suffrage
are preventing it from happening.
Ng Kuok Cheong claimed
that the decision by, and
explanation from, the central government has alrea-
dy indicated that Macau
can elect its Chief Executive “if necessary” after 2014
HKFS representative calls for
contemplation on democracy
is hard to accurately quantify
factors such as the beneficiaries’ chances of survival; if
adopting the calculation method suggested in the report,
the FSS will need to consult
actuaries regularly to update
the indicators.
“The government belives that
at the present stage, maintaining the current percentages
is more feasible and more conductive to the public, as that
can maintain the system’s stability and avoid confusing the
residents,” he stated.
The president also said that
the government is inclined to
increase the participants and
their employers’ contribution
to the central provident fund,
which is in accordance with the
actuarial report.
In addition, he acknowledged
the necessity of establishing an
adjustment mechanism for the
pension system, introducing
multiple indicators such as the
inflation rate.
ong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) member Frank
Chio, a Macau resident, spoke to
the media on the sidelines of yesterday’s forum. He said that it will
take a long time before a civil disobedience movement like the Occupy movement in Hong Kong takes
place in Macau. He also believes
that Macau residents need to fur-
ther discuss what their ideal form
of society is and their needs of democracy and human rights.
He also acknowledged that while
some Macau residents are interested in learning about the HK Occupy movement, many of them do not
agree with the civil disobedience
movement. Therefore, he suggested that there should be more pro-
motion or discussion on civil disobedience and the reason why some
Hong Kong residents would adopt
this measure to fight for democracy.
As for when HKFS will announce
a retreat, Frank Chio reckoned that
without sufficient reason given to
the protestors on the streets, it is
very difficult for organizers to convince them to leave.
without needing to amend
the Basic Law. He also claimed that since the Basic
Law does not state that there has to be a nomination
committee to nominate
candidates in a CE election,
he thinks that public nomination does not violate the
Basic Law either.
The lawmaker then pointed out that even Chui Sai
On’s 2014 election platform indicates that he will
be progressively advancing the development of
democracy in Macau in
accordance with the Basic
Law. “Therefore, we are
telling Macau residents
that, first, we are not in
conflict with the central
government. Second, we
are not even in conflict
with Chui Sai On. Third,
[universal suffrage] does
not go against the decision
of the National People’s
Congress,” he said.
In fact, he believes that
the biggest obstacle in the
path towards universal suffrage is the vested interests in Macau. “Those ‘provincial tycoons’ refused to
relinquish their privilege
and interests and accept
universal suffrage… I hope
that we can convince the
tycoons and convince the
residents to prevent the
tycoons from blocking our
path,” he said.
Another guest, social
commentator and TDM
radio guest host Choi Chi
U, reckoned that Macau
people only focus on issues of livelihood without
realizing that the root of
their problems is in fact
politics. “In many cases,
you can see that Macau
people put priority on livelihood issues. We criticize everything everyday
and have lots of complaints to the government
about our well-being. But
we are not used to and do
not realize that the root of
livelihood issues is politics,” he said.
Moreover, Mr Choi suggested that the Occupy
movement in Hong Kong
has awoken some residents in Macau. “More and
more young people and family of mine enquire about
the reasons that motivate people to sleep on the
streets for forty days. More
young people have begun
to reflect on the issue,” he
said. “The crux is how to
awaken more Macau residents in order to see the
future of constitutional reform in Macau,” he said.
07.11.2014 fri
UM to confer five honorary
The University of Macau (UM) will be conferring
honorary doctorates on five individuals who the
university believes have accomplished outstanding
achievements and made significant contributions
to social development and education. The conferral
ceremony will take place on December 6 at 11 a.m. in
UM’s University Hall. The five individuals chosen by UM
this year include three Nobel Prize winners, namely Prof
Robert C Merton, Prof Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, and
Prof Mo Yan, as well as two distinguished individuals in
the field of civil engineering, Prof Lee Chack Fan and Ir
Siu Yin Wai.
Manson Fok wins
Gusi Peace Prize
The Gusi Peach Prize Foundation based in the
Philippines has recognized the contributions of a
laureate from Macau this year, noting his efforts in
medical and healthcare projects including the Sino-Luso
International Medical Forums he launched in Macau in
2011.The laureate, Manson Fok, has served as the Dean
of Faculty of Health Sciences at Macau University of
Science and Technology (MUST). Based on his medical
charitable work, his scientific research and his healthcare
projects, Mr Fok was chosen as the sole representative
of China in the field of Medicine, Healthcare, Enterprise
and Humanitarianism. Acclaimed as “Asia’s Nobel
Peace Prize,” the Gusi Prize was inaugurated in honor of
Gemeniano Javier Gusi, a World War II guerrilla who
fought against the Japanese’ invasion and later became
a politician and human rights champion. The Gusi
laureates will be given their awards in Manila on the
Philippines’ “Gusi Peace Prize International Friendship
Day” on November 26. Among these laureates are
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and Sri Lanka
President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Local singers write
boxing-themed song
o matter what profession
you're in, life is like an arena where we should persist till the
end,” said local singer Josie Ho
when introducing a new inspirational song written and produced by
local musicians in Macau.
Titled “Get Ready,” the original
song features a determined boxer
who throws away all distractions and
fears to face a tough bout in the arena. Accordingly, local boxer “The Macau Kid” KK Ng and his fellow boxing
enthusiasts star in the song’s music
“It’s an inspirational, upbeat song
that uses boxing as its theme and will
be performed live when KK marches
into the Cotai Arena on November
23’s boxing event. But it’s not simply a theme song for KK, instead, we
want to encourage young people no
matter what they do,” introduced Josie along with her two peers, Hyper
Lo and AJ.
“We ourselves might not know how
far our limits are, but in fact everyone’s got great potential. Therefore
we should believe in ourselves and
move forward,” explained the song’s
lyricist AJ.
From left, Hyper Lo, Josie Ho and AJ
“Many people have said negative
things to us and some musicians have
given up. At present, there are about
a dozen Macau singers who still remain committed to doing music,” added full-time musician Hyper Lo.
“Difficult or not, it depends a great
deal on where your interests lie; when
you have great interest in something,
these [restrictions] will no longer be
big problems for you,” he stressed.
Except for Hyper, the other two singers perform in their spare time while working full-time at Sands China.
They explained that the song’s theme
was a consequence of the company
hosting a number of boxing events.
“We thought that the theme of boxing could be a good inspirational
concept,” she said, adding that the
entire production of the song was
sponsored by Sands China. “The MV
was filmed by our [Sands’] in-house
crew; everyone has been very busy
these days, but they still showed us
great support.”
The song’s composer Hyper told
the media that there hasn’t been a
gaming corporate in Macau that had
sponsored local music before; moreover, there hasn’t been a local MV
production that has been on “such a
large scale with the number of participants reaching nearly a hundred.”
“This is a great encouragement for
us. Besides, the sponsor set no limits
in our song writing and composing;
it’s 100 percent our creation,” he
stressed. “Maybe later other gaming
corporates will start sponsoring local
musicians too. That’s what we’d like
to see happening.” BY
fri 07.11.2014
DSAT explains how to use new ‘dial-a-cab’ service
ollowing the expiration of the Vang Iek Radio
Taxi concession contract at midnight, the Transport Bureau
(DSAT) deputy director Chiang
Ngoc Vai reminded the public
that they will now have to call
the two black taxi hotlines for
the “dial-a-cab” service.
“We called on people to pay
attention to several phone numbers. The first are the two dial-acab numbers of the two black taxi
associations. They are 2893 9939
and 2828 3283. As for those who
need barrier-free taxis, they can
call 2852 7101 or 6669 3405 if
they want to go to the hospitals or
public clinics. If they want pointto-point transportation, they can
call 2840 3315,” Mr Chiang said
on the sidelines of the GP jointdepartment press conference.
Moreover, the deputy director vowed to step up the study
of all public opinions collected
in relation to taxi regulation.
The authorities will also adjust
the conditions of future special
concession and provide a good
operational environment for the
future concessionaire.
When questioned about the government’s failure to provide a
long-term solution to the yellow
cab issue, despite being aware
of the problem for a long time,
Chiang Ngoc Vai reiterated that
they have kept in close contact
with Vang Iek. Officials also know
there is a considerable demand
for dial-a-cab services in society. As a result, they want to resolve the issue through contract
renewal, and by creating better
operational conditions for the
concessionaire. “We have asked
[Vang Iek] to submit their demands multiple times. We only
received the demands at the end
of September. This means that we
have to consult on how the [addi-
renato marques
Man sentenced for subletting flat
to other illegal immigrants
mainland man who was staying illegally
in Macau has been sentenced to three
years and six months in jail for subletting an
apartment to four other illegal immigrants.
The case dates back to March 2007, when
his wife rented an apartment in Macau.
The man, however, was deported to mainland China in May 2007, and was prohibited from entering Macau again for two
years. Regardless of the Macau authorities’
order, he traveled from Zhuhai to Macau
by boat later that month, entering the territory illegally.
Once in the city, and living with his wife in
a rented flat, they sublet the property to four
illegal immigrants. In October 2007, Public
Security Police Force agents uncovered the
tional] fee will impact society and
the acceptability among residents
(…) Since we could not reach a
compromise with Vang Iek over
the issue, we decided not to renew
the contract,” he explained.
The deputy director also indicated that DSAT has already notified
the Public Security Police regarding the expiration of the yellow
cab concession. DSAT inspectors
will monitor the streets of Macau
after midnight. He said that while it is legal for the yellow cabs to
run after the concession’s expiry,
they will be in violation of the law
if they take passengers. JPL
In 2012, the suspect was sentenced to five
years in prison for an illegal re-entry into
the territory. He was also sentenced to an
effective penalty of three years and nine
months in jail over four illegal sublettingrelated crimes.
He filed an appeal with the Court of Second
Instance (TSI) arguing that he had been
tried twice for illegally overstaying, and the
overall penalty applied was too heavy. The
Court recognized that there was a need to
adjust his penalty and took into consideration only one crime of illegal entry into the
territory. TSI has now sentenced the individual to three years and six months in jail. CP
Leak shows scale of
Luxembourg’s sweet
tax deals
Documents leaked to a group of
investigative reporters allegedly show
that scores of major multinational
companies have sweet deals with the
government of Luxembourg that help
them avoid taxes in others nations.
Luxembourg’s prime minister, Xavier
Bettel, hastily arranged a press
conference yesterday to address
the allegations of the International
Consortium of Investigative Journalists,
which said it pored through some
28,000 pages of confidential documents
and said some 340 businesses could
be linked to the Grand Duchy for
special tax deals. The European Union
has already broadened its crackdown
on multinationals’ tax avoidance
schemes, with a probe against Amazon’s
practices launched last month. The ICIJ
allegations now add many more highprofile names, including FedEx, Pepsi
and IKEA.
Tesla sets delivery
record, but losses
Electric car maker Tesla Motors beat
Wall Street’s expectations and set a
record for deliveries of its Model S
sedan in the third quarter, delighting
investors even as its losses doubled
from a year ago. Tesla said Wednesday
it delivered 7,785 cars during the JulySeptember period. That was slightly
below its guidance of 7,800 but up 41.5
percent from the same quarter a year
ago. The company’s net loss widened
toUSD$74.7 million for the quarter, or
60 cents per share, which was almost
double its loss from a year ago. The
company blamed increased research and
development costs for both the Model
X SUV, which is due to go on sale next
year, as well as its new all-wheel-drive
system. Tesla also cited the expense of
adding stores in Asia and building more
charging stations. The company now has
124 Supercharger stations in the U.S.,
82 in Europe and 23 in China. That’s
up from 81 worldwide at the beginning
of this year. It recently introduced the
Model S in Hong Kong and Japan and
plans to introduce it in Australia by the
end of this year.
Lenovo slumps after projecting
China ‘hypergrowth’ to end
enovo Group Ltd.
slumped the most
in nine months after
reporting slower sales and projecting the end of
“hypergrowth” in the Chinese smartphone market.
The stock dropped 5.1 percent to HK$10.78 in Hong
Kong, the biggest decline
since Feb. 4. Revenue rose
7.2 percent in the three months ended September, the
smallest increase since the
quarter ending March 2013
and missing analysts’ estimates.
Chief Executive Officer
Yang Yuanqing has expanded in computer servers and
mobile phones, including the
USD2.91 billion purchase of
Motorola Mobility, to help
combat a shrinking personal
computer market. Growth
in China is slowing amid increased competition from
local smartphone producers,
including Xiaomi Corp., which rose to become the thirdbiggest global vendor in the
quarter ending in September.
“The industry is changing
from in the past, when China grew much faster than
the rest of the world,” Yang
said in an interview. “China
will not see further hypergrowth.”
Sales in the quarter were
$10.5 billion, compared with
the $11.3 billion average of 16
analyst estimates compiled
by Bloomberg.
Second-quarter net income rose 19 percent to
$262.1 million, beating the
$259.8 million average of 12
analyst estimates compiled
by Bloomberg, as Yang took
07.11.2014 fri
advantage of Lenovo’s expanding scale to boost profit
at more than twice the pace
of sales.
“Seems like a very good
cost control even in the face
of weaker revenues,” Alberto Moel, a Hong Kong-based analyst with Sanford C.
Bernstein & Co., said in an
e-mail yesterday. “The company is focusing on margin
expansion, which they achieved well.”
Lenovo also said Jerry Yang,
the co-founder of Yahoo!
Inc., will become a director
of the company, which has
headquarters in Beijing and
Morrisville, North Carolina.
Lenovo, Xiaomi and other
Chinese producers have packed high-end features into
cheaper smartphones to
drive growth in their home
market, the world’s biggest.
Growth is slowing as the
domestic market matures
and consumer preferences
shift, Yang said.
Still, Yang said he isn’t worried that Lenovo is stuck in
a period of slowing growth
with just-completed IBM
and Motorola deals to provide a boost to sales.
Lenovo boosted global
smartphone shipments by 38
percent in the quarter to 16.9
million units, ranking it fourth behind Samsung, Apple
and Xiaomi, researcher IDC
said Oct. 29. The figures didn’t include sales of Motorola devices.
The addition of Motorola,
which was completed after
the end of the quarter, would have lifted Lenovo to third
place, according to IDC figures.
Even in the traditional PC
business, Lenovo can continue to take advantage of
industry consolidation to expand sales, Yang said in the
While industrywide global
PC shipments fell 0.5 percent
in the three months that ended in September, Lenovo
posted an 11.4 percent increase, researcher Gartner Inc. reported last month. Lenovo’s
share of the market expanded
to 19.8 percent from 17.7 percent a year earlier. HewlettPackard Co. was in second
place with 17.9 percent, up
from 17.1 percent.
Lenovo could expand its PC
market share to 30 percent,
Yang said without supplying
a time frame.
“In the PC business, we
still have the opportunity to
grow the top line by growing
market share,” Yang said.
“The industry will further
consolidate. Less players
can stay, maybe four or five.
Definitely, Lenovo will be
the winner in this industry.” Bloomberg
corporate bits
macau eco trailhiker 2014 tomorrow
The fifth edition of Sands China
Macau Eco TrailHiker 2014 will
take place this Saturday, November 8, 2014, at Cotai Expo Hall
F at The Venetian Macao. Over
1,800 participants in 450 teams
are enrolled and more than 250
volunteers will assist at the start/
finish line, water stations as well
as check points.
Sands China Macau Eco TrailHiker 2014 is a large-scale group
-hiking challenge event in Macau.
Organized by Macau TrailHiker
Ltd., the event has been title-sponsored by Sands China Ltd. for
four years and is supported by the
Macau Sport Development Board
(MSDB) and the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO). Participants are required to build up
team spirit and challenge themselves in two race categories: 30km
Corporate Challenge and 10km
Fun and Family Course. With a
theme of “Exploring the Greener
Side of Macau with You,” the race
starts at Cotai Expo Hall F at The
Venetian Macao and runs along
different natural trails in Coloane, exploring the greener side of
Macau. All net entry fees will be
donated to charity organizations:
Association of Rehabilitation of
Drug Abusers of Macao (ARTM)
and Clean The World.
mgm’s aux beaux arts tempts
with white truffle menu
For the season of white truffles, Chef de Cuisine Elie Khalife
and his team at MGM Macau’s
Aux Beaux Arts, have crafted a
luxurious menu featuring classic
dishes highlighting the precious
ingredient, available between November 6 and November 30.
Crowned as the “White Diamonds” of the culinary world, white truffles are highly treasured for
their intense musky, earthy aroma.
They are harvested in the densest
parts of the forests in Alba, Italy,
and are harvested only one season each year, making them a
rare ingredient.
At Aux Beaux Arts, epicureans
can choose from an a la carte
menu, in which all dishes are specially prepared with two grams of
freshly shaved Alba white truffles.
Additional white truffles can be
shaved tableside onto all dishes
included on the menu.
sands macao and the venetian macao
each named 'best meeting hotel'
Sands Macao and The Venetian
Macao have each been recognized as Best Meeting Hotel in
the 2014-2015 City Traveler Best
Hotel Awards. These latest accolades continue to demonstrate
the success of the two hotels’ long-term commitment to providing
premium facilities and the highest
levels of service excellence to business and leisure travellers.
“We are very pleased that both
Sands Macao and The Venetian
Macao have been recognized by
City Traveler as outstanding meeting destinations,” said Gunther
Hatt, Executive Vice President of
Operations of Sands China Ltd.
“With our world-class venues and
meeting facilities, we are proud to
provide hassle-free services and
solutions for event planners. We
will continue to strive to exceed
our guests’ expectations at every
level and to deliver unforgettable
experiences for all our visitors.”
fri 07.11.2014
07.11.2014 fri
Real Estate Matters
The Best Places to Live in Macau Part 1
This series originally ran in early 2013 and has been updated into a 4 part article
by Christian de León
Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor.
Having established the company in 1994, JML Property offers
Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing
properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and
comfortable homes for tenants.
We are often asked by people new
to hunting for a home in Macau,
“Where is the best place to live?”
The answer to this of course depends largely on your personal
perspective and circumstances.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer
to this question. Over the next four
weeks we can share with you the 12
most popular places to live in Macau for expatriates.
Asking and answering some of the
important questions below may
help to narrow your focus before
you start your property search;
What kind of area do I want to
live in?
What do I need to be near to?
What facilities do I want in my
What requirements do I have
from my property?
What will my budget get me?
Remember there will always be
pros and cons in any property and
location, so it is good to know what
is important to you and what are
the most desirable features that
you are looking for.
As everybody has different needs,
Once in a lifetime
Juliet Risdon
these are in no particular order:
1- Manhattan, Taipa
Area: Taipa, edge of Old Taipa, residential.
Amenities: Good for walking to the
supermarket, banks, health care,
on the main bus route with Bus
Stops right outside, schools are easily accessible, as are local bars and
Building facilities: Swimming Pool,
Cinema Room, Spa Room, large
and well equipped Gym, Games
Room, BBQ Area, Children’s Play
area. Concierge. Car Parking Spaces available.
Property Features: Dark wood
flooring and woodwork, some good
views, small fitted kitchens with
ovens as standard, reverse cycle
Rental Prices: High End
2- Hellene Gardens, Coloane
Area: Hac Sa, near the beach, residential near the countryside and
walking trails.
Amenities: Short walk to local bar,
Bus Stop, Public Swimming Pool,
trail walks and the beach. Also
Children’s parks, BBQ Area on the
beach and family orientated.
Building facilities: Swimming Pool,
Car Parking Spaces available
Property Features: Spacious, with
good kitchen area. Light and airy
Rental Prices: Mid Range
3- One Central, Macau
Area: Central City Area
Amenities: Near to Casino’s and
high-end stores, hotels and their
Building facilities: Gym, pool, rock
climbing wall, concierge and security. Car Parking available.
Property Features: Light apartments, high-end modern kitchens
and bathrooms. Great views from
feature windows. Reverse cycle airconditioning.
Rental Prices: High End
In next week’s article we look at
3 more of the most popular properties for expatriates. Nova City,
Ocean Gardens and Supreme
Flower City in Taipa.
If you would like further information on these properties or a copy
of the information mailed to you
in pdf format, please e-mail me at and we
will be happy to send it to you.
The LAPT Brazil was a fantastic event.
I had never experienced a tournament
like this in Latin America and it broke
the records for most entries and largest
prize pool ever on the LAPT. It's incredible to see poker growing and thriving
in a country as huge as Brazil--nowhere
else in Latin America can compare by
half. I say this all despite the horrible
end to my Main Event. With the field
down to about 300 from 1,150 players,
I had an 85% chance to bring an 80 bigblind stack back for Day 2, but it didn't
work out that way. I opened under the
gun with A♠T♠ and got three callers.
The T-5-2 rainbow flop gave me top pair
and I made a 4,500 continuation bet.
One guy raised to 11,000, and the action
folded back to me. I didn't have much of
an image on him because he hadn't been
playing hands, but he only had another
15,000 behind. I put him all-in, and he
called with ace-king. I was a big favorite, but a king came on the river and that
was it for me. Had I won that pot I would
have been in a really good position, but
instead I was out and spent the next few
days playing in some of the remaining
side events. Still, those events had really
huge fields and prize pools too, so not all
was lost.
I decided to spend the rest of June in
Brazil to experience the World Cup and
forget about poker for a little while. I had
to skip the World Series to do it, but the
WSOP will always be there, every year.
I have a huge bag packed and a bunch
of tickets and plans to travel a little bit
around Brazil with my girlfriend after the
football ends. I'm actually not the biggest
football fan--I prefer American football-but going to the World Cup in Brazil in a
year where Mexico and Brazil get to play
each other was a once in a lifetime experience.
I love poker, but I'm at the point where
I'm committed to being happy and living
a more balanced life. Poker doesn't work
for me when that's all I'm doing, and now
I divide my time more evenly between
poker, business, family, and friends. That
vacation is a big part of that balance, especially because I'm hoping to play more
EPT events this year. Usually I play one
per season because of the LAPT schedule
and my business commitments in Mexico, but next year I want to play as many
EPTs as possible.
So, I've been to some amazing places,
including an island off the northern coast
called Fernando de Noronha. It's paradise, all white sand and blue ocean. I'm
traveled a bit around Rio and checked
out some little towns along the beach. No
matter that Mexico lost, it was a great,
once in a lifetime experience.
fri 07.11.2014
published in partnership with
Second bridge
in Tete to be
Digital television in Sao Tome
and Principe launches next year
he new bridge over the Zambezi
River, which connects the Mozambican city of Tete to the Moatize district, will be inaugurated on 12
November, a source from the provincial government of Tete told daily
newspaper Notícias.
The new bridge in Tete, which is
715 meters long and a total of 14.8
meters wide, is located about five kilometers downstream of the Samora
Machel Bridge.
The work, which is part of the “New
Tete Bridge and Roads” concession
was designed to carry the heavy vehicles that currently pass over the Samora Machel Bridge that, from February 2015 will be reserved for light
vehicles and motorcycles.
The initial budget for the project
was 105.26 million euros, which includes the renewal of about 260 kilometers of roads linking the city of
Tete to the border with Zimbabwe,
on the way to Harare, and with Malawi, to Blantyre.
The project was undertaken by
a consortium of three Portuguese
companies – Mota-Engil Engenharia
e Construções, which lead the consortium, Soares da Costa Construções and Opway. MDT/Macauhub
TVS has
a single
channel and
for about nine
hours per day
he project to switch the
signal of Sao Tome and
Principe’s public television
channel (TVS) from analogue to digital will be finished
in June 2015 and will cost
over USD7 million, the Director of TVS said Wednesday in Sao Tome.
Frederico Umbelina noted
that the project had the technical support of the General Regulatory Authority
(Ager), the telecommunications regulator in the archipelago and funding from the
World Bank and Turkey.
The director of the public
television channel said the
project, developed in part-
nership with Spanish consultants and the University of
Minho in Portugal, would require restoration of the physical and technical facilities of
the archipelago’s only television station.
He said that one of the objectives was to increase the
number of domestic TV chan-
nels and create an international channel for Sao Tome
nationals living abroad, especially in Portugal, England,
Equatorial Guinea and the
According to Umbelina the
project, which will be completed by June 2015, will also
include the reformulation of
the TV stations operational
model and large investments
in both equipment and technical training for staff.
TVS, or Televisão São-Tomense, has a single channel
and broadcasts for about nine
hours per day. MDT/Macauhub
07.11.2014 fri
Tanzania ivory smuggled
on Xi state visit
Didi Tang, Beijing
hinese officials and businesspeople used a state trip
by President Xi Jinping and
other high-level visits to smuggle ivory out of Tanzania, an environmental watchdog said in a
report yesterday that cast doubt
over Beijing’s efforts to stamp
out the illegal trade that has led
to rampant elephant poaching
throughout Africa.
China is the world’s largest importer of smuggled tusks, and
Tanzania is the largest source
of poached ivory, the London
-based Environmental Investigation Agency said. Poaching in
Tanzania alone has killed half
of the country’s elephants in the
past five years, the group said in
the report.
It said that Chinese-led criminal gangs conspired with
corrupt Tanzanian officials to
traffic huge amounts of ivory,
some of which was loaded in
diplomatic bags on Xi’s plane
during a presidential visit in
March 2013.
China’s Ministry of Foreign
Affairs denied the report.
Spokesman Hong Lei said at
a daily briefing that China has
“consistently” opposed poaching and has sought to crack
down on ivory smuggling.
“The report is false and we are
displeased with it,” Hong said.
Meng Xianlin, director general of the Endangered Species
Import and Export Management Office of China, said he
has never heard of involvement
of Chinese delegations in ivory
“I don’t think there’s hard evidence, and I have not seen such
cases,” Meng said. “Allegations
without evidence are not believable, and I don’t think it is
appropriate for (EIA) to come
up with this mess.”
He said that the EIA has been
“unfriendly to China for quite
ap photo
In this June 21, 2013 file photo, workers prepare seized elephant tusks to be crushed by a backhoe during a destruction
of kilograms
of ivory was
sent to China in
bags on the
some time,” calling the allegations irresponsible.
The illicit trade began to explode in China in 2008, when
Beijing was permitted to purchase 62 tons of ivory under the
Convention on International
Trade of Endangered Species.
The purchase was presented as
a way to keep alive China’s traditional artisan ivory carving
industry. A state-owned enterprise was authorized to sell the
legal ivory to about 200 licensed factories and vendors.
But, after legal pieces started
showing up in shops, ivory soon
became a status symbol in China. Carved ivory has historically
been highly prized in China,
and its scarcity has turned it
into an investment choice akin
to gold and silver.
Critics say the legal stockpile
of ivory has provided a convenient cover for a thriving black
market in recent years.
The country’s licensing system is flawed and enforcement
is lax, said Grace Ge Gabriel,
Asian regional director for International Fund for Animal
Welfare. On top of that, the
ivory-buying public in China is
largely unaware that the global
ivory trade is banned and that
elephants must be killed in order to obtain tusks. Many are
simply indifferent to the animal
plight on a distant continent,
she said.
In its report, EIA said its investigators learned as early as
2006 that some staff members
Zhang Weiqun, Anqui
ar from the Ebola hot
zone, the sewing and
gluing machines at a factory in China have been
whirring more than usual
to produce crucial yellow
suits that protect the front-line medics more than
11,000 kilometers away in
West Africa.
The Weifang Lakeland
Safety Products factory
in eastern Shandong province’s Anqui city has 100
workers assembling the
now-familiar plastic suits
at a rate of about 6,000
per day. The factory plans
ap photo
Mainland factory whirs
overtime to make Ebola suits
A Chinese worker manufactures protection suits at a factory of U.S. based Lakeland Industries in Anqiu
city in Shandong Province
to double its capacity by
Each is carefully put to-
gether by people and machines so that it is completely sealed, because any
gap could allow exposure
to a deadly illness. Each
seam is sewn and then
of the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania were major buyers of illegal ivory.
It said Chinese government
officials and businesspeople in
the entourage during Xi’s 2013
state visit used the opportunity to buy such a large amount
of ivory that local prices doubled. Two traders claimed that
Chinese buyers, two weeks
before the visit, began purchasing thousands of kilograms of
ivory, which was later sent to
China in diplomatic bags on the
presidential plane, the EIA report said.
It said that in December 2013,
one dealer boasted of having
sold USD50,000 worth of ivory
to Chinese navy personnel on
an official visit in Tanzania’s
port city of Dar es Salaam. It
said a Chinese national was
caught trying to enter the port
with 81 illegal tusks intended
for two Chinese naval officers.
In China, authorities have
campaigned against illegal
ivory. Six tons of illegal ivory
was pulverized earlier this year
in the southern city of Dongguan, and Chinese courts have
stepped up prosecutions of illegal ivory trade.
But animal rights and environmental protection advocates have called on China to ban
the ivory trade altogether.
“We are already seeing the detrimental effect to allow a little
bit of the ivory trade. We know
that does not work,” Ge Gabriel
of IFAW said. “We certainly
hope any country that has a
domestic ivory market should
shut it down.” AP
reinforced with a glue
“The double zipper design allows you to open
the suit from the bottom
when you need to take something from inside the
suit,” factory general manager Wang Ximin told a
visitor. “We put an adhesive strip along the front
flap in order to better seal
off the front to make sure
contamination is not able
to penetrate.”
“You can spread your
legs and squat down easily in the suit. It feels very
comfortable to wear,” he
said. “Very comfortable.”
The ChemMAX and MicroMAX protective suits,
made of polyethylene and
polypropylene, are produced for the U.S.-based
Lakeland Industries, a
main supplier of suits in
the Ebola outbreak.
Wang said current production already is about
30 to 40 percent above
the same period last year,
and that the production
will double again by January. Demand has soared, not only for use in
Africa, but from medical
facilities in the United
States and Europe.
“We are very proud
that the protective suits
we manufacture can be
used by those who are
fighting against Ebola,”
he said.
Nearly 5,000 people
have died of the disease,
and an additional 13,676
confirmed, probable or
suspected cases of infection had been reported
in the three hardest-hit
countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. AP
fri 07.11.2014
Beijing wants APEC to push
regional trade pact
Joe McDonald
Business Writer, Beijing
hina plans to use a
meeting of Asia-Pacific
leaders to promote a
regional trade initiative at a time when progress on
a rival U.S.-led trade deal has
stalled, injecting a note of rivalry into an annual summit that
aims for consensus.
The two-day meeting of 21
countries including the United
States, Japan and South Korea
is the first major international
gathering in China since President Xi Jinping came to power.
Starting Monday, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting gives China, the world’s
second-largest economy, a platform to assert itself as a regional leader.
by China, the Free Trade Area
of the Asia Pacific, is part of an
agenda that also includes talks
on cooperation in environmental protection, energy efficiency
and urbanization.
“We will reach important consensus” on the launch of the
free trade process, said Foreign
Minister Wang Yi at a news
conference ahead of the gathering.
China’s campaign for the initiative comes as Beijing tries to
claim a bigger role in U.S.-dominated global trade, security
and financial structures.
Last month, China and 20
other Asian nations launched a
bank to pay for roads and other
infrastructure, despite U.S. objections it is an unneeded rival
to the World Bank. Beijing is
providing most of the USD50
billion in startup capital.
In May, Xi called for the creation of a new Asian structure
with police in Hong Kong
early yesterday for the
first time in more than
two weeks as pressure
grows on demonstrators
to abandon more than
a month and a half of
street occupations.
The skirmishes lasted
for about four hours in
the bustling Mong Kok
neighborhood, the most
turbulent of three protest
sites that have snarled
swaths of the city.
Police said they attempted to arrest a man who
was shining his cellphone light into officers’
by the nose by the U.S.,” said
Bo. “The more they have in
hand, the better their negotiating ability will be. Then people
will want to join China, instead
Beijing worries Washington
is pursuing a ‘strategy of
containment’ against China and
sees a China-led trade pact as a
way to gain influence
ment” against China and sees a
China-led trade pact as a way to
gain influence, said Chen Bo, a
trade specialist at the Shanghai
University of Finance and Economics.
“China doesn’t want to be led
of China joining other countries.”
China is the top trading partner for most countries in the
region, from Australia to South
Korea. Such countries want to
promote commercial ties but
are uneasy about Beijing’s strategic ambitions, especially at
a time when it is embroiled in
territorial disputes with Japan
in the East China Sea and with
Vietnam and other Southeast
Asian neighbors in the South China Sea.
The United States and some
other governments believe China’s trade initiative is at too
early a stage to take up at APEC
and will be a distraction, said
New Zealand’s trade minister,
Tim Groser. But he said the
proposal is the “big, sexy, formal centerpiece” of next week’s
“China is the host, and a great
power, and so we have to find
something that’s acceptable
to China as well as the U.S.,”
said Groser in an interview.
Washington is promoting
Hong Kong
Democracy protesters clash with police
eyes, and demonstrators
responded by surging
at police lines. The two
sides ended up in a tense standoff, with several
protesters taunting police.
At about 2:30 a.m., protesters charged again at
police lines and flooded
into a street. Officers
responded with pepper
spray and pushed the
crowd back into their
Police said they arrested three people in the
left at least one protester
bleeding from the head.
Several demonstrators
arrived in Mong Kok
wearing masks with the
grinning likeness of Guy
Fawkes, a co-conspirator
in a plot to blow up the
English Parliament building in 1605. Young protesters worldwide have
taken up wearing the
mask at demonstrations
since it was featured in
the 2006 film “V for Vendetta.”
Thousands of people
remain camped out on
Hong Kong’s streets demanding open nominations in elections for the
city’s leader. The protests erupted in late September after Beijing ruled that a China-friendly
committee would screen
the candidates. AP
the Trans-Pacific Partnership
in talks with 12 Asian-Pacific
countries including Japan, Canada, Australia and Mexico.
Few details have been released,
but promoters say it would cut
tariffs, open up trade in farm
goods, strengthen protection
of intellectual property and set
standards for state-owned industries.
For now, the talks exclude China, despite its status as
the world’s biggest exporter.
Governments involved in the
U.S.-led trade pact plan to meet
to discuss it during APEC, according to Groser.
The agreement was proposed
by Chile, New Zealand and Singapore in 2002 but Washington
has taken the lead in promoting it since joining the talks in
2008. The governments missed
a 2012 deadline and negotiations have stalled over objections to its proposed sweeping
Analysts say members of the
U.S.-led agreement might favor each other’s goods, hurting China if it fails to join. A
Washington think tank, the
Petersen Institute for International Economics, says that
might cost China up to USD100
billion in lost potential sales.
The deal being pushed by China would include Southeast
Asian nations, Japan and South Korea. It is meant to create
a free-trade zone and resolve
conflicts among overlapping
trade agreements between pairs
of countries.
Li Kui Wai, an economist at
the City University of Hong
Kong, said Asian governments
are reluctant to declare support
publicly for either of the Chinaor U.S.-led initiatives.
“Siding with one would mean
upsetting the other,” he said.
In May, APEC trade ministers agreed to form a panel led
by Beijing and Washington to
“kick off and advance the process” of the Chinese trade pact.
They withheld support for more
ambitious proposals, including
a timeline calling for the agreement to take effect in 2025. AP
ap photo
for security cooperation based
on a 24-nation group that excludes the United States.
Beijing worries Washington is
pursuing a “strategy of contain-
A pro-democracy protester walks on a main road in the occupied
area of the Causeway Bay district
07.11.2014 fri
New Zealand
Nick Perry, Wellington
he 60-year-old drummer for Australian rock
band AC/DC whose hits include “Dirty
Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” was
accused yesterday of trying to
arrange two killings as well as
possession of drugs.
Phil Rudd made a brief appearance at the Tauranga District
Court in his adopted home of
New Zealand and was charged
with attempting to “procure
murder,” which carries a maximum prison term of 10 years.
He was released on bail. One
of the conditions is that he must
not have any contact with anyone involved in the alleged plot.
The Bay of Plenty Times newspaper reported that the Australian-born Rudd was accused of
trying to hire a hit man to carry out the two killings. Police
raided Rudd’s home yesterday
morning, according to the paper, and held him in custody
until his court appearance.
A judge suppressed the names
of the intended victims and the
would-be hit man in the alleged
plot, the newspaper said.
The court declined to release
further details about the case.
Rudd’s lawyer Paul Mabey
said he was still getting up to
speed on the case and had no
comment. Mabey said he was
out of town attending a trial
ap photo
AC/DC drummer accused of
trying to arrange deaths Phil Rudd, the drummer for rock band AC/DC, leaves a court house in Tauranga
when he first heard about the
A publicist for the band could
not be immediately reached for
The Australian-born drummer has also been charged with
threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine and
Court staff said Rudd was due
to make a second appearance Nov. 27, although that date
could change. He has yet to enter a plea.
AC/DC was due to release
the “Rock or Bust” album next
month and had planned a wor-
ld tour next year. It was unclear
whether yesterday’s events
would affect those plans.
Rudd and the other members
of AC/DC were inducted into the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in
2003 in Cleveland. It calls them
one of the best-loved and hardest
-rocking bands in the world.
“Featuring guitarist Angus
Young as their visual symbol
and musical firebrand, they
grew from humble origins in
Australia to become an arenafilling phenomenon with worldwide popularity. They did so
without gimmickry, except for
Angus’s schoolboy uniform,
which became mandatory stage
attire,” said the Hall of Fame’s
According to the biography,
Rudd first joined AC/DC in
1974, the year after it was
started. Other reports indicate he left the band in 1983 but
rejoined again in 1994. The
Bay of Plenty Times reported that Rudd first moved to
New Zealand in 1983, during
the period when he had left
the band, and in 2011 bought
a Tauranga restaurant he named Phil’s Place.
The restaurant’s website says
it represents Rudd’s long-held
vision to “offer you fresh local
food at affordable prices delivered by warm and friendly staff.”
AC/DC’s albums include “Highway to Hell,” ‘’Back in Black,”
and “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt
Even the U.S. military has
used the band’s music for martial purposes. In 2004, U.S.
troops blasted AC/DC’s “Hell’s
Bells” and other rock music full
volume in Fallujah, Iraq, hoping to grate on the nerves of
Sunni Muslim gunmen.
In recent years, AC/DC became known as one of the few acts
that refused to allow its music
to be released digitally on iTunes. It relented in late 2012.
This year, the band announced
that founding member Malcolm Young, brother of Angus,
was leaving due to unspecified
health reasons. AP
he body of a freelance journalist shot
by Myanmar’s army
showed signs that he was
tortured before he died,
his wife said yesterday.
Ma Thandar said the body,
which was exhumed Wednesday, had a broken skull,
broken jaw and two penetration marks on the chest.
Myanmar started moving from a half-century
of dictatorship to democracy three years ago,
but the investigation into
Aung Kyaw Naing’s death
adds to questions about
how much the military
has changed.
The reporter, also known
as Ko Par Gyi, was detained by the military while
covering clashes between
the army and ethnic Karen rebels in Mon state
in September. After his
wife raised questions, the
military said last week
they shot him dead Oct.
4 as he tried to reach for
a soldier’s gun during an
attempted escape.
According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, the military and
media are increasingly at
loggerheads over the reporting of security-related
information perceived as
sensitive. Four journalists and the chief executive
officer of the local Unity
newspaper have been sentenced to 10 years in prison
with hard labor this year
for reporting on a secretive
military installation in the
country’s central Magwe
Division. Their sentences
were later reduced to seven years each.
At least nine other journalists have been senten-
ap photo
Wife says signs of torture on slain reporter’s body
In this Oct. 26, 2014 file photo, Min Ko Naing, right on vehicle, a leader of Myanmar Prominent 88
Generation Students Group, speaks as activists hold placards during a protest against the killing of a
freelance journalist, outside the city hall in Yangon
ced to prison this year,
according to CPJ.
Thandar, who is a prominent activist in Myanmar,
said she, other activists
and nearly 100 soldiers,
police and government officials were present when
the body was exhumed in
Mon state in southeastern Myanmar.
“I could not see the
gunshot wound, but his
face was not immediately recognizable because
his jaws and tooth were
broken and smashed, whi-
ch were indicative of torture,” Thandar said.
She said the body was
taken to the hospital for
further examination, but
the initial marks showed
the broken skull and two
small penetration marks
that looked to have been
caused by a sharp object
and not by gunshots. Several ribs and an ankle
also appeared to have
been broken, she said.
Thandar said that forensic doctors yesterday
showed her X-rays of the
body and said preliminary findings showed five
gunshot wounds on his
body, but she remained
convinced that he was
tortured and skeptical of
the official findings.
It was not known when a
full autopsy report would
be available. AP
fri 07.11.2014
07.11.2014 fri
fri 07.11.2014
Obama immigration vow
clashes with Republicans
ap photo
President Barack Obama holds up a pen during a news conference in the East Room of the White House
tions with Obama. The two
lawmakers wrote an opinion
article on the Wall Street
Journal’s website last night
saying they’d work to repeal
Obama’s health-care law and
revive measures on jobs and
the economy that weren’t
Israeli War Crimes
ICC: No prosecution
on storming of Gaza
aid boat Mike Corder, The Hague
sraeli forces may
have committed war
crimes when they stormed an aid flotilla boat
heading to Gaza in
2010, but the possible
crimes are not grave
enough to merit a prosecution at the International Criminal Court,
the court’s prosecutor
said yesterday.
“Following a thorough
legal and factual analysis of the information
available, I have concluded that there is a
reasonable basis to believe that war crimes
under the jurisdiction
of the International
Criminal Court were
committed on one of
the vessels, the Mavi
Marmara, when Israeli
Defense Forces intercepted the ‘Gaza Freedom Flotilla’ on 31 May
2010,” Bensouda said
in a statement.
Richard Rubin, Kathleen Hunter
and Mike Dorning
resident Barack
Obama and Senate Republican leader Mitch
McConnell promised
Americans yesterday they’d
search for common ground,
then fired the opening salvos
of a new battle over immigration.
The usually serious McConnell laughed, cracked smiles
and joked as he met with reporters in Louisville, Kentucky, relating an invitation
Obama sent for lunch at the
White House and pledging an
end to partisan gridlock. Yet
he said Obama’s plans to take
executive action on immigration, if Congress doesn’t act,
would amount to “waving a
red flag in front of a bull”
Though the Nov. 4 election
results shifted control of the
Senate from Democrats to
Republicans, it did little to
change the underlying balance of power in Washington’s
divided government, in which
each party essentially has had
veto power over any major undertaking for four years now.
McConnell joined with House Speaker John Boehner, an
Ohio Republican, to outline
an agenda that includes items
sure to lead to confronta-
said that any cases relating to the storming
“would not be of sufficient gravity to justify
further action by the
Eight Turks and one
were killed and several
other pro-Palestinian
activists were wounded
when Israeli commandos stormed the ship
Mavi Marmara on May
31, 2010.
Bensouda opened a
preliminary investigation last year after the
tiny African state of
Comoros — which is a
member of the court —
filed a complaint about
the boarding of the
ship which was flying
under a Comoros flag.
A Turkish lawyer representing
vowed not to give up
the case.
“This is a moral struggle that we’re pursuing
by ourselves. It’s a legal struggle; a struggle
in the name of humanity. This struggle isn’t
over,” said attorney
Ramazan Ariturk. “We
will object to a higher
court at the International Criminal Court and
we believe without a
doubt that we will prevail.”
In a 61-page report,
prosecutors conclude
that “there is a reasonable basis to believe” that Israeli forces
may have committed
the crimes of willful
killing, willfully causing serious injury and
committing outrages
upon personal dignity.
The report said that
the findings were based on “information
available at this stage”
and that ICC prosecutors did not collect the
A U.N. report in July
2011 found that the
raid was justified, but
that Israel used excessive force. AP
approved by the Senate under
the Democrats’ control.
A subdued Obama said at a
White House news conferen-
ce yesterday that he is “not
mopey” about the Republican
sweep in the midterm elections. He then brushed aside
McConnell’s warning on an
immigration order, repeating
a promise to take action by the
end of the year to halt deportations for some undocumented immigrants if Congress
doesn’t move on rewriting the
law. “What I’m not going to do
is just wait,” he said.
As for Republicans who might be “angered or frustrated,”
he added, “those are folks, I
just have to say, who are also
deeply opposed to immigration reform in any form.”
Obama and McConnell offered words of conciliation without giving ground on their
basic political positions. There were no signs of changes to
come in party leadership when
the next Congress is seated in
January and the occupant of
the White House remains the
same. Bloomberg
West African countries
to get USD450 million
in financing Edith M. Lederer, United Nations
new private sector initiative announced Wednesday will provide
at least USD450 million in commercial financing to the three West African countries hardest hit by Ebola to
promote trade, investment and employment.
The International Finance Corporation, which is part of the World
Bank Group, announced that the package will include $250 million in
rapid response projects and at least
$200 million in investment projects
to support the economic recovery of
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea after the Ebola outbreak is controlled.
The announcement coincides with
the U.N. Development Program’s release of a study on the socio-economic
impact of the outbreak, which found that the governments of the three
countries need $328 million to be able
to function at pre-crisis levels. The
study said the shortfalls are caused
by increased spending to tackle Ebola
and the slowdown of economic activity in fields such as tourism, mining
and trade.
“Ebola is a humanitarian crisis first
and foremost, but it’s also an economic
disaster for Guinea, Liberia and Sier-
ra Leone,” World Bank President Jim
Yong Kim said in a statement. “That’s
why in addition to our emergency aid,
we will do all we can to help support
the private sector in these countries to
build back their business.”
IFC, the largest global development
institution that focuses exclusively on
the private sector, said its initiative
includes a $75 million Ebola Emergency Liquidity Facility to fund critical imports for the Ebola-affected
countries, including energy, food and
agricultural commodities and manufactured goods.
The UNDP study found that because of Ebola, government expenses have risen about 30 percent in
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea,
and fiscal deficits in the three countries are rising. In addition, Liberia has sacrificed $20 million worth of infrastructure improvements
and Sierra Leone has sacrificed $16
million worth since the beginning of
the crisis, it said.
The financial constraints have forced
the three countries to resort to domestic and international borrowing, and
they have already taken financial packages from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, UNDP
said. AP
TV canal macau
TDM News (Repeated)
News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast
RTPi Live
Brazil Avenue (Repeated)
TDM Talk Show (Repeated)
Soap Opera
Main News, Financial & Weather Report
Revenge S1
Brazil Avenue
TDM News
Europa League Highlights
Portuguese Movie
Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated)
Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac
Conch Bay
TDM News (Repeated)
News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast
Zig Zag
Soap Opera
Main News, Financial & Weather Report
TDM News
Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated)
07.11.2014 fri
6 Nov -12 Nov
2000 Hillary Clinton is first
First Lady in Senate
room 1
2.30, 6.00, 9.00 pm
Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway,
Jessica Chastain
Language: English (Chinese)
Duration: 169min
kung fu jungle_
room 2
2.15, 4.05, 7.55, 9.30 pm
Director: Teddy Chen
Starring: Donnie Yen, Charlie Young, Wang Bao-qiang
Language: English (Chinese)
Duration: 100min
Sunday Mass
TDM News (Repeated)
News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast
Zig Zag
Main News, Financial & Weather Report
Non-Daily Portuguese News
The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve
TDM News
Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated)
don’t go breaking my heart 2_
room 2
7.45 pm
Director: Johnnie To
Starring: Louis Koo, Miriam Yeung, Gao Yuanyuan
Language: Cantonese (English and Chinese)
Duration: 115min
Dutch to public: Don't pee on
the royal palace
If you're caught short on Amsterdam's historic Dam
Square, the Dutch government has a message for you:
Don't pee on the palace.
The Dutch royal family uses the stately Royal Palace in
downtown Amsterdam as a working palace, not a residence. But the building's dark arches provide a favored
spot for urination, often at night, out of sight of police
who regularly patrol the palace vicinity.
After a multimillion-euro renovation ended in late 2011,
people began urinating against the palace's sandstone
facade. That prompted authorities to put up a fence.
But the Interior Ministry called the fence "unworthy" of
the historic location. It is now installing lights and movement sensors to deter people from relieving themselves.
The government also warned that peeing in public is punishable by a 140-euro (USD175) fine.
If those measures don't work, authorities are considering installing a urinal near the palace that rises out of
the ground at night and sinks back below the sidewalk
during the day.
Other possible moves include a raised set of steps featuring a "pop-up" fence or fine mesh screens to block off
access to the arches after dark.
this day in history
gangster pay day_
room 3
2.15 4.00, 7.45, 9.30 pm
Director: Lee Po Cheung
Starring: Anthony Wong, Charlene Choi, Wong Yau
Language: Cantonese (English and Chinese)
Duration: 134min
room 3
7.30 pm
Director: Stiles White
Starring: Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Daren Kagasoff
Language: English (Chinese)
Duration: 89min
macau tower
6 Nov - 26 Nov
2.30, 5.30, 8.30 pm
Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway,
Jessica Chastain
Language: English (Chinese)
Duration: 169min
Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of the president, has won a
seat for the Democrats in the Senate to become the only
First Lady to win elective office in US history.
Votes are still being counted but exit polls show she has
a clear majority over Republican rival Rick Lazio in the state of New York.
The Clinton family voted near their home in Chappaqua,
north of the city, with the president telling reporters, “You
can’t put me down as ‘undecided’!”
Mrs Clinton made her victory speech in Manhattan,
flanked by husband Bill, her daughter Chelsea, outgoing
Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moybihan and incumbent senator Chuck Schumer. She told cheering supporters: “Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans,
tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers.”
Mr Lazio only entered the race in May after charismatic
New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani pulled out to fight prostate cancer.
During an acrimonous campaign he emphasised his
strong connections to New York, while Hillary defied accusations she was a carpetbagger and appealed to Democrats in New York City, black, Hispanic, Jewish and
women voters - and won through.
Mrs Clinton has also shown her tenacity in the face of
the president’s much publicised extra marital affairs.
In 1992, when Gennifer Flowers revealed that she had
had an affair with him (which he admitted to only years
later and then claimed it was confined to one encounter),
she uttered the famous words on the CBS 60 Minutes
programme: “I’m not sitting here as some little woman
standing by my man like Tammy Wynette. I’m sitting here
because I love him.”
She later had to apologise to the country singer Tammy
Wynette who wrote and sang “Stand by Your Man” but
was not the character in it - but Mrs Clinton had successfully made her point to the American public.
Then in January 1998 the story about the president’s
affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky broke which Bill Clinton strenuously denied.
Mrs Clinton was defiant once more, declaring in an interview with the NBC Today show that it was all inspired by
“this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring
against my husband since the day he announced for president”.
She had a difficult moment later that year when her
husband admitted to having had a relationship with Miss
Lewinsky, and TV viewers watched them walking across
the White House lawn - Chelsea between them - to the
helicopter waiting to take them on holiday.
All that is in the past and now - as her husband prepares to leave office at the end of his second term - Hillary
Clinton’s supporters are even talking of her running for the
top job herself.
Courtesy BBC News
In context
At a news conference the following day Hillary Clinton ruled
herself out of the 2004 presidential election to serve her full
term as New York senator.
Her husband left office in January 2001.
In her best-selling autobiography Living History published
in 2003 Mrs Clinton said the two hardest decisions of her life
were “to stay married to Bill and to run for the Senate from
New York”.
New York votes again in 2006, and Mrs Clinton is tipped for a
landslide victory.
She is also one of the leading contenders to for the 2008
presidential elections.
fri 07.11.2014
Mar. 21-Apr. 19
April 20-May 20
Today is an active day — and you’ve
got the right kind of energy to really
make it special! Things are going
your way, and you can barrel right
over anyone who thinks they can
impede your progress.
Take your time when making
decisions today — there’s not as
much pressure as you think there is!
Try to consider all your options and
make sure that you’re not pursuing
a dead end.
May 21-Jun. 21
Jun. 22-Jul. 22
You’ve got to make your hopes clear
to those around you — otherwise,
they are sure to get confused.
Fortunately, your energy is just right
for communicating basic info like
that, and they are ready to hear it.
You are unhappy with an authority
figure who is trying to direct your
behavior, but there’s no way out of
this without some serious friction. If
you’re okay with that, go ahead and
Jul. 23-Aug. 22
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Someone new pops into your life
and makes you think about things
differently. That doesn’t have to be
a major life-changer, but if you’re
ready for one, it could be just what
you need!
You don’t back down today — which
could be a good or a bad thing,
depending on who’s pushing you.
It could lead to a new romance or a
reprimand at work, but you should
still be glad you did it.
Sep.23-Oct. 22
Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
Business relationships are vital
right now. That could mean
reaching out to contacts to get new
job possibilities, or it could mean
buttering up a potential new client.
You can do it!
Start a new fitness or diet regime
today — but check with your doctor
if it’s too far from the mainstream.
You are health-minded for sure,
and can make great progress, but
like everyone, you need advice.
The Born Loser by Chip Sansom
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your energy is strong and direct
today, so make the most of it! You
should be able to start new projects,
convince others of your positions
and take care of your people without
breaking a sweat.
You may be a bit more worried than
usual today, and that could result in
some hard times with your partner
at home or at work. Try not to inflict
too much of your own doubt on them
just yet.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Feb.19-Mar. 20
Your assistance is invaluable today,
and someone close is sure to let you
know how they feel about it. See if
you can reach out broadly and help
a group or community in need —
maybe the world!
You find something you’d lost —
or maybe you hid it? You don’t
remember, but it’s so cleverly
squirreled away that it may feel as
if someone had tried to keep it from
you. Live and learn.
Hong Kong
New York
moderate rain
Crossword puzzles provided by
Down: 1- Freelancer's encl.; 2- Dutch export; 3- Taylor of "Mystic Pizza"; 4- Wreath
of flowers; 5- Dried by the sun; 6- Comment; 7- Daredevil Knievel; 8- Stake; 9Undeserved; 10- Walk with long steps;
11- Cathedral; 12- Chilean pianist Claudio;
Yesterday’s solution
13- Bearings; 18- Crew needs; 23- Uncouth;
24- IBM products; 25- Architectural pier;
26- Yonder thing; 27- Expectant desire;
28- Press; 29- Like some vbs.; 33- Actress
Petty; 34- Neighborhood; 35- Jazz flutist
Herbie; 38- Mezzanine; 39- London jail; 40Passing; 43- Singer Braxton; 46- Leftover;
48- Alberta's home; 49- Rubber; 50- Greek
temple; 51- "All My Children" vixen; 52Birth-related; 53- Flood; 56- Account; 57Soccer star Mia; 58- Fit to ___; 59- Goneril's
father; 62- Barrett of Pink Floyd; 63- "The
Matrix" hero;
Across: 1- Vends; 6- Picture puzzle; 11- Block; 14- Old French expression
meaning "goodbye"; 15- Happening; 16- Altdorf's canton; 17- Device for measuring
salt concentration; 19- Mined mineral; 20- British record label; 21- Ancient Semitic
for "Lord"; 22- Aviator; 24- Henry VIII's sixth; 25- Laborious; 26- Callous; 30- Stallion,
e.g.; 31- Road with a no.; 32- Jack of "Rio Lobo"; 36- GI mail drop; 37- Debase; 41Man-mouse connector; 42- Portable shelter; 44- Scot's refusal; 45- Actress Sophia;
47- Between 80 and 90 years old; 51- Tangle up; 54- All ears; 55- Plunder; 56New Mexico art colony; 57- Actor Linden; 60- Give ___ rest; 61- Kill; 64- Lion, tiger,
leopard, or jaguar; 65- Holmes's creator; 66- Where Hercules slew the lion; 67- Draft
choice; 68- Tree of the birch family; 69- Private Pyle;
Useful telephone numbers
Emergency calls 999
Taxi (Yellow) 28 519 519
Fire department 28 572 222
Taxi (Black) 28 939 939
PJ (Open line) 993
Water Supply – Report 1990 992
PJ (Picket) 28 557 775
Telephone – Report 1000
PSP 28 573 333
Electricity – Report 28 339 922
Customs 28 559 944
Macau Daily Times 28 716 081
S. J. Hospital 28 313 731
Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333
Commission Against
Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300
IACM 28 387 333
Tourism 28 333 000
Airport 59 888 88
07.11.2014 fri
fri 07.11.2014
charged with sex
with teen
Randall Chase, Georgetown, Del.
former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader and the estranged wife of
a prominent Maryland energy executive was arraigned yesterday in Delaware on charges of having sex with
a 15-year-old boy who attends school
with at least one of her children.
A grand jury indicted Molly Shattuck, 47, on Monday on two counts
of third-degree rape, four counts of
unlawful sexual contact and three
counts of providing alcohol to minors, Delaware State Police Sgt. Paul
Shavack said. She was released on
USD84,000 bond after an arraignment.
Defense attorney Eugene Maurer
said Shattuck has pleaded not guilty.
Her next court appearance will be at
a Dec. 15 case review.
“Like anybody who would be charged with an offense of this nature,
she’s quite distraught and dealing
with it the best she can,” Maurer
added. “Obviously, she’s very upset
about it.”
On Sept. 26, a 15-year-old boy
told police that Shattuck began an
inappropriate relationship with him
near Baltimore and that it culminated with sexual activity at a vacation
rental home in August, Shavack said.
Police executed a search warrant on
Shattuck’s home Oct. 1 and seized
items. Shavack declined to specify
what they were.
The indictment alleges that Shattuck provided alcohol to three boys
under the legal age for drinking on
Aug. 30 and Aug. 31. It charges that
she had sexual contact with one boy
on or about Aug. 31, the Sunday of
Labor Day weekend.
In Delaware, third-degree rape
applies to several instances, including when an older person has sex
with an underage person. It is a Class
B felony, punishable by two to 25
years in prison.
In a letter sent this week to parents, the headmaster of the school the
teen attends — the McDonogh School
in Owings Mills, Maryland — wrote
he became aware of “inappropriate
behavior by a current parent” and a
student on Sept. 24 and reported the
allegations to police.
Shattuck’s website says she has
three children, including a 15-yearold son.
Shattuck is separated from Mayo
Shattuck, 60, the former CEO of Baltimore-based Constellation Energy
Nuclear Group and the current chairman of Chicago-based Exelon Corp.,
also an energy provider. Exelon,
which has electric and gas utilities in
Maryland, Illinois, and Pennsylva-
ap photo
Molly Shattuck
nia, now owns Constellation.
According to online Maryland court
records, Molly and Mayo Shattuck filed for divorce Sept. 29 in Baltimore
County. The Baltimore Sun reported
in March that the couple had separated, although Molly Shattuck demurred to the newspaper about when the
breakup occurred, saying, “It’s been
In 2005, Molly Shattuck became
the oldest NFL cheerleader in history
up to that time when the Baltimore
Ravens selected her for the squad on
her first tryout. She cheered for two
years and was a part-time coach for
six more years.
Shattuck also is a fitness consultant
and advocate, and published a book
in February called “Vibrant Living.”
Her website, which is now in “maintenance mode,” says she has developed a 21-day plan for health and
improved living. A cached version of
her biography on the site says she is
an ambassador for the American Diabetes Association and works with the
American Heart Association. She’s a
trustee of the United Way of Central
Maryland, and a member of boards
for the Baltimore School for the Arts,
the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and the National Children’s Museum.
In 2008, Shattuck appeared on an
episode of the ABC-TV reality show
“Secret Millionaire” and gave away
USD190,000 to people helping the
poor. AP
Almada dance troupe draws
BUZZ thousands on China tour
Air quality fri
An unprecedented 6,000 people in all attended
four shows staged so far in China by the Companhia
de Dança de Almada, one of Portugal’s handful of
professional dance troupes, its director, Maria Franco, told Lusa this week. “We have never performed
in spaces with so many people,” Franco said. “We’re
very pleased with the reception, although audiences
here are restrained in their applause.”
Eight dancers from the company, which is based
in Almada, across the River Tagus from Lisbon, last
Friday began a two-week tour of China organized by
a local promoter who had seen the dancers’ work on
the internet and decided to invite them.
The tour began in Hangzhou with one show attended by 3,000 people and another with 2,000. The
dancers then flew on to Shanghai, where they have
four shows scheduled.
The tour ends in Beijing on 16 November. The company has never been to China but has toured in a dozen countries, from Brazil to Poland.
Residental Moderate
source: dsmg
Eric Sautedé
The disappearance of the yellow taxis in Macao is
saddening. First, because they had become a customary fixture of our daily lives: the Official Gazette
reminds us rather aridly that the license awarded to
their operator, the Vang Iek Group, dates back to
1989, and a quick look at the Group’s website indicates that Vang Iek itself was established in 1935—
a sign that the virtues of family business is not an
assurance of sustainability in the new Macao. Second because, as Andrew Scott, the vocal founder
of the Facebook group Macau Taxi Driver Shame,
puts it, they were the “shining light” of the industry,
while the “black taxis” are perceived as “being the
problem.” This leaves us with a feeling of injustice.
Third and finally, because the Transport Department
(DSAT) appears to have performed, once again, below average when it comes to both its regulatory
and tangible capacities—and here I am not even
talking about style and disclosure skills.
Some might argue that they had it coming. At
least 90% of their 100 taxis were supposed to be
on call, but they ended up with only a fraction of the
fleet actually on call. When the operator was told
that the license would be renewed for another year,
on condition that 80% of the taxis would satisfy that
initial requirement, it failed to do so; and then the
license was renewed for only 9 months, provided
that 60% of the taxis would be on call. Vang Iek
ultimately had to announce themselves that they
would cease operations on November 6th, since
the scheme was simply not viable—after all this is
a company, not a charity. And Vang Iek’s management team noticeably pointed its finger to the lack
of support and responsiveness of the DSAT. Sure,
regulations and tender-biding commitments have
to be respected, but then the overall context changed — and fast — so operating conditions should
have adapted just as swiftly.
What are the main problems with taxis? The total number—too scarce—and the pricing—insufficient, thus encouraging malpractice, overcharging
and abuse in general. This was clearly highlighted
in the 2011 General Policy on Traffic and Land
Transportation in Macao (2010-2020) - and what
has the DSAT done since then? Not much regarding the taxis, and in fact the success of the Macau
Taxi Driver Shame group (created in June 2014
and already counting more than 4,500 supporters)
is an indication that the situation has worsened
dramatically. I am myself not a big fan of this kind
of group because - despite its claim that it is also
“rewarding” the well behaved - it is designed to humiliate and discriminate against part of the community, making it very divisive and a trigger for equally
acrimonious counter-strategies from those ‘shamed’. It creates a cycle of distrust and, although it
allows disgruntled users to vent out their repressed
resentment, ultimately it addresses the symptoms
and not the ailment. Yet it still has its virtues, since
its byproduct, the Macau Taxi Passengers Association (MTPA) - also headed by Andrew Scott - has
submitted several recommendations to the DSAT
in September in the framework of the consultation
on the revision of the law on taxis—dating back to
1999, mind you.
Both the MTPA and DSAT propose comprehensive and far-reaching amendments regarding licensing, training, pricing, and monitoring (including
punitive measures with much more significant fines
and even the suspension and cancellation of licenses for non-complying drivers), but then where has
the necessary holistic approach to public transportation as articulated by the 2011 plan gone? Is there any indication of the identity and motivations of
clients, or the detailed breakdown of itineraries in
today’s Macao?
The MTPA’s document relies on a rough estimate
of operating costs of taxis—admittedly not in line
with the ones of the Macau Taxi Driver Mutual Association—and a skimpy survey of only 172 respondents on “satisfaction”; whereas the DSAT’s 2014
consultation document is still in the infancy of proposing a “global study and scientific analysis” of the
problem—again, what have they done since 2011?
On average, both Singapore and Hong Kong have
8 taxis per km of road, while Macao has 4.4, so
my bet is that we only need to double the existing
fleet of 1,380 taxis. Then service and conditions of
operation are the real concerns, and for this to be
solved, all stakeholders have to be involved if the
whole community is to benefit in the end.
Flamenco guitarist Manitas
de Plata dies
his children,
were various
members of
the popular
Gypsy Kings
conic flamenco guitarist Manitas de Plata, who sold nearly 100
million records worldwide, has died in southern
France. He was 93.
His great nephew, Ricao
Bissiere, confirmed his
death to The Associated
Press, calling him a “great
guitarist and a beautiful man who opened the
doors for gypsy music.”
Bissiere said the musician died in a retirement
home early Wednesday.
Born Ricardo Baliardo in
southern France in 1921,
de Plata changed to his recording name — meaning
“little hands of silver” in
Spanish — after mastering
the guitar.
As a rising star, he frequented cafes on the French Riviera and associated
with celebrities including
actress Brigitte Bardot
and the artists Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali.
He sealed his international reputation after
playing New York’s Carnegie Hall in the 1960s.
He had dozens of offspring, and once admitted
he could not say for sure
how many children he
had. Among his children,
reports suggest, were various members of the popular Gypsy Kings group.
His talent continued to
inspire generations of guitarists long after his celebrity had waned.
Nonetheless he died a
poor man, having spent
much of his earnings
on his extensive family,
French media report. His
daughter Francoise said
he died in a retirement
home, with family members at his bedside.
In 2011 he described his
main passions in life as
“music and women” and
said “I played with my
heart, and I’ve always lived from one day to the
next”. MDT/Agencies
times square by rodrigo
owners of a New Zealand
coal mine where the bodies
of 29 workers remain
entombed after a methanefueled explosion four years
ago said yesterday they
won’t go back into the
mine because it remains
too dangerous. The
announcement by stateowned company Solid
Energy dashed the hopes
of those who had sought to
recover the remains of their
loved ones from the Pike
River mine, located on the
South Island.
ap photo
Red card for yellow cabs
head of NATO pays an
unannounced visit to
Kabul, where he vows
that the Western alliance
will continue supporting
the country after foreign
combat troops withdraw
at the end of the year.
“We are ending the
combat mission and are
starting a new chapter
in which the future of
Afghanistan is in the
hands if the Afghan
people,” NATO Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg
ISRAELI forces may have
committed war crimes
when they stormed an
aid flotilla boat heading
to Gaza in 2010, but
the possible crimes
are not grave enough
to merit a prosecution
at the International
Criminal Court, the
court’s prosecutor said
yesterday. More on p15
of U.S. lawmakers is telling
President Barack Obama
to pressure Myanmar’s
government to allow
opposition leader Aung
San Suu Kyi to run for
USA Space tourism
company Virgin Galactic
that suffered a tragic
setback when its
experimental rocketpowered spaceship broke
apart over the California
desert could resume test
flights as early as next
summer if it can finish
building a replacement
craft, its CEO said