Chard Road Surgery Chard Road St Budeaux Plymouth PL5 2UE Telephone: Enquiries Appointments Repeat Script Ordering Fax Email address Website 01752 363 111 01752 363 031 / 367 672 01752 322 222 01752 363 611 Doors open Monday to Friday HCA appointments Daily from 8:00am until 6:00pm 8:00am – 12:30pm Nurse appointments Daily from 8:30am GP appointments Daily from 8:30am Dr Rachel Tyler BM BS DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Reg 1997 (UK) Dr Michael Sissons MBChB DRCOG Reg 1995 (UK) Dr Kate Barnett MBBS MRCGP DFFP Reg 1999 (UK) Dr Pauline Charlett MBChB DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Reg 1997 (UK) Dr Emma Williams MBChB DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Reg 2001 (UK) Dr Paul Hayes BM DCH MRCGP Reg 1999 (UK) INTRODUCTION We aim to provide a high standard of medical care in a friendly and professional manner. You can help us achieve our aim by reading this guide and following the suggestions made to ensure that appropriate services can be provided when you most need them. The guide contains useful information about how to get the most from a visit to your surgery. HOW TO REGISTER To register at the Practice please collect forms at the reception desk. 1 CLINICAL STAFF Practice Nurses Gill Reffell Practice Nurse RGN Bsc BA hon Nursing & Health Studies Lyn Bond Practice Nurse RGN Daily clinics are held at the surgery. Practice Nurses are also available for advice on appropriate matters by phone. Practitioner Craig Thomas is responsible for dealing with same day problems, such as: • chest infections • throat infections etc Health Visitors Tel: 01752 434 308 The Health Visitors are concerned with children’s developmental care. They are based at Tamar View Resource Centre, Miers Close, Barne Barton, Plymouth Child Health Clinic Times: Wednesday The Barn Kit Hill Crescent 1:00pm – 3:00pm Thursday Tamar Folk (Sure Start Children’s Centre) 2:00pm – 2:30pm District Nurses Tel: 01752 363 111 (9:00am – 4:00pm weekdays for messages) Nicky Stidever Gillian Winzer Elizabeth Horn Community Matron Community Sister Community Nurse Available for home visits 8:30am – 5:00pm by prior arrangement. District Nurses are concerned with nursing housebound patients within the home. Community Midwife Tel: 01752 363 111 Leesia Walton RM Leesia works as a practitioner in her own right and in conjunction with the Practice and the doctors at Derriford hospital, to provide care throughout pregnancy. First antenatal appointments are held here at the surgery. Follow-up antenatal clinics are held at Tamarfolk (Sure Start) Children’s Centre (in between the Co-op and the library at St Budeaux) Tel: 431600 for an appointment or call in. There is also a drop-in clinic every Wednesday in Barne Barton Community Flat, Roberts Road 1.00pm to 3.00pm where you can see a midwife. Postnatal checkups are at Chard Road. Healthcare Assistants Tel: 01752 363 111 Valerie Handy Clinics: Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri from 8:00am for • blood tests • health checks • smoking cessation advice Clinics: Mon, Tues Wed & Thurs from 8:00am for • blood tests • health checks • weight management advice • smoking cessation advice. Sally Crispin NON CLINICAL STAFF Practice Manager Tel: 01752 363 111 Nicky Evans and 15 Reception / Admin Staff who carry out the policies of the doctors, which are aimed at making the practice run efficiently for patients and staff. 2 TELEPHONE NUMBERS General Enquiries 01752 363 111 General enquiries such as speaking to or leaving messages for other members of staff e.g. the Practice Nurse, Doctor, Midwife or District Nurse. For Test results please telephone or come into reception after 2:00pm. Between the hours of 1:00pm – 2:00pm this number is for emergencies only. Emergencies & Home Visits 01752 363 111 Out of hours - if you need to speak to an emergency Doctor, please telephone Out of Hours Service on 111. This number is also recorded on our answering machine. Out of Hours visits will be undertaken by a fully qualified locum GP. During surgery opening hours – Emergency home visits during surgery opening hours will be carried out by the duty doctor. If your visit is for a routine check-up (available for housebound patients only) and you wish to see your usual doctor, we can normally arrange this. It is always the doctor’s decision whether a problem merits a home visit Appointments to see a Clinician 01752 363 031 / 367 672 We are aware of how difficult it can be to book a GP appointment. We also know that many of our patients are busy and find it difficult to access appointments during the working day. So, we are delighted to announce that, from November 17th 2014, we are introducing a new, innovative appointment system. We will be moving to a system called ‘Direct Patient Access’. This system is already being successfully used in some practices throughout the country and will enable any patient who needs access to a clinician to be dealt with at a time and day that suits them. Patients who ring the practice will be asked their name, contact telephone details, who they wish to speak to eg a named GP or our triage practitioner, and a brief description of the reason for the call. The receptionist will then allocate the call to the most appropriate clinician. The clinician will then return the call and advise the patient accordingly. If tests are needed these will be arranged. If the clinician needs to see the patient, a suitable time and day will also be arranged. If you just require advice or need to speak to your own doctor, this can be done then and there. There is no longer the need to book a face to face appointment with your GP – your GP will arrange all this for you, if needed, once you have had your telephone consultation. If you have any queries please ask at reception. Commonly Asked Questions Answers My GP has asked me to see them again. How do I book an appointment? Your GP will make the appointment for you, either at the time they see you or will advise you when to call back. How do I book an appointment with a practice nurse? Practice nurse appointments and appointments for the health care assistants will still be booked in advance by reception staff. Does the new system mean I will never see a GP? No, a GP will speak to you on the telephone and, if appropriate, will offer you a time to attend the practice if you wish. 3 Can I still speak to Craig Thomas? Yes, Craig will still be available to deal with same day problems – such as chest infections, throat infections etc. Can I speak to my own doctor? Yes, if you have a regular doctor you prefer to talk to we will allocate your call to them and you will be telephoned back by your GP. If your GP is unavailable eg holiday, sickness etc you will be offered another available GP if you so wish. Appointments to see the Practice Nurse and Healthcare Assistant 01752 363 031 / 367 672 Appointments with the nurses and phlebotomist must be made in advance either by phone or at reception. Saturday morning surgeries A limited number of pre-bookable GP appointments are available on alternate Saturdays. These can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance. The surgery will NOT be open for prescriptions or home visits, nor will a telephone service be available (apart from the repeat prescription line). NHS111 will still be providing the emergency service for the weekend. GEOGRAPHICAL MAP SURGERY OPENING TIMES Doors open: Appointments: 8:00am until 6:00pm for enquiries/collection of scripts Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Alternate Saturdays Pre-bookable appointments only DISABLED PARKING, ACCESS AND TOILETS AVAILABLE If you are unable to manage the stairs, please tell the receptionist, who will arrange for you to be seen downstairs. The Practice is committed to creating a fully inclusive and accessible service. By making equality and diversity an integral part of the business, it will enable us to enhance the services we deliver and better meet the needs of our patients and staff. We will treat people with dignity and respect, promote equal opportunities and eliminate all forms of discrimination regardless of (but not limited to) your race, nationality, religion or belief and family status. CAN YOU HELP? Chard Road Surgery League of Friends The League of Friends is a registered charity. The main activity is fund raising to purchase items of equipment to benefit patients. If you would like to help, or have any ideas or suggestions which the Friends should consider, please contact the Chairman, Michael Ough via Reception at Chard Road Surgery. 4 SERVICES PROVIDED Dressings } Removal of Stitches } Ear Syringe } Health Check } Blood Pressure Check } Continence Advice } Minor Surgery Services Health Promotion } Cervical Smears } Advice on Menopause } Help with Smoking / Alcohol } Travel Advice & Immunisation } Breast Check Information } Asthma Checks } Diabetic Checks } Family Planning } Bloods } Morning after Contraception Child Health Surveillance } Pre-Pregnancy Advice } Health Visitor / Doctor Antenatal Classes } Health Visitor / Midwife Advice on Baby & Child care } Family Diet & Exercise } Baby Checks & Hearing Tests } Suggestions or Complaints } Practice Nurse Doctor / Practice Nurse Practice Nurse Health Care Assistants Contact the Doctor as soon as possible (within 72 hours). If <19yrs of age this service is available from the pharmacy. Health Visitors Practice Manager Repeat Prescription Patients can now order repeat prescriptions online. Please ask for details at reception. Prescriptions can also be requested in person from reception, on the dedicated phone line, 01752 322 222 or by post (enclose sae please). Prescriptions can be collected from reception or from a pharmacy of your choice by arrangement. Repeat prescription ordering on the dedicated telephone line: 01752 322222 Open at any time of the day. Please have your repeat prescription slip by the telephone when you ring. You will need to leave details of your name, date of birth and contact number (in case any queries arise) as well as details of each repeat prescription item required. Prescriptions can be collected from reception or from a pharmacy of your choice by arrangement. Please allow 2 working days for your script to be ready plus pharmacy time. Nonrepeatable items may take longer. Please note we do not take orders for prescriptions by telephone, please use one of the methods above. 5 TEXT MESSAGING REMINDER SERVICE We now offer our patients a text messaging reminder service for booked appointments. Please ensure we have your current mobile number. If you do not want text reminders please inform reception. BOOTS PHARMACY Open Monday to Friday Tel : 01752 364 280 08:30am – 6:15pm Repeat script collection, pregnancy testing, morning after pill for 13-19yrs & family toiletries. RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PATIENT Please arrive promptly and remember to cancel your appointment if you can no longer keep it; someone else may need to see the doctor urgently. We operate a zero tolerance zone. If a patient is violent or abusive to staff or other persons present on the practice premises, police will be called. ACCESS TO MEDICAL RECORDS All manual and computerised health records about living people are accessible under the Data Protection Act 1998. Competent patients may apply for access to their own records, or may authorise a third party, such as their lawyer, to do so on their behalf. Parents may have access to their child’s records if this is in the child’s best interests and not contrary to a competent child’s wishes. People appointed by a Court to manage the affairs of mentally incapacitated adults may have access to information necessary to fulfil their function. There are exemptions to this service. A fee (up to £50) will be charged depending on the type of record and whether the patient wants copies. COMPLAINTS Any complaint or suggestion about the service offered at this Practice should be made to the Practice Manager. Complaints will be fully investigated. After consulting all interested parties you will be advised of any change to practice policy thought to be necessary as a result of your complaint within 14 days. Full details of complaints procedure can be found in the waiting room. MAKE THE MOST OF OUR SERVICES Read the notices posted in the surgery Make sure you know the opening times of the surgery Find out how to arrange home visits, repeat prescriptions and urgent appointments You may not always need to see a doctor; ask what services the nurse can provide Ask your doctor to write down anything that you do not understand the answers to Take a friend or relative with you if necessary Tell the receptionist if you need more time to speak to the doctor, she may be able to arrange this Think twice before making an appointment. Do you really need to see a doctor? Have you tried simple treatments? More information about primary medical services in the area may be obtained from: NHS Plymouth Building 1 Derriford Business Park Plymouth, PL6 5QZ Tel : 0845 155 8000 HOW YOUR LOCAL PHARMACY CAN HELP Ask your pharmacist for advice about choosing the right medicines for common ailments Your pharmacist will advise you if you are unsure about seeing a doctor He / She can offer advice about a problem if you are not sure what is causing it Be sure to tell your pharmacist if you are taking other medicine – some medicines are not compatible. 6 YOUR INFORMATION – what you need to know Why we collect information about you We need to keep records about you on our computer system or on paper records for your doctor and other health professional about any care that you received from the National Health Service. Your doctor is responsible for their accuracy and safekeeping. We keep this information to help ensure that you receive the best possible care from us. Details that are kept may include: basic details about you such as address contacts we have had with you, such as clinical visits notes and reports about any treatment or care you have received results of investigations such as x-rays and laboratory tests relevant information from other health professionals or those who care for you and know you well How your records are used to help you Your records are used to guide health professional in the care you receive to ensure that: any health professional involved in your care has accurate and up to date information to assess your health and decide what care you need full information is available if you see another doctor or are referred to a specialist or another part of the NHS there is good basis for assessing the type and quality of care that you have received your concerns can be investigated if you need to complain. You have a right to see your records if you wish. Please ask if you would like further details. How your records are used to help the NHS Your information may also be used to help us: assess the needs of the population review the care we provide teach and train other health professionals conduct health research and development pay your GP, dental and hospital for the care they provide audit NHS accounts and services prepare statistics on NHS performance Investigate legal claims or untoward incidents Some of this information is used for statistical purposes and stringent measures are taken to ensure that individual patients cannot be identified. Where it is not possible to use anonymised information, personally identifiable information may be used for essential NHS purposes. This will only be done with your consent unless the law requires information to be passed on. How we keep your records confidential Everyone in the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential. You may be receiving care from other organisations we may need to share information about you if others have a genuine need for it. We will not disclose your information to third parties without your permission unless there are exceptional circumstances such as the health and safety of others or the law requires information to be passed on. To ensure privacy we will not disclose information over the telephone or fax unless we are sure that we are talking to you. Information will not be disclosed to friends or family without you prior written consent. Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to keep it confidential. We are required by law to report certain information to the relevant authorities. Occasions may include: Notification of new births Infectious diseases which may endanger others Where a formal court order has been issued 7 Patient Participation Group The practice has a Patient Participation Group who work with the practice to provide practical support and help patients to take more responsibility for their own health and provide strategic input and advice. The activities of the Patient Participation Group include: improving communication with patients through newsletters organising health promotion events in partnership with the practice carrying out patient surveys The Patient Participation Group is a route for patients to advise the practice on what matters most to patients and to identify solutions to the problems. If you feel you would like to be involved in this group please contact the Practice Manager Nicky Evans Telephone 01752 363 111 or Email: or in person Monday–Friday 8:00am-6:00pm. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chard Road Surgery is contracted to provide Personal Medical Services for our registered patients under contract to the Commissioning Board, NHS England, the local Area Team for Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. New Devon CCG is the new local commissioning group, and Chard Road Surgery is part of the Western Locality of the New Devon CCG, responsible for commissioning of the health care of patients in Plymouth. They may be contacted for details of primary medical services in the area. The address is as follows:NHS New Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (Western Locality) Windsor House Tavistock Road Plymouth Devon PL5 5UF Telephone: 0845 115 8000 Email: Website: NHS England is the Commissioning Board, and the local Area Team for Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly are based at: Sedgemoor Centre St Austell Cornwall PL25 5AS 8 FEES March 2014 PRIVATE SICK NOTES PRIVATE PRESCRIPTIONS FREEDOM FROM INFECTION CERTIFICATE VACCINATION CERTIFICATE HOLIDAY CANCELLATION INSURANCE CLAIM FIT TO TRAVEL CERTIFICATE LETTER FOR PATIENT (TWIMC) PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE CLAIM FORM SICKNESS / ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIM FORM SICKNESS REPORTS EXTRACT FROM RECORDS SOLICITORS REPORTS (up to 2 hours) £15.00 £15.00 £15.00 £15.00 £25.00 - £40.00 £25.00 £25.00 - £40.00 £25.00 £25.00 - £40.00 £58.50 £70.00 MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS & REPORTS Fee for medical consultation—per hour £175.50 PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICALS •LGV •PCV •TAXI DRIVER •ELDERLY DRIVER FITNESS CERTIFICATE •RACING DRIVER •FITNESS CERTIFICATE •SEAT BELT EXEMPTION; as follows: Extract from records (15mins) no exam £58.50 Proforma report, no exam (20mins) £78.25 Detailed written report, no exam (30mins) £98.50 ACCESS TO RECORDS UNDER Data Protection Act Computerised records £10.00 Manual records or combination of manual / computer up to £50.00 CHARGES FOR TRAVEL OR OCCUPATIONAL VACCINATION The following are private services to a patient for which the following charges will be made: Hepatitis B for TRAVEL to be paid by the patient Vaccine cost (3 doses) £54.00 plus administration cost & consultation £36.00 Blood test to check immunity £60.00 Total cost per course to patient therefore £150.00 FEE PAYABLE AT FIRST APPOINTMENT BEFORE TREATMENT COMMENCES In the event that the result of the blood test, carried out after the course has been completed, shows that not enough antibodies have developed and a further booster injection is recommended there will be a further charge of £20.50 Hepatitis B For OCCUPATIONAL reason to be paid by employer in advance = £150.00 In the event that the result of the blood test, carried out after the course has been completed, shows that not enough antibodies have developed and a further booster injection is recommended there will be a further charge of £20.50 Malaria Chloroquine and Paludrine can be purchased by patients over the counter. Doxycycline or Mefloquine require a private prescription for which the doctor will charge £15.00. The patient will also have to pay the pharmacist for the medication. 9 SELF HELP FOR COMMON AILMETS AND MINOR ACCIDENTS Lots of common ailments and minor accidents can be dealt with safely at home. This section will help you decide when you need to seek medical help or what you can safely treat yourself. Be sensible, ask for advice and if in doubt consult your doctor. Burns and Scalds Any burn or scald needs immediate action. For minor burns or scalds, remove any jewellery or clothing that may become a problem if swelling occurs. Cool the affected area with cold water for at least 10 minutes then cover with a light non-fluffy dressing. Do not burst blisters and do not put on cream or ointments. If the burn is larger than the size of your hand, or the burn is on the face or the skin is broken, cool the area and seek urgent medical attention. Insect bites and stings First, remove the bee sting with tweezers by gripping the base of the sting nearest the skin to avoid squeezing the poison sac and apply a cold compress. If stung in the mouth, suck on an ice cube or sip cold water and seek immediate medical attention. Always seek medical attention if someone has an allergy to bites and stings, the sting cannot be removed, the area around the sting becomes inflamed or someone experiences shortness of breath or fever. Minor cuts and grazes Press the wound with a clean fabric pad for a few minutes to stop the bleeding and elevate the limb for a cut on the arm or leg. Clean the wound thoroughly with soap and a little water and cover with a clean dry dressing or plaster. Colds Unfortunately there is still no cure for the common cold. The cold will run its course but the symptoms can be alleviated by drinking more fluids, resting and taking paracetamol or aspirin for a headache or fever. There are lots of cold treatments available from your pharmacist and some are suitable for children. Diarrhoea In adults diarrhoea is usually caused by a virus infection and is therefore unable to be treated directly. Holiday diarrhoea is often due to a bacterium. In both of the above cases, consult a doctor if the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours. Babies and young children need careful attention. Sudden bouts of unusually watery diarrhoea should be treated by taking the baby off solids and feeding only a solution of boiled water with a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to the pint. If the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or are accompanied by vomiting or weakness, consult a doctor. Head lice These creatures, contrary to popular belief, prefer clean hair and are, therefore, not a sign of poor hygiene. They do not survive once removed from the root of the hair. Medicated head lotion can be obtained from your pharmacist without prescription. First line treatment is always to ‘condition and comb’ as many head lice are resistant to the lotions available. Leaflets and advice can be obtained from Health Visitors or at reception. Nose Bleeds Sit in a chair (leaning forward with your mouth open) and pinch your nose just below the bone for approximately 10 minutes when the bleeding should have stopped. Avoid hot drinks for 24 hours. If symptoms persist consult your doctor. 10 CHARD ROAD SURGERY 11
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