Reflection and Transmission 1 Image created by Gilles Tran with POV-Ray 2 Reflection 3 Transmission 4 [Whitted80] Basic Ray Tracer • Trace a primary ray from the eye through each pixel and detect the first intersection point with the objects in the scene • Trace secondary shadow rays from the intersection point towards light sources and sum the contributions from each light (if the light is visible) • The lighting equation: ambient diffuse specular sum all lights 5 Basic Ray Tracer 6 Recursive Ray Tracing • Light at a point may not just come directly from light sources: – Light can bounce off other objects (reflection) – Light can pass through objects (transparency/refraction) • Trace more rays to look for more lighting information – Send secondary rays from the intersection point – Recursively compute the color for these secondary rays and sum them onto the primary ray • Light equation becomes: direct illumination recursively computed reflection recursively 7 computed refraction Reflection/Transmission Adds Light • • • • If you add an additional reflection/transmission term to an object with a particular color, then the object becomes brighter Can address this by changing the object color to diminish its intensity by (approximately) the amount of new reflected/transmitted light Can also adjust the fraction of light reflected, kr , but this can overly dim the reflections/transmissions Best approach is to adjust the ratio between the object color and the reflected/transmitted light first to get the desired “look,” and then tune everything up and down to adjust brightness while maintaining this ratio 8 additional reflection makes an object brighter Ray Tree • • Each reflected or transmitted ray may spawn their own shadow, reflection, or refraction/transmission rays, which is a recursive process All such rays together form a ray tree 9 Maximum Depth • The maximum depth of a ray tree needs to be chosen carefully • If a ray tree is too deep, it gets too bushy and slows down the ray tracer • If each splitting in the tree has a direct lighting component, then rays deeper in the tree make a smaller and smaller contribution to the total light for a pixel – So one can truncate when the contribution is below a threshold • In some cases (mirrors, etc.), there may not be a direct lighting component and 100% of the light at a split comes from reflected/transmitted rays In this case premature pruning will adversely affect the image One typically carefully chooses a default color for the early termination point Often this default color is the background color of the scene The background color is the color returned when a ray does not hit anything in the scene – E.g., the background color could be blue if your scene is under the sky – If a default color is not set, simply truncating the rays behaves as if a black color was set, i.e. multiplying the discarded rays by 0 – – – – • Be aware of the size of the recursion stack (which usually depends on the 10 hardware) to avoid recursive stack overflow “Embarrassingly Parallel” 11 Minimal Implementation 12 Mirror Reflections • Recursive shading – Ray bounces off object – Treat reflected rays like primary rays from the camera – Shade reflected ray and return color • Multiply by the reflection coefficient kr – Add reflection ray color to shading at the original point 13 Computing the Reflective Ray • Given an incident ray R(t) = A+tD, the reflective ray Rref(t) = P + tF is computed as follows: – The start point P is the intersection point of the incident ray R(t) and the surface – The direction F is the reflected vector of D with respect to the surface normal N • The incident angle θi equals the reflection angle θo F = D − 2( D • N ) N 14 Spurious Self-Occlusion • • • Add ε to the starting point of reflected ray to avoid re-intersection with the original surface: – This often fails for grazing rays near the objects silhouette Better to offset in the normal direction from the surface – Just like shadow rays, except here we keep the direction exactly the same as the original ray direction May also need to avoid placing the new starting point too close to or inside other nearby objects The perturbed point may still Be inside the object offset in the ray direction offset in the normal direction 15 Transmission • If the object is transparent, trace a transmitted ray – Ray passes through the object – Treat transmitted rays like primary rays • Add ε in t to avoid self intersection, or offset in the negative normal direction (respecting collisions and other geometry) – Shade transmitted ray and return color – Multiply by the refraction coefficient kt – Add color to shading at the original point 16 Snell’s Law • The relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of refraction/transmission for light passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media is: sin θ1 v1 n2 = = sin θ 2 v2 n1 • θ1 and θ2 are incoming/outgoing angles • v1 and v2 are the phase velocities in the two materials • n1 and n2 are the indices of refraction in the two materials 17 Transmitted Ray N - unit surface normal T - unit surface tangent (in the plane of N and D) • D - incident ray direction • R - refracted ray direction • • • N cos θ1 + T sin θ1 + D = 0 N cos θ 2 + T sin θ 2 + R = 0 n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ 2 N, T, D, and R are all normalized 18 Transmitted Ray R = −T sin θ 2 − N cos θ 2 = ( D + N cos θ1 ) sin θ 2 − N 1 − sin 2 θ 2 sin θ1 & n1 # n1 $ = ( D + N cos θ1 ) − N 1 − $ sin θ1 !! n2 % n2 " 2 2 &n # n1 n 2 1 1 $ =D +N cos θ1 − 1 − 2 (1 − cos θ1 ) ! $ n2 ! n2 n2 % " 2 &n # n1 n 2 ! 1 1 $ =D −N D • N + 1 − 2 (1 − ( D • N ) ) $ ! n2 n n2 % 2 " • If the number under the square root is negative, there is no refracted/ transmitted ray and all of the light is reflected (total internal reflection) • This equation works regardless of which of n1 or n2 is larger 19 Total Internal Reflection • Responsible for much of the rich appearance of glass and water 20 Total Internal Reflection • When light goes from a material with a higher refraction index (n2) to a material with a lower refraction index (n1), there is no refraction/transmission if the incident angle exceeds a critical angle (then, all the light reflects) n1 < n2 when θ2 < θ2,max , both refraction/transmission and reflection n1 < n2 when θ2 < θ2,max , only reflection 21 Critical Angle sin θ1 v1 n2 = = • Compute the critical angle using Snell’s Law: sin θ 2 v2 n1 • Assume n1 < n2 , then π θ1 = 2 θ 2,max & n1 # = arcsin$$ !! % n2 " 22 Total Internal Reflection 23 Snell’s Window n1 < n2 24 Snell’s Window 25’s_window Atmospheric Refraction • Light is bent into a curved path when it passes through the atmosphere • Happens continuously, not just at an interface • This is due to the variations in air density, and thus variations in the refractive index • Inferior mirage - the mirage is located under the real object • Superior mirage - the mirage is located above the real object 26 Inferior Mirage 27 Credit: Brocken Inaglory Superior Mirage 28 Credit: Timpaananen Ray Tracing Mirages • Bend the rays as they go through varying air densities • Change the light direction between every interval in the vertical direction or along the ray direction 29 Ray Tracing Mirages 30 by Itai Katz and Pankhudi Ray Tracing Curved Paths 31 Reflection vs. Transmission • The proportion of reflection versus transmission gradually increases as we go from a perpendicular to a parallel viewing direction Perpendicular view: high transmission, low reflectance Parallel (grazing) view: low transmission, high reflectance 32 Reflection vs. Transmission • Reflection also increases for non-transparent (opaque) objects as the viewing direction becomes more parallel • Notice the increase in reflectivity of the table from left to right 33 [Lafortune et al. 1997] Conductors & Dielectrics • Conductors – Objects that conduct electricity (e.g. metal) – Have reflection and absorption, but no transmission • Dielectrics – Objects that don’t conduct electricity (e.g. glass) – Have both reflection and transmission Conductor Dielectric 34 Conductors • Conductors don’t transmit light. • Most of the incident light is reflected, while some of it is absorbed – The reflection term changes relatively slowly with the incident angle (as compared to dielectric materials) • E.g., for aluminum the reflection term changes from about 90% to 100% as the incident angle changes from 0o to 90o • Can typically treat kr as a constant independent of viewing direction (and kt = 0) 35 Ray traced conductors Dielectrics • • • Light can be polarized into 2 parts based on whether the plane containing the incident, reflected, and refracted rays is parallel or perpendicular with the electric field of the light Denoted the light as p-polarized if it is parallel and by s-polarized if it is perpendicular (to the electric field) The Fresnel equations give the fraction of light reflected off the interface between two different materials as n cos θ t − n2 cos θi Rp = 1 n1 cos θ t + n2 cos θi 2 n cos θ i − n2 cos θ t Rs = 1 n1 cos θ i + n2 cos θ t 2 • It is assumed that any light which is not reflected is instead transmitted through the interface from one material to the other, so: Tp = 1 − R p Ts = 1 − Rs • For unpolarized light (typical in ray tracing), the reflection and transmission coefficients are assumed to be: R= Rs + R p 2 T = 1− R 36 Dielectrics Light entering a denser material, e.g. from air into water Light leaving a denser material, e.g. from water into air 37 Dielectrics 38 Schlick’s Approximation • Approximates the reflection term in the Fresnel Equation as: 2 & n1 − n2 # 5 R(θ i ) = R0 + (1 − R0 )(1 − cos θ i ) !! where R0 = $$ % n1 + n2 " • R0 controls the Fresnel reflections of different materials – R0 ranges from 0 to 1 – Reference values are available for many real-world materials – Same equation can be used for both dielectrics and conductors R(θi) part of light is reflected 1-R(θi) part of light is refracted or absorbed 39 Schlick’s Approximation Schlick’s approximation (dotted lines) compared to the Fresnel equations (solid lines) 40 Iridescence 41 Iridescence 42 Attenuation • Light is attenuated as it travels through media • The attenuation effect from the media is stronger over longer distances • Different colors attenuate with different rates – Shallow water is clear (almost no attenuation) – Deeper water attenuates all the red light and looks bluegreen – Even deeper water also attenuates all the green light and looks blue – Eventually all the light attenuates and the color ranges from blackish blue to black 43 Beer’s Law • If the media is homogeneous, the attenuation along the ray can be described using Beer’s Law: dI dx = −cI where I is the light intensity, x is the distance along the ray, and c is the attenuation constant (which varies based on color/wavelength) • Solving this Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) with the initial value I (0) = I 0 , results in: I ( x) = I 0 e − cx 44 Beer’s Law The color of a transparent object can be described by three independent attenuation components for the three color channels (R, G, B) 45
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